T A I '4 iUi a. . C Sirca. 21, 1202 ' .. . . i An energetic .young tj cstiTaM la Crsvea ud Pamlico cuctlta. EaJary $40.00 per month. F.taJy employment to right naa. 8eav j'.ct tad outfit free. Matt be veil rec ommended. Address, with reference. Drawer 157, Wilson, If. C IMPORTANT COURT RULING. Referee la Baakriptcy Hut Use Desig nated newspaper For Rodce rubUcatioas. Raleigh Post, March tOth. One of the referees of the dlatriet hsr- log entered an order designating two newspapers la bla division la which bankruptcy aotloea ahould be published the clerk of the court tubmltted inch or- der to the district Judge and asked in alroctiona aa to entering theaameoa record. Thereupon the Judge rendered the followtna- declaloa abrogating the order of the refereea United States of America, -Eaatera Dlitrlct of North Carolina; In the District Court. A referee can make no order designa ting generally newspapers la which no tices shall be published. Courts of Bant ruptcylnsec88B.A. means the Dis trict Court sec. 1 (9) and "Court" or any court as used la see, 18 B. A. may mean referee. (Sec. 1 B. A 7.) Hence the lat- . ter part of district rule . "The refer ees of the several divisions will desig nate newspapers within their respective territories to further comply with the provisions of section 28," means In the language of the section, a referee may 'in a particular case, for , the conven ience of parties la interest, designate some additional newspaper la which no tices la such case shall be published." District rule 9 cannot be revoked or af fected by an order of a referee, but pub lication ordered must be made In the newspapers therein designated. When the circumstances or convenience of par ties In Interest require the referee may designate additional newspapers In which notices la a particular case shall also be published. The order Is therefore without author ity and is abrogated. District rule must be followed in every proceeding In bankruptcy. THOS. R. PURNELL, District Judge. March lth,.1903. Reduction Sale. We are requested to give notice that the sample and handkerchief bazaar will also be open tomorrow, as there are still on hand some very choice handkerchiefs and other articles, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. All should avail themselves of this opportunity for bar gains. The ladies wish to extend through this medium their thanks to all who have In any way contributed to the suc- . .f itia b.Ia wMnli fiaa mAM than reached their most sanguine expects Hons. Wilmington and Charleston Truck. Wilmington Star, 80th. Truck growers report slight damage to beets, lettuce and other crops on their farms by reason of tbe freeze and con tinned cold weather. The exact extent of the damage will, however, not be known far several days. It will take a few days of sunshine to bring out on the plants the plain Indications of the In- Jnry. . Persons who came in on the belated Southern train this morning, report that the freeze of night before last extended as far south as Charleston. In the Charleston truck belt beans and straw berries are said to have been injured some by the cold. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gboyk's Tasteless Chill Tome. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no psy. Price 60c LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated , get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozana of ways, and yon can't prevent It. All von can do Is to keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have in the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Auway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 8S cents will b refunded by any dealer selling It. Sold br Davis'. Henry's, and Bradham's ; Pharmacy. ' DIME CATARRH SHUFF : loosens np the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from its use Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. Special Millinery Notice. Miss Alice Friez formally with us for three (8) seasons will again have charge of our Millinery Department She has Just returned from the Northern mar kets and will show the most select stock we have ever carried. Opening Wednes day March 19th. ' BARFOOT BROS. Cares CcfJs,LkGrippe tl 1 Tour money f f V T " -I March 17.-As our application reach Charleston too late tor a day at the ex posIJon, wewtll have to eoaltat our selves by going pike Ashing oae day as soon aa soon as the water Is a bit lower la Core Creek. Quite a number of our young popple attended charch at Wlntergreea Sun day. . Among Sunday's visitors were Misses Tiny Anderson and Cottle Foy and Messrs. J no. R. Bowdea and Willie Gas klaa, allot New Bern. Mr. Hardy Lena and faml'y spent Friday at the Taylor hotel Mrs. T. W. Hunter of Gneiville spent Saturday here. We regret very much to add Bus Town send to the sick list this week and trust that the brother will soon be 6a the road to recovery. The condition of lira. Jenkins who was reported quite sick last week Is yet very much Indisposed. After spending tome time with friends here, Miss Malllesa I pock returned to her home at Perfection last week Hush boys she will come again. Messrs. Fred I pock and Walter Glover went dowa the road oa a courting expe dition Sunday. Don't say we told you, Hkhoh. Surf eon's Knife Not Needed. Surgery la no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWItt'a Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases It is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. ORIENTAL. The fUh business Is slow now. shad caught yet to amount to thing. No any- Miss Mollle Carmine, formerly of this place, but now of Falson; N. C, Is visit ing Miss Love Bitch, Prof. R. G. Maxwell is entertaining our people with a series of lectures on phrenology. Our truckers have finished planting Irish potatoes. Acreage about the same as last year. Mrs. A. T. Hasklns went to New Bern today. Mr. J. P. Sanls has just completed his new store, which is now occupied by G. L. Griffin ft Co. Oriental merchants are getting in a nice line of spring goods, and Invite the attention of the spring trade. Mr. J. R. Rice, Clerk Superior Court, waa in town today looking after bust ness connected with his office. Mr. Haskins of Falling Creek, N. C. Is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McCotterof Van demere, arrived here tonight and left on the steamer Neuse on their bridal trip for points North. Messrs. John Mc Cotter and E. W. Felzer, and Misses Maggie Swan and Bertha Muse, accom panied them to this place. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, .10 cts. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes the digestion and soothes the baby. Monument Unveiling. The Woodmen of the World have de cided to hold the unveiling . ceremonies of the monument erected in Cedar Grove Cemetery, New Bern, N. C, to the memory of Sovereign J. H. Vinson, deceased, on Sunday the 11th day of May, 1903. A large gathering of Woodmen is ex pected, aa the Choppers from the camps of Wilmington and Kington will be In vited to attend and participate in the ex ercises of love and commemoration. NEW YORK CLUBS. Tears of Waiting; Reqaired to Gat ,'' lata Son of Them. The Reform club has one of the arwellest resident memberships of the clubs in New York city and one of the largest nonresident lists In the world. It passes resolutions by the carload and has the best bar In New York city. The largest waiting list used to be that of the Union club, when members pro posed their sons the day they were born In the hope that their names might be reached by the time they were of age. ' ' ' V In the University list, which has waiting list of several thousand, to get In, fourteen, years after graduation from college Is slow; ten years Is the average; seven years is lightning ex press. . The humble hut of the Univer sity In upper Fifth avenue is the aston ishment of European club members. The Metropolitan, called the Million aires' club, has more poor men In It than rich. The Manhattan club in its palmy days bad the best wine cellar in New York. The Harvard club wants more room. The Calumet wants more Coney.., The New. York club brags about Its cuisine. - y ' L- : . The Army and Navy needs a person nel bill to brace It up. The Players' club sleeps soundly through the noisi est racket The Lambs' club stays np all night The club that has the most fan for the least money is the Stroll ers'.. . The Military club died on tbe mild of honor when Its members went to the Spanish war. Flftaaa Varieties of Peataore Stamp. "The Brooklyn womon who objected to her divorced husband paying her alimony in postage stanJps and had re course to the courtB, saying that sbo did not mind receiving it In two cent stamps, but objected to those of large denominations, as she could not sell them," said an employee of the Wash ington jdty postoffice, "reminds me of a man who came In one day and asked for a stamp -of the ten dollar denomi nation. None Is Issued The only denominations now issued hre the one, two, three, four, five, six, eight, ten and the ten cent special delivery, fif teen, thirty and fifty cent and the one, t yo nnd fivedollar stamps. There Is slight call from all over the country for atnmr-s over the fifteen cent Issue." T.'asi.inr-ton Etnr.- ' - COVE. EENDERSOK TELEPHONE Company 1 Lang Distance Line Complete. : That Connects Rev Sera With the Sea, We are advised by Gen. Super. 0. Toeplemaa that the Anal connections have been made between Greenville and Klnstoa, so that the long distance ser vice of the Henderson Telephone Com- paaylsaowla practical operatioa to Morehfad- city, and all Intermediate points. Construction on tola line waa begun at Spring Hope last July and ainoe that time from one to three crews have been in the Aeld pushing the work forward. The mala line constructed to complete this connection covers a dla taoce of about S00 miles, and la double metallic circuit throughout, oae for through business touching Important points, the other for local business be tween Exchangee la addition some 50 miles of branch lines have been built. To construct this 950 mtlee of line hu required over 8,000 Juniper poles, 1,000 miles of copper wire, 81,000 Insulators, and pins, 8,000 cross-arms and 24,000 bolts, and to transport this material 70 cars were called Into service. Over 100 men have been steadily em ployed for eight months, and about one and one-half miles of completed line was finished each working day. The work of constructing these lines Is an undertaking of considerable magnitude and mutt require a vast amount of cap ital Great credit Is due the Company for its efforts in connecting up with first- class long distance lines so large a scope of territory in so short a time, over 1200 miles of toll lines having been built lo the last six years. The main line of the Company now extends from Chase City, Vs., to Morehead City, N. C, affording direct communication with over 6,000 subscribers in 83 Exchanges. The prin cipal points reached by the line Just com pleted are Rocky Mount, Greenville, Tarboro, Scotland Neck, Wilson, Wash Ington, Ayden, Klnston, Dover, Trenton New Bern, Bayboro and Morehead City. A cable Is now being laid from Mote- head City to connect Beaufort with the system. The long distance service heretofore Instituted, and operated has been found Invaluable for its convenience and the facilitating of busiuess, and - the new lines Just opened will simply be of so much additional benefit to the business Interests of the territory covered by the Henderson sad the Carolina and Virgin1 la Telephone Companies. Wllliams-Whitford. On Wednesday evening at 5:80 o'clock at the hospitable home of the bride's father, Mr, R. J. Williams, at Warsaw, N. C. wss witnessed one of tbe prettiest weddings we Lave had In this communi ty for msny years, when his beautiful daughter, Miss Kallo Moye, was united by the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Daniel W. Whitford of New Bern, N. C The eastern parlor was handsomely decorated In wild smllax and ferns. At the appointed hour the strains of Lohengrin Wedding March touchlngly rendered by Miss Carrie Hussey, Mr R. Murphy Williams entered followed by the groom and his best man, Mr. Joe Williams. Then came the bride with the maid of honor, Miss Ella Williams, and Joined the groom at the alter, where they were made one by the beautiful and impressing marriage ceremony of the Presbyterian church. The bride was attired In white mull over white silk and carried white carna tions, and ferns. Her maid of honor, Miss Ella Williams wore white organdie over white silk and carried La France roses. After hearty congratulations from the assembled guests, the doors of the sump tuous dining room were . thrown open and an elegant and sumptuous supper served They were the recipients of many handsome and costly presents. Miss Lena Whitford, cousin of the groom came from the Normal and In dustrial. College Greensboro, N. C. to at tend the wedding. After spending a few days at the bride-groom parents in New Bern, N. C. the bride and groom will visit tbe Char leston Exposition, Last Shell Fish Claims. Special to Journal. - Raleigh, March 20. The Slate Audi tor today Issued warrants for last of the Shell Fish Commissioners claims made by Theophllus White. Tbe total amount claimed was $1,000. but this was reduced by the Legislative Committee to 88,500. . THE ANQLOJAPANESE PACT The position taken by England and Japan looks much like a version of the Monroe doctrine : applied to eastern Asia. St Louis Globe-Democrat ; , Great Britain by tbe abandonment of Welbalwel and by the conclusion of her treaty with Japan has simply dis embarrassed herself of impediments to demanding the open door and to main? raining tbe integrity of ChUuu Utlca Herald-Dispatch. Cola Headache Powders Contain no Antlpvrlne, Morphine or other Injurious droits. . Tbey do not depress but stimulate tbe' stomach and increace its secretions Guaranteed enre for Headache and Scnr Stomach. Price 10c Made and sold by Bradham's Phar macy, corner Pollock and Middle Sts. Tobacco Seed For Fanners. All persons wlshlitg good tobacco seed can get same by calling at Planters Warehouse, New Bern, N. 0. - , a, ' r' - " ' ' m ric : -1 r;?-r:!.-j C::ro C" :n., . ..iJ.JC THE PREACHER'S STORT. Johntoa, Colered, Tells About Taacebore Catting Scrape. Peter Johnsoa, the colored preacher, who severely cat a colored man named Gasklns, at Vaaceboro last Saturday (as told ia the Journal, was brought to the county JaU in this city. Seen at the county Jail by the Journal reporter, yesterday, Johnsoa said, "Saturday about 11 o'clock I was haul ing logs and was returning home whoa it began raining, and I went In the yard under a shed, but It rained so hard that left the shed and started towards the house, she, (Gasklns wife) saw me com ing and opened the door and I went In, turning around I saw Gasklns and Mr. Tripp, a white man, coming towards the house la a cart, arriving at the gate. Gasklns jumped out and came lathe house and began to swear and break np the furniture. Mr. Tripp began to talk to him and tried to persuade him to be have aad leave, but he would not go, saying the furniture belonged to him, his wife did not object until he threw a mat tress eat, then they began to fight I told them to go outside and fight, that I did not want them to tear dowa the housSf-IIe then took up a piece of Iron and tried to hit me but I grabbed It and we bad a tussle, I getting the' Iron and throwing it away, he then grabbed up a box and hit me over tbe head, breaking the box, he then hit me again with part of it, and tried to hit me again, and I not being able to get away, cut him, he then went away. "I was arrested Saturday night and carrkd to Vanceboro, where the Sheriff guarded me all night and until he brought me to New Born Tuesday mora Ing. The cause of the trouble was Johnson had never been on good terms with his wife and had parted." Last reports tay that Gasklns is improv ing and may not die from the cut re ceived. AROUND AND ABOUT. The first of the new poles for the city electric light system were erected, yes terday, e The fish market was nearly deserted yesterday. A few shad only, not euough for local demands. foe Easter Millinery, displays in tbe store windows are handsomer than the displays of last year. Captain Dixon's new steamer, E. K. Bishop, Is now completed, and has com menced doing freight service on the river. John B. Wateon 1s enlarging nnd greatly improving his store quarters oa A'lddbvgHtlng ready for Ike aiimmer business While truck was probably Injured by the cold wave of Tuesday night, truck ers do not think any material damage was done. ' Luther E. Brvan has commenced mov ing into new iiunrters, next door to his present store. He will occupylthe old postoffice building, which has been ren ovated throughout. DOBBS. March 19 There was a light snow here today, but it molted as fast as it felL Little MlssLula Ipock of Cove I vis iting ber aunt, Mrs. 8: E. Swell. Miss Elsie Brewer ofVsncebore Is spending a few days with her parents here. . . Mr. J. M. Wilcox of Lima and sister, Miss Emma Wilcox of Bellalr have been visiting relatives in our midst Mrs. Lois Willis and grand-daughter, Miss Lois A, Willis spent Sunday with relatives at Wasp, Mrs. E. F. and D. G. White and Mrs. Dr. Potts of Vanceboro were visiting Sunday at Mr. B.,F. Willis'. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Whitford of Vanceboro spent Sunday in our midst Miss Annie Ewell's school at Swell's school house closed last Friday, with an exhibition at night We can not give all the particulars of the entertainment as it would take up too much space, but suf fice ft to say that it was a complete sue cess In every way, and the large crowd present showed their appreciation 'by frequent and loud applause. . v : ' The entire programme was tendered in a manner which showed excellent training and we think that . Miss Ev. ell, the teacher, deserves great praise for her work. "j The occasion was greatly enliv ened by'the excellent music furnished by Mrs. Pearl D. Lancaster and Mr. C, E Lathlnghouse of Vanceboro and Capt, 8. BJ Swell of our place.' Missel Etta and Nora Lancaster who have been attending school at Washing ton have returned home. The Ellsworth church concert troupe will give one - of their grand entertain ments at Vanceboro, Friday ' bight March 98th. Tbey will prcent the tem perance and nautical Drama, ''The Turn of tho Tide, together with the negro farce. "The Darkt y Wood Dealer" alo several scenes' in. . pantomime, , negro scenes, songs, gags, etc, This lit the best entorialumout they have ever given, and we hote the people '. win turn out and rive tbe young people their encourage meut and support, as tbey are working to complete the church and purcha e an organ. . Tho admission is 25c. for adults and 10c. for children, with reduced rates for famll m. - "WlHDEBIRO WlLMB.H Watches. We bav piccbased a large stock of 14 karat wa'clipo. sihhII Indie, and medium gents slzus, Ii avj gold cacs. and made j by our best manufacturer, handsomely engraved and plain, the designs are the I T6ry latest. We sell them as cheap as a ; good filled case cost you. You are in vited lo call and see them. . j.o. Baxter, jB., . .- Lea-ling Jeweler. Fruit. Its quality influences t the selling price. Y3 Profitable fruit growing insured ly when enough actual Potash is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor good fuallty possible without Potash. Writ tam frm hooka i gmacawtua. GEKUAM KAU WOKK9. St. Mr Tat C7. RECEPTION DAT At Simmons k HoUowdl Co'. Should you be In doubt of the season, should a suspicion that winter Is still lingering, loth to leave the "lap of spring," occur to . you; a visit to Sim mons A Hollowell's yesterday would have convinced you that there at least the spirit of Spring pervades. The sober garnitures, and richluxu- riousnese of apparel,'' suitable to the waning winter, were supplanted by airy, crisp, fresh fabrics, varied and delicate, festooned and draped so attractively as to call forth outbursts of spontaneous admiration from critical women. Dainty embroideries, and laces, rib bons of every hue and texture, foulards dimities, mercerized lawns with satin sheen, soft, clinging woolens, In endless variety, which to enumerate would be useless, they must have been seen to be appreciated. In the millinery department the visi tor was ushered In with musio by Lorn bardl's orchestra, while many feet tap ped in unison to the festive strains. The decorations were violet and white with graceful sprays of smllax interspersed. The hau are difficult to describe with such a variety, but every Iota of spring time attractiveness that la possible to achieve, with dainty materials, and deft handiwork was there, and it would be a capricious beauty who could not be be comingly bedecked from such a bewild ering array. . "Just a bit of ribbon, Just a bit of lace, Just a little picture frame, For a picture face. Flowers, fruit ami feathers And a bird on top of that That's tbe airy, fairy thing A new f pi Ing hat" One beautiful design was a Con tl sen tal with entire facing of coral pink pop ples..':" ' " Another which merits special mention was a black picture hat with a plume composed of masses of violets. One of white tulle, with pearl orna ments forming clusters of grapes, was distinctively prominent. Black aad white and Pittsburg gray was an effective combination. To Miss Dawson and her assistants who so skillfully fashioned these artis tic conceptions, many of them reproduc tions of Imported originals, much credit is due. . ' There was no diversity of opinion re garding tbe beauty and originality of the millinery display, many paying tribute to their convictions, by buying Easter hats. miUnery Displays, Mrs. 8. H. Lane, as usual, had a most attractive display of the new Easter mil llnery designs, on exhibition, yesterday, which called, forth many exclamations of delight from her numerous visitors. ' Barfoot and Miss Parker ft Co. pre sented alluring designs of ladles head- wear, which were all admired. - : In spite of the cold weather all the stores were crowded during the day, and the sales were quite large, " McDufflc's Witch Hazel Foot Healer Is one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives Instant re lief . 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. - Recruiting; For The Army. . Sergeant J. A. Knotts, and Private J B. Pickett, of the United States Army, are here from Fort Caswell, and will r cruit those eligible for the regular army, that may desire to enlist ' . - ; Tbey can be found at Hotel Hazeltoa for the next week or tea days. Salvation Oil tne Best liniment Price, IS cts; large bottle 20 cts. Great est cure oa earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgla. Soreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, SweU- Imrs. Burns and Fnst Bites. Solvation Oil kill all pain. 1 First Educational Rally. Special to Journa. - Batuen, March SO. -It was today de cided that the first of tbe series of the ereat educational . rallies at leading points In tbe Statu, should be held (n Greensboro April grdand 4th, beginning the evening of April Srd. B Mlu ) '' ftn tetu!t fromadlsor drrcd contilttuo of ilio stomscb and con si 1 1 at Ion of thi- ImiwcIs. 7 A dose or two of ChamlierUlii's stomach and Liver Tahlus w 111 correct tliete dtsoiders snd cure the hea Wlie. fold by F.S. Duffy &Co. ; 11: " 1 --"i C. i l . 3 c.v J ALU: WOOL Suitings, 44in dies wide, in x Brown and, two shades of Gray, value 75c, Our SPECIAL Price 'Beautiful tine of colors in ' All Wool Waistmgs At " 67 Pollock Street. " , FOB Horses, Mules, ' Buggies, Farm Wagons, Carts Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A Till AT, THOS. J. Truck Farm For Sale ! One hundred acre Truck Farm, one-thirl cleared . and containing farmkettees, apple, pear and other irniujtrees, grape Tines, eto. ; The other two-thirds heavily timbered. Situated near New Bern, N. C, 20 minutes drive from railroad and steamboat shipping points. i Terms Tory easy, apply to. Q. R. CUMMISIGS, AV P. O. Box 254, . -- ,' " ' Jacksonville, Fla. Anticipated Enjoyment alwava realized when vou ride in a Water's carriaf;e,wl'n)ier surrey, bugy, trap or runabout '1 heir style is fault less, their ce"M.n'"'.Un perfect They are roomy and co- fortabie, give ease in runni"" rikI are al , e grateful to horse ami r, ..r. Kemember we are showing tlifl 1 tbtipsyever seen for tie I t jm. .! money, also the largest stock of f.,1 k in.ls of parts to select from. 4, it.... wl--3 4. -rf '1 FhoaeMSS, : " " . 78 Broad St, New Bkkn, N. C. ' re - 1 ? "if J t KUTCHELL. Coughed all Night ft We hear that complaint . frequently now. It is one easy to believe as a rule, for the speaker generally shows that hlarest has been badly broken. ' . Of course, It Is always oat : mral for as to tell of the val ' ue of Cough Killer;' and we can recommend this prepar ation with confidence. Wo have made and sold It for five years, snd have scores of peoplej in the neighbot hood who are tilling to say a good; , word for it as the opportunity arises. . Cough Killer soothes the inflamed bronchial passages and quickly quiets the an noying back. Ii'sood for . a fresh cold or a chronic one; good for the little fel low who coughs and chokes and gasps; good for bis father if hs has a cough. Two sizes, 10 cts. and 13 cts. "DUFFY, The Druggist L i j: 3 Ami

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