?' KuLaAV' ''rift) f-A .14 -- f r VOLUME XIT. REWBISl',' CRAYIH COUSTT, t C, TUESDAY, 'AFRIL 15, 1902.FIEST SICTIOH. NUMBIR 5. r i i n V fe- en I 7 51 i : S I r. r.- - V- RALEIGH. Com pan t Caartered. Insurance Salt. Republic am ConremtlM. Stale Turnptte. 1, . . IULiion,N,a, April ll-The Bute chtrUred today the UcKlmmon DeTel opment company of Maitoa with 150,000 capital authorised. The company la au thorized to deal In all kinds of real, per sonal and general property, and has for a special pnrpoae the aatiaUag of those who desire to grow fruits, yege tablet and track for the , market by . adranclng money to the planters; the Incorporators are A. J. McKImmon, J. and O. Llpp man, R. M. Williams and K. F. Mar ray. Ei-Oovernor Jarrls, Donnell Ollllam of Tarboro and W. H. White of Norfolk are here arguing before'. Jadge Puroell in the United States Circuit Court the suit of Thomas and Mersey Insurance Co-, and British and Foreign Inaurance Co. ts. "the Old Domlnloa -Steamahlp Company In which It Is sought to re cover the loss occasioned by the burning of 150 bales of cotton on an old flat in Tar Hirer In 1897. The Insurance com panies paid the Insurance to the owners of the cotton and seek to. reoorer from the steamship company, oa the ground of negligence in handling the cotton. White and Ollllam represent the Old Dominion Company, and Jarrls and James H. Fou for the Insurance compa nies. Judge Furnell has continued until May 14th the hearing of Recelrers of the Board of Commerce, of Buffalo vs C. O. Buling et al Involving 36,400 acres of land in Tyrrell County. The conten tion Is that the defendant procured deed to the land by conspiracy in that they induced the tax collector to make sale for taxes so that they might make the pur chase. Chairman J. C. Prltcbard (U. 8. Sena tor) and Secretary O. C, Pearson, of the State Republican Executive Convention here Issued the official call for the Btate Convention to be held at Greensboro Thursday August 31st Bald convention states will nominate candidates for chief justice two associate justices of the Su preme court, ten Suprerlor court Judges! one railroad commissioner and superin tendent of public Instruction. Wake county is preparing to abandon the practice of using tents for the con victs worked on the publlo roads and will construct permanent quarters at convenient Intervals In the road district, There are on average of about 119 con vlcts on the roads, and there is a con' slant Improvement In the condition of the highways. A fine turnpike road is to be con Btructed with convict labor from Jeffer son In Ash county to North Wilkesboro in Wilkes county. Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga coun ties form an extreme North . Western limit of North Carolina and are because of the mountains badly cut off from the rest of the State, while access to points In Virginia la comparatively easy. The prospected turnpike will put them In touch with .the railroads leading into various parts of the State and really re claims them for North Carolina. The turnpike will be 80 miles In length. LESS WORST. Chlldron will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't, prevent it. All you can do Is to keep them A as free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended . upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will flB every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It Bold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham'a Pharmacy.' XX mm 8 ii An Event that Marks -a New A Tremendous output of Strictly First-Class Instruments THAN REGULAR FACTORY xx . 4 Fast Base Ball In tie State League Games. Sal Fertilisers Tax Tags. Iane- eent Karderer Fardeaca. Coaatles Oat To Mack . School Money. Big Idacatlonal Meet ing la Georgia. Ralegh, April 11 Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell of the Odd Fellows goes to Tineland Thursday to institute a new lodge. Rural post route agent Bosubee has gone to Rocky Mount to pass upon some routes. There haa been put in operation this month In the Btate 30 new routes bringing the number up to 103. May 1 43 more are to be put in operation. Wake leads the State with 10, but May 1 Meck lenburg will have 15. It Is said by experts that the new State baseball league will be as ''fast" as the one last year, and that was one of the fastest of all minor leagues. Commissioner of Agriculture Patter son says the falling off In the sales of fertilisers tax tags will not be large. It will In fact be less than was expected 2 j or 8 weeks ago. Gov. Aycock today pardoned Elijah McCurry, of Yancey county, who was serving a 16 year's sentence for murder In the 2nd degree. The ground for the pardon Is the Innocence of McCurry, which has been established since his con viction In August, 1900. Ills innocence Is clearly established and the solicitor says there Is no doubt of it. It is discovered that some of the coun ties which applied for State aid to keep the public schools open 4 months in the year got too much. They will have to refund all the excess. The Supreme Court will devote this week to appeals from the 11th district. The Reade Memorial Chapel at the Soldiers' Home has been moved as as to face la the same direction as the new buildings. This will permit the land scaping of the grounds. Borne New York people are here, looking over the books of the Raleigh & Cape Feat's R. R., preparatory to buy ing it. All the arrangements are com plete for its Immediate extension South ward. The next one of the educational ral lies and conferences, on the basis of that at Greenlboro, will be held at Charlotte the first week in May. The Grand Lodge of Masons will lay the comer stone of the "Students Build ing" at the Btate Normal and Industrial College. The building is entirely, the gift of students and le to cost $30,000. Dr. J. L. M. Curry Is raised by the President from the rank of special envoy to the coronation of the King of Spain to that of ambassador extraordinary. A letter received by Dr. C. D. Mclver so states. The increase in rank Is at the request of the Spanish government. It is learned that the meeting of the Southern Educational Conference at Ath ens, QL, April 24, will be even larger than the one held at Winston last year. North Carolina will Lave at least 25 representatives present. , Among these will be the Governor, Congressman Small, Btate Superintendent , Joyner, President Tenable of the State Univer sity, Mclver of the Normal and Indus trial college, Winston of the Agriculta ral and Mechanical college, Vaan of the Baptist female ; university. Smith-of Davidson college. Meserve of Shaw University, Professor Carlyle of Wake Forest, roust oi ureensboro, isiair, .ot Winston, Mr. H. E. Fries and others, kAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WWWWWWWWWWWW wwwvv Don't Pay a Bin Price for a Good Piano ! Don't Buy a Poor. One at any Price ! Take advantage of the Great Factory Dale I T7e quote these ridiculously little prices on Dtrictly. High-Class Pianos sim. ply to lurther: introduce our superb instruments in this locality. You take. no chances whatever. "Our written Guarantee is Liberal, it protects you fully, it holds us responsible fori the behavior oi the' Piano for flvo years. 1 ,l , ; r . v: ; Pay a Littlo Cash Doivn tho DnlcncD in Easy onihly ; . . COIIE, select the Piano 110 V7 1 : Don't put it off another mcracnt. ITOY7'0 Tllli TIIIE ! ? Email monthly payments will GMFTON. April II. Mr L 3 Chapman spent Monday la Greenville oa business. C Bplvey went to Klnstoa Monday oa business. .. . : . ' ' J L Keen Jr., and C H Gaaklna spent Monday in Elnston, oa business. ... ' Mr Ralph Johnson of Aydea was la town Monday night , Miss Lula Patrick, after spending several days with Mra W J Klttrell, re turned to her home at Aydea' Tuesday morning. J L Patrick and W J E3M spent Tuesday in Elnston. R C McCotter and Otis Gasklns left Tuesday morning for Charleston. Mr J R Qulnerly passed through town Wednesday on his way to Ktnston. Mr Fred Johnson went ;to Giesnvllle on business Wedneedsy. v , W 8 Blount after spending some time in New Bern returned home .Wednes day; . " J L Keen, Jr; went Snow Hill Wed nesday on business. T A Llnsley of New Bern was in town Thursday. J Z Brooks went to Elnston Thursday on business. Mr J L Eeen Jr., went to Bnow Hill Thursday on business. Shads are stil very scarce and high. Death at Pollocksville. Pollocksville, April 14. Mr. David McDaniel died at his boms one mile from this place last night about 12 m. of pneumonia after about one week's ill ness. Mr. McDaniel has been in feeble health for over a year, but was Improv ing until taken with pneumonia. He leaves a wife, several brothers and sisters to mourn his death, he will be buried In the family cemetery at Tren ton Tuesday the 15th. The bereaved have the sympathy of the whole community In their sad loss. ARAPAHOE. April, 14 Mr. A. 8. Johnson bought farm In this vinclty and will faam. He comes from Oriental. Weather fine for corn planting. Cab bages are coming along fast and promise a fine crop. Potatoes are coming up and look welL Mr. Harry Roberts, represeatlng D. L. Roberts of New Bern, and Messers. J. 8. Norman and Datley, representing Balti more houses were here this week. A horse belonlng to Mr. Henry Hard!- son died from blind staggers last week. This is the sacond horse dying from this disease. ... Mis. Mary A. Bennett, who har been losing chickens, from hawks, set a trap with some chickens feathers, heaped up, and shut up her chickens. A hawk swoop ed down on the bunch of feathers and was caught by the trap. Many of our people will beat Bayboro this week attending Pamlico Superior Court , J. B. B. The 17-Year Locusts. Indianapolis, April 11. Btate Geolo gist Blatcbley saya that Indiana, Illinois Ohio and Kentucky will be infested with the seevnteen-yesr (locust plague this summer and Indiana will : have more locusts than all the other i central states put together. Only Eastern Illi nois will affected, he says. The last ap pearance of of the insects in t Indian was In 1885. 1 They are expected to make their appearance about Mayl- Geologist Blatchley Is advising that few fralt trees be planted this year as the locusts .will pratlcally destroy them. ..". ? , '. Kodol Dyspepsia Cere Digests-what you eat CIIIIIIIIIXXIIIIIITTTTTI AAAAAAAAAAAAA Era in Piano PRICES. '"!! - NORFOLK, VA. : Raiding the' Gamblers. Street Car Dls i tmrbers Fair Well. Chicken Thief Shot. Inside' Water v j, - Fassage. - 1 April 14th, We are now In a whirl of excitement politically, on the are of the primaries. The Norfolk Dispatch haa undertaken an expose of the gam bling houses that are ' running. CoL Mapps luxurious gaming house hasal ready been raided andlhe proprietor lined 1500.00, and sentenced to six months in jaU. Also two others of mi nor importance nave been similarly treated. Then followed the Inevitable appeal, which causes the hearts of al good people to alnk within them. - We should not despair if there was any as surance that said cases would ever reach the corporation court V mJL. The men charged with holding up street cars, smashing, and wrecking the same, and assaulting conductors, motor men and passengers, are faring better than they could reasonably expect Re sults so far, two hung (juries, and wit nesses qua-antlned In the City jail oa account of small pox breaking out there in. - . A few daya ago a chicken thief wu caught in the hen house of Mr. Cuthrel of Berkley, who demanded the thief's surrender, which was complied with, and the parties started for the polks station. They had not gone far how ever when the thief concluded that it would be best for him to take leg ball, and at once proceeded to put his thoughts into execution. Whereupon Mr. Cuthrel shot at the negro, killing him on the spot, and the Coroner's Jury exonerated him for so doing. Several Core Sound vessels are here discharging cargoes of sweet potatoes. The Cathleen, Madora, and Wheeler, are amongst the number. Virginia fish are arriving in great quantities. New Bernians are to be seen on the streets of our city in increasing num bers, and all seem to be enjoying their visits here. Norfolk business men are greatly In terested in the bill before Congress for dredging a sixteen foot channel from Norfolk to Beaufort Inlet. It is gener ally conceded that if made It will be an Immense benefit to the people of both States and will afford an inside passage from Beaufort, N. C, to the great lakes of the North. Dismal Swamp Monstej Killed. Suffolk, Va, April -18-The Dismai 8wamp monster, which for dm kept the Croker population in a state (of ter ror, whose eyes shone with a phosphoric glow and of '.which weird stories were told, was killed Saturday near Deans Va. - When, shot by a huntsman the animal was devouring a dog. The beast looks more like a wolf than 'anything else. Heavy Rain and Hall in Texas. Houston, .Tex., April 13. A heavy rain accompanied by hall and in some sections a high wind, has prevailed to day over south Teias. The rain is of great; benefit, though it does not thoroughly relieve the drought.; The hall has done great damage In the aggregate though no one section - has suffered severely. .'"".' '" ;' : 5 Major Waller Acquitted. Manila, April 13.-Major JWaller, of the Marine Corps, has. been acqulted, He was tried by a Tcourt-marlal- on the charge of killing natives in' the island of Samar without trail. The court stood 11 to 3 for Waller's acquittals , ; , r7TTT?.??yyyTTTyyTT7??T!tTTrTTTy?TTTyyTyyTyTyTy?y???Tr?r7T77TyTTTyyTyyyYTyTTTTTiTTiiiTiTTTTi 1 C-B Selling I ii for LESS i N'H MtMM Bo You Wish the Finest B It is conceded that Royal Baking Powder is purest and Strongest of all baking pow- ders,absolutely free from alum, ammonia and every adulter ant. "Royal" makes the best and most wholesome food, p ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. Hunting in Philippines. The following letter from a New Bern boy will be of interest. Company H., 12th Infantry, sailed on the transport "Grant" March 81st, so the young sol dier expects to be with his friends at no distant day. - Tarlao, Tarlao Prov. Luuzon, P. I. . February 26, 1902.. j I have just returned from a fleer hunt out in the mountains day before yester day. Than was a party of fourteen left here oathe morning (of the 92nd, for the mountains back of Odonnell. We camped the first night in the hills and at day light we divided into two parties, one taking down the valley to drive the deer and the others on the hills to the right. We drove nntll about 10 o'clock, and then set fire to the long grass to be able to see the deer as they came out. There were two oivllians, saloon keep ers here In Tarlao, two Spaniarda and eight Philippines besides a hospital corps man and myself with rifles. The Whole pueblo of Odonnell had turned out with bows and arrows, or spears, so altogether we were quite a party and had, when we set fire to the grass about fifteen deer corralled. We had gotten four already and were sure of more, so we went down to a creek abou a mile away where we had agreed ,upon before to eat dinner. We came down in twos and threes at about fifteen minutes apart. The first ones to get down were Henrigul Caatilbe, a Spaniard and Quail a civilian, and when they arrived at the creek they found the other civilian Bit ting on a rock with his face in his hands and bloody all over; they thought at first that he had killed a deer and smeared the 1 blood on himself; they asked him but he only motioned with his hands for them to come and fell over. . mv;"!'': ' They got to him as quickly as possible and found that he had been shot through the forearm and the chest, and the bullet lodged in his back. The party gradually assembled and we finally staunched the flow of blood with our undershirts and constructed a Utter of bamboo and car ried aim into Odonnell, a distance of about six miles. There the hospital man got on his horse and rode to Capas, distance of nineteen miles, the nearest station of troops, for a doctor. The doc tor arrived about nine o'clock that night and re-bandaged the wound, he found nn :V - - - - v The very that he had been shot through the right lung. We had the natives to construct another litter that night and at daylight started with him for Capos arriving there at ten o'clok, when he became uncon scious and died about .one in the after noon. He never told how It occured but from the position of the wound he must have been leaning his forearm on the muzzle of his rifle with the butt resting ou a stone from which It slipped strik ing the hammer and discharging the pelce, a 44 Cel., Winchester. It wvs certainly a sad hurting trip for us. Be was brought up to Tarlao yester day and buried in the Catholic ceme- tary by the priest. I was one of the pall bearers. There were some pictures taken of the furneral and if I can get hold of any I will send them to you. Ckcil W. Taylob., Sargt. Co. "H" 12 th U. 8. Inft An Oyster Combination. Boston, April 11, A movements on foot to form oyster combination. A delegation of dealers from Norfolk has been in this city in an endeavsr to in teiest some Boston men who havn houses in Norfolk In a combination in that city. One of the dealers, having a house In Noifolk said kthe proposed combine wu similar to the national fish company wheh waa started In this city a year or two ago. "The object of the new combination" he1, said, ia to protect prices and prevent cutting." CLARK. April 0. The weather is fine for corn planting and our fanners are not losing anytime. Mr. Clem Richardson Is sick but we hope to hear of his recovery.' , - Mr. Arum Rice of Forest was at Clark Sunday. He seems to have fallen a vic tim to the charms of someone In our midst :r , ; The publlo school hero Is progressing finely. --' OTMaasaWpaMaMMwnw -.; Fine lot of yonng chickens and dressed fowl at the Oaks Market this morn ing. , J B MM f Piano Price - - . - Factory Sak enables you to own a High-Grade Instrument for . it little money and on 'VERY EASY TERMS. OR YOU WILL CONTINENT A I, Oil, STOCK 10c PER SHARE, FVLLT PAID AND Our SIX INCn GUARANTEED GUSHER on Block 32, Spindle Top Heights was DOWN 600 FEET ON MARCH 25th. 3 GUSH ERS WITHIN 25 FEET OF US. We are ready to sell oil for May WHY CONTINENTAL STOCK IS SAFE, CONSERVATIVE & DESIRABLE You buy 250 Shares, or more, deposit the money in your bank, to remain until our Gusher is in or to be returned you should we fail. Ve will Furnish Free Trans portation to Beaumont and Galveston and return to investors depoeiting. $500 in their local bank to be paid us for stock af?one of their number has Visited the field and finds our proposition as represented, otherwise the 500 Our officers and directors are in other fines, have devoted much being of the best reputation, -will4wisely direct the Company's affairs. AGENTS WANTED. CONTINENTAL OIL CO., Galveston, Texas IncoepobaIed Under Texas Laws for $250,000, Par 10 Cents. Write at once for further particulars to F. J. WEATUERSBEE, Local Agt., NbwBebw, N. C. cHprth Carolina Fancy Evaporated Apples 10c lb, Sun-dried Apples re duced to 8c. - . Few Nice Mixed Nuts left over fxom Holidays, only 10c lb Canned Corn, standard quality, 3 cans for 25c. New Barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef. Fresh lol Y. Y. Sugar Cured Shoulders 10c lb. Fresh Ginger Snaps 5o lb. Big lot Feather Dusters, Whisk Brooms and Blacking Brushes. 'Phone 91. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AAAAAiAAAAAAAAi Bars Are Down :i-y. MMymmW MMlt BE TOO LATE. XOIV-ASSESSAJIL.E. delivery; prices on application. is returned. capable and successful business men time and study to tho Texa.s field, and Nice lot Just Received Wholesale & Retail Grocer, " TlQBrcad St. 'TZZTZZZZZZZZZZZZi ! . ..... ...... XX 1 d t roon clean up tho account. '-AIM XXI

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