. J5m VOLDMI XI1V. KIW BISN, CRAYIH CODSTT, K. C, TUISDAT, FEBRUARY 25. 190l.'.FIRST SECTION. tin i n Mm You may your Eirig Snap ers at Dyspepsia There is a quality in, Royal Bak ing Powder, coming from the purity and wholesomeness of its. ingre dients, .jyhich I promotes digestion. Food - raised by it will not distress. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by hygienists and physicians, and they ; accordingly recommend ,it in the preparation of food, espe cially for those of delicate digestion. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Three Million Dollar Company Granted Charter.. ' University Medical CoUega C1m Weather Morn Seasonable. Another Men Respited ky ' Uoveraor. .' Uacealaa rente Sermon at , 5 j 4.t -.- Sliaw TJnlTer- - T:; t aity. IUlbiqh, Feb. 24. The State today ' chartered a great corporation, the Ponncadenn Lumber and Maoafaotartng Co, of Lenoir, Caldwell county, capital $3,000,000, John H. Daoenhower, of Pa. William J. Merrill of Philadelphia and Walter W. Noble of Lenoir being the stockholders. The charter la a broad one, and allows the company to built and operate all kinds of factories, manu facture lumber, wood pulp, wood alco hol, to generate and dispose of electric .' bower, etc.- The fee to the. State for this charter wss 1800. It is said riiat the class at the State University Medical College, which will open ; here In September, will have a larger class than has been ei peeled; not " only all the Uulrersity medical students I who have taken the two years course there and who will come here to take NEW YORK COATED WITH ICE. HORRIBLE CATiSTRDPHEl Park Avenue Hotel New York City burns. Carriages Desert Fifth Avenue. Down ' pour of Rain Turned Into Sleet and - . the City Given an Icy Coating. NewTork, Feb. 31 Snow, followed by rain and sleet, to day created in this city and vicinity the most disa greeable weather conditions known In many year. The city's streets are In a worse condition than before the thousands of snow shovelers went to work-after the blizzard. During the evening the tomperature dropped enough to turn the downpour of rain into a coating of Ice over buildings and trees. In central Park the big trees oreaked under the weight of thick Ice Many branches fell. Traffic on tbe Brooklyn bridge was almost at a stand still. Heavy trucks could scarcely be moved, even when four stout horses to each did their best to get a foothold on the slippery roadway. Street Car traffic everywhere was much interrupt ed, but the greaiestNfiloulty was k parlenced on ; wosstpwhViflrse car fines Four horses were attached to all o( those cars'and had hard work g" tug alone Fifth avenue was a bIuc-i or Ice. It was early deserted by car riages. In Broadway, after the theatres closed, the scene was one of great confusion. U acuta Caatht la Upper Stories Looklag at Barn lag af 71st Reglsseat Armory. FlTty Perish. Loss Three Mlllleas. Special to Journal. Nsw York, Febrnary 23-A frightful and horrible catastrophe took place here today. A fire started this morning in the Ar mory building of the Seventy First Reg iment. The guests of the Psrk Avenue Hotel who were looking at the fire from the uppsr story windows, suddenly found that the Ore had spread to their hotel, which was on fire beneath them, catch ing them without means of escspe. Many at once Jumped from tbe win dows, whllo others tried the stairways and perished in the flames. About fifty perished, many being prominent people, among them being Rear Admiral Joseph Miller, and Colo nel Piper, U. S: A. The hospita's are filled with the in jured. The piopcrly lots is estimated at not Ices than three million dollars. McDuffle's Tasteless Chill Cure will build i I up broken down systi ms and mako the the additional two years course required , blood ilch and healthy, certain cure for but a number of North CarollnUns now . studying medicine In other States. Testrdsywas the first warm day this year. , In tho sunshine tbe temperature was 84 degrees. As a result the snow - melted fast, t The coonry Is yet white with it however, from Selma hero and then as far west as Durham. It is said many small birds have died. Mot maay partridges are thought to have perished. . The snow has not made, a great del, of v sickness. There is'grlppe, but not of a . bad type. In Moore and Chatham conn , :t ties, there has been much pneumonia, of . uau type. Governor Aye" to Is morning res--; pi ted Andrew fherman Jackson white) . of LInoolnton natil March 20, at the re- . quest of lbs presiding Judge. Jackson was under sentence to be hanged Wod- nesday of this week, for burglary. President Charles E. Taylor of Wake Forest college will preach the baccalau reate sermon on Sunday, the 9th, of . March, before tbe graduates in tbe pro - fesslonal departments at Bhsw, Univer sity (colored) here. Tho annual address . to the graduates will be delivered on the .: 13th by Rev. Dr. : Kllgo, president of Trinity college. Durham. The trustees : will meet here on that day. It Is the ' first time they have over mut at Ral , eigh. .' . The State authorizes the White Fnrnl .. tore Company of Mebane to Increase Its - capital stock from 13,000 to $100,000. r V' The condition of F. U. Busbee, a well ... known attorney here, who has been dan gerously sick, Is much improved. chill, guaranteed or money refunded 59 cents at F. S. Duffy's. Heavy Tax on Preachers. Louisville, Ky, Feb. II An ordinance has been prepared by Captain W. T. Norton, o millionaire club man, provlJ Ing that ministers of all denominations shsll pay a license of $50 a year anil that their salaries shall be garnlsheed in the event of non-oavment. "4 The ordinance was glvun to a Conn cllman to introduce, but he has so far declined to present It. - The ordlnsnce sets forth that the mln Istert of late "have been trying to butt Into politics and attempting by advancing unwise theories to take hand In the ' conduct of municipal "af- fai a,' Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Price, 19 cts; large bottle 25 ct. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, NiU ralgis, . Soreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruise, Wounds, Swell ings, Burns and Frost Bites.' Sa'vutloa Oil klUs all pain. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby (riven that the Arm of Armstrong and Matthews is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. P. Mat thews having withdrawn from laid firm. H. C. Armstrong Is authorise and em 'pjwered to collect all bills due the Arm, . The said 11. C Armstrong assumes all liabilities of said firm and will pay off and dlschxrge same. This the 31st day of February. 1902. " i F. F. MATTHEWS. , : ; l . H. C. ARMSTRONG. ' Thanking the public for the patron sge extended In the past to the firm of AimMronir an I Matthews. I v,t the 8!mc rntrrni;e be exleud .Uu.r. H AriiiJilrouit. who succeeds to the old business of Armstrong and Matthews. f. f.:iatt: " .VS. Now In the Pen. Special to Journal. Half.khi, Feb. 12. Gates and Mills whoso sentence is commuted by Got ernor Aycock, arrived at the peniten tiary here this afternoon. They were removed- from Ashevtlle jail last night, and brought directly here. A Batch ot Criminal Items. News THE ROYAL VISITOR. Prince Henry of Prussia Safe Arrival. A Nation Welcome. Kew York, Feb 23 Prince Henry cf Prussia reached New York to day and was cordially welcomed as s guest of the nation Tbe land battery which guards the outer harbor sounded the first greeting iu a ponderous salute of 21 guns, the rifles of a special naval squadron assem bled in honor re-echoed tho sentiment, and tlieie were verbal greetings from the representatives of President Roose velt, the army, tUe uayy and tho city of New York. A great crowd lined the vantage ground In the city to see the Prince and the German sailors. Kear-Adinlral Robley D. Evans offi cially welcomed the royal visitor In the namo of the American - people. The Princo landed on the West Thirty-fourth -treel pier, Now York city, at 12;S5 o'clock. He passed over the pier and went on board the Imperial yacht Hohenzol lern. - Then came representatives of the Pres ident, tbe army and nsvy and the Ger man Embassy to pay their respects. At 3 p. m. the Prince entertained some of his notable visitors at luncheon. Later In the afternoon the Prince vis ited the United States i warships in the harbor. V, Ueaersl Tooa's Office to be Sons Filled. Eagagemeat Aa son seed. Caase of Use. Toon's Death. Wil liam K Eldrldsre's Death Ralbioh, Feb. 12 Governor Aycock today declined to interfere la thi case of John Henry Rose, who will accordingly bo hanged at Wliaon next. Wednesdsy. His crime wss waylaying and assassina ting a man. The Governor commutes to life im prisonment at hard labor the death sen tences of Russell -Gales, white end Frank Mills, colored, two of the tour men who were convicted of burglary at fcininii post office In Buncombe county. Gate and Mills stood guard outside tbe build ing, whllo the other two men, ono white, one colored, entered it and while at tempting to rob tbe safe attacked the plucky young postmaster, Samuel Alex ander. The Supreme Conrt held that all four were guilty of burglary. A great many petitions for the com mutation of sentence ss to dates and Mills weie re ceived by the Uovernor.as well as a large number of count r-; elilions. Six executions were set for next Wed nesday. The other one set Is that of Andrew Sherman Jackson, at Lincoln- ton. Jackson's crlma was ono of the most horrible imaetuable lie commit ted burglary at the house of Mrs. Strom and attacked her daughter with a razir. making a score of gagbes on- her body. Her infant, born a few months later, vtas msrked with the same disfigurements made by the razor qu the mother, and was shown to the jury In evidence. Jackson's wife was a sister of the woman so injured, and at the time of the marrlago Jackson's wife wss alive. The governor will fill the vacancy In tho cfllce of State Superintendent ot Public Instruction caused by the death of General Toon at the earliest possible moment next week. The salary Is $1,000 ith $500, expense allowance. There are a number of aspirant for the position. The New Orleans papers announce the engagement of Miss Nichols, daughter the Chief Justice of Louisiana, to Jame.i Richard young, Insurance Com missioner of North Carolina. The date of the wedding will be late in April Tbe physician's report on the cause of death of Gen. T. F. Toon is that it was heart disease and that bis last Illness wsa only J of hour in duration. Gen. Toon's la9t official act was the signing of a deed to 2000 acres of State Swamp land In Tyrrell county, Wednesday night, his death occurring Thursday mornlnir. . T. B. Eldrldge of the Raleigh Morning Post, left here today for Richmond, up on news of the death of his father, Wil- iam K. Eldrldge, at that city this morn ing, of cancer of the throat. Mr. El : ridge was about 63 years of age. He went to Richmond a month or more ago for treatment. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grotb's Tasteless Chill Tome. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure - no pay. Price 50c. ; , Millions in Unpaid Taxes. New York, Feb. 21. There is now due the city $61,000,00) of unpaid taxes, of which $25,OJO,CO0 la laxes for last year can bo easily collected, and $53,000,000 for water rates and real estate assess ments prior to 1901. , '- s ' Comptroller Grant Intend? to. take ste. sfor tho collection of this imme diately, oven to sel'Iog properties 1 on which assessments Jiave not been pal l. About $7,000,000,- taxes on personal property ho does not expect to secure. Three Territories to Come In. WiSniHOTOM. Feb, 21. The House committee on Territories today unani mously voted to report bills for tbe ad mission of the Territories of Ni w Mexi co, Aria na and Okjshoma. The V'lie was taken upon a motion made by Mr. Moon, of Tennessee, doclar ing it to be he sense of the committee that tho three Territories were entitled to tatehood and tht sub-committees be appointed to t repare the bill. Tho sub committees were appointed. : Clerk's Wise Sngxestlon. 1 have lately been much troubled with d tpopsla, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. 8. Mead, leading pharmacist' ot Attleboro, Maa. "I could eat hardly anything without suffering several hours. My clerk suggested I try Eodo Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts aft' r such a time, their digestion must be pretty goo I. 1 endorse Eodol Dyspep sia are heartily." Yon don't bars to diet. Eat all the good food yon want but do i' t over U ad the stomach. Kodol Dyap jpsla Ine digest jour fo A. F. 8 Miss Stone Finally Free, y Cosstantinoplb, Feb. 23. Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American. missionary who, with' Madame Tsllka, was captured by brigands in the district of Salonlca, Sep tember 3 last, has been released and ar rived at Strumltza, Macedonia, at o'clock this morning.- . 1 Nobody was at Strumltza to meet Miss Stone, as 'the brigands had given no In dlcation where they proposed to relesse the prisoners. Madame Tsllka and her baby were released at the same time. T.io missionary, Madame Tsllka and the child are all welL - - , Saved Him From Torture, i There Is no' more, agonizing trouble than pllos The constant itching and burning make life intolerable. No" po sition is comfortable. The torture is an ceasing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles at once. For skin diseases cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is unequalled.. J. 8. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says; "From 1863 1 suffered with tbe protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me nntil I used Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." Beware of coun terfeits. F. 8. Duffy. ' ' LESS WORRY. Children .will play and get ovor-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In doz-ns of ways, and yon. can't prevent it. All you can do Is to. keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have iu the house a Cough Remedy that con be. depended upon, Anway' Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It is guaranteed to euro Coughs, Colds and Gio p or tbe price 25 cents will , b refunded by any dea'er selling it. Sold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's rharuiscy. A DISGRACEFUL AFFAIR. Ben Tillman, Senator From South Caro lina Attacks His Colleaque In Open Senate. treaty. Ho then weal oa o slate that his cbsiga applied to tho Senator from South Carolina hoTivl been glvee lhi patronage of that Plato I think on thai I have stated the subktance f the controversy." I Controlling himself -with an effort, bit still speaking very calmly and with a caref 1'Jy modulated lone, Mr. McLiu- iln continued, ' 1 would n t uae as string language as 1 inteu t," he said had ( not, ooo after li Senate met, replied to these Insiauattons and said that tbey were untrue." There was an empuasU to tbe list word that foreboded trouble, but Mr. Mc Laurln was reserving tbe sentence which stuug. ' I now say," he went on dwelling wlili distinctive emphasis upon every word and half turning toward bis colleague, "tht that statement Is a will ful, deliberate, and ssallciouo lie ! ' The challenge rang out through the Senate chamber, wbsrelu was silence as of death. McLaiirin did not hare a cU.nce to ssy auotber word lr. Tillman sprang from h;s seat.w'th the rapidity aud almost the ftroclly of a ll,'er. Tliore were three desks between him and where Mc Laurln was standing. The. tlrst one, usually occupied by Senator Bailey, of Texas, was empty. Tillman, in his mad onslaught, pushed tho vacant chair away with his knees. At the next desk, Mr. Teller wss sitting. He was swept aside by the angry Tillman. In deed, tbe Infuriated Senator, placing one baud upon Teller's shoulder and the other upon Teller's desk, literally leaped over him, In his effort to reach McLau rin. Then there wm auolucr vacant chair, where Senator Harris sits, and this was almost over'urned as Tillman rushed by It. Then the two South Car olina Senators were face o face. The wild charire of Tillman had taken but the fraction of a second, and yet it seemed as if an age had passed. Even if the noise of scrambling over desks bad not been suffl .lent to attract M-iLaurin'H attention, he had lenly of time to sco Tlllmsn ma My springing at him. lie stood his gio ind. By the lime rillruan was in front of htm, he hud squared his arms to meet the impending attack. On the floor Senators stood up in their seats, and In the galleries half a hundred people leaned over the railing in their excitement, lillmsu rushed upon McLaurin with Impetuous force. Being left-handed, he aimed a wild blow at his colleague with 1i!b left fiat. Ii landed on McLaurln's forchisd just over the right eye, although Its force was partially spent upon McLaurln's arm, wuicn fie naa raised in an enort to parry the blow. In fact, Tillman's fist passed across McLaurln's arm and fell with a stinging blow upon McLaurln's forehead, and then, with unimpeded momemtum. glanced off into the face of Mr. Layton, who was close behind Mc- Laurln, having sprung forward at the first sign of the encounter. Instantly MeLaurin's right arm shot out, the blow landing upon Tillman's face, apparenty upon tbe nose. Again Tillman struck out frantically, this time with his right arm, but the blow fell harmlessly upon McLaurln's shoulder. Then followed a wild scrimmage, both Senators clutching each other madly and attempting to rain blows upon each other. Across the aisle sat Senator Warren. of Wyoming, a man of powerful build With true Western Instinct, he sprang over tbe intervening spsce and threw one mucular ' arm around Tillman's body and the other arm around Till man's neck. Tillman Is no pigmy, but Senator Warren lifted him as If he were a chili and literally carried him back to his desk, Mr. Layton assisting In theper formmce. In tbe meanwhile, Senator Patterson and Senator Cockrell's son who hsppened to be standing by, seized McLaurln and forced him into his seat. Half a dozen other Senators, like school boys in a fight, crowded around the com batanta. The latter made several Inef fectual attemnts to net at each other . . .1 even after tney nau oeen araggeu apart. . The struggle was over. 2 &3 . .. BTRJESET. i p Lead Voiajt's Snow Mrlft, White Frost & Admiral JUST RECEIVED, , New lot I rcsh rrk Sausage Fulton Market Corned Bi-ef, California Hams, Breakfast Strips Small Pig Hams, Tripe. Fancy Jersey Tomatoes larfee cans, California Peaches 20c per can, Lobsters 25c and 85c can. Give me a call for whatever jou nny need in groceries and I gaaranteod to please you. Si T T f fUlffTlT Wholesale & BetaU Grocer, j 'Phone 91. 71 ISrop! fctv AT M. HAHN & SON'S Important to Farmers. Stables -vffesL 40 head of Horses and Mules ad apted tor the farm, draught and road work, thoroughly seasoned and ready for work. Full line of Buggies, Harnese, Wagons, Carts, Etc. gee us before buying' and SAVE MONEY. Respectfully, M. IIAH3T & SOX. e Heac Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. Attn Washing on Post, Feb. 33rd. Time yesterday afternoon. Place the Smate of the TJnltedStates, Cause -Tillman charged that MoUorln bad old his vote for official patronage, and McLaurln told him that he lied. All eyes were centered npon McLaurln a man of forty-two years, not over medi urn-height, with a heavy blond mustache and curly hair. The Senate was nnusu allv crowded, and the eallerlec were thronged with visitors. Tillman, black haired, one-eyed, his rugged face drawn tensely, sat with! his arms crossed on his lap, his favorite attitude. His one eye retarded McLaurln clo ety Ho was like a Hon crouched to spring. ,; "Mr. President, I rise to a question of personal privilege." : McLaurln's word?, clear cut and dis tinct, cut the silence of tho Benate like a In view of the fact that it Is not gen knlfe. Everybody in Bt'nctively felt that craly understood that the Rice Crop is a crisis was near. Despite the emotion highly protected from foreign compel under wh'ch McLaurln seemed tote tion by an import duty ana mat tne laboring, ho was api erectly the m st crops, raised In the United Statei have comDOsel man in the chamber. He spoke every year fallen much below the home with deliberation, and his enunciation consumption, the Carolina I Ice Mills of was more than ususlly distinct. Ev.ry Goldsboro, N. C, tn order to encourage word he uttered seemed t j be felt, si the cultivation ot Rice on a larger scale well as beard, in the' remotest parts of than has heretofore been done is now the hlstorlo ball. Even as be spoke, prepared to mako contracts with plant- seversl Senators, among them Rcott, of ers in North Carolina tor their crops ot West Virginia, moved restlessly about rice they may raise during the year It oa in the rear of the desks, They felt as a on the most liberal terms. man mleht feel whs tread the verge ot : Parties Interested, who wish to avail a tr. mbllne volcano. themselves ot this offer,' can communi During my absence a few moments te Hit us and we will take pleasure airo " continue! Mr. McLaurln, "the gen n K""S ,u" tleman who has just taken bis seat- Mr. McLaurln paused. He evidently did not relish the word "gentleman" as applied to Mr. Tillman. Ho changed it to "Senator." The orrectlon was om inous, Ilka the Sash of lightning before the storm. ' ' - : ; "": ' "The Senator who has Just taken hit teat," Mr. McLaurln went on, emphasla- lng the omission of tbe word "gentle man" by rot repeating It, "said that Im proper Influences had been used in changing the vote of somebody on the HMDS' IIJ IW TUB 1. Respectfully, : . ' CAROLINA. Rl' E MUL8, Goldsboro, N. O. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Lw, NEW BERN, NORTH CARCL NA Office: South . I ton itreet, Oppossl Hotel Chattawka. Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a : good cure. Makes wrappers and fills your purse. By its merit alone one farmer iu Jones County will use it cxcluie ly on his sixty acres of tobacco. : u - ; As pur goods are manufactured near you and not re shipped, e claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. Bill Mi Catlnge, Potato, lllcrip acd Cotloa Guano, Cur Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Good." tIf you use Fertilizers ( all nnd Sco us. . - E. H. & J. A. MEADOW ., Higk tirade Fertilizers Factory Menae Blver, NEW KERN, N. Y luavvvitXiaViyvIyv tyviyv Fresh Country Smoked Hams $ J ... ' a . ana biae bacon, fie::! P;'?--- Cro Fancy New Orleans, West Indiaand Porto liico " Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Mapla Sjmp Jatt Ileceived. We also have a full and aud fresh supply of fancy ( akes and Crackers, such as XJneeda Biscuits Uneeda Milk Biscuits, Ojsterettea, Che :S0 Sandwiches, Foivntine Vauila (Ireamri . Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Icn (.ream?, &c. ? . . Don't fail t gWe us a cull and get your groceries frali and deliteied promptly. Turs to Please, T. 2. PASIIUIS, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Grocer, PHONE 69. Ccr. nrrrl c'lTr.r.ccrT: r-