to . - The liniment bottle and flannel strip are familiar objects la nearly every household. They are the weapons that have been used for fenerations to fight old Rheumatism, about as effective in the battle with this giant ' disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers VAP juraimjusm -is causea dt an acid, sour condition of the blood. It is filled; with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dLslodze these giitty, corroding particles. They , were deposited there by the blood and ' PnhKintv mtli It.imMt. pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every' change of the weather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly , and promptly as S. S. 8. It neutralizes the adds and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians write about their case, and we will send and its treatment THE A FREE FEMALE FIGHT. Overmuch Hot Air Causes a Concussion of Opinions an the Rending of ' , Much Clothing. All " . . . Quiet How. ... ' Some people who were coming In town early yesterday morning report a rare exhibition of "wool pulling" oat on End street, which was the outcome of an exchange of compliments between two colored women. About S o'clock yesterday morning, Ltna DavU, who had been harboring evil thoughts against ' one Josephine Whltaker, espleaVthe object of her : thoughts passing by, and proceeded to put her "moaf on her," as the expres sion goes. This "riled" some of Jose phine's friend who took a part in the discussion also. By this time the noise had attracted, quite a crowd, and the fun organ, all hands fell to, and the yells and shrieks were something awful. Officers Brinson and Tlsdale arrived on the scene, and of tor some trouble bqc coeded In running In four or five of the most turbulent spirits, all women, who la'er in the day contributed several dol lars to the public fund. Everything was reported quiet on End street last night, saving perhaps a light sulphurous lain t in the atmos phere out that way. Ilia wa Medicine Chest. The surgeon of on English ship of .war was noted for the monotony of his prescriptions. . Ho apparently consid ered salt water taken externally or Internally as a cure for all the ills that flesh Is heir to, for he ordered his pa tients to take it, no rnatterVhat might bo the malady presented to his notice. -f One day ho went sailing with a par ty of friends, and. in the course of a squall the boat was upset, and . the 'surgeon came near being drowned. 1 'Well," said the captain of the ship iwben ho was told of the narrow es cape, "I'm glad you were saved, but It hardly seems possible in any event that you could have really drowned in your own medicine chest, now does It, doctor?" i Javenlle Eradltlon. ! Here are a few extracts from compo sitions written by boys in a high school of Vienna : i "Many a man lies down In good (health and gets up dead." A. "In Rome the bones of the martyrs were collected and -utyrn by wild beasts." ' ; ' . ' ' ' V ' . ... i "Human beings ceased to walk on all four and walked on the hindmost" . "He.Bacrluced a rich woman and oth er priests." ' 1 , " "Hannibal stood with one foot In Spain, while with the other he beckon ed to tho- troops." V ' i "God's punishment followed imme diately after ten years." . ix ,. Tke Qhimaey fewfft.; . ! Occasionally a bird is strong minded jenough to break away from old tradi tions. Before this country was settled Hbe swift nested la hollow trees, but . after trees began to be cut down and 'chimneys arose above tbo roofs of . houses everywhere the- birds were ,quick to perceive that fires are general- lv out bv the time their nestlne season arrives, Therefore why"not take ad . ivantage of the innovation? So' com : pletely did they forsake their old nest- lng sites to build in chimneys that the 'name chimney swift is now universally applied to them. Ladies Homo Jour nals ... .' . 1 ; ..: j . .,..: . ' A Troublesome Trto. ? - -t' "The: most' troublosomo member of woman who wants a husband." , My most troublesome client," sold i the lawyer "Is d middle aged woman - who wants a divorce." . . -"'The "most tcoublesome patient 1 .-. hove," said the physician, "is a spinster " of uncertain -nco . who.:doesn't know - wnai-suo wanis'-vmcago news. . The Par lie Played a Mr. Staluto-So your sister keeps you ' well supplied with pocket money, does j". abet - i , . Tommy-Yes. - , 1 j Stalate I presume you have to ren der some llttlo'cquivalent? - ; ' t Tommy (ynwningH-Ob, yes; 1 have to come in and yawn when visitors are staying too late. - ' y -' The Atlantic and North' Carolina 1 Railroad Company are doing some good work on Hancock street. Three or four inches of the street's surf see, which con ' slats of sand, or very soft dirt is being removed and covering of '"slag," a ma terial which, accumulates in 'foundries and machine shops laid on. , This ma i terlal Is a good part Iron in composition and when well rolled or packed becomes almoBt as hard as stooe, . The work will bo confined to the part ' of street lying on the cast side of the track until completed from thooldtsta- . tlon to Bouth Front street, when the other lido will , receive a like cover- sr a, a i 'V and are can be reached only through the blood. i : a .1 l of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most will advise, without charge, all who free our special book on Rheumatism SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga. , CYNICISMS. There are some people who never move rapidly except when the fire bells ring. . - - 'y Every day on the streets you will see two men talking. One Is bored and try ing to got away. Call him. If a woman has more than two chll' dren, she should also have naturally curly hair, for she will never get time to curl It When It Is finally admitted thata girl is pretty, tho people say, "Well, I don't know where she gets It," a slap at her parents. ... When a man falls in love with a wo man, all her women friends decide that be would fall out again If be knew her as well as they do. It a guest remains longer than three days in a house, she notices. If she is at all observing, that the family do not change napkins as often. Atchison Globe. The Fifth Grade room of the public school Hies Katie Matthews have a pie fao at Battle Field grounds this after noon. " Telegraphic dispatches last night gave accounts of the surrender of the Boers to the Englsh and It Is stated that the Boer war Is practically ended. A large cargo of cabbage from Spring Garden Farm was transferred from the steamer Hay Bell to the Neuse yesterday afternoon. There was a small consign ment of peas. J. F. Smith of Lake Farm brought to this office last evening some specimens of White Bliss potatoes nearly full grown which are very fine. lie ships 20 barrels today and It Is the first send away tubers of this year's growth. ' Hr, Ferd M. Flahn of the firm of M. Ilahn & Son returned from points In t7l-(l.ilo li nr. It 11 It nn K.nn liiivtnfT . i. t ii . ui u t i t I stock for his stables. Mr.Uahn brought, back some of the prettlst horses for driving snd drawing purposes that has been seen here lately. Tronacrs and a Woman's Club. This is the talo of a tallora',pnir of trousers and a woman's club, nnd the scene Is in Somerville, Mass., a city which faces the back yard of Charles Eliot Norton's estate. "It .was this way," said William Garry of;BrooklIne at the Fifth Avenue hotel the other day. "A 8omerville-man moved and later took a pair of trousers to his tai lor to be pressed. He forgot to. tell the tailor he had moved, and the trousers returned, with no name on the bundle, to the old address. The servant took the bundle from the boy and carried It in-to the -new mistress of the house, who was at tho time entertaining the literature class of the woman's club. Maeterlinck and spring styles were un der discussion when the nameless bun dle entered. 'What can it be f said the hostess, 'It Is too large for cake and too square for flowers.' ; 'Open it! cried the literature class, crowding around., . "So the bundle was opened. Silence ensued, then confusion.' 'This is a very funny Joke indeed,' said thehostess grimly, 'and some one Will pay dearly for it. Betty (calling to the servant), come and remove these garments at once.; Who sent themir "fiease,: mum, I think it was the breeches I mean the tailor's boy.' CTTake them away ana keep them till he calls' for them. La dles, let us go on with "The Life of the Bee," ' she said. Later the owner re covered them. , That is how, I know." Kew,Xork Tribune. St. Mary's.Plcnic , St. Mary's Eree Will Baptist picnic that was fun Tbursdsy 22nd, on the steamer Carolina, was a grand success and was enjoyed by every pne who , at tended. ' ' , vy A Pleasant Evening. ; ut, v. uordan Tunsted, gave most delightful outing and whist party to a number of his Elk friends last evening a the Rock Spring, Lodge. The guests were taken to anafrom the Lodge, which is four miles up Trent river, in a launch the full moon casting its silvery . reflec tion Upon the beautiful river, made the trip to and ffom the Lodge a most beau tiful and enjoyable feature bf the even ings entertainment.. ' ", I Upon arrival at the Lodgo, the evening was most pleasantly spent at whist: The first prize for the . ladles: a hand somely engraved souvenir spoon bfl Rock Spring Lodge, was won by Miss Johnson. The gentleman's prize, a hand some silver mounted hat brush Was won by Mr. Holland. The consolations were won by Miss Rountroo and Mr. Daniels. Aftor the whist game a delightful colla tion was spread. i Those present were: Misses Agnes Foy Annie Foy, Mamie Daniels, Ruby Dan lcls, Rountree, Johnson, Burma, i Mrs. 8hultz, of PhllsMr. and Mrs.' T. D. Carraway; Messrs. Benton, Eby, Daniels Williams, Claypoolo, Nunn, Holland, Eaton and BIddle. THE LOVER F.ND3 A WAY," fmras year's probation: We're both toe jroun. they say. ' . She'e at bar education. . And I muat to ewar. Bo bar I'm ea the briny, - Bound (or some horrid spa Or bars; mmtt and tiny To please Pauline's papa. ' If I could drop a Una each night .- but, not Ha aald I mustn't write. Today we're due at Qoeeaatowni A short week old my vow. I wish It were Paulina's town. The time, year from newl -. Cheer upT I'm quite Snabiel I've tried yet Just to say. "I lore you, doar," by cable, . , Would drive these blues away. But always the obdurate sire I promised ber I wouldn't wire. Bald she: "Be diplomatic. And all will coma out right My love won't grow emtio Because you're not In eight!" But, oh, my heart la aching I And I must ask her aid. How can I without breaking The promises I've made? Why precious duffer that I am -m send her a Maroonlgrsm! Town Topics. THEY'RE WONDERS. Teen Harried Maa'e Commeat oa the Feminine Riddle. "Say," remarked a young married man, "they're wonders, ain't theyT "Yesterday my, .wife got out of bed and ate about halt a pound of choco late cream candles, the remains of K box that I'd fetched home the evening before. After) that she didn't want any breakfast, but she drank tt couple of cups of coffee. She went shopping In the morning, and while shopping she drank a strawberry soda and a choc olate ice cream soda. For lunch she had a glass of milk, a couple of choc olate eclairs, a pleee of hot mince pie and some candy. Then she went shop ping some more and stopped at a coun ter where a woman was 'demonstrat ing some new kind of pickles.. My wife ate about six of those pickles. Then she flitted on to another 'demon strating' counter and went 'up against a plate of some newfangled cereal, covered with sirup. Then she had a raspberry soda. Then she ate a little dishful of some new kind of canned salmon that some 'demonstrator' push ed in her direction. Then she went to the matinee, consuming during the per formance about a pound of peanut brit tle. When I got home, I found her ly lng down, suffering from a bad head ache. "'Now I wonder,' said she to me, what in the world could have given me a headache?' "About a month ago she had a cold that I was afraid was going to develop Into pneumonia. She started It by go ing shopping during slUBhy, raw weath er in paper soled low shoes and thin silk stockings. Then she stood for ten minutes In the basement areoway in her bare head and with a thin house jacket on and house slippers, telling the washerwoman how she wanted the clothes done up. Then she took it red hot bath and dressed immediately and went right out to buy the Sunday din ner, standing outside the market house for an hour or so talking with the wo men friends she met : Then she went rto the theater with me, against my solemn protest wearing nothing on her . . o , . rBB.aLA nn(s head but an algret that weighed one- eighth of. a grain, nnd It was cold enough on that night to chase a polar bear Into an ice cave. "She had such a cold the next morn- tag that she couldn't talk. "'Now, what In the wide, wide world said she to me when she'd got her pipes thawed out a little bit 'could have given me a cold, do yon think? "Oh. they're wonders, all right enough," concluded tho young married man, shaking his head dismally and gazing at the celling of the car as If the key to the eternal feminine riddle were '' Inscribed there. Washington Post- -' ! . , ,, He Losee. .... -.. . t 'fWelL" he sold, "I am perfectly .will ing to postpone our' marriage out of respect for your" venerable father" "Oh; that's it is it? So you're going to marry papn, are you? ' Humph I So it's- out of respect for that Old man, eh?:'-;i! tv'Jv? ;:.! vjXiA . Now, dearest you know I'm not in love with that fossilized brute, I" Sir. how. dare' you be disrespectful to my, dear pa?" Baltimore News. - 1 CURTAIN CALLS. ' Lizzie B.1 Raymond ' is ' playing vaudeville houses in Chicago, j , In Qus Solilko has' signed with Edward E. Rice to produce a new ballet for ','The Show Girl." ?- s v, ' - Kntherine Rober 1s the leading ac tress in a' company at St John, . N. B., exploiting "Sapho." . .. Four chariots and sixteen horses are used, in the great , race, in .tho London production of "BcncHur." , ! ' .Clara. Morris )3 said to be seriously contemplating a return to the stage, appearing In a new play, possibly one of her own. ' , , t Oscar Eagle has been engaged by Owa Davis as stage manager of the Baker theater, in Rochester, N. X suc ceeding the late-Frederick Bryton. . i v-Wiy. Eye Strain Cause of Sore Eyes. Inflamed eyes, styes, and headache are symptoms which point conclusively to eye strain, and to'cure . yourself you must seek thecause, correct it and then your., trouble will, disappear, yon can stimulate and help nature In curing the Symptoms by various ways, bat still the cause is there and liable at any moment to break out again; it seems like pouring water on the smoke to put out a fire,' to pursue any other course than the proper adjusted glasses to correct the strain A normal eye Is one which when In re- poBe the rays entering it are'' brought to a focus on. tho retina, when they are not this way an extra amount of nerve force Is demanded to make them focus correct ly, the result, an overflow of blood caus ing congestion,! styes, ' the leakage of nerve force; the headache; it is not hard to understand how a severe strain can soon exhaust " enough nerve force to causea general breaking down of the whole nervous s stem, ' . By the - aid of the latest Instruments we can adjust glasses to any one, child ren especially, letting thetu go about their studies without being seriously handicapped on account of eye trouble. . V;J-0. BAXTER, Jb In NTS FOR FARMERS Fas stars Vegetable Garden. In a paper prepared and read before the Horticultural Society of Northern Illinois! by Mrs, Carrie Swlgert she 'ays1thst a good, garden Is usually (evidence 'of a" food farmer. An lnclo aure of a. given quantity. ground Is iby no means a garden, any more than a dwelling house is a home. From a business standpoint; bow can the farm er's garden be made profitable t she asks. In the first place, she answers, by reducing the grocery VX. The cost of living on the farm. depends largely upon the proportion of the articles con sumed that are produced at home. The ordinary farm supplies the family with flour, meat and dairy products: These are the necessities of life, and If the housekeeper has no other place from which to draw she. will 'find It very difficult to supply her table with a pleasing variety of wholesome dunes during the whole year. Either the farmer's living will have to be nar rowed down to an nnhealthful monot ony or cUo there will bo h great void In the bill of faro that must be filled from some other source. This void may be and very often Is filled from the grocery, but money Is not always plenty or there Is no time to spare to go to market as often as things are needed for the table. We do not enjoy taking out our purse, and emptying out a part of it on the grocer's counter every time we go to town. The result Is we are tempted all the time to scrimp, and the housekeeper la. com pelled to do without much she would gladly have. But there is a way to re duce these grocery bills and at the same time Increase the comfortsof our homes, and this is by providing a first class garden on the farm, which will furnish nn agreeable variety for every day in the year. Seed Potatoes. Although in tho United States It Is generally understood that the "crown. or" seed end eyes, are tho best, yet there has been a controversy in Eng land upon the subject of seed, some claiming for a number of years that the stem end only should be planted and that these furnished a larger nnd consequently n better potato. I think I can explain this difference of .opinion readily, although I have but little ex perlence in raising them. It is well known that tho eyes on the seed end are much moro numerous than on the stem end. It has been the custom gen erally until recently and is still the custom except by a few to cut off the seed end and to put two or even three of these pieces to each hill. This, of course, gives a large number of stalks to each hill, while the stem end, having not half as many eyes, has only ha' two or three pieces to the bill, the stalks, of course, being equally less in number. And now of late years a few persons have found out that tho bill of potatoes with only two or three stalks gives a larger and consequently a bet ter potato than the hills having many stalks. Therefore the stem end men have got the largest and best potatoes because tbey have less stalks in the hills, as they have less eyes. It Is claimed of late years by those who have tested it that large potatoes only should be selected for seed and that only one eye should be kept on each piece and only two pieces for a hill if you .want large, marketable potatoes. You always find your largest potatoes when there Is only one largo vino. One great secret in potato cultivation is not to have too many eyes in one piece aud cut large ones for seed. W. T. Elder in National Stockman. The Angora Goat. The Prairie Farmer says that the An gora goat does not mature as fast as the sheep, but lives to a greater age. It Is a browsing animal," getting its living from bushes, twigs, leaves and the bark of trees, with a preference for weeds over pasture grasses, and, while the meat of the sheep Is preferred to that fbf goat the latter Is rapidly growing in favor. But wo learn from other pa pers that to get a large fleece and fat carcass from the goat it is necessary to finish it off with about as good food as would be required by the sheep. We think it Is with the goat as with the pigs of the man who bought a lot to root up the swnrd In his orchard, and that they might do-so he thought he must feed them scantily. After a time be made complaint to a neighbor that they did not fatten as he expected them. "Well," said the neighbor, "you needn't think they are going to do BO cents worth Of work on 25 cents' worth of feed and get fat at it" Editors as Agricultural advisers, ' Some editors . not. only advise the preachers what to preach, the politi cians what to advocate,5 but fill their papers with advice to the farmers as to what to plant how to plant it work It and gather it ; It is all very well to nt temnt tho first two, for as molders of nubile opinion it Is a part of the bust ness of a newspaper to do these things, but when a man who has never seen a watermelon until It has arrived in town or who wouldn't know a scooter from a turn plow attempts to tell a man who When a kid was rocked in an' oat cra dle, put to sleep In a cotton basket and whipped with a hamestrlug what to do it Is carrying things a little too far. One good thing about it is the farmer docs not tnke his advice. Laurel Chronicle. - ; j y Oats For Hoars.' Oats are not particularly valuable for hogs, but answer fairly well. Fed alone the results are not nearly as satisfac tory as when given with some other, grain. Being comparatively expensive, it Is seldom advisable to feed oats to hogs. It is much better to use brail, rye and possibly clover hay and the like to furnish the protein. , ; - Dangerous If Neglected.; ' Burns, cuts and other wounds often f ai to heal properly If neglected and become troublesome sores. De Will's Witch hszel Salve prevents such consequences. ' Even Where delay has aggravated the 'injury De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve effects cure. "1 had a running sore on my leg thirty years," says B, 0. Hartly, Yankee town, tnd. "After using many remedies, I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Balve. A few boxes healed the sore.". Cures ail skin diseases. Filet yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits. F S. Duffy. A DISAGREEMENT The real truth," said rhyllls majes tically, rising from' the breakfast table, and smoothing down the ribbons of ber fresh white morning gown "the real truth is (hat it was a great mistake for fa ever to get married." - "The worst mistake we ever made," sold Lai lugubriously. "Because the lord of creation has not bad his breakfast quite to his liking he must immediately 111 treat bis wife and wish to divorce her," said Phyllis some what unreasonably, but more scathing ly than ever. "Ton need not be afraid, my lord and master" (very sarcastlca! ly). "I have too much self respect to rufflo your august mind by standing In the way of your creature comforts." Whereat she swept majestically out of the room. Lai enseonsed himself gloomily be hind his paper and worked himself up into a great Indignation against rhyl lls. 'I slmDlv cannot stay In the same house with ber," thought be, throwing down the paper, when he caugnt Bignt , of rhyllls, most daintily dressed for go-' lng out in spring hat ana rrocK ana beautiful little shoes, passing over tne lawn and out of the gnte, carefully picking ber way as she went Lai frowned, said to himself that she was heartless, did not care in the least then put on his hat and marched reso lutely out toward the railway station. going by tbe'short cut over the fields. He would go away for a few days, at any rate till Fhyllis bad come to her senses. Phyllis, walking on the road, was equally resolved that to live In the same bouse with Lai was perfectly impossible to ber as a right minded woman perfectly impossible. She .would take tho very first train that went and go back to mamma. At home they had let her eome down to break fast Just whenever she chose. Besides, at home tbey did not have breakfast at the ridiculously early hour of 7. Break fast at 7 indeed! Lnl was the first to arrive at the rail way station and, going up to the sleepy little office, asked for his ticket Then he searched every pocket in turn for the money, but not one penny could be find. lie grew crimson as each investi gation revealed nothing but a few yards of twine, n piece of paper folded lengthwise and a few rusty nails. How ever did these things come to ho in Ins pockets? How very annoying f Phyllis! She had put out an old suit for him to wear. Lai frowned, blushed nnd stammered that he had forgotten bis money. The ticket man concealed a smile. Lai said that he woukl go home and fetch it for his resolve was In nowise shaken. But as he went out of the station doekhe saw a dainty, well known little figure coming down the road. Phyllis carefully avoided the little puddles left by the' night's rain nnd tried to look Joyfully forward to being under mamma's protecting wing. He drew back and watched her. This very pretty little lady, holding ber parasol Judywise on ber arm, marched boldly into the office and, without hesitation, demanded a first class ticket Then, all unsuspecting, she put her little White gloved band Into her pocket nnd began to search for her purse. , Lai, with a secret triumph, observed her growing pinker and pinker till she was the pretty color of the roses in her hat She turned the pocket inside out, but no purse was to be found. Then she gasped, "Oh, I left It on the dress ing table!" And, apologizing profusely to the amused ticket man, she turned away and prepared to walk at a great pace back to the house. Lai caught up to her in a couple of strides and politely asked her if he should fetch her purse. She started and colored, thanked bim .with elaborate politeness and said that she would get it herself. ". , "As I am ' just going to get mine," said Lai quite; coolly, 'iwe- might as .well .walk together if you don't mind." As they .marched on sedately he watched the determined little figure at his side and reflected that Phyllis real ly was looking beautiful. Phyllis could not help feeling inclined to laugh, it really .was all so very ridic ulous.,; ..,-. . , , . ' ' "We have missed that train," said Lai at last . '" . .. i "Yes," said Phyllis stiffly. " ! A long pause till they arrived at the garden gate,' and he held it open for her to pass throughS : ; There won't be another for ages,", he aid. "i -:l.-tV- i.tj9 k dK. ' "Not till, this afternoon," said Phyl lis, more and more inclined to laugh. ' "Do you particularly wut to go?" asked Lnl., "Because of course it would be awkward if we both went to the same place and in the same train too. Of course we might go In separate car riages."' .;;'-' ''-iiSiwiVi v, .'.' ;v ly'. "The afternoon train is so slow," said Phyllis thoughtfully, "and 1 think It Is coming on to rain." ' j j -1 i: ;"Very probably," said Lai, seriously contemplating the . cloudless , summer sky. "We might wait till tomorrow. And what do you say to" having break fast at half pitst 7?" 1 ' - ; "To give us more time to pack,' said Phyllis gravely. -"I'll ask the cook if she can manage it" ,-:.' !' " With that she gave ov.little peal of laughter and ran into the house. ... it ewv , . Wl U J "V aJ I NEW R1VALFACT0rL0ADEp SHOTGUN SHELLS ' " onfRhootsll 'other black, nowder shells, because the are tnida ! i 1. i 1 w abetter and loaded by exsct machinery with the standard brands of 1 rmadaF ' etint anil 'wafMIna ' '. Trip them anil vntt mrttl Km MiinrA t . r f ALL REPUTABLE f 19 0 stttiLis.t,a.m.WAS SvV.-Ccsis Ui 2S y JOt mail SS MBti to C. i MfK. fn Ja WfB WFTT TAanM fowler) ft our itiil arnnl rhiul avr-j, tnj' lre-e nlmomt mt0lcai, oii't eertainJy mr matinjm torv ' - i srerer,if, lor(pratn(ii. . t I Uttie Mtimvp Southern vu,Hilttt Tm Beamlfy the Cettaae Walla. ' Each spring brings forth charming new designs in wall paper, and the country counter una the joy of finding the cheap papers to as dainty designs I aud good colors ss the bee Tier and more costly wall coverings. , Green Is I still the favorite color for drawing I rooms, although white Is also much in request and a beautiful bronxe green I satin Louis XVI. paper Is gracefully I festooned with flowers in a lighter I shade of green. Equally lovely is a rose Da Barry pink striped with wide lines In a deeper tint while dainty bas kets of flowers In a pale pink are tied With Louis XVI. bows. These papers look best framed in .panels of white, with Carton Pierre decorations and a white frieze festooned with flowers in high relief. A. beautiful white satin paper has Louis XVL bows trailing over it and on the white fries fes toons of pink roses looped np by bows of blue ribbons. For a dining room a handsome paper shows a conventional design in rich red. This has a white dado in imita tion of woodwork; a white frieze also I In high relief. The newest paper for I staircases has a ground of slate blue, Tuu large conventional thistles In a pnior ghnde picked out with touches of com piut, cream and dull gold. For bedrooms there are the prettiest papers copies of old chintzes. Trop ical birds nnd almond blossoms on a white satin ground Is one charming de sign, another shows roses intwlned with blue ribbons, and very. charming Is one with, huge single pink, roses climbing over a gray trellis. The Window Gardes. The first essential of a successful window" garden Is stocky, well grown plants, ready and willing to grow and 1NDOOR ABRANGEHENT OF CTtOWSBS. blow, instead of things forced, On- healthy, into overiuxuriance of bloom and leaf, Indeed an indoor window garden may be made a continuing delight A bay window Is best for it, but any deeply embrasured one will answer. . Do not have shelves across it , Set some tall, handsome plant upon 'the floor, a little to one side, and bang from the casing overhead upon j the other side a basket of trailing green German Ivy, asparagus fern or any light graceful vine. Screw folding arm brackets, with flowerpot holders at the ends of the arms, irregularly up and down - the window casing upon either side; then shift pots and plants about trying them in all combinations until satisfied with the result The bottom of the window recess should be fitted with a light sine tray coming out several inches wider than it- - T.. i.l,t J 1 A the recess. In this mass stand plants about the main one, either as foils .Or accessories. Correct Dining; Table Deeoratlone. A florist told me the other day that a well adorned dining table no longer ex hibits a great centerpiece of flowers. Instead, the embroidered dolly, which to be up to date is large and square, calls for a tall, slim vase, .with a few choice roses or some tall stemmed flow ers in the center of the dolly. At each corner of the dolly goes a lower vase of the same style as the taller, with the same flowers in it Sometimes the vases are low. and hold violets or or chids, but they must be alike. This florist predicts 'for spring, and early summer table decoration a great profu sion of lily of the valley, which Queen Alexandra has chosen as the coronation flower. Qood Housekeeping.. ; j . To Remove lak Stales. The removal of ink stains is always a problem, because Inks are made by so many processes. . Soap and .water will, remove some inks, while strong chemicals make little Impression on others. The sooner the stain is treated the moro easily it is removed." Wash- lng and soaking In cold iwater er in sweet or sour; milk will remove the greater part of the ink and frequently the stain. Spots on washable articles should be soaked in milk or .water. Rub the spot and change, the liquid frequently. After, two or three flays, If a stain remains, wet it with a strong solution of oxalic add and place it la the sun. After, this rinse very thor oughly. -v, i:n :- ! frji ill w it , , . DEALERS . KEEP THBUU Ivatwe. Vkvi,l"luikMi.Ji Diarrhoea, Dyicnttry, rt.u is0" i 01 Aldi Dlgutlon, icTilsteP& to pose of' his and "get oile 4 the Bowels, Strep .hens 1 like voiira. ' 1 " ' "-' 1 ' - ' J - pMv ste te cents at tinrlds. - "2,15? J MOPirETT. M. D at. LfH LUfi. lt7a . uam,. 1 , ' . . .4. A i iritH tfL U M0 thnrtn.) JTastor . ,, A Hi i,.,cA, 1 A - 4 WHEN BABY IS COMING' ' . use V' ; Mother's Friend. Woman's ereateet dream el baaafry and glory la when natun has cbotea bar to become a mother. Erery faculty is keenly alert and her nature the 1 he fineat as she lore- seel the joy, the ambition, the aacsess and the life-long satisfaction coming, earning nearer, day by day, la the dear and Innocent being so soon te see light, and the vary nncertainty whether she shall sea a sweat 8 in face er a brave boy face neiide ner oa le pillow, adds sett to her expectancy. Then, it ever, the should take care of ber pnriicai, mental ana moral neaun. MOTItcK 3 FRIEND applied externally throughout pregnancy wifl relieve the pain . ox parturition, ana no motner ana caiia cm (ail to be healthy, hearty, strong, clear eom- motl plezloned, pure blooded, calm nerved and cheerful In dltooeition. who are mutaaUr Influenced for months by the continued nee ex Jtoiners iriena. Of dragglata ei.00 our treatise Motnernooa" tnauea nee. The Bradficld RcauutTOR Co. ATlAirr. &A. . .Wood's "Trade Mark Brand J let 1 is the true large headed sort, and pro duces from one-fourth to- one-half mora forage per acre than the ordinary Millet' The duTerence iu yields from different grades of Millet is xiore marked than any crop we have ever grown and it is a great deal the cheapest crop ' results considered to purchase the best quality of seed that you can obtain; this yon can always be assured of doing when you order Wood's "Trade Hark Brand", of Southern-grown German Millet.' , Write for prices and Descriptive Circular which also gives foil information about all Seasonable Seedt, Cew Peas, Sea and Velvet . Beam, Teoslnte, Sorgbunu, Buckwheat Late Seed Potatoes, etc. ' .""'' , vr.Yw. WOOD &SONS, f Seedsmen ;! ftctimond, Va? mm CHICHCBTIR'a ENQLiaH ' Pennyroyal pills -V - rilal a Umj Oeaalae. nr vniiisuLa'i aiavsf KnuuaM. ia KED an4 al auullle hoiw anus vlikMaaribtoa. Takaseatba. Bafaae Bwaswama SahatltaUaaa aa laalla. Uaaa. Bmj .f jar Dnggitt, ar Ma4 4a. ta uaipa fcr Partlealara, TaaaaMalaat aaa Relief far Lad la, te Uuw. by r tan Mali. IO.OvO TMtiaxmlaM. SMM all DnunUU. Vklaaeater Uhcailaal Oa, aetata, raiu. rat MM HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors,Win dow Screens, QU and Cook' Stoves, I Ranges, Lime. :. Cement, ..Piaster, I Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty. Sash. I ' Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, '. HEAIXjC ASTERS FOB And all Kinds of- BURG tUTEM ft v Best Goods Iowest Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka, new siaxxirir, c. I lave i " : y,); ,V vt More Second-hand BUQGIE8, CAR RY LOQ8 andJROAD CARTS left, I will sell at Three Dollar! and np. German li a n uua Manlaauiia a Few j w mm '( !;;'; " t , l,-v,- ' Rofrincrators 1 1 MR. SMITII:"; tr.U Why does my 5 neighoor get such a large piece of; ice and you only give tacjhtvt Bmall piece. This. la all you,-need.,, You bought your Refrigerator . from L. H. Cutler Hardware Co, and you know Ihe Refrigerators they sell (don't use more tl an half as much rdl I 160 68 tn oUlCr wllow's." ae is go. t- n n n ni I - ' II I 1 i J Ha a I I I lit':' r" 1 i 1

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