THE JOURNAL. .New Een, N. (X, Febj. 11. llOi BURKED TO DEATH. OIJ Co',ore4 Woman Attempts to mll4 Fire Witt Kerosene - Aboal 1 a. m., Basdsy, Handy Tyra, colored wonaa, llvlnj oa Good street, died from tbe effect of burns received. From tba testimony given befora Cox oaer J. W. Dogald, ho held aa laqaoit Monday morning tbe following facu were learned. The woman lived by herself la the noise oa Good street, aad was 63 yean Id, Oa Saturday about midnight, aha was building a lira ia tba fireplace, help 1d the fire to bora mora aalckly, by pourlog oa kerosene. In some way har elothe caught on lira, aad thla alarmed har and aha rneh ed Into the yard .screaming. Neighbors vara aroused and rashlag to the place fonad tha woman a maaa of Oamea jump lug Uf and down, c reaming. On acconnt of her being in flamea, and rushing aboit, no one conld get near ancngh to assist, until the woman fell with the flesh peeling off her. She boob died. The farnltare In the haaae had alio canght on lira from the woman'a clothea aa ahe ran about, but thla waa extinguished by the neighbors. Tha coroner's jury redered a verdict la accordance with the above. Joel Kinsey's House Burned. The residence of Mr. Joel Klnaey who Uvea about 17 miles from here, on Neuse road, was burned Thursday ulght, the building being completely destroyed. The furniture, stables and barn were saved. The loss Is total, there being no Insurance. Librarian Elected. 'The committee of ladies in charge of the new library, yesterday elected Miss Fannie Howertoa as librarian. Subscribers to the library, who have any choice of books they may wish pur chased for the library, are requested to write Mrs. M. M. Marks, naming the books and their purchase will have due consideration. At Davis. Jordan's Cough Balsam, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, Is on sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. This Cough Balsam has always been found very efficacious, and it does not contain any harmful drugj It is espec ially good for children. Price 25 cent Superintendent Wanted. By order of the Board of Trustees, no tice is hereby given that applications for the position of Superintendent of the New Bern Graded Schools will be received for the next ten days. Address, W, M. WATSON, Secretary. New Bern, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1902. LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dozens of ways, and you can't prevent f. . 11 J I . 1 UaM . It. All you call uu is lu Keep mew w free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. An way's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 23 cents will b refunded by any dealer selling it. Sold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. DR.SHOOP'S PREVENTICS. - The great cold cure, are sold and guar anteed by Bradham's Pharmacy. If you bring the empty box back, and you are not satisfied with Preventlcs we will re turn your 25 -cents. You must have them on hand if you expect to prevent colds; and prevention is better than. cure Pre ven tics cure colds, as well as prevent them. Remnant Sale ot Velvets. The silk remnants were rushed out In a hurry, hundreds of yards sold, now we have gotten together all our remnants of velvets In short and long lengths, nearly all new shades in the lot have priced them for speedy clearance. No tice window. G. A. BARFOOT. Garden Seed at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy has just received a lot of vegetable and flower seeds. Buy your seeds at Davis'. HOT SODA. All the popular flavors Beef Tea Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (made from beef, tomatoes and celery). Chocolate- and all the soda fla vorsLemon, Orange, Cherry, Grape and Coca-Cola your choice for 5 cents and as hot as you can drink it. At Bradham's Fountain. Celery Headache Powders. ; There is not any better remedy for headache than ' these powders. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. CAPUDINE Does not effect the . Il'.lifferennromjother -llea'luchejiemcdies. r:T? v jll ehuccistsI FOUilT MURDERED. Jena lu Citoa Shot 'at Ida Borne Rear Aaron, caitbrt Coanty. . Arftsts Made. A ft VI V . II 4 MMhM ... . .-v . Beeurort county, John B. Caton waa foully murdered by aoaaa perioa or persona, at praaeat ankaowa, on Ban day alght. Mr, Caton, waa seated, reading, whoa a ihot (an waa fired through n window . at him. striatal him la tha head, ana la-1 taally killing him. Tha ttory leading np to the probable reason for thla murder, la aa followa: . Oa February 6th, Dare Garner, a col ored man, was arrested at Aurora, charged with selling whlakey without a license. Garner was brought to New Bern and his case was heard befora United States Commissioner Charlea B. H 111, who com mitted Garner to jail. At thla trial Caton was the principal witness agataat Garner Yesterday CommUsioner Hill had a phone message from W. J. B6yd, at Au rora, who asked that a detective be sent ta Aurora to take np the murder matter. Mr. Hill wired United Slates District Attorney, Harry Skinner for Instruc tions In the matter. Last night word was received that the coroner had held an Inqueat on the Ca ton murder, and that Ed Daniels, white, two aona of Garner, the colored man mentioned as being In jail here, and one other negro, were held prisoners, to await trial for the murder. SmaUJPox at Morenead City. A case of small pox was reported at Morehead City, yesterday, the patient, a sailor on one of the oyster sharpies. The doctors after examining the man pronounced it genuine small pox, and the authorities at once had a building put np, to be used as a peat house. The man claimed to have contracted the disease at Kins ton. Schooner Wootten In Port. Virginian-Pilot, Feb. 9lh. The four-masted schooner Orlando V. Wootten arrived In port yesterday morning In tow of the ocean tug Ed ward Luckenbach. The Wootten la a beautiful white schooner, and to all ap pearances is little the worse for her experiences on Inner Diamond Shbals. Her waterlogged cargo of pine lumber will be takou out and dried, and the vessel repaired before proceeding to Baltimore. Captain Huston was busy yesterday receiving congratulations on his success in rescuing the vessel from the "grave - ard of all shipping," after she had been abandoned. Only a Chimney Fire. The alarm of fire at 7 p. m., Sunday, was caused by a chimney fire. Tbe chlm ney alarm fires are running a close sec ond with the false alarms. About the time the firemen reached the place Sunday night, there were two pistol shots fired, supposed to be done to scare the firemen and keep them from throwing any water. This was the supposition, but nothing could be learned definitely as it was dark, and the street crowded with those called ont by the fire alarm. The firing caused consternation In the cro-rd, which quickly scattered. It was not found that any one was Injured. Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, depress ion, headache, generally disordered health, De Witt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. F.S. Duffy. Happened In St. Louie. Stories concerning "the rivalry be tween Chicago and St. Louis evidently will never irrow.old. The latest con cerns a visit which Alderman Michael Kenna ("Hlnky Dink") recently paid to St, Louis. He wished to talk to a friend who lives in the suburbs of tbe Missouri city and, aa be had a dime In bis pocket for change, called up over the telephone. He talked but a few minutes and then asked the. Central operator bow much be must deposit for the call. "Fifty cents, please," was the an swer in a most confident voice. "Fifty cents!" gasped tha alderman. "What do you take mo for? A man with coin to burn? Why, in Chicago I can call up hades for 60 cents." 'Terhaps so," waa the answer, still framed . In the- most unruffled tone, "but that's within the city limits, you know." .- Poor Old Philadelphia. - At a recent dinner of tbe Pennsylva nia society one of tbe guests who was seated next to Augustus Thomfts, tbe playwright aud the president of tbe Missouri society, asked ; Mr. Thomas why the menu cards designated the dinner ns "the annual festival." .' "That's easy." said Mr. Thomas. The menn cards were got up by a Philadelphia man. and every Philadel phia man who goes to nn entertain ment which lusts beyond 9 o'clock at night regards it as a festival" New York Times. : Beaatorial Repartee. "No man In Vermont Is allowed to vote unless he has made $5,000 trading horses - with Massachusetts people," said Senator Hoar In tbe course of bis speech In the senate the other day. "And we all vote;" immediately re torted Senator Proctor in bis deep bass voice, whereupon the laugh was at tha expense of the senior senator from Massachusetts. ; , DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens np the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out ths head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of bead. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from I's use Is worth dollars Health too AROUND AND ABOUT. Tomorrow, Aa Wednesday, will Be .tha beflaniif 61 tha Lea tea season. I The street "piano eoallaoee to charm - -- v mmvj mmvm .w. fortaaea to be told by a big parrot Tha aldermen of Greenville, N.C have rafaaad to rafand aay aaoaey paid by tha slot machine man for licensee. Next Wednesday, February ltlh. wlU ba Aah Wadaeaday, tha Aral day of Lent uwa r nuay wui coma xarcn som, mu year. Ten thousand pounds of mullets, warn received here yesterday, this being tha only fish on the market. Oysters were scarce. A few shad were In the market yester day, and bucks retailed at 60 cents each. Other fish and oysters were equally scarce. The Fannie Hill Burlesque Co. was at tha Opera Houe last night. The same company will appear tonight. Admit tlon 25 cents. Continued cold snd fair wealherls the forecast for today. Freesiog tempera tures are reported as far South at the East Gulf coast and Northern Florida. The sale of what Is best known as the Fair grounda, took place at the court house door, jesterday noon, and the property was bought by P. H. Pelletler, Trustee, for iS80. The letter carriers will start In this week compiling their annual directory snd they request that their ' constitu ents'' will follow the directions on the slip that will be handed them. Steady cold was tbe weather condition here yesterday, with a stiff wind from the northwest blowing, which Increased the discomfort by raising clouds of dust. Continued cold Is n the forecast for to day. George While and I. H. Barrus recent ly elected elders ot Pollocksvllle church will be ordained and installed on the Third Sabbath In February. The ser vices will be appropriate to the occa sion. Mr. Albert F. Patterson has been ap pointed correspondent of the "Sporting Life " Mr. Patterson has been request ed to furnish that paper with "doings" of the North Carolina State Base Ball League. The Journal acknowledges the Invl tstlon to be present at the dedication ex ercises of the Curry Practice and Obser vation School Building, at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro, N. C, which takes place Monday, February 17th. While the fire alarm waa being teste 1 yesterday morning the bell struck two or three' times, causing some anxiety among the firemen, as they were waiting patiently for the alarm. Grass burning on upper Bern street caused some phoning to be done for the horses, who were up tawn. McDuffle's Turpentine it Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain cure for whoop leg cough, easy and comfortable, works while you sleep. 25 cents at F. S. Duf fy's. Superior Court. Ths February term of the Superior Court of Craven county, cotvened here yesterday, His Honor, Judce F. D. Winston, presiding. The following was the result of the day's proceedings. Smith vs. Mutual Reserve Fund. Ver dict for plaintiff. Hancock vs. Commissioners, Vincent vs. Miller, Croom vs. Pritchard, Whit ford vs, Peele. Continued. Ellis vs. Batterthwalts. Yerdlct for plaintiff, $426. Caton vs. Toler. Judgment for set tling line. One half costs for each. Hancock vs. Mutual Reserve, St. John's Lodge vs. Mutual Reserve, Tay lor vs. Mutual Reserve, Popo vs. Mu tual Reserve. Judgments given for plaintiffs In all these cases. One divorce was granted, yesterday. There are nine cases on the calendar of this court. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without fall. Beat for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pheumonla, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c, aremem That Failed. A certain Englishman by birth Who an American by force of clrcum Stances bas been in this country long enough to absorb the American Idea of humor. Last summer be waa In London on a visit and happening to have business with a man on an up per floor of a tall building took the "lift" to reach his office. The elevator was' one of those excessively deliber ate British affairs, and Its snail-like progress annoyed the Americanised Briton. The only Other occupant of the car was a middle aged English man, with a manner of peculiarly English seriousness. The man from America ventured to address him. "I think I could make a great Im provement In this lift," ho said. " ; The Englishman looked seriously In terested. ' ... . "How?" he asked. ' : -' "Why," the other man want on, "I'd make It go faster by a simple little ar rangement I'd stop tbe lift altogeth er and move the building np and down.". . The Englishman , looked slightly more Interested. v , "How?" he asked. The Best Prescription for Kalaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gbovk's Tasteless Chill Tokio. It is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c FOR BALE High grade bicycle. Will sell cheap. . Address Journal, New Bern, VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. What U the Trosble With Hew Bert t . Ia oar young days we need to bear of New Bern aa being tha Athena of the South. She was then celebrated tor her educated men aad callivated womea. Sha waa also progressive la a business wsy aa evidenced by her' large shlpplag aad commercial bouses, her apacloas docks and wealthy taaka. To have gained this dtstlncttoa her business mea la these daya must have worked la har mony and polled together. How does New Bern stand today com pared to tha other cities of the Sooth? How as compared with her sister cities of North Carolina? It Is understood that Mr. Carnegie of fers 13,000 tor a public library, K tha elUsens ot New Bern will pledge 1300 annually for the same caase. Will this be dons? : . . Toudga from what haa been done here In tha past 20 years we predict that wa shall have ao public library, altho we have plenty of men and women who could give thla $500 annually and not miss t'.ia fact the giving would be a bene fit to the givers as well as to tbe publlo. Let us look at our record for the past 20 yeara, snd see If it Is one tone proud of. Within that time we have had a Fair Association. It was an honor to New Bern while it lasted, but at tha Court house door today at IS m , the last obsequies take place, thai la ao far aa the publlo Is concerned. But ha direc tors wbo gave ibelr time and money so freely for many yeara have a note at bank for $8000 to pay as a legacy of the Fair and some business men who have been benefited by thla Fair during all these yeara secretly rejoice that these directors have the note " pay and say, "it served them right." We had a Y. M. !. A., for several years, which accomplished much good while it lasted, but finally was obliged to succumb for lack of support. Wa had a Home .Insurance company which should have been a success, and would have been, but for jealousy and bicker ings of ita members. We also had a cot ton mill organized but that went the way of all the other associations. What has New Bern done in the. past twenty years to be proudj of? How do wa stand compared with our sister cities ? Charlotte , has just pledged $155,000 for educational purposes. She is prog ressive snd her business men , snd capi talists work and pull together. She has a fine library and so has Durham, Ral eigh, Greensboro and other sister cities. Goldsboro has but recently taken away our schooljsuperintendeut, as she -wss able and willing to pay him more money. We all know what Kinston, our near- st neighbor bas done. There has been no failure of enterprises there, and the secret is that the business men work In harnv ny and have no petty jealousies. Ws do not lack capital in New. Bern and it is well known that some of it has gone to Kinston to help her enterprises. This "looking backward" may not ba pleasant for us New Bernians to contain plate, but it abould set us to thinking, and to the realization that we -are no longer the "Athens of the Houth." Some are satisfied with past glorlea, but the writer would prefer that our city should atand with the progressive cities of the present. Sub.ciissb. WANTED A LIBRARY. Why Lacks There Substantial Support Ia This Educational natter ? Greens boro's Library. It seems strange, the lack of enthusi asm or even hearty effort on the part of tbe b usiness men and men with money in giving their substantial encourage ment to the establishment of a publlo li brary In this city. A committee of ladles, only, have been hari at work for several weeks, getting subscriptions for a library fund. This committee is working to get a public library established, as such an In stitution means he most good for the people. A circulating library means educational encouragement to a com parative few while a publlo library of fers t Its education il opportunities to many; . " ' . A yearly guarantee ot $500. will secure a donation from llr. Carnegie of $5,000. seems incredible thai five, ten or twenty citizens would not coma forward without solicitation, sod become guaran tors for this amount. The Journal has heard it indirectly stated that one lady of this city has of' fered to give f 50. towards a library fund and this is far ahead of any subscription given "by any other 'person, although there are those who could give $50. or $100. without any disturbance ot their finsnces. " - - . x - With the present subscriptions re ceived, the library committee ot ladles csn establish a circulating library, but the Carnegie offer ought to be secured, by citizens coming forward voluntarily and becoming guarantors of the yearly $500. fund. ' The recent account of the opening of the public library fu Greensboro, N. C, ts most enjoyable redding : for any one Who talieves In the display of local lib erality and publlo spirit. . : Tbe first man approached In the Greensboro library matter" gave $300. cash and promised to see.tbat bis friends gave to it. And within one year $1,000 had been contributed. The library was opened with appropriate ceremonies, and the citizens of Greensboro csn well feel proud over their work y But the work is still here to be done. if New Bern is to have a public library. As usual the ladies have put themselves forwsrd In tbe work, and have accom plished a good detl, but the demand Is that these efforts shsll have tbe financial support of tbe business men and citizens to carry the library to a success. Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffte and ' WASHINGTON ON FIRE. ' Sparks Fraa Faulaf Steamboat Start Tbe CoaflaxTattom. Oatsidc Comma nlcaOoa Cat 0ft Aboat sanest, Saturday, sparks from a paaalag steamboat sot 8re to ths Atlantic Coast Lisa balldlng at Washington, N. C From this building the flames spread It being Impossible to check them, aad at the last report received by the Joca nn. over the phone, Peterson's grocery store, Dudley's saloon, Busman's furni ture store, end the telegraph an!-telephone fe hal baraed.aaita I d Bllll spreading. Oommunlcatlon with ontalde places was reported as cut off about 9 p. m. OBJECTED TO EJECTION. So Vaaager u Fired Upon and Told to Leave. AFamllco Trouble. Goose Creek Island, lyln between Hobnckea and Lowlands, Pamlico coun ty, was ths scene of considerable excite ment on January 19 lb, which Is likely to lead to more trouble. "' The story as stold Is as follows, The above land belongs to Mr. C. A. Flower, who sent J. W. Mnse to take charge of the land. ' , This lsnd seems to bsva been tenant ed by a number of people.who were will ing to pay rent, bat did not want to move off, a requested. This led to some dispute, the result being that Muse's house was fired upon at night, and Muse given S4 hours to leave, which be did. One of the men suspected of doing the shooting wss arrested in this city on Friday by Officer Lupton, tbe order com ing per 'phone from Bayboro, and the man taken to Bayboro for trial. Yesterday at Bayboro, three witnesses were examined, but nothing was devel oped as to parties doing the shooting. THE MARKETS. The fo.lowlng quotations were receiv ed by J. S. Latham s Co, New Bern, N. O. Nnw Tori, Feb. 10. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close Merek . May... July.... Aug.... Oet 8.3) 8 SI 8.30 8.33 (.35 8 80 8.2J 8.33 .8.31 8.SS 8.31 8.SJ .8.83 8.3:) 8.15 816 7.81 7.8J 7.7i 7.7 Chicago, Feb. K, Open. High. Low. Close 77 77 Open. High. Low. Close eif 61 Open. High. Low. Close 85) 807 Whiat: e May Cob: May Rlbs: May Kew York, Feb. 10 Opea. High. Low. Close Sloans; Sugar 128 Can. T.... 117a .13 St By .... 83 HI .44. 29 104 ' 61 78 P. 8. 1..... O. 8. ... m , 103, 77 Tez Pae . A. O.F... Mo. P.... Va.CC. Atchison . . Cesser .. CeSTae .169 May .. C6) Uverpeel Spots 4 21-83. . Sales 8,000 bales. Futures, Feb-Mch 4.S8. Apr-May 4.13 May-Jsse 4.33. ' NSWBSWN CTTe)X BfAIPKRT. Sales la tha local market at 7 to 8 cents. Same week Last week last jear., 144.SM , 127,000 This wsek. Sat. 19000 Mob. . 81000 ' Tuns. . Wed. Thurs. FrL 134.809 NEW BERN. PROWSE MARKET. WHOLESALE PRICES CUBHflKT. . Effgs, per do.... ...............?0o Chickens, old per pair.......... 60 & 60 yoang, per pr. 25 A 40 Geese, per pair, ........ v 80 to 1.00 Pork, perlh. . .......... 647 Beef, V ...;....:.. &e Hides, green, per lb dry, " ,v.v;;. .'.-.. 11 Beeswax, " S to 23 Sweet Potatoes, Tamsper busfi. 40to 50 ' . r Bahamas - '85 Corn, par bash J 80 Oats, , ; . ........ ......d PeannU.. 80 Local Grain Market Corn, per ba...... Oats per ba. Meal, perbu Hominy, per bn. . . .......... Corn bran, per 10O lbs ......... . Wheat brao, per " Feed, 100 lbs .... Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs....... SLIp staff No. 1 Timothy, per ten....... .. $.65 .62 .81 .85 1.25 J.50 1.6 ' 1.50 .41 ' 1.6) SO. 0 Ar.3rican Ccrssts African Wa! Royal Worcester WDdnTon STRAIGHT stftl Tit t EPf E sejitativi I m apIaab OawaaI . AlilUlbdll UUIdGlds ASK DKALIR TO SHOW THEM. , ACC&FT NO SUBSTITUTE. Royal Worcester Corset Co,, . Simmons 8 Hollowell Co., Will Exhibit Next Tuesday and Wednesday Advance Spring Styles f high class Cotton and Mer cerized Fabrics, and all the New Things In Lace Stripe and Plain and Faney Cords in Piqnea. Not "cheap- -ish" piece" in tho "showing", yet much of it is ineipen-t-ite, indeed, but the lowest priced fabric in tke lot is honestly made. No matter how little the price you p.iy. Tou are absolutely safe in a purchase made here. Competitors will have a lixely time trying to match our Tallies. - To begin with a Sensational Offering of French Printed Dress Muslins. These are Crisp, Clean and Perfect Summer Dress Fabrics of beauty and style At i Novelties in Wash Dress Fabrics at 20c, 25c, 15c, and 50c. This will be a showing" of beautiful Crepes, Panama Suiting,, novelties in Evening Waiste; Madras . for every day dresses, and the Smart and Hardy Linens for Suitings at prices to suit the purse. ; ; . - TTe are prepared to show our new lines of Delieate Laces and Embroideries, that will figure in the Sum - mer Wardrobe. ' I Whitz i Many bare been buying T .1 T . Cl: 1 titl:.- n they will all be shown ou the main floor and such handsome line to Select from.v Never in the height of the season, hare we be n able to make such a handsome showing. It will be worth a trip down to our store. ; " . ail 67 Pollock Street, ftAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAi AAA-AAA AAAA Truck Farm For Sale! , . ,." One hond red acre ,Truck Farm, one-third chared " and containing farm bouse?; apple, pear ana other fruit trees, grape vines - etc. The other . two-thiicls" heavily timbered. Situated near New Bern, N, C, 20 minutes drive from railroad and Bteainboat'shipping points. Terms rery easy,, apply to. . ' - .0. It. CUMMIG,.. . v P. O. Box 254, x ' Jacksonville, Fla. Great Closing Out Sale ! Commencing .January 1st, ' 1902, I will offer my entire stock of General Merchandise at and Below Cost This is the chance of jour life to secure tomt good bargains. ' Terms Strictly Cash. No goods charged during this sale. ' I ': Respectfully, - ( I E. B. IIARGETr. . ' I Silver Dale, N". C. IS FRONT WmossIbt, bis. 10c. Goods onr New 'VTelta atd Cords i - . v j M . - v.... r We Can Compete aa.ijf aA at s t arMitfirl fAit na tm fcir, etc, with ftU f min lad fed 4aUr I . ... U . . . FL. 1 m ine ookte. ttu jb oar prices, we'll est roar rads. The best cround fMd Kl.SU rr 1 00 lh. Kvarrthinv wa keep is at tbe best quality, torn K5 eta per Dnsnei, caea uam 7 cm, reea uats t'H cents, - (il. nPEITCER'fl, H 1 Market Doek, Ksw Para, !. C. We are now ready ta furnikh Line for Agricultaral pstposes, in bulk or sacked and In any quantity for cah. ' T" I AT 4ft ft 'SV- warn a IT V m I awv J m L.s Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. ' - N.C. , . Sandwiches at McSorley's.