I - - - pit VOLDMI XXV. RIW BIEI, CRAYO CODHTT, I. C, FEIDAli 1UY.9, i902.-SICOHD SICTIOH. . " ' , . V.-. i KOMBIE 11 . 1 i ' 1 : - . .. I I Poor Soils arc made rich er and more productive and rich soils retain their crop-producing powers, by tho use of fertilisers with a liberal percentage of Writ for our books sent frit which pirc all details. - ' : . . " n Hm Siimi, ,. Nw Yak Ch Report of Penitentiary Directors Ready. v ' . : ,-' Important Cane for -Federal Court. Rarrlage. Charter Granted New Bera Incorporators. ,. Additional Delegates to Charleston Ex- , position,,,,. IULEion, May 7,The penitentiary directors adjourned today and completed their annual report. This will he given to Gov. Aycock upon his return her next Wednesday or Thursday. Good progress la being made at the penlten tlarj farm. The lands subject to over Mow having been abandoned, there is no longor auy chance of. flood damage. Nearly 600 convicts are building rail ways. This is profitable employment . The total number of convicts today was 853. Of these only 113 are In the peni tentiary proper. Of the 135 no less than Mare females. The latter are all em ployed in the garden, the laundry and the sewing rooms. No other work Is go lag on In the prison; as practically no ablo bodied male convicts are there. At tho approaching term of the Feder al Court here there Is a case of some In terest. This Is a case against P. B Arondal, who was general manager of the penitentiary; for "escape," that 1 in permitting the escape of a Federal con vict. , Tho latter was a "trusty" and was sent out to bring In some cows. He never came back. - Good rains fell near here last evening, bnt the drough Is beginning to make It self unpleasantly felt In many sections. - At the Church of the Good Shepherd this morning Mr. William Smith, son of Mr. W. W. Bmlth and grandson of the late Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith, was married to Miss Nell Liston, of this city formerly of Charlotte. The "Nine O'clock Cotillon Club" gave . Its first dance this evening at the assem bly room in the Raney Memorial library Mr. John H. Andrews led. . Insurance : commissioner : and Mrs, Jones Richard Tonng arrived this morn ing having ended their bridal tour. Prof. Carlyle of Wake ForeBt college ' Bays an organization of students there to press the work of Improving rural public schools has been affected and that 60 countlos are already represented. He says Gov. Aycock will soon address this association. : j s .i i State Auditor Dixon today sent out the blanks on which the holdings of bank stock are to be sworn to. A charter was granted today to the North Carolina Industrial College Com pany, New Bern; one to the Clayton Mumber Mfg. Co., of Clayton, capital 150,000, and one to the Willlamston Mil ling and Ginning Co. ? '; .... Commissioner of Agriculture Patter--son says: "I find there will be very little, ; If any, difference between sales of fer tilisers last spring and this spring. There is a decrease, of cotton fertilisers, made up however by sales of tobacco forti ' liters. .. ' " . r ' Wednesday and Baturday at the Bat tery Park hotel, Ashevtllo, the alumni of Wake Forest college will have a ban quet. ; Among tho speakers will be E. M Potest Of Philadelphia, Rev." Thomas Dteon of Vs., J. U White,: of , Macon, Ga Rev. C. 8. Farrls of Stetson Uni versity, Florids. V Gov. Aycock appointments an add! tlonal delegates from this State to the Charleston Siposltlon on "German Day' C. 8. Tanner of Caroleon; W. E. Ervin ' of Durham; L. H, Cutler of New Bern. A commission Is Issued to Baxter R. Hunter of Shelby as assistant surgeon general of the State Guard with the rank of Major. ; . Salter Path Notes. Mr, MIcajah Adams has Just launched and rigged his new sharpie, "Trace", She Is a pretty boat and a good sailor. Mr. Damon Guthrie has one about half finished now, some larger than Mr, Adams'. Those people are great boat builders, they have some fine ones, and ' good sailors J Our garden and truck patches are fine some of them hare corn knee high, and i gardoa vogetablos csn't bo beaten In the -Btate. Messrs. D I Cicero, Rumley E l- win, Abrara Willis, Owper Adams, l-u Gouldln and Damon Guthrie, have I h piii-it'H o'-'"r."i( turnips, peas, c: M,i - V.j. la u . ' - 3. TL'a l:.nd Is a " . ! r ""if ' f "t t 3 vx - rf n i Potash these people would ,devote more of their time farming, Instead of fooling away their time In the water and woods with their guns, they could make a good liv ing. They generally plant their gardens and corn patches, then leave them, that is, the most of them do so. Right now they an soft crablng, every one, big and little, young and old, men, women and children, are In the sound from morning until night, catching crabs. It Is real odd and right funny to see the maided women, and young ladles too and girls from 5 years old up, In the water np to their knees and waists, sometimes with their crab nets scooping and drsgglng for soft crabs and pulers or busters as called, their negligees at half mast, or dresses drabltug In the water, barefooted of course, tor all go barefooted now men, women and all, would seem curiouato people not used to. such, i Then to see them using tobac- oo and anas witt. pipes tojpatch, ls the mora stranger as the parent' allow ttelf children to use snuff, smoke and chew, little girls, soma of them very good look ing, chewing tobacco and using snuff be sides smoking the pipe, and the young ladles teem not to mind going barefooted and bare legged right before you, or in the water after clams, crabs or Oysters. Such Is habit in life, we guess we could use ourselves to most anything. : One of the principal sports here now Is shooting sea loons as they fly over the ocean going north, every morning now from day llghtftll two hours by sun, nearly every man and boy, that can hold a gun, Is at his post on the beach, and the continuous noise of the pop, boom, hang, goes on like the small arms In a big battle, but we don't kill all we shoot at, quite, we venture theasserslon that last Saturday and Monday after two kegs of gun powder and ten bags of shot were thrown away at the loons, the number killed was five, so we lessened. These people lovo to shoot, kill or no kill. ; Since .our last notes thlngs"are not materially caangod for either better or worse as we boo much, though we con tinue to learn more and more of the dis positions manners sndjicustoms. We have found that nearly all of them, don't lake particular pains to confine themselves strictly to the truth in all things nor at all times, though they pro fess to be good church members, and some of them profess to be even good christians; yet If you go among them they will treat you well as ' they know how to do, they are good people In their way, and we are sorry they are so Illit erate and uneducated, and they will never have any education, unless you compel them to send their children to school, which ought to be done, as there are some bright children here that need education, we know wberof we speak, we have tried them. . J 4 Our school will close the first of June, the teacher has had a hard time trying to teach these children,; he has had no co-operation from parents, while they say they want their children to learn, they don't show It only by saying so, Some of the most promlnents ones don't visit the school or show any Inter est In It. We don't see any use of the State appropriating money for schools under these circumstsnces. Last Sunday was our preaching day, we had two preachers, J. F. Ussey and J. W. Wheeler, Ussey was our pastor here, but he and Wheeler have exchanged cir cuits, the latter has been at Ocracoke, we don't know the cause of the exchange but understood it was by mutual consent of both parties and by consent of the P. B. and Supt. A big pic nlo and banks party came off last Saturday, 1st Saturday in May from Swansboro and surroundings.. Some of our Salter Pathers participated,, one young man especially, Mr, A. W. took It In to himself right. Now he says he is to be called Mr. W. hereafter. There were about 400 people there from sev eral counties, and from all parts of Ons low county. 'r.HA UiCI v We were very sorry to hear while there, of the sudden death of Mrs. Nan cy Hatsell, wife of bryan Hatsell of Swansboro. 8he was In fair health Sat urday morning, ate her breakfast and walked out In the garden as usual, and tell to the ground with tomething like a paralytic stroke, and died almost with out a struggle. She was about 65 years old and leaves a large family of children and grand (children,' besides a husband fo mourn her death. She was a member of M. . Church South, 'and had been forltO years.'.. - , t, v- f r .":, This makes three old and prominent women, that have died in Bwansboro In the last IS months, all leaving husbands and large families. J J Mr. W. O. Murdoch closed his school on these banks last week, so we heard, We don't know how he got along with his children, we never heard of his being tsh glggedfor clam-raked, like we were when we were there. Well, we guess we had better stop for fear of the W. B, H. T. Z, HcDaffle's Turpentine k Mutton Suet Long Plaster Is a certain cure for whoop Ing cough, easy and comfortable, works while you sleep.- 25 cents at F. 8. Duf fy's. Cola Headache Powders Contain no Antlpyrlne, Morphine or othor injurious drugs, f They do not depress but e" nulate tho stomach and jicros'-e Its secretions. Guaranteed cure .'.r I.v.... . ",a and Soar Etotuuch. Price r.). r: 'j sold lj Eiaahnra'e Phar- r IV. lot k and I" ::e . Grand Council of Red Men In Session. Study of Eleetrlo Power of Nease IRrer. - Matter of Xasonie Temple. Special Terms of Court Raleigh -Hosiery Worts Uji sell .to Com'bl V aatloa. -: -Bali io h, May 8. The class In elec trical engineering at the Agricultural and Mechanical college here, spent the dan at Mllbermle. on the . Neuae ' river. 6 miles from here, examining Ntn study,. Ing tho electric power pUart (Ban which wflj supply power ' EeroT The clsss la surveying is making survey far rail way branch 4 or 5 miles la length from Wake Forest to the Falls of Netse, for the Seaboard Air-Line. This work wQl require perhaps i week. . 1 i . The Grand' Council of Red Men met In annntt aAaalnn Isns t Stsl awl Avikshft asaaaawiM nueeiuu aavaw ; mij vitwn Sachem Hill E. " Elng of Raleigh presi ding. All the councils are well repre sented. There were special exercises at Occoneechee hall, Joseph E. Pogue call ing the assemblage to order aa master of ceremonies; prayer was offered by the Great Prophet, W. L. Liddell, of Char lotte, and address of weloome made by J.. W. Hinsdale, Jr., of Raleigh; a re sponse by W. Ij. Liddell; aa address on 'The Primitive Red Man," by Claude M Bernard of Raleigh; another on "Red- manism In North Carolina," by Hill E. King; the degree work was "exemplified by T, P. Sale and C. B. Green of Dur ham spoke In behalf of an orphanage. Impromptu talks by members of the or der followed. At the State fair grounds at 10 o'clock tomorrow a barbecue will be given the Red Men. - i It is learned that at Oxford on St John's Day, June 84, the Orand ; Lodge of Masons will formally take Up the mat ter of building a temple. It appears to be the opinion that the location will thenjdefinltely agreed on. ..There is no differences of opinion as to the need of a temple. ' The special terms of court for Ruther ford county were ordered today by the Governor; each for 2 weeks, and both for civil cases. , " t t- The stockholders the Raleigh Hosi ery Tarn Mill at a meeting decided to fully endorse the action of the directors favoring entering a combination and selllnK the plant to Henry K. Fries of Salem. ' It is learned here that two well known citizens of the State are very sick, one being Jas. D. McNeill, of Fayetteville; the other Louts A. Carr, of Durham, the president of the Interstate telephone company. ,.,"'' - , The.base ball season here Opened very auspiciously. ''There was a parade to the grounds, In which the pennant , won In 1001 was displayed Mayor Powell tossed tho first ball, DOBBS A Pleasant Picnic. A Large Wedding, .. .. i . Personals. May 8 The tobacco farmers are having a bad time getting put their tobacco, on account of such dry weather. , , Mr. Claud Lancaster spent-Sunday in Pitt county. . -:: Mrs. W. H. Grirfln of Dover, Is visit ing relatives here. , ! C : : Mr. Dan Brewer who has been nnder treatment of Dr. Jones, of New Bern, for fish poison in the hand, came np. Saturday, looking o. k. . ' I Miss Emma Wilcox of Bellalr; is visit ing Miss Bonnie Willis. - Mr. and Mrs. Daffy Lathlnghouse of Vanceboro, spent Sunday here. Miss Lizzie Lancaster went to New Bern yeslerdsy to spend a week or two. The picnic Saturday at Cowpen Land ing was a most enjoyable Occasion, and though it was advertised -only s few days, there was a large crowd present , . Misses Minnie Gasklna and Cottle Foy and Messrs. W. E. and T. D. Gaakins of New Bern were here Baturday and Sun day, greeting their relatives and fr lends They have scores of friends hero who, are always glad to welcome them.. . Miss Amanda SprullI attended tho pic nlo at Cowpen Landing and spent Sun day with friends In this town. i The Rev. Mr. Newton filled his ap pointment at Ellsworth church Sunday, and preached an Interesting sermon to a large congregation. Mr Newton preaches sound doctrine and Is rapidly winning his way Into the hearts of our, people. He was accompanied Sunday by his lit tle son, Graham. : - - Our young J. P., H. C. Lancaster was called upon Sunday to unite In matri mony, Mr. Ad Hill, of Jasper, and Miss Belva Anderson, of Geddy. The cere mony was performed at the home of H. C. Lancaster in the presence of many frlonds of the young couple, all of whom wish them a prosperous Journey through life. 1 v.':-;..:'. , ;."s.v There will be a grand plcnlo at Juni per School House, near Vanceboro, on Saturday May 17th, This is the closing of H. C. Lancaster's school, and some noted speakers will be p nt to give educational talks. Evoryl cordially Invited to come and br! , v "'. Cl'od tv.eta. Jkrvz- . Willis, THOJIAS'GOODWORX; ' ' - - 5 f Countloacs. karal Free Mai DcOvery. Inspection, Fish to Stock aUvcn.' Special to-Journal .. V.t t Washtiotok, D. C, May 7.-Con- gressmaa Charles It Thomas has secarsd Rural Free Delivery routes aad the Government Inspector will la the first week la June, examine Jones aad Craven counties and other routes ta the Third Congressional District. ' 1 The United States Fish Cosnmlisioner adriaes that 750,000 shad have been fur nished for the Neuae and Tsent rivers, also that larger supplies of shad will be sent for these and other river, 61 the districts roiI)CKSTlLLE ; Leu Cotton Planted. HoneHaaaway, EoaseLost By Fire. May . Warm dry weather ft What wo are having JastalitUe.loonrSoh'of lust BOW. . '1 If-' Farmers report the outlook good for a crop, if it will Just rain a little occasion auy. There is less cotton planted la this section this year than there has been for many. The farmers are letting their lands rest this year which wo thWk a good plan" to adopt. i . Mr. T. S. Bender and family left last Tuesdsy for an extended visit In Onslow county to bis parents and friends, . near Wards MU1. ... Ahorse runaway from the steamer warehouse here last Saturday, breaking the cart and spilling the load, but fortu nately no one was hurt as the Streets were given to the running team with full right of way. Mr. K. A. Heygins of Florence, S. C, is visiting friends at this place, on his way home from Va. Mr Richard Franks and wife of New York was on the streets here last. Mon day. Mr Franks la a native of this conn ty and was on his way to Trenton via. steamer Howard. We hear the had a cool accident on arrival at Trenton.' '; Yes Mr Plucky, we are Just 13 miles behind your great metropolis further down the Trent thst's all. Mr. Newton White, who lives 1 mile from this place, had tho misfortune to lose his house by fire last Sundsy, morn ing about 9;20 o'clock. When discovered the dinlngkroom and kitchen was on fire and before assistance reached him all was lost except some furniture, There hss been 15 or. 80 horses lost in this vicinity by some unknown "disease since the fair, It la all called the staggers but It's a strange kind of staggers, Dan iel W Murrell lost one lost Tuesday morning in 8 hours from time of the dis covery of a sign of sickness. If this is staggers It must be a new kind. I Know One Bare Remedy for an obatbiato eold. i Its Dams la PrnT-Wtam. COVE. May 7. Trade in town J. has boomed considerably for the past few weeks. ' Farm work is progressing nicely and crops are looking well though small owing to the late spring. Mr A D Hawkins Will open a grocery establishment here in a few days and so licits the patronage of his friends. '.' Mr. T H White has accepted a "posi tion with the A. & N. C. railroad at New Bern, and contemplates moving his fami ly there In the near future. . ' Miss Lula and Janle Ipock spent Monday at Dover. . ; . Mrs. C, D Lane and Miss Jessie Tsylor visited New Bern last Friday. ' Mr Otis Eubanka made.Trenton a visit Monday. ;j .; -:--y;:- -i Mr Lane and family have moved in Mr L F Taylor's residence recently va cated by Mr George Avery. Misses Psttie and Essie Nelson, of New Bern spent Sundsy at Mr. E. D, Avery's. . : . V ' The beautiful weather caused several of our young people to be interested in a long stroll towards Dover Sunday even ing. 1 :'.--. r-y-V rl: The musical entertainment at Mr E D Avery's Monday night was greatly en jbyed by all attendants. The Free Will Baptists held their quarterly meeting here last Saturday and Sunday. Elder Cunningham con ducting the services both days. The weather was fine and the members Were all present. '-a -J YOU KKOW WHAT "YOU ARB TAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing, that it is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 59c LESS worn. i Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It All yon can do la to keep them as free from exposure aa possible and al ways have la the house a Cough Remedy that can he depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will all every requirement, It Is guaranteed to Cure Coughs, Colds and Group or the price 85 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It Bold by Davis', Henry'v and Bradham's Pharmacy. . Celery Hcadadie Powders. There is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fail to relieve. Ma "o and sold only at Davis Prescription f! v -vy. M GROSVEtJOR SAYS: "Peruna is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedyl am as Wei as Ever." ' ' " ' HON. DAK. A. GR08YEH0B, OF .... Hon. Dan. A. Orosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department, in a letter written from Washington, D. O., says I "Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever. spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy. "- ' ' - DAN. A. OROSVENOR. ' In a recent letter he says : ........ ; . ' - ' ' 1 consider Peruna really more you last I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the country asking melt my certificate yes."-Dan. A. Orosvenor. A County OommlMtonw Letter. lion. John Williams, County Commls aioner, of 517 West Second street, Dulath, Minn., Bays the following In regard to Peruna t "As remedy for catarrh I can cheer fully recommend remna. - I know what It Is to suffer from that terrible disease and I feel that It is my duty to speak a NORFOLK. Trouble in Store for Traction People, Damaging Fire. Fine New Club House. Large Business for a ' ' ; , Norfolk Firm. ' .1; VUj 8 Appearances Indicate that there is more trouble in store for our . Street railway Company and its employees. The new men are attempting to organize a branch of the Union and the company have opinions of their own regarding the utility of such associations when ap plied to the working of street railways The company Is eyidently determined that no union shall exist amongst their motormen aad conductors. There has been about twenty men dismissed from the service during the past week, some for stealing, some for drunkeness and others for advocating the merits of the onion. t Tho managers of the road seem to have got the knocking down- system well In hand and are determined to end this disgraceful business that has been carried on so long and to openly. : ! Norfolk was again visited with a large fire on Wednesday last, consuming lots of valuable property including the prlnt ng presses and tho whole outfit of the Norfolk Dispatch, although It did hot stop a single issue of said newspaper. , Tho Hampton Roads Yacht Club house which will bo nnlque In its architecture. The interior will be fitted out to resem ble ye old time battle ship. Between decks It will have all the massive Um bers, beams and knees incidental to such vessels. , All windows will be in shape of porta to further carry out the effect. This house will be built at . Wllloughly Spit, at tho entrance to Chespeake Bay, la tho seventh Ward. ,; There are In course of erection, by actual count, twenty six houses,' all of a high grade that will rent from: twenty dollars to fifty dollars per month. Dwell ings for people of moderate means are almost Impossible to get , " . ' Tho , Helm pickling and preserving company have about completed their factory and are ready for work. They are advertising for three hundred .wo men and girls to operate the plant The company has contracts for hundreda-of acres of fruits and vegetables to be sup plied by the truckers of this vicinity. The benefit of such concerns to a city can be readily seen. ' . ,., .' the Best Prescription for Halaria. : , Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Qbotx's Tasteless Chill Toitio. It Is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No care no pay. Price 60o. . , , DIKB CATARRH SRTJFF ' 4 loosens op the tenacious viscid mucus In nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arl tng from Its UR6 Is worth dollars hoalth too THE FAMOUS OHIO FAMILY, i Besides being one of the very best meritorious than I did when I wrote Is genuine. I Invariably answer, good word for the tonic that brought me immediate relief. Peruna eared me of a bod case ot catarrh and I know it will core any other sufferer from that dia ease." John Williams. Mine Mettle L. Guild, President Illi nois Tonng People's Christian Temper anoe Union, la a recent letter from Chi cago, lit, says i I Snow Drift, White Frost ;and Admiral JTCSTitllECEIVED. jortemouth Corned MuMa. ,"; . , , , Fresh Strawberries from'Wlilteliurst's farm every morning. 5 Freeh Fox River Print and Elgin Butter received every I J week and served from one of the finest refrigerators in the city. J ,i , - Complete stock of staple PRICES. 5 1 'Phone Oil 61 . Pollock St . It has always been our rule to sell only reliable goods, and to offer no article that will not give satisfactory results. -"We are; offering exceptionHGOod, thin3 in Bummer Stuff in both our ctcrc3. - Evcrytliinrj 1 for G:nil:n arJ 1 : Everything for tb :.Lc!l!:3. , Remember eurl goods wcro bouc-t I::4 Spot Gash.X7hich nivc3 us an crtra clicunti It you are i our customer ycu; c:i tlio r.-.l; tago':ot.it;.;'",V:,"v-!-' . . ;- Our Ecad3r-to-T7car IEntJ in citr 1 Department iz tho tr.ll: cl tlio tr.rh. th remerfea rtcommeaded to-dmy tor satMrrh oi the triem.t A remedy thmt will cars cstmrrh el the atommrb will curs tha ism coodlttott ot tit meant mmbcm mnjrwbtw. I harm kmad K tbc esi natter I twrm arer trie4 tor catarrh, mad belmvlag u wortkjr way aadonaaaaot IgUdty accord UMatti L. Qulld. Hon. W. P. Brownlow, Congressman from Tennessee, writes from Wash ington, D. On the following! "l have suffered from eatarrh of the stomach tot several years, end for the past twelve' months was ta aa exceed ingly critical condition., My attention was ceiled to your Peruna, and I began to nee It, and my improvement was noticeable after the first tnrse days. I have taken three bottles of the medicine and I teal sstlsfl nnthnt I an now almost, if not pormaoeaUyv cured. In connec tion with the Peruna, I have need your afanalln sot Nllocsness and torpid liver. I regard it aa the beet medloine lor thhs purpose that I here eves need. Hajring been bene 11 ted so mneb myself, t give yon this statement, th4 others may be likewise benefited. W. P. Browoloir, 11. (X, Jonesboro, Term. , -, i ltrs.Elmef Yiuing,ontem ot Beser voir Ooonell Ko. 108, North western Le gion of Honor, of Minneapolis, aClnn writes from B90 Polk street W.B. : I nave- been troubled all my life with catarrb in my head. I took Peruna tor about three months, and now think I am permanently cored. I believe that for eatarrh In all its forms Pernna la the medicine ot the age. It enree when all other Mrs. Elmer yiemlaff, Minneapolis, Minn. remedies tail. I can heartily recommend Peruna as a catarrh remedy." Mrs. Elmer Fleming. ; Treat CmtarcH U SprlBf. The spring la the time to treat eatarrh. Cold, wet winter weather often retards a euro of catarrh. If a course of Peruna is taken during the early spring months the cure will be prompt and permanent There ean be no failures If Peruna la taken Intelligently daring the favorable weather of spring. As a systemlo catarrh remedy Peruna eradicates catarrh from the system wherever it may be located. It oures ca tarrh of the stomach or bowels with the same certainty as catarrh of the head. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at onoe to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. ; !.. ..,;! t Address Dr. Hartman, . President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. and Fancy Groceries at RIGHT e-; ' j " ti 71 Bread Et. ; DO niddle nu 1

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