r A -If - I I VOLCMI XXIV. HIW BIE5, CR1YIH COUBTT, . C, TUIS DAT, MARCH 25, 1902. FUtST SUCTION. HDHBIR 93 MB ' V - A L ... Y" ' I it Y I I! I . - In preparing ' appetizing , and wholesome food is lightened by this famous baking powder. Absolutely pure It adds healthful qualities to the food ROYAL Balling Powder The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" most practical and valuable of cook books free to every patron. Send full address by postal card. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 100 Wake County Shooting Justifiable Homicide. Cl. A; B. Andrews Mnch Improved. Dan Yalley Lumber Co. Treach ' ers Coultf Revolutionize Education. Music ' Teachers Asso - elation. ' Raleigh, March 13. The coroner's jury found that the shooting and killing o f Quincy Adams by ; John Nipper, In this county, was justifiable homicide. Adame, a man olbad character, went to young Kipper's house, cursed and as saulted him. Nipper shot him dead. Ripper's mother was the only witness of ' the. homicide. Vice-president A. B. Andrews of the Southern railway, whose sickness has been referred lo,, Is much better today. LftPt night was the best hobaa had since bis illness. ' He says he'feels much im proved. , 'f''pr 4."f-' The State -charters the Dan 1 Valley Lumber Cr-i ot lit. Airy, authorized cap . ital $250,100, with $50,000 paid up. The stockholders are W. II. Tunis,; of Mi. -Airy; George VY. Hinshaw, WVA, Blair, David H. Blair, of Winston, )'C -:t - In an address which State Auditor B F . Dixon made yesterday before the Meth odist dlstrlot Conference at Youngsvllle he said that if the preachers in North Carolina enlisted in . the campaign of public education It would cause a publlo sentiment in this matter which would revolutionize the educational situa tion. - . " Y' -:v - ;-: : State Superintendent of publlo lostrnc . ; tion Joyner said today: ''You can make the positive statement that the warrants to the counties which hare called for aid for the public schools wlll.be sent ; out next week." ', ' " .". Application for anew lodge of Odd Fellows h as ' been received fromVlne- : land, Columbus county. . , . Arrangements are completed for the : annual convention, of the North Caro . Una Music Teachers Association here . March, 81, April 1 and S. A fine pro-;- . gramme - has been arranged, in which such aitlsis' wliK appear as Richard Bunni-rsier, "planisl; Merrill Ilopkinaon, c- baritone singer; Prof, Cralghill, organist A. K. Vcigil, in Illustrated lecturer; C. DoVarlx-HoyCr, vlolInlaW. Qov. Ay. cork will make ihe address of welcome. Mnklnsr Rnre'BaHerfllaa, ' The trndo in rare butterflies Is In crcnslng In London, and Ingenious de ception In practiced regarding them, Ordinary butterflies' are caught and killed; then girls are employed to smear the gnuzy -wings with thin mucilnge nnd sprinkle fine metallic powder of various colors on the wings. In this way the collector can be supplied with the most beautiful specimens almost while be-wait. : Dr. Bull's Baby Syrtp frr Teething Babies, Price, 10 els. Curos Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyecutt ry, C.I I ' IVns, Bour Btomach, Fever, Cliol t i ! ' "turn. Dr. Pull's !J;y r;rr Light Blsctiit DcliciousCake .Dainty Pastries There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. GRIFT0N. -March 21. Mr. A. E. rittman, of Now Bern was In town Monday and Tuesday on business. Mr. V. A. Rountree, of Klnston was In town Monday. Mr. G. W. Summerell of Klnston was In town Tuesday on business. ' u Mr, Virgil Rountree passed through town Wednesday on his way to Klns ton. ; r , The Henderson Telephone Company has put in our phone here and will soon have connections all over the state. Shad are still very scarce and high yet..-. '..;-" J,: -. .. Mr. Zeb Barrlngton of New Bern was in town Wednesday selling Duffy's pills. : .' ;y::v-:-v v,- -. ' Mr. J. C. Griffin went to Klnston Thursday on business. , V Mr. L. J. Chapman spent Thursday in town on business. " k.. Mr. W. G. Garris went to Klnston Thursday evening on business, 'f Capt. W. J. Pope has Invited the fol lowing crowd to a shad stew and fry on Friday, J. R. Harvey, C. J, Tucker, J. L Patrick, Dr. W. W. Dawson, L, A. Cobb Hebet Gaskins, E. Long, J. O. Gasklns, R. L. Blow,' Bryan Gardner, O. W. Gas klns, J. ft Griffin, W. B Blount, Sr. This' crowd are expecting a big time, it will be the first of the season. The Best Prescription for nalarla. . Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gboyb's Tabtklbss Chili. Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c GUM BRANCH. March 24. A tremendous rain fell Sunday ' and another' Monday night whteh brought an end.to all farm work for awhile, then on Tuesday morning we bad a light snow storm but the ground being so vet It melted as fast as it fell. It was considerably cooler Tuesday even tagV,5 ' ' ' . . ' - U - Mr. Z. F. Taylor and Mrs. N. 3. Scott spent Sunday in our burg " There, were no services Sunday last, on account of rain, notwithstanding Mr. Royal! came. Mr. . J. Scott has gone to help his brother build a tobacco barn near Tar landing. - ' Mr. Wm. Bryan of Half Moon fell from a house Friday and it is said broke some ribs, at any rate Mr Bryan is bad ly Injured. :i .-, ' ' i r. V, . Mr. Lohnle Lockamy and Miss Mln nle Reynor were married quite recently both of Half Moon. ,- - We'occaslonally hear "of a shad bel ng eanght at what is known as the old mill and below It. ; Mr.' W. I.; Taylor and family have gone to Tuck ah oo to visit his brother Z. F. Taylor. ' . . 1 " Mrr. Russell is visiting her daughtert Mrs. o. K, venters. 8oine persons are ready to plant corn. while some are getting ready as fast ai possible. Borne are speaking of plant Ing this coming week. - Tours etc., : - j i Voxpopull. ' ".Eurr-j's Tasteless ChlU Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rU h en 1 healthy, certain cure for (' "1, 1 or portly refun.1 UURDER FIRST DEGREE. Tbe Verdict of the Jury Regarding Wilcox. Day Spent la Goiig Over Eytdenee aad Asking Farther In stractioas sal ; Points sf ' Law. . Special message per Henderson Tele phone Co. Line, Raleigh, N. C. 11 p. m March 2znd. ' " The verdict I the jury In the Wilcox murder case Is murder in the first degree. Special fo Journal. Elizabeth City, March 22. Today has been taken up by the jury in the Wilcox case in going over the evidence in case. This afternoon the jury asked for further instructions, and Judge Jones again charged them on points of law. On being paneled the jury stood 8 for conviction and 4 for acquittal. Elizabsth Cm, N. O, March 21 Ably, impressively, forcefully, feelingly, Judge Jones today charged tbe jury in whose keeping is the life of Jim Wil cox. I The court told the jury they had been trying for many days to learn the facts in the case; they had listened to every word of evidence, they had heard coun sel with more than ordinary Interest. Now that testimony and argument were closed it was with them to apply the facts. Their duty was clear. ' He begged the jury not to consider any opinion formed before or during the trial, not to consider public opinion, passion or prejudice, but to bring their verdict in accordance with the facts laid before them by sworn witnesses. He said any other course would do violence to their sacred oaths. The judge prob ably had in mind the public demonstra tions of yesterday, though he did not say so. . He talked slowly and distinctly. He said he would give the contentions of both the state and the defendant, but that he did that with trepidation, fear ing he might give more emphasis to one side or the other. He told the jury not to infer that he had an opinion In the matter, for he did not, and if he dwelt more on one contention than another it Was not intentional. Taking the commonwealth's contention first, Judge Jones said the State held that Nell.Cropsey was killed; that the prisoner at the bar did it, that be had the motive and opportunity; that the facts showed that he did kill her, that she was stricken In the temple and thrown into the river. - He said the Btate held further that the blow on the temple, the absence of clot ted blood in the heart's veinous side, the absence of water in the stomach and lungs indicated that the deceased did not die by drowning, that for three years Jim and Nell had been companions by day and night; that he gave her Christ mas and birthday presents; that they loved; that the affection had cooled on Nell's part; that Wilcox burned with resentmont, became jealous, and. decided to kill his sweetheart before she should become the wife of another; that he came the fatal night with murder in his heart, was moody, absorbed, and called Nell out to kill her. . ; ,, . The State also held, he said, that Wil cox's indifference was not consistent with innocence; that there was unac counted for time. He said it was cir. cumstantlal evidence. '. - Judge Jones said the defense claimed that the evidence did not Show that mur der was done, that the facts and the prisoner's conduct were consistent with Innocence; that their love was mutual; that lover's quarrels were common; that there was no - motive for murder; that Nell's conduct was not indicative of real spurning; that - her heart was burning With love one night and consumed by hatred the next; that -her exuberant spirits that night and the talk of suicide may have indicated her purpose to de stroy hm&t:lrFiff.MkiZf " He said the dofense admitted the op portunity for murder, but denied the motive, and held that a reasonable man would not have chosen her father's jard lor murder: that his clothes were not wet; that his conduct and appearance, when - seen by " Leonard Owens before mldnlcht were natural. The defense held too that Wilcox's conduct and con venation with State's witness were nat ural. " 4 - Judge ; Joni-g . called on Coarl Clerk Jenninga to read thri evidence, the en tire record uf tle trial Mr, Bond sld counsel wero wllllog Jor just the most important parts tabs read. The court decided that the case was important that every word of tesilmotiy asjtaken bythe stenographers shotii be rehearsed tothejurv. Cola Headache Powder : ' Contain no Antlpyrine, Morphine or .other Injurious drugs. They do not de-putt but stimulate the stomach and jticn a c 1' secretions Guaranteed cure for Hi -hilbcLe and Sour Btomach. Price 10c' Made and sold by Bradham'i Phar ', enrn- rT !! H f : 1 ?"' ' "e F's. May be Twelve Months Before Wil cox's Case is Disposed of. Elizabsth Citt, N. C, March 23 The verdict that young Wilcox was isllty of lbs murder of Miss Nellie Crop seyeems to have met popular approval though it was not considered probable early yesterday, that the jury would so report. District Attorney Ward said yesterday that he never looked for any verdict other than murder in the second degree. Lawyer Ay dlett for the defense will enter an appeal on behalf of the prisoner. He will seek to set aside the verdict on the ground that it was not consistent with the evidence brought out In the trial. There is little prospect of the prisoner paying the death penalty on the day set by Judge Jones, i As the Supreme Court does sot meet until September, it Is more than proba ble that it will be 12 months before the case Is disposed of finally. Lake View, Onslow County. March 24th. Mrs. Dan Murrill with her sister, Mrs. John Hardy and MIbs Mary Hardy of Jones county are visiting friends at this place. Mrs. Forney Jarman and Mrs. J. L. NlchoUon spent Sunday with Mm. J. H. Franck. Mr. C. D. .Franck, who has been In Wilmington transacting business tor the firm Francks Bros returned home Fri day. Francks Bros, hare Insured their store. We understand that another merchant of this community has had his life Insured for tbe benefit of hiscustom- 8. Miss Jennie Sanderlln returned home Saturday. Miss LIna Franck accompa nied her. Mr. T. H. Davis, -of New Bern, visited his sister, Mrs. Will Franck last week. Mr. D. E. Sandlln with his friend, Mr. J. 8. Simmons spent last week at New Bern and Mayevllle. They report the school at the latter place progressing well. Miss Annie Franck who has been teaching several months at Gum Branch has completed her school and is at home again. Invitations are out for a musical at Mrs. J. L. Nicholson's on Monday night. The chief feature of the entertainment is the violin and piano duets by Mr. O'Neal and Mrs. N. W. Mills. Several of the young people of Lake View attended the closing exercises of the school at Adams school house, last Friday night. Among themjwere Misses Jennie Sandlln, Jennie French, Mamie Jarman, Laura Koonce, Annie Koonce, LIna Franck, Leah Franck and Sybil Franck. Messrs. E. L. Franck, La- Fayette Franck, Jinx Davis, J It. Franck Thomas B. Koonce andSld&eyKoonce. They report a very pleasant time, the only trouble being the crowded house and lack of room. Misses Mary Hardy and Leah Franck with Messrs. Jim Davis and LaFayette Francklspent a pleasant Sunday morn ing on the lake. Mr. LaFayette Koonce is very ill of pneumonia. ' Mr. J. R. Franck's little daughter is slowing improving. TBE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. - Nsw foRK, March 24. COTTOM; Open, High. Low. Close 8.78 8.75 8.65 8.69 . 8.62 8.66 8.53 8.63 . . 8.66 . 8.7t 8.62 8.68 .". 8.49 .,8.50 8.88 8.47 . 8.16 8 20 8.07 8.16 . 7.08 8.00 7.06 7.96 March... May....; July Aug..... Sep...... Oct...... Chicago, Open. High. . 7ir 73t " March 24. Low. Close 72f 73 Low. Close 53 Low. Close 877 March 24. Low. Close 182 82J 18 WeSAT: May..... July... DORS: Open. 571 Open. 857 High. High. May.."... Ribs: May,.... New York, Open. High. ....134 .... 82 ....121 42 : Stocks; Sugar...:. So By U.S.L.... 0.8.8.... :: . 42, U. 8. 8 , Prefd.. 94 94 ; ioi 78 " , " 69 40 Mo. P 101 Atchison....... 78f Va.C. O..,;... 691 A. O. 0 46 Coffee 580 May .. 530 ., . . ;-. Liverpool , -yf . Upon 4.13-10. Sales 8,00frbalo3. . Futures, Apr-May 4.43. May-Jane 4'4 , . NKV BBRM COTTON AtARKKT. , . Hales In local market yesterday was fOKT RECEIPTS. v Some week Last week . ' , last year. -04,000 . ' . 180,000 This week. ' " Sat. 10000 . 14000 Mon. 140r.0 . ; 150C0 Tucs ' '22000 Wed.' ' 23000 Tbnrs. - - 17000 Frl f 18000 109,000 - Celery Headache Powders, v There Is not any . better remedy for headache than thepe powders. They ne?"r f ill to relieve, f " 'a and sold only r.t I -.via' rr---';" ! "vy. Mistrial In Case ot Gay at Wil son. ew Bern Lsdy Dies at Old Ladies Home. Bnral Mail Routes. Palm Sunday. Prepar ing For Charleston Exposition Trip. Raleigh, March 24. This morning Judge Allen arrived here from Wilson, to hold court. He did not leave there until this morning. He waited In the hope that the jury in the case of Gay, on trial for shooting Aycockfc would agree, but after having been out 80 hours the jury failed to agree and a mis trial was entered. The jury was about equally divided between a verdict for murder In the first degree and one In the second degree. The claim of the de fense was that Gay was an opium-eater and that his state of mind was such that he was irresponsible for his actB. After Gay shot Aycock he shot himself and this fact was also Used by the defense. There are today 11 paralytics In the Soldiers' Home here. For these special provision has to bo made. Mrs. Burgess of New Bern, died In the Old Ladles' Home here last night, of paralysis. Bhe was cared for by the Ep worth League of that city. Work began today on an addition to the Pilot Cotton Mill here which will double its capacity. Post office agent F. P. Boushee went to Smithfield, Johnston county, today, to lay off rural free delivery routes. He will then return here. The lumber business Is very active now - in Ibis State. Tho demand Is heavy. The superb weather yesterday resulted in great congregations at the church and crowds at the park. There was a con firmation service at Chrlsts' Episcopal church when Bishop Cheshire confirmed sixteen persons. He confirmed 27 at St. Mary's college. The churches were ef fectively adorned with palms, and at Christ Church and the Catholic church sprays of palm were given each person entering. Adjutant General Royster arrived here today lo complete the arrange ments for the trip of the provisional reg Iment of the State Guard to the Charles ton exposition. Gov. Aycock, all the State officers and his staff will attend Mrs. Aycock will not go. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quick ly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mu cous, draws out the inflammation and re moves the cause of the disease. Abso lutely safe. Acts at once. "One Min ute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first' dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." F. S. Duffy. ffodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It will please f your horse even if he can't smile, his satisfac tion to know that the oats, hay or other povender yoa supply him came from our granaries and warehouses. He's another of those chaps who "knows a good thing when he sees it." Really, we have for sale the best feed in the market for horses, cattle, pigs and poultry. Glad to see you and prove it. C. Ia. 8PENCEITS, 19 $ 21 Market Dock, New Bern, N. C. Important to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not geu oraly understood that the Rice Crop it highly protected f pirn foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the Srops, raised in tho United States have every year fallen tmiel below the home consumption, the Carolina Bice Mills of Qoldsboro, N. C, In'order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts with plant ers in North Carolina for their Crops of rice they may raise during the year 1903 on the most liberal terms. : ! Parties interested, who wish to avail themselves ot this offer, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure In giving full particular. ; V Respectfully, V:V: ' f CAROLINA RICE MILLS, Goldsboro, N. C. Cheaper than Coal or expensive to handle. Prices on application CONTINENTAL OIL CO., Capital 1350,000. Galveston, B. C. F. Leotard, Prest., Of Hauna & Leonard ler. Co, Until the allotment at the price is exhausted will sell STOCK AT 10c PER SHARE, full paid and non-assessable, minimum subscription 100 shares. OUR FIRST WELL a guaranteed 6 inch gusher (capable of earning $1,500,000 annually) NOW COMMENCED and soon to be finished in block 32 Spindle Top Heights, where we are surrounded by ' gushers, 2 within 25 feet FORTUNES HAVE BEEN MADE IN OIL STOCK. Buy 250 shares or more and DEPOSIT THE MONEY IN TOUR BANK to remain UNTIL GUSHER IS IN and TO BE RETURNED you should we fail- , Round Trip Ticket to Beaumont . and Return FREE, to any number of investors who will deposit $500 in their bank to be paid us for stock, after amy one of their number has visited the field and finds our proposition as represented; otherwise the money to be returned to subscribers. We have 10 acres at Beaumont, 5 at Sour Lake, with more land at Damon's Mound and High Island. REFERENCES: S. O. Young, Secty. Galveston Cotton Exchange; State National Loan & Trust Co., and Adou & Lobit, Bankers, Rated at $1,000,000. AGENTS WANTED. Write at once for further particulars to F. J. WEATHERSISEE, Local Agt., NbwBkeit, N. C. res Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, New lot Pancake Flour. Cream of Whean, Oatflakes, Carolina Rice, Grits and Big Hominy. ' Fancy Elgin Butter and Clorer Hill Print Butter received fresh every week. Rock Candy Drips, the Nicest Syrnp you ever tasted, only 10c qt. GPYom can save money by buying your groceries from J. L. HI, 'Phone 91. New Spring SMrts The Latest Patterns of 1902 Just Received. Figures EntirelyiNew at Prices ;that will surprise and delight, as well as thelbeauty ot the patterns and Elegance of the tabrics. These Shirts are made , expressly tor us. Prices 50c, 76C, $1,00, $1.25, $1.60, J. j; BAXTER, Phone 160. , An, Inspection of the canning factory . ivrould show you why these' canned goods are so pure and ' delicious, and why they can't ; be sold at a cheaper rate. They are as cheap as good . goods can be. Cur people are well paid. ' They work in pleasant, clean -' ly environs, and the fruit use! Is the beet grown. That's Why you enjoy Tolson's can '. ned goods. ,M--'! ' Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., ':Erdzi'SLG:c wood; easier and less Texas, Pas tilths of . ssabxs ioc J. F. WiLLiAKsoir, Secretary. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, . 71 Bread St. 89 mddle Street. 7 ( l . - , 1 ! ( ' I t ? i : f A t

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