a&Uu tUr to no recfted k to, ilexes. Mmug l.lnl t. ao easy ' and a sure .way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs andinsure healthy throat action is to take half a glassf ull of water put into ; it a teaspoonful of ; : Mexican Mustang hTzf, ; Iiintoent nd with this gargle th throat at frequent Intervals. Then bathe the outalde of the throat thoroughly with the lint " inont and after doing this pour noma on soft cloth and wrap . around the seek. It is rOSITIVH CHfUS. SSo., 80c. and tt.00 bottle. IT If KV DC Vfllt bar kbff been troubled with fanning II MAT DC lUU ore or nloer. Treat it at onoe with Mexfc. can Mm tang Lllment and yon oaa depend upon a speedy our. . Negro Colony In Iowa. - : j ' Baitings, Iowa, Feb. 1 A. negro from Clrnce Wallace, the negro who kill southern Alabama baa been In thtt conn' d hla wife in thbclty, In last Pecomber ty for the paat three day getting op tions on largo tracks if the finest land in Hills county, Are miles east of Ta bor. His Idea ts to colonise negroes for farming and gardening purpose to place their prodncta In Omaha markets OAQTOnXA ' Hfaaui f . A Blj Fire in Petenrnrf. ' Petersburg", VV February t The large crate and berry basket plant of the Bouthslde Ma 'ufaciurtcg Company In ibis city, with all toe stock Includ ing 1,100,000 fruit baskets, was destroyed 1. Am.' rru r ik tk aim - 000 and $7i',0'i partial),' Insured. . All Day Long,' you may have, comparative comfort un til laughter, reading aloud or nervous excitement brlogs on the fit of Coughing which racks you until your; very bones ache. llo not' suffer needlessly. Kyen . when a cold on the lungs seems, io have -yon fast tn Its dreadful power, Alien's Lung Balsam will loosen the mucus; al lay the Inflammation, ' heal the aching throat and Anally overcome' the enemy completely.' ' ' ' ' ' . j COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. , The University or Berlin la to be re built, and a new alto has already been fboaen. - -The average monthly salaries of men teachers In Illinois Is $01.00 and of wo. aen $53.51. ' The attorney general of Minnesota faaa ruled that the as of the Lord's Prayer tn the public, school of that put la unconstitutional. . Thla ruling la based on the following: "Nor shall any man be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship." 1 The Rev. L. B. Holden, president af the University of Wooster, 0, which - (was recently burned, announce that a (well kuown millionaire baa promised to contribute $100,000 toward the re building of the Institution provide that $40,000 shall be raised la IVooster land $100,000 from outside source. :, IJ3 TJIIBIlnl Sufferers from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it r-not necessarily from the parents, but rosy be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer eftea runt through several fenerations. This deadly poison may ley dormant in the blood foi years, or until you reach middle life, the the first little sore or ulcer cashes lt ap pearance or a swollen gland in- tn ' breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. - ':: ". To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous vims mart b eliminated from the blood every vtitagl of it driven out,.. This 8. 8. 8. dots, tni Is the only medicine that can reach deep- - seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison baa been forced ami of the system the C tear heal, and Utf disease sever return. ' Cancer befrlnsoften la a I : 1 way, a th 'following letter from xnre, I vevi A small pimple eameea my kt below the ear e the Ufl etda el a ee. mt ao pain or laeonese- ?ince, a ad I saotild bare orexxtea (bout tt had H lotDcrun lo Inflame tad ich; it would bleed a . little, then scab over, tint would nut twal This continued fnr some time, wtHii me Jaw brgaa te ewll. becomiu eere painful.. The Cancer he- : ' gait to eat end apread, until it waeai larre aa a halfdollar.wbenl heard J of 8. 8. 8. a ad determitk- . ed to alvt it a (air trial, v end it wat lemark-.b.s. v' What a woi'lerfnl encet ' tt had from the very bp Inntrce; (Hr baal and au?r taafpR a fw botUce t entirely, 1 waa Iwoytirtara j ao aina ef Ilia Onear, and af fr 1 hmnk , KMLaaa. I.a jaia. is the creauut of ail i tlood piuUira, and tbi only en f narantead f ' purely ve"turfjl. bond -' - v for our book on Cancer, contcininv valuaMn 1 titeresV Insj information about this 4, aid Wf if e enr h ysicinn abont ymirr . Vv' j!1,''K-" f r trtpf'U I a 1 . i - t i . J t i, ' i way Murderer Gives Himself Up. yesterday came down from Dover, where be has been hiding, and sending Word to the police here, gave himself up last night, and Is now in close- confine ment. Haw Bert Pnolic library. The ladles of the Library Committee have decided lo have "the Library open every day from to o'clock in the afternoon end from 8 to 10 every even Ing, Boadays ei cepted The librarian will be responsible for the books, keep them in place, attend to subscriptions snd see that books are re turned at the proper time. The chair man of the committee, Mrs Seymour, will be glad to receive applications from those who would like the position of Librarian by Saturday.. The salary to be I0.00 per month. Wintry Weather Continues. The change In weather Sunday, from the rainy spell of the previous five da)s to clear, sunshiny weather, was enjoy able, but with the clearing skies came a gale of wind which prevailed aM day, the temperature eadlly falling from a maximum of 71 degrees to a mlulmum of 17 degrees in the 84 hour. , Tuesday morning threatened snow, but during the day the weather changed to colder, with .clear skies and a mini mum temperature of 24 degrees. A continuation ' of the same kind of weather seems probable today. ' . Base BaU In the Bible. A North Mlniourl editor, who first studied baseball rules when a Sunday school boy, enter Into the following antiquities of the national gamer ''The Devil wat the first coacher. Eve stole first. Adam stole second. When Isaac met Rebecca at the well, she was walk ing with a pitcher.. Samson struck out a good many when he best the Philis tine. : Hoses made bis first run when he slew the Egyptian". CIn made a base bit when he killed Abel. Abraham mad a sacrifice. The prodigal son made a home run." David was a long distance thfower, and Moses shut out the Egyptians at the Red Bea." Wash ington Times. ' Landslide in Austria. Vienna, Feb. . The greater part of Bleeburg, Carlnlhla, with nineteen per sons Is entombed today beneath a land- slid. ; - ' , X. ; Many Sea Disasters. . . Kew York, Feb. 8 -Incoming steam ers this morning bring news of many disasters ty laat sight's gile at sea alxng the ltew ,'rey and Long Island shores. Two ocean going tugs were rescued by the German steamship Barcelona before they founded, Quantities jt wreckage Is trwn along th coasts." - ' . . aaaaaawii i 1.9 miners Dead. : Austin, Feb. I. A dispatch from Sa bine, Meilco, ay "The work of mov ing th dead out of the Hondo mines Is progressing all day. Some of the.cham ber nav u t yet been entered, owing to the fact that they are b'ooi ed and filled with debris. The total number of dead bodies to far removed reaches 10$. " ' : ; . :-: ' - Hliers Killed By Explosion. Ban Antonio, Teias, Feb. 1 Eighty Ave miners hilled and 79 more buried' ander debris is the fearful record rmde by a dust ei plosion at the Hondo Mines Iq Msztco, the news of which waa re ceived her late to night. , Gun Explodes on Kearsage. Washington, Feb. 8. The Navy De partment was notified today that a five Inch gun on the Kearsage exploded jes ter day at San Juan. Too vessel was due to leave for Guantanmo. Aldermen Konthly Xeettnt;. Ths regular saoathly meeting of the City Alderman . was held last night, Mayor Patiarsoa, presiding, and the fol i lowing Atderaea present, McCarthy Lane, Barrtngtoa, Watson, Bcalea, Ires, Phillip, Davenport, Johasoa. A petllloa from ctUxena waa reoeived asking that on hoe wagoa horse b kept eoosunlly In th stable, so that ther 'might b no delsy in car of Ar. ; Chief J. Q. Lelemar, wb waa present was asked his opinio, and gav It, that It wonld b a good thing to faava a bora la oa windy dajrt, but not otherwise. Long discussion followed. Alderman Watsoa mating motion that petitloa be granted. Aldermaa Lane thought elty could not afford to keep bora ia all th time, but that work might be given which could keep a horse nearby at all time. Alderman Lane offered to amend the Watson motion, by adding, that th mat ter be left to the fir committe to con fer with Chief of Fir Department, and to regulate same, voting aye, . Lane, Davenport, Phillip, Bcaiea, Jbhnion. Carried. H. C. Whitehnrst, on a question of back taxes, took quit a long time to discurs, matter beta deferred for con sultation, and possible agreement. Chief Delemar.aaked that Board offer a reward for the arreat of any person or persons sending in false alarms of fire. un motion Alderman Watson, a re ward of $25.00 will be given by the city for the arrest and conviction of such guilty parties Chief Delemar also called attention to tne fact tnat tno Ore alarm syttem, no tably the fire alarm bell at City Hall wat In bad order. Architect H. W. Simpson was called upon and made statement of condition of bell tower, and what remedies should be made to pnt aame In proper shape. Alderman Watson, committee on fire Insurance for city property made his re port, accepted and Mr. Watson dl' charged from further duty In the nut ter. Aldermen Scales for committee report ed that bell at A. & N. U. shops could bo secured and used by the city for an nouncing fires. Committee on conltlon of section In vicinity of Attmore and Pasteur streei made Its report. On motion of Alderman Barrlngton It was carried, that the Board requests ths fire companies, to count no tires that are set. A request from Elizabeth City that this city loan it one of the steam fire en gines from here was refused, as being against the safety of this place. Alderman Ives and Davenport were appointed delegates to attend the Good ltoads convention at Haleigli. " Alderman Ives made motion that com mittee on streets be instructed to plant shade trees on streets in ibl city. Car ried. Committee on lights, repotted thtt city had received the money for the sale of electric light bonds, and aame was In city bank. Discussion as to time of building power house for electric light system, provoked considerable discussion, TheLastHeard.Oflt. "My little boy took the croup one night aud soon grew so bad you could hear him all over the bouse,' says F. 0. Reynolds, Mansfield, O. "We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure quickly relieved blm and he went to sleep. That's the last we heard of the croup, : Mow Isn't a cough cure like that valuable f One-Minute Cough Cure is absolutely safe and acts Immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung troublea It is a certain cure. Very pleasant to take. The little ones like it. F. 8. Duffy. . Steamer Neuse Here Today. The steamer Neuse which has been undergoing repairs at Newport News for the past two weeks, will arrive here this morning .and resume her regular t-chedule, leaving here at 0 o'clock this evening. ' Death of Mrs. Hughes. Fayetteville Observer, 8rd. " Mrs, Adeline Edmunds Hughes, widow of the late Nicholas Colin Hughes, of Chocowlnlty, died yesterday morning In this city at the-vreeldence of her son. Rev. I. W. Hughes, th rector of St. John's church.' ' - Mrs. Hughes was the daughter of Dr. Robert Williams, and was born In Pitt county on August 8th, 1810, Four chil dren survive her, as follows, Mr. John Hughes, of Virginia; Mrs C. C. Oalrert, of Dennlson, Tex.; Rev. N. O. Hughes, of Chocowlnlty, and Rev. I. W. Hughes, of this city. -.-. . , . ; The remains were taken to Chocowln lty for burial today at noon, and were acoompanied by Rev, L W. Hughes and Mr. John Hughes. Salary Mo Inducement Washington, February 1 Mr. Lyman J. Gage who retired from the cabinet to day, has declined to accept the presi dency of the International Banking Cor poratlon of New Tork at a salary of $100,000, , , ; , ' . t- ,, " i iiiwanytsaMasii t A Convincing Answer. ; , 'I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon'a drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked tne to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism with which I had suffered for long time. I told him I had no faith In any medicine as they had all failed. He said: 'Well If Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for It.' I took a bottle home and used it according to the direction and In one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism.' Sold by F. 8. Duffy & Co. WASHINGTON LETTER tnsdal Cerreepondenoe. Th Society of Washington Artist ha taken th tcttlatlT lo a movement to ret la thla city a building to meet th need of many organlaatlona for th holding of convention, exhibition and affair of a aoclal nature. To this end the society ha Issued a call for a conference at tb Cosmo club th af ternoon of Feb. 13 at S o'clock of deb gat of auch organisation for the pnr pow of discussing tb matter and agreeing itpon a plan of action. A planned the proposed bulldiug will be f Imposing and artistic proportions. The scientific, patriotic and artistic aocletle bar long felt the need of such a building and have been striving each hi its own way, for the realization of this desire. For thla reason it ha been deemed wise to call a conference of those Interested, as it la believed that united effort will sooner effect the purpose than will separate action on the part of each organization. The call issued by the artists state that there is a wish at this time, which la by no moans local, to beautify Wash ington; and th pork commission has provided a alto for Just such a building aa la contemplated. Senator McMillan ha introduced In the senate a bill which carries an appropriation of $3, 000,000 for the erection and mainte nance dTTlfls building. Red Ma ail AH. Two Indians were at the capltol see ing the sights. Tbey gazed at the sen ate and the bouse with Immovable countenances. Tbey were shown all the picture without eliciting even o much aa a grunt, and even the height of the rotunda seemed to fall to lm press tbem. Suddenly, however, they discovered over a door leading from the rotunda to the house of representatives a marble group representing a white man fighting with an Indian. The white man bas his gun upraised warding off the batcbet of the Indian, which -is abont to fall upon bis head. The moment the Indians saw this group their apathy disappeared. Here was something tbey could understand and appreciate. They stood for some time in front of the marble figures talk ing earnestly in tbelr deep guttural tones. "Whnt do they soy?" some one asked the guide who was with tbem. "They say," was the reply, "that the man with the guu could never save himself unless he changed bis position. Tbey say that the Indian can very easi ly take the white man's scalp." Which sbows that tbe untutored red man is a critic from a practical point of view. , The Three Statues. Secretory Hitchcock visited the cnpl tol the other day to appear before one of the house committees. In the course of conversation before the hearing be gan lie bad occasion to make fiomo ref erence to Scott circle, which is on Six teenth street. Just north of the secreta ry's residence. He could not, however, think of the name of the circle and at tempted to describe it "You know tbe place I mean," said tbe secretary, appealing to tbe con gressman who sat opposite him. "It is the circle which has so many statues In it the statues representing the three departments state, war and Interior." "Oh, Mr. Secretary," said the con gressman, "you mean Scott circle." "Yes," replied Mr. Hitchcock. "But,"' persisted the congressman, "I don't understand about tbe three stat ues." - "Well," said Mr. Hitchcock, "Scott stands for th'e. war department, Web ster for the state department and Dr. Hahnemann, the homeopath, for the In terior department." - Max Iiosa Ba China- Beach. In a recommendation forwarded to congress by the war department there la a possibility that Washington will be without a bathing beach next sum mer. Through the. secretary of tbe treasury nn estimate for an appropria tion of $100,000 was forwarded to con gress for tbe Improvement of what Is known as Potomac park, the area of which include most of the ground oc cupied by tbe bathhouses and pavilions of tbe bathing beach. In the estimate as transmitted was the provision that the law establishing a free bathing beach on tbe tidal reservoir near the monument should be repealed, the dis trict commissioners'' relinquishing all rights in tbe premises.1 V' A Beantlfal Present.' Representative Young and Major J. M. Carson presented to the president the other day two handsomely bound volumes sent blm by the Friendly Sons of St Patrick ot Philadelphia. One of these contained resolutions adopted by the society in September last on the death of President McKlnley. The res olutions are engrossed In beautiful style, and the volume Is handsomely bound In green. The other volume con tained a history of this ancient socie ty, together with a history of the Hi bernian society. y --j J ' The president told his callers that bis father's mother waa Irish and was from .Pennsylvania and that he was proud of .this strala of his blood. - ' , Plana Fe the Hew Waahtagtoa. - ' The plans, pictures and models to ac company tbe report of the special park commission on the Improvement of th District are now on exhibition nt the Corcoran art gallery. On the regular free days of th gallery no admission will be charged to see tbe exhibit Oa tb other days ar. admission fee of 8S cent will be charged. The free day are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday rt Sunday. It was originally the desire atf the commission to charge no admit sion, bnt It waa feared this would re sult in crowds which could not be han dled easily. Later, after the rush if over, it is the intention of the eommia , sion to abolish the admission fee alto gctber.t w - -.' Cabl Souofiklp. ; v Fire at Goldsboro. Goldsboro, V, C, February 1 The to bacco factory of Prltchard Wiastead was burned nere to night Ther were about 873,000 pounds of tobaco . In the building, valued at $13,0C0, insurance $33,000. :., :,J;:.. ;.,;, f ' SZf A Cabinn Possibility. "Washington, Feb. l-Joseph Manley of Maine hat bem mentioned as a pos slblo member of the cabinet when the new department of commerce Is created. CUP OF HOT COFFEE Delia and I bad our first disagree ment We wer invited to visit my un cle, and Delia Insisted on taking brr Jewel. ', W traveled first for tbe sake of ap pearance. It would never do to let my ancle think that we generally went second class. Beside my own luggage I took a good died bag In tbe carriage with us, and at tbe bottom of that was a email handbag with Delia a Jewels. Delia tbougbt that way. was safer. Tbe train wit Just starting when an old gentleman climbed painfully Into our carriage. Ho was peculiarly dress ed in a very loud check ulster, and be a Tarn O'Sbanter cap with two ribbons hanging down at the back. He had white hair and a white Lcard and fierce eyes. I was almost afraid of him, but Delia whispered, "What a nice old gentleman!" as he sat down in the op posite corner. The three of us sat in strained silence for a long time. Suddenly the old gen tleman grunted, "Stuffy!" aud looked around nt us. "Stuffy!" lie grunted again. And then he asked IVlin very politely If she would mind him opening tbe window. Delia didn't mind, and we got 'Into conversation with the old gentleman. He was a Scotchman going back to bis home In the north. His name was Me CoUn Colin McCoIln of SoIrpI's Brae. Then he began talking about tbe storms we had experienced lately. Tbe fishing people of bis district bud suffered se verely. Their boats had gone out and not returned, and tbe families were destitute. When he grew more confid ing, he told us that as a matter of fact he was Just returning from business in connection with these accidents, for which he bad been organizing subscrip tions. Immediately afterward lie seem ed very sorry that he had let the secret out. Delia had tears in her eyes, and I blew my nose. Delia kept on nudging my arm. I could not understand why at first, but presently I did. "If you would permit me," said I (De lia was nudging my nrm all the time), "to offer if you would accept a trifle from us toward helping these" "My dear sir," Interrupted Colin Mc Colin, "I could not possibly allow you to do such a thing." "But tbe poor people must be so un happy," said Delia. "And we would be only too glnd." "I am delighted to meet with such sympathy," said the old gentleman, "but it is really quite impossible." ; He began to talk of something else. But Delia asked him again, and In tbe end be said be bad never been able to refuse a lndy. That Is Just what I think about Delia. So In the end we wrote our names on a piece of paper, and he accepted something for the fishermen. And Just as be thanked us and put the slip of paper back into his pocket the train drew up for its first wait. "We stop here ten minutes," said the Old gentleman. Delia said that she Would like a cup of coffee. She glanced up at the bag on tbe rack as she left the carriage. "Oh, I'll look after your luggage," said Colin McColin. "I shan't get out." "Tbnnk you so much," said Delia I very sweetly. The buffet was nt tbe other end of the platform. The coffee was not nice, and It was very hot, but it is not wise to drink out of the saucer under tbe withering eyes of a railway refresh ment maid. "Besides," said Delia, reading my thoughts. "Besides there's heaps of time." "You say so," I retorted. "And again," said Delia, "drinking coffee is an art." "Losing trains Is also an art," 1 ob served. "What an old silly you nre!" said De lia. "Didn't Mr.-Mr. Mac What was it, Jackr "Do hurry up," I said to Delia rather Irritably, "or leave your coffee. We shall certainly miss the train." "I'm not going to be wasteful," said Delia. She grasped the handle of the cup courageously. She was lifting it to her lips when a shout startled me, and I sprang through the swing doors Just in time to see our end of the train moving rapidly, by me. The old gentle man was leaning out of the wlnflow and waving bis arms. He shouted as he saw me standing at the doors. "I'll put your bag down at the next statlonl" be cried. "The next station!" ue snouted rrom tne distance. - Delia came leisurely on to the plat-: form, v "What horrid coffee that was!" said she and waved her handkerchief in farewell to McColin, still leaning out of the carriage window. "How very fortunate that be should be there to look after the bag my Jewels and all," she finished in a kind of gasp. "Very lucky," I sold. But somehow I began to feel du bious., - ' . V There were thirty-five mluutcs before the next train stopped at tbe station and we could continue our Journey. At the next station I inquired after the bag. but tbe officials at the cloakroom knew nothing whatever of the old gen- j tleman or the bog. When I explained! tins to venn. i am airaia mar sue iosi ner temper, ror ine secona time xnai week. . ::..,'-. 1 "Men are so stupid!" said she, after gome time. "To be taken In like that!" I reminded ber gently, but emphatic ally, that If I had had my way she would not have token her Jewels. . It was the last we ever saw of tbem or of that very nice old gentleman, Colin McColin of Selgel's Brae. When Delia tells this story, she says It was three pounds that I gave to Colin McColin for bis distressed fisher men, 1 am quite sure it was not half as much as that Though 1 was rather cross over the occurrence at the time, I think It was a lesson for Delta. Pen ny Pictorial Magazine. - - NEW RIVAL". FACTORY, LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS ;outsboot all other black powder shells, because they are mado .better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of .powder, shot and wadding. Try them and you will be convinced. ALL REPUTABLE DEALERS KEEP THBtt COLLABORATION Philip Herbert, brie fleas barrister and struggling author, applied to his friend David Reid f&r work to belp him over a alack season. Reid obtain ed a commission for him to collaborate in writing a novel with a Mrs. Endl cott a rich young widow, who devoted a considerable portion of her tim to literary work. The lady, who had been extremely businesslike In arranging term with Ire, soon revealed a quality of ten, per and disposition which considerably aggravated the ditUcultie of hi work "Really," she said one day, "Mr. Herbert, you ar Incorrigible. In tbi last installment ef the story which 1 have received from you 1 find you have deliberately departed from my written instructions and from tbe carefully drawn up synopsis of the plot with which I provided you. This is not the first nor" Excuse me. Mrs. Endlcott, but will yon kindly tell me in what essential point I have failed to observe yoor in structions?" "I warned you before," continued the widow, "that the lovemaklng in the story was to be held in check until we had reached the twentieth chapter, yet in the fifteenth you turn the hero into a mere moonstruck, philander Ing" Ue started to his feet, saying ab ruptly: "I quite understand you, Mrs. Endl cott &nd there Is no occasion for an other word of explanation. I have in deed come here expressly to tell you that I must relinquish all further share in your literary project." His altered tone and manner seemed to embarrass her, and she held ber head down as if anxious to avoid his gaze. After a moment's pause be added. while placing 5 sovereigns and a slip of paper on the table before her: "I received 25 from you, Mrs. End! cott I now return f 5 and give you an undertaking. to repay the balance witb In three weeks from the present date. The relinquishment of tbe work which you engaged me to do involves, in my opinion, nn unwarrantable breach of our agreement and I must pay forfeit accordingly." "Oh. Mr. Herbert, ( hope you will not"- But words were useless now, for the handsome though somewhat haggard looking young man had abruptly left the room the moment be had finished speaking. Ten days after this unpleasant inci dent the widow called upon Mr. Reid, lier lawyer, a benevolent looking man of sixty, who. Instead of greeting Mrs. Endicott with his usual cheery smile, bowed gravely as she entered his room, an unmistakable expression of disappointment in his shrewd yet klnd iy fuce. "What's the matter?" she asked, with a familiar nod, for the lawye? was an old and valued friend. "I was Just now thinking about my young friend, Philip Heroert, and" "The very person that I wish to speak to yon about" she said quick ly, and then in a few words told hlr of the collapse of her arrangements with the young barrister, adding that she hod written to his address at the Temple inviting him to resume his suspended worlk. but bad received no reply to her letter. "Nor are you likely to receive one, Mrs. Endlcott. Mr. Herbert is very 111. He must have recently suffered a se vere mental shock, I fancyi At any rate, one of the best and most amiable of men Is now so 111 that his life. is despaired of." Mrs. Endlcott dropped her veil and, rising to her feet, muttered a few words lnnudlbly and then left the law yer's office and hurried to her carriage. That evening when David Reid call ed at the Temple to Inquire as to the condition of his sick friend the char woman, Mrs. Lorrlgan, a bibulous and plethoric person, who was Herbert's only attendant Informed him that a professional nurse bad arrived at the chambers only an hour before to take charge of the sufferer. : After three weeks of acute suffering, pale and emaciated, the young barris ter was able to sit up in bed and con verse with tbe doctor, whose parting . words to him that night were "You owe your life mainly to your nurse, Mr. Herbert You must alwaya remember that." The professional nurse came at 10 p. m. "Did a lady call here while I waa ill, nurse t' suddenly asked the con vales, cent waking from a refreshing sleep. "No, sir." - , ; "Fact Is, I owe a lady some money, and if she should call" "She Is not likely to call for it sure ly," said tbe nurse in a low voice. "She may do so, for I always found ber very harsh and exacting." - After a pause he added: "And yet nurse, she is dearer to me than anybody els tn the world. I love her." ;, f'Why, did she treat you badly t" ' "Well, I fancy she guessed my secret and resented my presumption, for she 8 rJcn an(1 t nm though heaven ilnowg no sordid thought ever tainted m iove for Endlcott" There was a pause, and then a con vulsive sob broke from the nurse, and Bhe started to her feet . i "Have I said anything to offend you, nurse?" he asked anxiously, grasping ber hand and pressing it gratefully to :bls pallid lips. . , She bent over blm and looked into his eyes, the dim light from the fire Allaying upon her face. r 4v- i "Mrs. Endlcottr he exclaimed in a (tone of alarm. ' ' " I 'No, Philip; your Rose for life." Another View ef It, "It's hard to be poor." . Not necessarily. A great many peo- ble flnd tt easy enough." Beautiful Thoughts Th sweet, oar breath of the babe te srtitr- restiveuf tiiitocencc end hemith. borne cliil dro ere livht end delicate aa tbe otodevt tower, om are atroittf ud bright, eotne are frail and sick!jr. A Khother's jrearnbiK for children ta Insep arable from a love of the beautiful, and It behooves every woman to brirtaj the tweet est Influence to bear em the subject ot ber maternity. To ma Ve eaajr that period when life Is bora atrain, mm.-ammmtm.i.ttm Mother's Friend la popttlarirnaee'. It la a liniment, easily admlniat.rad and for external uaa anly. No rtek, no axperliiwit, merelv a pala retlevar and harmleaa. Pregnant women ara earnestly entreated to try thla remedy, tt beinn- wideniabty a trlond to ber durina nature'a term of sua. penae, teara ana anticipation. Mother'a Friend, if naed diligently throug hout testation, will soften the brenata, thereby preventing; cracked and sore nipples. AU tleeuca, moeclce and tendona straining with the burden will anften. relax, become soothed, supple and elastic from Its coulia ood application. . . . All fibres In the abdominal region will rs apond readily to the expanding co Ter contain ing th embryo if Mother'a Friend la as mlnletered externally aU during; pregnancy. AU reliable druggists sell thla remedy for 1 per bottle. . . , X really vataeble treatise oa motherhood will be sent free, If yoa writs as. THE BRADTIEID REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. . Wood's Seeds BEST FOR THE SOUTH. SEED POTATOES ONE OF OUR LEADING SPECIALTIES. We have thousands of barrels in stock; the best Halne-grown and Virginia Second Crop Seed. Wood's 1902 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, both as to earliness and yield, with Maine grown and Second-crop seed. It also contains much other useful and valuable information about Potatoes. Write for Cntuloguo and Special Potato Price List. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue tor 1902 gives rcl table, practical, up-to-date information about all Seeds, giving not only descriptions, but tbe best crops to trow, moat successful ways of grow ing different crops, and niucn other In formation of special interest to every Trucker, Gar dener an d Farmer. Hailed tree upon request. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Truckers and Farmers requiring large quantities of seeds are requested to write for special prices.- .Bring it Here If your , carriage needs repairing. Wo will repair It so that it Is as good as new We guarantee our work. Our customers are always satisfied with our work and with our prices. You will be satisfied if you send your work here, because we do only good work. The only place In town you can get any and everything to repair bungles and we can save you money It you will see us before buying. Q. U. Waters & Son, " Phone 185, 78 Broad St, Nuw Bern, N. C. , FOR SALE ! I have a few Horses, Mulep Buggies and Farm Carte, which I have taken in. Wilt be 'sold. low for Cash or on time. , , It will be to yonr interest to see me before buying. J..W. STEWART, , HEADijUARTERSJFOR HARDWARE , And all Kinds of ) 7 HIDING MATERIAL; Heating ' and Cooking Stovna and Ranges,- Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils Varnish, Putty, Saeh, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the nselal articles usually iouna in an Up-to-date Hardware Store. le t CiooiU lowest Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka,. 'IimN, IT. C. Property Vor Kale. I have several desirable ReHMnnce sor sale, situated in tbe best tei' .Umce part of tbe City. Also a number of good building lots in good locuHUcs. j. j.4v,'OLi r;;i ' r