VOLDMC XXV. HIW BEEN, CRATII COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1902. FIRST SECTION. NUMBER 9 m iffi m:0 ..:'.(.. Hot Molls, hot muffins; hot cakes, made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indigestion. FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS In North Carolina. Congressman Thomas' ' Good Work. F pedal to Journal. Washington, D. C, April 20. Con gressman Thomas has secured for North Carolina public buildings, for Durham, 70,000 Goldsboro $26,000 and an In crease of 120,000 for Elizabeth City. Charges Against Immigration Bureau. Chicago, April 25 The interstate com merce commission decided today to In vestigate the charges that the western Immigrant bureau Is a pool and con ducting an illegal business. The Silk Mill Strike in Paterson. Paterson, N. J., April 24. The wlde iipread mob violence has effectually tied up the whole silk dying Industry of this lown. The strikers met today to con sider the reports of the committees sent to the employers. Three thousand men are out. SWANSBORO. April 28. We learn that the Swans boro Lumber Co., expects to enlarge tholr plant here soon, by putting up a new band mill. Mr. A. Dennis moved Into his new dwelling In the suburbs last week. Mr. J. P. Rogers is putting up a dwell ing for Mr. E. Oglesby. Mr. Will Frasler has secured a lot and will erect a building soon. ' We are glad to learn that Rev. Mr. Matthews has secured a lot for a school , budding bore, and expects to establish a Ugh .school. We welcome Mr. Mat 4aWand wish him much success In his gftr. ! srtfrk. ; '.Ilie" annual Sunday School Banki party takes place on first Saturday In May, free excursion. Mr. J. M. Jones, the Supt. has made arrangement! for the scow Onslow to be towed down by steamer Faun, .which will leave Swansboro at "9 a. m., and will leave the banks about 2 p. m. Everybody invi ted. Rev. C. D. Paul preached his farewell sermon here last Sunday night. He In variably has a larga congregation, but on this special occasion, the house was crowded to almost Its utmost capacity. Mr. Paul will leave for his new field of labor in Wilmington soon. Mrs. D. G. Ward has the best garden we have seen this season. Mrs. W. E. Ketcham had new Irish po tatoes several days ago. Uf , Mr. S. A. Btarllnff, Mr and Mrs. L. Morton, of Hubert, wore visitors to our burg last week. r A Mr. J. F. Prettyman,Presldent Swani boro Lumber Co., apent a few days here list week. V Don't forget the Banks Party next Saturday, May 3rd. Everybody Is Invi ted sad a good time is expected. . . r-.::'"?S-'- GRTFTON. ' ' April 20. Jacob Mct'otter spent Mon day In Greenville. K- r " J L Patrick spent Monday In Green ville on business. A . X?-. M II Carr of Kington was In town Monday, : , . ; . J R Harvey returned from Trenton Monday where he ' lias been on busi ness. : r " -X ' ; V ' : " . VA liountree, of . Elusion, was In town Monday. y-i-vT-.V' ,; . J L Patrick and Jacob McCotler went to Greenville Tuesday to attend court - John Thompson returned from New ' Bom Tuesday morning, .', ,:,. Miss Julia McCotter returned from Grangers where she hu been visiting her sister, Tuesday.' P h -:,y- - v Mr Zeb Murphy of New Bern, was In town Wednesday morning on business. J I Keen, Jr., went to Greenville Wed , nesday on buslnoss.J;,.:! . ' V A Rountroe of Klnston, wu In (own Friday. . ?-v t 3 L Keen, 3 r ., and O H Gatkfns went to Ayden Friday to tee a game of base ball between Ayden and Greenville, the score was 12 to 23, (a favor of Greenville , Ayden can't play much 1 Xc.-.Jvtt jr' Miss Bessie Jarvis is visiting her sister -Mrs W J EittrelL of this place. i O W Gaskins went to Ayden Friday to see the ball garnet ,4,i; . y t; Y rrB7-BtfaaaaBaltVMBlshAwaf ' and aakega spwty na' of coast and M4s. ., MAYSVILLE. April 24-The weather has been fine for the past few days and la for the present as good as we can desire to have It. We hope that It may be as good all the year Borne of our farmers are planting cot ton others are trans-planting tobacco. We hope that they are not too early about It. We had a nice Bhower of rain this morning which will be of benefit to oats and other crops, also to the flowers (we want some nice ones for Sunday.) Free school Is being taught here now by Miss Annie Eoonce, she has a very large attendance. Henry Foy who has been very sick for some weeks Is reported to be improving slowly. We hope to see blm well in a few days. Dr. Koonce, of Pollocksvlllc, and Dr, Jones, of New Bern, have been at tending him. Mr. D. J. Watson has begun work on his dwelling and is making right rapid progress. Mr. Herbert Ward will soon have completed his residence on Main St. The found atlon and frame work of the Methodist church here was erected last week. The carpenters have sus pended work until more money can be raised so that they can finish when they begin again. Mr. A. C. Foscue is building a nice picket fence around hib dwelling. Mr. John Watson says ho Is going to the Exposition next. We hope he wil have a good time. Messrs. L. T. Glllelt and Root. Weeks made a flying trip to New Born Wednes day. Rev. Vaughan made a Temperance lecture last night. Ho went to Trenton today. Miss Lula Everett of Belgrade paid us a short' visit Wednesday afternoon. Come again, always glad to see you. ' Mrs. Sallle Beecham left today for Georgetown, S. G., to Join her husband who has been there some time in the em ployment of the Georgetown Lumber Mills. M. FEMININE CHAT. Mlsa Alice Roosevelt Inherits much fcf her father's strength and tctlvlty. Blgfidnf Crispl, the widow of the great Italian statesman, is to receive a pension of f 3,000 a year by order of the king. Mrs. Minnie Davis of Omaha Is a great-grandmother at forty-seven, but jvarns all girls against following her example. Mrs. Eugene Field, widow of Eugene Field, the Chicago poet, is on a pleas ure trip to the Hawaiian Islands. She srlll remain three months. ' Miss Helen Gould has sent two ex pensive paintings to the Normal and Industrial college at Greensboro, N. C, aa souvenirs of her recent visit to the Institution. Miss Susan Bale, n sister of Rev. Ed ward.Everett Hale, D. D., came all the way from far distant Algiers to partici pate In the celebration of Dr. Hale's eightieth birthday on April 3. . Miss Mande Adams, the actress, gets $2,000 by a bill which has Just passed congress. Her grandfather had somo horses captured by the Confederates during the civil war, and the heirs put in a claim for the loss.' . Mrs. Plummer, widow of a former member of the Kansas senate, who was a confidential friend of Abraham Lincoln, has hanging on her wall one Of the most Interesting political letters ever written by Lincoln on the Buchanan-Fillmore-Fremont campaign. ' ' Mrs.' Mary A. Shody, although seventy-four years old, has Just been gradu ated from a four years' course in his tory, astronomy, literature, etc., in St Louis and has gone to Cuba, Mo., to fake a course of piano lessons. She has raised a family and la a grandmother. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, honorary president of the Circolo Itallano, has been honored with a diploma from the Bodete Dante Allghleri of Rome in recognition of the help she has given the Boston branch in disusing knowl edge of the Italian language and liter ature. , ' j LESS WORrV. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves Jn dozens of ways, and yon can't prevent It. t All yon can do la to . keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup wil fill every requirement. It b guaranteed to core Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It. Sold by Davis', Henry's, and -Bradhaiu's Pharmacy.',' . V '' Cotton Mill Trust Not Likely in This State. State Charters. Inquiry oi Freight Wreck. LaadUraats. No More Money For Oyster Claims. Trial. For Incen diarism. Raleigh, April 26 Governor Aycock returned this morning from Athens, Ga, He expressed his deep gratification at the personnel and the work of the edu cational conference there and said he never heard a better speech than .that of president Robert O. Ogden.J Monday evening the governor will make a speech at an educational rally at Marshallberg, Carteret county. The State charters the Pythian Realty Co., of Concord, capital $50,000 to deal In real estate; the D. McEachem Gro cery Co., of Wilmington, capital $10,000 and the Waynesville Brick Co., capital $10,000. The corporation commission has be gun Its investigation of yesterday's col lision on the Seaboard Air Line here. The Secretary of State is advised that one of the State's record books of land grants in 1774 Is found in Perquimans county and will be sent to him. He has no original grants prior to 1730 and thinks these must be in the counties of Halifax, Craven, Orange, Chowan and New Hanover. He specially desires In formation regarding them. It is quite well understood here, that no more money will be paid by the Btate on account of the oyster claims. The widow of a claimant has sued the State In the Supreme court. It turns out that only 84 cotton mills are represented at the Underwood meet ing at Charlotte Thursday. In these mills are 574,000 spindles, but 24,000 of these spindles are In weaving mills which have no idea of joining the yarn mill trust. Only 75 mill men were present. It Is asserted by a well known mill man who was present that the trust will not be formed. He so told your correspon dent today. At Thomasvllle today the trial of a negro barber, Roy Edmonson began, on the charge of incendiarism. The chief clerk of the insurance commissioner went there to appear against the man. He says the evidence is very strong. Thomasvllle has bad a dozen fires In the past few weeks. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. K Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. Nnw York, April 28. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close May 9.60 9.09 9.60 9.69 July 9.58 9.64 938 9.64 Aug 9.34 9.40 9.32 9.40 Sep 8.60 8.03 8.58 8.65 Oct 8.31 8.37 8.81 8.87 Chicago, April 28. Whbat: Open. High. Low. Close May 74 75i 731 73 July 74t 754 73i 78 Corn: Open. High. Low. Close May 62t 63 62 62 Ribs: Open. HighT Low. Close May 935 952 935 950 New York. April 28. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 125 125 124 124f So Ry 87i 87 874 874 U. S. L .....144 144 134 184 0. 8. 8 43 43 424 424 U. 8. 8 , Prefd.. 94 94 94 94 Mo. P 101 101 1001 101 Atchison 81 82 814 82 Va.CC 754 76i 754 75f A. C. 0 55 57i 55 67 Am. Ice... 204 204 20' 20J IJverpool Spots 5.4. Sales 7,000 bales. Futo res, May-Juno 6.89. Aug Sept, 5.23. Hepl-Oct 4.48. Coffoe 500 May. 400 PORT RKOKIPTa. Same vek last year. 7,0W Last week 60,000 Phis week." Bat. 13000 Mon. 8000 Tnes. , FrI. , 12000 : 23000 24000 9000 10000 : 13000 , 91,000 YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When yon take Grove's Taetekws Chill Tonic, because the f omnia Is 'plainly printed on every bottle showing that' It Is simply Iron and qnlnlne In a tMteless form. , No cure no pay. Price 66c v.-:: , ' j BELLAIR. April 28. The Ellsworth tronpe came over last Friday night and presented a very creditable performance at the Beech Grove HalL Their main act, "The Turn of the Tide", Is a good temperance piece, and was fairly rendered by most of those taking part in It. A few of the farcical acta were very good, but in a few in stances had some tinges of vulgarity that should have been left out. With this ex ception they deserve patronage and com mendation as their cause is a good one. They are trying to raise funds to finish the Ellsworth church, between Streets Ferry and Vanceboro. Mrs H W Holt, of Spencer, N. C, Is visiting her old home and friends about Bellair. Mrs G T Richardson is at New - Bern under the care of her physician, we team she Is doing well, and hope she will soon be entirely -well. There has been a change In the time of our Missionary meeting, oar regular monthly meeting has been changed from the first Sunday to the second Sunday In each month at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer meetings which heretofore been on the second and fourth Sunday evenings are now changed to first and fourth Sundays at 8 p. m. It Is getting somewhat dry and a nice rain would be welcomed by most of the farmers. Cotton planting is nearly fin ished, corn is up well in some places and poor stands are Indicated In others. Some early planted cotton Is coming up, and as the frost seems to be past per haps it may not be killed. Tomatoes are growing and blooming. Oantelopes are very slow coming up. Bermuda grass pastures growing finely, and the cows that can find one now are rejolcr lng with renewed life and giving, more and better milk. Many farmers are afraid of this gras?, even in a pasture, but a few acres of it will pay more real profit year by year than the same land la any other crop, whon the expense is taken into consideration. Theirull crop seems thus far to be unhurt by frost, etc., and the peaches and plums are growing finely, appletrees are not yet all out of bloom, but gener ally seem to be fruiting sufficiently , This Is beautiful weather for farmers and the beauties of Spring on the farm are so ennobling, cheering and encoura ging. We see occasionally a strawbarry with pink cheeks, and scn strawberries and cream will have tbo right of way wherever they meet. L. A Pocket Handkerchief. In n book which has been published on that never falling topic, the vaga ries of the English language, the strange meaning of the word "pocket handkerchief" is described. A "kerchief" (couvrechef) means a small piece of cloth made to put on the head, so that a "pocket handkerchief1 means literally a small piece of cloth to cover tho head, to be held in the hand, to be put in the pocket London Globe. Hontrrr, bat Faartldlcmi. "Lady," said tho .wayforer, "I can't cat these scraps." "You can't?" said the housewife in surprise. "Why, you Just told me that you were so hungry you could eat a house." "Yes, mum; but I meant a porter housesChicago News. V Knew Her. He So you know; my wife? She Oh, very, jvell indeed. He I wasn't aware you had met She We haven't pot I have a maid who was employed in your house for two months. Illustrated Bits. Eye Strain Cause of Sore Eyes. Inflamed eyes, styes, and headache are symptoms which point conclusively to eye strain, and to cure yourself you must seek thejeause, correct it and then your trouble will disappear, you can stimulate and help nature in curing the symptoms by various ways, but still the cause is there and liable at any moment to break out again; it seems like pouring water on the smoke to pnt out a fire, to pursue any other course than the proper adjusted glasses to correct the strain. 1 A normal eye Is one which when in re pose the rays entering It are brought to a focus on the retina, when they are not this way an extra amount of nerve force is demanded to make them focus correct. y, the result, an overflow of blood caus ing congestion, styes, the leakage of nerve force, the headache; It Is not hard to understand how a severe strain can soon exhaust enough nerve force to cause a general breaking down of the whole nervous s stem. By the aid of the latest Instruments we can adjust glasses to any one, child ren especially, letting them go about their studies without being seriously handicapped on account of eye trouble. J. O. BAXTER, Jr A CARD. To the Democratic Voters . of Craven County: - : I desire to state that while I have every admiration for the present encum bent of the office of Register of Deeds, I would strongly recommend aa his suc cessor another sterling young Democrat of eqnal ability and character, Mr. Geo. B. Waters. He has had ample practical experience In the office to make him perfectly able to discharge its duties with thoroughness, Is well known In the city, no less thanJn the country, and is ayonng man of worth, and character and I believe, would be most acceptable to the entire Democratic constituency of Craven oonnty. A DEMOCRAT, FOR HEGRO EDUC4TI0H. Nearly Five and One Half Million Dollars Paid By North Carolina In Twenty Tears, Urand Lodge of Odd Fellows Reports. Rain Needed. Corporation Commission Hear Complaints. Raleigh, April 28. The Btate super intendent of public Instruction is pre paring figures to show the amounts paid by this Btate for negro education. The suma paid negroes and whites were not kmpt separate until 1873. From then to 18wthe amount for negroes was $596, OOOfrom 1880 to 1890 it was $1,916,000; from 1890 to 1900 It was $1,848,00. For 1900 It was $255,000 and for 1902 It will be $250,000. All this is for the rural public schools, not Including graded schools, or normal schools, the estimate for these for the past 20 years being f,000. The grand total Is $5,381, 000. The annual reports of the officers of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows for the fiscal year are completed. The gain of the order is great; for example 1400 mem bers this year, that Is since January 1. The receipts are in round numbers $11, 500. Grand master Robert Murray says but few members know the secret work and urges that officers be not Installed unless they do know It. Grand secretary Woodell says that as the railways will not give properly reduced rates to the annual session of the Grand Lodge, etc., he urges that the meetings be made bien nial. He says the matter of a home for aged and Infirm has not been properly presented and urges that It be not aban doned. Rain is much needed in this section. The growth of vegetation is phenomenal In exactly one . eek tho trees have come into leaf. Ex-judge Shepherd left here today for Fayetteville to argue a case at Chambers a case involving the stock law fence of Bladen county. Tbe corporation commission left this afternoon and goes to the counties of Swan, Cherokee, Buncombe, Transylva nia, Henderson and Mecklenburg, to confer with county officials as to tax assessments. It will at Murphy to hear complaints against the Atlanta, Knox vllle and Western R. R. Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousness and constipa tion. Your health will suffer perman ently if you do. DeWItt's Little Early Risers cure such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "DeWItt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." F. S. Duffy. DISCOMFORT8 N GREECE.. 1 Plae ?rk the Ee. Rathe Tkjus the PaUt, !' 9ratUeaVwej4 Excepting. Japan, soujern.ltajjrajia the Tyrol, nq, country.' comparesrtXtt Greece in the beauty, of its lands It, is, not a land. for, luxurious peo; however., The.climato is morejaj recommended , thanhe hotelsbut natural' scenery baa. a' variety, an ncss and a color that.no other parfipt Europe afford. Tbe foliage and Ice flowers are abundant . and beautiful and in the rural districts 4ha- peopjft are picturesque in manners, customs ano dress. Their, habits and. soclattJfB bare not.beea,affecte4,by(whatflvoftll the 4vanceacfiipc4erp-ivlllzatloda fa P.atvTenlances however, GreoceiUtUff aw behind, the tlne$, Athens Is the. only place where the ho tehiaretolerable. and travelers who go. Into the interior., must take their own provisions and . bedding. Even those Who make little excursions by carriage for a single day in the neighborhood bf Athens must carry a lunch basket,- be cause the inns are primitive and filthy. Railway facilities are limited. With & few exceptions tho roads are bad. but they are gradually, improving, and most of the centers of great Interest to tourists may now be reached by car riage, , Only a few years ago travelers had to go on horseback or on foot, as they do-In the Holy Land. Even now those who visit some of the most inter esting places have to put up with dis comforts. Inconveniences and a good deal of dirt and bad smells, although tbey are fully repaid. Chicago Record Herald. , Whf the Chare h, W Crowded. . A cestaln little Flemish watering place much frequented by English and American visitors has two attractions, a Presbyterian church and a roulette table, At a recent service in the church it occurred to one of the "pillars" that it might be lucky to play the number of the hymn after the sermon at the roulette table. So he stole out of the church and did so. It happened that the number of the hymn did turn up, and the lucky coup became the talk of the village for the rest of the week. Next Sunday tbe church was cram med to the door. The pious pastor was rejoiced in heart After a powerful ad dress he gave out "hymn No. 2T." The moment the words left his lips, to his consternation, there was a rush to tbe door, and he was left with a faithful handful to upraise their agitated strain p praise. As for the rest they made a bee line from the house of prayer to the house of play. It is said that their little ad venture cost them all very dear. HcfiBffle's Witch Hazel Foot Healer' j one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives Instant re lief. 23 cents at V. S. Duffy's. Heinz 's Sized Mixed and Plain Cucumber Pickles and Apple Butter Nice Fruit Jellies 5c1 lb. Queen Olives and Olive Oil. Fancy New Portorico Molasses just received. Fresh lot Cream of Wheat and Na Bob Pancake Flour. Maple and Fancy Cane Syrup. Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter. Small Sugar Cured Hams and Shoulders. Fulton Market Corned Beef. . Complete stock of Canned Goods. Give me a call. Yours to please, J. L. Mill, r i lj 'Phone 91. 71QBrcai Hi. JUST RECEIVED Carolina Rice Flakes. Try them, No cooking whatever prepared for the table in one minute. Also a full line of Heinz & Co's Preserves, Pickles, Evap orated Horseradish, etc. Don't fail to send your orders to us, as we are prepared to meet all competition, and give you fresh goods and the quick est delivery of any house in the city. Yours to Please, T TP. T A "P.TT r-! M T"T V Wholesale and Retail Orocer, t PHONE 69. Cor. Broad A Hancock Sis. Appetizing Thing. We have, the most exten sivestockjof appetizing things ever introduced heres Pickles, Bauces, Jellies,"Buscuit, Fruits and condiments gathered from the Occident and Orient crowd each other for room, and the buyer Is bewildered by the va riety we offer. You have a range of choice, however all of the best, too, and that's just what you want. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone t37 Can't Vo It ! It is bound to be seen. You have been holding on to that old threadbare sut all winter, because you could cover it with an 'overcoat. But you can't do it any longerj A few warm days like this will send that overcoat to the wardrobe, and, my dear fellow, that shiny, threadbare, buttonlesa and shabby suit will be exposed. But never mind, we can help you out in fine shape for $6.50, 8.00 or $10.00. Atob-notoher for $12.50. If your Spring Suit comes from here, it will be right. E. W. ARMSTRONG, 67 middle Street. laa FOB ' Horses. Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Carts Wheels and Harness . : GIVE HE A TllliVIf CT . TEOS i J. EiiTC mmm II - r ' ...

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