mi V VOLOMI IX1T. HIW BIRH, CR1TIH CODSTI, V. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1902. riRST SECTION. NUMBER 89 A" r IT I i i. ; (1 Makes delicious hot biscuit, V griddle calces, rolls, and muffins. OYAL lAKINO POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST. NEW YORK. - HEW REVENUE CUTTER, For New Bern. Congressman Thomas' BUI Favorably Reported, n Special to Journal. WnnlsaTos, March 8. The Hoom CommItte has favorably reported the bill Introduced by Congressman Charles R. Thomas, (or a new Revenue Cutter, to be stationed at the tort of New Bern, the cost of - the boat to be $175,000. ' The Secretary of the Treasury has alro approved this bill which provides for the cutter for this Fort. McDufflc's Tasteless Chill Core will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, certain care for chill, guaranteed or money refunded Occnisat F. 8. Duffy's. THE MARKETS. V ia fo.l jwIh ; q lotatioa wure recelv t-U by J. it Lmliam & Co, New Bern- N. O . " Maw You, March 10. Open. High. Low. Close Uutton; ' iUteli . . May... July Aug bep...... Oct...... 83 877 . 8.81 , 8.65 8.84 8.U 8 93 881 8.87 8.70 8.88. 8.14 8.90 8 74 8.79 8.64 8.33 8.10 8.90 8.74 8.79 8.61 8.8S 8.10 Chicago, March 10. Open. High. Low. Close i 781 .781 77 ' 77 78 . .78 77, 77 Open. High. Lew. Close 62 -62 61 lf Open. High. Lew. Close I8. ' . 83S Whut; ,.; May .... July... Ceiui: ' May.:... flew Terk, March 10. Stocks;-' ;-- fcpen. High. Low. Close Sugar. ....J... It6 126 Con. T.. Bo Ky ......... 82, :V 82 a&L. lit ' m 0. 8.B ...... ... 42( 421 U. 8. B .PreTd. 94 941 Tex Pao A. O.F Mo. P. 99 . . v8i Atchison........ 78. v ; ,;,7S Va.C. (J.. ....... 64, : V- 60 Copper..;-. .... A. 0.0 41," 42 BUuMi Sales 7,000 bales! ' ' Puteres, ' Apr-May 4.46. May-June 4.47. CoOV 688 . May. 640 MBW BHHN COTT9M MABKKT. Local market yesterday wee quoted I' at,.' POET. KKOKH'TH. Verne week Last week 113,000 This week. Bat, 22000 Moo.) 23000 Tuea. last year. IM.Mt . 16009 29009 10000 . 18009 Wed. Thnre. : 200C9 JjFrl. . 80009 189,000 Salvation Oil the Best Llrlrcat Trice, 15 cts; large bottle 25 cte. Great est euro on e irth for Rheumallam, Ken rn' ' Porn("R, Frrfi'ns, r.i''"'e Makes Hot Breads KINSTON HOTEL BURNED. finest Escape Uninjured With Little Clothing. Loss About $5,000. Pret ty Well Insured. Klnaton Free Press, March 8th. The Commercial hotel, until recently run under the name of Hotel Bailey, was burned to the ground last night. The fire alarm was sounded about 10 minutes to 1 o'clock. It was a two-story woodon building and burned rapidly. No wind was blow Ing and the fire department bad no diffi culty In confining the flames to the origi nal building, although surrounded by wooden structures. The fire originated in the southeast corner, probably In thekltchen, from an unknown cause, and that part of the building was enveloped In flames before anyone discovered It. . It was first dis covered, by a. young lady employed at the house. Her room was over the kitchen and she was awakened by the flames and gave the alarm,' Landlord Morrill hurriedly sllppe 1 on his trousers and eqaiand rushed through the halls banging on doors and shout ing to the sleeping Inmates to get out as quickly as possible. Vast volumes of smoke came rolling up the main stair way and quickly filled the halls, making egiess difficult and dangerous. Guests hastily arose and snatching a few art!, cles of clothing made a dash for safety. Borne were so long In getting awake or stopping to partially dress that exit by the halls was Impossible, and they had to let themselves down from the windows or the front porch. One sound sleeper had to be dragged out by his feet and did not have even a pair of shoes. - Mr. Hargrave and his family narrowly es caped suffocation and got out with only what they could pick up as they ran, Later a trunk containing silverware and other valuables was dragged out badly burned, and during the excitement was rifled by sneak thieves. A number of daring young men push ed their way into the looms In the front of the building and succeeded in throw ing out a good many pieces of furniture which were more or leu wrecked In fall Ing. - Several guests who were mourning the loss of watches, money, jewelry, etc after getting themselves out safely, had the lost articles restored to them by hon eat Anders. Not everything was. recov ered thus, however, and several guests are minus articles of clothing and yalu- aoies. ... The building was owned by Mr. R. H Rountree, of New Tork City. . The loss Is between $3,000 and $1,000. Insured for $2,6000. ::c : i . .. The furniture of the hotel was owned by 'the proprletors,;Mess. Merrell & Har grave.: Their loss by this was about $1,5000 with $900 Insurance. They each had Individual losses, Mr. Morrill calcu lates his Individual loss at $800,. with $850 Insurance. - Mr.. Hargrave calcu lates his loss about $500, with no In auranoe. , - ARAPAHOE. March 10. Business In Arapahoe Is moving on nicely, everybody seems to have put on a brighter face, as the weather to some extent has brightened up, notwithstanding our lands are very wet, but during the last week our farm- era hare made good progress planting potatoes. We had a rain fall Saturday night, but not as heavy as usual. Last Monday evening, there was a ne gro tried before Mr. Joseph Reel, named Brlnt Reeds, who came from near Orion rial. His offence was cursing Mrs. Betty Benders, and because he made threats to her Injury, It became necessary to put him under a peace bond and not being able to get It signed, he was taken from Arapahoe to Jail. ' Mr. C. F. Brlnson of Arapahoe started Into the drumming business last week, Be Is working for a tobacco Arm In Vir ginia. . . J. B. B, -The Best Prescription for Halarla. ' C' 's and Fover Is a bottle of Grovs1 It' is if t CiiiiA Tohio. It Is simply .f ! ' ' - a ! i a t " .' i fcri. Eacb Count j Reqocsted . to Send Money for (Joed Reads Association. Cell Blooded Harder Committed With Axe. Reward Of fered Far Catea Marderer. Rauioh. N. C March 8 President Hanee of the North. Carolina Good Roads Association made a requeat that each county woald send $10 for the fund to promote the work In the State. The following counties have sent the sum requested to Treasurer Joseph G. Brown of Raleigh," tSullford, Cabarrus, Davie, Northampton, Person, Granville, and Craven. Pitt semis 85. All these amounts were regularly appropriated by the counties. ' The letters In which the money was sent express deep interest In the good roada movement. Governor Aycock la Informed that Friday, April 11, will be "Wilmington Day" at the Charleston Exposition. He has not been requested to designate It. He was so requested In the Charlotte, ABhevllleand Winston Days. Raleigh! u.appearg wiu.noi nave a uaj, as no ap plication has been made and no talk heard regarding the matter. It la queer that the people at the capital of the State ishould have overlooked such a matter. The sheriff of this county is informed by one of his deputies of the murder of a negro, JohnlHalloway, by Edgar Hicks, alias Edgar Smith. The details of the crtmegare given for the first time. It appears that Hicks' and other negroes had been drinking all night. The next day they were gambling In a field, when Halloway (passed. Hicks wife made a full statement of the crime, saying that Hicks and another negro among the gamblers had planned to kill Halloway. They called to him to stop and Hicks tried to get blm to enter his (Hicks') house. Halloway said he understood that they had expressed an intention to kill him. Hicks denied this and declared he had nothing against Halloway. The other men left and finally Halloway went Into Hicks' house. He was - drow sy and sitting In front -of the fire he nodded. Hicks went out and brought in wood and with it an axe. His wife was in the room. He placed some wood on the floor and suddently swung the axe and crushed Halloway's skull. The vic tim fell on the floor struggling, and Hicks gave him another blow, which as his wife described It "straightened him out." Hicks left at once and went to the house of bis father-in-law, where he coolly told the family that he had killed Halloway and that it required two blows with an axe to do it. There was a queer case here today, at the railway station. A man and his wife with their seven children were on their way to a place to work In a cotton mill. The children were from two years to fifteen. The man bought two second- class tickets, declaring most positively that all the children were under 9 years of age. Governor Aycock offers $300 reward for the persons (moonshiners or their friends) who murdered John Caton In Beaufort county. The murder was really an assassination, from ambush. Shrlners at Charleston Exposition. The Shriners are preparing to have i big time at the great exposition, where plenty of their beloved elephants and camels can be secured from the mld way. It is understood , that staid King street will see sights she never ; saw before, that dignified Meeting will be duly shocked ' and the Battery will blush a vivid red when the nobles ap pear thereabouts. But they are all coming. J All the Illustrious nobles of the An cient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine have been notified that the Charleston Exposition Is In full blast and that Oasis Temple of Char lotto, N. C Is arranging a great cara van which will make a pilgrimage to the exposition at Charleston In April. . ' V: . The caravan will pitch Its tents on the sands of the Midway on the second day In April, and on that night will hold high carnival In the Beautiful Orient and drink deeply of camel's milk. On thelhlrd day, the ' meat" will be duly digested.' ' , ' It Is expected that most of the Shri ners distributed over the United States and Canada will respond to the invita tion that has been extended to them to visit the Charleston exposition.; and make merry with the unknown animal of heterogeneous breed,sometimes called the camel Columbia 8. C. State, . - Practically Starring:. 'After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspep.-ia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble says J. R Holly, real estate, Insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. "Be fore uMng Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordinary meal without intense suffering. She Is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give relief." Ton don't have to diet. Eat any good food yoa want, but don't overload the stom ach. K dol Dyepcpsla Cure will always digest It for you. F. 8. Duffy. j rr "' r -: r ORIENTAL - Honor Roll of High School For Feb aary. FIRST HONOR. -Alice Spruill, Olive Perkins, Bunch Jarvls, Bertie BpruiU, Mamie Powers, Meta Powers, Rosa Spruill, Eva Ald rldge, Clara Lewis, Letha Mason, Row ena Wlslger, Leon MoCleee, Bruce WIi iger; Roy Dixon, James McClees, Cedric Ward. SECOND HONOR. Ruby Dixon, Lilly Haskins, Sallie Powers, Tiola Langley, James Peed, Joe McClees, Oscar Perkins. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. FIRST HOHOB. Lena Stevens, Sadie 8prulll, Charlotte Peed, Blanch Bears, Tamsy Hill, Llzisle Hodges, Lennie McClees, Pesrl Johnson, Ada Hardy, Nina Glbbv Hannah Swin dell, Clarence Haskins, Willie Smith Cecil McClees, Oscar Lewis, Bhem Lewis Henry Btevens, Braxton Haskins, Carl Bunten, Walter Paris, Marvin Aldrldire, George Hardy, Branch Hodges, Willie Caroon, Manson McClees, Sylvester Glbbs. 8ECOSD IIOHOR. Berlie Powers, Annie Sears, Beulah Has0( Laura Hodges, Elsie Haskins, May Dixon, Bertha Respass, Hattle Moore, Jake Brabble, Cleveland Langley, Alex Hodges, Clifford Spruill, Lela Hodges. JOU KHOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 56c. GUM BRANCH. March 10. News is scarce this week but as we run np with our old friend and uncle Amos Heath, of Maysvllle, and he expressed a delight in reading Gum Branch items, w.e will try to write something If Is ever so much. Mr. Obed Shlrar was married to Miss Simpson, daughter of Mr. Thos. Simp son, not long since. Tobac co plants in plenty have made their appearance on our plant beds, we nave hopes of plenty of plants to set out. People are mighty slow in gardening this year on account of so much wet weather. 8ome sickness in our virfnity now. Mr. P. D. Frszell Is improving some, Mr Marcus Marshbur, is also better, but there is a colored woman, (Mlttie Bar num) Is very low and Is still getttag worse. Mr. O. W. Cowell caught some Bhad quite recently. We are glad to learn they are coming up the river, as meat retails for 12 to 15c. per lb, fish will be quite a treat to those who can get them. Mr. L. D. Boggs' new house is being built In a hurry, the cover Is on and all very nearly, weatherboarded. Some measles In our burg, we have had them, so we are not scared. Voxpopull. Dr. Bull's Bahy Syrupjjfor Teething Babies. Price, J10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Boar Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion and soothes the baby. REELSB0R0. March' 10. The farmers are very busy this good weather, I guess they think they had better "make hay while the sun shines," and if so they had better hustle, as March Isn't all sun shine. Mr. Jones filled bis regular appoint ment here yesterday and last night. He preached a very good sermon to a large and attentive congregation . Mr. Robt Moore has returned home from service in the United States Army. Miss Maud Barrow of JoneB county Is visitlns her friends and relatives In Reelsboro. The following young people of Grants boro were In our midst yesterday p. m, Misses Beulah Caton and Fannie Keel and Messrs. Will Keel and Rlgdon Deet1 Mr. J.- E. and Miss . Lizzie Bennett of New Bern were with us also. Mr. Jos. M. Reel of Arapahoe vUlted us yesterday.1 ' : ' The f urnltnre,, of Mr. L.G. Daniels, the dealer In horses and mules in your city, passed through today, It Is being moved from Bayboro to New Bern. There are eight dwellings being built In our vicinity. Ton see a little some thing Is going on in Reelsboro If the don't write to the Joubhal very often. ' - Mr. Goosey. . Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. ; Surgery Is no longer necessary to care olles. De Witt's Witch Hazel 8alve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangeroas, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cats, burns,wounds, bruises, sores and skla diseases It ia unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. Cola Headache Powder Contain no Antlpyrlne, Morphine or other injurious drugs. They do not depress but stimulate tho stomach and increase Its secretions. Guaranteed.cure for Headache and Sour Stomach. Price 10c. I,: a .!e and sold by t;n "mm's Pbar- Sumatra Tobacco To Be Grown In This State. Death of Confederate Veteran. Col- - lege Base Ball April 1st Family ' Reunion. Court Appeals of Sixth District Camden Refuses to Notice. Rixsion, March 10. James Puckett, of Stateavllle, who was In do. B. 2nd N. O. Cavalry, died Saturday night at the Soldiers' Home and was burled yes terday afternoon at the Confederate Cemetery, which is very near and in sight from the home. The examinations at the Agricultural and Mechanical College are in progress. They began Friday and will continue all this week. College baseball games begin April 1. The selection of teams has begun . That for the Agricultural and Mechanical College will be chosen tomorrow by the trainer King Kelly. It is found that the loss by the fire at Queida cotton mill at Graham, Is only $8,000, instead of $15,000 as at first re ported Several Raleigh people went to Whita kers' to attend the golden wedling of Col. and Mrs. Kitchln Taylor. There was a very large assemblage and a hand some banquet was served. William R. Crawford of-Raleigh today celebrated his 71st birthday. There was a reunion of all the members of his fami ly, Mr. Edward Crawford coming all the way from Tallahassee, Fla. Mr. Craw ford has been in business longer than any man In Raleigh 50 years. His old est son, Mr. W. J. Crawford, Jr, has for about 12 years beeu the steward of the hospital for the Insane here. The Supreme Court gives thisiweek to the hearing of appeals from the 6th district. Commissioner of Agriculture Patter son, who has been to Washington to en deavor to secure the services of experts In this State for the growing and curing of Sumatra tobacco, has returned and says he feels much encouraged, Connec tlcutt got far ahead of North Carolina in thlB matter. Senator Simmons and Con gressman Moody are giving special at tention to the matter for this State. The county of Oamden has never been heard from in regard to its needs of funds for public schools. Its oflicfals entirely ignore all letters, circulars and telegrams and the officials here do not know what are its needs. Arrivals: Georgo Green, New Bern; Martin S. Wlllard. Wilmington; Edward Vlck, Sol ma; K. J. Davis, Goldeboro. Headache olfen results frcm a dlsor dered condition of the stomach and con stlpation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache. Sold by F. 8. Duffy & Co. Just Received a new stock of Edison Phonogiaphs and Records very latest songs and music, rendered by the best talent in the world. The Edison new records are free from grit, therefore avoiding that scrap ing sound.lEvery syllable perfectly plain and distinct. It is a wonder. We will be glad to show it to you. Just Received a line of Columbia.Kam- bler, Stearns, and Cleveland Bicycles for the spring. WM. r. HILL, 91-93 Middle Street. Phoae 115. Important to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not gen eral? understood that the Rice Crop is highly protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption, the Carolina Bice Mills of Gpldsboro, N. C, In order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is how prepared to make contracts with plant ers In North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year 1803 on the most liberal terms. . Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves of this offer, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure In giving full particular. ..." Respectfully, CAROLINA RICE MILLS, Qoldsboro, N. C. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, N1W BERN, NORTH CAROLINA C: Poath Front Street, Oppossl DO YOU SHOOT? , If you do yoa should send your name and address on a postal card for a WDNCG-OESTEOg GUN CATALOGUE. ' --IT'S FREE." I It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and .Ammunition, and contains much valuable Information. Send at once to the t Winchester Repeating Arm Cow New Haven, Conn. Just Received Harvey Siiial 5 Cured Fig Hai From 5 to 8 pounds Also freBh lot Potted Ham ed Corned Beef, Vienna Sausage 30c lb. (not Fox Eiver) You can save money.by J. L. MeDANIEL 'Phone 01. Toot Attention Please HACKBURN'S 'Listen to what he has to say. A New Dress Fabric. "The Latest Fad", a combination of Silk and Linen, all over, Embroidery, Insertion and Edging to match. New Lawnsdown, all shades, $1.25. Albatrqss, all colors, 38 inch, 50c. "Panne" Cloth, In the leading shades, jutt the Ihirjg for traveling Buits. Coat Suits and Skirts, are entirely New Goods 52 inch, $1.00 per yard. Ask to see them. Our Black Goods Department is Complete. Just lteceived a New Assortment. 43 inch Tammeese 75c; 42 inch Fancy Melrose 75c; 42 inch Pebble Armure 75c and $1.00; 44 inch' Henrietta, silk warp, $1.00 and $1.50. k AS m is is is (US is 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Fresh Country Smoked Hams and Side Bacon, i Fancy New Orleans, West India and Porto Rico Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Mapla Syrup Just Received. We also have a full and and fresh supply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as Uaeeda Biscuits, Uneeda Milk Biscuits, Oysterettes, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vanila Creamsi Orange Wafers,. Chocolate, Ice .Creams, &c: ' Don't fail to give us a call and fgetjyour groceries fresh and delivered promptly. Yours to Please, J. E. PJiESEE, Jr., Wholesale and PHONE 69. A Walking Advertisement Our customers always have a good word for us. They tell aDout our goods, our prompt ness and our prices, i Ask Anyone . Who Buys Here, They .will tell you' all you want to know about our meth ods and our goods. . Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., P- f C- (T , 55 the Nicest lot of Sugar yoti eve saw average. and Tongue, Chip Beef, Cook and a Nice Print buying your groceries from Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 711 llrGatl 5 w VI Retail Qrocer, Butter for asC Ht. j Cor. Sroad & Hancock Sts.

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