LIE WEEKLY JOURNAL Establishes 187- Published Id Two Sections, every foes day an4 Friday, at M Middle Street, aew Bern, n. u. CHARLES U STEVENS, droi axd raorunoB. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Two Months... M Cents. ThreeeMonths...... " B, UAntlta 60 M Twelve Months, tl;W 0NLY IN ADVANCK., - a .1. Im m)m fnrnuhed nrjoa aB- itnii ""v - - plication at the office, or upon Inquiry r.y man.' tyThe JouBRAt la only sent oo pa i.j..n hia Rnhacribera W rxnlva nntlnn of rnirtion Of their Sub scriptioua and an immediate response to notice w.l Do appreciated oj m JOURNAL. Entered at the Poetofflce, Nrw Hern ft. C. as second-class matter. tcetloa One. Tuesday, April It, 102 THE PRESIDENT'S VISIT. The Chsrlestonians hare highly honored the President of the Untied State npon his official visit I" their beautiful and unlqut ?Ity and In doing ao ther have honored themselves It It stated that the enthusiasm was nn' bounded and that the old city ha never seen such a gt.iherlng of people ai came to greet the President. There seems to be something aboU the offlco of the Presidency that de velops the 8 peach making qualities and it would be strange If the elevation to the most hpnorstlc publlo office In the woridTia not bring out tbe good and nob. 1 Qualities of a man. Tbe record of the .olltlclans who have become Presl den.s shows In the main that on great I 1 U .... V V&.fi Kl a a flu abo- 9 petty motlTes and traditions. President Roosevelt, as usual, was plain spoken in his address in the audi torium and touched on the various Is sues which he deemed of Interest to the people and Specially on the questions . Ill V VI T CU 1U VUUtk, VI lUtviMl w w..j of Charleston as one of the gateways to the West Indies. Be also touched on the combines and the need of supervis ion of tuelr power. . The presentation of a sword to the gallant South Carolinian, Major Jen kins, on behalf of the State, was takea advantage of by the President ,In these words: i " , ' , " ' , "Major Jenkins, nothing could give mo grts&ier pleasure mnu tv umiu jfuu( iuj old friend and comrade, whose courage I saw again and again, and whoso cour age was of a temper that made it In different what the trial was, to hand you this saber. I am glad to do it, as a guest of South Carolina, as the President of the United States, bnt gladder to do it as your old friend and comrade." North Carolina was glad to present on this occasion her gallant Governor. He spoke just in advance of the President and the dispatches described him as "a most eloquent speaker," a statement to which his fellow citizens will more than agree. .v THE TENANTRY SYSTEM. . The Northern man traveling through the South often asks why so many farms show so little the appearance of care o-d Improvement. It Is largely the re mit of the system of tenantry generally , availing throughout .that 'section. Under the tenant system, many South ern farms have deteriorated in produc tive capacity and in general improve ments, during the past years. The ordi nary tenant of the Sowtb knows little of rotation or deversification of crops, and Is satisfied to tend the land he hires In the same crop from year to year, usually cotton with a liitle corn. He does not often improve, and when Improvements are given him, no care la taken of them, so that under his regime, farms take on a most uninviting appearance, - To the Southern owner, however, the tenant system has attractions, in that It allows him the most perfect freedom . from are and responsibility In tbe man- rim. nt nf hla tirnnertv. Under the tenai i system farm lands pay a -fairly good rental, and with the recent po grest jf the South, prices of lands are Increasing. There Is, however, abundant opportunity to augment their value by bringing Into sight the natural capacity . of the land, : V '.' .u " : The tenant system of the Soutb'ls both wasteful of time and labor, and' Is not conducive to a general improvement of farming conditions In tb at 'section. Yet it is the opinion of the most com prehensive students of the question that tvsbo6t Interests of the South will be found in the development of its agricul tural resources. There are ties several olj-vls to be attained, chief among 1 'i lira a competent, personal and In tel" management by owners, tlirm lolvci, general subrdiv' Juu of lare luii ! 1 fatatcs snd the I.: ' J of ex- j- f. 9 f." ( r e i'or.t to ' -si'-'"'' . J ( " ' of large aes, and proprietors the places of tea as la. - The pioaperoes and eoaleated srt cultural eoansaaltlo ahlch show thrift and enterprise In fares saaaageaMnt ar almost without lerrtloa those loeell- tlea where the farmers own the land poa which they live and work. The Southern Field. PEACE El SIGHT. . Ualeasali slBS fall, salary are said to La timet of dry . weather, the loag struggle between. Brtlo aad finer Is at an sad. The peace confereaoa now helnf bald at K'-erkedorp la the Trans vaal U tb drat f the kind. A flag of truce hat admitted the chief Boer leas. era within the British Usee and thrceeX these nvsa are the famous flghteri De Wet, Delarey aad Botha. For the first time these brave leaden have laid aside the sword In favor of arbitration, It n reported that the British govern ment has offered liberal terms to thsl "embattled farmers and these aaea hays won the right to a eoeslderatloa thai perhaps their early actions did not enti tle 11m m to. It Is to be hoped thai peace that will rnrrBre VrJl le arranged, that It win be honorable alike to than victor and the vanquished, -i and that there will he left ae- smoldering embetaJ of hate In brlu fr- eftaater upon thr nbappy land. f.''''l 7 When Ue Prestileafc uf the ttoulh Af4w rlcin Repebiiit drlanit that the coming war would "sUggor humanity, It served t amass BMnypenfe,.: Tbe world hu since learned thatr1 the preparations for war had been gulag ow for three years la th Transvaal 4ad that in proporUoa to the population no people were to thCTOOhly armed' ami provided with such vast quaothtes oiivniniunlilon. What was regarded mile agxjcntlnral. oommunitT ' was armrd with jth latest death dealing machinery that the nations could provide.; It can hardly be that tbe strongest Mead of the Boers can hope or dolre thsv. tbaee- people ahaaldhave complete independenoe. k 8Uletlhagbt'.; would show that tbe only way the Boer could secure or keep this would be their com plete Isolation from the world, that is to revive the Chinese wall policy of exclu sion. This tne world would never per mit. On the other hand if these medi aeval people, allow , outsiders to- come Into their land, in the same old way, to be taxed but not represented, it would only mean another struggle1 at tome future time." It wovld seem thea that the only hop foe? liberty, not to the Boer leaders aloav, but-to tbe people of Africa, is In the Institutions of the British empire. That these Institutions are as conduclvo to freedom as poor human failing permit, no educated per son will deny. ... N. - ' Rhodes has gone to the andlsaevered country where there will be no war. Kruger Is soon to follow, it is said that he no longer is aware of th trend' of events. - These two men have npreaent ed the opposite sides of the struggle aad the vanity of humaa affairs la Illustrated in the outcome of the struggle they In augurated, when Other mea are settling the matter and counting up the cost. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of .the ear. There is only one way to cure, deaf nest, and that is by constitutional" remedies. Deafoess Is caused by an Inflamed dltlon of the nucos lining of : the Eus tachian Tube. When this -tube. Is la- flamed you have a rumbling ; sound imperrect nearing, ana wnev , it is ; en tirely closed. Deafness it the remit, and unless the Inflammation caa be taken out and this tube restored to Itewonnal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine eases. oat of teanaaaeed by Catarrh, which la othInstbut an- In flamed 'condition of the mncos sur faces. r:;- H'r. ? W will glv One Hundred' D'.lar for any ease of Deafness (censed h" tarrh) that eawiot be cured bv 1. ... . Catarrh Care., fiend for circulars,- fret F. 3. CHEESY ft CO., Toledo, . ? Bold by all Druggists. Hall!a Pamily Fill are the best , , . . A stare Dmnlln. ; The moat envied of aU Russian deco rations It tbe grand cross of tlir Order Of St Ocorg". To posmw this It In oc essaVy to bave-coiumsndej a vtrtm-kms army In the fleid. The Best E'.ccl PnriScr. , The blood is constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys Rxep these cTgaos In a t '.:.yeoB'." siMa'nd thrbrrwels regular sud you will'have'ao need of a blood purifier. For this , ur pose there is nothing equal to Chamber laln's Btomacli and Liver Tablets, one do)S of them III Ca'yoir mike good than a dollar bottle of the best bhmd purifier. Prlc f" t Ba- free at F. B. liuffv 'd C 'a. Cr x si, ... Trs: "-' : j' London,. At '! 11. in I "ht mrmortal servl1 f r f .1 1 wan held In St. Piosl's Ci-.?-5.iJ eo!iifi!,!,'ct with the hour of iLe 1. ! .,1 of hli re mains in the 1 t ; ; o r.;:w. If troulkd 1 1 D.'-::tJthityc3cat This preparation contains all of Ua dlrettanu and dleestt all kinds U food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows yoa to eat all the food you want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can lake iu uy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gat on tbe stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting aaneoeasary. Pleasant to take 11 CA'tfae!3 m a But no yon cooa fVparadoolvby K.O. TJiWmOa.Ohre liwti. Bvtu euaiaiBS )t sums um see. ska T. B. DTJ IT s CO. Postal Receipts. Washington, April II. The postal re ceipts rfor Wt-month compared with atatatwollssl year ef tfty of the largest postoffloes in the country show net In- lerease ef 4n per eent. v Neflect Weans Dancer. 1 'Douft neglect b41ksness and const! pe tlon. .Tour health will suffer peraan- wtry iryowdra : DeWHfs Utfle Early Risers cure such eases. II. B. Smith, Botasrnwt, Mich., says "DeWltt't Little Javly-BIaersi are the snoot satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause V. 8. Duffy.- - ; .' , 1 Roosevelt on His Trip - WaeUagtent April 11. To-friend who called early st the WhlU House to see the President today,. Roosevelt said, "I think t was a pretty good American hefoso i sssae theirty Sooth, hut I aaa a better Amarii ra now than before I went to Charleta " : TOO KHOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When yoa take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it It simply tioa and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 600. : Santos- Dumont Here. New York, April 11 Santos Dumont the acronau', baa arrived here with all ships to give exhlbltinna.' . He will go to 8u Louis. Santos Dumont saldt I e pect to see many airships crossing the Atlantic, It will not bo many years be fore I wfil take a trip myself." A Testimonial From Oil England. 'I consider Chamlierlalu't Cough Rem edy the best In the world for bronchitis" says Mr. , William Savory, of Warring ton, England. "It has saved my wife's life, tbe having been a martyr to bron chitis for over six years, being most of tbe time cob fined to her bed. She Is now quite welL", Sold by F. 8. Duffy A Co. Hawaii's Governor Arrives. - Washington, D. C, April 10, Gover nor Banford B. Dole, of Hawaii, arrived this morning from Honolulu at tht sum mons of President' Roosevelt It has been said that Governor Dole will not be removed, but upon this point he said that he did not know whether a change would or would not be made. ' ; The Great Dismal Swamp Of Virginia is a breeding ground 0. Malaria germs. Bp Is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chtlls fever, aches la the bones and muasale-, and may induce dangerous maladies. But Elaetrio Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial trou bles' They-will surely prevent typhoid. rW triad; Bjaay remedies fori Malaria sadStomauh aad. LI rertfonblea," writes Joha Charleston, of Byesvlllsv O., "but aeiei found -aaythlng at good as Electric Bitters." Try them' Oaly 50& 0. D. Bradhaa gnaraatee satlafaotlon. NewGpent House at Dnrbam.,; tf : Durham, N. 0.; April It. Th eon- tract' for plant of the new city market and opera ' house has been given to Hook ft Sawyer of Charlotte. The build rag will " cost about fifty thousand dol lars. t. ? Wants To . Help Others. "I had stomsch troubles all my life," sT i-aw- Metier, proprietor of the v..ion DottUng Works,. Erie, Pa, "and tylc4 a'.l kinds of remedlesv went to se v J t! oo tors snd. spent considerable i "r trj'.ng to get a momanlV peace L.u. 1 taad oIKodol D spepala Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction;; I aevsr-found Its equal for stomach trouhle su.l gladly recom mend It In hope that I may help other sufferers." Kdol Dysprptia Cure cures all slumach troul.i. .. Ton don't have ro' dlec Kodol DyiSpcpnU Cure dlgeaU thai yni ' Ki Duffy. ; Contractors Lost $3,080,089.. Waahlrgt -n, D., C-, April U.-The bull'lmt; of 20 torpedo boats for the Untied Siatea Government cost tht con tract rs somethlntnver $. 003,000 more than the price they received from the Government. C.-t a Lrca.ul CclJ. - 'Marlon Koohe, mnnacr for T. 11. 1 , mpaiin, liirgc In. , uiut of fine mll 1'iuury at ; 10'.3 Milwaukee Avenue, Clilcng ), ay: "Ourluu I lie late severe wtathur 1 cangUt a dreadrul coi j wlth i ' l me aalw t alphi ami 'mn 'a me Bii.1t to attend my work during the day. Cv-9 cf r-j p.'!;nors was n.!r; Cl?". :r ! ' i't Id-nii'dy fr aevere eeli , V ';,irh C ) lilHl 1 !..! ;'i'J like in-u ! ! i r CoEpcUtloa of Four Cities For a Rasonlc Temple. ." DtaagtU-Peach Crap. BsTtlatlti ary DaachUrs. Chflstlsa CharehssU Decide ea Or- ; pkaaage. TweMataal IssaraaceCeHpt- . ales Chartered. Rauaanv April II. A charter was granted thia morning by tbe State to tht Weldon Lumber Company. The capi tal stock is 100,000 and the Incorpora tors are J. L. Shepherd", Petersburg; G L. Vincent; Janet tea,--Va.?1 C. A. Ehep herd of Richmond and Seldon Good i, of Weldoa , ' . The special commltta appointed by the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Uasoas to develop a scheme for the erec tlon of a temple have decided that Grand Has tat Clarki and Grand Secre tary Drewry shall prepare a circular letter tailing forth-, the general plans of the temple 'desired 'and financial plan for its erection and famish copies to each at the four 01110 competing for location. Thlt will be done at once and a report with recommendations' mads at e-speeiai- ssssiotHo the Lodge Jun 97 at Oxford. The towna lathe race are Raleigh, Darkaot,G seemsboro and Char lotte. Grand Vaster Clark ssys the odds are -decidedly in favor of Raleigh pro vided the improve hotel facilities am; carries out her proposition as to th( pure baa .of. severatV anortgag bonds. The coamlttee srev-here last night but received ao proposition owing to a ooa teatioa. madaby Durham's delegation that her cltlsens had not been givei sufficient - desalts-- information at t plans to prepare a proposition foe locat ing the temple there. " ; Reports com from the extreme wsat era part of the State that tht peach cro Is damaged 60 per cent or more by tin recent severe aold snap. , A ball game between the Trinity col lege aad College of Agriculture and He chanlcal arts yesterday resulted in a victory for Trinity by a score of 21" to 7. : '.'' ';'"' . v: The North Carolina society Daughters of the Revolution at a meeting held bert has appointed Mrs J. James Sterling Jones, of Greensboro; Mrs. -Hugh Lovlek of Scranton: Mrs. O. W. BlacknalL of Klttrell and Mrs. Ivaa Proctor of Ral eigh, delegates to ' the General Boclet- which meets at Denver, Col, April S8tL and SOth, ;;, ,' ".. . ' '. The general convention of the Chris tian churches of North Carolina and Virginia to be held May Snd at Aaheboro will receive propositions from. North Carolina towns for the location of an orphanage. . The convention already hu several thousand dollars toward the establishment of an Orphanage. Corres pondence with Rev. W. 8. Long, D. D. of Elon college Is solicited from towns Interested. - 1 ' ' The Farmer's Mutual Fire Insursnes Company, of Mecklenburg county and the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance com pany of Davlpson county were chartered by the State yesterday. Both have tht minimum limit of $15,000 ia Insurance policies. Subscribed by farmers In their respective counties. -, "I NTtrJKaw Pets Killer to rail before, what can tht matter bet Where la the bottle? There, I thought to; It It not Perry Davit Painkiller at all, but something the druggist matt have made himself and I did not notice ft; I hive used Painkiller for yean for diarrhoea, oramps and stomsch achat and It never failed.'' i-W 'mr' .'iki-t PITH AND POINT. After a woman bat a baby tbe won ders wbnt In the world she ever found to worry about before It came. , A dangerous sorf of man It the kind wno stands a. great deal and then ex plodes for all of Ma Insults at once. Did you ever notice that when a man cornea from a phorographerafter hav log hit picture taken be wears a sheep- lab expression on his facet . .'' Dou't get married unless yon can,af- lora to give your wire at least fio a month and a little attention. She can get that clerking ht any of the dry goodt ttores.-Atchlton Globe. " The.Bert RcreJy For Rtcninatlsm. '.i ft beliejt noatrAnr.."' AR wht, 1 CLtmberl ain't Pain Balm foT rheuc a art del!rhted with: the quick, ulj i icom pain which ' it affords. When tpetklng of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, taysf "Some time ago" I had a severe attack of rheumatism to my arm and shoulder. I tried numeroce remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons A Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom mended it to highly that I bought a bot tle. I was soon relieved of all ps!a. I have since recommended this Jlnlment to msny of my friends, who sgree with me that It is the best remedy for muscu lar' rheumatism in the market." For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. - . - vKiss S.n I..1 Lecture. - ; IT"w York, April 11. Hiss Stone ar rived hereon the, ETiburg-Amerlcan ct T ..utscltiiti 1 io' f and wl'.lgod! roc. j to Lcuon to take a rest. Llie will then start on an extfrsivelccture lour undar the n.-u-- .....t of I Toud, :: ...Ai:r: Elarte J a 1 J. C -:;7 II 8 l .. a oa Of i i r f a : faci mjxw tints JiOBdon coturamea eleven tons of a< dJT. . EcasUnoow-v potacswiB a schoo of military, ballooning. Germany at the end of 1902 will have a standing armjof 49600 men. Five preaidaata of the United State have been of Bcotch-Irlah descent. v France win tpend $50,000 on repair at tbe palace of VersaiUaa during thia year. . Thomas A. Edlaoo hat taken out nearly 800 patenta on hla various In ventions. V A' motor car race la which tbe cars are to run backward la being organised tor Belgium. , ' Two hundred ' and fifty Trapplat monks are now working at twenty-five stations in South Africa. - Tacoma, Wash la 809 miles from New York by the shortest route, and it takes 127 hours to get there. The population of Germany Increased by 7.8 per cent In the years 1895 to 1900, the highest rate on record In that country. ' " Phenomenally mild winter -is being experienced In Russia, At Kiev the trees ar budding; the rives Dnieper It clear of Ice, while at Warsaw vloleta are fiowering. -j - Only five tailing ships of over-100 tons were built In tbe United Kingdom last year. All the vessels were coav atrncted on the Clyde aad were regis tered in London. ( . : An Austrian sdentlat hat discovered that a cold In the bead la doe to the presence in the membrane of a special bacillus, which be has called the Mica coccus catarrhatta. Ia Alabama, Nebraska and Washing ton the present governors were elected at lieutenant governors and art filling vacancies caused by tbe death or resig nation of the governors. ' .'-. In view of the arduous' duties demanded- of 'naval officer In the ener vating Philippine climate two years on the station will hereafter be considered as a three, years cruise and entitle the officer to ahoro duty. - An aerolite fell near Chatlllena, the other day. The atone was triangular In shape, of a dark gray color and about eleven ounces In weight This is only the second meteoric stone that la known to have fallen in Switzerland. -' Bodolfus Bingham of McrchantvlUe, N. J., supports life at tbe age of seventy-five on food that costs 7 cents a day. He reports that he Is healths, happy and spry and has helped bury acquaintances who rldlculedhla diet - . V: X"- ; Chicago hat lost a street It was worth about $1,000,000, an' the city would like to find It again. Gradual encroachments were made on-the street until It was completely covered, and the city will Institute eviction proceed lnga. - . . . ' Dr. David Paulson, a Chicago nerve spedattsr, declares that much drunken ness, especially In young men, Is caus ed by highly spiced food and the use by cooks of pepper, mustard and simi lar relishes. To this also the doctor at tributes the cigarette habit Two hundred old people whose, age altogether amounted to 16414 yean have received half a sovereign apiece from the magistrates' poor box at Brighton, England. Charles Green, one of the recipients, is 107 years old and BtlHretalna all his. faculties. . Women are. more and more patron ising life Insurance, and many of the companies maintain a woman's depart, ment presided over by a female super intendent The statistics Indicate that business .women and women of great wealth are the principal patrons. . : ' The new library to he built In Grand Rapids, Mich, as a gift to hi native city from Martin A. Ryerson of Chica go, besides having a shelf capacity of 200100 volumes; .will contain two huge assembly halls - and several study rooms. It Will cost about 120,000. . Concessions have Just been granted to construct and run twenty -seven new branch lines of the Swedish rsllwavs. The new, lines will cover In all a dis tance of 250 miles, and It means that Sweden will again haver Occasion to purchase a large quantity of raUtng Stock. i.-5. i,-.-. ; -.v-!- All employment of natives In the PnfllDDtnes is on the- nadrone avatem. NO American can walk out and hire a onsen Filipinos to go to work for him. Be must Instead arrance with a "boa" snd on a commission for so touch ta bor. This Is the Philippine snbstttat fur trade unionism. . y . An-old convict ship from Australia tg on eVhlbltlon at the Waterloo Dies. London. It Is the Success, owned by a Melbourne firm and kent solelv for ex hibition purposes, and ft remains pra Ucally with the same fittings it bad when It was used for transporting con victs from England to Botany Bay. - The sewage system of the- city of New Orleans, which la belna- nlaced on the basis of $20,000,000 cost, wfll re move the serious objection to resldencS there and place her among the more healthful BeflDorts. Tha snram catth- ered by tbe pipes will be pumped op into tne nver, tne levei or whose wa ters la above that of the city. : w 'A correspondent save that as the r. suit cf experiments be has made under earcral tuning he finds that tbe grey hound is the fastest of all fonr timtrrt anlmattv When going at full gallop, it can cover twenty yards a second,. or about a mile in a minute and twent eight ( ctnda, a speed that comes very near t. ;.t or a carrier Diseon. . Pliur to consolidation the net fnnded debt cf t'e city of New York (anlai. tan r 1 the Bronx) was $lC3,CC3,CC0i hf i: . 'yn 173)00,000, of EScI-ijiotj conn' 7 i :. CC" and Oneena t i a tviul of $24,000,000. The fvw ent aunt or t:.s greater city is Z IZ .an lactase of ?Tr,c..:,:c3 ia t.jt years. Purls owes $lD0,CC3,Cca. ' , i Bow Cows -' ' ' -'" ; A cattle ma f.-.Js that all coTii lie Z wn on' t'aclr left side and never ca their right unless the left Is Injured. Caviare. caviare which was sold Inst yenr H CM'-ago v 1 V X " !t was reaKy tai ca from t:..e 'nl river eutnh " a 1 t J f ;a f.'"- c;i. I lr ?! rot t r r c il' a t r ' - "3 1- Ccstrai ILLSptoa, Deal rcjaltsjttraas, ;CotcarA,B. C, April 1L Geaeral Wa4k EasapUt v ed at hla hssst hsrt today Bt hat beta tritically Ulfor torn days aad taert was a general break dowa ta his eonstitaUoa. . Tht flags throughout tht slate art at half-mast In honor of the dead soldier aad statesman. 'Ha celebrated his 81th bifthdey Use week. V ' Geaeral Baasptoa was wounded three tisses la the QvU War, at Bull Rua, BeveaPwet aad Gettyeburg. Hewu elected Governor la 1378, mi United dUtet Senator In 1878 to which office ho was twice ra-eleated, retiring ta 1891. i peace Terms Accepted. " London,- April 11. The Ttnanceer and BaOlonlst nnbliahea a dlsDatoh from Pretoria this morn rag declaring that the Boer leaden have accepted the Brit lab terms: that neace has been arransed. tad that the term nsv been cabled to the Boer agents ta Europe. Now Coming; Borne, Special to Journal - .;.,' ; Cniaxuroir, April 1L North Caro linians are now leaving thia city and re turning to their homes. The great crowd from tht North State made the week the greatest tuooett of the Expos! tlon. -." p It was tht perfect weather all the week that made the Exposition appear, at its ber The North Carolina crowds were tht best spending people who have been - Many New Bern tans art to be met on the strerts and at the Exposition. Mr. James A. Bryan gave a complimentary yacht tail today to a party of sixty gen Uemta, including Governor Aycock and ttaS Sarei Many t Time. Don't neglect coughs and cold tven If It It spring, jtach cases often result seriously at this season Just because peo pie are careless. A dost of Ont Minute Cough Cure will remove aU danger. Absolutely safe. Acta at once. Sure cure for cough, colds, croup, grip, bron chitb , and other' throat and long trou bles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years, says Postmaster C. O. Dawson, Barr, III. fit Is the very best tough medicine on the market. It baa raved me many a severe spell of slckneis and I warmly' recommend if Thtebliaren't favorite. F. S. Duffy. 1 'tSSSBSSSBSBBSSWIISli " A Boon For Cuba.' . New ,Tork, April 11. At a. special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce a resolution wss adopted calling upon Congress te give Cuba a 69 per ceat. re duction la Uriff duties. The vote wss unanimous. ' ' Shot In.Hls Left Lef. For all kind of sores, burns, bruises, or othr wounds De Witt's Witch Hasel Salve Is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to It at .once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. None gen lime but Dt Witt's, Beware of counter feits. "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound In my left leg," tayt A. & Fuller, English, ma. -it would not hesitnd gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of rem edies to ao purpose until I tried De Witt's Witch Hszel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." F. 8. Duffy. . ' Raaala HeHeai-a. , ;. In Russia a contract between an etr ployer and hia workman must definite. Iy contain the prevision that all Sun days and seventeen "great holldayt" or days substituted for them art to be free from work. ' ,, The UTS ef Dm avertzc Hfe of a do Is about ten yearn - Many Uve fifteen, and there are well authenOeatcd cases of from twen ty, to twenty-three years. i-v: - . f OtvM- sjatMela. ; Divers are able to converse' under water by placing their helmets, which are invariably made of copper, together cud shoutuig toons another. The sound, they say, ia swiftly snd distinctly con !re'e(1, ' J " '" '" " " . V " ' " 71el0s a Sharp Ax. , Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cat oft by Dr, King's New Life Pills the most distressing too. Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles Drsnensla Lots of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, .Fever, Malaria, all fan before these wonder workers. 25c at 0 D Bradham's drugstore. - - . jT ' ' wtaw ATalaaehM. ' ' - 'AvalaAChes are an mmmnn in lw1t aerland that devices are made to con trol them. She 8 wise form earthworks Or tntrenchments which are pointed in such a fashion that avalanches coming tn contact with them are split and sei Clvtn aside, . , - , 4 ' 1 aTauraae ieldlese -'' -Of tht soldiers tn tht civil twar 48 ner esat were farmers v .. -1 ii i V-A ADoctcrtCsiri-'jtf,-' ''Two veara ao-n. aa a rfnlt nf a ae- Vera cold, 1 lost my vo'. - writes Dr. M L, Ciid orou-'i, of tv" on, Cl.!o, "tLcn lr.-a aa olUnsfsoor-b. rn r Inn a to t.a ss a prae: !ng i"-f--rtJr---Sf. " I. snd I "' - r t .-.It try I . J - v 1 vov fur ( V AHEYOU WISE iWWJfra , f an and a sure way to treat a case of Sore : Throat in. order to kill disease erms v i and insure healthy throat action ii to take half a glassful! of water put into ; : it a teaspoonf ul.of Mexican Mustang leinlment and with thls garal the throat at fraqunt intervals. Than bathe tit outatfe of tha throat thoroughly with the Hnt , sneot and aftar doing this pour soma on a soft cloth and wrap- . around lbs no. It is a POBTTIVE CURB. v S3C, 80ci and t)1.00 a bottle. : .. ... :'. ..-" f. '..; "V ." 1 :" ' ' tT MaV DC Vftll have long been trouUo.1 with a run' n IT MAT Dt lUU oreorulcor.- Trwt It at one with M J eu Huslang Lillnsaent aad you an dvpeud uiuu a lyuaiiy wuv AT 1 HAHN & SON'S 40 head of Horses and Mules adapted tor the farm,xdraught and road work, thoroughly seasoned and ready for work. Foil line of Buggies, Ilarnesr, Wai o if, Carts, Etc. Fee us 1h fore lining nd SAVE MONEY. xx. iiAiinr rvow. At - . SB , . Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. Sj lally prepaied or tbe lands -of EasUru Cailina. ' Insnres a gwu cure. ni.iiiprio buu.uiib yuui uir. v .. ; - By its merit alone one farmer ia Jones Count j will use ft tx maie- ly on his sixty acres of tobacco. v " . - - - As our goods me manufactured m ar you and not re ehipj ed, v,e claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. ' " BieS Grade CaUaue; Potato, Allcrrpracii Cotton Cnai . " Our Motto! "Not flow Cheap, But How Good." - . - t&-i jou use Fe rtiUzerg Call and See us " ' ' " JR. JI. & J. A. DO VIM CO., Hifpk tirade Fertilisers, - Factory Wease Blver. r NEW BERN, N. C. . : Le Ge D AKHStSo' v . DEALER INT- Hordes Mules. FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. - t:---.- ' y-- -. . , , i. . 42 44 Ci'AVHI STRUT, OPPOSIU IIVMAN SI PPLY CO. Wheels arJ easy;-way 'A v v ;,' -. sa . ' ai . ' BS the Head i: nr. i 1 t i cf ti ".' a, c s ct c: