A . r rJ 'fi .. Ljr I I II il II I I I J SW ! I ! III ' ' ' !! II- I l II I I . I 1 I . . , , I I I I I I II II I TOLDMI XI1Y. ' . IIW BIEJ, CRAYM COUITT,' I. C, TUISDAT, FEBRUARY 4, 1902-FIRST SECTION, - : NUMBER 79 Mot hot muffins, hot - cakes, made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indigestion; RESULTS OP NORFOLK FIRE. Structures' Burned, Columbia Office ' Balldlnr,' AUntic Hotel, Albe- marie Flats and a Block of Stores. Loss Estl-' ,mated at $900,000 , - NoFoi k, Jan. SI. A heap of sraok tng rutni It all thai rcmalna today of the Atlantic Hotel the massive Columbia office building which adjoined the hotel, the Albemarle flats and a block of store la the center of the city. The confUgr tion, one of the greatest io the history of Norfolk, when finally subdued over half a million dolors' worth of property had been destroyed. The loss la said to be fully covered by Insurance.. The flames started lo (he Columbia, which Is the largest but one of Norfolk's office buildings. It was a structure six stories high and was built In 1891 by Davis Lowenberg, Us owner ' From the outset II was evident that the Immense Atlantic Hotel was doomed J. Hull Davidson, Its owner, personally made the rounds of the rooms and aided by his asslstsnts, aroused every goest -In the building. To this Is due the fact that so far as known no lives were lot I, although a out 800 people were asleep in the hotel when the alarm was sound ed. The little army of half dressed men and women refugees from the flames elbc wed their way through the crowded streets. In their hands they carried such small belongings. aa they were able to save In their flight. The flames soon spread to the live-story Al bemarle apartment house, opposite the Virginia Club, which was quickly des troyed, and then to the entire Mock facing the Atlantic, and running from Flame to Main streets. Within aa hour this block was annihilated. ; V , . . v The flames were finally subdued through the hard work of the fire de partment and the shifting of the ' wind, which veered to the northeast just as the fire had gotten a good grasp , on the department store of Watt, Rettew, A Clay. Live coals rained, on the , Mer chants & Miners Bay line warehouses, the piers and the wholesale notion store buildings of Talbott, Dodson Granby, and drove the Western Union operators from their offices In the Hudson building All these structures were saved. The fire waa subdued at 5 o clock this mora ine . : - The origin of the fire Is not known. The blaze was first discovered In Brown's cafe, which occupies half of the Colunv bla building, by ' a policeman - who immediately sent In . the alarm. The whiskey which exploded was in this cafe." - , ' Favorite Nearly Everywhere; Constipation means dullness; depre ton, . headache, generally ; disordered health, De Will's, Little, Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and , relieve this condition. ' Safe, speedy and thorough They never gripe. Favorite pills.' F. 8. Duffy. , GEDDY. Feb. 1st. In and around Geddy the weather Is very disagreeable .The farm ers are very busy, but the weather is so bad they can not gel out to work. '. . We are having . some sickness in our midst. Mrs. Mary L. . Taylor Is quite sick. . We Lave had two deaths in our com' munlty last week, one very sadden. Mr. Alex Mitel. ell's little j;lrl, Nellie, died on the 9ih of January, aged ten. Bhe waa taken sick on Tuesday and died Wed at t day at eleven o'clock, the cause of her dtath was yellow chllL Bhe wss a bright Utile girl. The community ex tends its sympathy to the bereaved father and mother. Their loss is her gain. Miss Nannie Pete of.Kiuston is in our midst visiting relatives. ' - . ''' YE3. YCtJ r C7 V1 a you t Toi.Io, 1 prliituj ( i t Is simply i.. cm. 10 cu "T TOO ARB TAICtS ' Tasteless Chill 1 f .irmu'a is plainly ' : r' owlnj tl.it it ' 3 ! i a tasteless IV at i 1 1 aO.11 11 Roosevelt Issues a Strenuous Order Washington, Jan. II The President has issued the following executive or der: "All officers and employees of the United. Btates of every description, serving in or under any of the execu tive departments, and whether so scrv. Ing In or out of Washington, are hereby forbidden either directly, or Indirectly, individually or through assoclatlone, to solicit an increase of pay er to Influ ence or to attempt to Influence In their own Interests any legislation whatever, either before Congress or Its . commit tees, or In any save . thro'igh the heads of, the Departments, in or under which they serve, on penalty of dismissal from the government service." ; 7 Bad Food Caused Mutiny. Wilmimotos, Del., Jan. 81 Angrj because their leader In a former uprising had been punished severely, 14 convicts in the New Castle county workhouse rebelled today, .. After a (prious combat with guards, who threatened to turn a fusillade from the riot gun upon them, the prisoners were" brought under control. Several shots had to be fired from pistols In order to cow the convicts. Guard John Black had his right hand dislocated by strik ing one of the men on the head, while Guard "Frank Gray was slightly cut about the head.- Be veral other officials were roughly .handled In the . disturb ance. The cowed prisoners are now confined In dark cells and will be severely pun ished. The trouble began with dissatisfaction several weeks ago over the food fur nished the prisoners. The report of the trustees showed that it was costing a trifle less than eight cents a day to feed them - Bread, bean soap, with not many beans In It; meats, molasses and other similar articles formed the nourishment of the prisoners.- Home negroes believed the mash one morning was moldy, and they started a little mutiny, which was promptly suppressed with drawn pistols. v - - - 200 Japanese Soldiers Frozen. Yokohama, Jan. 81 Details of the loss of about 800 Japanese soldiers, 'who were frozen to death, have been received here. It seems that a command of 810 men, practicing winter marching were caught In a blizzard on the northern .d of the island of Honda and lost their road. i . Beef Is England.'. . London, Jan. 81 So scarce is the sup ply of beef Imported from America that this week not a single bullock arrived at Deptford, the foreign cattle market. .This state of affairs is without prece dent sjnee since Importation began. The refusal of the Board of Agriculture to allow the re-opening of the live cattle trade with Argentina, which waa sus pended In April, 1900, on account of the outbreak of the foot and mouth disease, opens up a serious prospect tor the Brit ish householder. - - . The Last HeardOflt. "My little boy took the croup one night and soon grew s bad you could hear him all over the house," says F, O, Reynolds, Mansfield. O "We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure quickly relieved him and, he went to sleep. That's the last we heard of the croup, Now Isn't a cough cure like that valuaUef" One Minute Cough Cure 1 absolutely safe and acts immediately. Ft r coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung trou les it Is a certain cure. Very pleasant lo take. The little ones like it. F.S.DalTyr . Jstn Knows It A newspaper wloie columns overflow with advertisements of business men, hss more Influence in attracting atten tion to building up a town than any other agency that can be employed. Peo pie go where there Is business. Capital and labor go where there Is an enterpris log community. No power on esrth is.so strong to build ep a town so well as a paper well patronized, and Its power should be appreciated. The man who cjp ilofiks his town paper Injures him' : "f ty Injuria 3 bis town and townsmen J. ' a ' .' ' "r. : Meeting of Base Ball Representa tives This Week. Rereaae Officers Bald. Attempted Salelde. Catered er White for Assistant Attorney. Work tig Copper Mine. Bain ; Delays all Ontdoar Labor. .' - - . ' ' . - Ralbish, Feb. 1. There will be a meeting here next Wednesday of repre- sentatives of base ball associations of various points In the Bute to see what arrangements can be made for the foun dation a Bute league. Plenty of In terest appears to be shown. ' Revenue officers made a raid last nlaht in Franklin county, despite the nnspeak ably bad weather, and captured an illicit distillery. The moonshiners escaped. This wss the 8th day of what may be termed steady rain. .While the total rainfall is not very great it has been of a character lo saturate the ground to a Considerable depth. No out door work of any kind can be done and a whole week has beenabsolutely lost. The superintendent of publlo instruc tion Is lnvestigsting some curious dis crepancies in the statements msde by officials of some counties In their appli cations for school funds. In one esse one official says the school treasurer had not been paid In three years, while the treasurer's own report shows he waa paid up to last July. Quite good progress has so far been made In the collection of books by North Carolinians or about North Caro lina. The aged white man who shot himself in the head here yesterday because he got no work and could not get admis sion to the county home for the aged and infirm, will recover. His esse haa excited much sympathy. ' The force of minora in the copper mines in Person and Granville counties Is to be quite largely increased. Already 750 are at work there. One of the Interesting questions here Is whether Ed A. Johnson, the colored second assistant U. 8- district attorney will be continued in office. Il Is greatly agitating the Republicans here. They have been trying to make it appear that Johnson was a messenger, or at moat a clerk..: It is said first-asitisiant Oscar J. Bpears wUl be re-appointed. The ne groes are watching to see what will be done with Johnson. TO CLEANSE TH6 SYSTEM Effectually yet gently when costive or blllious, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers,' use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. ; GUM BRANCH. February 1. The severe bsd weather for the past week haa given everybody the blues and If It doesn't clear up be- foro long I fear some one will get on a darker hue. ' When there is nothing doing of course there is no news stirring, except the talk of hard times. .'.. With the roads as muckey as they are, If guano hauling continues, the roads will soon be In bad condition, then more work for the boys. February has come in rather ugly for gardening. : Last Sunday some boys of both colors melon the road and a free fright. No one was badly hurt. Boya it may be fun for you now, but later.when the fan sets In, It will bring fees for the lawyers; The Hon. Chas R. Thomas has sent us some seeds from the seed department at Washington. Of course we will try them. . .. " ' If we could, arrange to get an appro priation for macademlzlng the public roads and then get the convicts ott them, roads would be better, then petitions for rural routes Would be easier. Ye scribe would, be glad if a rural mall route was established from Richlands to -Jackson ville, a distance of about 81 miles, every body would be willing to it On the route. We think it would be better for all pat rons and or more value to "uncie Sam." This is election year, but we hear nothing from political circles as yet. The colored school here Is well attend ed, methlnks ihey are trying to learn to evade the Amendment. Miss Annie Francks school still con tinues and will for a month yet. - Wood cutting and hauling has been in order this week and it haa been a good week to burn it. Court at Jacksonville last "week and we hear there was a witch case of the old Salem kind. We have not heard par tlculars. . It is raining.' Wet women wade about in wide mashes, and men and boys kill birds for pies. There were only 94 killed here yesterday by E. W. 8cott, J. E. King and Wash D. Elne. tVoxpopull. CAC AW roniA To l i.iikt (ELL J, Vs.-... i i . . j r - Sleet Storm's Damafe Several Millions. MxxrHia, Tim, Jan. 81 The weather of the present week has brought disaster to nearly all the small towns and many larger onea la Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. t At Little Rock, Art, alone the loss Is half a million dollars, and the total for the three Btates, it Is believed, will run up seversl millions. Business haa bees at a standstill In many towns. Ia ad dition to stocks of goods being ruined, the streets and highways are blocked by broken telegraph and telephone poles, twisted wires, the trunks and limbs of trees and other debris. ' The damage to stocks, of goods is due to the weight .of accumulated ice and sleet and to the insufficiency of roofs to sustain such loads. Zohabllanu of the smaller towns have .been seriously dis commoded by the- interruption - of wire Service by ; telephone asd telegraph. Stock has suffered! and In soma sections the wheat crop is reported tto be ruined. Such a siege of sleet and cold .rain is altogether unprecedented in this lati tude. In some placet the ground has been covered with ice to a depth of six inches. HcDnffle's Turpentine k Mutton Suet Lung Plaster Is a certain cure for whoop lug congh, easy and comfortable, works while you sleep. 85 cents at F. 8. Duf fy's. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Wants Rural Free Delivery. Jasper, N. C, Feb. 8. Editor Jourhals I ask for space In your psper to say a few words In behalf of the free mall delivery from New Bern by Bellatr, and to Jasper, and down Neuse road to beginning.' 1 would not have written this but for the fact that I have been ielisbly.. informed that counter petition, opposing It had been' gotten up by one of the "luckies" feed ing at Uncle Sam's trough, in the form of a country post office, signed as I am Informed, by five white men, the balance colored. Those seat In favoring, were signed entirely by white. men, probably to ex cept two colored merchants living on the route, and they were the only color ed asked to sign. Numbers of others would have signed, had the petition been presented to them, but expecting to send our petitions to 'Mr. Thomas, our Congressman, ansV get them granted through his efforts, and knowing the principles upon which he wss elected' we deemed it unnecessary to get the col- d people to sign, I feel sure that there Is not another route or proposed route In Eastern North ' Carolina that needs free mall delivery any more than the people liring on the above proposed route, especially thos'o livlnir. on the road from' Lima to Jasper and from Jas per on Neuse road to Washington road, There Is no mall carrier that travels those roads, and we are compelled to send to Lima or Jasper for our mall and there are ten white families or more, that live two or more miles from either of those places, and the offices pay so little that the post masters hare to have some other occupation to make a living, and very often when we send for our mall the post master is off to his work and his wife gone a-vlsltlng and we fail to get our mall. It Is often, in the spring and summer when we are very busy with our crops that we do not get our mall once a week.: 'X I cannot believe our Congressman will neglect our petition on account of the small petition against us, but will get us a delivery as speedily as possible. And I can't help but think when the postmaster at Bellatr realities how much we need free mall delivery upon this part of the route, that he will withdraw his opposition and not try to sacrifice the Interest and convenience of so many of his brethren and friends, for the little pecuniary aid that he gets out of the post office. As for the postmaster at Lima, I hope that he is not afraid if that postoffice h discontinued ; that'he will not get another job, for 'We are'' now ; contem plating nominating 'and electing him low jshlp constable at the next election, which I thtnt would be stout aa remu nerative as the, Lima postoffice. ' ' . . Yoica OF TBI Pkopli. . NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET. WHOLESALE FBICIS CURRENT, Effgs, per doi. ...:... .20o Uhlckens, old per pair.... ...,. 80 & 60 " young, per pr.,.. B0 a 40 Geese, per pair, .........(....80 to 1.00 Pork, per lb. .. . . x- ........ 84 Beef, " ..... . Hides, green, per lb s .......... ... t5 " dry, :, " ............ "i.. 9 & 11 Beeswai, ' 2 to S3 Sweet Potatoes, Tarns, per bush. 40 to 50 - " Bshamas 88 Corn, per bush. ......... t. ........ 80 Oats, . ...a 66 Peanuts ....... :. w ......... .4 . . ...80 Local Grain Market. Corn, per bu Oats per bu Meal, per bu. ........ $.85 .62 ,.85 .85 Hominy, perbu......... Corn bran, per 100 lbs.. Wheat bran, per " ......... Feed, 100 lbs-.............;.. Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs C.-'.t-'n s-"sJ hul's, 1?1 1' s. . .'.; 1.25 1.60 1.50 . 1.50 .45 J. 17. TUfTS, DUD. Great Soda Water Manufacturer and Owner of Plnehurst. Small N amber Attorneys For Exam ination. Matter efUorham. Pen itentiary Cotton. Used Dtnt ; - eerats Seek Pensloas. - Stat Charleston Ex ' hiblt the Best KaLRioii, February 8 With deep re gret the friends of James W. Torts ia this city learned todaf of his death at Proehuret last night. He died of heart disease; after less than an hour's illness. Bis age was 85. He was from Boston and waa the largest msuufactUrer of Soda water "apparatus:" In 1894 he bought land In Moore county and estab lished Plnehurst as a model New Eng land town, with superb hotels. He has spent more than a million dollars' there and the place is known all over the world. Mr. Tufts wss a most genial man, unaisumlog and made warm friends. Ho was worth more- than twenty millions. He leaves a wife and several children. His death is a great loss to this State, of which he was lo formally become a resident. The Supreme Court devoted today to the examination of applicants for li cense as attorneys. Of these there are only 81 the smallest number in many years; Three are colored. The couit will tomorrow call the docket of appeals from the 1st district. The sky cleared yesterday morning af ter continuous rain since iho afternoon of January 84. The wind blew a gale yesterday and last night and the tem perature this morning was 20 degrees. It Is stated by Republicans here to day that Ed A. Johnson, colored, will retain his position as assistant district attorney. At the Soldiers Home to day the fin ishing touches were given the Interior of the new buildings, which are attrac tively decorated. Everything is in readi ness for the ceremonies to morrow. Governor Aycock returned this morn ing from Jackson Springs, much bene fitted by his stay of ten days. Hi went there for absolute rest and got it. - Mention has been made of the fact that Governor Aycock respited until March 17ht, J. A. Gorham, who was under sen tence to jail for contempt of court at Ststesvllle. The question is now before the judge at thst place whether the Gov ernor has the constitutional power to respite a person under sentence for con tempt; in other words whether any per son save the judge has power to modify the sentence or to defer the penalty im posed. ' Some of the penitentiary directors went to the State farm near Weldon to sell the lsst year's crop of cotton, 800 bales. They did not sell, the price of- L fered not being sufficiently high. There were six bidders, all from Norfolk. The highest average price offered waa 7.40. Rutherford county, were the first In quiry was sent out, asking the amount needed to keep the publlo schools open 4 months, called for $3,900. A second Inquiry wss sent out, and now, strange to say, the demand is reduced to $1,050. Col. Thomas 8. Eenan returned yes terday from the Charleston exposition. He ranks it as the best yet held In the South. This State makes a notably fine display. , " . State auditor Dixon says the State pension board Is annoyed by the receipts of letters fnm persons applying for pen slons saying they are entitled to pen sions because they are "good demo crats." He wishes it distinctly under stood that there is no politics in the pension law, and all meritorious cases are entitled to the allowance. Truck Farm For Sale ! One hundred acre Truck Farm, one-third cleared and containing farm houses, apple, pear and other fruit trees, grape Tines, etc. The other two-thirds heavily timbered. Sitnated near New Bern, N. C, 20 minutes drive from railroad and steamboat shipping points. Terms very easy, apply to. G. R. CTJMMINGS, P. O. Box 254, ' , Jacksonville, Fla. Great Closing Out Sale ! Commencing January 1st, 1902, I will offer my entire stock of General Merchandise at and . Below Cost This is the chance of your life to secure some good bargains. Terms Strictly Cash. No goods charged during this eale. W ' cclfully, of m a Fresh lot Just Rfteived, Fresh Oal flake;, Car olina Bice, GriU and Big Hominy. . . . Fatter Kraut. r . ' ( - ' " ; Broall Pig Hams. '" . ,.' ;v Ginned Goods of all kinds.' :,. ; ' Georgia Yam Potatoes..'. ;v.Ox.r. - Scotch, Irish Potatoes. " 4 , y j ; . . Codfish, Co. fled Mullets, and Spanish MacVe" '. " Pi'Si Feet, Ti'.pr, Bologna and Fresh Pork Savage. Anything in the grocery line you 'want at ' 3 'Phone 01. Winter Goods At Summer Trices. We havrt a foil !ine of Coal and Wood Heating Stoves that you will find rlee-per than ekewhere. We don't want to carry them over. If yours is not a!l right now is the time to buy, . . Our Stock of General Hardware IS COMPLETE Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oil and Varnieh, Gold and Silver En amel, Lime, PlaBter, Cement, and Building Material for a finished job. ' Lowest Prices. Goods Guaranteed. , PHONE 147.' 73 Mibdu St i'Hdckburhl I will Continue his narked g i Down Sale of Embroideries I I and Dress Goods I Another Week. fj In addition we wish to call attention to our Linen De- ) partment which we have juBt replenished. ' " S'f (XS We have the very best 5c, 10c and 16o Towels that has V? (n ever been offered for sale in this n t is lit A New Line of Fancy Hosiery SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. J. A, JONES, livery, Feed, . (P Sale and Exchange z -Largest and (2: lip Jim WaXsasaasyBWSWJSsswsww ever offered for Eule in New Bern. A Cr Load of e :u'i j ' Also a r;oniiltt9 line of Ernies, ,Tt"-i ?, F. CartWhccIs, lo.. ' r ,t r if i4ttii , axf. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Bread HU g Gaskill Hardware Co. NEW BBRN, N. O V city. ' Gents and Ladies A H fl - i . "4 j t Finest Stock of- l.tj

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