&4 YOLUMI HIT. NKW BIRH, CEAYI5' COUNTY, H. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902 .-SECOND SICTION, KDMBIR 91 K - Slpns of Another ' Senatorial Pit- ' mary. - ' . , - - - . ' - Title U a Tswa. Sere Asplrsits Far Senatorial Boners. A- ; qalttedof Assaalt Safe Crackers Nearly Cat Oat of JaiW IUlbioh, N. C, March 2ft The 8a- preme Conrt decide a case of peculiar Interest, Involving the title to the lead oa which the town of Bur, Montgomery county stands.. The title of the cae k Bcotl vs. Ingram. A. married woman ' now living in 8outh Carolina, sold the property at a very tmall figure. The town was later built on It, and It U laid the torn involved le about1 170,000. The Supreme Court decides In her favor and the property-Owner lose. , To day Johnson Caswell lodge, of Ma sons, at Warrenlon, chartered in 1778, and dormant for more than SO years, -, was revived. ; " -...--.' There is little doubt, It . seems, that there will be a senatorial primary this year to settle the 'question as to who shall be the Democratic nominee for U, 8. Senator; The people have had a taste of the primary system, which puts them so close to the choosing of a sena tor, and they will hardly desire to re turn to the old method of election by the . legislature. The primary plan arouses interest, to a vast degree. It brings out the voir.. Every candidate - spurs on the voters to loin out- It Is therefore, declared to be ' the the best possible plan for the Democratic, party, . by people of very sound Judgment. , v j The Democrats will of course work : : very hard this year not only to get their voters registered and poll-lax-paid, but also to get them on the permanent rolls, under tbe new constitutional amend . raent. - It is to be a , very heavy year. There Is hard work ahead and plenty of It. - ' Tlie senatorial canpalga may be said to liae already txgun, ... The are about sewn supiranis snd it in asserted "that some of ilie?e, at least, Uave for. weeks boco dini ' missionary work.- , The warrants for the State aid to pub lic cliools were today sent to the coun ties wlilch called for them. With each -warrant was sent a letter from the State superintendent saying, "You are earnest - ly requested by tbe State treasurer not - to present It until It Is absolutely needed by the schools. This money - Is legally ' usable only to maintain the public .. schools 4 months in each year. Ton are . urged to use every endeavor to have the - Intention of the legislature and the . pledge to our people scrupulously carried . put by so using this money as to secure a four-months school in every district specified ss needing aid in the applica tion from your county on tile In this of fice. When this has i been done the county superintendent and chairman of education board are requested to certify that fact to the State Superintendent." . In the Superior Court here, Robert L. Gray, a young lawyer, indicted for as saulting Mayor A. W. Powell,' was ac quitted, the jury being out only .three minutes. ' ''';;'"': jv'-'-'v-"-. j The fire-bug Hauser, convicted at Wfl " mlngton and sentenced to the penitenti ary for ten yerst will be brought here in a day or two. He appealed to the Bu ' promo Court but has- withdrawn his ep- ' peal. ' The Supreme Court says the Bu- , perior Court can now send htm on to - the penitentiary without any further delay. i. ' ' ' It U Intimated that the Republicans will bold their . State " Convention at ;. Greensboro alao ... Z-. George Ellsworth and J. H. Trsvers. V two professional safe-crackers, blew the -express company's. Safe here a years' ago ".: then went to Wadesboro, blew, a safe and got $800. They were convicted and sentenced there, but appealed. Their . appeal was argued yesterday, but at the - very time they were trying to cut out of jail. They had sawed through two steel bars when the Sheriff detected their work.. Oa their persons, he, found ten 7 burglars saw.. In the cover of - a book which they had were found twelve more or these saws. . ' McDuffle; . Witch Hazel not. Healer It one of ihe Hnentbaby powders known cures prickly heat and gives Instant rt. Hot, 1 25.ccirts at F. H. Duffy's..? i ? -. ; Jr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething (tables, Price, ,10 ctsCuree W inu-i wic, tiiarrnoea, uyneuiery, un plug Pains Sour 8umacb, Fever, Chol era Infantum.; Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promote (he dilation and jsoothi-s the I aby a . :': at. Pater's. St Peter's Is In the form of a cross. It is 030 feet long by 450 feet wide. Tbe dome la 448 feet hign. LESS WORRY. - Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in ; dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It. All you can do Is to keep them free from-exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy . that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Byrup wlU fill every requirement, It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds Bud Croup or the price 25 cents will r ' n1 J t y any dealer selling It. Sold 1- I ' ', I -nry's, . and Era".:n' POLLOCKS VILLE. Tobacco Crop Outlook Fine. Ho Shad. Personals. Important Court Case. March Eft Tbe weather is very fine, though very cool, but the farmers are forging ahead plowing and planting. It seems there Will never be any end to the increased demand for fertilisers. Home-made manure is a thing of the past. ' : ' , The tobacco farmers 'report the out look in this section very good as they are fully up and well prepared to set and cultivate as soon as plants are large enough, Boms are up and doing nicely, some now three and four leaves. Everything is very backward this year. All nature seems very much sub dued by the long cold winter. Those who look forward to the shad season with bright hopes and antici pated pleasures of the jolly night's sport on the Trent are gradually growing des pondent as there seems to be no shad this season and the lime is 'about half gone in which to eitch them. The following parties left here last Tuesday, the 15th, to attend the Charles ton Exposition. " Dr. George R. Hughes and wife, Mr. Daniel W. Whltford and wife and also Miss Laura Whltford who Is home from Greensboro on a visit. fir. John Pearce left on the 25th, lust, for Atlanta, where he goes to , take his little grandson, Carl Chadwlck, to the National Surgical Institute and Sanita rium, for treatment for spinal trouble. Little Carl Is a lovely, bright little bey, but has been a sufferer for the last four years with spinal affection caused by a seveie fever. We hope he will be fully cured by the proposed treatment. Mltaes Lena Jsrmon of Jacksonville and Izora Joues of Cedar. Point are visit Ing friends and relatives near here this week. Miss Katie Klnsey of New Bern is the 'guest of Mrs. Carrlo;Pearce of this place this week. . Miss Llllle Koonco of Trenton, was visiting her brother, Dr. 8. E. Koonce of this place latt week. .'as was also Hibb Ssllle Cox this week. ' . We are sdrry to have to report Mr. William Koonce of. this place very low and not expected to live long, he Is grud ually sinking daily, so we are tild. Jones County Superior Court convenes next Monday the 81st with, a full docket the most important case Is that of Mr. Cyrus Dixon for- the murder of one Mr. Webber, this Is a case slmlllar to the Wilcox case, so far as the facts of the klllinc goes, it Is all circumstantial and some times circumstances are very mis leading and people aro executed unjust ly on such evidence. ZORAH. March 25 The weather has been so bad that farmers are badly behind with their work. ' But they are hustling, and If the good weather continued will soon be ready for planting. Some oats are up and looking nice, while others are just planted. Mr. Monnle Whltford took a trip to Birmingham, Ala., about two weeks ago, leaving on , Monday and returning on 8atuiday.''"'-:' ; Mr. O. C. O'Neal was visiting relatives at Zorah Bunday, but has returned again to his work In Jones county. A number of our people attended preaching at-Macedonia Saturday and Sunday. . Mr. G. A. Whltford tsiogglng 10 acres of swamp land this spring. ; He has al readyhad three "frolics" and Is not done yet.. -' Mr. J. B. Harrington Is building two tobacco barns and a pack house near here. ' ' Since the "Sanctified Fight" reported about a year ago, there has not been any sanctified preaching In our section until recently. ... Miss Jessie Price and her brother, Kenneth, of Askin, visited their sinter at Zorah, Sunday. . ' . Held op Kansas HoteL Empobia, Kan., March 26.-rTwo masked men made a bold attempt early today to rob the safe of the Hotel White ley, in the beast of the city. j( They entered the lobby ' by different doors and with leveled revolvers com pelled Paul VIckery, a clerk; Jesse Reeves, a porter, and W, F, Sullivan, a travelling man, to throw np their hands Sullivan was ordered to throw his cash on the floor and promptly compiled, to the extent of 50, He and the porter Lwere then locked In a cloak room, f VIckery was ordered to open the safe. but convinced the robbers he was unable to do so. " After being relieved of what money he carried be was locked In the closet., The robbers we're unable to open the safe. Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. - Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. Ds Will's Witch Hue 6alre cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. : , Bradham's Anil- -Bilious Liver Pills, . ' ' : are purely vegetable and act by stimulating the liver, causing Increased flow of bile and producing natural move ments of lbs bowels. They do not pro duce griping or sick stomach. Sore cure for Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn etc. Price 25 cts. Manufactured by C. D. Ti-a "ia-n, wholos'ale and retail drug- FAVORABLE FOR THOMAS. Committee on Elections Unanimous la Its Findings. Special to Journal Washingtox, March 26 The Commit tee on Elections In the contested case of 0. R. Thomas vs. J. E. Fowler from the Third North Carolina Congressional District, report unanimously In favor of Thomas! FREE CUBA MAT 20TB. President-Elect Says Dnlted States Dealt Fairly and Generously With Its People. Washington, March 20. President elect .Thomas Estrada Palma, of Cuba, having finished "his conferences with President Roosevelt on matters connect ed with the transfer of the Island to Cuban control, le't for his New York home, , where he will remain 1 until the last Of April, when he will leave for Cuba. General Palma, before leaving, said he was assured the future of Cuban will be a grand one. ' "I will cuter upon my duties as Presi dent of Cuba," said General Palma, 'confident lu tbe belief that there Is a plendld future In store for the island. The people are naturally of an orderly, peaceable disposition, mild mannered and submissive to law and t order, What they need is the opportunity to work, and with this assured prosperity will come to tbe people. Tbe people are dignified snd will respect law and order. Tho certinonles incident to my In auguration will be in keeping with the reforms of i he occasion. One of these will be the lowering of the American colors in Ha-vaua and tbe raising of tbe Cuban Sag. . Closely following the in auguration will be the appointment of a representative to 'Washington. Then steps will be taken for the drafting of a treaty between tbe two Governments, embodying the futures outlined in the Piatt amendment, which has been made an appendix to our Constitution. This will include provisions- for a naval sta tion ' and the eslablibbment of coaling tations at points to be mutually agreed pon. The 600 American artillerymen to be kept In tin- coust foils are to remain there with the consent of tbe Cuban government, until .the Cuban govern ment is reudy to replace them with a force of Its own men. The Americans then presumeably will be sent the naval and the coaling 'stations provided for in the treaty between the two gov ernments. 1 General Palma in closing paid this tribute to the United States Govern ment: "The Government of the United States has shown a most beautiful example of good faith In dealing with a weak Gov eminent, which it undertook to rescue from its oppressors. It has demonstrat ed Its generosity and patriotism and by the shedding of its own blood bas help ed Cuba to break the chain which united it with Spain. Some countries would have sought some pretext for selfish gain In undertaking a work of this char acter and taicen advantage of some tech nicality for their, own aggrandizement, but tho contrary spirit has been manifest ed by the United states, and It has given to the world an evidence .of good will seldom found, The people of the United States have remembered their own dec laration of independence and have ful filled a duty to mankind." v President Palma has a wife and six children: Two of tbe oldest boys wul remain In school in the United States. Dirty Patasoifla. Tatagonlans are not giants, as some have supposed and as the geographies teach," said a man who has traveled. "They are large in comparison with the Other South American natives; that is all. Everything Is relative, you know. But they ore very fat That is why they can stand the cold so well. I have seen Patagonlan men and boys running around unclad while I was wrapped In Worm garments, with the snow falling upon them in quantities and the wind blowing bitterly. They are Kept warm by their fat-and dirt Patagonia la one of the dirtiest places imaginable. Don't go there if you hate dirt That Is my advice to all who contemplate a Journey to the Jumping on place or South America,'- r . . , The First Fala Hair. . In very early days, as now, the hair was sometimes thin, and It had to be oked'out In various ways to make be lieve that nature bad been spendthrift to ail alike. About the first description extant of woman's hair speaks of plaited locks," : known as "Gretclen braids" to us. to maae inese oraias seem longer silk the color of the hair was braided In. Then they took to puttlnc the braids in cases of silk. elongating them with all sorts of stuff till thev .looked like umbrellas in cov ers. Tbe Chinese pigtail Is a modifica tion of this style. . . e. The ruby is valued highest when It contains tha least arare. - The largest ruby that history speaks of belonged to Elizabeth of Austria, 'tne wire or Charles IX. It was almost as big as a hen's egg. The virtues attributed to rubles are to banish sadness, to repress luxury and to drive away annoying thotiffhta. At tbe same time It sym bolizes cruelty, anger and carnage, as weU ns boldness and bravery. A change In its color announces a calamity, out when the trouble Is over It regains Its primitive luster. ' JBalsami from the Northern Wood aro In rynyi'.'fefua, tho eerteln cure for ceoghs, True Bill Atrainst Ex-Flnandal Re porter LofH. Memorial Hall Site For A. M. Col lege. Agalast Seaatorlal Pri mary. SeaUace Commu ted. Political Job Open For Caadl- , dates.: Raleigh, March 27. Today the build ing committee of the trustees of the Ag ricultural and Mechanical College here adopted the plan fori : the "Memorial Hall," and located the site. The cost will be 16,000, the material, brick and granite, the dimensions 63 feet front, 116 feet depth; the Jiebibt 2 stories and basement, containing dining room, kitchen, chapel and auditorium and ar mory; location between horticulture belt and the machine shops. While thero is going to be great pres sure for another Senatorial primary this year, there will also be bitter opposition. The opponents declare that nineteen counties in "which they elected legisla tors in Augast, 1900, went for McKinley in November of that year, and that this was dr.e to the overshadowing influence of the Senatorial tight and bitterness en gendered by It. Mr. WIshart of Robeson county, clerk to tbe corporation commission in its cap aclty as a tax commission has reelgxed to lake a more lucrative place. The salary of this clerkBhlp is $1500 and in two or three weeks the commission will fill the vacancy. No doubt there will be a number of aspirants. Major S. C. Bragaw Of WaBhlngt ju Is appointed to tbe command of the Sec ond Battalion of the provisional regi ment of tbe Bute Guard which eoes to Charleston, April 7. The Second Bat talion is made up of companies from the Second Regiment, N. C. S. G. Msjor J C. Bond was at first appointed to com mand the Second Battalion, but Is re lieved at his bis own request. Tho Governor to day commuted the Benttnce of Lee Watklns so that it will expire May I, next Watklns was con victed In November, 1890, of murder In the tecond degree and sentenced for five years. Tbe Masons here are taking hold of the plans for a Masonic Temple and are subscribing to stock therein. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell of the Odd Fellows at Wadeaboro tonight organized a new loi'jje. ol that order, - The grand jury of the Superior Court here has returned a true bill for em bezzlement against the ex-financlal re pbrter of the now 'defunct local council of the Knights of Honor, for embezzle ment in that having been paid funds by members he had not sent them to the Supreme Lodge, the local lodge thereby losing Its charter. Two members who died were on the the list. . Their families sued the Supreme Council. The latter has effected a compromise, paying (1,250 In each case. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, Croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quick ly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, One Minute Cough Cure Is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mu coua, draws out the inflammation and re moves the cause cf the disease. Abso lutely safe. Acts at once,' "One Min ute Cough Cure will do all that claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." F. S. Duffy. Calls For More Troops. Ottawa, Out.; March 26 The British imperial authorities Jiave asked for a Canadian mounted force of 2,000 men for service in SouthAfrlca. From what can be learned, the imperial government has suggested that the force should be equipped and transported at its own ex pense. v. . ' .'r-y The application will doubtless be ac ceded to. Should this be done, Canada's contribution of troops for the war will be brought up to a total of 7,000 men VanderbiK Under Arrest. Nick, March JO. -Mr. W. K. Vender- bill, Jr., and Mr. David Wolfe Bishop arrived this morning by automobile. They had a strange adventure while pass In through Luc, in the Department of Tar. When they reached the little town last night at 9 o'clock they carried no light and were traveling at Immense speed.' Suddenly a gendarme started up In front of them and ordered them to stop, which Mr, Vanderbllt timidly did. The gendarme,: being unable to make himself understood, took them to the station, where they were kept until the arrival of the brigadier this morning at S o'clock. -"After hearing explanations the official permitted them to continue their journey. -,",'; -,-r - : Messrs. . vanderbllt and Bishop are still laughing at the 1 adventure, which they said was not tbelr first and will not be thetrlast. .,; The Best prescription for Halaria, Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gbovb' Tasteless Chili. Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tastoless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. A' WISCONSIN PIONEER Recommends Pe - ru - its Weight Hon. John Paulin, Sr., a pioneer of esteem by tho residents of that place. He letter he says: " have used Peruna with good bas also cured my catarrh which with but a slight cold. I am recommending Peruna because It Is worth Its weight in gold." JOHN It will please your horse even if he can't smile, his satisfac- povender you supply him came from our granaries and warehouses. He's another of those chaps who "knows a good thing when he sees it" Really, we have for sale the best feed in the market lor horses, cattle, pigs and poultry. Glad to see you and prove it e x. sPEircEirs, 19 & 21 Market Dock, New Bern, N. C. Important to Farmers. In view of the fact that it is not gen- eraly understood that the Rice Crop is highly protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of Goldsboro, IT. C, in order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contractarwith plant ers in North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year 1903 on the most liberal terms. Parties interested, who wish toavail themselves of this offer, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. -SEED RICE will be quoted on appli cation. - ' , Respectfully, : - CAROLINA. RICK MILLS, - . Goldsboro, N. C. EF YQU HaJe a house and lot for sate, or want to buy a house and lot, See J. W. STEWART. na as Being Worth in Gold. Port Washington, Wis., is held In high is one of the oldest citizens. In a recent results for coughs and colds. It always became worse when affected PAULIN, SR. Fres lot Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, New lot Pancake Flour. r Cream of Whean, Oatflakes, Carolina Rice, Grits and Bi Hominy. ' Fancy Elgin Butter and fresh every week. Rock Candy Drips, th ,10c qt. ' CF" You can ear ltttsy J. 1: MtMlIIEI, 'Phone 91. twVlisnewflaawVlXlsntwV Fresh Country Smoked Hams and Side Bacon, Fancy New Orleaas, lestIndia and Porto Rioo Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Maple Syrup Jsst Receired. We also hare a full and aid fresh' supply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as TJmeeda Biscuits, TJneeda Milk Biscuits, J Oysterettes, Cheese Sandwiohes, Forentine Yanila Creams, t Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, ice. V Don't fail to rnva aa a tall and 'trat vnnr o-nwpriM frwiVi g and(delivered promptly. r . . P J Tour to Pleaae, V 3 jl 23. 3?tJK2E3R, Tx.,'J) -' Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ? PHONS 69, . ttor. Ercad Ci Hancock Cts. ' p o lfr. A. Howell, Marietta, Ga writes! "I have been troubled with catarrh In head, throat- and stomach for several years, and from amounts that I hare read In ereral newspapers bf the good effects that many had reoeived from Pe runa, and whoae veracity could not be doubted, caoeed me to give it a trial, and I bleas the day that I did mike a trial. It has made a new man of me. . "I was all my life np to about firs years ago a very healthy man, and about that time I was troubled with catarrh. I tried a number of prescriptions from different doctors but none seemed to re lieve me until I commenced the use of Peruna, and from Its use I can truly say that I have been greatly benefited. "I mm bow in my eighty-seventh year and can walk and get about m well aa many much younger than my telf and attribute It greatly to tbe use of Peruna. I keep some on hand all tbe time, and consider It the cheapest medi cine In the world." Mr. A. Howell. J. R. Prince, East Leon, N. y, writes : "Peruna has saved my life, and made a strong, healthy, jolly old man of me. Peruna ts Just what every family should not be without. I have taken very few colds since I bave used Peruna, b u 1 1 when I do catch cold, Peruna is my medicine. "A minister came to me last summer and said that he had seen my testi monial in the paper, j and began taking Peruna. He said, that it straightened him right up (he J. B. Prlnoe. was troubled with kidney trouble) and Peruna cured him. I cannot express my thanks for the benefit your medicine has been to me." J. R. Prince. Abraham Ziegler, Piedmont, Wayne County, Mo., writes : " My wife who is now 'eighty-seven years old, suffered for about sixteen years from severe catarrh of the head, which affected her sight and hearing. I saw Pe-ru-na advertised in your al manac, and testimonials similar to her case attracted my attention. I got one bottle and it helped her so much that she is now using the second bottle and she thinks it 1b something wonderful. Her hearing and sight are both in part restored." Abraham Ziegler. In old age the mucous membranes be come thickened and partly lose their function. This leads to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste, as well as di gestive disturbances. Pe-ru-na corrects all this by its specific- operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convince anyone. Once used and Pe-ru-na becomes a life-long stand-by with old and young. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Glorer Hill Print Butter received Nicest Syrnp yon ever tasted, only ; J saying yonx groceries from Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Bread St, iSlftf IO". rf- D .. . -

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