w I- J I it r,,'i j-'i r K IV. NT VOLUiH XI1V. HIW BIES, CRAVM COUITT, H. C, FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1902.--SICOHD SICTIOH, NUMBER 8U n r IV 31 The Governor And Stafl For Charles ton ; v Uerei By Ball. BetUa Wltk Blidgeea. Aa IaporUat Flil if OU In. Deeds. : Baluoh, N. 0 Man 11 A street sensation wu canted thla morning by the sudden attack of -an angry ball up on DUm n. Crawford a cattle dealer. Crawford wat leading the boll when the latter suddenly dashed at him, knocked htm down, trampled and gored him. The unfortunate man got away, and Into the porch of hla residence, but the furious animal followed bint even there and had to be drive off. Craw ford wai at once taken to a hospital. In the Supreme Court to day'argument ' was concluded In the novel case la which Btate Senator Ward of Plymouth, seeks to force the Corporation Commissioners to assess the franchises of the railways now. instead of 1903. - There was also argument In thU court In some Interesting cues from Raleigh. For fluny years the city has exercised public control of bar rooms in a mile of Its boundary and taxed such bars. The last legislature enacted a law, the purport of which was at the time known only to the barkeepers, nuking such tax unlawful and requiring refunding., The argument of counsel for the liquor dealers was that this act Is fina', while the city attorney argued that it could not be retroactive. . Five new Inmates were received at the Soldiers home today, bringing the total np to 85. -' ' A negro named Jerry Smith, who is an employee at the sessions of the federal court, wu set upon In his house near here and almost killed by another negro, who gave him several blows on the head with a bludgeon. . The assailant is in jail. lie made the novel plea that he was innocent and that a mule which Smith was riding 'fell and ctuaed the wounds In the back of Smith's head. The commissioner of agriculture today arranged for another edition of the new public road law. He says the demand for it is so great that the first edition Is exhausted.', . The commissioner was asked today how much the sales of commercial fertil izers Ibis sprlDg had fallen behind last Spring's sales. Ho said, "About 15 per cent,. but I certainly believe this falling off will be overcome." In other words he believes the sales will about equal the Increase over last bprlng. - The Slate Superintendent of public instruction went to Fayettevllle this af ternoon and heard the arguments there by both sides on the question whether the school fund can be. distributed ac cording to the needs of the schools or strictly per capita, 1 V .-?.-.' " Governor Aycock commissions 8taples Fuller of Durham assistant commissary general and J. R. Jordan of Asheville assistant ordnance officer, : V , It is settled that Gov. Aycock, his staff and the State officers will leave here at 9 a. m. Tuesday, April 8th, for Charleston, arriving there that after- ! noon. The composite regiment of in fantry, 12 companies of 8 officers and 40 men each, under command of CoL Arm field, and with the , band of the First Regiment, from Asheville (the best band in the State Guard) will go to Charles ton on the ?th. ' , v The Secretary of State has found a valuable book.. In It are posted the deeds from the sheriffs from 1798 to 1810 for lands on which taxes were not paid and which lands the sheriffs deeded to the State. About 1,000,000 acres are thus covered, including 200,000 of the Allison grants in Craven and adjoining counties. England's Answer. Berlin, March 11. Secretary Richefen read In the Prussian diet today the Eng lish answer allowing the distribution of goods sent by the German Boer commit tee to the concentration csmps under the. surveillance of local English au thorltlcs and Boer pastors. .-A - ' McDuffle's Witch Hazel Foot Healer Is one of the finest, baby powders known, euros prickly beat and gives instsnt re lief. 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. . SUMMONING WILCOX JURORS. Many Ask to be Excised From Trying ' . noted Barter Case, t Elizabeth City, N. O., March 13 Six deputies of -Sheriff Orandy have been riding over this county today summon' Ing the 250 prospective jurymen who were drawn yesterday from whom to se lect 13 men to try James E. Wilcox, ac cused of the murder of Ella Cropsey, Everything Is now In readiness to be gin one of the hardest fought battles for human life that this section has ever known. The judge end counsel have been besieged til day with applications for excuse from serving on this jury. Promptly at 2 o'clock tomorrow after- - noon the empaneling of the jury will be gin and every Indication points to packed auditorium long before that hour. The work of empaneling the jury miy not be completed the first day, as many names will be challenged. SWANSBORO. March 10 For the last few days our town has been alive with visitors, Quar terly meeting of the M, E. Church, Booth, convened last Saturday, 8th, lost. Rev R. B. John, P. E., was on hand and preached three times. Els sermons were interesting, especially on Sunday at 11 a. as. We thought the Sunday discourse was the best missionary sermon we ever heard. There wu a large turn-out of people from adjoining counties. The Elder left Bunday evenlngl.for the rail road to return to his home in W liming ton. Bra. F. 8. Becton closed the meet ing Sunday night with an able address to his church. Bro. Becton will preach here again on the Fifth Sunday, Inst., at 11 a. m., and night, and at i o'clock, p, m, same day, an "Easter Igg Hunt" sermon or discourse, will be part of the programme for the occasion, with the boys and girls la the "Easter Egg Hunt" Bprlng hu opened, so It seems now Farmers are busy beginning to plow and clear their farms. Irish potato planting and gardening are among the busy work Merchants rather blue because of the long cold and bad spell of weather, few have their spring stock in yet. Mayor Ward is busy straightening np his town affairs, fixing streets, side walks, etc The saw mill is cutting away u usual One large three-muted schooner is load Ing with lumber, two others expected this week. The rail road they My, Is a settled fact. Surveying has been done in part, and men from the North are down look ing and prospecting. Mr. ' Prettyman, the owner of the mill, hu been here all the week with one or two capitalists, all in the interest of the rail road. Two schools are going on here, now, Miss Mamie Franks of RIchlands, the accomplished daughter of Mr. John Franks, is the teacher of the public school and Miss Katie Pittman, daught er of Mr. J. A. Pittman, is the teacher of the private school. - We have plenty of children to run two good schools all the time, but not more than half attend regular, we don't see any way to educate our people unless the compulsory law Is soon established. " . Messrs. Cyrus Foscue, Bob Sabiston, ex-clerk Charlie Gerock, Dr. J. W. Sanders, Jno. D. Caston with their fami lies, were part of the large crowd of visitors down last Saturday sud Bundsy to the Quar. meeting. Mr. G. W. . Ward came home from Salter Path where he hu been teaching, last Saturday, td spend a day or two In rest.,. He will return this week to finish his school at Salter Path. He reports rough times at times among the citizens and children there, but thinks all will end well His school will last until June coming. . - - A runaway match in the matrimonial world took place here last Sunday morn ing, the 9th inst, two young people, neither out of their teens, came hurried ly In the residence bareheaded, puffing and blowing, of Esq. D. G. Ward saying pleue Mr, Squire marry us quick, u their is trouble behind us, be quick or we will be killed. Judge David wu so taken by surprise, that while he pro ceeded to tie 'em up. he trembled violent ly and came near suffocating, but he got through all right al lut, but we thought at one time the Squire would really have to call on Cy Foscue, who was present, to held finish the job, the couple dldu't take time to say thank ee sir, but skeedaddled at once, when lut seen they were close together going out of town looking every way for Sun day. - :-i;,.?'.;;'v "VV : Guess we will have a life-saving sta tion at Bogus Inlet, before long, hope toieeitsoon. '''-.' '-.v - Some cases of measles among the chll dren. Ho other sickness around aa we hear of. , , Mrs. Cora Davis, widow of Mr. 0. L. Davis, who died at Punta Gorda, Fla., lut January, came back here last week to live with her parents again. Very few fish in these waters now, Olams more plentiful. They sell for 75 cents per bushel. Mr. Homer Mattocks has just com- pleted for himself, a new dwelling and veral other Improvements are going on Some sneak thief broke into the smoke house of Mr. J. M. Jones,- last Friday night, and stole two hams, some pork. anp otner tninga. uuess tne thief was hungry, but Mr. Jones dtdnt like that kind of borrowing, and think he hu spotted the thief. 1 'i - v We forgot to tell the names of the couple that got married lut Sunday, here, by Esquire D. G. Ward, the runa ways. They were, Mr. Edward Burns, and Miss Alice Scott, living near Swans- boro. Messrs. B. H. Eldrldge and W. F. A. Lange, two Northern gentlemen of means, the former large contractor and builder, of Waterbury, Conn., with his wife and little ton; the latter from Worcester, Mass., a large florist, are in oar midst, on a pleuure tour. They, are stopping at the home of Mr. J. W. Wood hull and family. They seem to be verv nice people. Mr. Woodhull has many Northern visitors every winter. When our rail road comes, Swansboro will be the pleuure resort of North Caroltna. -'- - - . . : H.T.Z. Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. Surgery Is no longer necessary to cure plies. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve enres such cases at once, removing the r- ;!ty for dangerous, painful and ex f e operations. For scalds, cuts, I ..-.3, wounds, bruises, sores and skin C" H la iie-;H:i'!cd. Eeware of -3. r.c.r 7. DOVER. March 13.-8herlff J. W. Riddle wu in town yesterday. Mr. E. J. Matlhewaon and family spent Sunday here visiting relatives and friends. v . An oyster sapper nnder the manage ment of the Knights of Harmony will be the attraction IttTyadal's hall Friday night. The Dover cornet band will be present to liven the occasion. Mr. H. P. Dangherty, who wu badly hurt in a runaway few days ago, is Im proving. Also his daughter Nannie who hu been sick for several weeks im proving. Dr. Ray Pollock is attending them. Some folks My it is a little premature but we say trot out your candidate and lets see how he looks. It takes time to make a selection where there are so many good ones to assort from, . Ws present Mr. G. K. West of this town u a man well fitted and fully competent to transact the duties of the clerks office. : We see no good reason why the coun ty, A. & N. C. R. R. and the people of Dover can't get together and build a road from here to Trent road in Jones county, a distance of four and a half miles. -It would open up one of the finest farming sections In Eastern North Carolina and turn a volume of business Into Craven county that is now being done out of it. A good road opened through to this section would be the means of establishing here tobacco ware houses, a large cotton market besides other Industries that' would naturally follow. Well, you say let Dover build the road and that is exactly what we would have done long before this if we had been able. Our people are poor but are Indus trious and public spirited. ' And besides all of this suppose this road would be the means of doubling the population and wealth, of Dover, which we think it would do within two years after Its com pletion, wouldn't Craven county and the A. & N. O. R. R. be equally benefitted. Our interests are mutual and this road would be as equally beneficial to one as to the other. Craven county or the A. &N.C. R.R. could either build this road and be amply repaid in a very short time. But we don't ask this, we are only crying for help. Shall we get it. COVE. March 13. Heavily loaded cars of fertilizer are being received here dally, we fear that our net proceeds next fall can be carried on a car of very low ca pacity, '; Mr. T. 11. Ipock spent Sunday at Vancoboro. ' . We regret to note that Mrs, M. W. Jenkins Is quite sick at her home near here.'': '. 'v - .- ; ' Mr. F. P. Avery and family of New Bern spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Lane of Tarboro is visiting her son Mr, 0. D. Lane here. ' ' We are glad to note that Muter Fred Eubanks who 'was reported quite sick last week is much better. After spending several days at Per fection, Miss Fannie Avery returned Sunday to the delight of her many friends. We think a young man in Cove had better do more courting when awake and not so much while asleep, especially when company la around. Henon. Money For War.JNot Missions. Philadelphia, March 12 The South African War hu many and far-reaching effects, and one of them was heard this morning when a returned missionary from China, Frederick Cromer ad dressed the Board of Foreign Mis sions of the Reformed "Church at 1800 Arch street. . ' -.';ti;r; He said that the war wu costing the English so much money that they had none left for foreign Missions. In the district from which he .had just come there was an English miulon for sale at a bargain, and the Reformed Church ought to bay it. There is a large house a chapel school and hospital and large grounds. - ''.-vV-i----" - V':-- Th place is called Tachoo and the district Hunan. This wu the center of fanaticism three years ago, but is report en u quiet now. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gnova's Tasteless Chill Tohio. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. JAMES WILCOX INDICTED. He is Arraigned and the Trial Set For ' Tomorrow. Elizabeth Citt, N. C, March 11, The grand jury of Paequotank county today found a true bill against James Wilcox, the young man in jail here charged with killing hla sweetheart,Mlss Nellie Cropsey, lut November. The indictment charges that On the 20th day of November 1901, Wilcox will fully snd with malice : aforethought, killed and murdered Ellen M. Crop- Wilcox wu arraigned immediately after dinner and entered a plea of not guilty. 'i;tie court drew a special venire of 250 jurors and then announced that the trial would begin at 2 o'clock Thurs day afuraoou. wbilu In court Wilcox was very sol emn and quiot. His face bore a hag- -.5 1 lock. The larj court room was r " If 1 e t r i r One Hundred Veterans In Soldiers Home, ' Shaw University CoBacieemeat. Allowance For Naval MlllUa for Charleston Trip. Xonthly Bnlletia Subscribers. Pnblie School . Wants. Ralxioh, March 18. The commence ment exercises of the law, medical and pharmacy cluses at Shaw University, colored, were held here this morning. The address wu made by Rev. Dr. John O. KJ)go of Trinity College Gov. Ay cock presented the diplomas. A number of prominent people were present The board of trustees is in session. It is the first time the board hu ever met here. It it composed of New England and North Carolina Baptists. Dr. Crocker will build a railway 10 miles in length from Wilson to Stantons burg. He hu secured enough stock to pay for the work. The route will be via Slmms' mill April 10 is the date of the wedding of Miss Minnie Tucker and Mr. Ashley Baker of this city. ' Today the 100 mark was reached in the number of Inmates of the Soldiers' Home here. A year ago there were only 74. The number now Is the greatest in the 12 years since the Home wu opened The regiment of infantry which goes to Charleston will have a strength of 558 The State makes an allowance to the di vision of naval militia and also to the light battery. 'The latter Is from Char lotte. . It Is understood that It will go to Wilmington and thence on the "Hornet" to Charleston, with the naval militia. The agricultural department is now revising its mailing list. It hu 26,500 names on the list. To all the valuable monthly bulletin goes free of cost. At lut the State ' Superintendent hu heard from Camden county regarding Its needs of State funds to keep Us pub lic schools open 4 months In the year. It needs only6.67. Hertford wants $500. The total asked for Is almost ex actly $79,000. E. K, Proctor of Lumberton arrived here today to administer upon the estate of the late Gen. Thomas F. Toon. The lattor owned lands In Robeson and Col umbus . counties and bad some other property. There wu also $4,000 insur ance on his life. Attorney General Gilmer Is now pre paring his annual report of the criminal statistics. Some counties have not yet sent In the returns. Among today's arrivals were, W. J. Woodward, Wilmington; R. P. Taylor, Oxford; R. A. Nunn, New Bern. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Prlce,15 cts; large bottle 25 cts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgla, Soreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cats, Bruises, Wounds, Swell ings, Barns and Frost Bites. Salvation Oil kills all pain. . - NORFOLK, VA., Renamed Hotel. Exciting Strike Condi tions Capt. Geddes Again in Trouble. Improve ments. . March 13. The old mansion house hotel hu been re-named and is now known as Gate's Commercial Hotel This house for many years hu been largely patronized by North Carolinians It will be now conducted by Mr. Henry Gates u a first class and up-to-date es tablishment. " The New Atlantic Hotel so recently burned down in Norfolk's half million dollar fire is to be rebuilt by Mr. Ran dolph, t' We have experienced very exciting times during the strike of our conduc tors and motormeq. Violence and incip ient riots have been precipitated in many Instances. We have witnessed the novel spectaole of street cars filled with sol diers, and bristling with bayonets, and the entire community Intimidated from riding for fear of flying brick bats and other dangerous missile hurled by mis creants calling themselves strike sympa thizers. ; ; J ' ': ' "V. - The schooner Magic of New Bern' Capt R. F. Geddes today cleared for Wuhington, D. C. Before leaving the Captain had to appear before the custom house authorities and pay a fine of fifty dollars for omitting to have the name of his vessel painted on her bows. Norfolk ana uerkiy are now con nected by trolley over the Campostella Bridge, across the Elizabeth river. In dicatlons are that Norfolk, Portsmouth and Berkley will in the near future be one elty. The company with which H.L. Page is connected Is toon to construct a tun nel nnder the Elizabeth River, from Norfolk to Portsmouth, another evi dence of the wonderful development of this section. v It Is now learned that tba railway em ployees will not abide by the decision of the board of Arbitration and the strike will go on. The Street Car Company hu been boycotted by many onions of the various trade associations, and the general publlo are the sufferers, being afraid to ride. How long this intimida tion Is to go on we know not. Every car has Its quota of soldiers abroad for tbe protection, of the non-union men 1 ' t ! :9 f om o'' r t'" D. AGAIN HASTY TRIAL. With New Evidence Afterwards to Call For Governor's Action. Special to Journal Ralxioh, March 18. Andrew Sher man Jackson, a white man, convicted of burglary at Llncolnton,and sentenced to be hanged, wu placed In the peniten tiary today, the sentence being comma ted to life imprisonment. Governor Aycock uys affidavits were filed by five witnesses since the trial, to the effect that on the night the crime wu committed, Jackson was at Gsffaey, 8.C. . The Governor says it is entirely pos sible that this evidence would hsve changed the verdict Governor Aycock farther says, "it Is a misfortune that our law is in suck a shape, that, while the Supreme Court granting new trials in its civil suits for newly discovered evidence, will not do so in criminal cases." Headache otfen results from a dlsor dered condition of the stomach and con stipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache. Sold by F. 8. Duffy &Co. THE MARKETS. The foJowIng quotations were recelv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern- N. O. Niw Yobx, March 19. Cotton; Open, High. Low. Close March.. May.... July.... Aug. ... Sep Oct 9.03 8.85 .8.92 . 8.74 8.40 8.16 9 03 8.87 8.92 8.74 8.40 8.16 8.88 8.88 8.79 8.86 8.65 8.29 8.08 8.79 8.86 8.65 8.29 8.08 Chicago, March 13. Wheat:- Open. High. Low. Close May... July... . 76i 75 , 76 76J Open. High. Low. Close 62 611 Open. High. Low. Close 843 840 Cork: May... Ribs-. May... Mew York, March 13. Open. High. Low. Close Stocks; Sugar Con. T So Ry U.aL TJ. a S 126 821 in 42 94 1251 321 111 42 TJ. S. S., Pref d Tex Pac ....... 94 A. C.F.. ...... Mo. P.. Atchison .98 741 981 75 Va.C. O.. 169 Copper A. O. 0 46t 45 Gaffe 525 May. 525 LlTerpooI Sales 8,000 bales. Apr-May 4.49. May-June Bpots 4.J. Futures, 4.49. NEW BERN COTTON MARKET. market yesterday wu quoted at 84. PORT RECEIPTS. Ssme week v lut year. 135,000 - 16000 29000 - 26000 18000 20000 '80000 139,009 Lut week 115,000 This week. Bat 22000 Mon. 23000 . Tues. 24000 Wed. 19000 Thurs. 20000 Frl. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Middle street Important to Farmers. Iii view o! the fact that It Is not gen- eialy understood that the Rice Crop is highly protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of Goldsboro, N. C, in order to encourage the' cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts with plant ers in North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year 102 on the most liberal terms. .. Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves of this offer, can communi cate with its and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. ' -Respectfully, v -CAROLINA RICE MILLS, . Goldsboro, N. C. ROMULUS A. NUNN, Attorney at Law, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA OHce: South Front Street, Over Tel- eTihC-7.ee. 3 c"j i. in Nice Fresh Pntnea 5o lb. Nice Fresh Ginger Snaps - Pickled Tripe 6o lb. White A Sugar 5o lb. Fresh Oatflakes 5c lb. Nearly Whole Grain Rice Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. Fresh TJneeda Biscuit, Soda Crackers, Banquet Wafers and Oyster Crackers. V ( " New Brooms, that sweep clean, 25c, 85c, 40c and ,60c each. Toy Brooms 10c, Whisk Broom from 10c up. ; 4 Call and examine. J. L MbMBI. w mmm anawMSiMisiwwi 'Phone 91. 71 Bread St. g ever seen in New Bern, Suitable for the FARM, DRIVING, SADDLE, also DRAUGHT HOBSES, that will be sold for cash on time. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. JULIUS M. ARNOLD, Fresh Country Smoked Hams and Side Bacon, K K . 1 Fancy New Orleans, West India and Porto Rico Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Maple Syrup Just Received. We also have a full and and fresh supply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as Uneeda Biscuits, Uneeda Milk Biscuits, Ojsterettes, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vanila Creamsi Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, &c. Don't fail to give us a call and 'getjyour 'groceries fresh and delivered promptly. Yours to Please, J- 23. PiLBUrB, Jr., Wholesale and 5 ruuuifi ta, Jor. xiroau a jjancocK ts. r SPRING TIDINGS ! 1 i- ii"MsMMSMsmaaMssasHMsaawMMSawkasMSil During the week of bad weather!we received New for Spring the following: Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Men's Clothing, Boy's Clothing, Children's Clothing, Late Style -Hats, Shirts, -Neckwear, ' . Suspenders. . ; Your inspection solicited. Prioes Guaranteed to be 10 PER CENT OWER than any house in the city. v ' - ' Ws It will plea: your horso even it he can't smile, his satisfac tion to know that the oats, hay or other povender you supply him came from our granaries and warehouses. He's another of those chaps who "knows a good thins when he sees it." Really, we have for sale- tlifr best feed in the market for horses, cattle, pips and poultry. Glad to see you and prove it. Cf; r - - - -- - - Ii9&:ir-' vr -, ; ; 5c lb. ", V r 10c qt. " Wholesale A Itetall Grocer, . FOB Horses & Mules, ' cajjJa our Juliusl Arnold 66 B ROAD STREET, Who has just returned from the West with the finest lot of Horses Retail Qrocer, , White Goods, Waist Flannels, Chambrays, . Fancy Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Elastio Belts, Patent Leather Belts, Kid Gloves, 1 Silk Piques, Fancy Hose, Etc. Truck Farm For Salo ! One hundred acre Track Farm, one-third cleared and containing farm houses, apple, pear and other fruit trees, grape vines, etc. The other two-thirds heavily timbered. sMtuatea near New Bern, N. C, 20 minutes drive from railroad and steamboat shipping points. 1 erms very easy, apply to. G. R. CUMMINCS, P.O. Box 254, ' Jacksonville, I'l.i. . Celery n:aJae.s Fcv.-; . There is rot 8-y 1 r j hectula t'--i t' r- rf '' 1 1 1 t ;

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