ffeto ffleftt id rfl W 1 VOLUME XXIV. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. FIRST SECTION. SliMBKK 157 ft ir t ft 'V BAiilNCr OWDfitlV Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc. , which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Pure, healthful, highest in strength. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., GRIFTON. March 1st Mr. J. C. Griffin went to Greenville N. C, Monday on busi ness. Mr. Otis Uasklns spent Monday In Greenville. We aro glad to see Mr. Heber Qasklns out again. Mr. Li. A Cobb returned Monday night from Norfolk, Va., where ho has been for treatment for some time. Miss Susie Dunn went to Elusion Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kate Move of Elnston passed through town Wednesday on her way to her farm near Maple Cj press. Cupt. W. J. Pope returned Friday morning from Elnston. We had the heaviest rain In our sec tion Friday morning we have had for several years. Mr. J. Chapman of Qulncriy was in town Friday. Mrs. Girtrudo Bland left Thursday for Baltimore to purcbaso a Spring line of fancy millinery goods. Mr. Jacob McCottor spent Thursday In Klnnlon on business. Mr. Sam Abbott of Elnston was in town Friday on business. Mr. Authur Jackson i)s purchased the old stork of J. Patrick & Co, old stock from J. Z Brooks. Mr. Brooks bought out the Flock and worked it down and sold it out to Mr. Jackson, he has opened up in .Mr Patrick's old stand Glad to havo him to come to town. McDuffie's Tasle'css Chill Cure will build up 1'iolicn down systems and make the blood itch and healthy, certain cure for chill, Kiiarantrcd or money refunded 5) cents at F. S. Duffy's. MERE MEN. Casper Babo of Jerseyvllle, III., Hungarian, served under Louis Kos suth and fought for his country's lib erty. Dr. Nansen has a liking for bright colors. That la why his ship, the Fram, wns painted green, gray, scarlet and white, picked out with gold. General Kitchener Is said to be very sensitive about his nam because It ivns In ancient times applied to a plats warmer and later to kitchen super intendent "The Red Karl" is tbe nickname by which Lord Spencer has long beta known In consequence of the color of his beard. He Is one of the props of the Liberal party of England. Brevet Colonel Charles W. 0. Mc Coy of Virginia and the Confederate army lu the civil war now lives la Brooklyn and has the largest Individu al collection of family Bibles In tits world. Gcnernl Klelgels, the police prefect of St. Petersburg, is descended from one of the Scottish Clayhllte who toot service with Peter the Great, bis name being a corruption of the original fam ily name. George O. Vest of Missouri became a United States senator from that state in March, 1870, and at tbe expiration of his present term In 1908 be will havo served twenty-four years consec utively. He Is now more than seventy. William J. Holland, director of tbe Carnegie museum, in Pittsburg, has been engaged for over eighteen years in the collection of moths. In tbe col lection brought together under bis su pervision there are some 160,000 speci mens, representing about 25,000 dif ferent species. When Senator Aldrlcb went to Wash ington twenty years ago, be was a comparatively poor man with a large family. Today ho is reputed to be eT era! times a millionaire. The founda tion of bis fortune was laid in consoli dating the street railways of Provi dence, which he still controls. Colonel Frank Rhodes, D. B. O., la the antithesis of bis more famous brother. Cecil Is bulky, "sbaucbllng," domineering, wears clothes only to keep himself warm and scorns tbe social graces. Frank Is ; spare, well knit, suave, the pride of bis tailor and a la dles' man to bis manicured linger tips, though at the same time a good all . round sportsman, which Cecil la not Heayy Gale at Norfolk. - . orfolk, Va. Feb. J8 A southeasterly gale struck Norfolk this morning, and during Its prevalence tbe wind attained a velocity of o miles an hour. Rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell In torrents but no damage resulted in this city. The weather, bureau's sea- ooast telegraph wires between. Norfolk and Cape Henry were prostrated. Lid 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. NEGRO CONVENTION CALLED To Meet at Raleigh. Want to Find Out Where They Are At. Special to Journal. Kalkioh, "March 1. A State conven tion of negroes is called to meet here. April 15th. The call Is Blgned by Henry E. Hagan, H. II. Leak and 8. G. New- om. The call says there is a lack of under standing among the leaders of the ne groes and no (organization. That the meeting is to more greatly stimulate lm provement in the Industrial and cduca tlonal conditions of.the negro. That this Is a year of doubt and uncertainty, and that the negroes are wishing to see what is to be their future hope politically. That only the most conservative mon should be selected as delegates to the conven tion. Wind 80 Miles an Hour. Cleveland, Feb. 28. One of the most violent storms In years prevailed throughout Northern Ohio early to day. Telephone and telegraph poles and wires were prostrated in many places. Scores of plate-glass windows and sky lights in the downtown district wcro de molished, while signs, chimneys and trees were torn. At one time the wind blew 80 miles an hour. Damage to Florida's Capitol. Pknsacola, Fla., Feb. 23. Tho entire south wall of the new wing of the State Capitol at Tallahassee was leveled to the ground last night by a farious gale. CANNOT AVOID TROUBLE. Cap!. Geddes' Schooner Run Into. Nor folk's New Enterprises. Norfolk, March 2. New Bernlans it would seem aro frequent visitors to this city. Numbers of them are met by your correspond ut. Event.- are rushing by and then no scarcity of interesting news. The tchooncr Magic of New Born, Capt. R. F. Geddes, was on February 20 last run into by a raft In tow by the harbor tug Mollie. Tbe bob stay was carried away and head gear sprung. This necessitated a farther delay of two or three days for repairs, which was promptly attended to by the tug boat owners. Tbe genial Captain will now resume his voyago to Washington, I). C. after being Ice bouud here for fivo weeks. During the Magic's last trip across Pamlico sound Bhe encountered heavy weather losing her yawl boat, davits, etc. The Mansion House Hotel patronized by many North Carolinians has recently changed hands, Mr. Henry Gates Is at present proprietor, he will run an up-to- date hotel, he commences business by changing the name of the house, ho baa given the people the privilege of select ing a name for this hostelry through ad vertising tha, he will award a $10.00 gold i lece to tbe person successful In finding the mot appropriate name. The contest was over Saturday, and this wttk 1 will Inform you of tho name adopted. From Mr. Gates' past record In catering to tbe requirements of the travelling public, I think the comfort of bis patrons will be well looked after. There will soon be a number of new industries started in and around Nor folk There Is to be erected at Sewell's Point a large ship building plant, and at Port Norfolk the Helm pickling con cern is about to put up an Immense branch of their Pittsburg pickling and preserving house. At Berkley thero Is to be operated a glass making establishment, capitalized at $100,000, and employing about 200 men. The Elisabeth river between Norfolk, Portsmouth and Berkley will soon be bridged ever and tunnelled under. There art three companies looking for fran chise privileges to engage la these en terprises. - G. Clcdol Dyspepsia Curo C!mU what you eat IDT 1 CIHDIDATE. Ex-Judge Shepherd Not to Run For Chief Justice. Heavy Rains And Bad Roads. Sher Iffj Slow In Settling- Sooth Dakota Salt. Speculative Scheme. Fifth District Appeals. IUlskih, N. C, March 1 The school board of Cumberland county divided the public school fund not on s per capita basts but in such a way as to keep every school open four months. The schools have been held that period and the teach era havo been paid. The action of the board was In violation of the school law but the board thought It was acting un der the law of 1901,whlch Is of later date than the school law. The authorities here do not see that they can do any thing In the matter. In fact the action In Cumberland may be really the Initial step In a new way of dividing money among the schools. Cherokee to day gave notice It needed no aid for Its schools, while Gaston ask ed for only $820. The soil Is bo saturated with water that the roads are In some places treach erous. The soil on top appears firm but gives way under weight. No road work can be done for some time for this rea son. There were two thunderstorms yes terday and torrential rains. Sheriffs are settling last year's taxes quite slowly. In Borne counties collec tions are hard to make. In others mon ey is plentiful. Not one half the work on farms which was done at this dato last year Is now done. The difference Is very marked. Thero la but little talk here about tbe South Dakota bond suit, set for hearing Monday boforo the United States Su preme Court. Thore is grave doubt that the court will then go on with the case. To people here It appears to be a quite transparent fast that the State of Dakota is merely a cat's paw In this matter of the speculators who hold the $800,000 of Western North Carolina railway bonds. It is not believed here that the court has jurisdiction or will exercise It. The Btate Supreme Court will devote next week to the docket of appeals from the 5th distiiet. The convicts in the pouitentlary are expected to begin Ibis month's work under the overall contract made with an Atlanta firm. Ex-Judge Shepherd Is not a candidate for Chief Justlco nor will he engage In any scramble for that olllce. Reports were put in circulation yesterday that ho was u candidate. He authorizes me to deny them. GUM BRANCH. March ;2nd We had a heavy rain and wind Tuesday, a. in., another Fri day a. m. and again last night a trenien duous rain and wind. The land Is so wet It can't be plowed now it is warm enough to plow. Some of tho farmers have taken off some of their tobacco crop and will not tend as much as Intended, so we hear although it yet a good price Mr. J anus King carried tho remainder of his latt year's crop of tobacco to Kin gton last week and it brought him some thing over 1 4 cents on an average. Wc spoke something lncur last letter about the high prices being charged for corn and other supplies and Messrs. W. H. & C. 1) Francks name was mentioned in connection with It, and we hear Mr. Francks seoms to think that some reflec tion on the firm was meant, but I wish to state through the Journal that no re flection was meant on any one as I only meant to speak In a general way about high prices everywhere and cot only at our place. Cow peas Is very scarce and command the highest cash price. We think if more attention was paid to the cultiva tion of tho pea crop they would not be so scarce In planting time and they are a very good and healthy diet and are liked by a good many people besides convicts. Mr. O. F. Taylor and family of Tuca hoe are visiting his brother, W. I. Tay lor of this burg. Miss Flossie Barber of Flox, returned homo yesterday. Mr. Kenneth Scott and Miss Mollow Humphrey .went with her. Mr. Nelson Scott has an old-limey rail splitting Thursday. Ho had 800 rails split and enough wood cut to cure his tobacco. Mr. John Humphrey seems to be a good turkey hunter. We are continually hearing of turkey dinners. Most time to leave them off Mr. Humphrey. Gardens will be late this year, and no seed (or very few) is town as yet. Vox Popcli. LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dozens of ways, and you can't prevent it. All you can do is to keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have in the bouse a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon.' Anway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement, It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds and Croup or tbe price 25 cents will b refunded by any dealer selling It. Sold by Davis', . Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey is beit. Middle street. :the GOOD APPR0PIATI0NS For Public Works Secured By Congress man Thomas For This Section. Special to Journal. WisniNOTON, March 3rd Congress man C. R. Thomas has seenred In tbe River and Harbor appropriations, $20, 000 to be expended In giving an eight foot depth at low water In the Neuse and Trent river channels; $10,000 for making a water way between New River and Beaufort. Also an appropriation for the purpose of making a survey of Now River, Onslow county. The bill for the Bogue Inlet Life Sav ing Station, Introduced by Congressman Thoma, has been favorably reported by the Senate. Congressman Thomas says that a Life Saving Station near Beaufort, will be built. YOU KNOW WHAT TOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because tho formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 5dc. At Davis'. Jordan's Cough Balsam, made accord ing to formula of late'Col. Jordan, Is on sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. This Cough Balsam has always been found very efficacious, and It does not contain any harmful drug; It Is espec ially good for children. Price 25 cent THE MARKETS. The following quotations were roceiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. V. New York, March 3. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close March 8.78 8.90 8.78 8.87 May 8.G3 8.73 8.59 8.72 July 8.60 8.71 8.59 8.71 Aug 8.42 8.55 8.42 8.53 Sep 8.18 8.26 8.15 8.26 ct 8.02 8.11 8.01 8.11 Chicago, March 3. Open. High. Low. Close WlIEAT: May . July.. COKN; May. . Ribs: May.. - 701 70J ..701 76' Open. High . Gil 04 701 70S Low 701 70 i Close on oij Open . 810 High. Low. Close K55 Liverpool Spots 4.21-32, Sales 8,000 bales. Futures, Apr-May 4.39. May-June 4.38. CarTee May. 500 New York, Mareh 3. Open. High. Low. Close Stocks; Sugar Con. T.... 8o Ry U. 8.L.... 128J 129J 1284 1283 32j Hi 43 32 11 43 VJ. S. 8. . . . Tex Pac . 43i 431 A. C.F... Mo. P.... 99$ 1001 99J 100 C23 75 J 35J 95 Va.C. U Atchison 75i Copper 75 1 35- 951 A. C. 0 34 34J 95J U. S. 8., Pref'd. 95 Dr. Bull's Baby Syrupfor Teething Babies. Price, ;10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grl ping Pains, Bour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes tho digestion and soothes the baby. RAILWAY TIES. In 1850 Cannda had COO miles of rail way. Today sbo has 40.000, double tho mileage of England. Pussenger trnlns on tho Union Pa cific are to have au additional man, it Is said, so that one of tbe crew can de vote bis attention wholly to tbe duties of flagman. in Italy the railways aro run on the twenty-four hour system, time begin ning at midnight It sounds queer to bo told that you will have to leave at twenty minutes past 15 o'clock or at 21:00 p. in. if you want to catcb tbe most comfortable cars for Genoa or Naples. England is only second In Europe In point of fast trains. Whereas her fast est trains are put down as traveling close on fifty-five miles per bour, France shows upward of fifty-eight miles. German trains come next, with about fifty-one miles, and Belgium fourth, with forty-nine. Watches. We bare purchased a largo stock of 14 karat watches, small ladies, and medium gents sizes, heavy gold cases, and made by our best manufacturer, handsomely engraved and plain, tbe designs are the very latest. We sell them as cheap as a good filled case cost you. You are In vited to call and see them. J. O. BAXTER, Ja., Leading Jeweler. Tbe finest Western Beef and lamb ever seen In New Bern will be on tale at J Oaks Market today. Like State League. Base Ball Governor Grants Respite. Pen sioner Does Not Want Money. State Charter. Complaint Before Corporation Com mission. Bonds For Good Roads. Rii.Kioii, March 3. Governor Aycock today respited until April .3, Henry Shaw, colored, who was under sentence to be hanged at Lumberton tomorrow for murder. It appears that Shaw was sentenced to.be hanged within 15 or 20 days after conviction, and that people a Lumberton thought he ought to hare more time. His attorneys also asked for s respite In order that the question of his sanity might be Inquired Into. The Btate charters the Henkel Line Stock Co., of Statesvllle, eapital $60,000. There are over 100 stockholders, In a score of towns. State Auditor Dixon was astonished today at the receipt of a pension warrant with a letter from the pensioner saying he did not need It. There Is quite a favorable turn lu the base ball situation today and it is said the prospects are now bright for a State league. Tho president was net active enough !n pressing the matter, so today there was a conference and It. C. Kivers will take the management of the Ral eigh club. He will also tako the active part In completing the league. He has gene to Greensboro to see If that town Is coming In. If It does not do so he will go to Winston. He may visit Wil mington. Columbia and Spartanburg, S. C. have made application for admis sion to the league. It is said that Golds boro desires to be in It. About March 12 amee'Ing will be held here at which franchises arc to be awarded to tbe suc cessful teams. Before the Corporation Commission to day a number of furniture manufac turers appeared, and asked for a reclass Ilicatlon of freight aates on furniture. There was also a hearing of a case from Charlotte In which there Is complaint of warehouse charges on through freight. Another complaint heard was from Hick ory whose millers wish to get Btich ar rangements as will allow through rates for grain stopped there, ground iuto flour or meal, and then re-shipped to its destination. The people of Orange county will bold a "good roads convention at Ilillsboro, March 11. They are to vote later on the issue of $109,000 of road bonds. It is said the vote will be favorable by a largo majority. Governor Aycock and some of the other State officers will go tho Agricul tural and Mechaclcal College to morrow to see the practical work of the dairy class Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. Surgery Is no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve cures sach cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations For tcal-ls, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and i-kln diseases it is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. F. S. Duffy. How Almat Those? "If you want to Iniprovc your mind," said tbe sngi "uKsociato only With persons who know more thnn you do." "But if they follow the same rule," said one of those who were learning iwisdom at his feet, "what are wo to Uo?" Chicago Tribune. Ilia Poaltlon. : An cxchaDgo tells of a godfather who w.hen asked in tho course of the serv ice If ho believed what all Christians hold as tbe essentials of tho faith an swered with emphasis, "I renounce ihem. all,'' to .the,, consternation of the parson and alf the (witnesses. Important to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not gen- eraly understood that the Rice Crop is highly protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of Goldsboro, N. C, in order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts with plant ers in North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year 1C02 on the most liberal terms. Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves ot this offer, can, communi cate with us and w will take pleasure in giving full particular. Respectfully, CAROLINA RICE MILLS, Goldsboro, N. C. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, N?W BERN, NORTH CAROLINA Office: Bonth Front Street, Oppossi Hotel Chattawka. Looks FRESH 0 a? Voiyt's Snow Drift, White Frost aV Admiral JUST BE EIVEI). New lot Fresh Fork Sausage, Fulton Market Coined Beef, California Hams, Breakfast Strips, Small Pig Hams, Tripe. Fancy Jersey Tomatoes large cans, California reaches '20c per can, Lobsters 25c and 35c can, Give me a call for whatever you may need in groceries and I guaranteed to please you. J. L. MAIL, 'Phone 01. SPRING TIDINGS I During the week of bad weather we received New for Spring the following: Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Men's Clothing, Boy's Clothing, Children's Clothing, Late Style Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Suspenders. ifVEillinery. Your inspeetion solicited. Prices Guaranteed to be 10 I'ER CENT. I.OWKIi than any house in the city. J. J. bahti:b. AT M. HAHN & SON'S 40 head of Horses the farm, draught and seasoned and ready for Full line of Buggies, Harness, Wagons, Carts, Etc. -See us before buying and SAVE MONEY. Respectfully, M. HAIIX & (SOX. nnn nirnro lUU ritbLO AND SILKS AT HACKBURN'S No. 40 Fancy Stripes, all " 16 Wash Taffeta, all u 40 " " " u 60 u u u These Ribbons are All wear and sashea. Sjj'f New Taffeta SUks, all shades.. Quality O-K. Price Only Sjff 65c. Ask to see them. W New Crepe de Oh6m6 in all the eveiing shades. ? Wash Silka 25c, 40o and 65o. See display in window. Sjj'i 1000 yards Madras in short lengths, 2 to 20 yards, always Sjff fl sells at 25c, Our Price 10c, i We hare lots of other goods CHEAP. ALL NEW. : y j Ask our clerks to show you our stock, that is what we J pay them for, and if goods don't suit you and are not cheap, 'f I then don't buy. Wf 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. 7 2 Hour Wholesale fc Retail Grocer, 71 Broad St. White Goods, Waist Flannels, Chambrays, Fancy Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Elastic Belts, Patent Leather Belts, Kid Gloves, Silk Piques, Fancy Hose, Etc. and Mules adapted tor road work, thoroughly work. Limn mnnnmo W NLW HIDDUNO w v w Sf VI collors, colors, " . 10c. - 10c. 15c. - 20c. Sills and just the" thing for neck 12io and 15c. k4

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