- - -V " rr PuL'.lihwi la to Sort, nwr f ilea uy and r rulay, at aUUlc &ree4, w bora, N, U.. ; CHARLES L, STEVENS, onoi in nonxnoa. . BUBSCmPTIQH RATES:? luUiUt 1UW assv A. J:: w - Twe If ontha, Thmealoaiba, TwelT Months, tl-M pNLT Cf ADVANCE Adtertislna; rates furnished apcm an- plioatloa a the office, o vpoa inquiry bysaatt. , 19-Tka Jootwai ) only mtN pey lardaaoT baaia.- Subscribes will reoetr aotioa ofaxpiratio ol their aab- aeriptioaa and aa immediate reapooae to boUo be appreciated by .the Entered at tha PostofflceKew Ban fl. U. as aeooDd-dau matter. SeetloTwe, FrUaj JUy 2t IMS NO ABlRDONXEIf? OP TER t ' R1T0RY. " ;c Denoeretle criticism -ef the Paillp- plna qaeatloa h u natural, as would U the .same eomlnf from . Republicans, with a changed a4inlalslraJlM - The Issue of holding the--FhUIpelnee U a national qneatlon, which might find a minority faforlng giving ,the Islands up, bat there la a majority 4 both po litical parttet which would- oppose aach a policy.,. The history of this jcouatry shows that with awry- acquirement of terri . tory, there has been aeTera critlclss. by tome party, yet this criticism . haa never canted a foot of territory to be relin quished. It te not In the Anglo-Saxon blood to relinquish . anything once possessed, and any party . proposing an abandon ment policy Is certain to be worsted. ,- But - there la the policy - or manage meat of the dominant, party of the country, which is in control of national affair audits government of new ter ritorial possessions, that demand criti cism. In this the Democratic, party bas ils opportunity, and as Its criticism and op position Is honest and meritorious, in seeking to redress party abuses and party ttiagoreiaaMnV ao will the party not merely confer public benefit,- bat also- draw to Its side a strength which meant opportunities for ita getting into control of public affairs. It la Republlcaa methods of territorial government; of policies on tariff .' and treatment of the people.whlch are pointa for Democratic criticism. . There U nothing tetbev abandonment policy, for Democrats? vary faw at least, favor abandonment of any territory once acquired by their country- LOSS TO STRJXESS AND" " ' PUMJC'' ;i The reasons for the "great , eoal strike in the Pennsylvania coal districts, were not sufficient to warrant the strike, when . the loaa- to'thej misera and the publla are considered - ; . The estlmate ofTer one mllttoodol- lara Joss la the first Jsix .days r .of. tha atrlke, In the stoppage ot the wages of tha miners, shows! the loss; ia that dl rectton, whlle'outstde tnmaay sections iraJTQlk.IXOW tha ehortageof eoal stocks threat rloM Industries. ; ; i f BeBldeBthelosa of wagea to the miners, there la the dangertVhlchJ Idle ness breeds among those striking. . .. As to the operators sod. theminers , ' they have shown an ndlfferenca -a to , thai affect of tha strike uposiw tha cot Burner's welfare. A atrlke cannot really be tali to de terolne definitely enyftoesttea between employaf and employ e.h . .. . ; Oa the ether hand the ..er41 growing outotattrikaravarloas,a41tvaftieT tha atrika l settled to work' injary to . tanocent. peopto. - , .1 ? 1 . ItbMtthelomto thoaalmmedlaUry oonceraad that la ao- nnendaraWa,, at b tha cost ta the publlo at largo, which must anffer, at the same tlrno being help- lesa to and tha dispute. , . COUNTY MAGISTRATES JO The "attention of: the llaglttratat of Craven county f called t tha fact that titlava a moJ important meeting before them, on Monday, J ana 8nd.;- . The making -of a tew; Its levy, if $ matter demattdir th utmost care arj coEsMeratlon, as In Hit kvy muatee cone,: !:T6d tha raising rof enough laies tot :.t all necessary county expendi t v,LScha!o Involves tlse neceiaity c ; ' a f-uxfcg, so that -tha tax- pcyara t ; I .T as Y.Jii a tax burden as poesl- Tt- aeLULlf I Ut pij U cide&a,aad secoad. aaaawho v of admlAUtrUlva ahlllty.fof thara are many auttara of tha eonaty, which Call for coaeervaUve man to aafaly adalalatar thesa. With theee two aaoat Important aaattara baf ore tha saagbtretea, for their actloa, there ahoald be a fall alteadance at tha Jena steeling. Stati of Ohio, Cttt of Tolxdo, I , Lccaj Cocvtt. t rnajra: J, Cmarrr makes oath that ha la aaaior partsar U tha Arm of T. 3, Canort A Cos, doing boalaeaa la the City ot Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said Ana will pay each aad vary case of Cataur that cannot be eared' by th wsaaf Hau.a Catikeh Cona.; FRANK J.CHEMXT. - Bwatw to haore at aad eabeerlbed In my preaeaca, thb Blh da of December, A. D. 188ft. 7-. A.W.GLEA80N, i aaait . Notary Public. HalTs CaUrrh Cure U Ukealnler aallr. and acta dlrectlv on the blood and mucous snrfaoaa of tha system. Bend for testlmonlala, free. F.J.CBEKXY.ft CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists. Hair Family PUle are the best Tha bemmr doean't haa to b welsh ed In the balance to be foond wanting. PbilMiMru-Reoard. - Amoua-tb-few areat tare of Ufa la atayhix hi bed fifteen minotea after we knov.w anghe to get ap. - Try the new remedy for coaUvenesa, Chanberlahv'a Btomach and- Liver TaV lata,.: Bvary box ' gnaranteed. Price, 25 centa. For sale by F. B. Duffy. . Hi. ou Kr. A mau the .other dav vent to a Rn. ton dentist to have a tooth, extracted and decided to take os. . Tb doctor adoiluUtered the hypnotic,, and the man aoon appeared to be under. Ita In fluence, but be continued to keep one eye open. : Tulrworrted the doctor, and ha cava the man more. gas. , Stilt, the eye re mained bDenwMShUt that eve." aald the doctor finally, loalug patience. Can t. said .the man In a drowar volceV'lf a glaaa The lest Prescription &r Kalaria. ChRlsand Fever b a bottle - of Q nova's TaamsaaCBTxt ToJ. It is- simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure bo pay. Price 60c- . f ' .... 1: Ta Colr Mabaeraar' , Therf- natural .1 color s of - -mahogany Wbeavit i. too; light utay be- deepened by. applying' -mixturu composed of a half gallon of .water,, four ounces of madder and two ounces of fustic. Boll and apply while hot While It is wet atreak the grain with black. Tula will give new mahogany quite the coloring of old. -- DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the masterly power bf "South American Nebtihx Tonic.' InvalldalBeed suffer no longer, because this great remedy can care them all4 It b a cure for the whole world of stoaiaoh-weakness and indigestion. The core begins with the first dose. The re lief It brings is marvelous and surprising It makes no failure; .never disappoints. No matter how long yea have suffered, yonr cure b certain under theuse of this great health-giving force. Pleasant and always safe. Bold by C. D. Bradham, DraggbW : - Applause-la the-- tonic of success. When a f alloar makes a hit, let bim know it in a good, round, royal way. If ha ha aeaaet tt won't turn his bead, and if fee doea get dixxy for a minute what mattera it? Let him enjoy the Intoxication while It lasts, for the seri ous buaineaa of Ufa will aoon drive him back to work again. Schoolmaster. WHAT TOO ARB TAXHW Whea yoa take Grove's Taatakaa Chill Tonic, because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that it b limply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 69c. : PUat Few HU Out Pa.tleata There ia a doctor of the old school ia one of the New England village neat Randolph, htasa whose house 4a sur rounded by a cemetery Th cemetery ia behind the bouse and cornea np flush with the joad on either aide, running off to east aid west for ah eighth of a mile. Soma, people might find auch a bouse lot doleful, and surely the neigh bors, are ot lively. But that thought never troubled the villa gera ao much aa the prospect of going borne, at eight In the country towns of New England the graveyard at night la etUl a thing of terror, an inherited terror. There are still towns where all the graves are dug on a line running -due east and weatwilfcibe.'fOotatonee toward the east m that the dead may rise face to face. with the Judge on tha last day. So the doctor la often naked the question, "Are you not afraid to go borne aome Umeeatnightr -,; And bis answer Is alwaya the same: "No. , My neighbors will never trouble me -They all we me money." New Tork Tribune ' .r n LiiBt Drowning Kan. . ; "rive years so disease the doctor tilled dyspepsia took such hold of me that I could scarcely go." writes Geo. B. Harsh, well-known.attorney of Nocona, Tex. "I took quantities: of pepsin and medicines but nothing helped me. As a drowc'?"ri!mngrabaat,a straw I grab- U at KuaA. I fiilt an - Improvement at one and t'.or a few bottles am sound - 1 vcl." Zolil is the only prrraratlon t " 'i t '? rcrrofldcea t- e na'.urbl ; ; ; 1 1... . :.t'y In tie Cj3popsia.Cura Dljrsb what yoa cat. This preparation contains all of tbt digeaUnta and digest all kinds ol food. It gives lnsunt relief an J never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tha food yoa want The tnoct sensitive stomachs can Uka lb By Its use many thousands of dyspepUoa bave been cured after everything else failed. It prevent formation oxj fas on the stom ach, relieving ail dlatreaa after eati ng: Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help bat do ym good fVparedMitybv R. C IXWRraOoOhlrmie la H. tuUie ! SH tlawt th Ms. . F.B DU FY ft CO. J CROWN POINT8. ' Prince and Prlnceaa Albert el Bel gium bave been enjoying a quiet visit at Torquay. England, where twthlna; waa known of their vlalt until after their departure. King Edward at his dinner to the London poor on coronation day will present every one with a memorial cup; It will be made of glass and contain the portraits of the king and queen. - Prince Waldemar, . eldest son ol Prince Henry of Prussia, is at a sani tarium, where he wears poroua cloth ing, aleepa on a horsehair mattress in a room whose temperature ia that of the outer air and Uvea on fruit, milk and salad While visiting Goslar, in the Hara mountains, recently the crown prince of Uermauy waa bombarded : with snowdrop by a band of ladles and practically mobbed by school children. Before leaving . the town the prince scattered a plenteoua - largesse of sweets among his small admirers. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney md Bladder, Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Gbbat Bourn Ambricah Kidnit Curb." It Is a great surprise on . account ol It s exceeding promptness In relieving pain la bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If yoa want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. : Bold by C. D. Bradham, Druggist. Pimplea. A great many persons are troubled with pimples on the face, which are un sightly at best, and especially annoying when they come, aa they often do, on the nose. Of course they arise from some Impurity of the blood and need constitutional treatment, but until tbla la obtained a aafe and easy way of pre venting them Is to apply arnica to the skin. A pimple never comes without warning. A few hours before there is always a alight inflammation or swell ing, and if a drop of arnica be applied to the spot when the swelling begins half a doxen applications in the course of a day will drive the pimple back un der the skin. Biliousness is a condition character ized by a disturbance of the digestive organs. The stomach la debilitated, the liver torpid, the-bowels constipated. There Is a loathing of food, pains In the bowels,, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or part ly digested food and then of bile. Cham berlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets allay the : dbtarbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone np the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try them and yoa are certain to be much pleased with the result For sale by F. 8. Duffy. A Moaater Mas. "'' Chevalier Scrog while exploring' cavern in the peak of Tenerlfe found a akull which must have belonged to a man at least fifteen feet high. . It con tained sixty perfect teeth of monstrous else. Hone Reptiles.;.: Plenty of reptiles have horns. Us arda are very commonly provided with them. ' There are chameleons with three-horns like the ancient tricera topa. Horned toads have a sort of crest of four horns on the back of (bete beads. Thera Is a small African snake Which haa two horns. Carrlnc " A genteel carver alwaya alts when he carves, says a work on etiquette. Per haps he does, but it Is pretty certain that there are times when he yearnful ly yearns to put one foot on the table and the other on the bird while strug gling with the fowl. London Answers. The times that It turned out that-a man waa right be remembers a great deal longer than those when he waa wrong. Atchison Globe. TOWN TOPICS. The water rurt does not appear to be having a very Kood fffect ou the Raines law lu .New York.-Kt Louis Olobe Detnorrnt. Reputations ennnot l safely based on stntlwtlcs. Statistics snow tnaiuni csgo contains i.100 churches. - Phila delphia UiTord. ", The quwr way they are trying to re rtn tiiinm art lii New York Is fair ly well Illustrated by the latest order of the health authorities or tne Dor nneh nt Rnmklrn. which orovldes that bena and chickens may be kept there. but that under no circumstances wui roosters be allowed on any premlsea.- Itoston Herald. ... Beware of Conehv A cough b not a disease bpl a symp tom. Consumption and bronchitis, which are the most dangerous and fatal diseases, have for their first Indication a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon as the cough appears sre easily cured. Chambei Iain's Couch Remedy has proven wonderfully success tul, and ealned Its w!a rt' -uta'.lon snd extensive sale by its au ' 9 la curing t!.e dlucnsc L!i.h cfti:' 9 r ' '; z- If 'I to not bf EillQ, Praspects Flrcmti Tournament at Capitol atj. Ctameacemeat Exercises. State Charter, rrealaeat laa Be ' signs. State Holiday Ohaer vaace. North Carellsa . at St, Leels. Pre. ' eat ArrI- Ralsjoh, May SO. The commence ment exercbes of the Baptist Female University aad of Peace Iastttate here are la progress At Feace, Rev. Tucker Graham preached the baoealaurate ter moa. The alumnae met today aad thb evening the annual concert was given. The graduating exercise take place to morrow morning. Thb achool closes the most successful term in all its his tory. At the Baptist Female University Rev. R. T. Vsnn, the president preached the baccalaureate sermon, Rev. W. C. Tyree the missionary sermon. Thb morning Rev. Or. W. E. Hatcher of Richmond delivered the annual literary address. The attendance during the term haa been over 260. I resident JsmesD. McNeill of the North Carolina State Firemen's Asso ciation, was here todsy to meet the local firemen,, with a view to having the an nual convention and Ha attendant tour nament held at Raleigh. Ee said he had no doubt that it would be held here. , - : The Stalo charters the Broaddus and Ives "Lumber Company of New Bern, capital $50,000. William 8lmpson,the veteraa secretary of the State Board of Pharmacy, wKo has for 80 years owned a drug store here has resigned. Thb step 1s due to falling health and falling eyesight ' Among today's arrival were W. R. Allen, Goldbboro; H. B. Register, Whlte ville; Irdell Meares, Wilmington; Thom as A. Jones, Theodore F. Dandson, Asheville; Harry W. Stubbs, Williams- ton. Strange to say the State Library has not a copy of the Bragg Fraud Commis sion Report It has had many copies but these havo been stolen, under the direction of people who desired to get these tell talo records out of the way. The public buildings and banks were closed today and on the Capitol the National and State flags were displayed. There was no othtr observance of the State's chief holiday. Gov. Ay cock says he is confident tnat North Carolina will make a notably line display at the St. Louis Exposition. He Is delighted at this State's success at the Charleston Exposition. E0W IT IS DONE. The first object in life with the Amer ican people Is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving, the second, (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower,: Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Appendicitis, Indigestion,: etc., such aa Sick Headache, Palpiiation of the Heart Sour Stomach, Habitual Costtveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostra tion, Low Spirits, etc, you need not suf fer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will relieve yon at once. Go to F. 8. Duffy and get a sam pie bottle free. Regular size, vocta. Uet Green's Special Almanac One War to Cmt Bftttl . . To cut sheet brass chemically the fol lowing method meets with great suc cess: Make a strong solution of bichlo ride of mercury in alcohol. With a quill pen draw a line across the brass where it is to be cut Let it dry on, and With the same pen draw over this line with nitric acid. The brass may then be broken across like glass cot with a diamond. . " -. Miss Florence Newman, who hat been a great sufferer from muscular rheuma tism, says Chamberlain's Pain Balm b the ouly remedy that: affords her relief. Mbs Newman is s much lespected resi dent of the vlilsge of Gray, N. T., and makes thb statement for the benefit of others similarly afflicted. This liniment Is for sale by F. B. Duffy & Co. """""etaait' itaiwaUaa "tuYisV" """'"" There are three well known varieties ef eel found in Hawaiian .watersv The largest is the big gray fellow, which to closely resembles bla cousin, the con ger, tie is voracious ana leanese, ana the natives tackle him with caution; for when cornered he fights vtclouslyand can inflict a nasty wound svlth tils powerful Jaws, which bristle with nee dlelike teeth. ; . The other species are fat, flabby, look ing customers, with fantastic markings of black and brown and many anaoea of irrar. On an eel of thla sort the skin appears to bang loose from the body. and when disturbed the head iweela like a Duff adder's. These eels aeldom attain a greater length than three feet and love to locate in the crevices of stone breakwater, from which they dart out incessantly and make havoc among any school of small fry which may be innocently disporting tnem aelvea within striking distance. These hooded eels have been known to haunt a particular spot for over a year. They are good eating, despite their unpre possessing appearance.' , Stand me a Stone Wall Between your children snd the tor tares of Itching sad burning eczema, scaldheador other sk'n dlseas s. - Howf why, by using Bucfclen's Amies Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure for Ulcers. Fiver Sores, Salt r.heum, Cuts, Burns or Cruises. ' Infalll bis formes. 21c at C. D. EradLBTi drus store. Vakcebcro. Ltrre Averife of Tobacco. Bate BaO Talk. Liqaiar Licenses CranicA May fO-J. B. Harvey spent Monday la New Bern. MbaLeule White oae of oar most charming yoaag ladles kXtTharaday for Washington N. a to accept a position la telegraph office. We regret to lose aet very maeh, bet with her saoca sae- Mr. Fisher of Washington, was la Yaaeeboro Meoday. . Mr. ! E. Latham of New Bent passed through our town today. Dr. L. G Covington and Mr. Wm. Clave went to Washington N. a last Wednesday,:. Messrs,-J 8. Batalgat "aad Henry Marshall are apeadlag a few daya here oa baslaea. - The good people of oar town regret very mack that a license- has been granted to parties to ran a salooa la thb place. We have had 11 months of free dom from saloons and had hopedlhatjwe would remain so. We - hope the county commissioners will give thb matter their earnest attention. , j. Most of our farmers are through set ting oat their tobacco. The acreage of tobacco this seaaoa b larger than has ever been before, and we only hope the prices will be better. . Ia reply to-our Grifton friends, we would like to say that our base ball team b not dead, aad should we condescend to challenge the Grifton learn they woald not find our team made up front v our neighboring towna. Miss Cora Diaklns spent Thursday In New Bern. Mrs Lei a Laughinghonse and Mrs J A J Jackson went to New Bern Thurs day. ... . Mr and Mrs Ed Smith were in town Saturday. Mr and Mra J M Lancaster spent Sun day In the country, A COHRBSPOHDBHT. Reveals a Great Secret It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-infected muens, and lets the life-giving oxy gen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn cougha soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most Infallible remedy for ail Throat and Lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D. Bradham's. The Por Tailor.. "Tour tailor is a mighty poor one," aald an Atchison woman to her bus band.. "This Is the third time I've sewed on this button." Atchison Globe. Every, baby is the sweetest baby in the workLx You were once considered the, sweetest thing in the .world, al though you may not look it now. Holds up a Congressman. "At the end of the campaign," writes Champ Clark, Missouri's, brilllsnt con gressman, "from overwork, nervous tension, loss of sleep and constant speak log I had about utterly collapsed. It seemed that all the organs in my body were out of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right It's the best all-round medicine ever sold over a drqgglst's counter." Over-worked run-down men and weak,, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters. . Try them. Only 60c Guaranteed by C. D. Bradham.. To Mnk an IaprMlau-, Mr. Kargoiie My dear friend,: I am In despair. That girl's heart ia aa bard aa steel. I can make no Impression on It! : v - V:, ..-.- - . Friend-You don't go at. it in the right way; Try diamonds. They are harder than steel. Don't Start Wrong1. Don't start the summerjwlth a, linger ing cough or cold. Well.know .what a "summer cold" is It's the hardest . kind to cure. Often it "hangs on" through the entire season. Take it in hand right now A few doses of Oae Minute Cough . Care will set yoa right Bare care for -cough, colds, croap, grip, bronchilb, all throat, and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Children like It "One Minute Cough Care is the best cough medicine I ever used," says . H. Bowles, Groveton, N. H. "I never foond anything else that acted so safely and qulAly.H F 8 Daffy. ' Cocoa u Caoeolatot ' Cocoa and chocolate are good for di gestion n ud for the complexion, high class cocoa lit particular being rich in the delicious principle theobromine, which Is of the greatest value aa a heart tonic. . Wants Others to Know. . "Lhavoused DeWltt's Little Early Rtsers for eonstlpatloa and torpid liver and they are all right I am glad to In dorse them for I think whoa we find . a good thing we ought to let other know It" writes Alfred Helnze, Qulncy, ; III They never gripe or distress. ' Snre, safe pills. F. 8. Duffy. Gold Pra. 1 he first cold pens made In this coun try wore nil mumifuetured by hand, the gold tM'liig cut from strips of the nietul by wlssors and every subsequent operation Mug performed by hand These huudiunde gold pens cost from $5 to $20 and were far inferior to the machine mnde article of the present day. ., .'. ' r''What Thin Folks Ifeei Is a greater power of dlgestlna and assimilating food. ' For them Dr. Kind's New Life Pills work wonders. T; y tone and leulute tne d'j'- c gnt!y erpol all polont f;o a !' v t i, r ' 'i t'.a llonl, I ;"-i-9 f awa-iua Uwr i ao rwnady to f 4 ' ,an easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in orders to kill disease germs ' and insure bealtliy; throat action is to ' take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of ' ' x . Mexican MtlQtang Xinimcnt and with this carJ be throat ot frequent Intervals. -Then bathe the owul ! of t ho t hroa t thoroughly with tb lint. I ment and after (loini;tliuiMirwiuii)un a soft cloth and wrap around Uo u tk. It la a rutITVI2 CURS. SOc COe. tuid Qt.00 a bottle. . ' IT II A V DC Villi have ionir boen troublod with a running II MAI Pt IUU aoroorU. Tritit at onoe with Meat, eui Muiitaug IJiuiacnt and yu c&n dMin1 upon a rpeady euro. . 61 Pollock St. ' Special Sale of Waist Silks, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ALL NEW, BRIGHT. Exclusive Patterns. All 76c Silks, - - SPECIAL 59c, " $1.00 Silks - -$1.25 Silks Do not delay this limited quantity. 61 Pollock (St. SMITH'S ' - OwiDg to the fact that we arc orerslockeJ on the following lines we will on Tuesday, May 20th, put on sole our entire line of Lawns, Dimi ties, Organdies, etc. at such attractive prices that the? are bound to go All Cc, 7c and 8c Fignred Lawns at 5c. 12o an j 15o Lawns and Dimities at 10c. " 20c and 25c Organdies at 15c. - - Also a big lot of India Linens Fersian Lawns at same ruducliou. Striped Lawns for Waists at 10c, 12J 15c and 20c. - ..; ' Ask to see our Ladies and Childrens Oxfords. 7. ; BAXTER. Phone 1 60. r.cccooooooooooooooooocccoo j Skeleton Lined i TIIE PROPER THING Ov wear. " A" large assortment Vvwnilur Hlm and ut on t. -. r o A. O " f - . - , -Ton will miss it if, you - ing pur line. ' ' i j. G, Timn & Co ! 57 Pollccl- Gtrcot- t.-. . C i r ' T V i i. ". : , : ( ja Slaxloaa ataataa LluiU moth's 73c. 98c. opportunity.- Only a 90 Middle 89 Middle Street. for Summer of patterns in Vrldos from buy before aej- "'''f1 , . t.c.M. 1 wee () A r A x ml M 6 o o ; ' lit l it. '.1 it v."l rtit c;-"t ymiac.i.t IV.r I'll s:.'3lyr.C.I '"f&Vo..

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