til yjijj'i iiiii Jt .J VOLUME XIY. - HIW BIRK, CK1VI5 COUHTY, H.' C, FRIDAY, MAY lG190VrSICOID SICT10I.! ji - !.!! .iKUJfBEa 13 : t V Vt .... ": f amOURA' RESOLVv EOT PILLS (Chocolate Coated, 60 doses, 25c), are a new, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the' celebrated liquid CUT I -CURA RESOLVENT, at well as for afl,otJver bloody purifiers and humour cures.; Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful , of f liquid t RE-, SOLVENT.;Put up in screw-cap pocket vials; con taining 60 doses, price, 25c CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc cessful and economical blood - and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet eompoundeiii " cb;icicTitCi ect$i Complete external and internal treatment for every hamo&r, oonsirtlog o( Cuticcba Soap, 26c., to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cut icle; CuticdbA OnmtaNT, 80c., to In stantly allay itching, . inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal ; and Oun ce bji Bcsoltbmt Pills, 25c., to oool and cleanse the blood. A Sixqlji 8JT is often sufficient to sure the most torturing, dis. figuring, itching, horning, and scaly skin, soalp, and blood homoon, eesemas,rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from Infancy to ago, when all else fail. -. Omniu KiHimKi an nil thraghaai ttM void. Bittkh Dmtii7-CluitarlwaM8a.,Lo4. DriitiikMdtiiNi,hik mmtmin (Jew. Om Soto tat. Batfia, U. a. A, . . ZORAH. .A Crops Suffering on Account of Draught . - . PreachlDf Services. I V 1 ! ' , Hay 13 Farmers are wanting to see a ; good rain just now. Oats are looking ' well, but would be moch benefited by a shower. 'There Is hardly enough tnols- tauTta the groavl to sproat cotton that has not already come up. - ,1 We had preaching at Friendship 'I church on (be first Saturday and Sunday v ' by Elders Bennett and Lltchworth. '' The Zorah-Askin base ball club played , ' the Haploprove club on last Saturday, - which resulted in a victory for the for mer. ' ' ' . ' . ' It makes us sad to report the death of - Mr. David B. Cat on formerly of this place, which occurred on the 6th Inst, at '--i Blount's Creek.'! Be has been a con- "-. firmed Invalid for the last three or four . years, Vaffering more than' anyone Will eve know;' lie was between;. 75 and 80 s yean of age and has been faithful '-, ,: member of the Primitive Baptist church , - for the last 80 years or more. When the ' dark cloud, of the sixties hung . like s . mantle over our land, he left home and friends and enlisted in the cause of the - South. . He served in company A. of the 467th, N. CL, regiment, and for bis faith "a fulness and steady habits was made searleant in his company. A good and noble hearted man has gone, we believe, to that better land where all is peace ana love. . - . - May 12 The weather. Is very dry. Toe gardens are suffering muc& Jpa .account of drouth. Hr and Mrs WO Ipock, of Perfection, were vUliing relatives ao, CUwks'-fiatur-day and 8unday. - John N. Eubank, of Savannah, Ga., Is vlBlting bis father, Mr, Thomas Eu bank. ' j . . N ' MrLen Richardson,' who' has been very ill is Improving slowly and we hope be win soon be able to greet nis irienas GRIFT0N. May 13 Mr. L. J. Chapman left for WlOTtoTTuesdalT661ttng aftef tn1n tercat'of the fopacoo marketjiere, , Heber Gasklns went to Kinston Tuet day on business. By . - Charlie Keboe, of New Bern 'is here painting the lealdence of J.U Keen, Mr. Walter Dawson, of Conelo, spent Monday nfght in 'Jown i, oi business, , 'k Geo. W. Summereli, of Kinston, was in town Tuesdsy on business? Mr. Will Hewborn of Kinston, wu ia town on business. Hiss Gordony of Boston, Mass., has been here since Sunday organising a Woman's Christian Temperance Union which the baa, secured quite list of aamcs.W.P.V"T'V ,-Vr '- Messrs. L. O. Cobb, 1..L. Patrick and W. J. Klitrell were elected all O. K. last Monday, as that is always thejday for the town t!" f'loaj. V every "oris iad our ticket and It wrs the right one straight Dcmocntlc, , . - Mr. C J. Chsj-i i returned Friday from Winston; . ; .' Mr.'W. ; Cask Ins rent to- K! isto Fri day on business. ' v '' Mr. 8. 0. Cox spent 'Friday In Green ville on business.' ' ' ;i !!! h ne of the Vanccboro 1 - 1 1 '1 f " n t' s (iisoon. We gnps BilllGH. XA First Brick of Pullen Memorial j Building Laid. Ilsg's Daaghter's CoareaUoa ia Session, dovernor Ayeoek Be Uras From Educational Tour, Corporation Com Wtssioaera Start oa Offleial Trip. RauieH, Hay 14. The session of the King's Daughter's . State Convention here today was interesting. Two mat te rtwere discussed, one the making of $U Luke's Home for, aged women .here an s institution for the wholes State, it being now maintained by one circle alone. The other matter was the estab lishment' of a reformatory. Governor Aycock returned this morn ing from a 10 days tour In the pied mont section, In the interest of public education. He is' greatly pleased and Impressed by the attitude and interest of the people. , Yesterday he spoke' at Lawndale, Cleveland county, to 3,000 people. That Is a thriving section. Within a radius of five miles are three high schools, all full ,'. The State charters the Greensboro Hardwood Manufacturing Co., capital 25,000, Nell Ellington and others, stockholders. It will Manufacture many articles out of hardwoods .The "corporation commissioners left today on a twelve day tour, during which they will meet and fconfer with the authorities of some 30 counties re garding tax matters. , Dr. Abbot Is In the list and goes. to Goldsboro, Kins ton. New Bern, Washington, Edenton, Elizabeth City,: Hertford; Plymouth, Wllliamston - and Currituck Court House --"' : Today President Winston laid the tint brick of the new auditorium' at the Ag ricultural and' Mechanical .College and formally christened the structure as "The Pullen Memorial Building," In honor of the late Stanhope Pullen, who made the noble gift to the Btate Of the college site, 70 acrccs. President Wins ton has Invited MlnUter; Wu Ting Fng to attend the commencement and speak. The Board of Embalmers Is in session here. A doien applicants for license are being examined by it. ' . . Among the latest arrivals at the pent tentlary is a 15 year old white boy, from Chatham county. - This is another illus tration of the grave need of a reforma tory. ' ' J;.;- HcDnffle's Turpentine & Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain cure for whoop ing cough, easy and comfortable, works I 1 . rt r ' - HI O T.. wune you eieep. u ucui ui.o. um- TRENTON. School Commencement A Pleasant Pic- . nic. Grieved Himself to Dcatb. May 15. Mr and Mrs B Q Frsncks, ot New York, who have been visiting ! in New Bern came up to Trenton to stay Miss Malissa May, of Elnstoh, has been In town visiting Mr It L May. Miss Ennle Henderson, of Belgrade, la visiting JIf CQ. Henderson.';!': Messrs B E and T A Windley . went to New Bern Saturday and returned JMon day" ' .' Dr and Mrs Henry Parker have moved Into out town, we were glad to ? wel come them. Trust Be will find success and get on the road that leads to . pros perity. Mrs Sac Taylor, wife of Mr John Tay lor, lvlng near Trenton, died Tuesday morning after an Win ess of abouttwo weeks. She leaves a number of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. . Mrs Monk went to Goldsboro 'some time azo to have her baby baptised In the Catholio church. ' " y C .. Rev. A F Lelghton filled the pulpit In the Christian church last Sunday He ... tj- via as haul a n a vsvaI 1inf anrrriAn smjsivu stu kawuvui waauvua , Th? Epworth League will give a lawn party on Trenton High School campus Friday evening,' If the 'weather per- mltts.. - :::-: r . .-k-S.-? K Mr E A Hsmmond, who has been to school at the University, returned home yesterday. We are glad to see Gui back The commencement of Trenton, High School will be Hay Bom. uon. tuob u Warrenwill deliver the address.. We trust we'll have a large crowdf and we are anticipating a nice time. To-be-sUre the boys have not made engagements for that occasion as they did for the pic nic Mr. Win. Jones, a gentleman of Tuck' ahoe township, who served as a juror when Dixon was tried for his life, died some time agoi Since he began to study deep about the case, he decldedjhe ought not to have convicted the man on such circumstantial evidence, so' he just grieved himself to death. " - The plcnlo passed away quietly4 last Friday. Each seemed to enjoy; It splen didly. , We went down the river Trent about 17 miles. ' At first we ran on rock and we were not certain ' of going ano farther, but we did. We ate dinner In the Ihadow of the beech trees, (not nines) by the rippling waters., It;wan t auttful plac ty' the river iide. The s, tne-was oerfectlf grand. We had muslo and singing, plenty of rt'resh. t)""i , -and hf a fine time all round. ,"er"t I k a1out "Jut as t' i sun SWANSBOR0. Town Election, .doslnr Eicrdses of Hiss FraAckl School BsiWlntWcw 'Residences. :Many Visitors, Among Them $e Peda rogue of Salter ' ., X '.' - ?th. . .", May, 14. Misses Mary Dixon and Mamie Maldes, of Jones county, are in town visiting Mrs. D. J. Moore. : ! ' Mrs. Jenny Farnell and Mrs. W, J. Montfort, Jr., et Ward's Mills are in our place visiting.' i 1 -J -' . Mr. Ruffln Bryant' from Wards Mill and Miss Sadie Btoodgood fromSwans boro, are visiting down on New river at "feru." Vadie took In the big May banks party at the mouth of New river last Saturday;; '-'J'i Meers.Vau a Willis and M. L.H1U, two ofvour Sharpie boat builders, are on New river (Marines) building a large Sharpie for Messrs. ' W. and Isaac Lewis. Hr. Leroy Henderson and Hiss Cora Provow of Hubert, are visiting our peo plehere. ...... Jlle-l t. Dr. J. W. Sandera of Carteret county was among our people last Monday, he purchased a very fine violin from D.T, Moore for1 the Bog ue Bound Musical Club.' v "-),. J , j i it- SchooDer "Russell," Capt. , Thomas Is in port loading with lumber from Pret- tyman's mill, two other schooners ex pected In today. Some new buildings going up now, D. G.Ward Esq., has just about finished one, Hr.. W. Uglesby another, ie Smith another, and Mr. A. Dennis another. Rev. B. H. Matthews, has bought' a lot and will ' erect a school building here this year.' Brother Mat thews and wife will move to Swansboro soon to live, occupying the, Baptist par sonagc. The Baptist church here has no preacher now, "but will call one' soon Bro. Paul has gone to his new field of work in Wilmington, N, C. Rev. F. S. Becton, M. E. Church, South, held a series of meetings here last week for six nights, ' good attendance, but no accessions to church.' - We think the'ehurch ' members here, or some of them, are a good deal like they are at Salter Path, too much hypocracy, to have a revival of religion. ' Mrs. T. M. and X W. Woodhull, of our berg, have ' gone North on an ex' tended visit to Long Island, N. Y. Hr. Tim Woodhull has gone to New Bern to work in the Shops a while as a saw filer, or to learn that trade. Miss Mamie Francks closed her school here last Friday, and .had an ' excellent commencement ' exercises' on Monday night after, In the ' large "Moore" hall building."' A very large audience greeted the assembly, and exercises lasted for three hours, with speeches, dialogues, declamations, recitations, etc all did well and showed that the teacher,' Miss Francks, was well skilled in her profes sion. Exercises closed with a few re marks by Mr J M Jones, one of the com mittee, in which he thanked the patrons for cooperation in the school, excellent music interspersed the Intervals, on the organ accompanied by our local . vocal talent, and we have some of the best in Swansboro. "We would like to mention some of the speeches and dialogues,: and names of those who delivered them, but space forbids; we will say however, that all did well, "especially Misses Alice Blount, Dolly Mattocks, Bessie Heady, Sadie Furlong, Sadie Dennis and Zula Rogers. Among the boys, . the Hatsell brothers and George ; pulley, are men tfoned. - :; .-WtH-syj, : . The lumber company will soon erect new plant here, larger than the present one, a band saw and other improvements will be in the bill of fare, also 'a"1 new commissary store-"'' Our merchants have their spring stock and are trying to undersell one another; two or three cool drink saloons are run. nlhgalsoi ; rK.ii:.9';siW' - - Tha lumber company win buna a new steam boat 'soon. . ; .. , :v 1: . ' Mrs Maria Loughlin of Wilmington who has been visiting friends and rela tives here for some time returned home last week. ', Mr G W Ward the Salter Path School teacher, is home for a day or( two rest-Ins-, will return tomorrow to finish his school of 7 months, the 8th of June nex OUr town election came off last Mon day the 12 inst., resulting in the election of Capt. Calvin Buckmaster: as Mayor, and J P Rodgers. W K Ketcham, Thos. Merritt and J E Watson as commission ers, v We hope they . Will , da something for the towns benefit. ,.t ' A X . c Chip Items. , f May Farmers are complaining of a bad stand of corn. The rain, Sunday was a great benefit. ...... ,The new building at "Street's. Ferry is nearly finished. H Some people , .call It Craven county's ornament,.,.. .: r , ,Mr, St, Clair, Lancaster, is able to be up and about again after a short illness of malarial fever. j '-.. ; V n-i: ' There hal been severel cases of whoop ing couch in bur neighborhood.'"1 J Mr. Basnlght of NeW Bern, passed throbgh here Sunday on his ' way ; to Vanceborb. . : - "'-' . ' V : We ard about done transplanting to bacco in this section.. . . . . .. ' : t Bids are asked for, for service op. a mall route from here to Dobbs. s. , j v ,,, i "'Celery Headache tznlzr. There Is not any better 'rcmti'.y1 for 1 ' ' a tl i f 3 i ' 11 j 'RALEIGH.-' .; Rain Boaefltted Tobacco Planters. Crop Prospects Bright State Charters -, driving Cluby Building Wa- i -uuga Hall. .Rose Show, . t Balkiob, Msy. 15. The anost bene ficial rain of the season fell last' sight, benefiting all crops and greatly aid in the planting of tobacco. The farming p roe poet wu never brighter than at present. ,'.:; i '. The State charters the Park Driving Club of Charlotbs, E. J. Bash and others stockholders, capital stock $10,000. Jt Is to be a social, ; athletic and driving club, with club house and restaurant, in the suburbs of Charlotte. -t :' I, State Superintendent of publlo in. structlon Joyner ia on a tour in north eastern North Carolina, and was at Mur- flesboro today, l' ui-.. .. '.' Thav rebuilding of "WaUuga -HaiP ' ' at dormitory at the Agricultural and Me chanical College here, is now- quite rapid. The brick work Is one story high. . v.-.-...- -:f. , A "rose showH was given here-today, It was the first ever given in this city, : : The trustees of the Methodist Orphan age are called to meet at Trinity College commencement. It Is "proposed to make the laying of the corner-stone of ' the main building here quite an event, .i , The annual convention of the King's Daughters ended today. Steps were taken to extend the scope of the work of the order. Reformatory for Young: Criminals. Special to Journal. Raleigu, Hay 15. At this afternoon's session of State convention of King's Daughters It was decided to establish reformatory for youthful criminals and to make this the State work of the order. A committee of ten was appointed, composed of Mrs. W. H. 8. Bergwyn, Mrs. T. J. Jarvis', Mrs. F. A. Olds, Mrs. Henry Perry, Miss Sadie Bilyou, Miss Knox, Mrs. T. 8. Brlggs, Mrs. . A. . L. Blow, Miss Serena Chadbourn and Mrs. J. B. Cherry, to look into ways and means for doing this great work. This is the first positive step for a re formatory ever taken in North Caro lina, ; , . . ' ' , The committee adjourned this evening to meet next May at Salisbury; - "," ;,.,r.,'-v wasp. , .. May IS. Miss Alice Simpson spent last Saturday with Misses' ITva lSaBkins and Bessie Sasser, near Vanceboro. A plcnlo will bo held at N. P. .WiUls1 grove Saturday Juno 7th. ' The Ice cream party at Wasp last Fri day evening was very enjoyable There will be a base ball game at Msple Grove Saturday afternoon. Mrs. N. F. " Willis spent Wednesday with Mrs. A; P. Simpson. " ' Mrs. Alice Powell died at her home near Vanceboro last Friday night. , The potatoes on N. P. Willis garden are further advanced than any other gardenia town.' ' ; 7 Bright.' VANCEBORO. A Pleasant Party. Items of Personal in . . r -i, : ... terest. .-i. ' ' ' May 15. Mr. Lindsey, Of New Bern, was in our town last week.' ' ! Mr. T. J. Roberts, spent Tuesday last herevt ; "'"'f ' i i Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Smith left yester day for Hew Bern. ' -J :-r-t: w. " Hr. L. W Batermati 3 was' here last night..,, -m,.-,,. ;. Mr. Harvey an insurance man spent last nisrht here."' ": ' ! - Hiss Emily Cleuejwas home last week for a. few days."-'' & i-.-. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lane were Iri 'New j Messrs J. B. Harvey anf S. " J.'rXane, . a si '''.'.' -' speni Dunuay in uiutou. . j ? W There is a corps of W. S. geologltca surveyors camping neaf town. ' i ' The party given Friday1 evening iby Misses Cora.Dlnkins and Lillie Smith complimentary to their visiting friends, Misses Adam and Windley of Bath, was very much enjoyed by all who attended supper was served at 10:30 o'clock and at 11 they all bade their hostess good night, hoplna to have the pleasure to,, attend another real soon-i-tVi'tM "-?w.; I - Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon,, bf Maple Cypress, passed through our town to day , -'. . f Mrs.' Davis, of Southport passed through town todsy on her way to Wash lngton, N.C. '-ri - Hr. John Simpson one of boys, who has been away for nearly , a year, was home last week on a visit to ht parents friends, we kro always glad to welcome John Lomo again. , ; ' ' JJr, B. F. Dlnklns made a fly Ing trip to Grlmesland yesterday.:; - 'i 3, Capt. A. J.Gatlin left,' Saturday for New Bern, and returned Monday; ? "A Correspondent, : , Another New Residence. The foundation was being laid yester day for a commodious residence build ing for Dr. R. D. V. Jones.' i The location is on a lot Whicfi was once part of the Kauly hoi"",tead, on 1 t Front Btrcot. It ia a v '-yprc'.'y A MINISTER'S . BUSY WIFE. - Pe-ru-na a Prompt antf Permanent Cure for Nervousness, i Mrs. Anns B. Fleharty, Galesbnrg, III, Jstrav Anna B. Fleharty, recent super intendent of thet W. C. X, tt headqnac ten, at Galeaborg, ilL, w as for ten years one ot the leading women there.,. He husband, when living, was first Presi dent of the Nebraska Wesleyan IJni versity, at Lincoln, JMeb. , ,,. , In a letter written from 401 Sixty Seventh street, W, Chicago, Til., Mrs. Xleharty says the following in regard toPeruna: - "Having lived a very active life as wife and working partnerjof a busy minister, my health failed me a few years ago. I lost my husband about the same time, and gradually I seemed to lose health and spirit. My daughter Is a confirmed Invalid, and we both felt great need oi an Invigorator. , .. . " O "One o my neighbor advised me ia try Peruaa. A bottle was Immediate' ty secured aod a great change took place la my daughter", at weli aa ia my own health. Our appetites Inu proved very greatly, the' digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep soon Improved us, so that, we seemed like new women. :v''- 'i-''- ' " I would hot be without Perana for ten times iU cost" MRS. ANNA B. FLEHABTY, Peruna never falls to prevent nervous prostration if taken In time. ' ' . "Summer Catarrh,n a book written by Dr. Hartman on the subject of the ner vous disturbances peculiar to summer, sent free to any address by The Perana Medicine Cc, Columbus; (V ' " NOTES OF NOTABLES. President Roosevelt hes been' Invited to address the great triennial Sunday Behoof convention to be held in Denver in June. ', '. . Professors Gottbell and Jackson will reDresent Columbia college at, the tblr- teenth congress .of orientalists to be held in Hamburg Sept 6-10.. . , Mavroyenl Bey,, who was Turkish minister to Washington a few years ago, has been appointed by the sultan prince of the island of Samoa. W. B.,Wynne.t tiuUdInB contractor of Anaconda, Mon, Is perhaps the only man in the world who owns a church all by. himself. It Is in Butte, Mon. James R. Garfield, son ot the late President Garfield, who has Just been appointed civil service commissioner, bears a striking resemblance to his ra ther.. ' .-r-.-"..r" Oscar Fish of Alaska receives $35, 000 a year from the government for carrying the mails twice a month from Valdez to Basle, a distance of 413 miles, ,.,., .,,, ..,;; :s..-..'i . .:'! : : James Doll, the oldest English actor, Is ninety-eight years of age. He never appeared in London, but spent his life in Devonshire, and at Exeter acted Launcelot GobbO td Edmund Kean's Shylockv" , V-'B!K"'"-':W "'?" 'i f President Asa Bird Gardiner of the Rhode island State Society of the Cut dnnati announces that the society will present a gold medal to .the composer of a new tune for the; national anthem ! "America." y ' ! The late 'DlrtKomas Dunn English was a close student bf natural science as Well as an accomplished mineralo gist, and dbuld bo through a cabinet col- lection and give an expert oplnloa of every specimen; ,w yw wf- s,Tne police bave brdered Russian art dealers and booksellers to give a pledge in writing thattwnceforth they will not exhibit portraits of Count Tolstoi. All postal cards bearing bis picture haVs been confiscated. " --'.-. Thomas Way; Who UVes at Vevay, lad. la one of the Very few survivors of the famous British cavalry Light ibrigado which immortaUzed itself In history, fey. the charge, at Baiaklava, EU88la; Sept. zo,. ABM. t di,,p; ",v" ( LESS WORRY.' fm I Children wiUplay and get over-heated get their foot wet, expose themselves dosens of ways, and you can't prevent it. : All vou can do is to keep then as free from exposure as possible and ways hare in the house a Cough Rdmedy that can be depended upon. ' Anways Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs,,, Colds and Croup or the price 85 cents will be refunded by aa? dealer selling It. Sold by' Davis', ' Henry's, and " Bradham' Pharmacy. 1 ' ' ' , ' Notice is hereby given the public that application will be made to the Board of Commissioners ot 'Craven' County for license to retail liquors at Vanceboro In No. 1, Township Craven ' county Ap plication wltl be made to the Board of Commissioners on the 1st Monday in June 1902 and this notice' Is made in oomplL nee with the law governing the granting of license to retail liquor by the General Assembly of 1901. 1 -' i J. K. M. ft B. R. WARRtiN. This 1st day of May 1002. " AtEavisV 7f rr 'll rj r-rer, t i ' at j ., r n v .. . . si Hnovr Drift, ; ;: White ' Frost and Admiral JUST KECj:iVEl. .ortimouth Corned Mulleta. Fresh Btrawberriee from Wtitehnrst's farm every moaning. ! f Fresh Fpx River Print and"Egin7Butter tedelVedTeverf wctk and served from one of the '-'.'. f,'f omjilete stock of staple arid prices. .V-' 7it ; "r 3 V 'Phone 91. ' " 5MGECBUMSI As is Special Sale'!-: ' Our Shoe Department will be a lively place this week. Wq have prepared a feast of style and prioea that 'will glad tlen the hearts of tik eaUersv!-: . w? uih.h ; ki i Out Loss Your Gam. , r I -. TJnf orttuiately we are overstocked in this line, 'hence it'a m not a question of cost, THE Y. IV . Ilere is a list of brands, 100 Pain Ladies and Misses Oxfords, in .the. well known J brands of Ziegler and Thos. G. Plant. . These Oxfords old at t2.25"aSTH0o. This Sale u3' ;4r-x' eiio'rfiy' O i!? ' -' Another broken lot of Common Sense' Oxford broad toes, JL fa'tojtftffiffi tbifcg for houwyear. 75 pairs close 0 I- !J 75c and llTMlilan StocfcCflii S r. s HAVE- JUST RECEIVED 1 ssEnormrjus? Spring - - .. . .. M .. ... Jf. and invites the inspection of the The latest toakes and styles it At Price that Knock Out Competition ZZ .Menai Furwshing Goods of every description; Cheap too. Bhoes up-to-date styles and pi tne best toaJtea. " ury ooas of J J all kinds. -.We carry a choice! line of MILLINERY that fs prefc' 2Z?tj enough to suit any lady. iLadles DresS Goodsl of ever? qual- it 5j;v ity rrom gingnams to tne moec Give us a can and weTJ do 4k. S APERICAM 4 'I mi njte S'" XiAAi4sa 'l ,U Gl Pollock if J Jfi l4 ul Ill Becauso the weather, is, cooler you . need not put oflbuyingIIot 7cathcr aods V"We areEellin?l; ' s - . sw m . . .j I ' ' ' I'll 1 1 n I ... . prico Trould xiovo thcra. xrlih ground. 1 --l ; r.-r t, . I .';' '- '- SHZ . .. ..;.". sC mm w-v mm ...-., u . f awl .-'few - finest refrigeratorB ill the city. Fancy Groceries iti 1 RIGHT t u -'h .f.-i I iii'f 'tH J 'TTholesiale' '& ISetall 4 a 9 it's h i ..." ' MUST BE: SOLD, i ), v i style, sizes and prices:.!; i ..r 4 V 1 :7 1,00. awt: 1 v, publio, ia Spring Suits for everybody , sexeov weaves, ac ngnc prices;5 5 ; the restvjifArjoX V ; Zt ST0C1C; CO., m , u P.HOVlrABD, Proprietory- HiJ 5O-01 Middle Ctrect. : AJ,' ,tiA he 5 ' ;fifir,VI iw; -fHtst; mfr':- ' Lutjt.y '-5.;'':; J . ' r ' 3: it K M. . I cz:".7 en 'a 1 J i Co tor tr ' , ' v ' I-! 1 ' !! t r r f '1 1 1 r " ''. 1 ' i. J. L. : I! ; ( f

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