TEE WEEKLY. JOURNAL astakUansd i7 Publiibod In Two Beotiom, erery TueaJ day ud Fri 'ay, at M lllddk Street, new Bern, N. - ; CHARLES L. STEVENS vnvfl uib rwrBurvii ,g I SUBSCRIPTIOHf BATES: Two Month, ......r.S8 Cent. Threes Months............ 00 , Bi- Months 60 " TwJm Moo ths, .........H;0f pKLT IN ADVAKU5-, idvertialnc rates furnished upon np- i il cation at the office, or upos. inquiry CTThe Joubrai, U only sent on pey- . - 1 rl :n in-tavanoe oaus. ouoecnuo receive notice of expiration of their iud- WiyNW Ml .III iiiwimtw - I notice wul be appreciated , by Ithe J U UK AX. Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern n.Uw second-class matter. . Sec lon One, Tuesday, April 22, 1908 LESSENING COURT DOCKETS. A subscriber of the Journal, after reading ltt editorial on "Many Cases and Many ICourts," offers as a remedy for this surplus of litigation, the Institution of the whipping post There Is no donbt bat that the whip ping post would prore a means for greatly lessening the court dockets. There are hundreds of petty cases eTery year before the courts, which are simply an expense to the tax payers, and which in no way serve to maintain or preserve law and order by these be ing brought up. The culprits are brought before the court, after being kept in confinement for days, weeks, or perhaps months, all at an expense to the community, and if the offender is found guilty, the punish ment is usually an acceptable one. In this section, negroes who may re ceive penitentiary sentences, ' are sent away with the greatest demonstration on the part of their friends, and their rc turn from prison means a local celebra tion of the event If in the minor offenses, such as brawls and petty larceny cases, there could be administered a good whipping, instead of Jail and court trial, there would be a great falling off in the court dockets, while there would be almost a cessation of these offenses, which are t rival in character, yet most disturbing to the community, It may sound brutal to advocate a whipping post, but it would not merely serve to lessen the tax payer's burden through expense! of Jails and courts, but it would serve to preserve better order and make the number of criminals de- criase. ' y - ... t is the fear of "corporal punishment that makes the would be - offender hesi tate more than that coming from the thought of jail and court trial, with fine and possible further imprisonment. THE PEOPLE'S GREATEST . TAX." The full amount of the annual waste made by fire in this country, is seen by the estimate that $150,000,000 has been the average loss during recent years. In round figures this Is one per cent of the taxable property In this coun try. ' , . And farther this annual fire tax means that the - people onoe 'every ten years pay a sum equal to their national debt. '- This tax for protection against fire comes high, yet it is paid voluntarily, quite different from other taxes, which have to be dragged from the people by the tax collectors. -. : The flimsy character of the .buildings In the United States makes the fire tax higher in this country than In any other civilised nation, v The French people have the lowest fire losses of any country, It amounting to six cents on the $100 . - In England it is nine cents on each $100. loss. ; . la the different States In this country the loss varies, as the character of build- ings change. In New York it Is fifty eight cents; In Massachusetts sixty cents; In Texas $1.10; in Arkansas, $1.81 on the $100. , The range in this country Is 1 notable one, but from the six cents In France to the $1,81 In Arkanssi, the vastly in creased rate of loss shows how. different must "be the bandings and the sum of the proportionate total losses. LOCAL CAPITAL CAN EINDERJDE velcpeekt. i J-if? There Is always an urging In "very community, that local Inducements be made to attract outside capital, in order to assist local development ' r Bat is not this calling upon outside money to come to a community's sssli tance, too often oyer done t :, Are there not rrnny towns nd cities in the South, whose Chambers of Com merce, whose ssvrpapera, tod whose buslneat men, hi trying to attract this outside capital, overlook the fact that very much of what they seek, namely, nemployed money, fa to be found in their own town or dtyt There fa no question, but that today, there are maay Southern towns and cities, whose people and the local busi ness organizations are trying to induce outside money to come in, and build them op, which are really congested al ready with money, which Is held In their banks, or else placed at Interest, which Is helping some nearby town to build It is the active dollar put into local circulation, which does the developing, and while there may be thousands of dollars in a city's bank vaults, and the bank statements may Indicate prosperi ty, as to dollars on deposit, there may be an utter lack of development or pro gress in the community. n ... . It fa the shut np dollar In the:, bank vault, or put out of circulation In the purchase of outside securities, stocks or bonds, which is In contrast to the active dollar, going Its rounds In a common!- ty. - The one, acts as a dog to local devel opment, the other promotes business and builds up trade. , tv . If the people of many communities which are now begging outsiders to come In and invest , their money with them, would Instead constitute themsel ves a committee of the whole, take an Inventory of their own local funds, and after doing so, would make "their own money an active factor In local develop ment, Instead of keeping (t in safes and vaults, there would be no need of outside help. ; And the community which develops itself, through Its own means, fa the one which Is going to show real develop ment. ? Many places are today, In the Bouth, congested and sluggish, Just because their people refuse to use their own money In local development-and in stead keep calling upon strangers to come in and help them. r No development need be expected in such communities, for outside capital fa not attracted to any place whose people are not showing that they can help themselves. Deafness Cannot be Cored --- --- by local application as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There fa only one way to cure deafness, and that fa by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucos lining of the Eus tachian Tube, when this tube Is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it fa en tirely closed, Deafness fa the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken Cut and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing win 1 destroyed for ever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which fa nothing but an In flamed condition - of , the mucos sur faces. A-' -A-? r-.l: ft We will give One Hundred - Dollars for any oase of Deaf nets (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, .free. F. J. CHEKBT & CO., Toledo, O. Bold byll Druggists. ,. K, I '' Hall's Pamily Pills are the best . What Dumont Will Do. , ' . Washington, April 17. Santos Du mont confirmed the statement today, published yesterday, that he would circle the Liberty Statue In his flying machine in July or August He said, "I am pleased with the sixty thousand dollar price offered and will sign an agreement to return to St Louis Uncertain condi tions are fulfilled." -v h ; v a ; 1 v A Testimonial .From Old Enflant " 41 consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best in the world for bronchitis" saya Mr. William Savory, of Warring ton, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr to .bron chills for over six yean, being most of the time confined to her bed. She to nbw quite welt". Bold by F. 8. Duffy A Co, Peace Negotiations Postpone! ' " London, April 18 Peace negotiations with the Boers have been postponed for three weeks In order to enable the Boer General to consult the- commander in the field. , , : Tie Best Bleol Pnriaer. '-' The blood fa constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs In a healthy condition and the bowels tegular and you will have no need of a blood purifier. For this pur pose there fa nothing equal to Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose of them wQl do yon more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. - Price, 25 cents- E.-xplee free at F. & Duffy ft Co' dndtafs. T. ,1 . , ...'.V-.-V'. Cites Eajr RczuJa.-: ' ?l Washington, April 13 The President's declared purpose to reduce Gen. Miles as a rebuke may be abandoned, because of the widespread opposition la the Sen ate and Booms ' - - '' TOO KSOW Hil TC-J Ar.3 V'l When you tilaC; : . ,."3 . C. Tonic, because tl fonnula Is printed on ve-y t ; ' :'s : ' " ' ' ' fa limply Iron e.si i&JL.) ii a i ... . 'form.. Kocuie BOi:7.r.!.9 V.s, -SPLENDID BLUNDERS. ! That Have Bm Fee tit4 r the Tra. Errors of the press often begla svlth errors of reporters wbo have mlsundar toed epoken words. . The rule of fol low, copy compels the compositor tq re peat the exact word written by, the reporter, and the following blunder are the result ofbedieno to thia rule, A speaker made thia atatemect: In these day clergymen are expect ed to. hare the wisdom and learolnej of Jeronsj; Taytor.1 Bat the reporter iwrote . and the compositor repeated theuovfadoin and seanl&g of a oxn neymnn tailor. , Another speaker quoted these tinea: Oh. oona, then foddaaa (at and (res, la heaves rotas ttphroa7ne - They .were printed, a iwrltten: Oh. com, tnos fodAen (air and (Tea, In haavan aba crept and troaa her knaa Another orator Quoted thia line rom Tennyaon'a "Lockatey Salk - r Setter fifty ream or Europe than a crde Ot cathar. Bui the quotation was written and prjnledj .. . .- . - ' . : atter-Aftj rears of Europe than a ctreus in Bombay. ,. . One tit the wont perventoiu of 9 hackneyed quotation. Incorrectly given by Coe Bpeakev, la fhi which seema CO be the Joint work of the asaioqa r porter and toe equally reckleas printer: amtnui Plato, unlove Boorates, ad major I avar 00m FWto, I on SWd UUor Vrkaa. mar onas Bocraeast Tro Praotice ot Tuomtitiy.' W. & taaka Made Vsaral la Beldam. In Brussera, Halinea and other Bel gian towns a novel method of not only getting rid of smoke, but turning it Into nee, has recently been employed. The smoke is driven by a ventilating fan into a filter filled with porous ma terial; over which a continuous stream of petroleum, benzine, alcohol or some liquid hydrocarbon flows. ' The result Is that ths smoke fa entirely suppress ed, while the filter yields a gas of great calorific power, which can be used for heating purposes and for driving gat engines. The filtering material itself also becomes a good combustible. i Shot In His Left Lej - For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve fa a sure cure. Bklu diseases yield to It at onoe. Never falls in cases of piles. . Cooling and healing. None gen utn but DeWitt's, Beware of counter feits.' "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. " "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of rem edies to no purpose, until I - tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." F. S. Duffy. Dole Retakes His Place, ' London, April 18 An official an nouncement, annulling tne bankruptcy of the Duke of Manchester, who married Hiss Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, was made la the House of Lords today, en abling the Daks to retake his seat among the hereditary legislators of the British empire '--.v. ; ; Wants To Help Others, "I had stomach troubles all my life," saya Edw. Mehler, proprietor of . the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to se veral doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment peace Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been -taking it to my great satisfaction, I never found - its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recom mend It in hops that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Care cares all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet.:! Kodol Dyspepsia Care digests what yoa eat F. & Duffy. , Delicate Diplomatic Question. Washington, April 18 The disposition of the friars and their lands in the Philippines fa one of the delicate ques tions, before the . administration. . It haa diplomatic as well as legal complica tions. , . 1 "wjwxsnsanwa v Wields a Sharp Ax.- v -. Million marvel at ths multitude -of maladies est off by Dr. King's New Life Pills the most distressing too. Stomach Liver and- Bowel troubles Dyspepsia Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall before : these wonder worker. : 85c at C D Bradham' drug store. .. j- Elg Fire In Brooklyn. .' Brooklyn, N.Y., April 18 Fire wiped out the main building of the Bradley Branch of the National White Lead Com pany thia morning, causing a heavy loss and a great panio in a row. of tenement house in the rear.-?'-, " - .,; A If early Fatal Runaway - Started a horrible nicer on the leg- of i, B. Orner, Frsnklin, Grove, ID., which deded doctors and all remedies for four years. : Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured hint JuBt as rood for Boil, Barns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns; Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25o at O. D Bradham's drug store. N ' ' ; Qneen Wilhcbilna Very in. Amsterdam, April ' 17. Queen WU- helmina passed a bad night The fever fa ttin raging and does not abate, Com plications ' threaten to set In. Grave anxiety fa felt concerning the young Qteen.; .,;,,C"-?:;s'j ,Xh' -) A Doctor's pal pi:jht' Two years ago, as a result or a e- vere cold, I lost my voice," writes Dr. M U Scarborough, of Hebron, Ohio, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to m as a practicing physician for S3 years, failed, and I dally grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's "'sv r'-wvery for Consumption, .a CVUd, I founi C i' f x it h t tf-n dsvs hve fcit I . . - T ! . , .i "!! , 1 .istt-caiaiuj. 'it 1 1 . Dyspepsia Cure Digests ts-h&t yoa eat. This DreDaratlon contains all of tht digesUnts and digests all kinds ol rooa. 1 tfrrrca instant reitcr and never fall to sure. It allows yoa to eat aL the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousand of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else fai led. It prevents formation or gas on 1 ue, stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. uieung unnecessary. I'teasaDtio iako. Ik can't help : - but do you good frspandoolybr K.OL DlWmAOa.Ohiraa Xb St totUe conulns SH U ib tea. ata F. 8. DUrFT & CO. SOUTHERN MAN IN THE CABINET (Korth CarolUns Hare Keen Sag gestced. Washington, D. . C ' April 10. A strong combination fa pushing for a Cabinet place a Southern man la the pre sent Administration.' The matter , was laid before the t President by Senator Prltchard and Bepresentativrs Blackburn and Moody, of North CarolIna.They had a talk of some length on ths subject pointing out to ths President the fact that one-third of the country In point of population fa ignored la the cabinet rep resentation. --' . ".;.-, Among the frames considered in this connection have been H. Clay Evans, the Pension Commissioner! .Senator- Mo- Laurin, of South Carolina; Captain Char les Price, of Salisbury ,N. O; division couosul of the Southern Railway, or Judge Bynum, of Greensboro, N. TJ ex- Governor W.O. Bradey, of Kentucky, and even Senator Prltchard himself has been spoken of, but he will not consider the proposition. The Fiji eat Fabrio made by human skill is coarse compared with the lining of the bowels. When this tender membrane is Irritated we have griping pains, diarrhoea and cholera morbus. Whatever be the cause of the trouble, take Perry Davis' Painkiller ac cording to the directions with each bot tle, Travelers in all climates carry Pain killer in their gripsacks. Large bottles 25 and 60 cents.- Ship Subsidy Bill Doomed. Washington, April 16 It has been de elded at a conference of Republican leaders of both Houses to shelve the ship subsidy bill recently passed by the Senate. Two propositions looking to this end are under advisement; one to al low the bill to cIe quietly in the Commit tee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, where it now fa, and the other to report it tack with a motion to proceed toils consideration. The Best Remedy For Rheumatism. zJ?' qOICK BKLIHr MOM VklS, ";," h All who.used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are. delighted with the quick relief front pain whtoh it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: 'Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism In my arm and shoulder. I tried, numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons A Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain' Pain Balm. They recom mended it so highly that I bought a bot tle. I wss soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that It fa ths best remedy for muscu lar rheumatism In the market"' For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. - Queen Has Typhoid Feyer. The Hague, April 18 An official bul letin issued today says that .Queen Wll- helmlna passed a very quiet night It ad- mittsdthat the patient was suffering from typhoid fever. -' C . Life and Property loss. Wlnsted, Penn., April 17 One woman dead and a fireman mortally hurt Is the result of a flreia Lilley Block, Torrlngton, early today. The . loss Is heavy. - -w "r'y. Caught a Dreadful Cold.' Marlon- Kooke,: manager for T. U, Thompson, a largo importer of fine mil linery, at 1658 ' Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: "Daring the late severe weather I canght a dreadful cold "which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my woik. during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy for sever cold at that time, which seemed ' to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to Improve at onoe. I ant now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowl edge its merits.? For aalo . by F.8. Duffy & Co. ' Despondent, Commits Suicide. New York, April 17. Chai. Flecken- stein, a wealthy maasfacturlng tailor of Williamsburg, and his nins year , old daughter Emma, were found dead today, suffocated by gas In their fiat on Stock holm street The father's grief over the death of hi wife made him mad and spondent . . . :. . - If troubled by a weak digestion, ; loss of appetite. Or eonstfpatatlon, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Every box warranted, For Sals by F S DuITy & Co. ; StotTlcIr Uncle. Hudson, N. Y., A; .11 18 TLe tL. s Van Wormcr l.-yi were found guilty of ' : " " ' t (3 t 1 I' 5 t tf stiOoC 2 V. 's t . 1 uncle FV.;r C.J Jot;'. ;.k l t C" . ' ' ' 1. lUtlGII. Imperial Tobacco Co. To Fight Tobacco Trust. Delegate t Confederate Ksaalsn. Weather Check Farm - Work. Base Ball Iaterest. State . Charters. FnltaadBsr . ry OallMk ' ' " CoA' r Rjojuoh, April 18. The Imperial To bacco Company fa going to fight the Tobacco tmst,and today paid l,CO0 license tax to do bat nets In this city aadcountr, . . , . Considerable Interest Is shown hers In ths project to build s railway front Ral eigh to Washington, N. C. Ufa asserted that, by the end of next week Raleigh will have subscribed the 150,000 expect ed of it As plaansd, ths road will be nearly an air line, , Seventeen persons will go from hers to ths Confederate reunion at Dallas, A number ot people here leave today on their way to that place.' '. Yesterday's rain Will check, farm work for several days. Low lands are but little looked after as yet as most of them hsve been wstsr soaked for months. " t . ' . Plans are not perfected for the com pletion of the Church of the Good Shep herd here, which It is proposed to msks ths cathedral of this Protestant Episco pal diocese. Two plans are proposed; ons to let a contract to build the church and put on the roof, but not put up ths Interior; the other to complete all. -The foundation has been laid three years. Many out of town' people are coming here to ses ths game of base ball tomor row afternoon between the University of Virginia and the University of North Carolina. Raleigh will send out a large audience. All the players on Raleigh? league team will arrive here Monday evening, from Washington. ' The Bute charters the Cln-Cho Com pany, of GoMsboro, with a capital of $115,000. It is to manufacture a bever age to be dispensed in drug stores, etc M. E. Robinson and others are the stock holders. A charter ii also granted the Melville Briok Company of Mebane, capital 110, 000, E. W. Thompson and others stockholders.'.'- V.-..V'- - . The State Superintendent of publlo Instruction rules , that the apportion ment for the publlo schools Is made In January and July, baaed on the census returns made September of the previous year. The fourth volume of the North Car olina Regimental Histories will be oat in a fortnight. ; " Governor Aycock fa greatly pleased at the Interest taken In publlo education. He spoke at La Grange last night The publlo schools there arc kept open 6 months in the year., He says the people will take steps to keep .them open 8 months. . The outlook for fruit and grapes and berries appears to be very good. V How many of these escaped the later frosts and freezes is really puziling. 'The grape crop promises to be s very large. Southern Pines to now the centre of that Industry. . . The lawyers were discussing the men its and demerits of a well known mem ber of tho New Orleans bar who bad been gathered to bis fathers, and one of the party; says ths New Orleans Times-Democrat recalled the time when he studied in the old man's office. We had a copying clerk '-whose In efficiency continually worked the Judg up to tho point of explosion.: One day a wire basket fell off the top of hi desk and scratched his cheek. Not having any coortplaster, be slapped on three postage stamps and went on with bis work, A little later he had some papers to take to the United States court and, forgetting all about the stamps, be put on his bat and went out As he entered the office the Judge raised his head and fixed hint with an astonished stare. The clerk stopped and looked frightened and finally ask- Cdj . ...;-.,.- : "Anything -er wrong, slrfV v "Yea, slrr thundered the old gentle- 1nan. "You are carrying too much postage for second class matter. . - Dataa:era f tke Apart rr. , The distilled essential oil f almonds, which when diluted supplies the poprf lax flavoring for sweets and confection- cry known ss "ratafia," contain in Its strongest form a sufficient percentage of hydrocyanic add to make It highly dangurous. . A young man wbo wss ex ecuting an order hy pouring it from largo bottle to a smaller one noticed that he had not put . the label quite straight on the smaller bottle and took it off again. Before replacing the mba be licked It to make sure of Its sticking properly, . But while pouring he had Inadvertently let a drop or two trickle on the outside of the bottle where he had Bfflxed tho labeL - Then when he touched the label wfth his tongue be felt as if something shot along that member and also lamp of his heart 80 be rushed to a tap, which was for tunately close nt hand, and pot hi tongue under tho running water. Never aa long aa be lived, be said, would bs forget that poisoning sensation, Cham bers' Journal . The;Great Dismal Swamp ' Of Vlrglnls Is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. 80 fa low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills fever, aches In the bones and muusclei, and may Induoe dangerous maladies, But Eleotrlo Bitters Dever fail to destroy them and cure malarial trou V Thsv !'! inrelv nievent trhoId, " ,,e trlnd maay remedies for Lularia sn.I i 'msch aad Liver tro'ibles," writes 1 1 ( - n, rf r -:. O., ! r. 3t" -- , i i." 'i 1 f I , "'. Vh T t '3. C. D. XT 3 f -Wils ' v : PLATXRS SIGNED By snUdgV entires TTO1 Accept rod- . v Moss la state Leagsc 4 Special to Journal. Ralkmh, April 18. The Raleigh Ball dob has signed Softie second base man and Foster short stop. The latter is a star player, fialslgh's Infield will bs reryatrong. v t . Thosaa MeNsssara,of Alleghany City Ps accept the position aa umpire. Proud and Macs will accept as the other umpires. . . - North Carolinv Defeated. Special to Journal. . CHarm, Hrm April 18. In the ball gams here today between the University of Virginia and the University of North Carotins, tho Virginian's woe by a score of 0 to in ten Innings. Boers Practically Agreed for Peace. London, April 17.-Tho Dally Mall claims to have authority to announce that basis of peace have been practically agreed upon al Pretoria, but says that some little time win elapse before the details of the plan can be perfected. The papers sdds that upon finding that the British government refused on Wed nesday to modify tu terms with regards to amnesty, banishment and a responsi ble government the Boer delegates met again on Thursdsy. The British decision, practically lead ing them the alternative of accepting the British terms or breaking up the confer ence, was then communicated to them and the delegate proved much more reasonable. When Lord Mtlner, the British high commissioner In Bouth Africa, promised the delegates one or two seats on the executive council subject to ths approval of the government and pending the re storation of a responsible government they practically agreed to accept the British terms. t-'oroe details, continues the Dally Mail, which are not likely to create difficulty, still remain, Tb CtfrloM Bug-It! Soldier. What label shall we put on the oaprtt Which permits a Une of soldiers ad vancing under A devastaQng fire to yell wfth laughter and delight and throw their helmets at a hare spring ing up before them, as a row of beat er does In a covert Forgotten the enemy and the terrible position ahead; forgotten friends falling alongside or lying In ones and twos over the course behind; remembered only the little fur ry fugitive bobbing like a brown ball amid thespfts of dust of the bullets, pursued by a stentorian roar a kindly ss the "Uun, puss!" of the gentle old sportsman at Altcarl I have seen that not once, but several times, snd hun dreds will bear me witness. So, too, with a loose snd a runaway horse on the "battlefield. Ete would delay the finest attack ever conceived by genius, so completely would bis exciting career absorb the attention of every soldier within sight; so, too, would a curious snake In the grass or an apple laden tree or anything trivial and uncon nected with the work In hand Lon don Spectator. : -.--; Cuba's ExportsIIncrease. Washington, April 17. The Insular Division of the war department has prepared for publication an exact regu lar monthly bulletin showing in compar ative form ths commerce of Cobs for the calendar year 1001 and 1000. The ex port Increased 29 per cent while there fa a slight decrease In Imports. Kaiser's Yacht Reaches Europe. London, April 17. The Kaiser's yacht Meteor Third, towed by the steamship Scotia patsed Prawlpolnt this morn ing. . - . : An Ex-Kin; of Spain Dead. Rnlnsv. France. April 17. Don Fran Cisco D'Asslst, ex-KIng of Spain, Is dead Ho was expelled In 1868. ... ; - " , Disorders In Belgium. - 'Brussels, April 10 Disturbances were reported from various part of the coun try today. Small bomb were exploded at Liege and elsewhere. A bottle filled with gunpowder was exploded at the door of a residence and at the glass works at Mastemont near Lalouvlere. Chinese Troops Cut to Pieces. ' Hong Kong, April 16VA courier who arrived at Canton yesterday reports that over 8,000 imperial soldiers, sent by Marsbsl 8u sgalnst the rebels, were am bushed in a narrow defile and all were killed or captured. , The situation In the rebellious districts of southern China is increasingly alarming. U Dr. Talmage Burled. : New York, April 16. The remains of the 1st Rev. Dr. T, DeWItt Talmage ar rived from Washington this morning and were Immediately- taken to Green wood cemetery, Brooklyn, . where the interment took place In the family lot. . ' "ff .'ir '11 1 11 w y&, Bad No Accomplices. "St, Petersburg, April 16. Balschanet, who yesterday ; assassinated M. Slpia gulne. minister of .the interior, say h acted without accomplices. He says, however, that his act was precipitated by unrest among tho students. ', Costly Legislative Oversight Annapolis, Md., April 16. The Mary land IcaWaturs met here at noon today in extraordinary session. In pursuance ot a call lasuea by uovernor Bmun as the result of the failure to pats at the r;n'ar scsroh, Which came to an end tfch81 last any bt'J providing the Items and rate of tlie direct tsfc .; , IF YTHMYM I PI IT Wpoocful ot MtxW t; Ida- twUIIILLlUI tmat into a gka half full of iraur au4 Vtthtkdsgargls yosr throat eium it wiU quickly con m Hon ThroaW Keep this . fact always fresh ia your memory: For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, you need only to apply ffexican ffustam jniment" a few times and the soreness and inflammation will be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. To get the best results you should saturate a pieco of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. 25c., COc. and $1.00 a bottle. I tCCP AM CYC flN your poultry and at Uie very first sign of lit.E.r nil 1 1 1 till houn, Scaly Igs, Bumblefoot or other diseases among your fowls use Mexican Mustang Liniment. -At the. Head Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. ram oou iw Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good enre. Makes wrappers and!fjlls your purse. By ita merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on hig sixty acres of tobacco. x -As our goods are manufactured near you nnd not re shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. Binh Gract Callage, Foialo, Allcrop ctfi Cotter: Ensue, Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Gooil." MHf you use Fertilizers Call and See us. K. II. J. A. MEADOW S O., High Urade Fertilizers, Factory Neose River. NKW IlKKN, N. C. AT Wl. HAHN & SON'S 40 head of Horses and Mules adapted tor the farmdraught and road work, thoroughly seasoned and ready. for work. " Full line of Buggies, Harnees, Wagons, Caibv Et.. ' - See usibefore'buying and SAVK MONEY. ' ' . ' - in. II All N .V SON Loi G. D ANIELS, -DEALER IN- Horses : FEED AND EXCHA NE STABLES. 42 AND 44 CBAYEK 8TEST, 0PP0SIU HYMANSl'PPLY CO, r FOR Horses, Mules, Baggies, Farm r ' . . Wagons, Carts : ; y 1 Wheels and Harness ; ' , . GIVE HE A TI2IAX C '.Py . '' Y: '-'T " ' . fi Mules. 3 )

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