1 5N 'a. WW VOLOMI IXY. RIW BIRK, CRIVn COUNTY, N. ., FRIDAY, MAI 23, 1902.-SICOHD SICTIOH. IUMBER 15 'hi h i - ' at it 1 yt 1'.. I' van I k "I m t T T amA.Bg..... mall crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Vegetables are especially fond .of Potash Write for our frcf pamphleta. ' .. GERMAN KALI WORKS, ' Potash POLL0CKSV1LLE. .May 81. Vina' rains for the lut few day make tbe crops look very floe. The farmer are complaining of a bad stand of cotton, but guesa they will have plenty now as the seed will aoon all be p, '-V'-' Miss Annie Rhode school will close , , at this place next Thursday. We "will hare no big commencement as hat been : tge custom here for many jcars by other teachers. v.-.-. 1"... Mr. B, B. Berry Is In town this week on business. We hope he will loeate here as he Is one of the best mechanics In ,' the country -and wo are now entUely without one. r-V.-: '."? ';: T . - ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hart of New Bern were visiting at Mr. James W. Bhepardi at this place last Sunday. -.-v't' . Po)ltica"are very quiet, we hare no hungry politicians In this county, yet . there may be a few candidate later on In tbeyear.; j 'Vr';i Hi'" , .. M r. II. C Focne whose leg- was - broken a few weeks ago Is doing very well. lie will soon be ablo to vislt.the . village again we hope. ' Mr. John Hlmmous who baa been sick ' so long is still very feeble at his home, - being confined to his bed : most of the time.;; tnW q '" Don'i forget that J. B. Bender will receive subscriptions for the Journal, tbe Messenger, the Constitution and Wasbluglon I'osV' . " - i CV - Mr T S Bender Is spending this week .at Wilmington, " Carolina , Beach and Ocean View.- : : .'.' Mr John Prltehett, who lives on the : properly of Mr C E Foy near : here has r the largest Irteh potatoes we have seen this year. We saw some eshlbited here - last week larger than ben eggs. - f : The corn crop . generally Is looking very nice and there is more planted this year than has been for many la this v vicinity. , - " Mr C'h&s. L Abcrnethy of Beaufort Is v here looking after his political Interest, as he is a candidate for Congressional honors from this district The mill business near here, formerly managed by B T and J H Bender for the Elm City Lumber Company, has gone In the hands of new managers who will operato It for, the tame firm. ;- - CURRENT COMMENT. - Tlio way to enjoy spring Is to tnke wlmt you get nnd expect nothing the next iluy.-Clilcago Newa ,-r. -- ' Some one rises to explain that tbe Brltleli ainu uear New Orleans Is niuli-lury Instead of military. Bait! mon A merican. :ti 3. : ':; 1.. ' ' The recent death of a man from toughing at 11 Jol.e proves the wisdom of l r. HoliiK's, who said be dared not be as funny us he could be. Exchange. The dawn of cheap postage Is China's bwt new sign' of progress. In the writ ' Ing of ninny letter there Is great spread of,- civilization. New York World. --..'- .;.V.,t'-V7-' Morally speaking, limbnrger cheese has one great advantage over oleomar- cnrlnp. Nobody can accuse It or try ing to pass Itself off for something else, Milwaukee Sentinel. , REELSBORO... May 20 We are needing rain very btdiy now, farmers aro looking ' a little long faced about It. - v . , . Mr W II Dixon Is making quite an Im provcmenl on hii placu. We expect to hear the wedding bf lis ring soon. The Reelsboro Mission Sunday School will givo their nnul May sail May ' : '. i t ... .. 1 : - 5 ; We ra glad to have a little hope ot a rail road through onr county. We hope all will consider fls benefit when they go to vote. . . . Quite a number ot our" young folks attended an entertainment at Olympla Friday night and report ft nice time. W arc glad to have our old frlonds with 08 again, James T Moore and George A, Moore. T! y have been attending school at Kimbcrlln Heights, Tenn., for three years. We murk quite an Improvement in the boys huJ kuow they have - made good use of t'-.oir time. The Cbrlt'Jnn Lonl'g Day Sunday Fvli.-'ol wi'.l cive u-i h m s pprrat tteChrisi: acl. .th ." y-'-ii, "ot I u....t of t;.e sciiool. Zxi.ti:'. .i wli the bo. gin nt 7 o'clock p. m. A. B. C -s c:.::ic..-:ev-::ii., ' ' vi f. I l ' i PilllGII. State Acreage Compared With That of Former Years. May Crop Report the First of the Tear.' Arguments In the Bald " wln-Areher Land Case From . .Graham Conaty Heard la the Supreme t. :'.' . ' ;, Coart. . . -' Ralkiod, May 81. The Slate Agri cultural department today Issued Its Msy crop report'. It is -the first report this year. The general condition and progress of farm work compared with the average if 98 per cent The cotton acreage as compared with that last year 189 per cent, while that of tobacco is 107 per cent. It is said that while this very accurately marks the falling eff In cotton-planting is hardly large enough to exactly show the Increase In tobacco, which (s really large, due to the high prices. The acreage in corn as compared with last year Is 106. In oats It is only 90, while the condition of oats is only 80, and that of wheat 68. The condi tion of the tracking interests as com pared with 1900 Is 95 percent. Save as to Mm. small grain the condition of crops Is very satisfactory indeed, r .The State veterinarian says there are yet occasional deaths of horses in Hyde eounty from forage poisoning. A report from that county alludes to this and terms the disease meningitis.' 1 , . State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner will on Friday address the Society of Wake Forest College students for tbe Improvement of .the rural public schools During the vacation tbe members of this society will work In the interest of such schools in their reipcctlvo conn-, lies.;. --J i fS --'"-- s-Vs Some of the republican "leaders here are actually saying they expect Senator Pritchard to be reelected. . " ' v: Moore county democratic convention endorses Walter Clark for chief Jus tice. ' The State authorizes the dissolution of .he charters . of tho Hague-McCondle Dry Ooods Cd.,of Greensboro. iv, "ft'; Auditor Dixon tomorrow delivers the address at the closing of the Durham schools..' i..-. vl. ','.-i-M" In tbe Supreme conrt today there was argument in an interesting case, that of Baldwin vs Archer.involving 40,000 acres of land In Oraham county, : A salo was made by Archer for 120,009 to a Cleve land, Ohio, syndicate, which was to build a I3O0.O0O railway to got out the timber, bat Baldwin claims that Archer had no fright to sell. ' " - At Peace Institute and the' Baptist Fe male University here the graduating ex ercise were held this morning. -! i , E. B. Borden Jf Goldsboro makes i gift of $1000 to the Methodist Orphan age here. . : v HARDENED TO COLD. StettoM o( Siberia Don't HlnA Be low Zero Temperature. ' Frequently, : when we could not ex pose our ears for two minutes without having them frozen, says a traveler in Siberia, the natives would go for an hour at a time with their hoods thrown back from their heads, and when it re paired constant watchfulness to keep our noses from freezing they did not appear to notice the temperature at all. One morning in January I stood In perfect amazement at their disregard bf the low temperature. They worked for at least half an hour with bare bands packing up the tent and utensils, handling - the packages and lashing them together with icy seal thongs without experiencing the least appar ent inconvenience, while I partly froze imy fingers striking a light for my pipe (with a flint and steel, tho .whole Opera tion laung noc mora vunu uiree iuui utes. p ' " '.- '..' ,S .' -The night before, happening to go out of the tent after our men had retired, I passed their camp, .which .was near by. Their fire had burned to a pile of embers, barely, affording : me light enough - to distinguish the sleepers. They were lying colled up on small deerskins, with their backs to the em bers and their fur coats thrown loosely pver their naked bodies. , ' The coat of one of them had slipped almost entirely off his body, leaving his back and shoulders exposed to a tem perature of 18 degrees .F. below zero, and, though his hair was frosted, he knored'aa soundly as it In comfortable quarters. ". Mr. CUditoie'i Catch. ; "How many members of this-house," asked Mr. Gladstone once In the course of 'a lebate on electoral qualifications, "cam divide f 1,330 17s. Cd. by 2"13S. 8d.r ",.:.- "SIX hundred and fifty-eight!" shout, ed one member.-- ; ,? ' "The thing cannot be done I" exclaim ed another. : A roar of laughter greeted tills last remark. ButJt was true, nevertheless. Tou cannot multiply or dlvldo money by money. lou may Jcpent a smaller sum of money as many times as it is contained in a larger sum of money, but that is- a very different thing. If you repeat 5 shillings as often as there are hu: s in a horso's tall, you do not multii 'y 6 Buillln.-s by a horse tail. r;i!;rj,3 you did nut know this before. I" ver mind; you need not be ashamed l your ignorance, for it was shared, ns 1 ) been demonstrated, by .the cntiro ! i of cummona 0nr cnQ number), ' " CioHlicn ct:aitllor'!tttlio DOBBS. 23. Mr. Lynn Lancaster and May Mis Blanche McLawhorn left Wednes day to attend a convention near Grif toa. ' ' - v Our church Is being nicely celled now Mr. B. F. Willis Is doing tbe work. . Miss Lncretia Willis and Mr. 3. & Hill attended the picnic at Juniper chapel Saturday. Also Mr. and Mrs. W. F. and Mrs. H. C. Lancaster.: - ' '. " Our Commissioner should take some action In regard to the road at Street' Ferry. It Is almost impassabl '. Hisses Etta and Nora Lancaster are visiting at Vanceboro this week. -- Several of our people expect to attend the excursion on the steamer Carolina Saturday,": - '. : ' The picnic at Juniper Chapel school house Saturday, given on account of the closing of H. C. Lancaster's school, was largely attended, though the threaten ing westhet kept many away, and all seemed to greatly enjoy -the day. Mr. Daniel ' Lane,' of Bellalr, was present, having been previously Invited to de liver an address, and took the stand at 11 o'clock, and held tbe rapt attention of the ' crowd for nearly an hour with one ot his happy and forceful talks on tbe subject "Education," interspersed with many funny little anecdotes, which sharpened up our appetites for dinner. After the address the teacher presented prizes to about thirty successful, pupils and announced that dinner wonld -be served immediately. After dinner, of which there was a "plentiful abun dance," the people amused themselves in any way tbey saw fit, while the teach er gave the children a lemonade treat, which they seemed to enjoy "hugely." ' A nice little sum - was realized from the sale of refreshments, for the benefit of Mr' Southey Morris, who lost his leg accidentally last year. , J . ' -v;' ;. i ;... "Waudkbino Willie." :- ';,. HoDIU of. th Wlldeat. , ; ' To any that a, dog can ''whip his weight In wildcats" is to pay about the highest tribute to bis strength, courage nnd activity, nnd there are very few dogs that would care to earn such tribute if they understood oil it implied. Not that n wildcat is of a specially ag gressive disposition; On tbe contrary, he would sooner mind bis own business any time than fight.1: So anxious is be as a rale to keep -out of trouble that he has often been accused of : cowardice, but he has on so many occasions given evidence of the most desperato cour age that It is doubtful if the accusation is a fair one. When .wounded or at bay, he is perhaps as dangerous as any. crea ture of his size. ; re , ? n , . , '-.' ' i ii i urn '. 'j. ...-:;':. Weekfy Crop Bulletin. For week ending Monday, May 19th, 1002.-- ' : The past week has been fairly favora ble for' agricultural operations. Inter est centers' in the extent to; which drought has been broken, and it appears that fears of severe drought have been relieved over a large portion bf the State by generous showers, Which occurred at some point" or Tother orr almost every day daring the week.' The rainfall of the 13th and 14th was largest'ln amount and general over the western half of the State, but elsewhere the rainfall was ir regularly distribu ted and insufficient in amount.- Crops are still suffering for lack bf moisture in at least a dozen eas tern counties.' A severe hail storm oc curved on the 13th, with some damage to cropB and fruit in the tollowlngfcoun- ties: Vance, Person. Alamance, Gran vllle, Nash and Robeson. While low temperatures prevailed for three day, which checked rapidity of growth and stopped the sprouting' ot cotton seeds, the average for the' week was slijhtly above normal. In very few countlos was the rainfall heavy enough to inter rupt farm work; crops continued clean, well cultivated, and flourishing. - 4 Chopping cotton is well advanced in the central-south portion, and has be gun in the north. Late planted has not come up to good stands, on account of drought and recent cool nights, espec ially in the eastern portion, whore some replanting Is necessary. : . v - ; , Corn 1b in excellent condition,, and is being cultivated everywhere; there are very Tfew reports of bad. stands, but much complaint of damage by budworms on lowlands. In many counties favora ble rains enabled excellent progress ,tQ be made in transplanting tobacco, but In others the work Is still delayed and can not be finished much before June 1st Drought killed many plants in the east era district where a full stand hu been secured. Peanuts are "being planted rapidly as possible and are coming tip nicely. - Rice is doing well. Wheat and oats are running up, but heads are Bmall, and plants are so thin that even If heads are Well filled only a poor ' crop can be expected. Spring oats are flourishing. . Truck crops and gardens are making fair, growth." Irish potatoes are begin ning to boom; damage by potato bags continues,, and every effort should be made by the use of Insecticides to com bat this pest, .which otherwise, will in' crease In destructlveness. .Setting sweet- potatoe sprouts is underway. Fruit is dropping considerably, apparently from blight, but in spile of this prospects re main good, Pastures have Improved. Strawberries are ripening as far west as Gaston county. -" ' Rains report for the week (in Inches) Aydcn .23, Balsam .40, Charlotte 1.60, Foster 2.75, Goldsboro .40, Greensboro .5$, Ilattoras .70, Lumberton.70, Mocks- Vlllo 1.10, I.TaiUn .C3, ITow Eurn .74, CVM'.o XI, e ; '.. 8T;oMntUr.lof;-a BilflSII. Cadets of LL M. College Under Examination. Sapreme Coart Traaiaetioa. Coart Will Adjourn tbe Last r " Jane. , Major Graat.Ap- pointed ' Clerk'1- of CIrcait CourV RiLSion, May 22 The Bnpreme Court sustain the lower court la three capital cases from Rowan county, and as a re ult the governor will next week issue hi warrant for tbe execution of two negroes, Blanton and Moore, for rape, aad one Connelly for murdn, . John A. Mills has placed the jprder for rails for ten miles of the extension of his railway, the Raleigh and Cape Fear. It was expected that he would sell this road but he decided not to do so. . , ' Richmond county's democratic con ventlon endorsed no one for chief, 'jus tice, v Moore county endorsed Clark. Today Maj. Q. L. Grant, already clerk ot the U. S. district court here, received his appointment as clerk of the. circuit court, from which position Nathaniel J. Klddlck retired day before yesterday. The Sapreme coart yesterday- finished the docket ot appeals from the 16th dis trict and today took up the end of the dosket cases. The court will probably be In session until about the end of June If It disposes of all the cases before it, The cadets of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College here are now in tho midst pt their examinations. The commencement, . next week, will be the best In the history of the college.. When the next term begins there will be room for many more students, probably 100 more. .-: '.- . . : Some volcanic dust which, fell on the deck of a ship off the coast of Martin ique was today placed In the State mu seum.' V- 7 v " - :. ". ; State Treasurer B. R. Lacy delivered the addree at the closing of Turlington Institute, Smithfield. i - At the experiment farm here 26 va rieties of strawberries are in bearing. The sales of berrles-hcre are quite large. The experiment of winter growing to matoes was a success.. The vines were all from 8 to 10 feet high. Twenty six of them yielded 264 pounds of tomatoes. Mlsnt Have Been Worae. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Torkins, "that horse you bet on" "There's no need of bringing the mat ter up. I know that my Judgment was very bad and all that" t "Oh, I wouldn't take It to heart! The horse might have been beaten jvorse. You must give him credit .foe getting around ahead of the horsesithat svere entered for the following race." Wash ington Star. v, : " Pay Tow Debts. . "No, sir,", declared Gazzeu aei, he warmed up to his subjecVyou'Hinever be happy so long as ,youNareln,Hlebt Pay, your debts, Swayback,' pay, jour debts." -, , . ''But I have no money," saict-Sway-back. "Then borrow if Detroit Free Press. , . " Trath'a Chances William The idea ot his calling, his book a historical novel! It doesn't agree with history even in tbe slight est particular. .. Frederick And so may be quite true. Boston Transcript "-. c - A Ptusle. i Mother (reprovingly to little girl Just ready to go for a walk) Dolly, that hole was not in your glove this morn ing. Dolly (promptly)-r-Where was it, then, mamma? ' ' Ot 100,000,000 passengers by sea all the world over fifty lose their lives.Of tho same number by rail forty-seven are killed.- -.: i : , ' ' ' j - Preeoeloos Yoatfc. Mother What's baby crying about Nurse I don't know, ma'am, unless it was what the parlor maid said. She remarked that Willie looked like hla pa, and I'm afraid Willie heard her. Exchange. ;- - North Carolinians Celebrate Meci- . - lenburf Day In New York. (Lailan Bureau Report.) ' j . . Nbw , Yobk. May 21. The Sons of North Jarolina to the numer of 800 paid ah affectionate tribute at a dinner to night at Delmonlcos to the "Old North State" as they termed her, and the sign ers ot the declaration of, Mecklenburg, declaring her an ' Independent colony. W. W. Fuller presided. Among tbe other present, were Ex-Senator Arthur Fue Gorman of Maryland, Benator Pritchard of North Carolina and Gener al Matt W. Ransom, " Senator Pritchard said North Carolina had, successfully solved the problems growing out of the civiiwar and that the day was not far distant when she would assume the place she Is destined to occupy among the great commercial States of the Union. Geaeral Ransom ipoke of the hospi tality now shown by New York to North Carolinians, and said that sectionalism was a shadow of the past. Concorping the race problem in the South he advised the North to let it alone. Ex-Governor Gon i c'' ' 1 Cen C.-J P. r ' 6i& s.iM ,,.:ni MISTAKE SOMEWHERE. . f CUhi at riv 1 had read," said the colonel aa he was relating some of his experience in China, "that lfna person felt into tbe .water no one eonld pull him out, hold ing that hie falling In was a decree of Providence that most not be interfered frith. r, - . "One day on one or tue canals i stumbled and went overboard, and, al though there were twelve boatmen, not lone of them would extend me a hand. After a close shave, a I cannot swim, I got aboard again, and as soon as I recovered my breath I, yelled at th bos boatman: ' , , . j"Ton infernal scoundrel, but why didn't you help me outt tit was your fate to fall in,' be calmly replied.. .. 7 'And lt' your fate to take a good licking! t said as I went for him. "When I had finished him off, I took another, and I was Just polishing off my fifth victim when the 'sixth man halted me to any: " ; J - " "There seems to be a mistake here. We are taught that if a person fails into the water he must save himself or drown, but we are not taught that if he does save himself he is at liberty to lick half of China in revenge.' ; " i "I thought his point well taken," laughed the colonel, "and I stopped my score at five nnd went down to change into dry clothes." Boston Globe. Apple Trees For Betr aad Fruit Apple trees are so beautiful, even when bare of bloom and fruit, that they should be grown in pleasure gar dens, like lilacs and laburnums. Ten nyson speaks of orchard lawns, and there is no reason except bad taste Why they should not have a real exist ence. The gloom of the fir tree, mag nificent no doubt in its own northern forest,, is mere incongruous dreariness when it is dotted about a suburban lawn. Nothing will thrive under it, and often it will not thrive Itself, but the apple, with all the associated beau ty of the countryside, gives us fruit and blossom and grateful shade. In the grass under it will grow daffodils, columbines, irises and many other plants, or it may be trained as a hedge to divide one part of the garden from another and with all these-uses may still, produce great crops of fruit It would be a" pleasant task for the sub urban gardener : with his half acre of ground to grow three or four choice apple trees with the care that others give to. roses. London Speaker. : POOLING THE WAVES. J. Pierpont Morgan is now, through his steamship trust prepared to rule tbe sea as well as the land. Hamilton Democrat. Byron wrote that man's control of th ocean stops with the shore. In his most poetic visions be never foresaw a community of Interests In steamship lines. New York Tribune. ; . ' s The English, having seen their ocean steamers pass under the control of American capital, now fear that the American underground railway will upset Nelson' monument Britannia may rule the waves, but Bhe la afraid that Mr. Morgan may pool them. New York Mail and Express. . THE MARKETS. , The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, Now Bern N. 0. Nbw York, May 22. Cotton; -; Open. High. Low. Close July.......... 0.05 0.05 8.89 8.89 Aug ....8.75 8.70 Sep. . . 8.21 8.21 8.59 8.08 7.95 89 8.08 7.95 Oct.. 8.00-8.06 Chicago, May 22. Open. High. Low. Close ; 74$ 74i 78f Open. High. Low. Close MJ -Cli 81j 61i Open. High. Low. Close . 960 ' 9671 . 957i 902) Whais : July.... ' Cobhj K May....'. Ribs:- May....'. ' New York, May 22, ,Open, High. Low. Close Stocks; Sugar..... SoBj'i'r.', U. & L . . . U.8. 8..; Mo. P.... Atchison . V. a c . a. c. o..: . 1271 129 127f 129 m 13 40 - 09 79 71J ' 53 .18 ,87 ,18t ;4ot 78 73- : 58 18 87t 13 401 100 80 -' 72 53 18, 40J-90-79 ' 71 58 ' 18 Am Ice. . Advices to J. B. Latham & Co. yester day. ' New York, March 23. Market sold down on large selling by C. W. Lee ft Co., II. Hentz and stop loss order. , , , " . R.MooRt&Co. ; ; Long's realising caused recession. Market very steady at decline. R. Moors & Co. - -. .V. '. :' -v.. ;-. 4-.-- a 'm. .... i ...i . ' - - j-v 1 , UtOfl. ;i ..,.;'?'., Spots 5.1-83. Bales 7,000 bales. , Futures, May-June 4.60.' Ang-Sept 4r)3; Sept-Oct 4.37. POBT Last week v 42,000 ' v This wees. Insight 6000 Sat. . 8000 . ' Mon. 4000. Tucs. , 4000 Wed. ' 8000 RECEIPTS, . - Same week -last yew. 63,000 . 20000 5000 11000 12000 A COLLEGE PROFESSOR. . One bf Georgia's Grateful For What Pe-ru-na Is Do ing For Sufferlngr Humanity. ,' V. A. Cnrtrlght, A. BM Principal of the Georgia Normal and Industrial Insti tute, and editor and proprietor ot the "Georgia Helping Hand" writes the following glowing words concerning Peruna, and its efficacy in the core of catarrh. ;. ' " '; Ho says t "I was induced to try Peru na by the advice of a friend, and cer tainly believe that suffering humanity would be relieved if they only gave Pe runa a fair trial. Would that X eonld frame words sufficient to express my gratitude for the benefits derived from its use." F. A. CUKTKIQHT, Greens boro, G a. , : Hon. W. N. Roach, united States Senator from North Dakota, In a letter written, from Larimore, North Dakota, aysi ..'',,.,,'... :"...,'., "Persuaded by a friend, I have used Peruna aa a tonic, and am glad to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appetite. I have been, advised by friends that It is remarkably effica cious aa a our a for the almost universal complaint of catarrh." W. N. Roach. ' Senator Roach's wife recommends Pa rana also. She says i "I can cheerfully Suow Drift, r White Frost : and Admiral JUST IlECEXTTED. Portsmouth. Corned Mullets. ,, , ,-, . Fresh Strawberriee from Whitehursfa farm every morning. Fresh Fox River Print and Elgin Butter received every week and served from one of the finest refrigerators in the city. . omplete stock oftaple and Fancy Groceries at RIGHT RI CES. - ' y r '':W?.i$Lv . 'Phone 01. KknKasaRiiNiiKiiNf:ftainKniiKAt tmuiRAl Vd IIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIIIISaIISXa.I Si. II ii Staple used every day in eyery home. 1 We sell lots ot it and it's al ways fresh and clean. If Really pleasing for use in large or small quantities. . , ; Fruit Season. 7 ,3 . Cannina; Season. I We want to fumish all the sugar you need and it will be" to your interest to calL ' Our other staples are of equal excellence. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer 1m mm iiiii. - Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn Jlowcrs, Ice Crcoa', Freezers, Ice Sliavers. : ; ' , v . V . - A full line of Hardware," Taints, Oilsr Varnish, Eraracli la C.' V Silver and Alluminum. , . .,: , . - A now lot Ball Bearics Castors, improved. - Our gooila as reprcHcntcd, : TH1CZ3 THU tCT,T: r. Give ua.yonr orders.-. Useful Educators is recommend your excellent remedy, Pe runa. Indeed, I know of no other rem edy u good aa your. It la a grand tonlo, - and many of my friends have used it for catarrh with good results." Mrs. W.N. Boach. - .- . " The most common phases of summer catarrh, are catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Peruna is a specific for summer catarrh. Mr. Win. Hebkyt Daqaetoe, Pa., wrttet:"I mm cured of CMtmrrh a th ttomactt ot twtt year ttoJlnz I bad H so had thai I coald aot eat mnrthlng bat milk. I doctored with tevtrml doc tor mad they could give am relief for m abort rioM only. luwPwun ncom mended mad thought J would 4ry ft, aad 1 now thlak I am cured of catarrh, than worked two month mod did aot , lose a Tar."-H'at. tiebley. - Mr. Moeea F. Merrill, Columbus, Cher okee Co, Kansas, Rural Route No. 8, . writes s ' ' ! had been troubled with systemic catarrh, which affected the lower bowel -especially. I was troubled with running off of the bowels and troublesome catarrh -of the bronchial tubes which caused spitting of thick mucus. Sine taking Peruna my Improvement baa beta wonderful. , My bowel aro regular aa clock-work. I can now eat like other people and my ritual dlgett. " Moaea P. Merrill. '': r-.. Hon. Willis Brewer, Representative in Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman : House of Representatives, , s Washington, D. C. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.t Gentlemen ''I have used one bottle of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending It to those who need a good remedy. As a tonlo it is excellent. In the short time I have used It it has done me a great deal of good." Willis Brewer. ' . If you do not derive prompt and satis- -factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a foil statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. .;.-. - v , , . Flyr YJflioIeaale & Iletail ; 71 Broad Bt. . ; "' T,7 : z 137 : i n III fla.J M a aaaskv I . V, 1

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