r. U. i "I iiMf YOLCMI IIY. EIW BXRH", CBAYIN COUKTT, 5. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902.-SICOSD SICTIOS. KUMBIR"B. 1 TEB MARKET'S. The following quotations wan nod? ed by J. X. Latham ft Co, New Bera K.O. . .. Hiw Tou, April 17. Oottoh. Open. High. Low. Close . May......... S.0? US i.07 1.15 July.... .M .O0 9.01 .M Aug tat &89 8.83 8.88 Bop 8J7 8.41 8.17 8.88 Oct.. 8.18 8.18 8J4 8.15 V7but May...... July.... , My Rib s May...,.., Btocib; Sugar So Ry ...... U. 8. ...i. lStf 86 IS U. a 8... ...., ..41 .U. S. 8., Pnfd.. 98 Mo. P. ....101 J Atchison....... 80 Va.C. 0. 71 A. CO 49i Am. loo... Chicago, April 17. Open. High. Low. Closs 78 : Hi 74 4 751 Open. High. Low. CIom . 811 . . 62 Open. High.' Low. Olote . New Tork, April 17. Opeau High. Low. Cloee 1X21 861 M 41 MJ 101i en 70 49 161 Unrpool Spott 5.1-83 8als 8,000 bales. Futures, Msy-Jane 4.59. June-July 4.59. May Coffee; 500 .', 495 KKW BEBN OOTTOR MABKBT. Bales in local. market yesterday at Ft to 81. Last week 71,000 This week. Bat. 13000 Mon. 12030 Tues. 11000 Wed. 1300i Thuro. 8000 Fit RECEIPTS Same week last year. 91,000 16000 9000 18000 18000 8000 84000 98,000 f,r' .; . 81m Coud l Tata. V : He was a popular young dentist; with - n". clientele among the smart women, one of .whom had been protesting for an hour that he was killing her. But . he kept steadily at work with a sooth ing word occasionally, and as he said, "That will do for today," he added. "Now,' I didn't really -hurt you, did X, .' Miss v.r "N-no," .' she admitted reluctantly, . "but I always felt as If you were Just going to." i .- . "That Is It." said he. "Now, then Is one infallible sign for which a, dentist always watches when be is working on a lady's teeth and Which she gives In voluntarily when she is hurt. She cant help giving It, and when Z See It I al ways stop." " "Tell me what It isr she Inquired eagerly. " - - "We never tell! he repIWa, with an - Inscrutable smile, ',':. '..' -...f "Whyr " "Because you would immediately try to counterfeit it" Washington. Post ' , f- . DIMB CATARRH SNUFF I ' loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus In nose, clears put the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising , from Its use la worth doUara-rhealth too Mfg. by Bradham'i Pharmacy.' -" paid for burned baggage First Time Passengers Knew Of Ex tea. dye fire On steamer. New York, April 16.-Dlrected by offi cers of the ateamshlp Marco Mlndhettl, the crew of the steamer took from her hold to-day a quantity of burned baggage belonging to the 8S5 steerage passengers who debarked from the vessel yesterday on her arrival. The taking out of the baggage was the first Intimation the pas sengers had that their lives had been la peril from fin when the ship was one day out of Naples, from which port the vessel sailed March 28. - . Some hay was on fin in one of the tor. ward compartments of the hold. The passengers saw the smoke, bnt wen told the ship waa being fumigated? This satis fled them, and thejofflcera and crew kept the real cause a secret. The. fin burned 18 hours before It was brought under control. .I'V'-" , " Today a representative of the steam. ship company was waiting on the pier , with a satchel full of money. - As each Immigrant who had suffered loss through the fin presented his claim he was paid. The lose of baggage was $1,500 but much more damage was done the steamer. lUEISLv -To Sail To North Pole. Chicago; April 16. In the worksof ;the MoDonnel Odometer Compsny here en gines and framework an being construct ed for three big airships, in which Pat rick E. McDonnel hopes to reach '. the North Pole next summer, ssys VkeChron isle. He Is confident that his . machines will work, as the model has proved suc cessful.; y ; ;tN v Z The airships will be built on the dirigi ble balloon plan and 'will be more than 400 feet long. It is said that seversl Chlca go capitalists an Interested in the Ten tun, the cost of which is expected tQ be wlthtn$50,000. : Hill Boomed For Governor. ; New York, A? rll 15. As a result of David B. Hill's speech st the harmony meeting at the Democratic Club every well-informed Demoratio politician is convinced that Mr. Hill' will take the nomination for Governor. : " ; T. Mr. Hill la in close touch with the Democratic aituatlon all over the State, and It Is regarded as significant that all of his friends are saying positively that the delegates to the State Convention will be elected without instructions for sny candidate for any office. There is sppanntly no one to question the sug gestion that Mr. Hill will control the convention. He will organize it, write the platform and name the ticket. If the delegates are uninstructed, a majority of them will be carefully selected adherents of the Hill faction. it . The Best Prescription tot Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gnova's Tasteless Chill Tonic, It Is simply Iron andqulnlne in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c British and German ' Government Dislike Philippine Tariff. Washington, April 16-Not only ' the British, but the German Government, has lodged a strong protest with . the State Department against the application of that part of the Philippine tariff act recently enacted and just ordered Into operation which authorizes the rebate of a portion of the export duties on Philip pine products imported Into the United Btstes. The greatest matter of complaint H hemp, which is imported into England and Germany m vast quantities from -Manila. North Carolina Leads In Rural Free ' ' DeUTery Routes. ; ; y Official Weather Bepert for March. Important Social Marriage. . ; . Yegetatloi tieaerally ' ; Backward. A. 1. j-r-. '-CtUeg to PUy. ;;. I Ralbish, April 17. The official re port on the weather In this State during March Iras issued today.'1' It says the mean temperature was M degrees, of 1.5 degrees, above norsaah rainfall 8 81 inches, of JB0 of an Inch below, normal. The lowest tempo ratun vu 4 degrees above sero, at LlnvUle. .? .f-.:jlV Dr. Tinman J. Backus, president of Tsckers Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., will deliver the commencement address at the Agricultural and Mechanical College here May 87 , . , ,, . if ( -.- ' : i ; , President -Winston of the A. Sc M. col lege spoke at Burlington this evening, on an industrial featun in the public schools. Burlington will adopt this plsn. - ' . , -. Gov. Aydock and State Superlntednent Joyner spoke this evening at the closing of the public school at LaGrange. ; This morning, In the Church of the Good Bhepherd, . Miss Annie Purnell, daughter of Judge T. R., Purnell, was united In marriage to Dr. Herbert. R. Drewry of Norfolk. Miss Dells Purnell a sister of the bride, wss maid of honor and Mr. Patrick Dnwry, a brother of the groom, waa best msn Mr. Dnwry is a first cousin of Mr. John C. Dnwry of Rsleigh, grand secretsry of the Grand Lodge of Masons. -.- . ' Todsy the Btate paid the $55,000 semi annual Interest on its 6 per cent bonds. It la said that vegetation vu never so backward hen as it is this year. It Is flfflclslly stated that mon rural free delivery routes an now being laid out in this State than in any other. Two special agents are ' In the Btate at work on this line. 'J. ' Bishop Leo Hald will In a few days lay the cornerstone of three new build ings at the Roman Oathollo Orphanage here. .-r:?--::' ' V'-';;" ' ' "; The dramallo club of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, aided by several Raleigh ladies, will plsy . The Rivsls" at Charlotte. The club made a hit hen In this plsy. , -. Shipment of Supplies Against Strug gling: Boers. ' Nbw Orleans, April : 16. Colonel Crowder, the United States officer as signed by the government to Investi gate the reported maintenance of an al leged British supply camp at Port Chal. mette, today examined the charges de claring that munitions 'of war wen being shipped from Chalmette to South Africa. ' .'. t " ' t -.V'.vi. All the recent evidence is understood to have" been largely In support of the charges made by Governor Heard, and some portions are said to have gone far beyond any, allegations submitted to Secretsry Hay by the Governor. v Bradham's Anti- - Bilious Liver Pllla, , ; are purely i vegetable and act by stimulating the liver, causing increased flow of bile and producing natural move ments of the bowels. They do not pro dace griping or sick stomach. Sure cun for Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn eta Price 25 cts. Manufactured by C D. Bradham, wholesale and retail drug gist, v ' . - BEEF TRUST UNEASY. : Don't Like Government Interference With Their Business." . ' Kansas City, Mo., April 15. The local packers showed evidence of alarm to-day over the Instructions from the. Depart ment of Justice to United States District Attorney Warner to begin proceedings against the Beef Trust. . t, . For the first time In over .aesr they failed to-day to Issue a uniform schedule of prices. The Cudahy Packing Company Bchwarsschlld A Sulzberger, the Armour Packing Company and Nelson, aforrls & Co. all Increased the price of beef in the carcass i cent while the Fowler Packing Company and Swift Packing Company mkdeno change. ' ';, ,v - r .The same ooscerna which raised ,beef i cent raised provisions that that is JUun bacon, lard, etc- f cent while the other two Issued bo new schedule of prices. The butchers believe that It is merely a ruse for the purpose of making the public, believe that then is no agree ment regarding the prices, and think that Fowler and Swift will soon follow In the footsteps of their competitors. : United States District Attorney War ner is still secretive on the method of the fight against the Beef Trust. A con firmation came from Washington yester day of the report that Major Warner has been instructed to make a fight to' break up the Trust but. the District Attorney declines to make any statement which would indicate what measun of relief may hoped for by the public. : r ; "The Grand Jury will be in session in two weeks," said the Major, "and it would be unwise for me to say whether the jury will or will not take up the so- called Beef Trust." f . , 7 , Confessed He Killed Mail-Carrier. - Cincinnati, April 15 Mumford Craft, alias "Jack" cjoluns, aged 18, was brought from Wise, Va., to Covington. Ky., today, and later confessed that he and a companion, whom he refused to name, killed a rural mall-carrier in Ma goffin county, Kentucky, January. 19, and secured $300 in rifling the mail sack. - " , - -.,. Another German Conrtesy. ' Washington, April 15. An Invitation has been received from the German Em peror asking that three army officers be detailed to witness the autumn maneuvers of the German Army. Secretary Root will accept the invitation. ' Adjutant-General Corbin probably will be one of those as signed. The courtesy has never before been extended this Government. S ConfoderotA Camp Flags. "' - The Confederate stars and ban wero in 1803 supplemented by the camp flog. This was in size and shape like the other, except that It was white, with no stripes, and the battleflag in the tipper corner next the staff. 'It was found deficient In actual service in that, displaying so much white, It was sometimes apt to be mistaken for a flag of truce, and on Feb. 24, 1805, It gave place to the last flag of the Con federacy, the outer half being a red vertical bar. ' Appearing so late in the .war, it was not so familiar as the 6th-ers-in fact it was comparatively little known. .- .. , ; ' LESS WORRY. . , ; Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dozens of ways, and you can't prevent it. All you can do is to keep them as free from exposun as possible and al ways have in the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway'a Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It i .guaranteed to cun Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling it. Sold by Davis', Henry's, . and Bradham's Pharmacy. - '2 " ' ''-' Gossip on Associate Justiceship Nomination. N j.. Negro Mass Meeting a - Failare. tlreat Cellege Game ef Base ' ' Ball. Bepablicaa Claims. Penalty too w , ,. "- -. Severe. Ralkioh, April 16. The State mass meeting bf negroes held hen yesterdsy wss a flat failure in point of numbers. Only a dozen or ao wen here from other places. , Senator Prltchard was, as pre dicted; roasted for allowing so many; in fact almost all, the negro postmasters In the State to be 1 removed.- Once there wen scores of them; now there sre only half a dozen. i' The negroes ssy that all the talk of the white Republicans about the benefit that will result from the dropping of the negro is mere ' bosh; that the white Republicans claim that with ' the negro eliminated their party will get white Vo ters to join It, but thst this will not hap pen, and "thst the negroes have really created and kept alive the white Repub licans. v:'.. -..";' 0 '". '"...'.: , Auditor W.Q. Cole of Mississippi Is hen. He was asked why his State hsd few or no . cotton mills and said It was because the banks made so much money snd the interest rate is unlimited. He ssys some, banks pay 85 per cent divi dends a year and that there Is no stste supervision of them. . ' .. . One of the special evenja of this week hen will be the bsse ball game between fhe University of Virginia and the Uni' verslty of North Carolina next Satur day. It will be played at the State fair grounds. All the gsmes here this sea- ion are to be played at the fair grounds. The Republicans ssy they hare no chance of carrying the State this year. From Greensboro eastward there is prac tlcally no organization. -. V .. So far no one but Walter Clark . is In the field for the demooratlo nomination for chief justice, but it can today be said to be entirely probable that he will have opposition before the date of the State convention. , - , . '':.; . As to the associate justiceships it Is ssserted by people on the inside that H. G. Connor will defeat George H. Brown for the nomination for .what may be termed the ."eastern judgeship." For ths "western judgeship" there sre four as pirants, all with a strong following, these being Piatt J. Walker, J. A Lock hart, C. H. Armfield and O..A. Moore. Walter W, Mills of BIscoe, today gave the Methodist orphanage here 1000. . The Supreme court returns to the Su perior court the case of Ed. S. Battle who was sentenced to the roads for as saulting Mayor Powell, of Raleigh, hold- log that the penalty Imposed wss too severe. . , DISGUISED CATARRH. A Stealthy, Insidious, ' Weakening Enemy to Women. Insurance Men Quit Vicksburf. Yicksburg, Miss., April 15-The special agents of all the fin insurance companies doing business hen met today, and later , all the local . fin agents reported that they had suspended business. The trouble grows out of the failure of the city to reorganize the Fire Department, which It is claimed Is Incompetent. 7 : , BET. HABRTJET B. EDWARDS, CLnT05, IA. - . Mrs. Wm. Hatrlok. Xennard, Wiib- ta(Cton ooanty, Netx, writes i 0 I am nfty-dx yean old and have not ; felt well since the Change ot Life began ten yean ago. I waa in misery some- -when most of the time. My befk was i very weak, and my flesh so tebder it t hurt me to lean against the bees: of a. chair. I had pain nndea mt ahonldep. blades, In the small ot my back and ! hips. I sometimes wished mvtelf oat of t this world. Had hot And- coll stmUs.. dlsaineas, and trembllpMt the limbs, , and was losing flesh all the time. , "iter following your diieotipaa and - taking Pemna I now feel like a different : person." Mrs. Wm. Hetrlck. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and i Walnut streets, Appletofi, Wis, writes ss louows in regard to Perunai " For yean I have suffered with back ache and seven pains in the side. I! i doctored so much that I became die-' oouxeged.. f A school Mend' told, me how very, much Pernna had benefited her and- sent on) for Rev. Harriet R. Edwards In a recent letter from Mt. Pleasant Park, Clinton, Ia wrrtee ', : ; - "f brc IbsuMf that Ponat h a wonderful medlcta to use In dlseaseM peculiar to women. It f akkty and permanently restore health and vigor and sets as a natural toaks to wom-ottt system. 1 hare solar never observed a case which warn not greatly aided by Ha use. "-HEV: DR.H. R. EDWARDS. THERE are a multitude ot women, . especially housewives, and all other V women obliged to be on their feet constantly, who an wretched beyond de scription, simply because their strength and vitality Is sapped away by catarrhal discharges from the pelvic organs. These women get up in the morning tired, 'drag themselves through their dolly duties tired, only to go to bed at night as tired as before, s vi-i' Pemna Is such" a perfect specific for each case (hat when patients have once Used It they can never be Induced to quit It until they are permanently cured. It begins to relieve the . disagreeable symptoms at once. The backache ceases, the trembling knees are strength ened, the appetite restored, the digestion made perteot, -. the dull , headache is stopped and the weakening drains an gradually cored. These results certainly follow a course of treatment with Pe mna. -t" . V'-;'i''..r''!-';:''. . Jos. B. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes from Robinson, 111. s "iMssw Crowley baa taken a number ot bottlea of peruna on account of nervous troubles.- It has proven strong toolc and lasting cure I can cheerfully tecommend lt."-Jos. a. Crowley.. bottle, which did more to relieve me than all the other medicine I had ever taken. M I used It faith fully tor two weeks and It com pletely eured me. I have not had any pains since, anywhere, but feel like anew woman. I am truly thankful for Barbara Alberty. ' has what Peruna done for me." Barbara Alberty. Mrs. D. W. Mason, 602 Dauphlne street, New Orleans, 1 writes : M I have been taking your Peruna and Manalin and oan cheerfully recommend! It to all those suffering with the same trouble thst I was. I have been surf er- ing for the past two yean with female weakness, palpitation of the heart, stom ach, kidney and liver disorder, and above all a dreadful ooueh with smother ing spells. I waa completely run down. "After I had taken one bottle of Pe runa and a few doses of your Manalin, I could sleep soundly, my heart waa better, my cough left me, it acted imme diately upon my nerves, and after tak ing four bottles according to your direc tions, t waa entirely eured ot all my troubles. "I can truthfully aay that there la nothing to equal your Pernna and Man alln. I was a different women after tak ing the second bottle. It is without a doubt the best mediolne In the world. Language falls to express my gratitude for this cure. Msy God bless yott." Mrs. D. W., Mason. ; If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your oase and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vioe gratis. - -'.;,;.. , . Address Dr. Hartman, President 'of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. McDufflCS Little Blue Liver Fill make blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new penon of you. 85 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. ' ' t ' ' ' CIcdsl Dyspepsia Cera C!sMt what you eat. Chainless fficydes ; ; at chain prices. : ' : , " A strictly high grade Clipper Chainless Bicycle at $35.00 fitted with the Leland and Falconer bevel gear exactly the same gear used in the celebrated Col umbia Chainless Bicycles.- This is the Greatest Bicycle Bargain ever offered for the money. ' : ., , , . : Only a few left- ' ' " !' ', , ; WM. X:HiLL7 : ...... SPORTING GOODS, . - 91-93 Middle Stret Phone US. There's not a Thing in this Grocery ; ; . that will not pass the most rigid inspection ' by any "pure food expert" If it isn't right we don't sell ft, you know, ,: ' -K? :;'.V-- This week, as usual, we have r some "specials" and these' specials are a mighty good thing for housekeepers. ' Heiaz's 1 ickles an mighty good things, we have them. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., ' Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. aaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i!3 UU'li v.Qu j 1 I nnn . U.UuLJ LiuU nronn Llj r--i l .f - r I rTTTTITTTITriTTITIIIimTTYl M H M M M llcro's.t!i3 W -Very Wczid of j Lov Pricing ! i 4a n St- .4 . ;;, Mrvelously LOW PRICES on Meritorious ; H ' 'c , -J . . . 4 . - tTZ - - 1 , .1 . Ta 1 ' a v v - - m ' i ' I rianos nave sec me reopie , f t ' i . ' 1 , f v t , if : a talking ! 1 . - Bf'r-r i i -r3 u J 1 it Y lrCU to 'zz to . Tr, GHF.A7 FAGTGiiY SALE OF .V2'3 UFHIGIIT FIA" mtmmtt; ,hi;wi:;mHvHi : Beauty, Service and Value f in Every Piano. J i a y - . p is tho mobt-t"-ei-of and the most praiseworthy mercantile event ever rtcordod in the history of New Bern, Our wonderfully LOW FI.ICI.3 ori Iiano ' . I or known tawe, aaa out rAYiiT FLAIT, is gojsetMng entirely new to the people of this and snrrounding towns. ' Euyb-r 'lu'erb in- : ; t a-r 4 ' truments for conaideriUy LEC3 T3A1T PACTOHY ' miCIZ3 and paying for them on prastically your yn teims, appeals to every' masic-loviag man ' V ClilZZ ana womaa o iry to n;,. .3 i .r money go as far ag poss :::u: r.i ' wJaZSZ. ' qua:: Ar;Tr:r:D ran rivn "; xrr. r:n i i r -A ; -' We s'anme all r; yourmui-y. ccu.a i -j.u.iig ce iuircr r Uouu anyone pcr.ibly do more? ETJT, LZllT DELAY COMDfa! Get here at the e..ii: trcUamo- inf I- .-"I. M- t- 1-'!.. I .,.1 l U l. l , - ...... .... . "A """" ' . J J -4 maa-e a sa,.i ca.a aepc-.t, aa we'll tlaUver t e li,no to your home immcdiatoly. t aumeaa r.. muij tot wur ooniuct dunnj that time. . If you're aot sr.'.;.."l with yout purchase, send it back, we 'Rill gladly ' refund "" Cz2 and Inspect the I ' ' ' I f I - r