in 1 7 VOLUME XIV. HIW BIRN, GRAVIS COUNTY, N. C, TUISDAT, APRIL 8, 1902. -FIRST SICTIOK. NUMBER 3. i m A V Up Li M l . A J BEIIEF1CT0BS D1T- Baptist Educators Meet at Raltlfh in Interest of Their Cause, The BIc Kay Festival The Republi can Selection. Iiug Dock- -ery Coming Heme. TaH omi Heetlags For . ; Improvements. Ralbigh, April 9. This U "Benefac tors dsy" at the Baptist Female Univer sity. A number of prominent BaptieU are here from all part of the Bute. Special exercises were held at 11 o'clock Dr. 0. E. Taylor, President of Wake For . rest College,, delivered an address on, "Giving to Chrlitlan Education at an to , Testment for the Kingdom of God." and Dr. J. D. Hafham of Henderson In "The Gifts of the Many. Rot. C. A, Jenkins of Goldsboro, delivered an address "In Memoriam of the late Chief Jastice W. F. Falrcloth" and Dr. Thomas E. Skin ner on "The Life and character, of Mrs. T. Swepson. These are among the donors of the largest benefactions the University has yet received. Rev. C. B. Jastice, of Ratherfordton, of the Univer sity board of trustteea presided daring' the exercises and conducted devotional services. -7 i'.- . 77 V: Arrangements have been made for a big May festival here in which ' the Bos ton festival orchestra of fifty pieces will be the star attraction. The exact date for the festival has not been fixed as ;.: K-r.i'::r- ; - -.:':? Two prominent Republicans were dis cussing the recent executive eommittee meeting at Greensboro and the selection of that town for the convention, this morning one whs telling the other of . how hard Greensboro worked and lob bied ou the convention, how they offered frte ball, icduced hotel rales, "and" said the Republican,' ibey told us the hoa- ' pltalily of the city would be oars, ''Nig gers and all?" asked the other .Repub lican, "Tees, niggers and all" be replied. Then there was a hearty laugh at the ex pense of Greensboro. United States Marshal, 0. U. Dockery ba received a letter from his son, Liout. O. 11. Dockery, Jr., who Is with the third Regiment, United States Infantry ' in the Philippines in which he says his regiment has been ordered home and they will start at once. ' ' i -Tbo Secretary of State charters the , F. L. Williamson Grocery Company of Burlington today, with 1100,000 capital authorized. "7 n7':"V v'-77, "-'7 At noon today there were meetings of ' the Board of Aldermen, the Chamber of Commerce and the Merchants Associa tion for the adoption of resolutions me morializing : congress to , macadamize ' New Bern Avenue from the city limits ' to the Federal Cemetery, ""These meet ings are at the request of Congressman Pou who is making a special effort In this direction. - At 10 o'clock this morning Miss Etta McQee, daughter of . Dr. J. W. McGee was united in marriage to Mr. Marvin J. Grant, of Conway, 8. C. Mrs. J. C. Cluck and MIbs Etta Grant, of Jackson, C. rtspectlvely mother and sister of the groom were here to attend the wed ding. ' Commissioner of Labor and Printing II. P. Yarner, Is receiving heavy con gratulations npon his election a Vice President of the National Editorial As sociation. WORTH CAROLCf A DAT. Great Crowds, Mack Interest and the Best of Fcellnr at Charleston. Special to Journal JChAilxstoh, April 10. North Caro lina Day at the Xxposltlcn wu a great success. The weather is perfect with a bright son. ' The Naval Reserves formed an escort for Governor Aycock and conducted him through the city and the multitude of Tar Heels here gives them possession of the place today. """; The Governors of North and : South Carolina addressed the people in the au ditorium and at 4.80 a reception was held in honor of Governor Aycock and hlastanV; ' .'Y..- SS! Tonight the North Carolina ladles gave a concert at the fair grounds under the auspices of the women's department The people, here were rejoiced over the large crowds Id attendance this week. Governor Aycock is stopping at the Argyla Hotel and It Js almost filled with North Carolinians bat they are in evi dence at all points.- . President Roosevelt left for Washing ton this afternoon, after a trip to Bum merville where the famous tea growing plantations were '. visited. . Everything has passed off to the satisfaction of all, Charleston, S. C, April 0.-VTh Gov ernor of North Carolina has said the first things I wanted to lay," said; Presi dent Roosevelt In beginning his" speech here today. "But I will say those things again," added the President,, and his audience laughed. As bo spoke he looked at uovcrnor Aycock. wbo sat ; wltbln a few feet of him and smiled genially. Taming to his audience the President made a speech that in greater part had a strange likeness to the fervid extempor aneous talk made by Mr. Aycock not ten minutes previously. Both speakers dwelt upon the war between tho North and the South, both gave great praise to the valor of the men on eat her sido, both declared for a larger . citizenship which recognized no sectional lines. Big Society Wedding Interests Peo ple at Capital. ' - X Know One Sure Remedy ! . for u obatinato odd. Its name Is Pynj-Balaam. v Snow in Virginia. ' : , Roahokb, Va., April 8. Snow has fallen here today and the weather has turned very cold.: The mountains are covered with - several Inches of snow Farther west, the mercury has registered two degrees below freezing since early this morning and snow has been falling at Intervals. Fruit trees are not yet in bloom, and if the wind continues high there will be little damage from the cold snsp. Bern . ORIENTAL. -5 , April. Mrs. Paul Delemar left Sunday for Charleston to attend the exposition. Prof, and Mrs. M W Ball spent Satur day In New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baxter of Stone wall were in town Wednesday visiting friends. r Mr 11 L Glbbs went to Mew Bern Thursday on legal business, : Messrs W F Mldyette, J L Rumley and Ned f'elemar left yesterday to attend the Charleston Exposition Mr and Mrs Joe Caroon and Mr and Mrs Charles Welstger went to New Bern Ti.c&dsy and returned in the ' afternoon. Mrs John K Cowell of Bayboro, passed through our town Sundy on hur rtturn from Norfolk. ; 7;, " ; ' .V l ' We are sorry to note that Mi Columbus JIflin still continues tick. Mr Alex Mldyette shipped 10 eiates of "caUbage today., 'this U the first that baa b i n Khtppcd from this place tbts sta- non. ?."'. r:-Z-- : ' '"' ' 7 4'.' y. r Vkt Etodg. s had the misfortune to fall ftoin hU can oue day this week and hart bU leg very bad, knocking his knee pan out of place. Dr. Bell rendered the necessary attention and he la doing well at present.' Mr Tom Rolens is registered at Hotel Mldyette. .' . Two new pupils entered - the High School Monday. Owing to the absence of the pastor there will be no prayer mooting Thurs- day Digi t at tiio I Mr ClmrHo V" ' Al.ii !.', I- la msrr' : ' t : o'clock, al V.-3 1 Ilr John Aldi-K;' dailng. Weexti vs lsh thom a lor 'COVE. Mr. John R. Bowden of New spent bnndav very pleasantly here, we think he will soon suspend the bachelor business. Mr, E. D. Avery is Bpsndlng this week in New Bern. ; Miss Sallle Bryan spent Sunday here with Miss Hattie Taylor, and left on the evening train for an extended visit at New Bern, . - ' Mr, Gordan Avery who was hurt on the. railroad yard at New Bern last week arrived Tuesday for parental care Gordan, we are not the only one who has shed a tear over your misfortune.. , Ha, Ha, we think blue stone is good hair dye. ' ':- ' A Sunday School was organized here in the Methodist church last Sunday The public is cordially invited to attend every Sunday morning at half past nine o'clock. She appreciated the April tool very much but aayi she was captured by Cupid's weapons long ago. v - . ..' Henon, c; Jiotiii-t ciinrcn. " -r t. id BIIbs Winnie i 'nco, were united y evening at 8 m the brides father, I ct. II r Rumley oEl . Jcongralulatloi.s aaj ead happy UJo. A Testimonial From Old England. . ''I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best in the world for bronchitis" says Mr. William Savory, of Warring too, England. v"lt has saved my wlfe'i life, she having been a martyr to bron chills for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Bold by F. S, Duffy & Co. J ' A Musical Treat. !; : It Is certainly refreshing to drop in as one ioes by No. 11 Pollock St., and hear the exqulblte tone of any of the bcauti ful pianos on exhibition there. The great factory sale Is an enormous sue cess; It could hardly be otherwise . with the class of instruments these people are selling and the ridiculously low prices asked. Nor 'is this all; the terms on which any one of these instruments can be bought are so easy that no home in New Bern should be without a piano, and a good one at that. Every Instru ment is guaranteed fully In writing, and there are enough Stleffs and other pianos bought from the Stleff people In -lew Tern to prove what our guarantee n Two beautiful Instruments were purchased yesterday by two prominent -fplo in this city within ten minutes of r h other, but there Is still a ware i f "1 to clioosefro'n.nnd If you avail ' t' " , ! 1 ( ' ' t) New Eleetrle Line Chartered. Report of Secretary ef Odd Fellows. The Central Hospital Mat ters. . RjaxioH, April 10. It is learned Jthat application is to be made within the next two or three days for a charter for a company which proposes to construct an eleotrio railway between Burlington, Haw River and River Falls where tome of the largest eotton mills in Alamance county ate located. The authorised cap ital is to be $100,000. ; The Secretary of State chartered this morning, the Rocky Mount Brick com pany with 130,000 capital, authorized. J, Brlswell and others of Rocky Mount are the incorporators. , ' .7 At nine o'clock tonight one ofjthe most fashionable weddings of the sea son was celebrated In Christ's church. Miss Minnie Fitch Tucker, daughter of the late Major R. S. Tucker, is the bride and Mr. Ashley L. Baker, a widely known coition mill owner and manager, Is the groom. Miss Tucker is one of the most accomplished and wealthiest young woman In North Carolina. The wed ding ceremony was In Christ's church, the rector, Rev. M. M. Marshall, officia ting and was followed by a brilliant re ception at the resldenco of tho bride's mother. During a luncheon to the bridal party last night each lady and gentlemen was presented with a costly favor; the maid of honor receiving a clover plu, the bridesmaids lovely cres cent pins and the gentlemen very hand some scarf pins. The following constitutes the bridal party: Miss Florence Tucker Boylan, maid of honor, Miss Emily Sanderson, Philadelphia; Miss Bessie Scott, Deccatur Qa., Miss Archee Tucker, Miss Lucy Alice Jones of Raleigh. Best man, W. Baker, groomosmen, Henry A Mc- Aden, Charlotte, W. W. Vass, Victor H Borden. : Frank P Haywood, Raleigh. Mr and Mrs Baker left at midnight for an extended tour north. Grand Secretary B H Woodard of the N. C -Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, has prepared his report for the : annual e-V sion of tho lodge at Greensboro May 13, showing a membership of 7781 January 1, 1902, a gain of 943. Relief has been extended by subordinate lodges during the year to the amount of $ 15,140,16, an increase of $3,192 over last year. Suf ferers by the Jacksonville, Fla., fire and Bakers vi lie, N. 0., flood were given f ,- 118,13 of the relief fund. ' The board of trustees of the Central Hospital for the insane, held meetings yesterday evening and this morning. All the pld' force, assistant physicians, servants, attendants, eta, were re-elected. The board declined to reduce rates charged non-indigent' patients to con form with rates charged at the Western Hospital at Morganton, which is $138 per annum as against $5 per week charged in the hospital here. 7: The Best Prescription for Kalarta. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gkovb's Tastklbss Chill Tohic. . It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form- No cure no pay. Price 50c. TRENTON. April 10. There is a protracted meet ing going on In the Methodist church this week. Rev. F. 8. Becton is helping the pastor. Bishop Watson and Rev. T. M. N. George held services in the Episcopal church Monday night ' Miss Theo Elnsey and Mr. Geo. 0. O. Herritage were confirmed. One sweet day came at last. The boys and slrls had quite a fine time. Some had such a time that they were punish ed. It it not likely they'll want that good time again with the same result. It is setting in the season, to think about picnics, and we trust this matter will be looked into with Interest by the Sunday frhools. .We suggest that we bad better have It on the steamer Howard. We had it on the boat last year ami phcIi enjoyed it splendidly. We know a few did, and think all did. Etta HkM,' the llulo daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. Q. Bert, was hit over the right ee with a rock thrown by a bad boy '1 h boy has gone to the' Orphan Asylum and hope he will get along bet ter ttero.-.: ' : ' '7. ' :. . 7 7.. ..Quite a number of our town - people attended quarterly meeting at Oak Grove la?t Sunday. They say Mr. Bump- as preached ah excellent sermon. The people of Trenton are badly in need of a railroad. If there was a line from Kington to Swansboro via Trenton we think it would be one of the best pay ing railroads, in Eastern Carolina. . It would run through one of the best farm ing and timber sections there is. Swans, boro would be one of the finest summer resorts on the Atlantlo coast. ' Besides, It would not cost much to put it in There aro not many creeks, and only one bride c. with a draw to it would have to be niHiie, snd that would be at Kinston, There aro ridges through the pocosslns, and therefore would not have to build much of the road over the swampy lands Vt'3 t't'Pt that son "'Hie vrlll.t'-e this COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Board met at 10:30 o'clock a. m. April 7th 1909, at the Court House in New Bern, It being the regular meeting of said Board. . Present Commissioners, Jones, Wads worth, Fulcher, Wood and Baxter. . On motion the bill of Johaie Adams for 140-00 for labor on fence No. 1 town hip. - On motion the bill of R. M. Ange wu allowed for $1714 for work on fence No. 1 township. On motion bill of W. P. Wllliama wu allowed for $6.04 for fence No, 1 town ship. . Gentlemen: Having been appointed to go to the U. O. Jerome property and assess the same I shall in compliance with your orders visited the premises and beg to submit the following; 54 acres, of medium land known u Rock Spring 1,60000 Improvements consisting . of buildings. 4,000 00 3 mules worth 150 00 Household and kitchen furni- . tore. ,1,000 00 Farming utensils , 20 00 Jarls, wagons and harness 75 00 One fine yacht and yawk boat 8,500 00 One launch 500 00 One skiff 15 00 Fire arms 25 00 All other personal property such as Hausers block and tackles, Belgian hares, poultry and various other small pieces of property to the above 150 00 May be added liquors and wines not seen but supposed to be worth BOO 00 Respectfully submitted ; .EUMJY RELIABLE WITHES8ES Prove That Old Cases of Chronic Ca tarrh can be Cured. A Medicine That Will Cure Cases of Catarrh of Long Standing De serves a Very High Place in the Annals of Medical Discovery. Such, a VPeruna. Medicine i -is 10,435 00 On motion the foregoing report of Bryan W. Ives was adopted and proper ty ordered assessed at the amounts set forth in said reports for the years 1900 and 1901. . On motion the explanation of T. C. Howard which was deemed sufficient in order to show why his purchase of liquors had been small, was accepted and ssld T. C Howard was discharged. . Ordered that the tax certificate of sale of land of A. A. Bryan on 48 Metcalf street now held by J. W. Stewart, be and the same Is hereby ordered canceled as It appears to the . Board that the tax on said land bad been paid before the gale -and the clerk is ordered to serve a copy pf this order on the sheriff. . - Ordered that Southey L'. Morris, be and la hereby exempted from the pay ment of poll tax, he being disabled by the loss of a leg. Ordered that Alfred Mumford of No. 9 township be relieved of the payment of poll tax. he being disabled by the loss of an arm. Ordered that St. Clair Lancaster be requested to furnish $1.00 In notions monthly to Zeephia Washington, col., and present bill to this Board. Ordered by the Board that the County of Craven appropriate one hundred and fifty dollars annually to the Carnegie Library fund to be paid quarterly as long as the library continues in exist ence, provided the city of New Bern and Trustees of New Bern Academy raises enough to add to this appropria tion to make the sum total $500. a year. On motion of Commissioner Wads- worth it is ordered that notice Is hereby given to Road Trustees of No. 8 town ship and all other townships in the coun ty that the roads are in bad condition and the matter will be given to the Solicitor unless the roads are put in proper condition before the next term of the Criminal Court. Board took recess until 2:80 o'clock p. m. t Board mot at 2:30 o'clock p. m. pur suant to recess. ; resent Commissioners. Jones, Baxter Wood and Fulcher. On motion the matter of allowing L, H. Evans support, wu left with Com mlssloner Wadsworth with power to act, ;V.;' , Ordered by the Board that the County donate the sum of $25.00 to the News and Observer for the purpose of adver tising the resources of Craven county at the Charleston Exposition. On motion it Is ordered that Mr. Dick nson be and is hereby employed as as slstant Janitor during the illness of Jan Itor Qutdloy. The Item of $115.00 paid at the March meeting to Lay Spear for work done on Maul's Run Bridge should have been M Mil's run end Vanceboro bridges, and so shows on the minutes of Marob meet Ing. . ' 'The auditors report wu read and adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes. New Bern, N. C. . April. 5, 1903. To the Honorable Board of Commission era of Craven county, N. O. Gentlemen. We your auditing eommittee beg leave to report that we have carefully exam ined the books and vouchers of your Treasurer, D. L. Roberts and find them to be correct as per statement herewith. The 257 General and 8 Fence vouchers have been canceled and tamed over to the Register of Deeds for safe keep ing. ..' ... Respectfully, K. R. Jones, ' J M r,. Cafuawat, by . J, 17 r. Ca " tvay. THOUSANDS of testimonials are pouring in every day of old easee of ehronio catarrh that have re sisted all treatment for years, being promptly and permanently cored by Parana. These reports do Dot all come from obscure places, signed by obscure peo ple. A large proportion of these letters are written by men and women promi nent in business and professional cir cles and many of them well known from ocean to ocean. ' 'Colonel John Franklin Waters occu pies a prominent position among the leading trial lawyers of Chicago. He has probably obtained .more verdicts against corporations In suits for personal Injuries than any man of his age in the United States, and during his practice of over fifteen years he has not lost a single case in. the Supreme Courts of Illinois and Missouri. He is a hard worker and has the energy of four men. -For a number of years he had been afflicted with ehronio catarrh and hav ing recently been thoroughly cured of his old affection, an interview wu ob tained with him by one of our reporters in which he gave the following state ment to the puglio : ' Chicago, Aug. 8, 1900. The Pernna Medicine Co Columbus, O, I Qtntlcmtn-"lt gfrei me gnat nltaiure to ttatity to tat merits ot Mich m worthy remedy tor catarrh me your Peruna. I bad Battered tor number ot yean from thin very dis agreeable dlwemee and bad Med many so-called remedies, but until I used Pernna none bad the desired effect. teel that lam perfectly' cured and can cheerfully recommend Peruna to any one Buffering from catarrh. " JOHN P. WATERS, , 120 B. Randolph SL, Chicago, 111 Another ease equally well-known in Chicago, is reported through a letter from a veteran Railroad man. ) Mi 7VT COLONEL JOES FBAXILIN WATERS, OF CHICAGO. Captain John H. Lyons, of Chicago, passenger agent for various rsJuV r o a d com panies for the past twenty four years, connected with the Poetoffiee Department for six years, the Folloe Department , for six years, and at pres ent connected with the Grand Trunk railroad, bad a similar case. He Is a t, H. Lyons. t veteran soldier and a prominent mem ber of G. A. R. Camp No. 102. Captain John H. Lyons, 1012 Prairie Ave., Chicago, HI., writes : - "For twenty years I suffered with ehronio catarrh but thanks to Pernna I am now entirely cored. "It affords me mnch pleasure to make a statement In behalf of your meritorious remedy, Peruna. I have used same for catarrh and have found it to be all you claim for it. I had suffered for twenty years. I cheerfully recommend Peruna to anyone suffering from catarrh, as I believe that, as in my case, It will prove a sure cure." Captain John H. Lyons.- ; Address The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, for instructive tree literature on catarrh. ' ' cmutr: You see at a glance what did itgood, nutritious, flesh making feed. Cause and effect are shown in the fat cqw and hog. We sell the very best available, as our numerous customers can testify to. Have on hand always a large aud carefully selected stock of prain and feed, and are pre pared to fill orders for any quanity. Our prices are lower than the lowest C Is. SPENCER'S, 1 & 81 Market Deck, New Bern, N. C. Important to Farmers. ' In view of the fact that it is not gen- eraly understood that the Rice Crop is hfehlv protected from foreign competi tion by an import duty and that the crops, raised in the United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption, the Carolina Rice Mills of Goldsboro, N. O., in order to encourage the cultivation of Rice on a larger scale than has heretofore been done is now prepared to make contracts' with, plant ers In North Carolina for their crops of rice they may raise during the year 1903 on the most liberal terms. 7 , Parties interested, who wish- to avail themselves of this offer, can communi cate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particular. SEED RICE will be quoted on appli cation. Respectfully, , CAROLINA RICE MILLS, Goldsboro, N. O. : cHprth Larolma Nice lot Just Received. f .... - - Fancy Evaporated Apples 10c , lb, " Sun-dried Apples re- s Few Nice Mixed Nuts left over from Holidays, only 10c lb Canned Corn, standard quality, 8 cans for 25c. , New Barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef. ,7 Fresh lol T. T. Sugai Cured Shoulders 1 Oc lb. : , ' Fresh Ginger Snaps 6c lb. - Big lot Feather Dusters, Whisk' Brooms and Blacking Brushes, , , Wholesale 2 Retail Grocer, j 'Phone Ol. TlQBrcaf. P37.1L3nLS We are showing a Beautiful Line of White Goods for Waists, the New Dainty Weaves . r . ' ,7 , - All Je We SHEPARD, POLLOCKSVILL, N. C, In addition to his already large stock ot General Merchandise adds A FULL LINE OF- ! 1 : ' " " --t M A rs fj 3 Figured lawns, Dimities, Plain and Figured Ormlln, IV Silks. All over Laces Beaded Net. - Ask to Bee them and our prices. You will find our r- 1 r as low as others "specials." , We still have tha agency for Etaniarl IV ' -res. Tl -7 cheapest but the bct, " , We carry wtr.t you wrr.t h r"' 1

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