I TOE WEEKLY JOURNAL UUUU4 MTe PUkbd la Two Bwmm, ery to day and Friday, at M Middle Stmt, w Bern, H. C-l CHARLES U STEVENS) Diroi in raonnroa. SUBSCSIFTIOa BATES: Two Months, STOonU. Thieee Months, . 8ia Months, W " Twerva Months, .....tl.00 ONLY 13 ADVANCE Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inqairy by mail. BTTbe Jouasix ia only tent on pay-In-adTanoo baato. Subscriber will receive notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an immediate response to notioe wul be appreciated by the Jocuaj. Entered at tbe Poetofflce, New Bern S. C a second-class matter. Section Two, Friday April 4, 1902 THE JOURNAL'S NEW TEAR. With the issue of this number, the Daily Journal enter upon it twenty- first year, while the Weekly Joubxsx enter upon It twenty-fifth year. The twenty-four years since the Joes hal begin its Weekly issue, later a dally and weekly, and still later a daily and aeml-weekly, which are now Issued, do not seem so long to look back upon. And yet these year hare witnessed many hard struggle for existence, when the owners of this paper have of ten wished they had tome other kind of business, from which to get a living. But during these days of hardness, the Journal had friends, who unselfishly stood by it' and made possible it con ttnuance. It is very difficult to Impress upon some people, that a newspaper is not an Individual, is not a merchant, is not something apart from the commu nity. The destruction by water or fire of a manufacturing plant In a community, would be a public calamity. The shutting down of some factory employing hundreds of people, would be a community loss, to those employed and to the tradesmen. Tet the loss of a newspaper to a com munity would in it bearing upon com munity Interests, and its Importance in preserving the diversified Interests, so cial, religious and mercantile, of the place, far eiceed all other losses that might come upon a place. The importance of liberally sustaining a newspaper, is but too little appreciated In most communities. No newspaper cen.exlst, much less prove of an increasing value to a place, which does not have the positive baek lng up of the people in the place in which it 1 published. It 1 easy to keep down a newspaper, by poor and Indifferent support, and the community which does so suffers most, for the outside public easily note the poorly supported local newspaper. In this the beginning of a new year, the Journal has to thank It local pat rons for their help in making the paper what it is. The management 1 not one that 1 satisfied with even it present ad vancement, but 1 ever ready to improve and enlarge when it patron say that their support la behind the advance ment. The Journal will ever be ahead of It city, but it doe not propose to get eo far ahead that it cease to mark the way for local Improvement, or be so distant as to be unable to hear and go to the rapport of local affair which may de mand it influence and work. It la the one positive factor by which New Bern can beknowa ta the outsid world. -" - POLICAL DANGER PROM WITHIN. , " From all part of the State the local ' newspaper are telling of the many can dldates seeking nomination, and how the nomination for each office ha boat of seeker. , The Journal sees no algal on the part of Its friends, the enemy on the ; ether side of politics, to cause the Demo emtio, candidate reel coaoera in this '- year's elections In North Carolina ' Bat there Isa, wrss fur than that . which comes from a asaered political enemy and that Is ths dissension bred among friends of the esase pelitleal felth. With all that I needed to secure of : floe, namely a nomination, there 1 going to be a fierce struggle Janwwg Demo crats In this Bute, to get tbe mnch cov - etenomlna'.!on, '.r ''v-V': .V-:. , Towards each offlct to be filled,, there Is now going on ome sharp . work, ta order to secure nominations, and those candidate centering about each nomi nation ar already becoming known, wi.hths res:'.t of feeling of rivalry , bc'rj created. ' '. Tlsre la no f.!snLk!p taorg the co& teataaU foi a political actslsatloa, any more than there I among the candidate for a wossaa's favor. tt I animosity, trickery and war, and the successful aaaa I not going to bear away the prised nomination without being a very mnch hated man. It la the openness of the field, the one sldednea of the election, which is going to aklasately bring bad result to De mocracy. The political danger for North Caro lina DesnocraU this year of 1909, I with in It own rank, not from attack on the part of political enesmiee without. THE THOMAS FOWLER DE CISION. The recent Congressional committee election decision on the Thomas-Fowler contest, In the Third North Carolina District, doe not call for special com ment. The Journal, in the early stage of the contest ex pressed Itself, that there was really but one side, and that was the side of Mr. C. R. Thomas, who was the man elected. The unanimous report of the commit tee was favorable for Mr. Thomas which proved the correctness of the Journal's position on the matter. The settlement of this controversy Is more than the mere determination of the offiolal status of each contestant, for the contest meant a disturbed condttlon In this congressional district, while it lasted. And this disturbed condition caused Injury to the material interests of the people of the district. To the credit of Congressman Thomas it must bo said, that throughout the con test he has kept steadily and successful ly at work In securing national appro priations for improvements In his dis trict, and has not neglected In a single instance to get all that was possible for his constituents. Naturally, the election contest has in a degree hindered Congressman Thomas from doing all that be was capable of, In fully attending to the many details of his work. Now that the case Is decided Mr. Thomas can feel that no suspicion of a cloud attaches Itself to his title, and with tbe election contest restraint re moved, he can show to best personal ad vantage and do better honor to tbe peo ple of the Third North Carolina Con gressional District, of which he is the representative. Deafness Cannot he Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the dlsessed portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cur deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness la caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucos lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever, nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucos sur face. We will give One Hundred Dollars fox any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by all Druggists. Hall's Pamily Pill arelthe best Shot Her Mother. Bsrkhamstead, Conn., April 1. Mia Elsie D. Richards shot her mother here today and attempted suicide. Mrs. Richards may recover. The daughter cannot. A Nearly Fatal Runaway Started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin, Grove, HI., which delied doctors and all remedies for four yean. "Then Boohlen's Arnica Salve cared him. Just as good for Bolls, Burns, Braises, Cats, Corns, Scalds, 8kia Eraptlone .and Piles. 25c at CD. Bradham's drug store. Soldiers Kulei on Railroad; London, April 1. The war office an nounced today that an accident occurred on tbe Delagoa Bay Railway, near j Bar berton cold fields in Eastern Transvaal, far whfoh thirty-nlne.soldlers were killed and forty-five Injured. Inflamiiatory Rheumatism Cored in ) h, 3 Days. Mtrtoa I ,BTI1, of Lebanon, lad., say: "My wire had Inflammatory Hhea matlam In every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen alxost beyond recog nition; had been in bed for sia-week and had sight physicians, but received, no: benefit until she tried the Myitis Cure for Rheumatism. It gave Imme diate relief and she was able to-walk about fat three days, lam rare tt saved her Ufa. Bold by T, A. Henry, prog, gist, Hew Bern. ' f ' ; , kig Gifts to Bank Employes. Chicago, DV Mareh- 80.-The- Mer chants' . National Bank, which Is to be absorbed Monday by the Corn Exabehge National Bank, presented $73,000 In gifts to Its employes. One employe, who had held Lis position for overSTyears, received a check for l,,00O, while the tight watchman received $1,000. , Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. This preparation contain all of tbi digeaUnte and dlgesta all k'ids ot food. ItglveslnstantrelkfauJ never fails to cure. 1 1 allow you to eat aL the food you wan L The most sensi lire stomach can take It. By its use many thousand of dyspeptics bave been oared after everything else f ai led. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating Dieting aoDecessary. Pleasant to take. tt can't help but do you good Prepared only by K.O. PlWrrr AOo., (Jhlr Th U. botUe contains tti times lb SOc. sM F. 8. DUFFY A CO. Church Falls on Confr elation. Wellsburg, W. Vs., March 81. Tbe storm yesterday destroyed the historie Franklin Methodist Episcopal church four miles east of here. The venerable pastor was seriously Injured and four members of the congregation killed and several wounded. Snow Follows Tornado. Pittsburg, March 81. A snowstorm of much severity Is interfering today with the work of repairing the damage caused by yesterday's tornado. The storm be gan this morning and the cold Is caus ing suffering to many whose houses were unroofed yesterday. Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even If It Is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this season just because peo pie are caretess. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron chills, and other throat and lung trou bles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. O. Dawson, Barr, 111. ' It Is the very best cough medicine on tbe market. It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend It." The children's favorite. P. S, Duffy. Warship to San Domingo. . Washington, Aprl' 1. The State De pal t men t having been advised of the revolutionary movement at Saul a Do mingo has requested the navy depart ment to send a war ship there. The Machlas, now at San Juan, will probably start across today. Shot in His Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is a sure enre. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. None gen uine but DeWitt's, ;Beware of counter feits. "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound In my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of rem edies to no purpose until I tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." F. a. Duffy. Advisability General Surrender. Heidelberg, Transvaal, April 1. Com mandant Gilbert has summoned ,. the Burghers to meet thirty-five miles east of Johannesburg, to consider the advisa bility of a general surrender. General Han Botha has called a meeting at Amsterdam with the same object in view. ' : The Great Dismal Swamp Of Virginia is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. So Is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs oause weakness, chills fever, aches in the bone and Binnacles, and may Induce dangerous maladies. But Electric Bitter never fall to destroy them and cure malarial trou bles. They will surely prevent typhoid. "We triad many remedies for Malaria and Stomach and Liver trouble," writes John Charleston, of Byesville, O., "but never found anything as good as Electric Bitters." Try them. Only 00c. O. D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction. ; J-'; Passengers Taken Off. t St. John, N. B., March 81. The pas sengers of the steamer Lake Superior, from Liverpool, which went ashoreihere were taken off today. Loss of Life by The Floods. Nashville, Tena., March 81. New re ports of loss of lfe by the floods are still coming In. . The list of dead.in Tennes see may number forty sad over. A Testimonial From Old England. I consider Chamberlain's Congh Ben: edy the best la the world for bronchitis" says Mr. William Savory, of Warring ton, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having own a martyr to bron chitis for over wis years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She I now quite well." : Bold by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. Dam Carried Away. ' ! North Adams, Mass., April 1. The dam of the Rampage paper company at Monroe-, bridge just ever the Hooslc mountain from here damaged by the fashet has been carried away taking the mill and machinery. - - The Best Blood Purifier. 7', Tas blood Is constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels igalar and yon will nave no need of a blood purifier. - For this tar pose there I nothing equal to Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet, one ( dots of them will do yon' more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, 29 cents. Samples free at F. S. Duffy ft Co', dreg store. ' Educational Object Lesson at Greensboro. . Masls Teachers Asaaelatlen Meeting Celt Weather Fer Crept. Im portant Sea eel Raltsr. Lumber Centpaay Dissolves. Ar rivals. Balbiqh, April 1. The second annual convention of the North Carolina Music Teachers Association beaa here this morning In the Academy ot Maslr, about 150 members beinr present. The first meeting was held at Durham last year, when 44 were present. Gov. Ay- cock this morning made an address of welcome, to which Ollmore Ward Br ant ot the Durham Conservatory of Mu sic responded. Clarence Brown read a paper on "Music In tbe Public Schools and John A. Simpson of the school for the blind, and who Is also blind, one on "Mind In Technique and Expression.' This afternoon there was an illustrated lecture by A K. Virgil and Mis Flor ence Dodd, and this evening a iplano re cital by Richard Burmeisler. Mrs. H. S. Robinson, daughter of edi tor Robert M. Furman of the Morning Post, Is extremely 111 here. Only the high .wind which continued sll last night, prevented frost this morn ing. The temperature was 87 degrees. The air was very free from moisture; the percentage of humidity being only 48. This was also the case during the severe cold snap In March, when the very dry atmosphere prevented much damage. Tbe cold wind Is unfavorable to the truck crops. Since Sunday at noon the wind bas blown at a velocity of from 20 to M miles an hour. The Secretary of Stale today allowed the Enfield Lumber Company to dis solve. Its capital was $100,000. Up to this time tbe graded schools In tb ia State har,e never reported to tbe State Superintendent, and officially he does not know they exist. Under sec tion 68 of the new school law all schools which receive public funds sre required to mako reporu. He is now preparing report blanks which will solicit all the desired information as to these schools, and he will require direct reports. Tho State Superintendent makes an Important ruling as to these schools which through private receive 'public funds and charge for education in the higher branches. He rules that under section 64 of the school law no school which receives any State funds in any way can make any charge. The particu lar ruling Is as to a school at Waxhaw, Union county, but It applies to a num ber of counties. Arrivals: J. H. Moore, Wilson; W. P Bynum, Jr., Greesboro; Piatt D. Walker Charlotte; C. B. Watson, Winston-Salem R. R. King, Greensboro. Gov. Aycock will go to Greensboro Thursday evening, and will directly after his arrival attend a meeting ot the so ciety formed among the students of tbe State Normal and Industrial College for tbe purpose of Improving the rural pub lic schools in the State. Twenty county superintendents will be present snd these will tell tbe society of the condi tion and the needs of the schools In their respective counties. Frldsy the State Superintendent will hold a confer ence with tbe 20 county superintendents Governor Aycock, Dr. Charles D. Mc Iver and others will speak and take part In the conference. In the evening there will be a rally, with speeches by ' the Governor snd tbe State Superintendent. After this ends there will be formed an association for tbe Improvement of rural public school houses In Guilford county, and to present to the people an advance along three lines Consolidation of school districts, the levying of local taxes for rural schools and the Improve ment of buildings and grounds. Guilford proposes to set the pace In this State In this matter and to give an Invaluable object lesson. . f- . ; ; Tb Thrat ! a Lase , Is scarcely Imore agonizing than the re current pains In the abdomen which fol low tbe eating of Improper food or too free indulgence Iq Ice-water.;' The: Im mediate cause of cramps snd colic Is of ten the distention of the bowels by gas. Quick relief follows ;the use of Perry Dsvls' Painkiller.' Careful housekeep ers give It the place of honor In the fan lly medicine chest. ... : , ' Eg; Rolling- at White Honsey Washington. March 81. The largest number of children In year gathered at the White House grounds for the easier egg rolling parties- today. I All racen were represented. . The President: end liW cli(Idren, jind tin- children of the va rious legation attract mnch attention as aw-rry nkern...-.w i v ' , Watts To Help OHers. 1 I I had stomach trouble all my life," says Slw. Meblert proprietor tif the TJnioa Bottling Works, Erie, Pa , nd tried all kinds of romedie, went to se veral doetors and pent considerable money trying tn get s moment' pesos Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Care snd have been taking It to sy great satisfaction, I never found its equal for stomsch trosMe snd gladly reoosa mend ft ia hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Care cures sll stomach trouble.. Ton don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure .digests what yea. eat.. F. 8. Duffy.--? s,; X Flood Situation Again Serious. ' CJackson, Mls., April 1. The I md situation has sgain become serious on ao eoont of the continued rising of Pearl river which Is now out of Its etnas from Its mouth to its so iree and flooding all the low country. Spreme'Coart Opinions. SpecUlo Journal RAUiea, April L The ' Supreme Court filed tan following optakws to day: Thompson v Railroad from Pender affirmed. Tucker vs Winder from Dnplln, no error. Ballanger vs Perry from Bertie, er ror. The following cases were disposed of by per curiam order: Bane vs Ballreed from New Han over, affirmed. Mean v Whitehead from New Han over affirmed. Trade of $2,000,000 a Day. Washington, ApL 1. Ths maaufao- tsrers of the country are now Importing mors than $1,000,000 worth of materials for their workshop every day la the year, and are eiportlag mors than 81,- 000,000 worth of their finished product each day. The Imports In the eight months ending wtth February, 1103, were, according to a statement just Is sued by the Treasury Bureau, 8170,802,- 774, and exports of finished manufac tures during ths same period were 8257,- 907,430. Tbe importation of manufac turers' materials has been greater in the eight months just ended than In the corresponding period of any preceding year. Within less than a decade the impor tation of manufacturers' materials has more than doubled, and the exportation ot manufactures has also more than doubled. ItallroadiBar Trma. Railroading terms In England and America differ very widely. Tbe Eng lish would speak of ah on ting a train We call It s witching. Freight trains they call goods trains, coaches are car riages,, condtxrtors are guards, engi neer are driver, tracks are boggles and freight cars are wagons. The BrltM) always say station Instead of depot, and In that they bay the bet ter of na. Balls they call metals and tracts permanent waya, They do not get tncfir tickets at a ticket office, bat at a booking office, and the smokestack ot the locomotive is to them the chim ney, A railroad man going from on cf)4ntry to the other finds that he baa w testa an entirely new set of phrases about bis business. TheJBest Remedy For Rheumatism. QUICK RELIEF FBOH FAIN. All who.used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism sre delighted with .the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this "Mr. D. N. Sinks, ot Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I bad a severe attack of rheumatism In my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until IJwaa recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom mended it so highly that I bought a bot tle. 1 was soon relieved of au pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that It ia tbe best remedy for muscu lar rheumatism In the market" For sale by F. S. Duffy & Co. Vvtle of tDxeaaatve asaoklasH Wofla ft good cigar, need temperate- twd or three times a day, may be oked try the average adult man to ejd advantage, exceeetve Indulgence amoitng la very harmful tt Is only rwecaaary to recall one's first cigar and tbs Moooond effect It produced to reaJ fsa fLet the smohlns) of tobacco In large Quantities is trifling with ft dengeroos agaa says tbe Baltimore fltgy tbaebief effect of smoking are from ttn fdcuOua and esnpyretuneOo ofV tbe first betna an active poison an tnfln- ttenBsJ (juauGty ami destroy Ufa and tM tetter, wtnen ts the rank aocmno tattofl to the stem of tb pipe, ts also tcntealtntson, out drop on tbateogne Of 4 est bsrvtng been fatal The nico- fB and tbe ou Uota act eo toe nervous fboMli fllffereoGy. tfje ojcotfaie tbe heart ton action on train, svbfie ths OtJ confines Itself to Che setae cord and too motor ft art!! Cms be seen that no pari of 9 vfettaVa axroipcDerjt escape tbe TOO KNOW W1AT YOU ARB TAXING Whea yoa take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed oa every bottle showing that it ts (Imply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No care no psy. Price 86c ' New Boris $5 Bill in Circulation. Wssbington, D. O, March 80.-j-The Secret Service announces that a new $5 national bank note, fairly deceptive, ts In circulation. It Is a photographic print on two pieces of psper, with fiber between, oa the Union National Bank, of New Orleans. t "If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of pitlte, or coustipatatlon, try a , few rinses of Chamberlain's Stomach, and Liver Tel'lels. Every box warranted. For siu by'K Dal y & Co. .- Ciutest la Laandry Business. : Londoa, March 80.-.The Countes of Essei, formerly AtleU Grant, of New York, Is seeking to repair her family fortunes by Joining with Mrs. Williams In starting a fashionable laundry, the lausderers for which are to be brought from Paris. . -: Caaxht a Dreadful Cold. , Marion Kooke, manager tot T. M. Thompson, a largs Importer of fin mil linery at; 105 Milwaukee avenue, Chicago, sayst "Daring ths 1st severs weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and -mad me unfit to attend tar wmk daring ths day. Ons of say aUUiver was taking Chsmbei Iain's Cough Rum dy for sever cold at ibat it-no, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to Improve st once. 1 am now entirely well snd feel very pleased to acknowl edge' Its merits' For sale by F. S, Da7y A Co. . - ,',v . IF YOU WILL PUT iZ-'ZfZViZ WitftUusgarglayowrUfoatgrsaa tt wOlqutcaly ears a Bore Taroa. 1 fact always fresh In your memory: For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, yon need only to apply ffexican ffustang iniment ; I, a few times and tho soreness and inflammation will bo conquered and the wounded flesh healed. To get the best results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind ft upon the wound oa you would a poultice 25c, 60c and 91.00 a bottle. KEEP AN EYE ON diseases among vour fowls um tiiiiiiiiiiimTTTTriyrTumuuiiuuiaaUimi S CHANCE li L1FG TIME to invest on the gTound floor with owners, In a developed free milling gold mine that has produced, and has expended on it .Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready te run. The Ozark is not a prospect, but a mine that has produced. We are placing 100,000 shares of development stock at 28a per share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop and put the property on a paying basis. A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as good a showing and very little development, sold last week to a New York syndicate for $200, 000. The zark will pay dividends and be worth par inside of six months. This is the best investment for the money that bas ever been offered to the investing public Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. For further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, references, etc., ADDRESS, Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co., noscow, IDAHO. 31 At the Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. UK W' KB ms wmmm. Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good cure. Makes wrappers andfill8 your puree. ' - : By its merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on his sixty acres of tobacco; ;- ' As our goods are 'manufactured near yon and not re shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition., ' ' - Bilk Gift Catte, Folate, AUcrcp'and Ccttoa Gnann. " Our Motto: "Not xlow Cheap,' But How Good." WS'li youuse Fertilizers, tall and SSee tts. . - . E. IlVsft . A: MEADOWS CO., r t - High Urade Fertilisers, ... , Fsetery Mease Blver.' " y -. ; MEW BIRN, N. C AT . :IV1. . HAHN : & SON'S 40 head'af Hcrccr.nd IIulc3 adapted tor the farm, draught and read work, throughly seasoned and ready fsr T7crlc Full line of Bugs'ies, Hamew, iWagonP, Cart?, Etc. Bee us before buying and S AVJS' HONEY. !;,-.-. - Respectfully, .- .-- Keep this JrFJ w'Bmw. first sbrn of loot or other Mexloaa Mustang litnli Mustang Liniment. n n iftieaca SiaMes J, - I