t tin r VOLDill IIV, HIW BIRH, CR1TIH COUHTT, V. C, FEID AT, APRIL 4, 1902..-SIC0HD 8ICTI0H. NUMBER 2. U V m i i Temperature Falls Point to Freezing Odd Fellows Fiscal Tear. Begl meatal Assignment- Trjlar to Met Large Hotel Ae eonimoaatleaa. Cani ties Fail l Estab lish Libraries. RALiion, April J. The temperature thli morning here wu 83, the freezing point. The" air waa wtj dry and there was wind all night. Ai a result the weather bureau aaid no frost had been reported, though there wu a heavy froet at Wilmington and New Bern and tome at Charlotte. The dryness of the air saved this section, as It did daring the severe cold snap late la : March, when the temperature fell to 19 degrees. The fiscal year of the Odd Fellows ended Monday and the Qrand Secretary B. n. Woodell, has turned over tj the Grand Treasurer, It J. Jones of Wil mington, $11,137,82, at the year's re ceipts. This Is over 10 per cent Increase as compared with the previous year. - Maj. P. T. Jonea is assigned to the command of the battalion of the Third Regiment in the provisional regiment which goes to the Charleston Exposition next week, taking the place of Maj. T. J. Winston. Assistant Surgeon Harrlll - of the 2nd Kent., Tarboro, la ordered to go with the regiment. Governor Aycock snd State 8uperin tendent J. T. Joyoer are Invited by Rob ert O. Ogden, tbe president of the Southern Conference of Education, to attend tbe fifth annual meeting at Ath ens. Oa., April 24-27. They have ac cepted, and both will attend. The cob ference last) ear was held at Winston Salem. An earnest movement to give Raleigh better and larger hotel accommodation! was put on foot jesterday by the bust ness men. It la probable that the major ity of the block will be taken here, th'i'.'ijb some may be taken by persons atoikn r points. Special care is to be tuki n in i tic selection of a site and also oi h ilmign. It is currently repotted thai i n el e baa been bought by per sont who oppose tuo building of a hotel becatiMi of interest in present ones. (le.orge A. Gritnsley of Greensboro, chairman of tbe library committee of the State Library and Historical Society calls on tbe committee to meet at Greens boro April 4. It is to consider the best way to aid in giving libraries to rural public schools, to mill villages and to cities Hnd towns. ' The State Association of Music Teach era met this morning at the- Baptist Fe male University, where there was a muslcaie. This afternoon It held a busl boss session, to elect officers for the year and to select a place for the next annual , meeting. . "-, ; C - - , Thus far 25 counties have failed to establish any libraries for rural public schools. In the other 78 counties,, al most 500 such libraries have been estab lished. The State appropriation of $6000 for this purpose Is nearly exhausted. Tbe Dramatic Association of the Stats Agricultural and Mechanical College herb will play "The Rivals" at Goldeboro and Durham.? The presentation of the play here made a deoided hit. NORFOLK, VA. Street Car Strike Over. Loss T Wage . Earaeri, Tun ad bill Signed. Work to Commence. April tv The strike of our street car men la over ai last and all boycotts are to he raised. This has been a most dis astrous affair, particularly for the strikers, who have loat every point for which they contended, and -have also lost their positions with the company, as their places have been filled by other men. The company will take back only such men as are desirable, and only when vacancies occur. The car men's anion Is broken up, and several ot Its members In Jail, or penitentiary, for crimes committed- against person and property. That ends another contest between capital and labor, which would never have assumed such proportions, as It did, but for the aid and encouragement of the paid agitators, who are undoubted ly the drones in the human hive of In dustry, and are waxing fat and plethoric through the credulity of the wage earner. When will the working man recognize a demagogue and relegate the plausible scoundrel to the oblivion from which he can never emerge f How mentally blind must this class of men be, when they fall to observe that we are living in a com petitlve age. and that the fittest will aurely survive, and the strong prevail How dull must be the preemptions of so called organized labor, when It acts the dog-in-the-manger, without even the power ot the dog. IIow lgnorantly pug' nacious and'eombatatiye must a man be to refuse to perform work under con ditions which thousands of others are willing to do, and then Jry by intimida tion and outrage to prevent these men from earning an honest llvlne for their families. Exit of the whole absurdity sorrounded by the odium justly earned and generously bestowed. Progression is the watchword of the business men ot our community. Inno vation on innovation, and enterprise on enterprise, attests tho energy of our citizens. The bill Introduced In the Virginia Legislature to enable H. L. Page and bis associates to construct a tunnel or tun nels to connect. Norfolk, Portsmouth and Berkley, has been signed by the Governor, and work will begin within ninety days, and we are promised cars and other vehicles running under tho rivers within one year. Tho untiring energy and splendid executive ability of L. Page knows no bounds or limits. This Englishman has done enough such deeds to be a credit to the land of bis berth and an honor to the country of his adoptioj). The deplorable accident that occurred to Capt. Bragg and party of Ocraooke wss deeply regretted by msny here who knew him. Capt. White of this city who was drowned at the same time, leaves a wife and several children. It wu undoubtedly a terrible error of ndgment to attempt to take' the old Teasel that had been on the beach to Norfolk, via. the outside course, she being broken in the middle and too old and rotten to stand the gales so common In March. '' NEGRO EARLY SHOT. Sentenced To Penitentiary, Is Killed In Sheriffs Custody. Special to Journal. 'Ulkioh, April, 8. At 5 o'clock this afternoon Adjutant General Royster re ceived a report from the Captain of the Edenton company, that the negro Tom Early, guarded there last night had been tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. That the sheriff had dismissed the mili tary, and started with the negro for the penitentiary, and that the negro was shot after tbe sheriff left with him. Delegates to American Congress 8peclal to Journal, , Raleigh, April S. The Governor ap points the following delegates to the American Congress on tuberculosis t Hotel MaWlc. flew York. Msy 14th to 16th. R. II. Lewis. W. L. Dunn, Albert An derson, W. T, Pate, B. W. Battle, J. h, Nicholos, J. F. Miller, James McKee and P. L. Murphy. Elks Circus Parade Upsets Court Special to Journal. Raleigh, April 8 Elks circus parade today did remarkable things. It stopped the Supreme Court right In the middle of the Gattls-Kllgo case argument Lawyers hurried to the windows . while the judges turned their heads enough to see the amusing sight. H. Pjmy-BaUMua Step tha TicklJng, and quietly aUarS Inflammation In the throat. No White Slave Trade. , . WAsniNOTo. April 1. The 8late De partment haa received from the French Ambassador notice of a ' proposed con gress for the international repression of the white slave trade, to be convened at Paris on June 10 next. . s The first congress of this character, held In London in June, 1899, expressed the desire that an International agree ment mlnht be effected In Older to In flict, as far as possible, the ssme degree of punishment for tbe enticement or kid . napping of women or girls by . fraud, abuts of authority or violence, nd for their, admission and retention, In houses of 111 rtiputf ; and to permit' theextradl tint) of guilty parties by international treaties. . ' v; , COVE. , ".April 1.-We understand that. Mr. Dnnkln Ipock will soon move his board down th i road and probably hit trunk Uler on , - .. Mr K. J. ulnes of New Bern was the guest of Capt. C. E. Htnes Sundsy, Miss Bet&le Davis, one of Perfection's most fair and lovely ' daughters spent last week with relatives here, , 'After lingering for many weeks with heart dropsy, Mrs. M.W Jenkins died at-her home near here Sunday evening. She leaves a husband; '.five children and a host of fr'mds to mourn their loss. She was re "ned to God's Will and waa willing to go. A good woman has gone forth to seek her reward. ' . . Miss Annie Avery of New Bern has been here on an extended visit of late and will probably make Cove her future home. : - ! : Mrs Augustus Leapman left lasweek ' for New York to spend the spring and summer there. Mrs. O. D. Lane tpenf Sunday and Monday In New Bern. . . ; r Miss Lettle White :ft -.Saturday to visit relatives and friends, at Have- lock. .-' ... . ,, , , a ' , ' Congratulations' to Mr.- and Mrs. Cf"'.-9 Avery. It'i a ptct'y l!lt!s gh. A WHO WA8 BEFRIENDED BY AN EMPEROR Fruit Damaged In Tennessee. Chattanooga, Tenn., April 2 Heavy frost occurred last night In this vicinity doing some' damage to fruit. Up to last night the damage by previous frosts had been from 29 to 50 per cent In southern Tennessee and it Is feared the heavy frost last ntsrht will cause an average of 50 per cent loss to fruit growing sections. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills arid Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tabthxess Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and iUinine in a tasteless form No cure no pay. rrice 50c. Walter Clark A Partner? Special to Journal. Raleigh, April 3 In the Galttc-Kllgo case bearing beforethe Supremo Court today, Attorney T. T. Hicks, referred to Associate Justice Waller Clark, as hav ing been in partnership with the plain tiff, Gattis. Judge Walter Clark did not sit during the hearing. GOVERNOR SERVED With Summons la State Case.- Immense Flood Losses Nashville, Tenn..' April 1 Authentic reports have been received from every county In middle Tennessee and the damage done to property is conservative ly estimated at over $5,000,000. Twenty- five persons lost their lives in the flood. ;- '" ' ' " Gormantor National Chairman. Wabhihgton, April 8. The defeat of Senator James E. Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, for re-election at the Arkansas primaries, which means his retirement on March 8 next, brings forth expressions of regret among the Senator's associates. Senator Gorman will assume the chair maothlp of the National Committee up on the withdrawal of Mr. Jones, and will occupy his old position of party leader. Mr, Gorman will be given the place without controversy or dissent. Special to Journal. Raleigh, April 8. Governor Aycock waa this afternoon , served with a sum mons In the case of Mollle Miller, widow of Festus Miller, late clerk of the Super' ior Court of Pamlico county in her suit for $2,800 claimed as fees and 'costs In the oyster entry cases.! . Pome sixteen hundred dollars had been paid Miller In these esses,. 7 ' , McDuf tie's Witch. Hazel Foot Healer Is one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives Instant re lief. 85 cents at F. B. Duffy's. ; Stockholder Cnarges Fraud. NbwYobk, April 2. W. O. Davis, who claims to have been ' the holder of 400 shares of the common stock of the American Tobacco Conjpany before that corporation was merged In the ICoasoll dated Tobacco Company, has brought suit In equity In the Supreme Court of this county to' recover these shares, on the ground that he waa Induced by fraud ulent misrepresentations on the part of the directors of the American to part with his stock for bonds of the Consoli dated. He says he was assured Jby the directors that the earning power of the American was not more than eight per cent on Its common stock, while they knew It to be considerably more. Tbe directors Informed him, he alleges, that a majority of the stockholders had eon tented to the exchange, while, he asserts the directors themselves did not ex change their stock, but withdrew It, thereby getting the benefit of the greater earning power aver since. : Country iJerckants I , " 1 fldfwell to see F. 8. Duffy bef ' t -their orders ' for D. ' ..t tledicines and Sua Governor Up All Nlrht Account Edenton Aflalr. - Greeasber Tt Get Republican State Convention. GeU Brlek Case State Charter. North Carolina at Charles ton Exposition. - Raleigh, April 8. Governor Aycock tat up last night until $ o'clock and Ad jutant General Royster until 5 o'clock, In order to be in touch with the situa tion at Edenton, where the local troops were on duty to prevent a lynching, The last news tbey had wss that one at tack on the jail bad been repelled and that another wu expected. The penitentiary directors expected to mske their annual report yesterday, but deferred it. Tbe news that the Republican State Convention is to be held at Greensboro will cause yet more stir in Raleigh, where all the political parties have here tofore held their conventions. All ssy they will not hold them here until there are more ample hotel accommodations. Nearly all of today's session of the Supreme Court was devoted to argu ment In the noted damage and libel suit of Gattis against Kllgo. There was a large array of prominent attorneys on each side. Director General J. H. Avlrtll of the Charleston Exposition was here today to see Gov. Aycock In regard to the let ters' "day" at tbe exposition, and sug gested next Thursday as tbe date. It is proposed to have the exercises In front of the building In which this State's very handsome exhibit Is Installed. By the way George Eennan, 'the world famous traveller, says In the last number of the Outlook that this State's exhibit Is the most meritorious at the exposition, This is high praise. Arch director Huske of this Episcopal diocese resigns, on account of Impaired health and has gone to the far northwest for a long stay. Another Burvey for the government's boulevard from this city to the National Cemetery has been made. This is for a route which passing by the Soldiers' Home will go 200 yards east of it and then turn straight south, passing the en tire front of the cemetery. It Is the pur pose t have the boulevard 50 feet wide. The trustees ot the Baptist Female University here meet Tuesday. The foL lowing day will be observed as "Bene factor's Day,", when addresses Will be delivered by chairman W. N. Jones of the trustees and president Charles E. Taylor of Wake Forest college. The State charters the Charlotte Coca Cola Bottling Company, with capital $4,000. It will manufacture andlbot- tle. The State Is notified that next Monday the counsel for Hawley, Daly and How Ovster Entry ard, the three gold brick swindlers, will make a motion in the United States Sup reme Court to advance the case. This case Is before that court on habeas cor pus and also In a writ of error. The contention made by the attorneys for the gold brick swindlers is that the lib erty of the citizens Is Involved. At the church of tbe Good Shepherd. this morning Mr, James O. Litchford, teller of the Raleigh Savings Bank, and Miss Lucy West, daughter. of N. W West, a prominent citizen were mar ried. State veterinarian Talt Butler, re PASTOR SAVED BY PE-RU-NA. ' ORIENTAL. April 2. Miss Pearl Gatlin ot Stone- wall spent last week In town assisting Mrs. A. W. Haskins In her millinery store. . ' Mrs. Folly of Durham wbp has been visiting Mrs. Alonzo McClees of near here, returned ' to her home a few days a?o. ' ' Mr. Hugh Fodre of Beaufort, N. C baa Just' returned home after visiting the family of Mr. W. D. Dill, r , Mr. H. L. Glbbt and family spent last . SatnrVtny ' snd Sunday In Bay boro. ' U,J ' Quite a number of our young people spent last Sunday at Arapahoe, attend ing the - Union meeting; . Among the number 7 were Mr. Harry. Bunting and and Miss Mollle Carmine, Mr. .Walker and .Miss Stella Johnson. .. r . Mr. J. F. Brabble is haying a store room t rill near his dweljlng. The outside . work on the new Free Will Baptist church has been completed and is now being painted. ' Mr.L. G. HlnnanV of Bayboro U In town. " :, ,-v-.--.- . The fishing season here has about ex pired. : ' . ' . ".v Mrs Scarborough of Ocracoke ts visit ing Mrs. U. L.GIbbs. - " - The town commissioners at their monthly meeting last Monday ordered the streets to be improved, sidewalks to be thrown upend streets leveled. " We are sorry to learn of the serious illness ot Ur.CD. Uaaklns. Hope he will toon be better. - v Oriental High School' la now In fiouritlng condition. s Mr. W F. Mldyette has Just added neat llille office to his place of bual- neat ipi ni: .,,. Rev. J. L. Rumley baa gone to Dover to attend a conference of ministers. j It is reported that there la to be a mar riage in Oriental real soon, r The Old Dominion Steamship Com pany hat put the steamer Guide In place of the Virginia Dare on the route Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wis., is pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church ot that place. Rev. Steubenvoll is the possessor of two bibles presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. TJpon the fly leaf of one of the bibles the Emperor has written In his own handwriting a text. This honored pastor In a recent letter to the Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O., says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Peruna: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen: bad hemorrhages ot tbe lungs tor a long time, and all despaired of me. I took Peruna and was cured. It gave me strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It Increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. It Is tbe best medicine In tbe world. It everyone kept Peruna in tbe house It would save many from death every year. " Yours very truly, REV. H. STUBENVOLL. Thousands of people have catarrh who Would bo surprised to know It, because U Has been called some other name than catarrh. The fact Is, catarrh la catarrh wherever located; and another fact Which is of equally great Importance, is that Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Catarrh is an American disease. Fully one-half of the people are afflicted more or loss with It In some form. Previous to the discovery of Peruna, catarrh was considered well nigh Incurable. Since the introduction of Peruna to the medical profession thousands of cases are cured annually. Mr. W. D. Smith, a well-known grocer of Port Huron, Mich., writes: "By following your Instructions and taking Peruna and, Manalin I am cured of catarrh. I had catarrh for twelve years and quite a bad cough so I could not sleep nights, I do not have any cough now, and if I feel anything in the throat I take a swallow of Peruna and I am alright" W. D. Smith. " asr4 nrtMsi rm C. T. Gerdlng, Milbum, Neb, writes l "I eontrscted a heavy cold about fit teen years ago and tried all kinds of patent medicines and drugs reoom- mended for a cold or heavy eough, but found none to help me until I com menced using Peruna. My age is seventy-eight years, and I am better now than I have been for years. I. still keep using your great medicine, and am till improving in health. I recommend it to all sufferers with coughs and colds." C. T. Gerding. Peruna, Tlw Greatest Xtomedjr Kiowa Far Catarrh. Mr. Chas. H. Stevens, 07 Seventeenth Street, Detroit, Mich., writes : It affords me great pleasure to testify to the merits of Peruna as a remedy for catarrh. I suffered for some time' with chronlo nasal catarrh, but after five months' treatment during which time I used even bottles of Peruna I am pleased to ay that I am entirely well, thero being not the slightest trace of the catarrh left. Peruna is without doubt the greatest remedy known for catarrh." Chas. IT. " Stevens. JUOloted Slaoe Childhood With Catarrh. Mr. Elbert S. Richards, Milton, Conn., writes: 'I am near sixty-eight years of age. and have from childhood been afflicted with catarrh in the head, and, for the past four or five years been much afflicted with it in my eyes; they being watery, would materate a good deal, and stick together in the night. My condition was so fully described in youralmanao that I decided to try Peruna. " I am thankful to say that I now con sider myself entirely free from catarrh, and only use Peruna occasionally now as a tonio. Accept my sincere thanks for your personal Interest In my case. "My son, 21 years of age, has been using Peruna for a number of weeks for catarrh in the head "and has obtained great relief ."Elbert S. Richards. Catarrh Thirty Tear. Mr. Andrew Barrett, 940 N. Eidzlo Ave., Chicago, 111, writes : " It gives me great pleasure to testify to the merits of such a worthy remedy for catarrh as your Peruna. I had suffered for thirty years from this very disagreeable disease and had tried many so-called remedies but until I used Po runa none had the desired effect. "I have been connected with the Chicago Police Department for the past twenty-eight years. I can cheerfully recommend Peruna to anyone suffering from catarrh." Andrew Barrett. . . . If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. - Address, Dr. Hartman, President ot The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. ;! !-. Bbk va i nsa swttv i a . 1 mwhfu L. G. DANIELS. -DEALER IN- You see at a glance Horses Mules. FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. 42 AND 44 CDAVIN STBIET, OPP0SITS HTJIAN SUPPLY CO new srativ, nr. c. what did It good, nutritious, flesh- making feed." Cause and effect are shown in the fat cow and hog. We sell the very best available, as our numerous customers can testify to. Have on hand ! a larva and carefullr selected turned today from Bertie county, where l.tockof train and feed, and are pro- he went to investigate what was said to wtred ts ill orders tor any qaanity. Our be a case ot glanders. ' Last night waa very cool for tbe tea- eon, but there was no frost, A song recital bv Dr. Merritt uopain son closed the .meeting of the State Music Teachers' Association. prices are lower than the lowest. C Is. SPENCER'S, 19 & 21 Market Deck, New Bern, N. C. Negroes Threaten To Lynch Important Shirt Waist Silks. to Farmers. In view, of the fact that it is not gen- ue and One Hundred and eraly understood that the Rice Crop is jjji - . t DC Una pl.UU, irth street to .Third, avenue highly protected from foreign competi- j!c -Rlfirlr PfiAll dk Naa flt 7Kf R1 Ofl Hundred and Twentyxth tion by an import duty and-that the Jj 0S' Q TOCel. UU re the fugitive took refnge In crop. ta the United States have $1.25,, f t s .? ! .?.' New York, April 2-Flfty or more infu riated negroes last night chased a white man. threatening to lvnch hlm.from Sev enth avenue . and One Hundred and T went v-fourth and One street, wnere me lueiuve too remits in i .rnn. drugstore, j everv vear fallen much below the home I fl pnw,. .1 dn aa The white man, when arretted : nd Carolina Rice Mills of V au;miuuro PW. liutbiul hm In lit. rialMn. HHnltml inn I . . I " """" Qoldsboro, N. C, rn order i weniy-sixin dito dishou, sain no wa. & cnWv.tio of Rice on a lanrer f Pieces Fancy Taffeta Shirt ' Waist V Silks at 60c and 80c. W J J Foulard Silk, best quality, 24 inch, at H I Uv CUIU ipl.vU, '-' at and si V7 Jacob Bellinger, 21 years old., of 230 Lhan w hmltstnIf, v,n done is west one uunarea ana iwenty-eigntni to ake contractslwith plant street, a piano salesman, tie .was oharged with assaulting a young mu latto Mary. Polndexter, Of 880 West One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street. During the pursuit Bellinger passed the One Hundred and Twenty sixth Street Station, and the noise of the crowd outside crying "Stop, thief 1 was so great that half a dozen policemen .tum bled out on the street of their, own ac cord. When they caught the man In the drug store the crowd threatened to kill him. era In North Carolina for their orops of rice they may raise during the year 1002 on the most liberal terms. Parties Interested, who wish to avail themselves ot this offer, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. SEED BIOS will be quoted on appli cation. ' . ... i ' ; v- Respectfully, ' CAROLINA RICE MILLS, - . Qoldsboro, N. O. to encourage I !; New Kid Gloves In all shades and size. o a larger scale T Vr'.'' ,-Vw "I'UU "' ' & W " N til MM N ' IH V .'. VHf IH V J . New Ties. New Laces U v now I V ... $350,000 For Sonsa; , PniLtDBLPHia, April 1. A New Tork dispatch to. tbe Philadelphia North American aaytt tUCi-' t-g "John Philip Souta, the bandmuter today signed a contract with George 0. Tllyou to play at Atlantic City five sum mer seasons In contlderatlon ot the sum ot 1350,000. . "Sonsa has three concerts to be given In this city during the coming week. The new contract means that hereaf ter he will play only at Atlantic City on this side and go abroad during the OFFICE FILES JofaUhinds, ''I and OFFICE STATIONERY. G. II. Onnctt. -s o i nt. LAUL. Horses, : utiles. 7 o i 4 ; Buggies, Farm Wagons, Carts , Wheels and Harness . OITO IXC A THIAIi jlk.sM'T'iiMyV ( t7-i r p-1 t'.'i r' - w!r"r scon." . ft!?