. 'W$f 1 i I I I 1 1 . 1 I 1 " mmmm-mm mm mm n.M , , . ,. - . . mm. ..... , . - -1 - VOLCMS XXIV. SIW BIRIf, CK&VII COUSTT, V. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1902. SECOND SICTION. NUMBER C8 i PilllSIL -. AStrlctlj Negro Republican Party .' Wanted.1 " j State Charter. State Leegae Bam ' Ball Looki Assured. Pension Was Toe Small. Fel . ltlcleas Takeap tioed Beads. Raliioh, . March 0. Rev. Dr. R. H. W. Leak, U well known negro preach-az-pol lticlan, who ta on of the leaden la tba A. M. E. church in thla county, said today that the keynote ot the Btate convention or conference of negro lead era, toon to be held here was to cat loote from the white; Republican! and form the negro Republican party. Be aid he waa rare this result would be ef fected without troubleand that for 18 years he had been trying to get the ne groes to Jo this. ' - v. t :"'., ty'i? The Slate chartera the Robersonvllle, Martin county, Real Estate Co., capital 135,000.. . - . There Is great pleasure here at the news that Greensboro comes Into the base ball league. Thla makes six clubs the number desired. ; A meeting will be held here In a few days andjall the fran chises awarded.Jj&The.selection of play ers will then begin. - Many good men from all parta ot the country want to sign with the Raleigh team and have so . written. The league last year was a yery swift one. V - A Stste'pensloner who was sent.a war rant for $20, as annual pension ', has re ; turned It to the Slate Auditor, through the Register of Deeds,wlth the contempt uous message that if this wss all the Btate could pay he would not hare It at all. Ills said that this Is the first in - stance in which a pension warrant was ever returned for this reason. V ' It Is said that the politicians, seeing the great favor with . which the good roads movement It received In thla Btate will take It up actively In the campaign .this year. . r --:' It Is eipected that at least 179 officers and mob. of the naval .militia of ' this Btate will go to Charleston for "North Carolina Week" at the Exposition. ' The special dairy course of the Agri . eultutal and ..Mechanical College here, w&teb Jastcd six vweeks, ended yester- Atiy ;v,:yf,,.:;, ' : Crt-"-' v " ' - V '-..-. Unai-iae4. ' i '..,::- The teaching of cookery In the Eng lish board schools is sometimes not appreciated by those who would be most benefited by it The teacher of One of these schools recently received the following letter of , protest: "My - Mary Ann la not going to be a eervant I wants her to be a lady, and the lees she knows ot how to cook victuals the better. When I sent my gal tq the board school, I did not expect she was going to be taught undignified things like that" - Whlitlln. . ' As a method of prolonging life end Strengthening the human frame against . sickness whistling is said to be beyond - torn pare. ' Development of chest and neck muscles Is one of the special ad vantages claimed for the exercise. . Long. 'deep breathing la an essential for a good whistler, aa It is not per- talssible to draw in the breath except during the Intervals, of the sound pro duction. . -' '. . i , : Petulant Teyo. Tennyson waa one of the most for . lunate of poets, In that he was rarely criticised adversely: yet Mr. Bram Bto. ker, who saw him often while his plays Were in course of production at the fcycemn, said that he used constantly to complain of "the attacks made on him." He actually wound up one day by declaring that he often wlabed be had never written a line. , ASKEf. March 0.-Rer. R. T. Dangherty filled his regular appointment at Antloch last Sundav. Mr, e. a. Askin, and daughter, Miss considerable Feeiinc otot increase Viola, are visiting friends at Askin. Mrs. Alfred Gaakln is visiting friends and relatives at Mew Bern. Miss Lonla Dangherty waa in our midst Saturday and Sunday. Come again Miss Lonla you are always a wel comed visitor In our neighborhood. Mr. John Gstlla Is attending the Char leston Exposition. Mlss Mamie Gasklna' school closed Baturday p.'nu, exercises being a game of baseball between Kilt Swamp and Forest. Forest won the game. ' ' . Mrs- Sabra Jackson's school will close Friday, p. m.' She will havs a game of ball. i HU Limit. : Wife How did you get along while I was away? ' - Husband I kept house for about ten days, and then I went boarding. . . Wife-Boarding! Why didn't you go on keeping house? - ' - - . s Husband-Couldn't All the dishes ,wero dirty. ' " T Insurance Rates. Katydid. y ASKIN. March 5 Hurrah, we have had some pretty weather but alas, for the dsy, the March wind Is blowing and sending the the rain a-boomlng. - , Timber men aay 14 is daogerous to oar ry their oxen In the wooda for fear of getting mired. Elder R. T, Daugherty filled his regu lar appointment at Antloch Sunday ac companied by his daughter Lonle. . Mist Mamie Gasklns and' Mrs. Sabra Jackson's schools, had an Interesting match game ot base ball Saturday, March 1st, at the Forest school house. The Forest team won. They will play an other game Friday, March 7th, atlKltt 8wamp school house. Mrs. J. A. Askin spent Monday with Mrs. Sidney Arthur, Mrs. Sabra Jack son and Mr. T. F. Cherry spent after noon Eundsy with Mrs. Aisle Gasklns Miss Katherlae Ernnl spent 'the after noon Sunday with Mrs. W. D. Ipock. The children of Mrs. W. R., and G. L. Arthur ara belter. Hope they will be out soon. V! . ' s - Mrs. Thomas Campen of Yandemere, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Willis. Mrs. E A. Askin and daughter, Viola, returned to their home at Vanceboro Tuesday after spending aj few days with friends and relatives at Asking. - Mr. B. J. Fulcber" will close a four months' school to day at Truitts. . Mr. C P. Fulcber made a bnsjncss ttlp to your city yesterday, i , - Mrs. T.J. Bellinger of Erour spent the day yesterday with her mother, Mrs. C. P. Fulcher. : : r'T'' Mr. John Morris of Olympia, spent Baturdsy night and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Ernnl. JEBEUIAH 8NCDGBA88. Hcbuffle's Witch Hazel Foot Healer is one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat' and gives luBtant re-' lief. 85 conts at F. S. Duffy's. AN EXPRESS PACKAGE. Smallpox la r4 Coaatles. Base ! BalL- Balas Damace Bottom , Lands. Istproremeat State Fair Property. State Charter. Raleiqii, K. March Several members of the Holt family have ap plied for a charter for the Alamance Loan and Trust Company, at Burling ton, under the new banking act The capital Is f35,000, which la thelBmallest amount allowed under the act. Among the Incorporators are William and En gene Holt. 'v Manager Rivers of the Raleigh base ball team goes to Wilmington to mor row, at the request of the officers of the Bute league, to get everything In line there for the season'a work. A water supply plant Is being Install ed at Pullen Park. ' The final preparations were made to day for paying out the- sums called for by counties from the Btate for public schools. The delays la sending in re turns have caused a great deal of trouble and the delay, It Is ssid that the rains of the psst 11 months have done more damage to bot tom lands In this section thsn was done in ten yeara before. The fact that Raleigh is in future to have its electric street lights at $54 year causes much comment ' The February bulletin of the State Board of Health was issued to day. It reports smallpox in 84 counties. The greatest number of cases are reported In Buncombe, Cabarrus, Duplin, Meck lenburg, Sampson, Wilson (156 cases), One death was reported in Wilson. Mr. Everett Betts.a well known young pharmacist, died here in a hospital after ' an operation. He was the youngest son of Rev, Alvln Belts of Raleigh. There Is considerable ' feeling here sgainst the 85 per cent Increase in fire insursnce. The insurance - commission er is endeavoring to induce companies to decline to make the advance in this State. There Is also "mmmiat for,, the organization of more home compa nies. " JThe buildings ' and grounds at the Btate Fair grounds are to be much im proved.; Some ot the buildings are In a dilapidated condition. This Is particu larly the case with that part of the main building which was used for the State Exposition of 1884. ' The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Qrovb's Tasteless CniLL Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c - ' Germany Mai Buy Americas War .'; Ship.". Washihqtos, D. C March 5. When Prince Henry of Prussia makes his In spection of Cramps' Shipyard durtog his visit to Philadelphia, next Monday, he will go aboard the Russia battleship Retvlzan, now building at the yards, and make a careful examination of the great vessel. This he will do by special re quest of the Cxar. It Is suggested here that the Prince's examination of the Retvlzan may be the means of Inducing his brother, the Em peror, to have a German battleship con structed in the United "States aaa sub stantial token of his admiration for American skill in navaj architecture, and In order to still farther cement the grow lng friendship between the United States and Germany. At the launching of the Emperor's yacht In Hew" York Prince Henry re ferred to the fact that it was the first occasion on which a President of the United States had been on board a Ger man naval essel. The President re plied that he hoped to be In the future the guest of Admiral Prince Henry on a German war ship, and for the Emperor to place an order with an American firm for a war vessel would perhaps give the President the opportunity. ' Should a German war vessel be built In this Country In the near future it is believed the Emperor would attend the launching. ' ' MAYSYILLE. TEE MARKETS. The fo'Jowlng quotstlona-were recelv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, Mew Bern- N.O. Kiw Tonx, March 6V Open. High. Low. Close Oottoms March.. May.. July...., Aug. Sep... Oct... WKxatt May July.. Com: May.. Ribs: May.. 9.04 8.89 8.91 8.73 8.43 8.23 9 05 9X0 8.9118.83 8.94 8.91 8.78 8.45 8.23 8.74 8.39 8.17 9.04 8.87 8.91 878 8.43 8.17 Chicago, March 8. Open. High. Low. Close 76 761 76i - 77 Open. Hlghi Low. Close 83 62 Open. High. Low. Close 825 833 Stocks; Sugar Con. T BeRy U.8.L. U.B.S....! U.S.S.,Prefd Tex'.Pac A. C.F Mo. P. Va.C.C Atchison Copper A. C. O New York, March 6. Open. High. Low. Close ..'1874 128 126 82 "4 42 941 99 . 63 754 . 88 64 63 128 82 114 434 944 99 63 75f 394 Spring; Improves Everything. School Progress, mil Business. Per , sonals. March 5 Today Is the firBt real spring day. The "feathered tribe" seemed to be the first ones to realize the fact as they were singing long before the sun began to shine. Our little town is on the hustle since the weather has opened. Farmers com ing and going In throngs, hauling fertll- sere, supplies, etc. Everybody In good spirit looking forward with great expec tations. We wish them much sue cess. ' The fields are teeming with busy work men, hauling, cutting, . plowing and clearing off hedges with new vigor. No one is looking back at last year's mis haps. ';:-;'"' Our school is progressing finely under the excellent management of MIbs Annie Spots 4. Futures, 4.51. May IiTerpaal Sales 12,000 bales. Apr-May 4.50. May-June Just Received the Nicest . Of ' . : lot! Cured w km Small Sugar you ever g sawv 1 From 5 to 8 poinds verag. . " Also fresh lot Potted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef, Cook ed Corned Beef, Vienna Sausage and a Nice Print Butter 30o lh. (tot Fox Biver) Ton can save money;by buying your groceries from for 'Phone ML W Urcal St. g Coffee 555 545 NSW BERN COTTON MARKET. Local market yesterday was quoted at 84. . " FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A TUTAls PORT ;rkceipts. Same week 9 Dr. Bull's Baby Syrupifor Teethlne- Babies. ' Price, U0 cts. Cures I w - ... Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion and soothes the I baby. ' . , XThf tfca Skipper Wowld Not Deiiax i-V--;, ( It Vulne. "What is the value t" asked an . ex press agent In a Broadway office Of a keen eyed customer who had banded him a package to be sent to a iwestor; city. The man addressed did not an swer at once, but glanced at a printed card on the wall that reads, "Always Stat the value of your shipment" f If I state the value, will your com pany pay me that amount in case the package le lostr asked the man In hla turn. "Certainly not. nnlesa that is proved to be Us value," answered the agent "If I state the value, can I prove a greater value If it Is lostT" i Ton wtU have to nsk a lawyer tnai question," replied the agent That isn't necessary, for I happen to know the law," said the shipper. "Tour company Is trying to establish an un fair rule, because It worKB only one way. You are right when you say that my statement cannot bind you, for In case of loss you can prove the value, but my statement would bind me, lor the court would say that I was 'estop ped by my declaration as to the value. "If a shipper should undervalue his shipment, thinking that thereby he would reduce the charges, he would have to stand by Ms statement, and your notice is calculated to make him do that very thing. Xou can mark my shipment 'No value Btated,' and then if we meet in the courts It will be on an equal footing.'' New York Herald. ; Sailors Sell Bogus Relics. New York, March 5. Visitors to the imperial yacht Hohenzollern, havs been buying "fake" souvenirs from some of the jack lea who man the Kaiser's yacht, thinking all the while they were getting pieces ot crockery and bits of the ves sel's furnishings. -V : t v' ' "V Plates and beer steins bearing the name "Hobenzollern". had bren bought eagerly at high prices from the sailors. The . enterprising tars obtained these from the passenger steamer of that name lying at the pier at Hoboken when the yacht first arrived. , " ; - ' - MANY DONT KNOW. 7 Lack of Right Food Is the Cause of Sick ness. Resolutions of Respect Whereas. Go.l In his all-wise prov ... drnfo sstf fit j rr mnv hys rtosth from ..our 1 olirMin ftitimsrv 2!UI, 1003, our '"'.Jiro'bcr, 'Mwlbou M, Mt-vkiD, therefore, be li . .Mkooiauk Tli.-u we humbly nulunlt to! . the wll of illm iW iloetli all things fur onr irnnl, Hh 'Ugh we arc dtieply sea. I p b!it if the loss to his beloved family and ,: friends. . ; " .V?' -i' ':";;V ' II SOLVED, 2nd, That In tha death of . Brother Meeklns this Lodge has lost a faithful member, who was always an x- Mous to meet every obligation of the Knights of Harmony, thereby, exempli fying the cardinal prlnclpb of the Or der, "Charity and Brotherly Love." , Bssolvbd, 3rd, That we, the members of lamllcoLodne, No. 4. Knights of Ilarmotiy.'deulre to extend to the beresv ed family our sincere sympathy and sursncs that we feel wl;h them a great less. Rbsslvbd, 4th, That we wear tha reg. - ulatlon badge of mourning for thirty - davs, and that these resolutions be spretd apon the records of the Lodge, s copy bs sent to the Dally JouitiuL for publication and a copy be seat to the bereaved family. U. C. Holtom, ' V.. B. rr:T3, f Tke MUea We Walk. How many miles a man walks In hla lifetime depends naturally upon how; much he walks a day on the average, but the man who walks the least, cov ers a vast numner oi mues oeiore ue dies. Borne men walk two miles a day, aome four or five and some as many as ten. If a man walks two miles a day and Uvea to be thirty yeara old, he will cover 21,000 miles. At the same age a man who walks three miles a aay will have walked 82,850 'miles. Almost ev ery man walks between two nd three miles a day Just la going about the house, the office, the shop and in going to and from tha cars, etc. A man who walks five miles a day finds that at the age of thirty he has covered 54,750 miles and at the age ot sixty 100,500. From this should, strict ly ipeaklng, be subtracted the few. months or a year when he was a baby unable to walk, but the result would not be affected materially. - Now, the circumference of the earth at the equator la only 24,890 miles, so therefore a man who at the age of alx ty has averaged five miles a day alnce ho waa able to walk has walked enough miles to have encircled the earth four times and have a good many miles left over toward the fifth lap. It is hardly fair to blame ttto doctor for not curing (he patient when the patient attempts to live on food that furnishes the wrong kind of nourishment.. When sicKoess compa rn it Is a pretty good sign that the food Is not keeping the body up There are thousands Of easel where a change in food .alone has brought the sick one out into a prime condition of heath. As an illastratlou. A lady in River side, Calif, says, "After ten years of ser vice as a teacher, daring which time suffertd three or four attacks of La Grippe, I finally found myself a physical I wreck. Medical treatment would help my ttrtngth and vitality temporarily but I ou!d alw&js go buck. ' . Husband and I moved to California In the hopes thtt this genial clime would restore me. I got tetter for a little while but in a few months became ' so weak aid debilitated that wo were in deipair. - Finally' through the Influence of friend 1 chsngrd my diet and b gan us ing Grape-Nuts and Postum Coffee. used Grape-Nats at two ot my meals each day and have gained 15 pounds in weight and the increase In smazth Is really wonder u'. I am bxk to the healthy, good feel ings of my girlhood days. I enjoy Postum better than any beverags I have ever ufeJ. My, friends 'remark on my Improve.) condition 'and I am tmpellod to write this letter with profound grail tude, hoping that many others may be Induced to go and do likewise.: I have proved that health Is the natural conse quence of properly selected food Please do not use my name but I will be glad to reply to any, inquiries." Name fur nished by Postnra Co, Battle Creek Ulch. ' '' ' " ; - jACcrv r ' '. H r;a V7L ' rolled and new ones entering ; dally, Miss Koonce Is one of the best teachers in Eastern, N. C. In addition to the regular classes, a music class will be ar ranged next week. This class will be instructed by Miss Dunnle Koonce (sis ter of Miss Annie), of Blchlands. Miss Dannie is a very .' competent music teacher. We will welcome her in our midst. Miss Carrie Freshwaters of Hubert came up Saturday p. m. to enter school here. We hoDe that her stay here will be a pleasant one. Bro. Beoton preached . for us Sundsy nizht. ' Sublect. "The resemblance of man to God." Mr. W. W. Smith will soon have his residence completed. . MrMcCutchln has about completed his dining room Mr. John Watson left this a. m. for Jacksonville where he will do some car penter work. John- is getting to be a loss carpenter, Mr. Chas Foy has about finished mov ing his mill, ana Is now having It set up. He will engage In an active mill bust The measles have about disappeared A niinnttA KmnWmem fiom our midst. Guess they had to go r J u m,oiioifwnrklalwavs realized when you ride in b.juwj v.... . -rWharmrrmr. WMr. O". I tmn nr ninnhmit. Their Style is fault Last week 150,000 This week. Bat 15000 Mon. 28000 Tues. 23000 Wed. 19000 Thurs. 21000 Fri. ". ' last year. 126,009 oonce. About 35 pupils are now en-1 16000 25000 35000 20006 17000 22000 135,000 THOS. J. MITCHELL. SPRING TIDINGS ! During the week of bad weather we received New for Spring the following: - ' ; Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoe?, Men's Clothing, Boy's Clothing, Children's Clothing, Late Style Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Susperiders. White Goods, Waist Flannels, Chambrays, . Fancy Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Elastic Belts, - -Patent Leather Beys, : Kid Gloves, s : Silk Piques, . Fancy Hose, Etc. Your inspection solicited. Prices Guarenteed to be 10 PER CENT LOWER than any house in the city. - J. T. , B2STES3. , AT M. HAHN & SON'S SfcaMes Miss Julia Sanderson and Mrs. Harry les. tneir cnstruction perfect They Bryan came down Tuesday and spent are roomy and comfortable, give ease in the day with Mrs. A. C. Foscue The ' Rtilro td "Company i havlag a deep ditch cut on the railroad. It will extend uo bv their warehouse, lhis ditch will help considerably in keeping the town dry. , , w Mr.- Walkcr Meares who has been here since (September buying cotton for AJex Sprunt & Bon left Monday a. m. for his home in Wilmington We all were sor ry to see Mr. Meares go. He is a very nice young!?) man and has many friends hare, especially among the fair lex. We hope he will, corns again next season. Mr. Her beit Ward of Belgrade has pur chised a let on Main street and will build soon. ; v runnine and are alike grateful te horso and rider. Remember we are showing the best buggy ever seen for the least possible money, also the largest stock of all kinds ot parts to select irom. O. H. Waters & Son, Pkene 1S. 78 Frond StMJ New Burn, N. C, Important to Farmers. T- -t . fliat tt lo nn inn. I . V? AU V 1M.V V.M.. .V . W KWH- , - eraly understood that the Rice Crop is tion by an import daty and that the the farm, draught and road work, thoroughly 40 head of Horses and Uules adapted lor Purtu Itlco'a Mountain. There nro luountnius all over Portfl erops, raised in the United States have Seasoned and re&dy f or WOrk. leo, rnuglng in height from 1,000 to eTery year fallen much below the home v, ,. - t, - w n n IUo, Upward of 2,000 feet They rise ta points for the most part having no flat surface at their tops. They' are net covered with forests and are often cultivated to their very t6ps. Over $200,000 Damage. CHiTTAnooGi, March 5. Official re ports received at railroad headquarters show that the situation In the flooded district la Improved. The Southern Rail way's loss between Morrlstown and Ashevllle will segregate from 20O,00 to 1350,000 to road bed and bridge alone. ' ' - : The loss by delayed and annulled trains and cutting off of all passenger and freight traffic since last Thursday will be very large. About 900 men are repairing the road and bridge on the AshevHle branch. There Is still a gnp cf O r " 1. twecn I.".- ' N, C., and consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of I Goldsboro, N. C, in order to encourage the cultivation ot Rice on a larger scale I than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts with plant-1 ers in North Carolina for their crops of I rice they may raise during the year 1903 on the most liberal terms, ' Parties Interested, who wish .to avail I themselves of this offer, can communi- cate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. ' Respectfully, . CABOUJSA KICK MILLS, r ; Goldsboro, N. O. ROMULUS A. NUNN, : " Attorney at Law, KSW ErT, ITOr.TH CAHOLIA r - r 'i rr. t r1 t, C; : i Full line of Buggies, Ilarness Wagons, Carts, Etc. See us before buying and SAVE MONEY. ' Respectfully, EI. HAIIN con. IF aO Go DAT a u ajL Xial .1 -DEALER IIT- iOrS3S ilfxil if 42 AND 44 CCAYI

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