1 ZZi H Ml VOLDMI XXV. ' SiW BIEN, CSATU CODITT, R. C, TUtSDAT, Nil, It, 190t.-rlE3T SICTIOI. WM-. .i rlUMBIl It lift 0 .A K YAH v Makes delicious hot biscuit, rolls, crusts, griddle cakes and muffins A cream of tartar powder, absolutely pure. BOYAU BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Both Sides la Walter Clark Contro versy Remain Firm. CoavUts at Work. Crop Outlook. Ncded Rains' Fall, Pigeon Shoot. Biff Court Case. -Christian Church ' Orphan nice. Raleigh, May 12. There are 444 con victs at work on the Ohio River and Charleston railway extension in Mitchell county. The number on the Wilkesboro and Jefferson turnpike is 83. Superintendent Mann of the peniten tiary says the crop outlook is good. Only an extraordinary freshet can do tho least damage to the crops on the State farm. The State charters the Union Publish ing Co., of Bessemer City; the Piedmont Foundry and Machtno Co., of Hickory; and the Macco lodge K. of P. Company of Wluston-Salem; and authorizes the . W hi tcvllle Lumber Co., to increase Its capital stock to $50,000. The Christian church conference of N. C. and Va. will soon have an orphan ago, Rev. W. S. Long, W. J. Leo and Rev. J. L. Foster having been appointed a conimiitoe to eeloct a site. ; Several places are making offers, among these Virginia, Liberty, Burlington and Greensboro. The orphanage fnnd Is bow . $3,boo. Hi , ., v; ; . .V, ' C . Great preparation are being made for the inter-state clay pigeon shoot here June 85-20. Some of the best shots in the United States will be here. It will be undor the auspices, of the nat ional association. This morning for Pocahontas, 125 negroes left here to work in the coke ovens. Commander A. B. Stronach of the local camp of Confederate Veterans was at Wilson today to attend the unveiling of the Confederate monument in Maple wood Cemetery there. ; ' ' " "; Fine rslns fell last night and ( ended what was beginning to be a serious drougblVVV '''' ri Among today's arrivals were Gen. W. R. Coi of Edgecombe county and ex Congressman Thomas Settle of Ashe ville. At Charleston this ' week the notable Worth will case Involving the; estate left by the late ex-State Treasurer John M. Worth,, valued at 1250,000, will be argued in the U. 8. Circuit Court of appeals.- Half a score of able lawyers ap pear tn it, ' ' ' J ' Judge Walter Clark publishes a 0000 word reply to charges made agalnBthlm by Ma J W Wilson,including the letters or notes Clark wrote Gov. Russell in 1897. The two sides in this great con troversy remain firm. The Clark men lay he has cleared bis skirts and will get the nomination for Chief Justice, in a walk, While the anti-Clark men say Maj. Wil son's charges are even more . than proved. , Clark For Chief Justice. Special to Journal.- - Raleigh May 10. Warren County - Democratic Convention, today unani mously endorsed Walter Clark for Chief Justice. .' ... , , --, Cigars at Davis'. . - v Theo, t Cubanota, Royal BIup, l ew Wallace, Flor de Tellor, and other lead- in e brands, at Davis Prescription Phar- BELL AIR. Lest there abould arise some mlsunder standing as to a-remark from Bellairin . A late number of the Journal concerning the Ellsworth troupe. .We will limply ! explain that the , "tinge of, TUlgarlty" mentioned was from - BambOi the negro and did not Include any of the "lair sex in any way. Wo make this statement lest there mlgh be a misinterpretation of the comment on the players. It U quite dry and early crops are thirsty, if not already .falling they will fall rapidly if rain does not come quite soon, ground has not been wet in nearly four weeks. I'.'.la Holt hs returned to her home in P. '". da I,an, brr lister, accom- VANCEB0R0. May 0. Miss Lillle Smith and Mr. S. L. Lane left Sunday for Bath, N. C, to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Williams spent Monday in New Bern. Several of our girls and boys attended a picnic Saturday evening about 5 miles from here. The dance given last Friday evening was quite a success. We are sorry to say that it was the last of the season. Miss Bessie Garris and Mr. Roscoe Dawson spent Friday night and Satur day visiting Mrs. Barum Forrest. Miss Mattle WIndley from Bath Is visiting Misses LIHIo Smith and Cora Dinkens. , Mr. B. F. Dinkens spent Wednesday In New Bern. Misses Carrlo Fltta, Lula Brewer and Emily Brown left Wednesday morning on the steamer Carolina for New Bern, Beaufort and other points. Messrs. Cleve Williams, Tom Smith and Nat Lancaster left Wednesday for New Bern, to attend a game of ball. The tobacco farmers In our section seem to bo very despondent over tho dry weather, as they are anxious to begin planting out their tobacco. Dr. Covington arrived Tuesday to be gin practicing. We wish him much success. Capt. Howard from Washington, passed through here today on his way to New Bern. ? Vauceboro is on a boom now, we have two ateam boats, and a railroad is being talked very strong. Mr. Emmelt Smith left Saturday for Wlntersvillo, and returned Sunday.. ' , Mr. J. M. Lancaster and wife spent Sunday in the country'. A Correspondent. OLYMPIA. . May 10. T,he farmers are more than pleased at the rain last week, It has helped the corn and cotton very much. Some have plowed corn and have their cotton chopped out. .Irish potatoes are looking fine, some report they have potatoes as large as small hen eggs. Mr. Wallace Whltehurst is shipping cabbage this week,, be has a fine crop this year. There is a good many strawberries go ing to market from this section this spring. V - Mr. W. E. Nixon, ofOore Point, vis ited our neighborhood last week. Miss Victoria llolton, of New Bern, is vlsltlne relatives here this week. - , Mrs. Annie Watson, of Reelsboro, is visiting relatives here this weok. - The young people of Olympia are an ticipating a very pleasant time during the summer season this year. Some invitations have been sent out to attend a wedding that will occur at Olympia in the near future. A missionary meeting will be held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon, May ll,at 8 o'clock. ' A fine daughter was born toMr. and Mrs. A. fch uoiton last week. - McDuffle's Witch Hazel Foot Healer one Of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives instant re lief. 85 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. ' MAYSVDLLE. ' May 8. We had a little shower this morning which was very much need ed. Farmer! . report the crop . outlook is very good. Crops can not be otherwise than In a prosperous condition' blessed with such beautiful weather as this. We trust that they will not be blighted In anyway. Some of our townsmen tried their luuk fishing thla week. Guest they had good luck as they brought back themsel ves, a nice lot of ticks, and a big "M. T Jog." Some of them retired early. ' The election for town officers will be heldSnext Tuesday the 13th. The candi date! nominated In the Primary last Thursday p. m. are as follows: For May or, E. L. Mattocks; ior Commissioner!, Lewis Bynum, Lewis Whitty,. James B. Waters, J. M. FOscne and J, E.Mo- Catchen; for Constable, J. R. Oak ley.1 -? '-X .;:r:' Mrs. E. H. Henderson is having her house I painted. Mr. U. M. Collins is doing the work. The boys here are preparing a cro-' quet ground. Look out now for some fun. ' " , . Prof. Mosby Hoggo, Mr. J, I. Babls- ton, Misses Lizzie Fellers and Lula Ennott, of Belgrade High school, left here Monday p. m. for their homes, .-; ' I"-s Muaa (.Salter and some other f ! ' who have been vfnitipj at Mrs, " ' ' ' i 1 ! -. J' i (' ' n's ' ' r.r-. 'r!' Observance of Memorial Day With Appropriate Ceremonies. Raleigh's Team Gets Uniforms. Danage From HalL City's Purchase Laid for Farm Purposes. Walter. Clark Coatro . versy. Ralkigh, May 10. Memorial Day wu observed here today by the closing of publio building and banks and the sus pension Of business In the afternoon. The exercises were held In tho after noon at Metropolitan hall and the . fea tures an address on Capt. James Iredell Waddell of the "Shenandoah," by Capt Samuel A. Ashe, and the presentation by the Daughter! of the Confederacy of 40 "exoses of honor" to Veterans, There was a procession to the Confederate Cemetery, where the graves were deco rated and the local military fired the usual salute to the dead. . The Confed erate Veterans camp, Inmates of the Sol diers Home, Daughters of the Confeder acy, Sons of Veterans and Children of the Confederacy, were present. ' Many persons were out to the fair grounds this afternoon to see tho third game of base ball between Raleigh and Durham, Farrell, Raleigh's new first baseman, arrived today, as did also ex ceedingly handsome new uniforms for the home team. The uniforms are the best made, and are of Tale gray,with the letter "R" in old English, in maroon also maroon stockings, belts and caps. The new uniform was worn tor the first time this afternoon. The team Is play ing fast ball. It Is regarded as up to the high standard of last year's team. Hall has done somejdamage to crops In the Southern and eastern parts of this county and made it necessary to replant cotton. In most parts of the county there Is need of rain. This city has purchased 30 acres more of land for its farm and now has 200 acres. It raises only forageJIand grain crops, for its horses and mules. The new printing company, owned lointlv bv the Biblical Recorder, Chris tian Advocate ana rrogressive farmer, which will do all the printing of these naners. is Installing Its olant Here. Interesting developments In the Wal ter Clark-Russell letter matter are looked for at anv moment now. There is a general desire to see In print the letters whicn judge uiara wrote uov, Russell in 1BU7. THE COOKBOOK. Save hoof mnrrow from soup bonoB to add to anet for puddings. Marrow Is more delicate tbau suet When you me softening butter to make enke, never ullow It to melt. If you do, the coke will be heavy. A cooking teacher advises that fried oysters are much better and spatter less in frylrigif parboiled slightly and drained beforo rolling in the crumbs. For date mush stir In a cop of dates (stoned and separated) when your mush n cupful has been thoroughly cooked. Cook ten minutes and serve (With cream or sirup. . V , - V THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv e l by J. E. Lathvn & Co, New Bern N.O. Nkw York, May 12. Cottoh; July..... Aug..... Sep...... Oct...... Open. High. Low. Close . 9.09 9.14 9.03 9.05 .8.85 8.89 8.63 8.78 . 8.87 8.39 8.31 8.31 . 8.18 8.19 8J3 8.18 Chicago, May 12. Wheat: July..; Cobs: May..... Ribs: May..... Open. High. Low. Close , 75i 76 , 751 75f Open. High. Low. Close 61, 62 ' 61 61 Open. High. Low. Close . 960 967, 900 902, New York, May 12. Stocks; " Open. High. Low. Close Sugar........... 127J 187 125 1271 So Ry 871 871 861 861 U. 8. L ....131 181 131 12J U.aB.. ...411 411. 40 401 Mo. P. . . 991 1031 99 99 Atchison ....... 79 79. 77! 771 Va. C. C ... 721 701 711 A.O. O. , 521 Ml 62: Am Ice 181 181 .-. Liverpool Spots 5.1. Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, May-June 4.68. Ang-Sept. 4.53. Sepl-Oct 4.89. Advices to J. E. Latham & Co., yester day. New York, May Market feels absence of trade and speculative support. Long Interest Is quite large. ; R. MOORE & CO POBT JWOKIFTS. . - Same eek .. last year. Last week 16,000 This wcea. Sat. 14000 Mon. 5000 Tues. ' Wed. Thurs. Frl. 71,000 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ! Proceeding ef May Xecttng. Grand Jary, Sheriff and County Treat- . Brer's Reports, The Board met at 10.80 o'clock a. an. May 6th, 1902 at the Court house in New Bern in regular monthly session. Present Commissioners, Jones, Bax ter, Fulcher, Wadsworth and Wood. It appearing to the Board that the charges against L. B. Hablcht for viola ting the liquor laws having been with drawn and no one appearing to prose cute it is ordered that notice-to show cause why his license should not be re voked is hereby dismissed. ( On motion the item of all other prop erty charged to Capt G. W. Lnptonbe reduced from 11600 to 800on ; aoconfct of error " " " On motion John Banders allowance as pauper was Increased from 91.00 to $2.00 per month and E. B. Bellinger was re quested to furnish the same In rations. It appearing to the Board that the Im provements on the Jerome : property should not have been Increased for the year 1900. It Is ordered that the order made at the April mooting increasing said taxes for the year 1900 be and the same is hereby revoked. The said order having been made through a misunder standing of the facts. Board took reoesa until 2.80 o'clock p'm. Board met at 2.30 o'clock p. m. May 3, 1902. Present Commissioners, Jones, Wood, Fulcher, Wadsworth. G. V. Richardson having resigned as list taker of No. 8 township, It is hereby ordered that the same be accepted and on motion Geo. K. West was elected list taker in his stoad and the clerk Is In structed to notify Mr. West of his ap pointment. On motion It is ordered ' that W. H. Squires be and he is hereby relieved of the payment of poll lax on account of poverty and Infirmity. A petition was presented to the Board signed by citizens of No. 3 township asking the Board to erect a ferry be tween the north and south banks of Neuse river, near Maple Cypress. The petition was referred to the attor ney. On motion the report of the Road Trustees of No. 5 township was read and adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes. The Board took recess until May 0, 1902 at 10 o'clock a. m. The Board met at 10 o'clock a. m., May 6th 1902, pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners, Jones, Baxter Fulcher, Wood and Wadsworth. T Whereas, various citizens of Maplo Cypress and Fort Barnwell have peti tioned the Board of Commissioners to lay out and establish a bridge across (he Neuse river at Maple Cypress, and whore as said ferry appears to be a public necessity as there Is no means of cross ing the river at that point. It is ordered that a flat boat and chain be purchased to be used In ferrying passengers across the Neuse river at that point provided the same shall be conducted without any expense to the county and to accom plish said purpose the ferryman is al lowed to charge 6 cents for each foot passenger and 10 cents for each horse and vehiclo or each horse, mule or other animal or 15 cents for double team, said ferry is not established as a public ferry. The purpose of the Commissioners being to furnish the citizens of Maple Cypress and Fort Barnwell a boat to be used by them without expense- to the county. Ferryman to be selected by tho peti tioners. Mr. C. Gordan lunsted, agt for Mr. Jerome came before the Board and com plained of the assessment made by B W Ives, whereupon Mr Ives was summoned before the Board and the matter of the valuation of the property of Mr C C Je rome was- finally settled as follows, whlsh the sheriff was ordered to list and collect tax on the difference between the following and the list given In by said Tunstead which he paid tax on to the sheriff. : 56 acres snd house 1500 00 Improvements . 1200 00 2 mules .150 00 Household and kitchen furniture 600 00 Farming Improvements .8 00 Cart, wagon and harness . 50 00 Plated and silver ware , 10 0Q 1 yacht 1800 00 1 launch . 800 00 1 skiff - 5 00 Other property ' 90 00 . On motion Commissioners Wadsworth and Baxter were appointed a committee to purchase chain and flat for use of citizens for a ferry across Neuse river near Maple Cypress. ; Ordered that the chairman, K R Jones Commissioner Baxter and the attorney, D L Ward, were appointed a committee to make up report to be presented to the Board of Magistrates on the first Mon day in June 1902 showing the financial condition or we county. The Treasurer D. L. Roberts presented his report which was accepted and or dered spread upon the minutes. Report of D. L. Roberts, Treasurer of Craven County for April. . , Gaaaral Fond. . April 1. Tobal 812 02 . 14. To J- W. Biddle 754 00 m roach era 80. 634 84 . 716 82 1,816 74 April 80. By vouchers 1,888 92 Hay 1. By bal. 82 lateral Ammm May 1. To bal. 1,30184 tm sr 1, April 1. To bal 14. To J. W. Biddle May 1. To bal. 78 64 April 90. By voachera 78 64 78 64 rtM m,s. April 1. To bet 534 ? 42 4176 87 83 4 48 4176 " It To J. W. Biddle, April 30. By vouchers May 1. By bal pedal Bridge fill, May 1. TO bal. Hnea aad PanaltlM. April 1. To baL " 5. To J. Adams " 8. To E. J. White " 7. To 8. R. Street " 19. To W. M. Wataon, C S. C. " " To 8. R. Btreet " 25. To J. T. Harget 189 69 19 62 1100 300 800 80 76 100 25 00 148 27 148 27 May 1. By Bal. 148 27 D. L. ROBERTS, Trees. Craven Co. May, 1902. The Sheriff, J. W. Biddle presented his report which waa adopted and or dered spread upon the minutes. J. W. Biddle. Sheriff, in account with Craven county. Dr. May 1. To cash on hand 1,540 09 To State and County Taxes Collected 7,813 11 To S. B. taxes collected 126 00 9,480 10 Cr. April 14. ByD. L. Roberts, Treasurer, Fence, Nol " 14. By D. L. Roberts, Treasurer, - Fence, No 8 14. By D. L. Roberts, Treasurer on Gen eral Fund 1 30. ByD. L. Roberts. Treasurer on Gen eral Fund ' 1. by Geo, H. Roberts, Corn's, on General Fund 75 18 86 42 1,388 40 716 82 5,000 00 ByComm's. on 7,939.11 5 percent By cash on hand 896 95 1,866 83 9,480 10 Respectfully submitted, J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff. Sworn to and subscribed before me this May 6th, 1902. H. C. WOOD, J. P, Ordered that the report of the Grand Jury be accepted and spread upon the minutes. Report of Grand Jury foi April term of court Craven county 1902, To his Honor Judge F. D. Winston presiding. :-r We the Grand Jary beg to report that we have finished all such business as has come before as to the best of our ability as charged. We have returned 61 presentments as true bills, 12 as not true bills 6 new ones before ue. . THBt jail. . ' , We have vlsltited the jail and made a thorough examination, inside and out, and find It as healthful and cleany a con ditlon as the present arrangement of construction will admit of. . The food is ss wholesome and sufficient as the finan cial allowance" will Justify. We would call your attention to the fact that four new State cells are badly needed. We would also urge that an apperture be made in the door so that the persons can be fed without the Jailor being com pelled to go in amongst them. There are some minor repairs needed around the door and elsewhere, otherwise we find everything in very good condition. , We have examined the court building and other publio property and find such in good order. The offices are in good condition, very well kept and looked after. . Upon examination of some of the old records we find a few of them fast decay ing and falling to pieces beyond recog. nltion and we would recommend their being Immediately recopied as has al ready done In a few Instance! in the put. . We have visited the County Home for the poor and infirm and found every, thing In good order and the Inmates perfectly satisfied. 28 inmates. - G. V. Riotubdsoh, Foreman. A true copy. . W. M. Watsok, C. 8. C. The regular monthly bills were al lowed. On motion the Board S'-journ" i. arioaa Snow Drift, Willi Front and Admiral .JUSTICRECEIVED. jortsmouth Corned Mullets. - - Fresh Straw berriee from Whltehurst's farm eTerj morning. Fresh Fox River IYint and Elgin' Buttef tecelTed"verT week and served from one of Complete stock of staple PRICES. J. L. MAM: 42 'Phone 91. WTVTTTfTfTVTTTVVTTTTTTTTTTTTfffffTttfttttfV 1 The American Stock Co:, i 3a HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR I Enormous Spring Stock and invites the inspection of the mi a . . w 1 2 Shoes, up-to-date styles and of q all kinds. We carry a cnoice S 61 Pollock St. a rne lawsi maxes ana siyies m oprmg Duiw tore very oouy 3 At Prices that Knock Ont Competition 3 Mens Furnishing Goods of every description; 1 Cheap too. SMITH'S Because the weather is cooler you need not put off buying "Hot Weather Goods," We are selling and other Summer price would move them 1 with " snow on the ground. CALL before all are gone at . , SMITH'S, ; 61 PoUOCk StU ri If you will let us show you on Clothes, we will convince you that it pays to .buy good Ready-to-wear Clothes. We refer particularly to our magnificent range of IIIOH GItAIE SUITS : 1 ' From $7.50 Young Men's Suits for Spring from 15 to' $12.00 J Boys Knee PanU Sults,iNorfolk Blouse and Sailor Styles, $2 to$5. Boys Knee Panto 60c, 75o and $1. ' 1 4 per cent, rebate checks given J. I BAXTER, Phone 1 60. mmmi - Wire Screens, Door and Window .Screens, Xawn Movers, Ice Cream -Freezers, Ice Sharers. , . . " ' ' ' A full line of Hardware, raints, Oils, Varnlflh, Enamels In Cold, silver and Aliuminum. , A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. . - ; . ; Our goods as represented,' ' TRICIIS TIIS LC'TrT. Give us your orders. . . rt F the finest refrigerators in the citj. and Fancy Groceries at RIGHT Wholesale & Retail Grocer, I ; .... J? 71 Bread St. g public. rt the best makes. Dry Goods of line 01 jyuLOiiJBittx mai ispretr 59-61 Middle Street, it - ...v.... it 09 Itllddle St. . ,f Goods right . along, the , ): ' . : VWitK line f Men's Styles, Perfect Fitting . to:$l5;00: i.' with every cash Bale. Ask for them. 1 19, o'.yjtfe. Street. U ' i , , 'I'