if i 1 ft v VOLUME HIT. HIW BIEH, CEAYIS COUHTT, I. C, TCISDAT, JANUARY 28, 1902.FIRST SECTION. KUMBKR 77 I. .-at 1-1. L. ... w . M 4 WW- . al ft'" J 5 5 V T 71 . tf 1 PH. Makes delicious hot biscuit, rolls, crusts, griddle cakes and muffins ' ' . ' : . - A cream of tartar powder, absolutely pure. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDCN . TEE LUMBER TRUST. Big Deal Again oir Foot With Opposing Bidders. Prices Sky High. Norfolk Virginian Pilot, 25th. , ; For many years there baa been a. deal . on foot looking towards the combination of the great lumber interests of Virginia and Carolina. The promoters are Aug ust Belmont and Charles R. Flint A Co., of New York, and Governor Bmlih, of Maryland. They hare almost an unlim ited amount of money behind them, and it is conceded by many people that Bel mont is the American representative of the great Rothschild banking firm Flint & Co. have many millions and Governor Emith is by no means spsu per. It Itt now learned that in addition to these, parties a wealthy syndicate of Michigan lumbermen have come into the deal and that overtures have been made to the owners of the lumber mills ' which are located In this section. The result is that the local lumbermen don't mind selling out to tho trusts, but tht y are determined that they will un load only at a big profit, tod they think ttat with Belmont Flint Smith bid ding against the Michigan folks there will be something doing... Not very long ago Messrs. Flint Bel mont and Smith went out on a very en joj able "bunting parly." Theyxhartcr edtbeOld Bay Line steamer "Ten nes te" uud ''hunted" over tho lumber district, getting a good idea of the lay of the land and the approximate amount of tandinglmber on it. It is rumored that they then bought some ducks . and geese and went back home elated over 'the success they had. Not long afterwards they secured op tions on many lumber plants But the deal fell through for the time, and the "hunting trip': leaked out. The move is on again, however, with reuewed activity, and local lumber peo ple are thinking about making the sky the limit when the big boys come down and ask for prices. From what can be learned, the "trust" is willing to expend about $20,000,000 In consolidating the numerous plants here abouts. ;v- 'V;',' "'' ' '' " Local lumber people ' say they are too many plants and the irale Is entirely too . good to allow this consolidation "at snch a figure. ' : Dont Live Together. Constipation and health never go to-gellior.- DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy union of the bowels with out ilialrtfcg. '"I have bt-en troubled w 'th cosliveuets nine years,"' says J O Gietne, Depauw. Ind., "1 have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." "F 8 Duffy, .. Mr. ClevelandAfter Ducks. . Georgetdwn, S. O, Jan. 24 Ex-Presl-dent Grover. Cleveland, with a party of friends, among whom are Rear Admiral R. P. Evans, Col E. O, Benedict, Gener al Anson G. McCook, P, B. L. Lumber -ton and. Herman May, have arrived here over the Atlantic Coast Line. They re mained in their car until 8 o'clock this . morning, when, after breakfast,' they boarded the United States launch Water Lily end left Ford Point, on thn lower 8aolee liver, the shooting preserve of Gen. E. P. Alexander, whose guests the "party will Lewhl'e here. Mr. Cleveland looks well after his re- ' cent iiliiiss aiid seems In good spirits. The party will remain in this vicinity - for leu tlHjs or two weeks, fishing and - Lmii.uij.'. Ducks are v. ry plentiful now ami with good weather the hunters will have flm- pnrt. . , Boys Create "Labor'' Riot. . Clbtox, Jan. 24. One of the most se ri us demonstrations since the strike of te mt is began took place on Atlantic avenue his afternoon. A dray got pock' ted aud a large crowd gathered. The patrolmen and the mounted men, who chxrged the throng, were met by a vo'ley of muddy snow, Ice, stones and brick. Fourteen arrests were made, 18 ' of them being Isds from 18 to 17 years of age. ' " - CASTOR I A For Infants and Cluldren. I: I'i Y:j I::vs .!::;5 r;'J r f OO NEW YORK. THE NEW POSSESSION. The Banish West Indies Islands Enjoya ble In Climate. . .Washikqton, D. C, January 24. The islands are in a group between thirty and forty miles east of Porto Rico. The population of St. Thomas Is 12,000 and of 8t. John lets than 1,000. The areas of the two islands are 23 and 21 square miles, respectively. The population of St. Thomas Is main ly In the town of Charlotte Amelie, which is a free port, and this harbor is the only feature which makes the island of much value. The soil Js unproductive and but little cultivated. The best known product of the island is St. Thomas' bay rum, the Ingredients of which are largely obtained In Porto Rico. Cattle are also ral-ed. Cruz Bay is the chief town on the Is land of St. John, which Is northwest of St. Thomas. The industries of St. John are much like those of tho latter Island. Thn population of the entire group is chiefly negro. Santa Cruz, or St. Croix, the lareest of the islands, has an ares' of 110 square miles. Two-tifths of the land is in sugar plantations, but cotton, coffee, indigo and cattle are also raised. The chief town of the island is Chrlstlansted. The population of Santa Cruz Is 18,000. Smuggling Of Furs Broken Up. Washington, Jan 24 The Poetofflce Department has been advised officially that the smuggling scheme by which fur riers in Montreal, Canada, sent their goods concealed in buggies and other wise into Swanton and other Vermont points and there mailed the furs to points throughout the United States has been completely broken up and the ringleader In the scheme driven out of business. TO CLEANSE TEE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently .when costive or billions, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made : by the California Fig Syrnp Co. The Best Prescription for Halaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gbovb'b Tasteless Chill Tokio. It Is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c GUM BRANCH. January 87 Mr.- Thomas McGee is now building a nice dwelling for Leln- ster Boggs, just opposite his store Mr. McGee speaks of going back. South, the 1st of March. Miss Flossie Barber of Flox, is visit ing friends and relatives at our burg now. Mr. J. T. Barber, who went to Georgia three weeks ago, reports a nice country and he la now working as salesman for Barber Bros. & Co., of Erwinvllle Georgia. P. D. Frazzle is the happy man. It is aboy. , Several farmers have their ' plant beds sown. Borne are preparing barns, some doing one thing and some another, but ail are at work, and we have had some beautiful weather for work of late, but it looks very rainy this morning. Sev eral aay they are going to carry their to baoco to your market as they carried some last year and - were well pleased with the market. Mr. James King, has about 8500 pounds of tobacco for ssle yet and the weather keeps so cold that t can't be handled. Tne Mothei 's Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the mother's favorite. It Is plessant and safe for children to take and always cures. It Is Intended especially fo coughs, colds, croup and whooping ceugh, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least dinger In giving it to children for it contains no opium " or other injurious 4i ma aai4 Maaw Ko artwAH janat AlnMt1 a i was ug taaava asieaj wviiv m luuuucu ii v w j a babe as to an adult. For Sale by F B Duffy ft Co. DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens np the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion in the front of head. The cost is obly 10 cents and the benefit arising from its nse Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Brsdham's Phartnscy. Try i' 9 C ' j ! ?t Ercrlfait Ficon Tie County and School Officials la Wilson County. Extensive Sjstesi of BnrgUry. Gil mer Restored to Ileal th. The Worth Snlt Comprom ised. Planting Teasg Trees IUleiqii, January 25. Today the State Superintendent of publlo Instruc tion received a letter from a public school teacher at Elm City Wilson county, which makes It clear there la a conflict In that county between the county superintendent of schools and some local school boards. Small pox is widely prevalent there and the county superintendent has ordered the closing of the public schools. The local board at Elm City informed the teacher that he could close or not as he saw fit. The State Superintendent tells him he mtost obey the county superlntenpent. The State Superintendent adds that schools in which all teachers and pupils are vac cinated maybe kept open, this being recommended by the county superin tendent. A bold gang of burglars are at work here and In two nights this week there were 10 houses entered. In all cases only money was taken. The police say this is proof, to their mind, that the thieves are experts. Last night at one place they cut out a pane of a window of a room In which two men slept, en tered and took all the money in their pockets- They do not disturb silver ware or jewelry. In one case they took f 10 out of a pocket and left a diamond pin lying on a bureau. Attorney General R. D. Gilmer re turned today from his home at Waynes vllle, entirely restored to health. Today thirty six young long leaf pines were set out in the Capitol Square, the Governors Mansion (Burke Square) and at Public Park. They are grown from seed and are two years old.- They came from the nurseries at Plnehurst. Ex-State treasurer Worth sued this county for $5200, which in the course of a number of years it hsd taken ont of the taxes and used in paying for the preparation of the tax lists. The jury gave a verdict tor only $750. The State was on the point of appealing but the present treasurer has effected a compro mise for 12000 which has been paid into the treasury. The State charters the Hamlet and Rockingham street railway, capital $50,- 000. The next session of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly begins Jnne 10. The place is not yet chosen. The State authorizes the change of name of the Lockland cotton mill at Scotland Neck to the Crescent Hosiery Co- McDuffle's Turpentine k Mutton Suet Lung Plaster Is a certain cure for whoop ing cough, easy and comfortable, works while you sleep. 25 cents at F. 8. Duf fy's. Nltlier ttrtlrr Than tba Other. "This dollnr"- began the cashier of the restaurant ns be scrutinized the coin. "Is bad, eh?" Interrupted the sour looking patron. "Well, It doesn't look very good? That so? Just bite It, and If it's anything like the dinner I had it'll taste even worse than It looks." Cath olic Standard and Times. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cores a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without tall. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c. Farmer Surprised His Wife. The surprising manner In which a farmer of Fulton county, Kentucky, sur prised his estimable wife Is thus related by the Fulton Leader: - "A good story is told of a farmer liv ing east of Fulton, who wore his old suit the one that Noah left in the ark, till everyone was tired of It, and his estima ble wife was almost ashamed of the hustling farmer who had been Inside of it so long. But one day recently he came to Fulton to sell his produce and While in town he determined to buy a new snlt and, happy thought i surprise Eliza. So he bundled a neat suit in the wagon and drove homeward. It was after night as he hurried home, and at the bridge near Boaz Chapel he stood np In his wagon and 'peeled' and threw the despised old suit into the river. Then he reached for his clothes. They were gone had jolted out of he wagon. The night waa cold and his teeth chattered as he harried for home. He surprised Eliza even more than he anticipated." DR. SBOOPS PREYEimCS. The great cold cure, are sold and guar anteed by Bradham's Pharmacy. If yon bring the empty box back, and yon are not satisfied with Preventlcs we will re turn your 85 cents. Yon mast have them on hand If you 'expect to prevent coldi; and prevention is better than cure Preventlcs cure colds, as well as prevent them. H, Walnut Taffy and Walnut Euttercnr rt r r's. ' NEW BERN APPOINTEES. Kiss Elizabeth Burns and Mr. James A Bryan For This State at Charles ton, South Carolina. Special to Journal. Ralxioh. Jan. 27. Governor Aycock appoints Miss Elizabeth Burros of New Bern, one of the maids of honor at the Mardi Gras ball, to be given at Charles ton, 8. C, on Tuesday, February 11th. The Gorernor also appoints Mr. James A. Bryan one of the delegates to the Southern Inter-State Good Roads con vention, which meets at Charleston, Feb, 5th to 7th. Cut this out and take It to F. 8. Duffy ft Co's drag store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness and headache. PRINCE HENRY'S TOUR. In Pennsylvania Railroad Train Under C. W. Boyd's Direction. Philadelphia, January 27 Arrange ments have been made by the Depart ment of States at Washington, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for the move ment by special trains of Prince Henry of Prussia and suite during his visit to the United States. The arrangement includes the transportation of the Piince to Washington upon his arrival at New York, his return to New York, the steamer transportation to Shooter's 1 Is land, where the Meteor will be launched and his toor through the npper Boutb and the principal, cities of the East, West and Northwest. All the move ments of the Prince will be made by the special train provided by the Pennsyl vania Railroad and under the well and widely known methods of its personally conducted tourist system. The experience of this bureau of the passenger department in arranging tours for the Presidents of the United States, as well as for distinguished bod ies of foreign visitors, and the skill with which such movements hsve been con ducted hsve slways been recognized and appreciated by the Government George W. Boyd, assistant general passenger sgent of the Pennsylvania Railroad and in direct charge of the company's tourist system, will have personal charge of this special train and its movement. His past experience In that direction Insures for Prince Henry, while the nation's guest, safe, comfort able and luxurious transportation to any part of the country that he may be dis posed to visit. Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especial ly liable to such mishaps because not so careful As a remedy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her np." writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind., "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses s dsy." F S Duffy. THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS. Prospect Good For an Idle Week. Mo Work Cut Out For the House. Washington, Jan. 20. The House leaders hsve no programme for the work for the present week, as there are no measures of importance pressing for at tention, although the anti-oleomargarine bill and the Hill bill for the exchangea bility of gold and silver are on the cal endar and may be taken np before long. The chief interest of the week centers In the opening of hearings by the ways and means committee on the redaction of war revenue taxes. On Tuesday the committee returns to the subject of Cuban reciprocity, hear ing more of the representatives of bee sugar, and also several Cuban planters who have come to the .United States to present their view of the case. The Senate will devote its principal attention this week to the Philippine tariff bill. It is the" purpose of Mr. Lodge, who Is in charge of the bill, to keep it before the Senate persistently un til it is disposed of. He does not count on final action for some time. Senator Nelson will take advantage of any chance to hare the bill creating a Department of Commerce considered, with the hope of securing action upon It during the week if possible. A Profitable Investment. , "I wss troubled for about seven years wl h my stomach and in bed half my time," says E Demlc, Bemervllle, lnd, I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me tfntil I tried ' Kodol Dyspepsia Care.' I have, taken a few bottles and am entirely well." Yon don't live by what you eat. hut by what yon digest and assimilate; If yonr stomach doesn't digest your food yon are really starving. Eodal Dyspep sla Care does the stomach's work by dl geetlngthe food. Yon don't have to diet. Eat all yon, want. Kodal Dyspep sia Care cares all stomach troubles. F 8 Duffy. - Cigars at Davis'. Dsvls' Prescription Pharmacy has ex clusive agency In this city for the popu lar "Theo" cigars, Besides this brand there are other well known brands. Boy Burglaries Frequent In and About the City. Dangbters of Confederacy Doing Great Werk at Soldiers Home Delegates to Road Con gress. Wheat Pros pects In Piedmont Section. Ralbioh, Jan., 27. All of the rooms in the east wing of the new dormitory at the Soldiers' Home ssve two have been taken by Chapters of Daughters of the Confederacy. All those In the west wing were taken two weeks or more ago The ChaDters taking rooms in the east wing, which they are fernlshlng, are at Morganton, EInston, Wilson, Red Springs, Elttrell, Warsaw, and Lexing ton. One room is furnished jointly by Edenton, Lenoir and Anson Chapters. Quite a number of Chapters have made no response to the appeal to aid In fui- nishlng rooms, among those being Chai lotte, Salisbury, Statesvllle and Hender son. The burglaries here continue. Host of them occur In the suburbs. Saturday night about 4 o'clock, Charles J Parker, a well known resident, heard a noise in his houseand wlthja night lamp In his hand, but unarmed, went to investigate. He opened a door and saw the burglar at a bureau, with a patent torch in one hand. He pursued the burglar, who he says was a young white man and caught him. Then the burglar thrust a revolver in his face andjtold Parker (calling his name) that if he did not release him he would shoot him dead. Parker relin quished his hold and the burglar made his exit through a window. As he did so Parker threw the lamp at him. The torch was found in the house. A po lice officer got three shots at one burglar who was running. A rumor has wide circulation that two young men and a boy are in the gang, and the police now say they are sure it is local talent. The Governor today appointed a num ber of delegates from this State to a road Congress at Columbia, 8. C, In com pliance with a request mado by the Gov ernor of South Carolina. Commissioner of Agriculture Patter son says the wheat In the piedmont sec tion does not look well, but that he sees no reason why there should not be a good crop. The fall was unfavorable. He says he does not like to see wheat too luxuriant In growth In January and that he has known crops to be grown while the appearance was no better at this time of year than It now is. THE MARKETS. The fol owing quotations were receiv ed byJ. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. New York, Jan. 27. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close March.. May.... July.... Aug.... Oct 8.0S 8.U .8.17 . 8.00 7.69 8.11 8.17 8.10 8.04 7.76 8.04 8.10 8.13 7.96 7.69 8.04 8.10 8.13 7.96 7.70 Chicago, Jan. 27. Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close May 781 77J Corn: Open. High. Low. Close May 611 60 Ribs: Open. High. Low. Close Jan 847 840 New York, Jan. 27. Open. High. Low. Close . . 1251 126 124 126 SToenej Sugar Con. T SoRy ..... m in 42 U. S. L 11 42 38 29 u. a s Tex. Pao... A. C.F Y. C. C.... Copper.... 71i 72i 71 72J CoffiM May 590 685 Liverpool Spots 4.J. Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, Jsn-Feb 4.23. Apr-May 4.27, May-June 47. , 1TEW BKBM COTTON MARKET. Staple cotton sold in the local market jesterday at 8c , PORT RECEIPTS, Same week Last week last year. . - 169,190 195,000 This week. Sat. 24000 29000 S300I ' 420C0 Mon. 27000 Toes. Wed. Thnrs. FrL 83000 86000 ' 18000 191,001 STOLEN ! Uambler Bicycle, with very broad seat . and corrugated tires, rear wheel new. 85.00 Reward lor its return to i i0 of Whaafc a Fresh lot Just Received, Fresh Oatflakeg, Car olina Rice, Grits and Big Hominy. Sauer Kraut. Small Fig llama. Canned Goods of all kinds. Georgia Yam Potatoes. . Scotch, Irish Potatoes. Codfish, Corned Mullets, and Spanish Mackerel. Pigs Feet, Tripe, Bologna and Fresh Pork Sausage. Anything in the grocery line you want at j. l. mm. 'PhoMe 91. Winter Goods At Summer Trices. We have a good line of Coal and Wood Heating tv ill find cheaper than elsewhere. We don't want to If yours is not all right now is the Our Stock of General Hardware 13 COMPLETE Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oil amel, Lime, Plaster, Cement, and Lowest Prices. Goods Guaranteed. v PHONE 147. 73 Mimu St i EBllIilSf SfiliS HAGKBURN'S 4000 TABDS TO BE SOL.D AT 4c and 5c Yard. These Embroideries are ALL NICE, NEW, GOODS Just Received and sell all the year round for 8c and 10c. ' Also about 1000 yards short lengths to close at half price. See our Marked Down Goods in window. 40c and 50c Values, All Wool, This week Only 19c and 25c. THESE GOODS MUST GO! It's NOT A QUESTION OF PRICE. 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. J. -aAa., Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange All-" Largest and Finest Stock of HOESES : otlcL ; awTJX.v ever offered for Bala in Hew Bern. A Car Load of each ju;;t r. Also a complete liia of Biggies, T7";oas, ILtrnc i, I: ' , Cart Wheels. Ao. : : - Ert-i ft:: ', ' g Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Bread Hi. Stoves that yon carry them over. time to buy. and Tarnish, Gold and Silver En- Building Material for a finished job. Gaskill Hardware Co. NEW BERN. N. O vl w rt T JONES, Stables yc-rc' s r.tr -b. - owner, R. B. TLA LOCK.

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