YOLDMI HIT. KXW.BIEH, CRAYEH COCSTT, H. C, TCE3DAT, FEBRUARY I90t FIRST SLCTIOS. KCMBIR 81 RALEIGH. SUFFRAGE IK THE SOUTH. Why is ROYAL JBafcing Powder bet ter thaai a.ny other? Because in its mammoth wotks a cprps of chemical experts is con stantly employed to test every ingre dient and supervise everyx process of manufacture to insure a product ab solutely jpure, wholesome and perfect in every respect The - most wholesome food ; and the most 'digestible .food are made .with .Royal Baking Powder. ' - V "; ' ... r " ' ' ' " i.:. ' ROYAL kAKINO POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM IT NEW YORK. Harry Skinner Takes '..Office., r. Oath of VOICE OP THE PEOPLE. : Set Right. Ed. Jouunal: I notice in this week's Journal, someone front Jasper, signed Voice of the People, is giving ns down ' the road some Tory . timeljr advice, ac cording to hia war' of thinking. He has leen informed that a counter petition has been circulated opposing free de livery, and of course puts the blame upon the postmaster at Bellalr. I hereby state that I have not signed pot circulated a petition against free delivery, though 1 was asked t do so. I. hare, opposed free delivery on our route and am ' now opposed to It as it has been presented to me, and this is my reason: As proposed, it puts our mall one day later getting oil 'hence all of our track mall will have, to be sent to Clark, as we can send none of It off by the free delivery plan, in time to get to the markets before our track gets , there. To the truckers or buslnes men .on the route there will be constant dis appointment. ' This Is the way I look at it, and I am looking through Impartial glasses at the whole matter. , If I even thought the majority of the poople' on (he route would be - benefitted I would not raise one-word of opposition . No mai) can serve this route a well coming from New Dern In the morning as it can going to Now Bern in time for the northern and western mail, any one who tea at all can see this. : .' ' ; Now that ludicrous little thrust at the P. M., at Bellalr, about being ."one of the luokles" feeding from Uncle Sam's trough, I for one P. M don't And the trough so well filled as to Induce me to get np a petition against my neighbors interests. Undo Sam has not enough to induce me to do that. When I oppose anything it Is because I think it wrong or not-best, . A 4th class post office pay ing 4 or 5 dollars a month, Is, to say the most for it, rather a shallow trough to be fed at. :i yi -v ; Your Indignant scribe testifies that the P. O. pays so Utile that the P. H has to be off at his work, and often he cannot get his malLI Bach is not te- case at Bellalr. If the P. M. and his wife are both gone visiting, some one Is at the P. Ovto deliver mall, , vv . More than this, I have recently heard complaints ' from some free dellvory routes, showing that they were not get ting what was promised. Let me ven ture a little suggestion to "Voice of the People.", If he will sound a clarion nolo and call the attention at onr people to the; immediate need of better roads he will pave the way, (If he succeeds In get ting good roads) for a rural free deliv ery that would bo a great blessing to,the traveling public. V f ; ' ; One thlngjis certain, no carrier can do bis duty on the route proposed, deliver mall to fifty or more places, give receipts for registered letters, etc.. Leaving New Bqrn after ten a. - m , going about 94 miles, half if It through mu.1, and got back to New Bom In tim for the 0 WOLFENDEN GETS CHANCE To Secure State Swamp Lan is. Stale Board of Education Refuses to Extend Bavins Cade's Option. Special to Journal. RiLEiOB, February 8. The State Board of Education at today's session, refused to extend Rev. Baylus Cage's op tion on State swamp lands in Carteret county. . Cade as attorney for a syndlcite, of fered to pay sixty cents per acre for lands In Blocks of fifty thousand sores, and the same price for smaller blocks. Cade then made a proposition to sell all State swamp lands in nine months for half million dollars. This proposi tion had a string to it, and was not acted on. J. J Wolfenden, oLNew Bern .made h proposition for an option on all swamp lands for year at 75 cents per acre, and to pay one thousand dollars for Hie op tion. This was declined. Then Wolfenden made another tenta tive proposition. The Board ordered its Engineer to confer with Wolfenden and start with him as soon as possible on an inspection of all such lands. As soon as this is donp, Wolfenden will be riven a format proposition to take all the lands and pay cash..' -?'."'.- ., There are at leastjslxj hundred thous and acros lying In eleven counties.- - :. ASKIN. . It seems that Josbua and T. E. C. have quit writing but nevertheless I will write Instead. More cold, weather but agreeable to all. ' - We have the free mall delivery in our neighborhood. . . The Ladles Aid of Kltt Swamp will have a basket supper and mysteries com bined at Mra'O L Arthur's Saturday night before the fourth Sunday In Feb. for the benefit of Kltt . Swamp church. All are Invited to attend. -J. ; r Mr W A Thomas' little boy was play- lug in the house last Sunday and fell off a box and broke his thigh. Ue is im proving now. Katydid. - Information Company Chartered. Large Attendance at Good ' , Beads Convention Prom ised. Mere State Aid .for Rehools Asked Ralkioh, Feb.- 8. This morning Harry Skinner, the new. United Stales District Attorney, took the oath of office before Judge parnell and directly after, ward left torGreenvlU his home. He says he will return in about a fortnight. He Intimated that he would not make Raleigh hi . borne, He has a daughter at college here. The State chartered today the Nation al Information Bureau, .with headquart ers at Raleigh, capital $20,000. Frank 8 -Bright, whose address I given as Wash ington, D. C , lajone of the stockholders T, B. Womack of Raleigh also one. The purpose of the company Is to furnish all sorts of Information, as to copyrights patents, pensions, eta, all over the coun try. Commissioner of agricultural Patter son says the attendance at the Good Roads Convention here next week will be large. He is greatly pleased at the interest developed. A letter was re ceived thla morning from Senator Sim mons, who had been asked to be a speaker, expressing his regret at his Ina bility to be present.. He says he is fully in sympathy with the Good Roads move ment, and that is his Judgment nothing promises more for the development of every interest In North Carolina than good roads. He says the agitation now going on is to his mind one of the most hopeful signs of the times. He has sent to each of the 1300 delegates to to the convention, appointed by Gov. Aycock, sent such documents as he could obtain In the good roads matter. Commissioner Patterson is notified that the following; accept invitations to speak at the Good Roads Convention, Martin Dodge of the National Good Roads bureau; Charles ' D. Mclv'er of Greensboro; Rev. Dr. T. N, Ivey, J. W. Bailey and W. C. McMackln of Raleigh; T. B. Parker, secretary of the State Far mers' Alliance. Today there were more calls for 8tate aid for the public schools. Iredell asks for (390, Franklin for $909; Mitchell for $1,572 A pamphlet Is In preparation here giv ing Information regarding colleges and high schools, as well as 'all other private schools in the State. One of the com pilers says there "are 18 well defined de nominational colleges In the State, and that they have 2,700 students. . (There are the. University and two State col leges, with 1,200" students ) . There are 325 . private schools, including , high schools, with 30,000 pupils in atten dance. The teachers' . of .250 of these teach public schools as long as the money lasts and then supplement this with what are termed ."pay schools." Coed Roads Train. Off to Charleston Ex- position. Governor's rower Sustained Raleigh, February 10. The "Good Roads" train arrived here last night, and today work began on the street which is to be macadamized. . Chairman McNeill, D. H. Abbott and Secretary II. C. Brown of the corpora tion commission left today for Charles ton to attend the annual convention of railway commissioners In the United Slates. Their wives accompanied them. After the convention adjourns the com missioners will Ukea tilpto Florida and Cube. ' " Attorney General Gilmer todjy- re sumed his regular work, In ' his of fice. The Supreme Court devotes this week to the docket of appeals from the 2d Ju dicial district. ' Cadet Payne of the Agricultural and Mechanical collego here, who has had pneumonia, went to his borne at Wash ington, N. C, today, to recuperate. The freeze after rains of weok before last has again injured the small grain crop. The Supreme Court of the Bolted States fully sustains the power of a gov ernor to respite a person sentenced for contempt of conrt, as In the Gorham case at Statesvllle. Discission of the Proposed Federal Elec tion Law. Wabbibot k, Feb. 9. The bill-supported by a number of Southern Reput licin Representative,' proposing a strong Federal election law against a -leged Intimidation, ballot box fraud?, etc., was considered yesterday by the House Committee on Election of Presi dent and Vice-President. Messrs Barthol.lt, of .Missouri, and Gibson, of Tennessee, who have assisted In framing the bill, wers heard on the alleged extent of election irregularities in their Slates and elsewhere In t e Houth. They explained the a'leged pat tlsanshlp of elec Ion boaids, as made up by the Governors, and alio cited recent decisions of the courts which showed, the) contented, thai the judicial brant h took a somewhat lenient view of ballo -box trregnlarities. ' Mr. Gibson said It was bad enough to deny the franchise to tbe negro, but when the white man also was denied the franchise tbe situation became intolera ble. This drew a spirited rejoinder from Representative Sulloway, of New Hampshire, who maintained that black and white alike were entitled to protec tion fa exercising the franchise. Tbe bearings will contlnuo next Thursday. Big: Hani in Georgia. Acworth, Qa., Feb. 9. Safe-blowers forced the vaults of the Lemon Bank- Dg Company here early this morning, securing $5,000 in gold, a $5,000 Georgia Stale bond and a large amount ;of stock certificates. Between $4,SC0and $5,000 la notes, stock certificates and bonds were hope lessly mutilated by the explosion and much currency and small bills de- iroyed. A box filled with $20 gold pieces es caped the notlee of tbe robbers. The burglars had to blow through four pro tections to reach the money. Against Christian Science.' Berlin, Feb. 7-Emperor William has Intervened to stem the spread of Christ ian Science In Germany, lie has had long conferences with chiefs of police for tbe purpose of devis ing measures to counteract the campaign of the Christian Scientist, who have fol lowers In the higher circles of Berlin's society... It is ' proposed to mako the praotice of Christian Science therapeu tics Illegal in Germany. - McDuffie's Tasteless Chill Cure will build np broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, certain cure for chill, guaranteed or money refunded 53 cents at F, S. Duffy's. Saved Him From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles . The constant itching and burning make life intolerable. No po sition is comfortable. The torture Is un ceasing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it Is unequalled. J. S. Gerall, St, Paul, Ark., says: "From 1865 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to-help me until I used De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, A few boxes completely cured me." Beware of coun forfeits.' F.'Bt Duffy. ....... o'clock;mII In tin evening. No broth ?r scribe hi will hardly strike next morning a mall sometimes. Don't be in to? great a hurry to got omethlng till you can use It to it will be a benefit'. ' I don't want Uncle Sam to ho r I his money and do any one an Injustice, but if he pays $500 for a route and make more inconvenience than the one now costing bout half that sum. ho bad Just as well lay his mor.ey up till It can be nsed where It will do good. . Nelghbor-th' P. M at Bellalr will w tbdraw his opposition Just a soon as he soes It Is wrong, and cannot any sooner. . Very Respectfully, - ; Dan in, Lahb. Pellalr. , Got $200. Awaided. 1 he case of Toblnson vsthe Atlmtlo f-orth rollna railroad company, which wai contlnuo I over Friday night In th-j r-uper'or Couit, bore,' n4 ended ye-'o -lVv, ibe Juy giving tie pUtntiJ (:';). c u-ca-. Tobacco Seed For Farmers. All persons wlrblng good tobacco seed can gett same by calling at Planters Warehouse, New Bern, N. O. Vice Admiral Jose Jlontnjo Dead. ' Madrid, Feb. 7 The death Is announc ed of Vice Admiral Jose ' MontoJ The commander of tho Spanish fleet at Manila was Rear Admiral ' Patricia Monlojo. ' Fast Run Philadelphia to New York Philadelphia, Feb. 1,k new record between 1'hlladelphla and New York on the Philadelphia & Reading Railway was established today by tbe special train which carried J. P. Morgan to the metro Us. The train, which consisted of an ordinary paisenger coach and President Baei'j pilvate car Pht'ade'- pile, left the Reading terminal at ex actly Y-M a. m., and arrived In Jersey City, a distance of 9D 2-10 miles, 84 mfn- ctes Inter. Taking out stopB, the actual r"" '!'; U:i-e was 80 minut-s and 29 Girl Horsewhipped Tramps, Middletown, N. Yn Feb. 9-Wielding tho butt of a heavy horsewhip vlgorou ly on two tramps who attempted to rob her aged grandfather, Miss Merta Cov ert, ft 16-year-old girl of Greenville, .van quished tho hoboes and foiled their plans. ; ''".'vf--'" ''4--. -f: Joseph Covert, an. aged farmer, re ceived several hundred dollars yesterday from the sale of some cattle, and late in the afternoon started for his borne In Greenville, 10 miles distant accompanied by hl granddaughter, Merta Covert. While going along a lonely mountain road two rough, looking , strangers emerged from the woods and springing Into the back of the sleigh, attempted to rob the aged farmer. ; , While her grandfather was struggling with the highwaymen Miss Covert seized the heavy whip and dealt one of the men a slinging blow "on the head with the butt, which' caused him to fall from the sleigh.- By this tlu-e lie horsia wore rinning at good speel, whl: tho faimrr and his plucky graiddaajbter stiujg'o 1 with the other robber. She strtok h'm several times with the- whip and finally gave him a shove which seat hint head long into a snowdrift. 7 - Freed from the robot n, Miss Covert caught op tho rains and drove the team borne. Her grandfather Is little the worso for the encounter.' a Freah lot Just Received, rreshOatflakep, Car olina Rico, Grits and BigjHominy. Saner Krant. Small Pig Hams. Canned Goods of all kinds. Georgia Yam Potatoes. Scotch, Irish Potatoes. ' Codfish, Corned Mullets, and Spanish Mackerel. Pigs Feet, Tripe, Bologna and Fresh Pork Sansage. Anything in the grocery line yon want at J. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, Says all Lives Are Sacred Alike. Washington, Feb. 9. In a minority report on tbe Anti-Anarchism bill Rep resentatlve Lanhatn (Dom., Texas), a member of tbe Judiciary Committee of the House, says: "I deny the proposition that one honest and law-abiding man's life Is any more sacred than that of another. The holding or pos session of office does not of Itself render any man -Impeccable or ImmutreV from human frailties and imperfections." Trying to Save The Bison. Washington, February 9 A Kansan, who is known as "Buffalo" Jones and who owns a bison ranch in Texas, has called at the White House to enllBt the President's assistance in having passed a law making it a crime for anyone to kill a bison, whether he be the owner of the animal or not. GUM BRANCH. Fob. 9. Mr. R. M. Brock, near Flox was married to Miss Matlis Thompson quite recently. Henry Henderson and Joeanna Thorn p son, colored, were married last Sunday. Henry already has a wife somewhere near New Bern. On Friday night last, all the young people of this neighborhood gathered at Mr. Ed Plttman's and tripped the light fantastic too until four o'clock Saturday a. m. Mr. W. L. Taylor of Richland after renting 3 farms and moving each time, ii golog to sell out next Saturday and go to Wilmington to live. Mr. Mr. Tay lor, W. L. T' father will also go. Mr, R. G. Huffman of Hominy Swamp Is all smiles now, it Is a boy. The Rev. Mr. Cohen, will preach at this place this p. m. at 3 o'clock. Mr. E. W. Mnrriil has been on an ex tended trip to Wilmington, his daughter Miss Maude, went with him. She will remain with her sister, Mrs. Frank An drews, for some time. B. B. Barry Is helping Mr. Thos. Mc Gee build L, D. Boggs' bouse. t Mr. J. K. King returned from Elnston Friday, from carrying 1800 lbs of tobac co which when sold brought him $212.00 There is very good health in this com munity at present, except bad colds. News seems to be very scarce now, so I will close by asking tbe question, has the Democratic party kept Its promises ? Toxpopull. L. McDANIEL, 'Phone 91. 71 Bread St. FOR Horses & Mules. CAl.Ii OX Julius M.jArnold 66 B ROAD STREET, TVlio has just returned Jfrom the West with the fineEt lot of Horses ever seen in New Bern, Snitable for the FARM, DRIVING, SADDLE, also DRAUGHT HORSES, that will he sold for cash on time. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. JULIUS M. ARNOLD, At.the'Heac Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. Pyny-Baltam Stop the Tickling, and quickly allays Inflammation In the throat Clerk's Wise Suggestion. 'I have lately been much troubled with dygpnpaia, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. B. Mead,- leading pharmacist' of Attleboro Mass. "I could eat hardly anything without' suffering several hours. My clerk suggested I try Kodo Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after such a time, their digestion must be pretty good. 1 endorse Kodol Dyspep sia Care heartily." You don't have to diet. Eat all the good food you want bnt don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. F. S Duffy. - ". ' -. : President Turns Down Roosevelt. Washington, D. C. Feb. 10 President Roosevelt will not be breveted for hU set vices In the Cuban , war. Be has decided his own case. The report of the Army Board which recommended brevets ' Included the colonel of the Rough Riders and recommended him for brevet rank.' 1 The repprt was approved by the Sec retary of War, bnt when sent to Mr. Roosevelt he approved all With the ex ception of his own, and his Indorse ment shows that President Roosevelt dlsspproves of brevet for Colonel Roose velt. Nervous Derangement the Result of Eye Strain. The strain imposed upon tbe eyes, by various optical defects has a decided effect upon the nervous system, and by the leakage of nerve force often leads to a train of evils far more extended than we are accustomed to suppose. The strain calls for an excessive sup ply of nervous energy, acting as an ir ritant to the central nervous system, anally ending In a breaking down of tho system, which, not only caused misery and suffering, but statistics are n I wanting to prove that tbe duration of life Is materially shortened thereby. Epilepsy (or fits) Is one of the most terrible diseases that con befall any hu man being, and Its treatment by drugs alone (by Dr. C. H. Brown, Phlla.) is very unsatisfactory. Of late years specialists on nervous diseases have found that error of refrac tion bear a direct casual relation to tbeaitacksand that properly adjusted glasses are an indlspensible adjunct to the treatment, If they do not ever super sede all other methods of treatment. Yon can find a large stoct of optical iroods. and every Instrument needed to do scientific refractive work at J. Gy BAXTER'S Optical Parlor. GREAT CONFLAGRATION. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKWG When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply lion and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 68c. Ten FUllion Dollar Fire at Paterson, H. J. Ho Loss of Life. Patersrn, N, J., Feb. 9 One of tho greatest flies in the hh'oryof the coun try swept through Paterson to day, and in its desolate wake srs the ashes of property value 1 at 910,030,000. Tho flames bumel their way through the business section of the city and claimed as their own most of tho finer buildings devoted to commercial, religious, civil educational uses, ai well as scores of dwellings. There was no loss of Ufa but hundreds were loft homeless and thousands without employment. I tie ore began at midnight and was checked only aftef a desperate fight that lasted until late this afternoon. Every city and town within reach of Paterson sent firemen and apparatus, and it took their nnlted efforts to win the battle northeast gale gave the conflagration a great impetus and carried burning brand i to kindle the blaze afresh. Tho firemen mad stand after stand before the wall of Are, but were repeatedly dnven tck. When victory finally no IDS' M en Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good cure. Makes wrappers and fills your purse. By its merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on his sixty acres of tobacco. . ' " v As our goods are manufactured near you and not re shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. High Grade Catlap, Potato. illcroD ad Cotton Geo, Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Good." -Slt jou use Fertilizers Call and See us. - . IT. & J. A. ME1DOWS CO., . High Urade Fertilizers, Factory Heuse River, NEW BERN, N. C. - L. G.DANIELS, -DEALER IN- Important to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not gen- eraly understood that the Bice Crop Is highly protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised In the United f-tates have every year fallen much below the home consumption, tbe Carolina tice Mills of Goldsboro, N. O., in order to encourage the cultivation of Bice pn a larger scale titan has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts with plant ers Ih North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year U03 on the most liberal terms. - ' " Parties Interested, who wish to avail themselves of this offer, can communi cate wvith ns and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. Respectfully, CAROLINA RITE MILLS, ; . fcoldsboro, N. C. Horses FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. 42 AND 44 CDAVEN STREET, OPPOSITE HYMAN SUPPLY CO, NEW BEIItf, Dr. . FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A TBUL THOS. J. nilTCHELL. V x ' I I J ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, NEW BERN, NOIUII CAKOL'.NA C."oi: Fnulh Front Street, Orrf,ssi A Mother's Horror I Croup, Croup can be prevented if nsed ia time and cured almost iostaat'y by asir X. I. EIcIVEi:, Attorney at Law, NEW BERN, - - - N. Gives notice of removal of ollic i that also occupied (as liert'.for() I v O. II. Onion, and will cottlmim t tii-e f It"-. ' .'..r f -ii- i C. I.. If t ) f l V J T ""1 i ' ' 1. X- A.

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