t - V . a. I A YOLOMS HIT, HIW BIRN, CRAYIS COUSTY, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1902. SECOND SICTIOS. NUMBER 92 lift I 1 I I I 1 I II 1111 hi hi I ! 1.1 il l X I I II : JP Jill' ill : V A r7 Ji; I- : 1: nil lima For . Low Temperature In March, Yesterday. Tweaty Years for M-anslaai-.ter. '- Seventh District Appeals. Crea tad Weather Report for Fes rnary. Kettodlst UaUa Arrivals. ' ;' " RAision, March 19 The temperature thla morning wu 19 8 degree. Weather observer, Voa Herrmen had predicted 20. The weather did not break -the March record, bat only twice has'tt been eiceeded-March S3, 1888, when It wu 11 and March 7,1890. when It wu 19r Observer Von Herrmann said: ? "The low temperature baa very probably la- jured aome f Alt In the central tndtast ern portion of the State, bat it hu done no damage Id the west, u the tree. are not In bloom. I do not think the straw berriea are hurt, aathey are not yet In bloom." ' ' i " . . State Treasurer B. B. Lacy wu unable to attend tbe State Sunday Bchool Con vention In progress at Fayetteville. He -, had been assigned a speclaljtoplc there. . .The sheriff of Swalo county today brought Oscar Pearce to the penitentiary - to servo 20 years for manslaughter. - 4 ' The Supreme Court today finished the hearing of arguments In the, 7th district appeals, the docket being very light, -c A. committee composed of bishops - Qranberry, Duncan and Hargrove, Rot. E. . Uoss otud two other ministers, Judge Walter Clark and two other lay men meets at Baltimore tomorrow, to iepresent the Methodist Episcopal church South In a conference "with similarly chosen representatives of the Northern Methodist chnrch to consider the pros pect of a reunion of the two church- ea. Four . years, ago . these committees met at Washington and reported prog- . greas. : vVf .'v.':"'': "'..- Among today's arrival were P. T. Oates, Fayetteville; Frank ,0'JJonnell, Asheviile; Frauk Qough, Fayetteville; C. A. Spalnhour, Lenoir! U. G. Connor, Jr "Wilson; Charles 8. . WalUce, Mirebead City; 1 M. Meeting, Ellanbelh City, y4 The i-rop aud weather report for this r Bta'.o for February was Issued today. It says tho month was : phenomenal. The mean temperature 85 7 decrees, waa 7 degrees below tbe normal;. for, 81 years.' It was the coldest-February since 1872, excepting only February 1895, when the . mean was 83.1 degrees. The average ' rainfall 6.05 Inches has been exceeded ' only twlce-ln 1875 and 1809. There was a heavy snowfall over nearly the entire Bute, the I average depth for the Stale being .'10.4 inches. The depth at Salisbury was 25 Inches, j There was dis astrous floods In the mountain section. Very llule work was done. Small gtaln ' nwas largely ftnter:Ullvd, bqt the., roots may have somo vitality and make a mod' ' erate stand. 1 The enow was . flciaL " , bene- Pyny-BalMm Relieves Bight Awa7 and nukes ipeedj end of coughs and eoldi, CHARLOTTE HESITATES In Matter of; Putting up Base " " Team? Ball Referees In Bankruptcy Not all. the Conrt. New : Watauga Hall. Rebellion Records. South- ' era Educational As sociation; Ralrigu, March SO. The building ' committee of the directors of the Agri cultural and Mechanical college met to day and decided to place the plana for the new "Watauga Hall" In the hands of Prof. Charles Park, of the faculty, who will superintend the .work of construe' tlon, which work la to begin at once. As much of It as possible will be 'done by students. Tbe work will not be let by contract. It may be a mopth before the plans for thePullen-Memorial bullying are ooopiea. .... . Thanks to the courtesy of Congress man Kluftz, a complete set of the"Se belllon RecuMls" haa been secured for "the Soldiers' Home. It Is a work which the old soldiers read with keen Inter est. , . . i . Amorg . today's arrivals were ('. M -Babbitt, New Bern; Guy Tupper, Kin ton; C. O. Chadbourn and S. H. Chad' bourn, Wilmington. ;- Tbe great movement for pnbllo educa- tlon, in which the Southern Educational Association Is taking so active a part, is - to be fully launched within a fortnight, There will be at least eight "rallies," at commanding points In the State. There is to be flnaic'al aid. ; One of the; ph ects:Sto get the county supcilntend ents deeply lntc!-' reason that the A to pay thilr tall .y attendance. 7 here Is con ' rs' base ball K ; ( 1. It Is for this lion has decided e, to secure tlolr : dnubt ii ?f ait: lotte's comli ;j ! i . at . ..uv.s men there ato not sLowu j t piatlie matter. If there aro not come good de velopments at that place In a d y or two presl Unt Busies of the league !'.! S"nd a missionary there., Juftzi I'urntll cf the T"..i t I (' oes ia I .. r ' t.X cr- "'-rs hi y,V. al C yc mil not t 5 h DC THE WILCOX CASE. Testimony All In. End Expected Today. Nell' Father Testifies. Defence .' Introduced. Ro Evidence.' -EuzauTH Cmr, March 18. There ,wu a dense crowd when court first opened (today. The prisoner and his sisters were In their seats promptly. The Misses Cropsey did not appear un til late. Then the court ordered seats vacated and they sat behind the prose cuting lawyers. Attorney Cropsey of New York sat neat .them and took aotea.v . ' S. V. Davenport said that during the search for Jell'r body he saw Jim Wil cox and a young man by the name of Lowery opposite the trick yard. Wit ness said when the dragging party hooked - something In the river he thought Wilcox turned pale. . Harley Meades, who said he was 17 years old and boarded at the ' Wilcox home .and slept with Jim Wilcox, wss sworn. Witness .said they slept in a back room op stairs, that he retired be tween 9 and 10 o'clock and did not know anything from then until morning not when they came and took Wilcox from the bed. Caleb T. Parker wu called. ' He said on the night of last November 20 he wu at Frog Island. He started towards Elisabeth City. He rode snout five miles to Meadee'' store and stopped.... It wu about 7 or 8 o'clock. Witness stayed at Meade' about an hour. Witness pro ceeded and next stopped at Mack Flelch ex's places He uw Mr. Fletcher, John Cart wrlght and others. He stayed there an hoar or more and said when he asked the time, it wu about 10 o'clock. He stayed a few minutea more and then pro ceeded to town. Witness said he met some people, a' man and a woman, both about the aame height, near the Cropsey gate. He did not recognize either the man or woman. - : On cross-examination by Mr. Aydlett, Parker raid he had been knowing Jim Wilcox some years He also met other persons that night, for the road along there la muched traveled. He did not see the man's faco, nor the woman's - Charlie Held said, he was a deputy sheriff. Mr. Tom Wilcox . sent foThlm Saturday bight after the disappearance. He saw Jim and wont out of tho house and began talking to Jim about the case and told him if ho kjjew anything he Should let it be known. ' Jim said "I've told all I can;tell." - v , . When they got ovcrjto Hayman'a Rail way tbey saw Mr. Cropsey. He came in the office where witness and Jim were aitling. Later all three went up to the Cropsey home.:: Mrs. Cropsey came and sat on the lounge by Jim and putting her hand on his shoulder asked about Nell, ' Jim told her he did not know; that he left her crying and did not know why she wu crying unlessj.lt was be-, cause he had told her he was going to quit her. He had seen her cry once be fore. Mr. Cropsey remarked that he did hot believe it. Witness, Jim and, others .went In the Cropsey porch and Jim showed. Where the girl stodd with her right arm against the porch crying. ' Wilcox said he had told Nell to go inside several times. Jim had told witness he stayed In the porch ten or fifteen minutea. On cross-examination, witness said he went with Jim as a friend,, that Jim wu polite to the family. Jim had made no effort to run away. Witness said as thep were leaving the Cropsey home he remarked that Jim-could have seen Nell from the road such a bright night. He said Jim replied "I could have seen her and If I bad known all -this trouble wu coming I would have called , her sister before I left."' Witness uld Wilcox was Indifferent about Nell's disappearance, bnt that may have been a part of his nature. Ho did not wish to do the prisoner an injustice, ha said. - . Justice W. H. Cropsey said he wu Nell's father. He went up stairs Novem ber 10 about half put 8. He came down again at a quarter to 12. n ate a saucer of prunes and two siloes of bread. . A few minutes later he heard the town olock strike 13. He went to bed again. At a quarter to ) witness went down stairs ... again when his brother Henry celled him to get a gun, He saw noth ing. His dog seemed scared, ' . ?Then Ollle came down stairs," he con tlnuedy "and Mid Nellie was missing, Everybody wu soon excited. I tried to quiet my wife. My brother and I went to the Wilcox house and tapped on the door, Mr.' Tom Wilcox answered, did not see Jim. ': -; '" - . ' .' "Later Chief Dawson brought Jim up to, the house. - Jim "said there he eave Neil's plcturs back.; Next morning and for two or three days we hunted for the picture around the yard and along the river front, but no trace was found." Witness further along said Wilcox stated before the mayor that his mother had waked him ihat night and he turned over and went to sleep again, for he wu a sound sleeper. Witnest said Nell waa a graduate of Brooklyn high school. Bhe read quite number of books. Most were from the Sunday school library. Witness said r "1 was of lively disposition, but was ,' ' 1 and afraid to go out alone at night J..--.1 was a good swimmer. Ju lge Wilcox said that during all the trouble Jim Wilcox had offered him no consolation or assistance. . Thomas "Dayman, who had worked ?. .wi J!,a on a marine railway, was c,"..l. TL whnr ealJ Wilcox told L' it'er ahedMnot lii'pw;;Utl : i.' f : '1 C. 7 r: i f tin knew where the body wu and that he killed her. Herman declared Jim wu strong man and could handle large pieces of timber with ease. Witness thought he knew what he wu talk In; about, for he considered himself a pretty good man. The prosecution today rested its cue. The defense did not in trod ace any evi dence, but the argument was gone Into immediately, . The prosecution wanted to prove that the trousers'Jlm Wilcox today wore In the court house were not those Iron on the night of Nell's disappearance, as had been stated. 1 Mlsa Ollle Cropsey and Miss Let tie Cropsey, sisters of the dead girl, were sworn. Each testified that the pants worn todsy were not those , he had on the night of November 20. . Lettie said she had searched all about the premises for the picture claimed to have been given Nell, but nothing of it was seen. "We rest for the state." said Solicitor Ward. - -, -.. Mr. Bond If your honor pleases, that's the cue for the defendant." - HcDuffle's Little Blue liver Pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new person of you.' 25 cents at F. S. Duffy's. , . THE WILCOX TRIAL. Able Presentation of Both Sides of Case. ' . Wilcox Remains Unmoved. Elizabeth Citt March 19. Great waves of oratory swept over the attend ants at the Wilcox trial today. Five lawyers have now made their pleas. When JJudge Jones had - arranged about ventilation, former Solicitor Leary resumed his speech of vesterday, saying the strongest thing against Wilcox wu that he was last seen with Mlsa Cropsey but that waa not enough.' It. wu pre sumed that Wilcox wore a cloak of in nocence which requires strong evidence to remove. ' The speaker said everything pointed to suicide, thatjsulcldo had been dis cussed that very evening at the Cropsey house and that no testimony given by the doctors disproved the suicide the ory. He saldthe prosecution had tried to prejudice the cp.so hut If the jury would try Wilcox accurliog to. the evidence and free from passion thero could be brought nothing but a verdict of ao- quittal. ; ' Mr. Leary xpoke, all told, nearly two and a half hours.' Mr. Haywood Sawyer for the prosecu tion followed. He said he would not seek to convict.au Innocent man, nor would the State of North Carolina which represented In part, stain her fair escutcheon with tho blood of a blameless citizen. He Bald the State contended that mur der had been done and that Jim Wilcox did it. The girls and womanhood of North Carolina must be protected. The prosecution would ask for a verdict of murder in tho first degree.' ' - ' He reviewed, the evidence, which he said proved, conclusively Nell Cropsey was not drowned, 'i.?-.--:;--' "'- - He reasoned that the suicide theory wu Incompatible with her happy buoy ant spirits. ; He said Nell wu a timid girl, and the rest of them had better be timid If they were around such company as Jim Wilcox, or somebody would be fishing them oat of Pasquotank river. After reviewing other evidence Mr. Saw yer said: i...;.i-..-.;v ::';; ;-'i;S "Now I have shown yon that Nell was not drowned; I have shown yon that she wu killed by a blow. Now who killed her! Yonder la the man." ...-vs The speaker mbved towards ' Wilcox and pointed a finger in his face. The prisoner's expression never changed, Now I shall proceed to show yon the motive, show you the opportunity, to show he loved her no doubt, but the hell that wu la. him hu put her out. of the way." -" -;;' ; v-'y.-r-.--'-rdi Eloquently and forcefully the lawyer told of the love dream, the association of Nell and Jim, and followed their ac tions up to the fatal nlghU' . ' "He was In love with her desperately, her love was growing , colder and cold er." he continued. . , 1 , i "Jim had made up his mind to eon' quer or-klll her.The devil in him wu growing bigger and bigger." ., . After saying that Wilcox went to the Cropsey home In tbe afternoon to talk over the. situation he referred , to the night visit and declared loudly, "Wilcox never spoke but one word to the dead girl all that night and that work led ber to her doom." -- - The lawj r . jjaiuied that , Wilcox brought up the suicide conversation be cause his mind was on deadly . things and said he probably carried both poison and a blackjack. - ; ' He arraigned Wilcox in these words of eloquence and scorn: "I have never heard or read of such indifference.. Here was a stricken fam ilythe mother bowed down, the father disconsolate, the ulsters heart-broken and yet Jim came to offer no word of sorrow, no set to help solve the mys tery. 'JV-''' -;' V';,U ': "Ho sits il.ere Dow,' the speaker said In thunderous tones, turning towards tbe defendant, "as cold u deatn and as relentless as the grave. That's the sort of men ho carry , weapons and make midnight assasblns men like Durrant in California who met death smilingly; like Uluvu li.s in r.lchmond, the slayer of Lillian M'rilsrn; like the murderer of UTsUlnley. "i-ix h p"n live rot the a' a 3 la them stuff sustains them to the grave. It comes from hell and to hell it goes back with them." They uked Mr. Cropsey about the de tective. If I bad a daughter slain by a midnight assassin, I would girs ap every dollar for a detective to run him down and send his body to the grave, his soul to beU. - t I see before me men who have girls budding into womanhood, sweet wives and lovely sisters. I will tell yon if the women of North Carolina cannot be pro tected we had best burn the law books, tear down the jails and court houses dissolve the Legislature endthsn go lurk frt liftrfiftrlam.1 . .'i .The orator read several-verjjT.iirJ different parts of the Bible and said: "In the name of God and the namea of these wives, sisters, mothers and daugh ters, I ask you not to let the guilty es cape. I aak you under your oaths to bring In I Verdict that will put Jim Wil cox to death." ' The crush in afternoon wu densest yet. Boxes and stools to be need for seats brought good prices and sometimes the purchasers had to give them np. Judge Jones ordered the sheriff to col lect two dollars apiece from some men who didn't move when ordered end then he threatened to make it f 10 but learned that the men could not get away. There were about 800 men and women in the room. Mr. Bond of Edenton spoke during the entire afternoon session and spoke eloquently and forcefully. He brought tears to eyes of spectators during sev eral pathetic flights. Mr. Bond said tbere was something indescribably horrible to anybody but a brute about the murder of a young wo man, that when suspicion attached to any one the feeling grew until reason wu almost dethroned and It was com parable to a storm in the Indian ocean. He expressed sympathy for the stricken family and said he saw four of Nell s sisters sitting before him In sombre col1 ors attesting sllentlv an affection for her memory. He said Mr. Sawyer had perhaps un consciously distorted and exaggerated the evidence against this friendless young man who, nftcr nil, had one heart which beat for him in silent prayer his mother's. Mr. Bond expressed admiration for tbe demeanor of Jmk'e Cropsey and his daughters during the trial. lie told of tho different. degrees of murder and pictured tbe touchio hang ing scene that would follow a verdict of zulltv and the remorce that would fol low if it were shown an innocent man had been slaughtered. He begged the jury not to be Bwayed by dramatic appeals even though It re quired a nerve of iron. He said he would attempt to show there was not enough evidence to con vict Jim Wilcox, nor even to show Nell had been . murdered . by any body. He then look up the medical testimony aud compared the tests to rotten Btlcks of timbers He argued that the discolora tion on: the temple was caused by the settling of blood, not by a blow It was awful to have a man put upon the gal lows by popular clamor. He said none of us wished to add to the trouble of the Wllcoxs. j. . : . ' Mr. Bend did not contend that Nell committed suicide but said the affair was yet wrapt in mystery. He said if Wilcox wu innocent he had been much wronged and persecuted." . Wilcox's con' duct since tbe disappearance was ex plained. He said without disrespect to womanhood that jealousy 'was a promi nent quality and that conditions for sul clde were Inviting. . V 'r,: '; "The lngenuItyjof prosecuting coun sel cannot tear away the pillars of evi dence which made it almost Impossible for Wilcox to have done murder that night." He gave" actions showing an In compatibility with guilt. . "If we don't show reasonable doubt then for Qod'a sake hang him." Tbe speaker said he had a little girl and could sympathize with the Cropsey's and then he made a pretty word picture of the anguish endured by Mrs. Wilcox, The speaker said If he were one of twelve men who voted away an lnno cent man's life he would expect" some dark nemesis of retribution to ever fol low him. Mr. Bond talked about .three hours. His words were Leard with rapt attention by jury and spectators. He quoted cues of pathetic, convictions of innocent men. Mr. Bond referred to WUcOx's" shadow following the jurors through life It he should be hanged un justly. The colored jurors rolled their eyes upward and looked scared. Be played on their feelings like an evange list ctvine death scenes to mnke con verts. The sentiment against Wilcox is not abattoir at all. Some people tbink an acquittal would oe roiiowea oy a Ivnchlnir but that Is doubtful. Wllooi's nerve is the feature of the trial. Whether he Is belnff held UD as a red handed assassin or defended bv his own lawyers his expression Is always the same, as com as maroie. lie nas (riven no sign of guilt in the court bouse, His face llaes are always the same. To day while his lamer ana sisters suea tears Jim was unmoved. ;: Wilcox Jury Charged. Special to Journal. Elizabeth Citt, March 20. Ia the Wilcox trial today, Solicitor George Ward spoke for the State. Declared all symptoms of drowning were absent That girl wu murdored. That motive was that the girl wu trying to get rid of Wilcox. Ward's speech was ablest yet made, E. F. Aydlett spoke this afiernaon for TREATMENT AT Dr. Hartnian's Free Advice to Women A Generous Secretary niiaoii Woman's Alliance. Miss A. Brady, Corresponding Secre tary Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes from 2725 Indiana avenue, Chicago, 111.: "Last year from, continued strain in litorary work I became very much ex hausted, my nerves seemed to give way, and I had backache, headacho aud seri ous indigostlon. One of my friends sug gested that I try Perana. It certainly acted like maglo on my system. ' "Within ten days I folt now lifo and health given me, and by taking an occa sional dose oft and on when I feel extra tired, I keop my system in perfect ordor." Miss A. Brady. Miss Millie Baker writes from 290 East Ohio street, Chicago, 111.: "I suffered for veara with weakness It will please your horse even If he can't smile, his satisfac tion to know that the oats, hay or other povender yon supply him came from our granaries and warehouses, He's another of those chaps who "knows a good thing when he sees it." aeany, w nave ior sale the best feed in the market for horses, cattle; pigs and poultry. Glad to see you and prove it C Is. SPEWCER'S, 10 & SI Market D.k, Kw Bern, V. C. Y' LAXATIVE TASTELESS In HILL TONIC. I V-' I VX Combining the laxative property "" of Oaseara, beneficial aa a gener al tonle. Guaranteed. 80c Only tola at BBADHAM'S rHAKJaAUX. - to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not gen- eraly understood that the Bice Crop is highly protected from foreign competi tion , by an Import dtity and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much, below the home consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of Qoldsboro, N. 0., in order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than haa heretofore been 'donej is now prepared to make contracts with plant ers in North Carolina for their crops of rice they nifty raise during the year 1903 on the most liberal terms. Parties Interested, who wish to. avail themselves of this oiler, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. ' . Respectfully, CAROLINA RICE MILL?, ' Goldsboro, N. C, ROMULUS A. NUNN, ' Attorney at Law, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA Cilice: South Front Street, Over Tel Important Offer to The Afflicted. peculiar to women, severe bearing-down pains, and continual headache. "After naing five bottles of Peruna I waa as well and strong m ever." Mlsa Millie Baker. . Mrs. Nellie Blyler, 670 W. Twentieth street, Chicago, 111., President of the Ladies of the Q. A. R., hu the following to say about Peruna: ... Gentlemen "I recommend Peruna especially for women as it promptly cures the weakness of our sex and will always be sure to give satisfaction." MRS. NELLIE BLYLER. Mrs. W. A. Allison, Assist. Matron of Peoples' Hospital, 758 Sheffield avenue, Chicago, 111., writes : r ' " have bad frequent opportunities to observe the wonderful curative eU 32 Fres lot Ontario Praparad Buckwheat, , New lot Panoake Fl.' : Cream ot Whean, Oatflakes, Carolina Bice, Grits and Big Hominy., , , v Fancj Elgin Btttr and ClTr Hill Print Butter received fresh every weak. . . - Rook Candy Drips, ib Niceat Syrnp yoa. ever tasted, only 10c qt. .' . f : , EF"You can aara aaoiey y baying jau groceries from r 'Phone 91. Iiay It away tenderly, ' Ii Pack It with care, II The old Winter Cult That lias glren such Wear. I HOW FOR SOMETHING NEW ; ' For the man who is not ao pitifully poor, or so recklessly rich, yrt hara Suits In Fanoy Cheviots, ! .. Worsteds, Cassimeras and Sargas at $6.50, $8.00, ! $10.00, $12.50. . Every Suit is Worth the Slloney we ask for It, and every these suits will be well 11 , You can pay more money to the tailor but you'll get no better suit. We would like to show yon the New Spring Styles; even .'f you hare no notion of buying. Come In, any how, Just for a look. e. w. Anr,i5Trj::Q, n r. ia sir.rrr.' ' ' m HOME. facta of Peruna. It alleviatet pain and aoreneu, Increaaea tho appetite and so tones up the entire ayatem that the patient quickly regains strength and bealth."-Mr. W. A. AUlaon. TirM Horn Advlo. In view of the great multitude of women (offering from some form of. female dieeue and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned apectallat on female catarrhal dis eases, haa announced hla willingness to direct the treatment of aa many cases ma make application to him during the summer months without charge. - Those wishing to - become patients should address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. IEL, Wholesale & Retail Grocer. 71 Ertiad UU man who buys ona of satisfied. If t f ! ' 'i 1 ' : f '.!'