r r r lift! R 3 rT- fM YOLDMI X11T. NEW BtRB, CRAVES COUNTY, N. C, FRIOAY, FEBMJAiT 7, 1102 --SECOSD SECTION. HDMBIE CO V RALEIGH. Smallpox Sprtadinf. State Laid Solo. - Harry Skinner Ousts Bernard. 'Hoc - Cholera Good Roads. Ralkiob. Feb. 6 Smallpoi coBttaoea to spread, as the reporu eho U pres ence bow In 28 coumlea, wlih an official ltstotever 800 cuw. nesldes Vete there are scores of smsopported ones In oaeor two countlea. WT.son county aii ithaUea deflnlte.ectlon and es tablltbeil quarantine and compu'iory Vaccination. ... Harry 8klnncr, the U. & district at torney here, arrived thte morning. . He Will take charge at once. r . One lei payer here to day paid 14,750 In taxes, . ' frlw annual mect'nf of the North Car otin i Home Fire Inmrance UowpenT of Raleigh was held today.; A gvod ahow Ingwa made. '. A sale of 1,000 aorea of State swamp land la Tyrrell county. wee made to day. The State, got f 500. for the land, which waa aold by the bolder of an option. , very large and handsome book cue or native walnut,- waa placed in the Governor' office to day. It waa made by iheJpaplW of the actioo! for deaf muteaat Morganton, who did all the carving by handt ' The Btate Treasurer haa aubmltted to the acting Attorney General the ques- ' whether the Knights of Pythlaa order la liahlfl tn tx on Ha Insurance feature. Hog cholera U reported by the State board of health in 9 countlea and ' men- ; lngltia In horses In tt counties, these be- ; ins; Ourrltuck, Hertford, Hyde, Lenoir, New Hanover and Pasquotank. ; The meeting to form a baseball league was held, hero tills evening. Delegates were present from six places.-' ' .This county baa placed Ita road gang of convicts sod also Its trains at the dla poaal of the "Good Roads train" officials who will be here nest week. The county authorities have also arranged to shove the improved roads in the Raleigh dis trict to visitors to the good roads com mittees' : .' ' "'. ' "." ' Miss Roosevelt Will Not Retire In Coronation Ceremonies. Wsshlneton, Feb. 4. Bon. Whitelaw Reld has invited Miss Alice Roosevelt, oldest daughter of the President, to ac company blm to London sa bis guest when he goes to' attend the coronation of Klog E'lwmd. It Is the present ex . peotatioa of Mlas Roosevelt to svall her self Of this opportunity to see Lmdon, but If she does so, she will have no atalua save that simply of a young American girl, and will not figure In the coronation ceremonies in any manner. - Death of Mr. H. L. Miller. vGoldsboro, Feb 4-Telegraphle advices convey the Intelligence of , the death at ' Columbia, 8. C.,- to diy at 10 o'clock of Huzh Lee Miller, aged 81 years of con. 'amotion. He was the third son of Dr. J. F, Miller, superintendent of the East ern Hospital. He was a bright young man, widely known and held In high esteem. - His remains will reach here at flie o'clock to morrow afternoon.: The interment will lake place Thursday, at 10a.m. . Mr. Miller, was formerly connected with, the Virginia-Carolina Chemical ' Company, at Wilmington and Richmond Va., but was later promoted to the office of district superintendent of the same . company with headquarters at Columbia He was a nephew of Messrs. W. H., A. C. and R. B. Miller, of Shelby, and was recently married to B lady from York, Pa." :ir'::: HcDufflc's Little Bluo Liver Pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new person of you. SS cants at F. S. Duffy'a , Engagement Announced. SpecUl to Journal. ., . ,' : Raleigh, Feb. To a "few friends at her home here this afternoon Mrs Florence Tucker announced the engage ment of he"; dsUiihtef.J Miss Minule Fitch Tucker, to Mr, Ashley Lee Baker, formerly of Baltimore, now of Halelgh Miss Tucker Is widely known In social circles In North Carolina and several other States, 14 OUT OP 33. Applicants for Attorney Licenses Granted by Supreme Court. SpccM to Journal. . RaLtiuti, Feb; 6 The Supreme Court thU evening granted licenses to fourteen of thirty-three applicants who were ex amlned Moodas: P. - A. Cranor, O Wilkes, N. G, Duncan, of Sampson; C. Rose of Cumberland; O. A. ' Armttronr Montgomery; M. L. Edwards,, of Ruth . erford; E. 1. Nelson, of Caldwell; J.T, Bonn, of Nash, T. W. Jones, of Bun- ' combe, H. 8. Harris, of Pitt, F. E. Davis of Rutherford, D. W. Perkins, of Pas- ' quotank, G. H. Mitchell, of Wakp, W. A. Worth, of Norfolk, Vs., J. H, Marlon of Cluster, 8. C. , - ' - TO CLEAIS T28 SSTE!H E-Tcct nally yet gently ,wLen costive or bllllous, to permaneuliy overcome hab itual constipation, to svaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, Without irritating or weakening them, t:"' , ! It i-1- t -, col.ls, fevers, up NORTH CAROLINA BASE BALL Leagae Organized Last Night at Raleigh. C L. Stevens of Hew Bern Elected Vice-President. ' Special to JqurnaL lULtion, N. C, February 5. The North Carolina Base null League -was formed her tonight. Tbero was in attendance upon the meeting representatives from the clubs of the leading cities in the State. Wilmington sent Lemer who made a proposition that waa accepted and re moved dispute. -' Franchise was awarded to H. B. 8kell- dlnr. Charlotte waa. represented by E. Ash en back, proxy for Mr. Hooper; New' Bern by Chas L Stevens and Harry Marks; Durham by Otla Slocksdale; Raleigh by Perrln Buabee and Win. J Andrewa. It was decided to form a league com posed of six clubs for the present. The sixth clnb will' be either the one at Winston-Salem or Greensboro. The matter of extending; the league so as to Include two other clubs and make a cir cuit embracing eight cities was left in the hands of the presldeut of the league. Perrln Buabee, Esq., of the Raleigh f bar, was elected president of the State Association and Charles L. Stevens, edi tor of the New Bern Journal was made vice-president; Irvln T. Jones, of Raleigh, was chosen secretary and treus nrer of the Association. Arrangements id Inaugurate the base ball season prop- rly will be Immediately begun. Al ready the different towns are casting about for players. It looks as though there will be pretty sharp rivalry and high bidding for crack batteries. One of the officers of the Association said to- lghttaat there would be better ball playing In North Carolina this seaoo than there has ever been before. There seems to be much enthusiasm through oat the btate In this line of atbleiiis. Shelby Man Dies In Florida. Fuklby, Feb. i. -Mr. W, W. Jones, late edijoT of The Shelby An rors, hp has been so ill with coneurcpilon, was taken to Florida three weeks ago, hoping the climate would prolong his day; but telegram was received today annouoc ing his death. The remains will reach here on Thursday. Mr. Jones waslirst lieutenant in the Cleveland Guards, left here for the war with Spain, and It i thoughl, contracted this dreadful dieca-e hlle In service. This young man leaves an aged ratner ana motner, who wen- dependent on him for support. Saved Him From Torture. Tjiere is no m iro - agonizing trouble than piles., The .constant itching and burning make life intolerable No po (lion is comfortable. Tlie torture U un ceasing." Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For akin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wound It ia unequalled. J S. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark.; says: "From 1865 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and oould find nothing to help me until I used De Witl'a Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." . Boware of coun terfelta. F. 8. Duffy. . " V POLOCKSVILLB. February 5. Tls so' cold and has been all this year the people haven't done much but cut wood and set by the fire. . ' ' Lots of dissatisfaction and uneasiness among the farmers info year,, some have entirely abandoned the farm and oth ers are moving about bunting belter lo cations. , " - . Among the many industries and new enterprises I am reliably - informed .that there will be a frogery started near here by one of our enterprising citizens. Mr. E. B. Elliott is putting in a tram road and will soon be able to tut his logs to the river ready for the tugs. 'He has bought a locomotive for this purpose and others also. Dr. J. E. Foscue leaves this p. m. for Jamestown. N. C. and from there to McLeonsvllle oh a prospecting trip. We were in hopes of - having him locate with hi but he seems to like ine west better. . Mr. Clyde Bell loft here last week for Massey's business college at Richmond Va , where be Will take a thorough bus! ness and commercial course. Mr. Clarence B. Foy, one of our young and enterprising men left last week to seek his fortune In other lands.' We ro gret verp much that our young men have to leave their native State to find better fields for their future operations. ' Mr. Clyde Sanderson and Mlas Ada Barry waa visitors in our town Ubt Sun dy. Last Sunday morning about 0 o'clock fir was' discovered inside the house of Ann Smith, a colored woman . living near the depot. The firo caught on the inside and was too far advanced when discovered to be controlled. A total loss of the house and contents was the the result, the woman was cooking for Mrs Burkley of this place and the chil dren out on a play and Visiting neigh bors. ''.i''.:. r"' -r". Don't forget that J. B. Bender will take'your subscription for the Daily or Weekly Journal at any and all times at any place you find him. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or .Cold at once. Conqners Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without fall. Best for Bronchitis I!ortrB"nc(.8, Grippe, Pheumoula, Con e- ..! and Lnr Affections. Q'tick PROFIT IN INSURANCE. AO Companies Do Well la North Carolina and Pay Big Revenues to the State. W 111 Renew Licenses. Charlotte Observer. Mr. J. R. Tonng, of Raleigh, the In surance Commissioner, registered at the Buford last night Mr. Yonng said that the Insurance companies of this State are in better condition now than ever before, notwithstanding the fact that this has been a very severe year on all Com panies. . - ' There are 00 fire insurance 'companies in the State, 45 life insurance compan ies 28 fraternal ordera and eighteen fidelity and casualty companies. There are- seven ' borne lire Insurance com panies and one home life Insurance com- ny. . In most of the Southern States there are less insurance companies than there were a year or so ago, said Mr. Tonng, but In North Carolina It is the reverse. There are more companies than former- The Insurance companies last year paid into the State Treasury $150,000 In taxes, this being sn increase of about 40 per cent, over the amonnt of taxes usual ly paid by the insurance companies of the Slatol Up to 1899, or before the present In surance law and commission were oper ative, the lnsuranse companlea never paid Into the Ktate Treasury more than 80.000 in one year, Mr. Young declares that North Carolina gives better protec tion to all classes of insurance compan ies than almost any other State, and for this reason all the companies now doing business In the Ktate will renew their license April 1st. RALEIGH. Base Ball Interest. State Charters. Pub lie School Aid. N C Book at Charleston Exposition. Raleigh, Feb. 6 There Is much In terest among lovers of base ball at the result of last night's work tn the forma tion of a State league. ' It was expected that either Winston or Greensboro would have representatives at the meet- ng, but none appeared. It is said with much poslliveness that one or the other of these places will have a club. ' - The Slate charters the Uoroo & Ver non Lumber Company, of Clayton, capi tal $20,000; the R. T. Stone Tobacco Company of Rockingham county, capi tal $20,000, and the Eagle Tobacco Com pany of Kloston, capital $17,000. Fifty counties hsve sent in reports as to their needs of Slate aid for the pub lic schools. Twelve want no aid, and the other 88 want $49,500. Carteret, the ast to report, needs $1200. ' The State will Issue a book tn. regard to Its resources, to be distributed at the Charleston Exposition. The prepara Hon or tt will begin next week, the agricultural department will issue It. Prescriptions at Davis. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. -. Prompt and careful attention la given them, Only tho best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be filled. TRENTON. .."' , Feb. 6. Miss Stella Ingram, the teacher of Cove, spent Jan. 95th and 26. at Dr. Monks. . - . - r-,j! Miss Virginia Windley went over to Cove today to attend the commencement Friday night.. '" f. i'l''r'. We have had a great deal of rain with in the last few days. It has faired oft now, but everything Is. frozen. . Miss Dora Taylor who has been tesch lug school near Cades, has returned borne, her school having closed, ' Mr. H Pollock who has been clerking for F P Koonce & Co., has resigned bis position to go In business with B T Pol lock. .-? -li Mr J D Herrltage, the noted salesman has resigned his position with Mr ,E A Rhodes to scccpt Oue with F B Koonce A Co. Some things are going on wrong In the postoOlce. The Posl master wants the ox-clerk. Rev. Mr Garner did not fill bla ap polotment in the Baptist pulpit Sunday on account of his hone giving out. Hs could not get herein tltne. . ' 1 : ' The Epworth League did not mett last Sunday night on account of preach ing In the Baptist church. The League is progressing, we are glad to say, also the C. W. B. M.,. of the thr stian church. '. ; ; ' ,- ' The County Commissioners met In Trenton Monday. They drew the jury for the spring term of court and attend ed to other business. Commissioner J H Belt, of Pollocksvllle, Is the : chair man.,, r-.... ' v There was a party given at E Hardy's last Friday night. It turned Into a dance. Church members bad be'.' terlook out. , T Rev D C Gcddle preached an instruc tion sermon In the U. E. Church,. San dsy January 30;h. How Comb. CASTOR I A , For Infants and Children. fu3 Kinj Yen tauiS nkjS r.-w.. Boars the "' -itit-.sre mm report. Of The North Carolina Corporation Commission. Railroads Tataalloa and Assesr meat Teli graph Bad Telepboae Companies. Water Works. Eltetrle LI k lit, Baaks Balldlag aad Leaa Associations. Ralkioii, Feb. 0 The North Carolina Corporation Commission has issued its Third Annual Report, being the 13th report since the organization of the Railroad Commission. : In letter of transmittal of the report to the Governor, the commissioners say they are much gratified' to report that the corporations under their supervision have had a very prosperous jear; that the freight tariffs for the various rail roads tn most part have been revised and reduced; that the suits of the Sea board Air Line, In which this Company appealed to the court In the matter of fixings-fertilizer; and other rates, have been withdrawn, and tho overcharge due to shippers ordered to be paid into the Treasury of tbo State for the benefit of shippers, amounting to $0,018 , has been paid Into the treasury by the company. Tbe commission further says that Its ordera are now being obeyed by the roads and no suits are pending. Referring to the matter of the suit of Sheriff Jackson, in which he brought mandamus proceedings to compel the assessment of railroad property, tbe commission ays that It construed the machinery act of 1S01 to mean that it was not directed or permitted to assess railroad property for that year but that the assessment made In the year 1000 was to remain until the year 1903, when there would be an assessment of other property. Tbe commissioners pay the clerk of the commission, Mr. H, C. Brown, a very high compliment In there words: "Tbe arrangement of the matter and the making of. tbe tables, statistical and others contained in this report, are the work of our efficient .clerk, Mr. II. C, Brown. It Is due hint also that we ac knowledge that Zwhatever success the commission has attained in discharging the important.and often difficult duties devolved od It Js largely due to hU courtesy, promptness, faltnlulness and efficiency at all times in discharging his duties." Tbe first Dart of the report contains the act establishing tbe commission and acts.relating to same. The rulesjof practice in'.cases and pro ceeding before the commission, the rules governing the transportation of passen gers and freight, with the freight tariffs of each railroad, are embodied in the re port. The commission has general su per vision of railroad, steamboat, canal, express, street railway, telegraph, tele phones, and sleeping .car Companies, banks, and building and loan associa tions. - . The commissioners are also a board of aDoralsers for railroad and all other companies exercising the right of emi nent domain. The last Legislature con stituted the commission a board of State Tax Commissioners also. . The report also contains the reports and decisions of the commission in cases before It during the past vear. The com plaints heard and adjusted number 210. ,A summary of the statistical matter referred to in the letter of tbe commis sion Is as follows: ;. Balli-Mda... - i.The railroad mileage in North Caro Una Is 8.051 miles. Two thousand seven hundred and elghtv-ntne miles of this mileage are operated by three systems. The Atlantic Coast Line operating 948 miles; the Southern Railway 1,227 miles the Seaboard Air Line,' 814 miles, tbe consolidation of the Seaboard Air Line having been perfected since the last re oortof the Commission.' Miscellaneous 10 ids compose 868 miles, f ' Yataa and Assessment For Taxation. f- i i Valuation Atlantic Coast Lino $18,932,026 50 Southern Railway - 15, 479,002-59 Seaboard Air Line 8,683,861 83 Miscellaneous Roads . , 4,280,760 69 ' Total $12,375,651 11 Telephone Companies 855,857 22 Steamboats, Canals, tier ' rtes. ,"'.- Street Railways . Electric L'gbt and Gas ..Companlea Telegraph Companies Sleeping Car Companies . Express Companies Water Companlea 220,471 63 756,801) 00 . 03,629 46 904,200 0U 181,710 00 189,573 09 ' 81,429 00 . Grand total , ' $418l,886 11 " Tbe above valuations of Railroads, etc, are aoDortioned to the various counties and towns on mileage basis and certified from the office of the Commission Cost of Railroads ' 193,494,891 Ospltal 8tock 73,721.801 Funded Debt ' 51,661,880 ' RMipltuUlloa of Earnings. Gross Earnings. Operating Expenses. A. C. Line So. Railway' -S. A. Line -Mis. Roads $4,005,333 $2,853,024 7,251,86(1 " ,093,6S6 1,508,630 ,580,sea 1,911,605 1,111,816 - $ 15,846,097 $9,959,927 Employe. A table is given, showing the number of employees of each road, giving the number of officers, station stents, engi- neera, conductors, etc and the average dally wages of each. Outdde of the General Officers, the englnemea rrcfive the largest tvtrage dally wages tbe wages being on the larger systems from $?.t i to $.".r9 per dsy; the Conductors next, witb at rige wages from ti .76 to $3.01 per day. Total ttuniber of (mplojeea by the Railroads in North Carolina li tbown to be 11,03?. Aecldenlg to PerMoni. The toral number of acclJonU to per sona, rejuliiD from tLe movement of trains, as follows: Killed. Ii j'lred 5 03 OH 2t Passengers Km ploy fi t Trespassing Mot Trespassing 4 16 "59 II 8.1 Total W 42 Accident from otber causes thau movements of train, to employees, were as follows, 3 killed and 3-tt Injured. Trlrgrapli ( pmpaiiietf. There aro ten Telegraph t ompanies with 3,994 pole miles and 10,610 miles of ire. Tbe Westein Uuion Telegraph Company controls 14,300 milts of Ibis total miles of wire. apital mock of Telegiaph Companies 1 063,915 Fundi d Debt 308,179 Telephone Companies. There are seventy incorporated Tele phone Companies reported to the Com mission. These Companies bave 5,193 business 'phones and 5,739 residence phones, with tbe polo mileage of 2,691 miles and 8,190 miles of wire. Capital Stock . $1,584,012 unded Debt 69, .03 Assessed Viilue 355,357 Gross Earnings 106.141 Operating Expenses 146,034 Income from operation 42,777 Street Railway Companies. Street Railways are operated in Asbe- ville, Charlotte, Ralelgb, Wilmington and Winston. Capital Stock $1,472,200 Funded Debt 1,059,500 Gross Earnings 417,000 Operating Expenses 323,968 Income from operation 93,032 No. of Passengers carried 4,636,185 Wat. r Works Companies, Only eleven Water Works Companies, It seems, have reported to the Commis sion for taxation. The total valuation of these Companies is placed at $447,- 5- Klectrle Light Companies, Sixteen Electric Light Companies have reported, the assessed value of same being placed at $287,195. Banks. A very convenient table Is made. showing the name of each bank, Presi dent,. Cashier, Capital Blocs, giving lef erence to date of law granting Charter, when organized, and when opened for business. The number of State Banks is 81, Pri vate Banks 17, and Savings Banks 14, to tal, 112. A summary of the reports of the con dition of the Bsnks for the different calls during the year is given. At the close of business, September 30, 1901, these Banks showed as follows: Capital stock $2,982,527 Surplus fund 628,493 Undivided profits 610,025 Denosils subiect to check 9 8 1 3,42 'i Time deposits 713,985 Demand certificates 548,141 Gold coin In vault 214,456 Silver coin 154,158 Bank notes 030,053 fotal resources of lh Banks $17,307,776 Building ami Loan Associations. There are twenty-nine Building and Loon Associations with assets ol $!, 999.981. By reference to the table giving the names of the' Building snd Loan Associ ations, It is noted that there Is only one foreign Building and Loan Association and that is the Columbian, of Richmond Vs.. dolnu business in the Ftatd. All the others having been withdrawn. The State Building snd Loan Associa. tions seem to be doing well. The reDort of tho Commission as a Board of State Tax Commissioners will he a seDarate report from this and will be issued at an early day. Truck Farm For Sale! One hundred acre Truck Farm, one-third cleared and containing farm houses, apple, pear and other frait trees, trrape Tines, etc. -The other two-thirds heavily timbered Situated near New Bern, N. C. 20 minutes drive from rayroad and steamboat shipping points. Terms Tory easy, apply to. G. R. CUMMINGS, -, P. O. Box 254, Jacksonville, Fla ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, NEW BERK. NORTH CAROLINA Office: South Front f treet, Oppossi Hotel Chattawka. - 0 i 10 Wheat a Fresh lot Just Received, Fresh Oatflakes, Car olina Bice, Grits and Big Hominy. Saner Kraut. Small Pig Hamg. Canned Goods of all kinds. Georgia Yam Potatoes. Scotch, Irish Potatoes. Codfish, Cornsd Mullets, and Spanish Mackerel. Pigs Feet, Tripe, Bologna and Fresh Pork Sansage. Anything im the grocery line you want at ' I J. L. MAIL, 'Phone 91. ever seen in New Bern, Suitahle for aleo DRAUGHT HOESES, that will GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. JULIUS M. ARNOLD, ; Atthe Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. mm mm. Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. ' Insures a good cure. Makes wrappers and By its merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on his siity acres of tobacco. As our goods are manufactured near you and not re-shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. ; High Grade Callage, Potato, ani Cotton Guano;- Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, B ut How Good." t&'lt you use Fertilizers Call and See us. ' - E. II. & J. A. ME1DOWS CO,9 Uigk tirade Fertilizers,' Factory Meuse River, NEW BEEN, N. C. L. G. DAMELS -DEALER IN- Horses FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. 42 ASD 44 CDAVEN STREET, new BEitur, nr. . tS2srtSisVVta'VtVittflBiStiwV iyVVi?V I Here We Are Again i with Prices and Quality that ; Stringless Beans, 2 lb can 10c, 3 for 25c. - 8 15c,S 25c! No. 1 Standard S lb Tomatoes, 10c can- ' -r u - i , ; v 2 Corn, Belhaven Brand 10c. , w 1 " 2fc " a good article, 8 cans for 25c. ' 1 lb Seedless Currants 10c lb. 1 Rrisins 10c lb. n English Walnuts 12 Jo lb- . ; ; Mixed Nuts 121o lb. Nice, large, juicy Florida Oranges 85c dozen. , Don't fail to see me before placing your orders for any thing in the grocery line and I will save you money. Yours to Please, .. Vn 1 RforwljWI ft IK Tnmafnoo 10n ' - K , . Whclesila phone C9. ... c It i Wholesale ft lie tall Grocer. 71 Brand HU S? FOB Horses & Mules, call our Julius M. Arnold 66 BROAD STREET, Who has just returned from the Wefet with the finest lot of Horses the FARM, DRIVING, SADDLE, be sold for cash on time. neaa fills yonr purse.. 9 Mules. OPPOSITE HYMAN SUPPLY CO., can't be beat. ft and r.-l;!! C irr

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