f"v H ' It b tie right of every child - ' to be wtlMorn, and to the L. v j W c Prent4 it e k. - ,y v I ., e-s . sCYw- responsibility, and how I - I no taint f dilMU la a 4 VwJ tobe transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most? pitiable aufierinjr, and marking its little body with often- sivc sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular . swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. 4 IIow can parents look upon such little sufferers and not reproach themselves for bringing so much misery into the world i , If you liave any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed healthy children ? . Cleanse your own blood and build up your health, andV jrou have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures of life,' but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made mankind healthier and happier. -- - . . There is no remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in' its effects, and can be taken by both old and young without fear of any bad results. . - Write us about your case, and let ouf?physicians advise and help you. This will cost you nothing, and we will' also send our book on blood and akin diseases. THK JTWirT SrCCiriC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. ' i. Reelsboro. ,; : -: Hay U-r-Mr. Daffy Pipkin and sitter, Hiss Delia, of this place, attended church at Amity Sunday..-- ' r ; ' " Capt. BUI Paris, J E Bennett and O H . Barrow, of New Bern, spent last (Sunday in. Reelsboro, ' iy-m v...j.K, Mrs John Sawyer and children, of Wilmington, are Visiting her parents at this place. - f - Mr Bob Harris and. MO frisson of Kershaw, were the guests of Mr and Mrs ' N O Brinson of this place, last Sun day. V ' :' Mr Jones, the Disciple preacher, failed to fill his appointment here Sunday on account of bad weather. - The remains of the late W. B. Hntchln son, were brought yesterday ftom Wil son, NJ C; to be interred In the ceme. eery hare. At the time of his death Mr. Hutchinson was about 65 years old. He had been a resident of this city at one . llmo. .- ' - ."' FEMININE CHAT. . Mrs. Richard Watson Gilder conducts a farm of 200 acres. , " ;: Mra Agnes D. Lipplncott,1 who has Just died in Philadelphia, left an estate pf over $3,000,000. Baroness Burdett-Coutts, now eighty eight years of age, Intends to look at King Edward VII.'s coronation proces sion out of the same window; from which she looked on Queen Victoria'! sixty-four years ago. " 1 ' Miss Virginia Meredith Is at the head of the girls' department of the agri cultural school of the University of Minnesota. She has a large stock farm In Indiana and Is known as one of the most successful breeders of cattle In the west , Mrs. Emma E. Forsythe, whose fa ther was an American and whose moth er was the daughter of a Samoan chief, Is the richest woman in the South Pa cific islands. She lives on the island ol Nou Pommern, where she has a planta tion of 120,000 acres. - - . Lady Wantage, who owns the lord ship of Fotheringay, has given the Pe tersborough Archaeological society per mission to protect the last remaining stone of Fotheringay castle, when Mary, queen of Scots, was beheaded, and has consented to leave it open to the public. ... s ? Two women of San Jose, Col, Joseph- ' ine Graham s and Louisa Held own and carry on a barber shop They have been barbers for eight years. Their .Bhop la clean, neat and attractive, con taining good pictures, flowers and mag azines, and is patronized by many pf the leading citizens. Mrss Mary Burkhart of Lane, Wolfs county, httB announced herself for con gress on the Prohibition ticket in the Tenth Kentucky district and proposes making a house to house canvass and declares that she will defeat all com ers by a big vote. . She is twenty-six, handsome and has $40,000 of her own. - - A Flexible Lana-naffe. - : The German language has a greater power of combination of words than any other European tongue. By the liberal use of the-hyphen almost any combination may be formed. Beautiful Thoughts The sweet, puro breath of the babe Is u(f irosti vo of Innocence and health, bame chil dren are as Hht and delicate as the modest flower, soma art) strong tuid bright, some are frail and sickly. A mother's yearning tor children la insep arable front a love of the beautiful, and It behtKivci every woman to bring, the sweet est Influence t bear on the subject ol her maternity. - ' " , To make easy that period when life born again, , , MaMMMMMsHBiaeaaeaai Mother's Friend It pnpnlnHy used. It It llnlmmt, aullr admiDUtrreil and for xterml um only. Mo risk, no .xprtinwita jntnlf a pain rellvr and hnrmlM. - 1'regnftnt women aro MrnMtly entrefttro to try thltramtdy, It bring undeniably friend to her during nature1! turn oi au- penne, tears ana antlctpatloa - . Ai other's J-riend, U naed dlllirentlr thmiiKhoutirMtntlon, will ftenthe breasts, thereby preventina; crackftd and sore nipples. All tittKuc mueglrt and tendons straining with the burden will soften, relax, become toothed, supple and elastic from Its contin ued snnltentlon. ' , AU tibretinth. snaomlr"! ron w!U re oondreadilytoth,nnM rrcontain luir the embryo If hii r . nd la ad niiiiUteredextprnoUvall jurintr ..r-ii;nancy. Ailrollahledruiiiits Hii tins tmedy tor Ilperbottla, i . . . A rnally vn'nabla Itwrtl'- on rx ithernood wilt be sent free, If you w u -. t;;e cratrssiD ko. CO., Atlanta. Oa. Ji child r " '" -"v the v ? and vv- ess. ' L must look health 1 How incon 1 ceivably great ' Tv is the parents' 7 imoortant that a tu. ; Wr in Ml VKUi troubles as 3. 8. 3. It searches out even hereditary poisons, and removes Jevery taint from the blood, and builds up the general health. If weaklings are growing up around you, right the wrong by putting them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It i.i 4 ' COVE. May 10. Rev. W. H. Townsend filled his regular appointment here Sunday. - Oar Sunday School Is progressing nicely the membership is large and twen ty visitors were welcomed last Sunday, wenownnrea singing school one ulght in each week with Mr. E. D. Avery as an instructor In which the most of our youag people are Interested. Our truckers hare finished shipping peas and are cultivating the same lands for another crop. , U seams mat strawberries are scarce here as Mr. I F. Taylor says she has thus far gathered one half pint from two acres. '.. Mr Joe Roberson made a business trip to New Bern Wednesday. Mr Duncan Ipock visited at Mr J Boyd's Sunday. Miss Nellie Taylor spent Wednesday night with friends In New Bern. Mr Walter Glover Is on a visit at More head, probably for his health. Ilcnon A BANANA TREE. The Fxnlt Grows Small End Up and la Cnt While Unripe. Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on the tree as they bnug in the grocery, but with the small end of the fruit pointing upward to nil ap peorances upside down, There is probnbly no other fruit of such universal consumption about which 60 little Is known to tho average person as the bannna. Something Ulso 100,000,000 bunches are annually eaten In this country alone, but scarcely one man In a thousand not connected with the business knows what a banana tree looks like. The fruit Is never allowed to ripen on the tree, but is cut half or three-quar ters "full" that is, half to throe-quarters developed according to the dis tance It is to bo shipped, and comes to maturity by feeding from the stalk, which contains a largo amount of sap. Bananas cut in this way attain prac tically the same size as if allowed to remain on the tree, in which case the bunch becomes too much of a burden for its support and either falls or breaks the tree and ripens on tho ground. , After the Cutting the plantation is "cleaned," which merely consists of severing the standing trunks within a few feet of the ground, and a new tree comes forth from the remains of its predecessor, so that the fruit In all stages of growth Is to be found at the same time and the yield Is continuous. An Anecdote of Wordsworth. A contributor to the London Specta tor thus writes to that Journal: Tour interesting article on "Vast- ness and Isolation" recalls to my mind Wordsworth's own interpretation of the lines - . Those obstinate questionings Of sense and outward things, Fallings from us, vanlshlngs ; as reported to me by the late Professor Bonamy Price; One day as he was walking with the poet 'in the hills he asked him .what he meant precisely, by the words 'Tailings -from us, vanlsh lngs." .Wordsworth's answer was to this effect: "Sometimes I' find myself in a mood In which tho whole material universe seems to fall away. The sense of outward things Is lost. Nothing re mains but an immaterial self, detach ed from all physical conditions. In or der to get back Into the knowa world of consciousness I have to clutch at something-so,"; Here he grasped fho bar of the gate on which they were leaning at the moment: t was much struck by the story at the time ,and made a note of it . . 1 5 i " ;-;vv: ("'- ' -.y Hill Geora-a Washing-ton's Sobrlqnets, .Washington was called by many so briquets. He was flrs of ,all "Father of His Country." "Providence left him childless that his country might call him f ather." t Sigourney calls him "Pa terlIatrl8:, Chief Justice-. Marshall, thet"Amerlcan Fnblus.", . Xord Byron in Jhls ."Ode to Napoleon" calls him "THeCJnciimatus- of the West"-r For having new world on his shoulders h6wasi.called tho Atlas of America." The.lEngllsh soldiery called him by the sarcastic nickname of "Lovely Geor Klus."iaed Jacket the Seneca Indian chlefealled hlro tho ."Flower of the Forest' The Italian poet Vittorio Al flerl called him "Delivered of Ameri ca."' In The Gazette 'of the United Btates he was called the "Savior of His Country." His bitter opponents sar castically called him the "Stepfather of His Country" during his presidency. . English, Gonpondcr. English' gunpowder' isT composed of seventy parts of saltpeter, tqn of sul phur and fifteen of carbon. Proportions are often slightly varied, . Candles' In Great Britain, Fully 85 per cent of cnndles burned In Great Britain are mode from pnrnf fin wax more or less stiffened by vary, lng admixtures of stenrin. Then come stearin candles themselves and finally beeswax, spermaceti and other candles composed of mixtures of more or less rare waxes. . J : A GREAT CARE. - ! sUtzcnJammen Develop Some Wonderful Talent and WU a Hard Poirht Came. The great guna of bate ball between the Katzenjsmmer Kids and the Hooli gan Braves waa pulled oS successfully yesterday. Betting waa free with the odds In favor of Katienjammers which proved to be a wise choice. The game was enjoyed hugely by a large company of spectators and what It lacked In sub lime admiration of the science was mads up In uproarious hilarity. The lineap was the same as was published la the Journal yesterday. The features of the game were so many that It would be monotonous t ennmerate them, bat notable among them were the errors and the stealing of bases. " There probably never has been on this diamond inch reckless and wan ton robbery as there was at this game. To use a well known stock term they were short on the science and long on stealing. The players all had good eyes and both teams kept the ball In the air most of the time, the pitchers, however, aimed for some point In the azure over the grand stand. Considering - the height of the balls it was a wonder how the batter could keep the outfield so busy.v . It was the old story, get the game or kill the umpire. At two times was um pire Marks in Imminent dsnger. Players exasperated beyond endurance at the de cisions, rushed wildly to the center of the diamond and tried vainly to con vince the umpire that he was wrong, but he followed the sage advice of the poet. Stick to the right Never say die Never play fast and loose Play a straight game Whatever the name Hold a stiff upper Hp Like a goose. In the sixth inning one of the playerB of the Hooligan's Braves was "remem-1 bercd" with a huge bouquot, which was an unexpected feature of the game. It wasalovel present with very large' leaves. For several Innings the game looked like a walkaway for the Katzenjsmmer Kids, they piling In score after score 'til 11 seemed a hopeless task to play, but the Hooligans were not dismayed and had a streak of luck which gave the Craven street men s lot of courage and they played effectlvo ball. After the game both nines claimed the victory. Tho Katzenjammors said they beat by a score of 30 to 18 The Hooli gans claimed the the game by a score of 15 to 14. For the sake of justice to both sides we give both scores under contro versy. Katzenjammer 6 3 1 4 3 0 1 0 3-20 Hooligans .00107908 0-18 Katzenjammcr 63120200 0-H Hooligans 0 1 0 6 2 0 0 6 0-15 It Is probable that the first score Is correct winner?. and the Katsteo jammers ' are Danger Still Hovers Over Caribbean Sea. Scientists Bay that indications point to further disastrous volcanic eruptions on the Island of St. Vincent. Three luminous spots have ' been observed on the side of Mount Peeleo, which are casting incandescent rays, and frcBh dis aster is feared In Martinique. A Marseilles dispatch ' says that a ca blegram received there from Trinidad states that residents are abandoning that island, as they consider an eruption Imminent. Hundreds of dead bodies are lying In the cabins near La Soufriere and pesti lence is feared, Thousands cf natives are without food and the price of grain and meat has risen to a high figure. ' Mount Felee is said to cast a yellow light over St. Pierre, In t which the sea appears pea green, while a vast cloud, like a great black anvil, hovers above tha valley of death, pvi'V'-''' ? The French Government through Am bassador Cambon, formally expressed Its gratitude to the United States for the prompt measures taken to relieve the suffering in Martinique. ; -. Paris still appears entirely Indifferent to the disaster in the West Indies. The British Government announces that measures have been taken to relieve the British colonists Who are suffering in St. Vincent. ' J- - Henderson Telephone Toll Rates. The following Toll Rates will be in effect on and after May 1, 1002, subject to change or correction. From New Bern to Aydon v - 1 , Boydton"' , - -Buffslo Springs', Burlington' t 30c. Littleton. 56c 70o Loulsburg 50o TOc" Morehead City 30c 80c Nashville j , ; 35c Newport f , ; 76c Oxfordvi ;.. 70e Plymouth 05c Raleigh ' -50c Roanoke Rpds 45o 85o 65c 40o 65o COo 45o Beaufort ChasoClty "j Clarkesvlllo Chapel Hill Dunn Durham Enfield Wl Franklintoni Goldsboro' Greensboro Greenville Hamilton NewKiver Henderson . High Point Klnston, . . 65c Rocky Monnt jCOo Scotland Neck 45c -f 50c Solma 45c "40c 8mithneld " 45o 90e Spring Hope 50c 80c Tarboro 40c -- 40a Wake Forest ' 55c 80c Warrenton 55o 60c Weldon " 50o : 95o Wilson t. 40c . j80c Winston $1.00 C. TOEPLEMAN, - " " " Gen. Siipt. . where delay has aggravated the Injury AOEHTS 'WANTED 'DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve -effects a LIFE OF T. DEWITT TALMAGE by cure. "I had a running sore on my leg his son, Rmr. Fit an k DEwtTT Talmaok j thirty years," says H, C. liartly, Tankee and associate editors of Christian Her- ., . . .., .. - aid. Only book endorsed by Talmage in' Ind- After U8,n8 manT remedies, family, Enormous profit for agents who I tried DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. A act quickly. Outfit ten cents. - Write few boxes healed the sore." Cures' all immediately, CLARK CO., 223 8. 4th skin diseases. Piles yield to it at once. 8t,, Phixa,, Pa Mention this paper. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. KEW short stories Jaat Uks Solasaaa. , r. Joe Weber tells this story(of howh'a firm of Wpber k Fields rarnAtvpjTl near being dissolved at one.Ume.rtfb were playing-at the Bowerymufle'ucj with Indifferent success .whenithej l dded that their future lay.ln.'acrobafla work. 80 one day they went'tohejoo) of East Twelfth istreer,twherajthere .were two large ashlumpsTherthejS found James T. Towers and. -Pete rJDat ley prectidngJaerobaUcstuntsipWTMi latter two did not fancythetlnvastbn of the two Geniian comedians jwha iwere their rivala foripopularltyialona the Bowery,- and; drove ithemfuwaj With stones,one'ofiWMchthrown)bg rowers, struck .Fields ln;thet eyej Hb) partner lnsteadfympathlzmgwltbi him began to laugha Fields ,gotangr?. "We quit he sald,"right,now "All right I'm .willlng.'V saldWebetj Tbeywalked back to tbejBoweryq; gether .without speaking.. ASfejvJfdayS; before the Incident theyhad.chlppedliri a dollar each and bought trunff " ".Whose . going to get that f tTunkT aulkliyaek'ed Weber.' "You can' have' t," replied Fields "Koj-'Mon'tVnnt it I'outakeJV said Weber. "' After, quarreling ror somo umeuyec the matter Fields 'finally hlttuponja' Solomon-like idea. "We'll saw.ltlrl two,' and we can each take half,"he said. Weber agreed to the proposition and, procuring a saw, started upon thq divi sion of the only, valuable assetfrfj&ie team. He had cut halt 'way through' the trunk when be finally 'twnedtd Fields and said: Rfl V Plolrla I'm frofftno- tho urnrnf ?tf. v r . - 0 0 1 " . this deal. Do you think I'm goingftd saw your hair too " Fields' Indignation had by,thlsifJme subsided, and ho was roaring with laughter. They there and thervpatched up their grievance, and Mr. WebertJtlll has the trunk, which he showa toxvlsltj- ors to his borne as strongly illustrating; the truth of his story. The Professor Understood. Trofessor Henry Morton, president of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, recently honored byJ-Mr. Carnegie, once bad a church experi ence with two student One Sundays pair of freshmen wandered lntoithe "TWO, SAID DAMON., church, not knowing that it was Presi dent Morton's place of worship. Thoyj kept quiet and seemed properly devout throughout until the time the collection box was to be passed, when theysaw, to their horror that Professor Morton himself was passing the box. "Got any money?" said Paulsen -Jo Inglis. : "Quarter. You got any?" "No.". Nearer and nearer came the collec tion box.. . . , i Finally when it was but ono pewj away Damon Inglis rose to tho needs of Pythlos Paulsen.. "I'll stake you, old man. . That'll .be nil right. Watch me," he whispered, ana as the box appeared before him he made sure to catch tho president's eye Up went the; quarter conspicuously be tween Damon's thumb and forefingers then he dropped it, and, with a sweep of the band toward bis companion,,-he held up two fingers. : . J "Two," said Damon, and the profess or understood. :; 1 lie noticed Improvement. A typical North Carolinian called?at the senate lobby one day recently. He wore heavy boots and homespun clothes, his whiskers were of the Hor ace Greeley fashion, he did not wear.'a collar, and bis hat slouched down upon his tousled hair. He sent in his namo to Senator Pritchnrd, confiding to Who doorkeeper that he had not seen Pritch nrd since they served together In! the legislature twelve years ago. - Presently Senator Pritcbard appear ed. His North Carolina friend looked bun all over. M 1 ' i "My country, senator," he exclaimed in a voice audible all over the lobby, "how you have improved!" Washing ton Post . Teat Meets 'Germ Sharp. ' A young man more or Itss intimately. acquainted with affairs at the capitol is a believer in the germ theory of dis ease and In the virtue cf disinfectants. A few days. ngpi be, heard of a, case of scarlet fever (n bis neighborhood, and he straightaway ; went to a drugstore and got a mixture of liquids .with .which to disinfect his clothes. He dosed the clothes liberally. v 4 ' ; j Shortly afterward "he Was ridln&ln one of the senate elevators. Senatoi .Vest came in, leaning on the arm ofthli faithful attendant Jim Edwards. Xbcj senator elevated his Roman noseifend sniffed the air.' Then he said to?Ed-l Itvards, "Somebody in this car is dead.' ;::r:. '., 1 Dangerous 1 If Seglcctei ' . ' Burns, Cuts and other wounds otten fat l to heal properly If neglected and become troublesome sores. DeWlll's Witqh hazel j Salve prevents such consequences. Even Bp "THE TROUTINQ SEASON. Now to the brooks j - And faroff nooka The fishermen are coins, i Each feeuns sure ' '. That be'U secure ) Bom beauUsa well worth abowtne. j . The trudge Is tone;, i But less are etronj. J And, though there's frequent stumlillng. Tne nsnermen Push on again ! And never think of gTumbllng. At last they look Opoa the brook That s just the place for trout trig; .... The poles are Bxed, The lines unmixed. And luck not one Is doubting-. They decorate With tempting bait The books with which they're fishing; Then here and there With greatest care Tha lines are soon sent swishing. They swish arid swish. But nary fish " la to the surface rising; They try and try. And then they sigh Car failure so surprising. To other brooks And other nooks Their toilsome way they're wending. But not a trout Can they yank out. Though oft the lines they're Bonding. They fish away Til) end of day. And then they're homeward going; They try to grin While yarns they spin, . Cut not one trout they're showing. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. One ob tha Doetor. Tommy I say, are you the new doc tor? Dr. Ronn Yes. Tommy Great Scottl You sent bnch word by our servant wouldn't bo long! to sny yot A Woman. Fowler Come, now, what did she say when you asked her to marry youl Fisher Ou, 1 don't know, something about not having mo If there wasn't another man In the world. Fowler And what did you say to that? Fowler 1 didn't say anything. It's Just as well to let a woman have the last word. She's bound to liave It any way. Boston Traveler. Time Will Work Wonders. It was 1950. Two citizens wero discussing their friends. ' "That man Smythe is horribly stuck up," said the first citizen. "He is that," agreed the second. "Did you hear about his spelling his name S-m-I-t-h now Baltimore American. Progress. : "Don't you think," I inquired of the prosperous looking man with the heavy mustache and watch chain, who was dressed in the fourteen inch balk line suit, "that the world Is getting better?" "Sure," he replied, with the frank enthusiasm of success; "not only bet ter, but easier." Puck. . , Threatening. Book Agent-Whatl You say yoa never read this great book? Did I heal you right? : Busy Merchant-No, you didn't heat me write, but you'll feel me speak 11 you don't get out Catholic Standard and Times. , , Literally Trae. City Editor What do you mean bj saying, "The prisoner laughed aloud foi mercy?" ' ir-',:y: Keporter That's Just what he did. The judge had made an inane Joke ol his expense. Philadelphia Press. ; . Must Bo a Honker Jacket. "I'm getting rich now," said tho la dles' tailor. "I'm acquiring wealth of all sorts." - - Wbat Is your scheme?" a i'Tve designed a plngpong costume." Judge. " .As Near as He Came. ... "Ob, Harry, were you never hit by Cupid's dart?" - "Nope; but Jimmy Mulligan swatted me wid er rock onct." New York Jour naL . itM v'iwa'i ,;' ' , 1 The Latest Deformltr. i -'-. v-'- "What's the matter with you, Tercyt Brace up." - - "Go way, you idiot, I've got the ping pong backl" Cleveland Plain Dealer. OARTRI DGES I N from .22 to .50 loaded with either Black or Smokeless Powder. ;- alwavs i give entire satisfaction. modern manner, by exact machinery operated by skilled experts.' THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD ALWAYS ASK FOR n.'r::' i tr- V- fxfL' --awsai.. i the Bowt J 1 Ccsts CJy 25ccsls at Crr-L'j, . : ' tLJZL.0 mn M to MOFFETT, M.v D,J 6f. 1 : Cvfwtttbtia, ft., - nn. C, JT. lIOWTi"TTrer Doctor! We nam sour l . , MHlern) -r o eair JV. n snraii rninl arrr. tLn I.o . ,t . . - , rwrei r..inf magitnU, mni rrtnili more mill to. ,.wr.-' r ererimed. ' ' t - r rery trvlu, . Ukotv a..tj BoHtherii ic,..tua( Cftttrcn.) JftmUr t, . Coriv CoitbhrTobacco, Selling High! V Likely to continue to sell high The Philosophy of Farming . Smaller Surface, a a. Labor Saved. Fertilize with a free hand I , Buy of your own people ! Virginia-Carolina Chemical Go. Southern Makers of Fertilizers For Southern Farmers, -High Standard. 0 a High Service. Moderato Prices Factories at WUtj, folate mtrl Agento Xtij mhf . THE RICE TABLE. ;l DIstlactfT aad BewkasU Served Im Jara. "At 1 o'clock," says a correspondent f the Kansas City Star, "everyhotel In Java serves a most distinctive! and remarkable meal called the rice table (rijst-tafel). A large, flat, bowl shaped dish Is placed In front of yon,awhlch you fill with beautiful, white, flaky rice, borne about in dishes holding fully a quarter of a bushel Then .comes M seemingly never ending stream; of nap tlves, each bearing a dish containing some different meat, vegetable or con diment, from which you take a- small portion and place It on top of the rice. , "After you have bad a little of every thing you mince It up with a knife and fork and mis it well with the rice and then fall to with .a large spoon. A list of the side dishes, with an ordinary rice table, would read something like this: Fried eggs, omelet, fried chicken. broiled chicken, stewed chicken,.- beef steak, sausage, fish, fritters, a mixture of vegetables stewed with a mustard dressing, raw cucumbers, liver and ten or twelve different spices and relishes. besides pickles. . Many a stout Dutchman have we seen take a liberal helping from each dish In addition to' almost a quart of rice for a background of table.' Natu rally every one must go to sleep Imme diately after such a meal, and all busi ness is suspended for several hours. The dinner in the evening at S o'clock is a very simple meal." Tha Wrong; Room. "While spending a vacation at Bed ford Springs, Pa., some yeara hgo," said a Baltimore lawyer the other day, "I went late one night to my room,as I supposed, unlocked the floor and (waa startled by a woman's screams. Ide alized at once that I bad.got lntoMthe wrong room.. You may tie -wire Iflld not .waste any time getting oufr into the corridor, locking .the- door. again and entering my room, .Which happen ed to be the next one. ' "While I was doing this thexwoman continued screaming, alarming the whole hotel. A crowcr1 sooav gathered, and when the woman could be per suaded to open the door she. declared there was a man in her room. Of course no intruder was found., andas the door was locked when the crowd gathered, the lady , was told hat .he must have had a nightmare andrlmag lned she saw a man In her 'room. , I kept quiet, and every, one else-In, the hotel was convinced that the ladyrfm agination had worked upon her fears." Baltimore Sun. " . A Badlr Tnrned Fkisje, . ' "It Is queer,'" says a ,clergyman0t New York city, "what S,Uklng'young students have for long wordsymiLatin quotations and what drea possesses them of appearing conventional, .Xfraca knew, a promising candldatewh0svas given charge of at funeraR in dhe ab sence of the pastor pf thehurcn, Be knew it was customary, for the dnls ter to announce after. the senaonvtljat those who. wished should? step onto view, the remains, but Ae -though ttftrls was too hackneyed(..phraseanae said Instead, The ' congregariea jgnJi now; pass around the bier.' " NewiJork Tribune. A BrteajtOraj.pi, i . An Oft quoted oloVBngllshaslt IsDan lehPurcelL who Is vworthyiof immortal, ity as a master ol repartee. Chetbest of the reported .wittidama ot tbi for gotten jester Is as follows: - . ! Purceil was desired . ono night sin company by a gentleman to make pun extempore, . . ! . "Upon what subject?" asked Daniel. ' "The king," answered the other. v - "The king, sir," aajd he, "is no sub ject" ' "6 - ' 1 j A Ct 10 A LI OCR fl. They are made and loaded in i fHrw f.-iall.l. Dlsrrhoe,l)ytnttry, and . the Bowel Troubles of . Children of Mm tat. vi Aids Disestion, Emulates Bowels, Sire- ihtnt 1 ad H.-kes; EASY Cowtttdtia, ft,, $, i .v . i . . We PEmiYROYALrPILLS ?"W"llrHll?HKi Is BUCB) o4 i14 shUUs km tmi Ilk bias rlbbo. Take a. BrW liims SakstUsittm !-' lw sf f JMT BrauM.. MS - ks suass fer Prtsstars, TsSsHkk tans Mail, le.eee tu-i.u itttr SrassUu. CkUkaatarfkMsUaie Suztnzt i Lan rsswwl JBIIVKIU1TT Or TUtOlllIA. la Vlrflnte monritalns. M gmuwr. JolyltaSeptin. tari.iaul. Uj the Law Faculty. Helpful te bssliumi sarandkUtss lor U bar; and to praotltl orxrs who bar. stoked trstcmatia InstraeUaa. For estalosna, addrssf M. C MLMOM, SisiiiIsjt. faritlWTlUs Ts .. LWood's "Trade Mark Brandy I is. the true large-headed sort, and pro duces from "one-fourth to one-hall' more forage per acre than the ordinary Millet' The difference in yields from different grades of Millet is more marked than any crop we have ever grown and it is a great deal: the cheapest crop results considered to purchase the best quality of seed that you can obtain; this yon can always be assured of doing when yoa order Wood's "Trade nark Brand" of Southern-g rown Oerman Millet. Writs' lor. prices- and Deserlptlve Circular which also gives full information about all Seasonable Seeds, Cow Peas, Sola and Velvet Beans, Teoslnte, Sorghums, Buckwheat, Late Seed Potatoes, etc. s s iTjwJwOOD & SONS, t a. as ma - . , V Seedsmen , Richmond, .Va.v Craven County" Democratic Con vention. , For the purpose of naming delegates to the State Convention, to the 3rd Judi cial District Convention, to the 8rd Con gresslonal District Convention and to the 8th Senatorial District Convention, by order of the county executive com mittee has been called to meet at New Bern on May 24th 1903, at 12 m. Precinct meetings to name delegates to this convention are called in precincts outside the city of New Bern on Satur day May 17th 1902. 4 , , At the various . voting places at the following hoars,, by order of the district conunltteo..::';--:a;-..6.,r--u -M MapelCypreuSp.mii Vanceboro 9 p. m. , . Trultts 19 m. Ft. Barnwell 8 p.m. v ... Dover 8 p.m. . . j ; Core Creek.S p. m. M a Taylors Store 12 m. ' .Lees Farm 8p.m. ; w:x i Thurman 1 p. nu . -v. Tisdale .12 nu' Jk:;- , Pleasant Hill Jf p. v . Juper3p. m. j, ,i :,, . . And in the city of New. Bern at the various .polling. places at 8:30 p.m. Monday May 19th 1902, v ; , , Cham. F. T; Pattbbsok. ' -:-Becty'i ; '. About r'r'i' ,Why doea my fjieigiabor get such a large piece of lc6 and you only give me that small piece. ICEMANr. -r, lI .J ,:Y S . Thifl lis all you need. You bought youiRefrigerator from L. n. Cutlei JIardware Oo and you knbT(r - it& tefrigerators they sell don't use jnore than halt m much ice as tie other fellow's. He la go ing to dispose of hia and get one like yours. a.. . : :(:'-- M$M Co. 'Hf BKB 'CATARRH SRuTP loosens f !he kr.acious . viscid mncai In hose, clear! out Uie head and stops catarrhal headads due to Cold con gestion in the front of head. The co. t Is only 10 cents i 1 the bancf.t a ' ' -j from Its ie is y 'if " i L: t ty L.u' 'j. Mmoss ifcis ssi fihrmflninillfit! ; jui iiiuiniuiiiuu , SS w ssaaj' sassassaass w Rofrin