TDE WEEKLY JOURNAL Ertaklianed 1S7S Published la Two Sections, every Tn en day and Friday, at M Middle Street, new Bern, N. a . CHARLES L. 5TFVEN3 boitoi in nonatom. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Month. '. 85"Oentn. Threee Months, W BU Months, 0 " Twelve Months, tl w ONLY nt ADVANCE, Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. tjTThe Jocbmai la only sent on pay-ln-advanoa basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice wul be appreciated by the Joubsau Entert d at the Poetofflce, New Bern C as second-class matter. Section Two. Friday Feb. 7. 1902 NATIONAL GOOD MANNERS IS EE DEMOCRACY. The fact that this country Is to be well and creditably represented at the Coronation ceremonies of King Edward, has provoked the absurd criticism in some quarters that this country is play ing flunky to royalty, and losing its Americanism and native democratic spirit. Anglomania which has prevailed in greater and leBS dtgaeo among a few people In this country for years, cannot in any way be associated with the pres ent wish of his government to be repre sented ot the King of Ergland'a Corona tion ceremonies. Anglomania, ibo attempt to copy Engllfeh mariLers or customs, must place those so attempting as conclusive evidence of the truth of the Darwinian theory, but this local characteristic does not in any way imply tbht all American people are in the same class. Because the chief executives of this country declare for a representation of this country at the Coronation ceremo nies soon to take place in England, de notes no decay in this country's national democracy. The British Empire Is very clo6el allied to the American nation In many ways; in speech, civilization, commerce, and by bloody English monarchical form of govern ment is a preference of tho English peo ple, as is the American people's choice of a republican form of government. Not to accept an luvllation to the English festivai, because England is a monarchy, and this country is a repub lic, would be an exhibit of boorishnefe, and do discredit to this great nation, if acted upou. This government hai acted naturally and justly in both accepting Eogland's invitation, and in proposing sending high representatives to the English court, who will most creditably prove this country's unsrllied nationality of democracy and good manners. And this is what the people of the United States want done, and it in no way will injure the social fabric of this country's democracy, because the Amer ican people are snilably represented at the Coronation of King Edward. LEADS THE WORLD IN GOLD HOLDINGS. From time to time the United States treasury makes a report of its gold hold ings, which are of interest to the finan cial world. The amount of gold reported last week is the largest sum ever held by this government, the amount being $545,199, 875. It was but, short time ago that France had the largest gold holdings of the world, but this last report of the United States treasury, shows this coun try to be in the lead. The gold holdings of the great Euio pean national treasuries are as follow: French $478,183 000; Russian, $329,837, 000; Anstro-Hnngsrlan $225,071,000; Bank of England, $172,622,000. S,-'.' ; A point of Interest In this .table of comparisons : is that England, whose commercial Interests and baslnessJo'peT atlons exceed all nations of the world, except tills country's, should; hold less than one-third of the amount of gold than this country does. . It would seem that while the . United States kept piling up gold, that England has permitted credit money, In tho way of bills, to replace its gold. GREAT OCEAN DEPTHS. Explanations of mountain heights, and the establishment of their measure- rmmu. I. not less sensational, than the . , .! - attempts at locating tho great ocean , c i ma. Recently some new ocean mtasure- 1 1 T9 Iron made, and what is now said tot tho greatest oceaa depth b ear Porto Rico. The follow In j oa oceaa depths Is foil of interest. Some sarprislnt ocean depth around Porto Rico have been discovered by o ra ce ri of the dispatch boat Dolpbta woo are engaged la Baking noaadiDga. These seen to confirm the theory held by bydrograpbers that tho Atlantic ocean in tho vicinity of Porto Rico and Bermuda Is of tho greatest r known de creased area, except that In ' some few I places In the Pacific. Reports nnder date or January m) received at toe navy Department from the Dolphin sum that tho record of 4,561 fathoms obtained by the Blake in 1883 has been surpassed by one made about 70 miles westward of the position of the greatest previously discovered depth la the North Atlantic The Dolphin found bottom alter 4,863 fathoms (over Ave miles) of wire had been run out. This Is said to be the deepest spot so far found In the At lantic. As compared with depths ascertained In other parts of the world the sound ings Indicate that the next deepest places found In the Atlantic are In the Carrlbean sea south of the Great Cay man, where the ocean's bottom was touched at a depth of 8,848 fathoms. The deepest known spot In the South Atlantic oceaa is a place of 4,030 fathoms lying 11 miles south of the equator oil the Brazilian coast. The most depresce 1 portion of the crest of the earth so fur recorded Is in the North Pacific ocean and was discovered by Lieut. -Ora. H. M. Bodges. In the Nero, who measured a depth of 5,269 fathoms. This depression Is nearly equaled In depth by an area lying a short distance east of the Ker madec Islands In the South Pacific ocean where tho British ship Penguin ran out 5,143 fathoms of line in 1895. The deepest place In the Indian ocean, according to United States surveys, is where about 3,293 fathoms have been found. In the Antarctic regions the greatest soundings taken show 1,995 fathoms, and In the Arctic ocean a depth of 2,050 fathoms has been re ported. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thero is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure'ls the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that tbey offer one Hundred Dollars for any case tbnt It faik to cure. Send for list of testimon ials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75a Hall's Family Pills are the best. Inquest Begins. New York, Feb. 4. Coroner Golden kranz today began the Inquest in the Park Avenue tunnel disaster. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, 10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes tho digestion and soothes the Laby. No Force BilL Washington, Feb. 8 The Oumpacker bill is a good as dead. At a caucus ot the Republican members of the House lr,nU-Vy which was lsrgely attended, Spear Henderson, Cannon of Illinois, and other Republican leaders threw cold water on the proposition to interfere with Southern elections or reduce Con gressional representation in the South. Saved Her Child's Life. ''In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a. skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watklns of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set In, that, In spite of a good doctor's treat ment for several weeks, grew worse everyday. We then used Dr. King'd New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well. Wo are sure this grand medicine saved bis life.'' Millions know It's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. C. D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction, 60c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. ; : Big Factory Burned. Fall River, Mass., February! The factory of the Haywood Fabric Co. was burned today. It Is a heavy loss and many are thrown out of employ ment.. '. -, :, The greatest danger from cold and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is nsed, however,' and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure scold or an attack of h grippe in less time than any other treatment. It Is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale by F. d. Duffy & Co. Fatal Explosion. Potutown, Pa Feb." 4. By the ex. plosion in a bakery at Boyerstown, five miles 'from here, fear persons were killed and a number Injured. One was injured so badly that he cannot live. "' Millions Put To- Work. Tho wonderful activity of the new century Is shown by an enormous de mand for the world's best workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. For Con stlpatlon, Sick Headeehe, Biliousness, or any trouble of 1 Stomach, Liver or Kidneys they're un rivaled. Only 25c. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Snaw Scares the Clerks. Washington, Feb. t The department clerks are In a stste of panic over the activity of Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, who works from 8.30 to 6 o'elqrk and fear thati this willbehls tegular , . 8 regime. - - . . ' " I y:-j cl : n Oyspep sia Cure Digests whit yoa eat. This preparation contains all of tbi digestants atd digest all kinds ot food, itgivesinaunirciieraaj never fails to cure. It allows you to eat ali the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevent format ion of gas on the storu ch, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take tt can't help but do yon good Propafwloiilyby E.O. PaWrrr A Oo.. Ohloa Taa L bottle contains 14 times Um Mm. aiaa F. 6. DUFFY 4 CO, Britain Rejects Dutch Proposals. London, February 4. It was offi cially announced today that the British Government had rejected the Dutch peace proposals for ending the Boer war. Duffy the druggist, will refund yon your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation and headache. Price 25 cents. Samples free F S Duffy & Co. The Liberator Sunk. Colon, Feb. 4. The Venezuelan revo lutionist steamer Liberator, formerly the Brlticb steamer Banrlgh, was sunk by a Venezuelan gunboat while undergoing repairs at Porto Columbia. Dr. Bull's Pills tor Liver Ills. One: pill a dose. Box.VSOJ pills, 10 cts. Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills never gripe. Patrick Trial Postponed. New York, Feb. 4. The Patrick trial was postpone'l this morning owing to the illness of one of the jurors. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best and most famous compound In the world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cure Cuts, hrals Burns and Bruises, subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Millions of Boxes sold v arly. Works wonders In Bolls, Ulcers, Felons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25c. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. FRILLS OF FASHION. The Victorian sleeve Is bell shaped at the elbow and finished with a full gath ered undersleeve of lace or net. The spring dress skirts will continue to fit the figure very closely about the blps mid flnre like a bellfiower from the knees down. The fullness of the latest winter skirts Is carried well to the bnck be neath underfolded plaits, and they are narrowed at the top and are flatter at the sides. Both French and Americnn milliner are making great use of draperies of velvet in two colors or two distinct shades of one color on their most fash ionable models. Long, handsome evening cloaks of cloth in delicate pastel shades, with broad collars of fur appliqued with lace, are noticed at every fashionable evening gathering. Pale golden green, blue and nil the lovely similes of pink are to rule very largely among the Easter and early summer colors both in dress, millinery and the silk embroideries which are to be so remarkably fashionable aaa dec oration. . All the winter muffs of fur and velvet are large, and those of velvet are made in many quaint styles. Some for very dressy occasions are generously trim med with cream colored lace and sable talis, the velvet usually matching the gown In color. New York Post Sandwich Ialanda. The Sandwich Islands resemble Ire land in their freedom from snakes. One species only Is known, and that la not common. Hat Ornaments. The small black soap nuts, or kernels of Sapindus saponaria, take a One pol ish and are threaded as necklaces, ro saries, bracelets and other ornaments. The Qunndong nuts of Australia are frequently strung as necklaces and bracelets and also mounted as scarf pins. : . London Itreeta. The metropolitan police of London look after 8,200 miles of roads and streets. Rheumatism Cured In 24 Hours. T.J. Blackmore, of Haller & Black more, Pittsburgh, Pa, says: "A short time since I procured a bottle of Mystic Cure. It got me out of the house In 84 hou's. I look to my bed with Rheuma tism nine months ago and the Mystic Cure Is the only medicine that did me any good, I had five of the best physi cians In the city, but I received very lit tle relief from them. I know the Mys tic Cure to be what It Is represented and take pleasure. In recommending It to other poor - sufferers."- Hold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. i i mi ' Supply of Steel Short It ; New York, Feb. . The supply of steel billets In this country is very short and some anaiety Is being eiperessed by interests in the United States Steel Cor poration over the situation. ) Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Price J !5 cts; large bottle S.IJcts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Nea j ralgia. Soreness, Sprains, Backache- tmiines, cuts, Bruises, W ound.i, swell ings. Burnj and Fr wJ't'teC, Sanation Oil kills all pain. RiLEISn. Dedication of Dormitory of Soldiers Home. . Motion te leva Up Cases Bat rem Ceart Docket CaMwell. Ceaaty . Sheetlag Case. A aether TUwtaaeer. Elver Asaretrla- . Ueas Certain. RaiaieB. Feb. A la the Supreme ooarl today a motion was made to ad vance all the tax cases now on the docket, three including the sewing ma chine cases, eto. Randolph oo. today called on the State for 1163, and Ashe for the great sum of $M9t, to keep their publie schools open 4 months. The figures from Ashe are simply astounding to the officials. The local event of today here was the dedication of the dormitory at the Sol diers' Home. The eiercises began at aoon, In the presence of the State of ficers, the Confederate veterans, the Daughters of the Confederacy and many citizens. The day was One aad every thing was well carried out. Governor Aycock who was Introduced by Dr. B. F Dizon, of the trustees, made the speech if presentation, and Julian 8. Oarr, the commander of the Confederate veterans in this Stste, accepted the building on behalf of the board ot trustees, of which he Is a member. Be was Introduced by ! A. B. Rtronach, chairman of the siecu-1 tive committee of the home. Musto was furnished by the orchestra of the Insti tution for the blind, which wne tendered by the principal. Lunch was served to the Inmates of the home and also to the Daughters of the Confederacy by D. H. Hill Chapter. The dormitory Is fereatly admired. It Is beautifully furnished and really looks like a mode! boarding school for girls, so extremely neat and attrac tive Is It In all its details. 11. S. Ward of Plymouth, was today appointed one of the board of managers of the Plymouth colored normal school. Clayton is to have a paper, the News It is also to have two tobacco ware bouses. Much Interest Is ez pressed here by lawyers In regard to the shooting and killing of H. L. BberrllU an attorney of Lenoir, Caldwell county, by Fred Dade at Old Fort. Congressman Pou ssys the bill for the Improvement .of the Cape Fear river to Fayetteville will pass. A Legacy Of The Grip Is often a run-down system. Week necs, nervousness, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack or this wretched dlsesse. The gretest need . then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator ot Stomach, Liver and Kidney. Thou sands have proved that they wonderful ly strengthen the nerves, build np the system, and restore to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If gof fering, try them. Only 60c. PeTftct satisfaction guaranteed by O. D. B ad ham. Test or Oil as Mary Fael. Washington, February 8. The Navy Oepartmeut is about to experiment with Texas oil An estimate of $80,000 la to be sent to Congress, and If It Is appro priated oil will be tested to ascertain whether It can be nsed a fuel for the navy. ' Wide Sweep ot Storm. ; Washington, Feb. 4 A blizzard has been prevailing In pert of the Middle Atlantic States, the Lower Lake region and New England. The temperature has fallen from 19 to 10s In that section. Maximum wind velocities were reached at Block Island, off the Rhode Island coast, where the storm blew 64 miles an hour, 00 miles at NewYork city and 56 miles at Buffalo. The bodies of several sailors were washed ashore near Bell port, L L ' The Scbepp, a fall rigged ship, the large tugs John E. Barwlnd and C. 8. Atwood. and other craft were wrecked la that vicinity. ' Shad For N.C Riven. special to Journal. : Washinotoh, Feb. 4 Congressman Charles R. Thomas has received a letter from tho U. 8. Fish Commission, which states that liberal plants of shad will be made In Neuse, Trent, and Capo Fear Rivers. . . Ask For an American Cable. Washinqtoh, Feb. $. Secretary Root has sent to Congress resolution by the American Chamber of Commerce at Ma nila urging Congress to provide for a Pacific cable, the cable to be of Ameri can manufacture and to be laid by ship flying the American flag. When yon want a physio that Is mild end gentle, easy to take aad oleasaat In effect use Chettberlafo's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, J5 cents. Samples free. Every box guaraatsed. For sale by F 8 Duffy Co. '' ' The claim of other cough medicines to be a good as Chamberlain's are effect ually set at rest In the following testi monial of Mr, 0. D. Glass, an employee of Bartlett Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. He says: "Load kept adding to a cold and cough In the winter of 1807,- trying every cough medicine I heard of with out permanent help, until one day I was In the drug store of Mr. Boulehas and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money If I was not cored. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured ty this remedy, and have since always tnra ed to It when I got a cold, and sooa find relief. I . also rowmmend It to r ? friends and am f 1 to y it is the 1 i of all oorh ,udues." For ealo If F. B. & Co. - V7RCX 0!f SEABOARD. AtJ "ease- Wvr Hear ftitclrn. Can Dora Embaakmeat. Special to JoarnaL RaLlion, February 4. The Seaboard Air Line freight train ran Into the draw at Keuse river, six miles north of here, aad sevrateen cars are la the river, or down the rmbankmeat. The passenger train south bouad, la blocked there. ,No ooeJard lnjihe wreck. IMMENSE LOSS. Damsre by Fire at WaUrtmry, Conn , is . , Felly 11,000,000. Pour Acres Are ia Ruins. Watkbbust, Conn., Feb. 8. For 18 hours from 5. SO p. m. Sunday nntll O.dO a. m. today the heart of this city was a furnace. - - As the smoke of the ruins Is dying away with the gale It is estimated that between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 dam age ha been done. With the lod roaring at 60 miles an hour all the prin cipal fire departments of the State were powerless for a long time to cope with the destroying wall of dame. With all this great property loss there has been, strange to say, - no loss ot life, and but few accidents have been record ed.' All the buildings In the business sec tion boended on the north by Exchange Place, oa the west by Bank street, on the south by Grand street and oa the east by South Mala street, embracing fnar acres of the center ot the cky, are in ruins. aw While the Short Hand of tl.e clock travels twice around the dial Perry Davlx' Painkiller will cure a cold; will ease the tightness across th chest and hence will banNh the fear of pneu monia. ''Just a little cold" does not be come a misery that clings until roses hloom if you have recourse to this never falling b -lp. There Is but one Pain killer, Perry Davis'. A HASTY MARRIAGE. Ind th BM Wan Kot tho One the Wmi Sannht. Oliver Cromwell was so great a man that he dwarfed bis surroundings, and K is singular how little the majority of people knew about the family and fam ily Rf of thle "the most typical Eng lishman of all Umo." lie had three daughters, the youngest of whom was Frances. Her attractions must have been considerable. The young woman bad several love affairs, but certainly the one that had a most amusing ter mination was her flirtation with her father's chaplain, Jerry White. One day the protector surprised Jer ry on hie knees In the very act of klss tnf the lady's hand. Cromwell coldly demanded the meaning of the scene, and Jerry, with a pretty wit, exclaim ed that he had long been courting "that young gentlewoman, my lady's woman." although without success. He was now therefore humbly praying her ladyship to Intercede for him. ' Cromwell turned at once to the wait ing women and requested to be Inform ed why abe refused the honor his friend, Mr. White, would do her. The young woman, fully equal to the occa sion, replied magnanimously that If Mr. White Intended her that honor ahe would not be so churlish as to deny him. "Call Godwin, returned Crom well, and the pair were married straightway. RllMUIon of Aa". , . Two attorneys who had slipped past the meridian of life without hardly observing the fact were talking about ages while eating a deliberate lunch eon in the Lawyers' club a couple of days ago when one of them told a sto ry which embodies the experience of more then one man. "It really came to me with a little shock,'' he said. "I took a sleeper at Buffalo for New York, and there wero only half a doaen men aboard when I retired for the night In the morning' while In the toilet room brushing my hair I saw la the mirror the reflection of the beck of an old gentleman I did not remember seeing before. He ap peared much older than any man I had noticed on the car the night be fore, and I made np my mind that he had come aboard after I had gone to bed. , : 1 watched the reflection while ar ranging my hair and then turned. In tending to speak to the old gentleman. Ton can Imagine my surprise when I found that I bad been looking at the reflection of my own back." New fork Herald. : nwfenl Somnna swA Rots. It hi a crrrkroe fact that musical sonnda fly farther and are heard at a greater distance than those which are more load and noisy. If we go on the outside of a town during a fair, at the distance of a mile we hear the musical instruments, but the din of the multi tude, which la so overpowering in the place, can scarcely be heard, the noise dying on the spot. To those who are conversant with the power of musical tnetnunenta the following observations win be tmdonrtood: The violins made at Orwnona about the yeer 1000 are arjpertor to tone to any of a later date. age seeming to dispossess them of their noisy ' Qualities and leaving nothing bat the pure tone. If a modern violin te played by the side of one of those instruments, tt will appear much the kroder of the two, but on receding a hundred pacea when compared with the Cremona it will scarcely be heard. Blizzard la Central New York. Oaelds, N. T.. Feb. 8. A fierce bltz terd Is raging In Central New Tork. The thermometer Is below io. Know ll foar feet deep and rail rad traffic Is bIyfiked- " - ' ' " , ; V,:il EiTlte Kr. Cleveland. Washington, Feb. 1 It was sail it t'.e White House to dsy that Grover Cleveland will be among the dlatin gii'i'.ed guests to be Invited to attend t',a d'nner which President Kooaetelt v "1 In l"nnr of Tiluce Uenry of ICC j r lu l.ik.VXXXiiAW.k. The Kind Yon Have Alwaji la use for rrcr SO yers, and sonal aaperrialoa sine tta Infancy. 4-CUCA4H Allow na on to dvdT tm la thU. All Counterfeits, Imitations ane M Jost-as-fi-eod" swe bat Experiments that trifle isitb and endaAg-er tb beoUth osT Infants and Children Expejaienew aralnat Experiment What lo CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute few Csavte Oil, Pan gorlc, Drops and Sootbinf Symse. It la neessn. II contains neither Opium, Morphine new ether Bareotlo substance. Its age is Its roaraatee. II destroys Wonts and allays Feverbthneea. It cures DtearhoM aad Wlad Colic. It relieves Teething Treoblea, emres Ooeaattiorfloa , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Feed, reejtileten the Stomach and Bowels, srlvlnf healthy i The Children's Panacea GENUINE CASTO R I A AWAY Bean th Tie KM You Have Always Bonght In Use For Over 30 Years. - TM WrraeJH WPm7. TT I ARE fSst IF m Mm DEAF r "RliP ALL CASKS OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE WOW OURADLB by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are lacnrabav HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. YYIRMAN, OP BAkTIMORK, AYI BA&TimBn. M&, ntfeh to, Mt. Gmtlemtn .-Brio entirely cnttd of dmfn. Iha1ni to yonr Inatanot, 1 will aw f" ym a full history of my cae, to be uictl t your discretion. - - , , " About five yean ago my right or began to (tag, aad tali best oa lSnag MM, naU I hmt my hearing ia tiiia ear entirely. . ' ' ' 1 underwent a treatment for caturr, for tare rnoetha, whbent utiMM, snnltte natn. berof physician, among other, the moat eminent taf pceiHt f tki eUy. wh sale thai only an operation could help me, and eeea that only temBorarlly, that U head aoat would then ceae, but the hearing in the affected ear wo. Id be last foreTer. I theu aaw roiir adrertiaement accidentally in a Hew Trk rr aw" yr treat ment. After I had ned It onWafew day according lo year direction, tanoieaceaMd, aaa to-dav, after fire weeka. my hearing In the diaea.ed ear ha ken entirely reel red. I thaak yoa . heartily and bet to ru:itt Very traly your." - n.WntKAK,iaarandwa,nUlniot,laA . our trciitM4 tloea ro interfere with yor ti eeceaen. J YOU m CURE YOURSRF AT K&Kt "V.TU WTZATIDm AURAL ClimS, 5ft IA Milt Aft, CMrCASI, ILL AffliifflHEllE to invest on the ground floor with owners, in a developed free milling gold niine that has produced, and has expended oa it ' - ' . t Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledate and a complete Ave stamp mill, with an other necessary machinery ready to no. ? The Ozark is not a prospect, but a aiiae thai has prorloeed. fe are placing 100,000 shares of development stock, at SSfie per share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 eaefa), folly paid and non-assese able, to further develop and put the property on a paying basis, -- A property lying near the Osark, with nowhere as' good a shoeing and very little development, sold last week to a Kew Tork syndicate for t'. 0O,o 0. The Osark will pay dividends and bs worth par Inside of six months. This is the best Investment for the money, that has ever been offered to the investing publte. j . - : . v Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. For further particulars, prospectns, report on mine, references, ote., - ' . ',"r. v. . AD RES'3, r , ' . ' - Ozatk Gold Mining & Wing Co, noscow, IDAHO.' J J. A. JOKES, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Largest' and ever offered for Bala in New rem. Also a complete line of Envies, Cart Wheel?, io. . V . i t.,. . l.-i - CUII f V ' v v ' u ni BoojLt, mA which bM been tuht bora the algnotmrw " ni baa been made nnder bis per- The WetTter! Elgmatmrt of SV"i iiu ) ililT HEAD tab 38 finest Stock cf A Cr Loiltft h j Jt receive i. Yi"i;;8i L : Hutes, TiLiru. ' ., a 4 ti i. , . i. w v.. ..

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