: " " .... . 'jCZ&-j-yj-v? IHi: VOLOMI XIV. nW.BISI, CRATIH COUSTT, I. C.J FRIDAY, MAT 2, 1902 SECOSD 8ICTI0H. KUHBIR 10 1' -Cotton' Acreage Very Urrely to ' ' creased. Interest Im Tobaeee .Ce-jwtlUoa. Frees Peabod; Fas, if proachlar Soothera Bap tistiCoBveatiei. New Social Clob. Ueo Rata Fall.. -,.., Raluor, April 8a The North Caro lina Baptlita are manlfestles; deep Inter est la the approaohlng meeting ol the Southern Baptist Contention, at Ashe vllle. They hare raised for foreign mls slons 12000 more than they did last year. Their contributions for home missions ' are about the same as last year's. The coBventloa will elect a new president and for this position Bev.Dry R. H. Marsh of Oxford Is "very prominently mentioned. : " V -.'- -. - A new dancing , club was . organised here last evening, taking the name of the "Nine O'clock Cotillon Club." Wll iam B. Grimes Is president; Frank if. Stronarch vice-president; Sherwood Hay wood secretary and treasurer. The club will give Its first dsnce In the assembly room In the Raney library May 7. It has 40 members. . ' , It is stated posiiiyely by members of the labor organization In thia city that the "labor temple" will soon be- built here. Tliey say the funds are" In hand, the temple an assured fact. :v The allowance to this State from the Pcabody fnnd this year is 13900; the State superintendent of public instruc tion says, of this 1400 goes to graded rhools. ' 1 -i Mrs. T. B. Womack entertained this afternoon in houor of Mrs. Francis Wo mack of Reldsvllle, 250 Invitations hav ing been issued. '',$ '-i . $ A rain fell .ait night which was greaily appreciated by tho farmers . i ; More cotton is being planted In this tcctfon than In many years. The cotton crop Is greatly reduced, and well posted people aay the acreage In corn will be at least 80 per cent greater than It Was last year. The increase in the tobacco acreage, Is also very large. . Much interest is felt In this State at the news that the Imperial Tobacco Company will build and operate this year extenslvo tobacco factories at Kin ston and Greenville, two of the newer - but . notably good eastern leaf mar ' kcts. . Among today's arrivals were B G Grady of Wilmington and W. J. Adams of Carthage. v Sarprlalnit Statemcat. One account of an accident to a royal motor tr near Arrlccla announces that "fortunately a number of pheasants wore working close by, and with their help the motor car was righted." This surprising statement 1b' only the re verse of the traditional printer's error by which "Lord X. was stated to have gone out with a party of fiends to shoot peasants." London Globe. ' S TtiA ffimAlitB antttlthtHot tvai ttflfnnntnfli four' billiard balls on a cue, much to the nnioxonicnt of the vandeville and!-' ence. .' -'Vy,.'', "Ifumphr growled a young man with Ink ou his fingers. 111 bet he cant bal ance a set of book s." Exchange. : , ' Aa Oaaard Wsti.' - "This new meter Seems rather smalt," doubtfully remarked the householder. "Oh, it will all the bill," was the un guarded rcsponso of the gas company employee. Philadelphia Record. . . You -weeil on a gravestone. It Is the threshold of tternlty that yon are wet Ung with your tears. De Malstre. ' ' n .'I T' jJLi , ' This ia the last It in this ': r e)e)e3o)WWMo)w iff - K I High Grade-;H ?Wm tiilncgi:: W mVlM ;oooooooooteeooooooooooooooosotooooooooeoooMMoo WMiMiMiMiMMHiiv'it'MM'M ; I mAJs: : T,jE-8ALE CLOSES" nEDHESDAYi ! :: ; r i: H; ;: WE -FULLY GUARAHTEEEVERYcPIAtlO I -zt p ' ' 1 IX ' v T?r.4W Wntnn 4-A tVi AoWrVifV oro 4f riivilrfvi y oTh'iif ' 'hirvriTl n. PlflTlft." . . . ' Rpinc the makKra of the Pianos offered In thia GREAT FAftTORV RAT.Til b wnnvr nvnrv Tinrt anA narrel it lound tlitir.Trr.y into hundreds of : happy, bomcs, . and at prices that ;: purdtti!e, iet TjiWtf, wn"seia t tHaiVwid Tetm'w nonj ckwrtuUy. :.-r ; incnr:- Hurry; II you x7ant a.Er.rcr.in. 1 Pc!!CClI 8L, Oip. OjV:: :: : ' Norfolk, va. . ;.;. Political Crisis fasscd. Bad Sections of . Qty. newspaper Men Intimldatel Tessel Hews. - April The political crisis has passed. The two days primaries were held during last week and the result is that a few good men are named to serve the city during the next two years. Dr. Rlddlck will be Mayor and Tllton Com monwealth's' Attorney with Mclllwalne City Attorney. Our chief gain is In the election of a few clean men tp the coun cils In all 'wards, except the notorious fourth, where the strongholds of corrnp tlon and the hot beds of crimes could hiot.be successfully attacked. In this ward a man can vote a hundred ballots a day, providing he votes the ticket named by the political tlacklegs that infest this section of our city. .;.-, ' The Republicans have not yet named a ticket, bat one is expected at once, and we hope It will be sufficiently repre sentative to be of some service, If only to show the rlngsters that their days are numbered, . We do not anticipate a Re publican city government bat It would gladden the hearts of all decent citizens if such could be elected, as the both wings and In fact the whole carcass of so called Democracy of Norfolk Is not only rotton, but putrid. Norfolk County is equally as bad. The hnman brutes and cowardly bullies rule that section of our community also. Newspaper Editors nor their staff dare cot write In, criticism of the acts of the political ghouls. ; " The editor and two of the staff of the Norfolk County Democrat were violent ly assaulted on Friday last for no greator offence Mian showing up a nest of vipers In tbe form of Sunday liquor selle rs, gamblers, brothel keepers, and their kin dred. These outrages nn newspaper men is not only an assult of the person, but an attempt to Intimidate the members of the' press and to limit the freedom of the una. v ; -' " - .' , i This is the more serious View of the case and if we mistake not, these self constituted arbiters trill be brought up with a sudden Jolt, that would make the electric chair of Sing Sing mild in com parlson. ' Boney Joynes tho proprietor of some half dozen bar rooms, and gam bling halls with his brother, was fined twenty-five dollars In the police court for assaulting editor Thomson of the Norfolk Dispatch. Also two others of the staff, and now comes the farce of the whole business in the appeal to the Cor poration Court.' We crave to see their cases reach the judge of that court, but unfortunately the records of the case passes through othor hands previously, when lo and behold that Is their ever lasting finis. Shipping news somewhat scarce. The following North Carolina vessels, , -were In port daring the past week: j Sharpies, Olympla and Shamrock; Schooners, Eve lyn and Governor Vance, all of Core Boiad. j -vK v The auxilliary yacht Outing, has been bought by Daniel Goodman, late of New Bern and Oriental, N. C. This is a most convenient craft and will be used in these waters the coming summer. , A large number of buildings are in course of erection and many other enterprises are well under way Times are good and work plentiful. ' " LESS WORRY. . , . (J hlldren will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves, In dozens of ways, and yon can't prevent it. : All von can do is to. keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have in the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. An way's Cronp Syrup will fill every requirement It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, ' Colds and Cronp or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It." Sold by Davis', Pharmacy. Henry's, . and Bradham's oieoMMoMf mo w. . itM,).,.,,.,..;,.,...-,.,.,!: 5 - , -:, call ! 1 Oiich Piano selling: has never before been known Hundreds oi the world's Finest Instruments nave DOVER. Successful School Closing. Quarterly ' Conference. Street Improve- . 1 meats. Personals. April SO. Messrs. Lewis sad tommle Kllpatrlck, Close West of doss, and W. R. Sauls and family of Fort Barnwell were visiting here Sunday. . . , The first pea shipment was made from here today by R. W. Whit. We nn derstand that there Is a good crop of them. . - . Mr. W. A. Wilson Is now express agent al this point. The writer, who has held the office since Its establishment at thia point sli years-ago, resigned on ac count of other duties. ' ; v We were pleased to see Miss Carrie West, who has been sick for several weeks;lR'8nnday School Sunday morn- tagD Che is secretary In the ; Methodist Sundsy School and a very earnest worker. . . , ... ; We are having Ideal weather and the fanning operators, as well as most every one else around this vicinity, are busily engaged trying to make "hay while the sun shines." v - v . ;. Dover High School will hold Its com mencement on June 6th. Quite an at tractive and interesting program Is being arranged by Prof. Hargrave and wife, Mr. A. J. Coircins, L. L. D. Presi dent of Atlantic Christian College, Wil son, N. C, will deliver the literary ad dress at 11 o'clock. Mr. S. M. Brlnson, County Superintendent of Graven pub lic schools will deliver an educational address.- This school Is closing a very success ful term undor the principalshlp of Prof. Ilargrave, who has decided to lo cate here permanently. Ho has pur chased a lot from Mr. S. West and will some time soon commence a dwell ing. We are Indeed glad to have the Pro fessor and his interesting family In our midst. They have already won a large place In the hearts of our people. The second quarterly conference for Craven circuit was held hero Saturday and Sunday., Nearly all the churches on the .work were represented. We are always glad to have the brethren with us. . Dr, Swindell preached two excel lent sermons Snnday to large and atten tive congregations. ' , Rev. E D Brown will preach , in the Presbyterian church Friday night and Rev. W H Townsend will fill his regular appointment in tho Methodist church Sunday. - Our board of aldermen have com menced work in earnest, grading streets repairing ditches and contemplating . on putting In a- lot of tiling. The guard house Is completed and Mayor Bland ford is requested to go forward, dealing with tho violators of the law. The Mayor while yotihg in experience seems to be handling the affairs of the office with a good deal of alacrity. Mr H P Woodson, general manager for the Goldsboro Lumber Co., Is speak ing of running electric lights from the mill plant np in town. , Our merchants are very anxious to secure these lights. Mr B H Parrot is talking of building several dwellings on the property he re cently purchased from Mr. W.1 M. Tyn- dal. ; ..v?-, v..- n-iv I " : Deputy sheriff J F Tyndal says there areuajew who will fall to pay their poll tax.; He was out driving most of yes terday looking after the delinquents. , Mr Ion Taylor of Trenton was here today looking after his farming after his fanning interest near here. ! Mr C J Rivenbark, News & Observer alert correspondent, was here . between trains yesterday. , - . . -; 1 tmm i TOD KNOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic; because the formula ' Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that" It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No core no pay. Price 80c, nn L3 Company - Promises -Capitol City Cheap Electric Lights. NegreExedas Ceatlaaes; NeCem- plalBts ef Scarcity ef Farm Labor. Tho Kiag'iDaagh ten Meetlag. College CommeBeomoBt Rauigh, May L The exodus of ne groes from this State this spring Is not large, but Is steady. Most of those who leave go IS orth. Sixty nrer left here to day to work In brick yards near New York. S . So far there "are no compUints of scarcity of farm labor. Many armors who plant cotton make It. -aW to plant a larger acreage than , they can possibly attend to, but the notably large reduction oi coiion acreage - win . . . an .11 i. hate a good deal of this trouble. - I The King's Daughters of North Caro lina meet here May 1315. An earnest effort la to be made to revive Interest In the order, the membership of which has fallen off greatly. ' K A score of natives of the Sandwich Is lands were here today. They are giving concerts at various places in this State, The plans for the new building at the Methodist Orphanage are not yet fur nished. There are funds in hand and work should have begun long ago, Onlv one buiidlne is now In use and It is full. At the Agricultural and Mechanical College here there will at the approaoh lng commencement be proper exercises. All the cadets are required to remain, instead of all going home except the senior class. The battalion will have a final parade, in the presence of the Governor and the trustees, at which the officers for next term will be announc ed. Raleleh will tet verv cheap street electric lights. A new company offers to furnish 175 at $55 a year. Charlotte pays now (94. It will be some days be fore the contract in awarded. - BARDS' CREEK. May 1. Tbe James mill is in opera tion now. "' Cotton has all been planted and pros pects are good. Farmers predict a large crop of Irish potatoes. Mr. James Hardison, of Arapahoe, and Miss Elk Paul were- aaarjtod Wed nesday. : . .'-''.'!"' The Marvin D. White left the Batrd's Creek ways last week. A party of young people had a very pleasant picnic here Sunday. They were Bennie Miller and Miss Maud Pip kin, A. A. Combs and Miss Rosa Miller; W. J.Cutherell.and Miss Ella Miller. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. Swimming and life saving are a part of the course in New Zealand's public schools. ' Normal schools all over the northwest are buying pictures and casts for study In their art departments. The state of Kansas employs at pres ent 11,028 public school i teachers, the average age of whom is but twenty-one years. In the three counties of Logan, Rock and Shawnee tho average age of the teachers is only nineteen years. Walter A. Payne, Instructor and sec retary of the university extension de partmeufat the University of Chicago, baS been promoted to the rank of asso ciate professor and pnt in charge of tbe extension department, of which1 Pro. lessor James was formerly the chief. Fjny-BalMin Stop the Tickling, and quickly allays Inflimawtloa In the throat. - XJ ' that enters lard iideed lt..i V mm COVE. Cashed a Forged Check. Old Citizen Re tired. May 1. Capt 8. E. Ewell and family spent a few days here recently. Tha Rev. Turner, of New Bern preach ed santtficatlonlsm to we sinners Satur day night. ' Mr. L. F. Taylor had the misfortune to lose fifteen dollars last week by cash ing a forged check. We regret very much to lose Mr. George Avery who moved out of town last week. Mr. Avery says he was tired of the business he was following, there fore he has retired for a quieter life. It is with sad regret that we chronicle the death of littler Dora, the 18 months old daughter of Mx and Jtra ULIL Lambert which occurred bere Tuesday evening. Our heart fell sympathy to the bereaved family.' ' Wo regret to note that little Miss Ruth Avery hasheen quite sick for sev eral days,: trat. glad 1 to say that she Is much better now. . Some wood checks were stolen from Mr. Kennle Daugberty last Sunday, for tunately he overtook the guilty parties Monday and they are safe under the lock and key at New Bern awaiting the August term of court Dr. Monk, of Trenton, was here on professional business last Wednes day. The first shipment of peaa from this point was made by Mr. R. M. White last Saturday. Henon. DOBBS. Mav 1. Picnic season is on hand and we learn that there win be .one at Cow pen Landing May 3rd. The Sunday .Bchool at Ellsworth church has been reorganized with the following officers and teachers Miss Liz zie Lancaster supt., Mrs Clarissa Lancas ter, Ass't. Supt., Miss Eva Ewell, secre tary Miss LoislA. Willis, treasurer Misses Annie Ewell and Ella Lancaster and Mr. S. F. Hill teachers. Our tobacco farmers are preparing tor a good crop this year. They took advan tage of the showers yesterday and have made a good start in transplanting. There will be a grand picnic and foot tournament at A. P. Willis, "Moss Oak Farm" on Saturday May lOtn. Our peo ple all expect to attend and are antlclpat ing a good time. The managers are Messrs A. P. Wlllir, B. F. Willis, W. E. Brown and G. H. Morris, - c The "political pot" Is beginning to "aim mer" and W0 expect tt will soon be "boil ing". There are so many good candidates this vear that we hardly know how to choose. Mr. Lynn Lancaster went to Epworth last Saturday to witness a game of base ball between Ruther's and Epworth club The Epworth team beat the visitors. Base ball seems tq be "warmer" than ever In our section. There will be a. club organized at Yanceboro and one at Dobbs this week so we learn. The New Bern boys had better look out for we guess our boys can catch fly when they open their mouths. Our concert troupe presented their entertainment at Vanceboro April 21nd to a crowded house. In fact there were many people tnrned away from the door They also went to Bellalr Friday evening April 25th. and the people gave us hearty welcome although'the house was not crowded. McDuffle's Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, certain, cure for chllL guaranteed or money refunded 50 centt at F.& Duffy's.": S BBanana Cream at McSorley's, fresh to- day."i-" ;. 'V' .! (' t of the ujaoo Into their Mnstrucjtion. 'WeVe l if w didn. luUertiwd uii art ftorongbly by - tiine. o5l OUR WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR FIVE , YB AR3 goes with eTery Hano SUFFERED THREE CATARRH OF STOuAGH. . 4 JHss Erevn Mont wrttet horn 51 'Znatto AjMrfr(b yn with cmtMnb ttt owcb wbkh mo adlcta seMnatf toifere, mnttt Mmd adWsed me to tryPtrunm. AHbougn S!S-7r3fcisKf It bit me within the ant week. I kept Uk- tngtt for Aie mootta, em pheeef totf tbet Hear e"W." hrebatovnptQmHltttura.JmoMytoogUtfto bare battooartaptoan , Adta Brittala, of Saxitsn, wtu After using yonf roadrfal Peruna three months, X have bad great relief. X fcad continual beaivtnese in my stom aoh, was bUloca, and had fainting spells, tmt thev all have left me since using Parana. X eaa ttotr get around and do saw housework, and think Pemna the wveatest medicine X ever useLM-Adla iMttaln. . Mrs. LUste Blevtos, 103 Bollver street, CleveUnd.Ohlo, Writes 'IcandUUyfeel Peruna was the means CAN ;WE twice roit 25 -.cEJsrxs.: ' WE GAN CUFF YOU TOJI 25 CENTS. ZVt - , We will do a good job at the price, and you i . - will be well pleased. We know of no one , who an do the job better, or more satisfact orily to you. W believe we are Belling the . - Best Collars and Guffs on the Market Linen ' on both sides, and they won't oome ' back - to , ; yom wich saw edges the first or second time ; they are laundried. Vs We take particular. pride in having Collars and Cuffs that are' ' ! - 1 just righty-and it would please na to have'""' ' . you gire us a trial on Collars and Cuffs. w No late style but what is here. ' ' " ij . E. yi , 'ARMSTRONG, G7 Illddle Street. ' '-': 'r:; siTw I r and we'd be dul- YEARS. Adsau Street, mnnupolk, Mlaa., u of saving my life, for I sunerea ror months from catarrh of the stomach. Two bottles of Peruna cured me." Mrs. Iitxie BlevinS. ' ' ' ' If you do not derive prompt and sans factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving full statement Of your ease and he will be pleased to give yoa his valuable aa vioe gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, ' President of The Hartman Sanitarium, ' Columbus, Ohio. : a . . . : . COLLAR YOU i, .;; . ' we sell. ,, If you're dissatisfied ; mm .,N ... w M tt i ! J