cnn tttwiv inrmni liid villuli mum XrUkUa lt7 Published ia Two Section, every Tnea" day and Friday, at M kUddk Street, ew Bcra,N.O. CHARLES t. STEVENS bcitob an raonuxros. .SUBSCRIPTION RATES: " . Two Months.... 5"Cnta. Threw Month, S - Biz Months, 60 " Twelve Monthi, fl00 ONLY IN ADVANCE Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or npoa inquiry by mail. ' WThe JOUESaL is only senton pay-In-edvance basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice wul be appreciated by the JOUBSAL. Entered st the Poetofflce, New Bern ft. C as second-class matter. 6, T902 Section Two, Friday Feb. BUILDS UPWEALTH MAKERS. The local Interest taken in the Bute Good Roads Convention, which is to be held st Raleigh, on February 12th and 13th, has resulted in the appointment of men from this section who have its best interests at heart. These men will no doubt attend the convention, and feel how important good roads sre, and how it is possible to have such roads in Craven county. The'JouRNAl, basjoften and repeated ly shown the necessity for improved highways in and around New Bern, so that the country and city both may be built op into n natural and healthy state of business, which will bring prosperity to each and every interest, farmer, mer chant and citizen. 7 The natural wealth of this section can never be even fairly developed unless there shall be good public roads, and these roads mutt not be in sections of one or two miles, but must be continu ous from remote towns leading through farming lands into New Bern. Visitors to the Good Roads Conven tion on February 12lh and 13th will have every opportunity of seeing the best methods to be employed in road building, hence the real need that every delegate appointed in New Bern and Craven county shall attend the conven tion, so that each and every one may come back with renewed spirit for the Good Roads work, applied to their own section. OUR FOREIGN PRESERVERS. The telegraphic dispatches tell of a controversy now going on abroad, as to which European nation was the friend of the United States during the late war with Spain. Declarations are now flying swift and often between Germany and England on this matter, with denials of each other's stories in language that threatens to go beyond the diplomatic. This country's armed Intervention in Cuba, so one Btory goes, was to be de clared unjustifiable by the Powers, in cluding England, but the note which was to express this sentiment, fell through on accont of Germany's flat re fusal to sign. ( .The English verslou Is that that coun try was most friendly to the United States throughout tbe Spanish troubles. Through French sources the story comes that English social circles were hostile towards America, and Spanish proposals would have been heard favor ably. But more than all the real power of all was Russia, that nation's position quickly changing France and Germany, in their ideas of siding with Spain. While all this controversy may be of interest In foreign diplomatic circles, it la rather amusing and entertaining read ing in this country. . In time of need Is when a friend is wanted, and whether this country re ceived such moral support ss these for eign countries now claim was given the United States in 1898, is a question. That there was no foreign Interference at the time is a matter of congratulation all around, not that - the results of the war would bave been materially differ ent, or that this country would have changed its attitude or coarse from the one pursued. ; " . . r PROSPERITY AND RELIGIOUS PROGRESS. , " - The closing of the year 1901, with Its record of religion, Its advancement or decline, seems to prove the truth of the saying, that prosperity is bad for re ligion. 1 8ome of the reports ot tbe .. different religious organizations are of Interest In this conneclion of the effect of a pros perous year upon the people. (- The three larger Baptist benevolent societies report a decline in contribu butlons. The Congregatlonalieta have hold their own, but can report no great missionary board facet a deficit if $90, 000, all lbs mors embarrassing bacaaa it Is expanding Us missionary effort. Ths Mtlhodlsl bars do well ia rais ing fl9,000,000 ss twentieth century fund, bat there are Indies tioas that It has bsea done at the si pease of soaae of Its other Interests. Tbe Presby terians and Romsa Catholics appear to have done weiL While-there has been an Increase la membership In these denominations, the church papers all' claim It to be too am ill. In benefactions to religion there seems to Lsre been no large ones In 1901, church members giving largely to edu cational Interests In preference to their own denominational wants. The following from an exchange gives some of the most Important events of the past year, affecting religion "One of the most Important events of tbe year affecting religion was the pas- sage of the associations law by France I and the resulting expulsion of about 1 1,- 000 members of leliglous oiders, a few I of whom came to this country. The! Presbyterian chu.t-h decided to put forth a statement explaining, but not super seding, lis creed. The Baptist societies held meetings largely devoted to the dis cussion of ways and means. The Epis copal general convention appointed bishops for Porto Rico and the Philip pines, but otherwise took no action on burning questions submitted to It. The Methodist conferences sppear to have acleu favorably on tbe proposition to' aumit women as delegates to the general conference, and the question will now go to that body. The Roman Catholics bave effected a federation of their lay societies; but ths yesr has witnessed a notable Increase of Protestant mission ary activity in Cubs, Porto Ricoand the Philippines at the expense of ihat body. All tbe larger Protestant bodies report the erection of churches and school houses and many accessions to their membership. The fact has just been an nounced that the Roman church iu this country is alive to the need, of holding its own in these new possessions, and with that end In view will train Ameri can priests to take tbe place of native priests. At a recent conference all the sects of tbe Quakers met and declared for arbitration Instead of war. The ten dency toward liturgical worship and cer emonial has been developed in the non liturgical churches. Lent and holy week sre looming up larger than the week of prayer, and vested choirs bave increased among the Methodists. On the other hand, extreme ritualism in tbe Anglican and Episcopal churches has received a distinct setback, and it is be lieved that it will soon cease to be a vital issue In these churches. $ioo Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science - has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure.ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, acting directly upon tLe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon iais. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 8old by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. Charged With Blackmail. New York, Feb. 6 The first result of the turning on of the official searchlight pf the reform administration to lay bare the acts of the city officers came today in the arraignment of Deputy Tax Collec tor Ford, of the Borough of Bronx, on the charge of blackmail. Ford, It Is charged, was caught In a trap set by dis trict attorney Jerome. Dr. 'Bull's Baby Syrup'Jbr Teething Babies. Price, 10 lets. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion snd soothes the baby. Will Join Prince Henry. Berlin, Feb. 7. Vice Admiral Von Elsendecher, former German Minister at Washington snd Toklo, has received an imperial order to join Prince Henry's suite for the trip to the United States, s Big Hotel Burned. - Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 7 The Ven dome, the leading hotel, valued at two hundred thousand dollars, was burned to the ground today. - , : : - Duffy the druggist, will refund you your money if yon are not satisfied afte using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They care disorders of the stomach,' biliousness constipation and headache, X- .Price 25 cents. Samples free F S Duffy ft Co. A Lynching in Tennessee. Chattanooga, Feb. 7. A mob forced open the county Jail at Lynchburg this morning and took Edward Whltaker, a negro, and hanged him in the courthouse yard. The victim's crime was the mur der of farmer John Foster. Millions Put To Work. , The wonderful activity of the new century is shown by sn mormons de mand for the world's best workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. For Con-tlpation,- Sick Headache, Biliousness, or shy trouble of . Stomach, Liver or Kidneys they're unrivaled. Odly 25c. at C D. Bradham's drug store. T Shoe Factory Burned. -Gloversvllle, N. T. Fee The shoe factory of Mills Brothers was burned to - n rr ry n Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit yon eat. This preparation contains alt of Ox digesutnla and digest all kinds ot food. It gives Instant relief am never fails to cure. It allows you to eat ah tbe food yon want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics bave been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting u n necessary. Pleasant to take It can't help but do yon good Prepared ool j by R.O. PaWrrr a Co., I nk-a 'tk Si. tAU uunulns tit Una lb too. glM F. 8. DUFFY CO. ES Government Troops Forced Back. port 0f Spain, Trinidad, Feb 7. Yenewelan troops, sent to the vicinity , ' . " of Gu,r Venesuela, in order to disperse the insurgents la the locality, have been compelled to fall back on Cerunaono. which place tbey reached In an exhaust ed condition, losing a number of men k'lled and wounded In dally skirmishes with the Insurgents. Saved Her Child's Life. ''In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Wstklns,of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set In, that, in spite of a good doctor's treat ment for several weeCs, grew worse everyday. We then used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and 'well. We are sure this grand medicine saved his life." Millions know It's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Long dlsesses. C. D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction, 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. Offer to be Vivisected. Brooklyn, Feb. 7. Dr. Everson Dean of the Bushwick Hospital, con Armed to dav the report that tbe medical staff of that institution has decided to accept the offer of Dr. James Russell, one of the best known practitioners of Brook lyn, to submit himself to vivisection In the cause of science. The greatest danger from cold and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure acold or an attack of Ia grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale by F. S. Duffy & Co. Result of Financial Crisis. . Washington, Feb. 7. Consul General Holloway reported to the State Depart ment from St. Petersburg today that the stock of French and Belgian companies doing business in Russia have depreciat ed from forty-six to ninety-nine per cent., all a direct result of the commer cial and financial crisis. A Legacy Of The Grip Is often a run-down system. WeakJ ness, nervousness, lack ot appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The gretest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator ot Stomach, Liver snd Kidneys. Thou sands have proved that they wonderful ly strengthen tbe nerves, build up tbe system, snd restore to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suf fering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by CD. Brad ham. ' Government Will Oppose It Washington, Feb. 7. -The State De partment has instructed Minister Conger of Pektn, to oppose tbe reported ar rangement between Russia and China, for exclusive concessions to the Russo- Chlnese bank .In Manchuria. " Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . The best snd most famous compound in tbe world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cures Cuts, heals Burns and Braises, subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Millions of Boxes sold yrarly, Works wonders In Bolls, Ulcers, Felons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 23c. at O. D. Bradbam's drag store. - A Tonnat Scotch Champion. Children in the, Taola (Kan.) public schools bave established n correspond ence with children in the Edinburgh (Scotland) public schools, and the let ters which pass between them contain much that Is amusing. For example, one Scotch boy is very Indignant at tbe mistaken ideas which are held of his people. He says: "Many people, even in England, think that our male sex dress in kilts, bnt tbey are quite wrong, for there Is hardly a man In Edinburgh or anywhere In the middle and south of Scotland who wears kilts. It also is tbonght that the language of the Scotch Is bad English, bnt it It auite the reverse, for the English la bad, broken Scotch." ':' To Give Conataadi la Chinese. The British war office ia doing all In its power to encourage the study ot Chinese -in the army. It Is considered Impossible to continue the training of regiments like the Chinese regiment of Infantry unless tbe English N. G, O.'s are able to instruct the men in their own tongue. Tbe secretary of state for war Is offering rewards as an encour agement to proficiency In the Chinese language. London Mall. Bank Rooters Kill a Sherlfl. Clarksvllle, Ark February 5 Rob bers to dsy dynamited the safe of the Bank c t Clarksville, and secured six . thousand (dollars They killed Sheriff inn-suGon lueue. T Commence Its . . Once. Cunptici tt Sesetsh Trephy 1st Place. - Illicit Distillery Raid, Used Seat's . Ceaveatlea. State Char ters. Kalelrh Cir cle Celealal . Dimes. Rauuest, N. C, Febreary T. Ths Spanish trophy given from the Cristobal Colon, destroyed at Santiago, was today pot la place la the Hall ot History la ths State museum. The other trophy gives from Manila will be removed to a place beside It. A few days ago Granville eooaty In formed the State Superintendent of pub lie Instruction that It -would need ao money to keep Its schools open 4 months Today, to tbe great surprise ot that offi cial, it called for $3,810, of which f 1,87s Is for Oxford township. The $3,810 Is for only three townships. , .The national convention of railway commissioners will be held at Charles 1 ston, beginning -next Tuesday. All the corporation commissioners ot this State and their clerk will attend. . The State charters the John Rudsslll Manufacturing Company, of Liaoolatoa capital $73,000. It will spin and weave cotton and woollen mills. Cadet Warren ot the Agricultural and Mechanical college here was today takes to Baltimore to be operated oa for appendicitis. He Is from Person coun ty. Tbe Raleigh Circle of Colonial Dames has elected Mrs. Moffltt. president and Mrs G. T. Winston, secretary. Deputy collector Wood and posse made a raid In Nash and Franklin coun ties yesterday and captured two lsrre illicit distilleries. The prioeof ccrn has been so high that the moonshiners are now using molasses, exclusively. More than 1,000 gallons of molasses "beer wss found atone ot the Illicit distilleries captured yesterday. The last captures make eight in a radius of ten miles ffom Spring Hope. Nash county, since last November. Tbe active campaign against ltquor which tbe North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, formed here yesterday will wage war to begin at once. It is the first temperance movement on a large scale In this State In several years. There has in tbe past ten years been a very considerable diminution in the number of saloons in the State. There is much activity here lu the way of preparations for tbe "Good Roads Convention next week. A large number of practical men will be here The city ana the country are co-oper atlng. State Gets $10,000. Dallas, Tex., Feb. 8, A legal pro ceeding against a Texas railroad, which has attracted much attention, has been compromised in the district court here. Suit was brought by the State ot Texas against the St. Louis Southwestern Rail way, In Smith county, for alleged non maintenance of general offices In Texas claiming penalties of $5,000 per day for tw'O years. The State also asked for forfeiture of the charter. The attorney for the railroad denied violation of any statute and the State accepted $10,000, withdrawing tbe suit. Dutch Give up. Lorddh, Feb. 6. Tbe Brussels corres pondent of the Dally Telegraph deals res It to be absolutely certain that owing to tbe sttitnde of the Powers and the Boer leaders the Dutch government Is now finally determined to abandon the Boer cause and any Idea of fresh Intervene Uon. Famine Is Coming. LoNTXMf, Feb. I. From Calcutta the correspondent ot the Dally Mall la a dis patch says there Is little doubt that In dls Is threatenedlwith another famine. This Is the more to be .dreaded because the area affected Is prsctlcally the same that has been ravaged during the past two years. Much ' depends open the rainfall during the coming fortnight, continues the correspondent. as a large portion of the syrlng crops Is still capa ble ot being saved, Rheumatism Cured In a Day. Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to $ days. its action upon the system Is remarkable ind mysterious. It removes at once the cause snd the disease Immediately dls- sppears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents and 11.00. Bold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. Accused Alderman Disappears. New Tori, February 6 Alderman Diets Frswley, accused of wholesale election frauds, who was to have been arrested to day unions he snrrendeied to the officials, has disappeared. . Tbe claim of other cough medicines to be as good ss Chamberlain's are elect- ually set at rest In the following testi monial of Mr. O. D. Glass, sn employee of Bartlett ft Dennis C-o, Gardiner, Ms. He says: l bad kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1897, trying every cough medicine I heard of with out permanent help, until one day I was In the drug store of Mr. Hoalebsn .sod he advised me to try Chamberlain' Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very .sore st this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy, and have since always tarn ed to It when I got a cold, snd soon And relief. ; I also recommend It to my friends and am glad to say It Is the best of sll cough medicines." For sale by SAVED BT PLUCK. . Captain Histos Worked Els Schooner Off Diamond Shoals. Captain Huston, who Is well knows la this port, where he has visited for years, kad the misfortune to raa his asw f oar -mailed schooner, the Orlando Wootten, ashore on the Inner Dia mond Shoals, aear Cape Halt eras oa last Tuesday.. This was only the second voyage of the Wootea, and to thas meet with dis aster was Very hard luck for Capt. Has- Bat vi bile the wrecking company which seat a tug, to release the schooner gave np the job as a hopeless one, aot so Capt. Hosloa, ss the following from the Norfolk Virgtslan-PUet, 7lh will show. "The Orlando V. Wootten, the four- masted schooner which was abandoned Wednesday by - tbe Merrltt-Chapman Wrecking Company's tug Coley, hard sgrouad on the Inner Diamond tJboela, near Cape Hatter, waterlogged ana gives up for lost "by the togs crew. Is sgila afloat, Jobs' is now riding at an chor off Cape Uatteras, awaiting tbe Coley, which returned to her Immedi ately oa arrival at her dock here at nooa yesterday, wben the news of the floating: of the Woottea was commu nicated to her. The wrecking tug Ed ward Luckenbaoh also left yesterday afternoon to help 'bring the Wontun to port. They will race for the salvage neck nod neck. Tbe floating of tbe Wootten was due to the pluck and perseverance of her owner and skipper, - Captain Huston, who refused to give up nope wbea the wrecking company's . people declared the ease hopeless. Captain Huston and bli.crew, who have been cared for by the life ssvers at Cspe Hatteras since the schooner went ashore Tuesday, boarded her after the Coley left and hoisted all salL Yesterday morning at high tide, with the aid of a favorable wind, the Wootten was floated. On account of the bouyant nature of tbe cergti, pine lumber, the schooner can not sink, ills said. Trie real oi noaung the schooner is considered remarkable by the marine experts here, who con- iMer tbe Inner Diamond bhoais where the schooner went ashore, a recular crave yard for ships. The schooner will be towed to Norfolk." Joints Like Rusty Hinges sre among the consequences ot rheums tlsm. The sufferer can move knees and elbows, but the effort makes him wince He rejoices when a good rubbing with Perry Davis' Painkiller drives the stiff ness out snd brings tbe freedom ot mo tion back. No wonder our grandfathers believed heartily In this beneficent lini ment. There Is but one Painkiller, Per ry Davis'. Dr. Bull's Pills tor Liver Ills.. . One; pill s dose. Box50 pills, 10 rts Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Vowel Disorders. Dr. Bull's Pills never grip. Small Pox on a Steamer. Liverpool, Feb. 6 The Warren Line steamer Kansas, which sailed from B.e- ton for this port on January 21, arrived todsy snd lsnded fourteen cases of small pox equally divided between cattlemen snd crew. Hanna for the Cabinet Washington, February 6 Politicians sre discussing the repoi t that Senator Hsnna will be hesd of the Department of Commerce and Labor, should the Nelson bill providing for such a depart ment become law, which is probable. The Treaty With Denmark Washington, Febrnsiy 6-Tbe treaty with Denmark for the purchase of the West Indian Islands at five million dollars, wss todsy ordered fsvorsbly reported by tbe senate committee on foreign affairs. - The Last Beard Of It. 'My little boy took the croup one night and soon grew so bsd yon could hear him all over the house," says F. 0. Reynolds. Mansfield, O. "We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure quickly relieved him snd he went to sleep. Thst's the lsst we heard of the cronp, : Now Isn't a cough cure like !that valuable f" One Minute Cough Cure is sbaolutely safe ' and sets Immediately. For coughs, colds, croup. grip, bronchitis snd all other throat sad lung troubles It Is a certain cure, very pleasant to take. The little ones like it F.B.Duffy. - , . . Kill Guards and Escape Colon, Colombia, Feb. Ninety-four Insunrent prisoners who were confined in Fort Bocss Chica at Cartagena,' sur prised snd overpowered their gnsrdi Tuesday snd killed seventeen of them The prisoners then escaped. A Convincing' Answer. "I hobbled Into Mr. Blsckmon's drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Gs., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu mstlim with which I had suffered for i long time. I told him I lied no f sith In any medicine as they had all failed.: He said: 'Well if Chamberlains Pain Balm does not help you, yon need not psy for It' 1 took a bottle home and used it according to the directions snd in one week I was cured, snd have not since been troubled with rheumatism, gold by F. 8. Duffy & Co. ; ' Another Explosion In New York. ' New York, Feb. 6 An explosion In the Park Avenue sub-way tunnel, almost the ssroe site of the recent dlssster, todsy Injured a dozen persons, one fatally, and shsttered the windows ot the Grsnd Union Hotel. v,-' ';,,--s;V- v .-:;.:V.'- Posslole Incendiaries. Vfsterbury, Conn., Februsry 8 Two men arrested here to day for looting the debris of the lire were identified u being In the vicinity before the con flagration. .'" I f1 n k fc . , AiiC IL J ill.: aoT, 'iTc,.itb SaaUun tbsre Is ne remedy so so,ui )4saioas tlBM Lint at. ' - and a sure treat a case of Sore. Throat in order to kill diaeaso germs and insure healthy throat action Is to take half a glassfull of "water put into it a teaspoonful of ' ' ' f - - - - ; : 1 '. Mccan;Muotan Rinimcnt - and with this gargl h throat at freqsmt Intervals. ThJ bath, tbi oSS. of U thrct thortjhlT with ti Hnl- J . ment and after doing this poor some on a soft cMtaaad. wrap wound She neck. Ha foSTTIVB CURB. ... S5oe.Bd1.001rtke. IT MAY BE YOU WeMtt tu Mustang Ulnment and yo can depend upoo a spaed curs. . ARE". fL0r)- ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOYVi CURABLE r by our new invention. Only those born deaf are Incurable. HEAD IIOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAH, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8I ' BALTiMOaa, Md., March jo, wot. Gtntltmtn .- Being entirely etl of deaf nm. thanks to yvmt treatment, I will now s" 7e) - a full history of my cM, to be mrd at your discretion. .ni: About five years ago my right ear begaa to tag, and this kept oa sitting wort, aatu I tots my bearing in tnii ear entirely. . - . I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three month, without ay a, ronwl eda nam- m ... . - . . i ; 1 1 mk &aT Ikl llar una la A train SnSS 1 nSaS Der oi pnysiaana, among oinera, tnemoai mmrainniiim . 'V . ' " . ; onlv an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head aoues would then cense, but the heariutt in the affected ear would be loet forever. .' ' ; , I then aaw your aarertiaement, acaaemany in a new i.r pafm, in . i ment. After I had used it onlvafew dnys according to your directiona, the noises ceased, an4 to-dav. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has beta entirely restored. I thank yea heartily and be, to remain , f ery truly J-, ? BroMlw.y, Md. ' Onr treatment d9eaiot interfere with y0w uua occupation. "EBflX YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT-HOME mtm: INTERNATIONAL AURAL CUMIC, H9G LA SALtf AVE, CHICAGO, ILI a; A CHANCE D. to Invest on the ground floor with owners, la a developed, free milling gold mine that has produced, and bas expended on it - - ' Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the Wge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ran. ' The Ozark is not a prospect, hut a asiae .that has produced. . We are placing 100,000 shares of development stock at 26e psr share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value fl.ftO each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop snd put the property on a paying basis, ; A. property lying near the Osark, with nowhere aa good a showing and very little development, sold last week to a New fork syndicate for 1800,000. The Ozark will pay dividends snd be worth par Inside of six months. This is the best investment fer the money that- has ever been offered to the Investing pubiie. . " ; .- . - Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. -t-v For further particulars, prospectus, report ea mine, references, etc., , , - . AOiRESS - Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co,, - ' fl05C0W, IDAHO. . . , v j. a. joisnas, Livery, .Feed, Sale and Exchange - " Largcstand M' " ever offered for sale in New Bern. Car Load of encb j jt reOtiv 1. ; ... Also s complete lia of Baggica, Wasons, Eamc. 3, Kulci, '71.3, Cart Wheels, &o. : ' " .. ' ... ap Shrea -an; easy; way - K,:, ANY HEAD NOISES? A LIFE TIME a iixiuii::iinTR ones . wa ' a us11 't sa.. . " . J5'-m Finest Stock of- forward movement. The trnlapftn.l J T. v 1 ' Powers and escaped. F. B.Du?y ACo. J V I ft lr- 1 f

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