" ' 1 YOLOMI XXIV. SIW BXRK, CS&TII COUNTY, I. C, FRIDAT, JANDAET 24, 1902,-StCOSD SICTIOS. NHIiill; 7G V ' t 9: I i i ... Fruit. Its quality influences the selling price. Profitable fruit growing insured tnly when -enough actual Potash is in the fertilizer. Neither quantify not good qualify possible without. Potash. Writ far am frm books fivinc dnaiU. GERMAN KALI W0SK3. SS.Nuua St, Hot Vwk Cttj. THOMAS'kG00D WORK., 1 5-; ', Appropriation for Marine Laboratory and Hew Life Sating Station. " ' Special to Journal. E3 Washington, Jan. 23. Congreaiman : Thomas and Smalt today secured an ap proprhulon (or the Marine Laboratory, ' situated at Beaufort, N. 0., for an addl ; tlonal ium of twelve thousand fire bun ; dred dollars. Both the Representatives ' made strong speeches before the com t. mlttee. '.."-'" -.v' -:, f . Congressman Thomas has secured a favorable report for building the life I saving station In Onslow cosnty and will Advocate additional life aavlng stations I for Carteret county. . . - , Called His Weak Spot; , I'sBisJan. 81. The Temps prints an article this eveolng on the. fourthcom leg visit of Prince Henry to the United States. It Is couched In terms of admi ration of America, but suggests pin pricks In Its political observation. The writer ajs .that;; flattery' Las touched President Roosevelt's weak spot end that Americans like titles whether Ibey are auibeulic or nut. An Italian Duke, a f.panUb MarquU, a French Oount, a Qermao Baron ami especially an Eng lish lord can draw the money bags of the plutocrats with irrestlble magnetism. "8UII," reflects tbe writer, "America has tl.e satisfaction of seeing England and Germany dlcpeilog for her favor." The Mothers Favorite, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is tbe mother's favorite.,, It, At pleasant and sare f or children to take aod always cure. It la Intended especially ', fo congbs, colds,' croup and ; whooping cough, ami Is the best medicine, made for these disease. There Is not the least danger In giving It, to children for it contains no opium or' other Injurious diug and may be given aa confidently to a babe aa to an adult. For Bale by T S Duffy & Co. , - AtDavls', Jordan's Cough Balaam, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, Is on sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. This Cough Balsam has always been found very efficacious, and it does not coulaln any harmful drug? It Is espec ially good for chlldrtn. Pxlce 28 cent Salaries of Rural Carriers. WABnixoToif, Jan. St. Mr. McCleary of Minnesota Introduced a bill today fil ing Ike salaries of rural free delivery carriers at $6 0 for the first year, $660 the Wrnl, and TO) tbe third and sub sequent yrars, the sorvlcoof present car rturs to be counted In 'filing their com peuwalou. Mr. McCleary says that tbe pri'pose'liucreate? are neceasary to hold ih men bo have been at work In the service. . " (' : ' ncDuffie's Llltle; klU4 Liver PHI makes blue people bright, cleanses the system or all the deleterious aud unhealthy mat ter and nuk.es a ne person or you.. 5 crots tT. 8 "Duffy's. Moonshiner la New York. , Nsw York. Jan. 21. I'.evenue officers toiUy raMed a tiny "moonshine" still In the tins' ment at No 183 Seventh street and arn su d Joseph Bellefflour. a white .. hiir'l Frenchman, and' his pretty 19 year old daughter. The still was a tiny rfppsra'.us which a dCputy easily carried away under bis arm. .-, "llufore United States Commissioner ' Shields the old msn pleaded bard for his daughter, saying she kntw nothing of tbe violation of the ' law, wbtch he ad mitted, lie said that be had used the pllll for making extracts, but that prov log unprofitable, be ventured to make a llttlu whisky. Be was allowed to go free upon promising to make no more wi lbk , and the still wss confiscated. Dr. Bull's Ccugh Syrup Cures aCongb or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cottjh and Measles Coiirq without f..;S. T t for Dronchlt'g, Honrseni'f.s, C .'. , i, I I union's, Con atimptlon and Lurj Auctions. Quick, euro results. Prlt: i, 1.3. l:::;ei heeded. Urgent Demand From Several Coun ties For School Funds. Smallpox In Sampson Canty. Drew i ry Wharton Wedding. Sol- . Hers Heme Dormitory. . A BherlJTsBalaaee. :; The Caledonia . Fire. ' . .... Rxliioh, Jan. Si. Some very heavy demands upon the State for sums claimed to be needed to keep all the publlo schools open four months in the year art being made. For example Ruther ford county today called for no less than 8509, and Ashe for $3413. The size of these figures startles the officiate, par ticularly - when they hare statements from counties, like Warren and Gran ville, that not a cent la needed. The mountain counties, or some of them at least, must be in bsd shape, educational ly, to Judge by the demands. Inspector Conger of the United Slates weather bureau, Is here Inspecting the Raleigh station. Be Is a cousin of our minister to China. " ; F. K. Huger, the retiring division superintendent of the Seaboard Atr-Llne saya Mr. Barger, his successor, will tske charge on the 26th Instant Superinten dent Barger began his tour over his di vision last Thursday afternoon. Wake county today made full settle ment of State taxes psylng In $34,026,- 28. .-V.-- Dr. R. H. Lewis of tbe State board of health, says there U.a good deal of smsll pv)x In Sampson county; 23 cases being officially reported. . At Graham this afternoon Mrs. Kath arine Wharton, daughter of L. Banks Holt, Esq., was married to Mr. John C. Drewry of Raleigh. The Julian 8. Carr Chapter, Daugh- tera of the Confederacy, of Durham, Is entirely forniihlng a room at the Sol diers' Home here. Tbe White Furniture Company of Mebane has made this chap ter a gift of a very handsome set of furniture for this room. All the r ums in tbe west wing of the new domltory of the home have been assigned to various chapters, which ap plied for them, aud are rapidly being equipped. In the east wing rooms all are being assigned There are 12 of them. So far the following have been taken by chapters: Morgnnton, Wilson, Klnstoa, Klttrell and Red Springs. ' . The smallest balance the State Treas ury ever received came In today from the sheriff of Bladen county. It was a one cent postage stamp. ' The aherlff said this exactly balanced the account. The fire which burned the Slate's cot ton gin on Its "Caledonia", farm near Weldon also burned 80 bales of cotton and 800 bushels of peanuts.. The total loss approxmatea $8,000. THE MARKETS. The foi owing quotations were receiv ed by J. B. fjatharn & Co, New Bern n or Mbw Tons, Jan. 23. Cottoh; Open. High. Low. Close March. . . .... . 7.99 8 08 7.93 " 8.07 May 8.03 8.14 8.01 . 8.14 Jaly... 8.00 8.18 8.00 8.18 Aag. 7.93 8.01 7.98 8.00 Oet 7.64 7.64 Chicago, Jan. 23. Wibat: Open. High. Low. Close May ........ 79 79 J : 781 , 70 Cokr: : Open. - High. Low. Close May.....!.. 63 03 62 621 Kibe: Open. High. Low. Close Jan 852, - 865 New Tork. Jan, 23. tesssi Open. High. Low. Close Sagar 128 i 115 128 125 Con. T ' 8 Ry 82 82 82 . S2 C.8. L. 11 11 P. .8 4v$ ; 42 42 42 Tex.tPae 89 A. O.F... 2V 291 T. o. c: eepper.... : 70 70 70 70 ' 'UvarpMt Spots 4. Sales 8,000 bales. Futures, Jan-Feb 4.23. Apr-May 4.95. May-Jane 4.25. . v'- mvr swim cotton market. v Cotton wss quoted In the local market yesterday at 7 to 71 roBT Rxcasro. Same week ' last year. , 178,000 Last week 346,000 This week. Sat. 23000 Mon. 80000 Tues. 42000 Wed. CO00O Thnrs. 22000 Frl. 20000 29000 -85000 20000 2DO0O 87000 169,090 Celery ncaJacfce Powders. Tl.ere Is not any hotter remedy for 1, ' la t' a these powders. Tbey r r f '! t ) r t'i 'e and sold only APPOINTMENTS KALE. ' District Attorney and Collector at Wil- mlngtoa named. - Special te Journal. . Wabhihotoh, Jan. 22. The President today sent to the Senate the nomina tions of Harry Skinner for District At torney and B. F. Keith for collector at Wilmington. FOR STATE WATERWAYS. What the It. C. Delegation Ask Front Con tress For Riven and Harbors, The entire North Carolina delegation went In a body Tuesday to the Commit tee on the Rivers and Harbors Bill and presented the needs of the State. The following appropriations war asked fon ; - , Pamlico and Tar Rivers $29,600. Beaufort harbor $3,000. ' . 8cuppernong River $14,000. Edenton Bay Barber $6,000. Inland water route from Norfolk to Albemarle Sound $14,000. Upper Cape Fear River $380,000 "on account of the $1,810,000 recommended by engineers." ;.. Lower Cape Fear River $140,000. Bhallotte River $80,000. Neuse River $15,000. ; Trent River $5,000. Bogue Inlet and waterway between New River and Beaufort $950. New River $3,000. Northeast River $2,000. Black River $2,000. . The delegation also urged that the fol lowing slresms be surveyed: Perqulmana River, Indian Island Slough; Lockwood'a Folly River; Livingston Creek; Shelter River; Big Swift Creek, Craven county; Neuse River, between New Bern and Qoldsboio; Carrott Island slough. Senator Simmons then stated that the entire delegation bad decided to act in concert, agreeing not to ask for any im provement that was not needed and not Important and not to be moderate in their requesta. He sid North Carolina had six hundred miles of seacoaet and that every request made by the delega tion Is deserving of tbe committee's en dorsement. ': Representative Thomas haa secured a favorable report for a life aavlng atation at Bogue Inlet, Onslow county. ' Mr. Thomas presentedyln a very business-like manner, the projects for im provements in Neuse, Trent, rNortheaat, Cape Fear, Black and New rivers. He also put in a word for Beaufort barber aod the upper Cape Fear. The engineer ing corps, he said, had reported a twenty four'thouBand dollar appropriation for the Improvement of the Neuse and '.. a like sum for the Trent, which would give these rivers an eight-foot channel from New Bern. He dwelt on the im portance of New Bern as a shipping point and the various Industries there, He spoke also for a new surrey of New river, which the committee agreed to. ..- Suffolk to Edenton. ; : Baltiuobo, Jan. 21. A general meet ing of the stockholders of the Suffolk and Carolina Railroad will be held Feb ruary 25in to consider the financial plans of the management. It Is expect ed that an Issue of , bonds will then be decided upon to cover the cost of the extension to Edenton, N. C , and Im provements In the physical condition of the property 'which are being made. The road Is owned by Baltimore cap italists. Mr. W. H. Bosley Is president of the company. . " CURTAIN CALLS. Adelaide Rlstorl la almost eighty years ofage. ' Bertha Gotland expecta to rwranje her tour later on this season. , Minnie Sellgman haa given up Her stellar aspirations for awhile at least David Belasco haa been presented with a beautiful silver loving cup by members of the MDu Barry" company. Albert Carr 'has resigned from tho Bostonlans and will sing the tenor role In Lulu Closer's "Dolly Varden com pany. " Manager Louis Netnersole coatem plates tnklng his wife and star. Mlsa Sadie Martlnot, to Germany in tbe Spring. . ..-. : . ' . '" 'i; Miss May Edouln and Fred Edwards have signed a contract to present their sketch, "All In the Family," at a Lon don vaudeville house next spring - Seymour Hicks, one of England'! most popular actors, .Is said to contem plate an early appearance in bis own version of "The Cricket on tho Hearth." ; ' Tltamlnaa. The metal titanium la peculiar la be ing universally diffused In nature, even the flesh, bonea and muscles ct animals containing traces of. It. A Profitable Investment. "I was troubled for about seven years wl h my stomach and in bed half my time," says E Demlo, Semerville, lnd., I spent about $1,000 and never eould get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely welL" Yon don't live by what yon eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If yonr stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Eodal Dyspep sia Cute docs the stomach's work by di gesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want.' Kodul Dyspep sia Cure cures all stomach trou"c. F S DufTy. T When Told of the Republicans of Wllmlnfton Belnf Distrusted. ThgParty Then Cast Three Tetes. feme School Decisions. Coley Decision Confirmed. Proe laaatloa For Used Roads ' Convention. Ralxiqb, N. 0., Jan. 23 Republicans here are laughing at a statement that the Republicans of Wilmington are deeply disgusted at the appointment of B. F. Keith as collector. Tbe Republi cans here ssy that the returns of the election In August, 1900, showed thst there were only three. Republicans at Wilmington; in other words -only that number voted against the franchise amendment to the constitution, and hence they ssy they do not see how they can make much of disturbance; and really Keith ought to be able to control the three. The State Board of Education has been considering the question of having county surveyors under the direction of State Engineer J. H. McRee. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has had to pass npon a ques tion like that at High Point. . In the lat ter case an attempt was made to bar a boy from school because he went In his shirt-sleeves. . The Superintendent knocked out the High Point board and ruled In the boy's favor, and In the last case he also stands by tbe boy. He de clined to give the name of the place where the last trouble occurred. All the Republicans appear to be well pleased with the agreement, made last autumn, by which after thla time H. L. Grant and D. H. Abbott, and not Sena tor Prltchard, will control Republican appointments for Eastern North Caro lina. The Supreme court confirmed the Judgement in favor of Sam Coley, ex conductor of the Southern railway, for damages for loss of an arm. - The rail way paid the money into the bank and now W. H. "Day, one of the attorneys, attaches it, claiming $500 aa a fee. Coley says the fee waa only $100. The matter goea into the courts. Gov. Aycock's proclamation called the Good Roada Congress here February 10, Is a clear statement of North Carolina's urgent need of good roads. He says, WhSreas, The people of the state of North Carolina have pledged their best endeavors to the cause of.edncatlon, the upbuilding of oni State and the develop ment and utilization of her natural re sources, and Whereas, the f armera need better roads both for their children to travel over dally on their way to the school house, and for themselves and their families to use to reach their churches to worship Almighty God, as well as for the prompt and early delivery of their mail by the carriers of the United State Government, and the transportation of their products and purchases; and the citizens living in towns and cities need good streets for the same purpose, and,v..-;W''- - "vr :( ' Wheress, in those counties of our 8tate, where the greatest progress haa been made In substantial good road building there has been the greatest In dustrial advancement, as well as the largest Incresse in the value of farm lands, due to being thereby placed near er to the towns and cities; and , Whereas, the National Good Roads Association of America .will, during the week of February lOlh to 15th, 1903, in the city of Raleigh, give an exhibition of modern and approved road building to which all citizens, who are Interested in that commendable work, are Invited to come. ' Now therefore, L Charles B. Aycock, Governor of the State of North Carolina do hereby issue my proclamation calling a Good Roads Convention to be held in the city of Raleigh, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 12th and Thursday, February 18th 1903, to which are appointed dolegates from tbe various sections of the State, requesting them and all other good cltl sens, whose convenience will permit, to attend said convention. Done at our city of Raleigh, this, the twenty-second dsy of January, ; In the year of our Lord one thousand , nine hundred and two, and in the one hun dred and twenty-sixth year of our Amer lean independence. ' A lodge of Odd Fellows is to be or ganized at Wadesboro. " The Capital Club gave a reception and german on an elaborate scale from 9 to 13 thla evening, THE EFFETE EAST, Petroleum bas been discovered In Egypt, and light of other kinds la gradually breaking through. St Louis Globe-Democrat, r 'J Tbe discovery of gold In Finland will doubtless hurry the ctar In bis process of civilizing the Flnna Into oblivion. Denver Republican. . Japan Is beginning to lead Other na tions In the higher civilization. Her press bas started a crusade against tipping. Baltimore American. The originator of tho "Cape to Calro routo seems to have difficulty In cover ing It There were tbe Boers at Klnv berley. and now there Is a beat Stroke on tbe Nile. New Tork Press. R0:iULU 3 A. KUNNr At' y ft l.zrr,- i ' : - c.vr A LUMBER C0MBIWE. The Aim Is to Consolidate tbe Industry In Horlh CaroUna. New York, Jan 23. -The firm of Filet ft Company was incorporated today un der tbe laws of the State of New Jersey with an authorised capital of $5,000,000. The Incorporators are; Charlea R. Flint, Robert Y. Hsbden, August Belmont, Wallace B. Flint, Robert M. Calloway, George R. Sheldon and Yalentlne P. Snyder. Mr. Charles R. Flint said: "The organization of this company has been In contemplation for some time to facilitate the liquidation of certain In terests with which tbe firm will no longer be actively identified, aa well as to fur ther the consolidation and extension at the outaet of certain important business and commercial projects, the develop ment of which will be tbe fi rat business of the pew company. Tbe first 'organi zation which tbe new company will donbtless undertake will be tbe consoli dation of the North Carolina lumber In dustry, In which over six hundred mil lion feet of lumber are manufactured an nually." The business of Flint A.Company was established In 1827 by Benjamin Flint and at one time the firm owned the largest fleet of California clippers under the American flag. The name of which will now be changed to The American Trading Company. . TO CLEARSE TEE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently .when costive or billions, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity. without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Simmons Denies Report. Washington, Jan. 22. The statement published recently In North Carolina that Senator Simmons had said that the next Democratic campaign In the State would be waged against corporations and corporation Influence wsb given an emphatic denial today by the Senator himself. After reading the article re ferred to Senator Simmons said it was a pure fiction and of course, that he never gave utterance to any such absurd state ment, "The Democratic party in North Carolina, Mr. 81mmons said, would not make war upon any legitimate Interest, whether Individual or corporate." If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, -or if you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at F. S. Dully & Co's. drug store. ARAPAHOE. Short on Fertilizer Honey. A Child In jured. Too Cold North. Visitors and Personals. January 22. The farmers of our com munity are getting busily engaged on their farms, preparing their lands for the next crop. ' From the general talk among the citizens of our community the purchase of guano will be much smaller than It was last year, especially for the cotton crop, there being so many who failed to foot their bills for the past year. Mr. H. A. Reel of Reelsboro visited Arapahoe last Wednesday. Mr. John Grant, of Grantsboro was slso in Arapahoe Wednesday. Mr. Alonzo Willis, of Arapahoe and hla wife were made sad last Friday by one of their children getting burned very badly In the face by falling .in the fire. Mr. Willis said yesterday that the child was mending very fast. Mr. Mlffln Holton of Olympla and his little sister Mary Holton visited our place laat Friday and returned home Saturday with their sister Lona Holton who haa Just closed her music school at our place, .-.v.; 'v --.;.-. . It waa quite unexpected to see our young friend, Mr. Mlffln at our place, he has for some time worked as tradesman In Pennsylvania. He returned home to see his parents snd friends, and because of the bitter cold weather north, ; Mr. Rumley, the Methodist Circuit rider of this district filled his appoint ment at Arapahoe "last Sunday and preached a very Instructive discourse, his subject was, "Christ's Little Flock." . Mr. Oharles J. Brlnaon of New Bern, and Mlsa Fannie Keel of Grantsboro vis ited Arapahoe last Sunday and were a guest at hla brothers.G. W. Brlnson near Arapahoe Sunday night. Monday, after attending to some business on his farm near this place, he and Miss Fanny and Mlsa Lncv Bray of New Bern, who has bean vlsltlna relatives and. friends In our community, all returned home. J.B.B. ' Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result In blood poisoning. Children are especial ly liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals- the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure tor piles. "DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two pfcysMfms rive her op." writes James !' I'. V -' '"-,I.i l., "Tbe sores were , ' 1 : f U 0 to f to fir'-- "9 a of Wh a Fresh lot Just Received, Fresh Oatflake?, Car olina Bice, Grit and Big Hominy. Sauer Kraut. Small Pig; Hams. Canned Goods of all kinds. Georgia Yam Potatoes. Scotch, Irish Potatoes.. : Codfish, Corned Mullets, and Spanish Mackerel. 11 'Pigs Feet, Trips, Bologna and Fresh Pork Sausage. Anything in the grocery line yon want at 5 2! s f if m iff fir I MAI ANIh I & 'Phone' 91. ever seen in New Bern, Saitahle for the FARM, DRIVING, SADDLE, also DKAUGHT- HORSES, that will bs sold for cash on time. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. JULIUS IV1. ARNOLD, Winter Goods At Summer Trices. We have a good line of Coal and Wood Heating Stoves that you will find cheaper than elsewhers. We don't want to carry them over. If yours is not all right now is the time to buy. Our Stock of General Hardware IS COMPLETE Sasb, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oil and Tarnish, Gold, and Silver En amel, Lime, Plaster, Cement, and Building Material for a finished job. . Lowest Prices. Goods Guaranteed. PHONE 147. 78 Horses, Mules, Baggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A TRIAL. THOS.J. .esaw hw .Sk .esw fo) Q) IN RIBBONS AT TUT A (H aJa aLsu i 2& Pieces No. 5, All Silk, Heavy Gros Grain, GoodJValue at 8c, This Sale 80 Pieces No. 7, Satin Gros Grain, - 25 Pieces No. 9, Special, This sale . 85 Pieces No. 12, 20 Pieces No. 16, 25 Pieces Silk Veiling, regular 25c goods, 20 Pieces Lace that sold at 5c, 8c, 10c and 12io, This Sale 2c, 8c, 5c 8c. 25 Pieces Lace that sold at 15, 20c, 25c, 85c and 40c, This Sale Only 8c, 10c, 15c, 20 a 25c. These are all in Ecru. 10 rieces Silk Laoe t aloia at 10ctnli;ic, 47 ro WhoI3sale Retail . Grocer, 71 Bread ht. FOB Horses & Mules, cai.Ii bur Julius M. Arnold 66 BROAD STREET, Who has juBt returned from the West with the finest lot of Horses Qaskill Hardware Co It TE"W BBRW. N O U.ral LlK'UiSMHIlf 'llTllif ""H1 " - -""'"' - MTCHELL. .saw -Bw ew aw .h. .saw .esw fa V.J V u o i 1 t Only 8c. Only 5c. Only 8c. Only 10c. Only 12c. Only 10c. GUT TD TT TT TXT

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