4 VOLOMI XXY. RIW BIRH. CB1TI5 COURTY, H. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 10,' 1902. TIRST SECTION. KUUiilR 20 SOUTHERN TRUCK SITUATION. TELEGRAPHIC BREVETTES. n Trustees to Award Contract for Orphanage Building. Report of Tracking - A geals. A SlroagCase Acalasta Cag . or Swindlers. Lt Col. Craig to 'Take Com . mand of the Srd. Regiment . ' Ralxigii, Juno 7. Governor Aycock leaves hero Tuesday for Farmville, where he will make a speech Wednesday la the Interest of pabllo education. 8tate Auditor Dixon went to Wilming ton today, to lookaftar aotfe mattera re gardlng bank taxation. "" -f ', ' ; ' Bain fell here last evening, t pears to have been Tery local. Tht trustees pf the Methodist orphan age meet here Tuesday and expect then to award the contract - for the f 25,000 . main building. They have 132,000 In funds. " - : ,.: -T Iter. Dr. T. N. Ivey, the editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, returned to - day from the far west, after a month's . absence, most of which he devoted to touring.' He was In Colorado, and Ari zona mainly and says the grandest thing he saw was the great Arizona canyon. . As was stated last week, the board of agilculture sent out two agents; one to Savannah, to make his way northward to this State, the other to start at Nor . . folk and go as far northward as New Jersey, both to report on the extent and quality and forwardness of the : track crops. William A. Graham, Jr, was sent South, William Green, North. Today, Graham's, report on the Savan nah and Charleston tracking sections was received, and secretary , Bruner be gan Its tibulailon. so that later in the day the summary could be wired for use by North Carolina trucker. ", The ob ject of course is to give the latter Infor ' mation which will give them the true status of the crops elsewheie. Their de pendence of course Is to gel in between Charleston and Norfolk. ; The government hai a very strong case against the gang of swindlers in Rutherford county who last year, under the guise of the Amos Owen Cherry Tree Company plundered so many peo ple.' The case. wlll4e called at Char ' lotte Monday; There are witnesses by - the score. I Two of these," are from the '."agricultural department herfr. - One is ' State entomologist' Franklin Sherman, - - who aided greatly In exposing this out rageous fraud. Three fouiths or more of the victims were women and girls. . Revenue officers made a raid "near Wake Forest last night and captured two illicit distilleries. 'The operators escsped. Lt. Col. J: N. Craig of Reldsvllle is ' ordered to take command of jthe Third . 1 ; regiment of the State Guard, of which Ilcnry Perry resigned the colonelcy. , ; ' It Is probable that quite a number of .: persons will Visit Roanoke Island July 24, at which lime prominent members of the State Literary and Historical Asso ciation will make a pilgrimage. Much remains to be done in the way of prepa ration for the great celebration of the anniversary of the first landing on the .Island. This celebration, Jt is now gen erally understood, Is lo be held In Au gist, 1004. v Teachers ? Wanted I Three Teachers are wanted to fill va cancies in the White Graded School of New Bern. Applicants will be required to pass a competitive examination be fore tho undersigned at New Bern on the second Monday of July next. ' , H.P.HARDING, . Superintendent. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey la the best.- Middle street. ' ' DURHAM PROTESTS. . Against All Games Played By Charlotte ' The Latter Accused of Disregarding Salary Limit. V Special to Journal, .V , "V" " - ItAi.Kion, June 7. President Fnsbee of ihe Hate Baso Ball League tonight, received a format protest, from ' the Preattlent of Ihe Durham Base Ball As sociation, protesting the -games played by the Charlotte Base Ball team since the littler' organization, Mid gives as reason , for the protest, the statement that the Charlotte players are paid In - t excess of the salary limit- of $73 per month preecrlled bytheStato League The deraaud Ib that each player of the Charlotte team bo sworn, as to acts In tho case. " . ' . President Busbee says he will call a meeting of the State Association next week to consider this and other matters 03.l KjTX 1 Tn Trf or. f " 1 ri rv.j Yn r3 ;.: p..., 4 I Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson's Report oi Acreage and Movement Track Crops From Savannah te Charleston. Special to Journal. . Raleigh, Jane 7. Commissioner of agriculture Patterson this afternoon gave out information regarding the con dition of the acreage and movement of the truck crops from Savannah and Charleston which Is of Interest to truck ers by posting them on conditions to the oath. . 1 ' - Savannah,except potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, the season Is over. Cabbage crop was fair, not more than one tenth of crop compared, with last year. Bean crop about three fourths, shipment closed last week on account of North Carolina beans going on the market, price 75 tents and dollar bushel crates acreage same as ; last year. Cucumber crop now going on- market, . unless it rains soon season will close June 15th, withcaln will last to July Int. Acreage normal yield about 60 to 75 per cent. Tomatoes, not many raised, first ship mentthis week, acreage and condition normal, bulk of shipments be made by June 20th. Potatoes put on market May 15th, two weeks later than usual,acreage compared with last year, 105 per cent Condition compared with last year 75 per cent; yield compared with a full crop 50 per cent. Bulk of shipmenU' being now. Season will close June 15th. Usually an acre produces sixty barrels, this year only thirty. They are bringing from $3 to 4.00 per barrel, shipping points, Baltimore, New York, Philadel phia and Charleston. Cabbage crop closed May 23rd, Condition, Yield and acreage nominal, .trices i to 4 per barrel.: Bean shipments closed June 3d Condition and acreage nominal, yield 75 per Cent, prices $1 to $2.50 per crate. Cucumbers, condition 100, yield UO.acre age 100, prices $1 to $3 per barrel. Ship menU will last until Virginia rushes market. Vines will yield until July 5th. Bulk of shipments be made, by June 15th Beets spring shipment closed May 29th Pea crop closed May 15th. Potatoes, condition 105, yield as compared with last year 100, as compared with full crop 80 per cent. Bulk of shipments made from May 15th to June 1. Acreage as compared with former years 150 per cent Prices from (3 to $5.50 per barrel, price now $4.50 per barrel. Principal shipping points, Baltimore, V Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Jersey City, Cleveland and Cincinnati. 05 per cent of shipments go to New York. QUM BRANCH. Good Prospect For Corn Crop., Mormon ' Elders Leave. June 0 Crops around here are better than for many years at this time of the year, notwithstanding the dry weather, as we haven't had any rain for two weeks. Mr H M Farrow says he has - corn in tassle. The horn worms have made their ap pearance but in very small numbers. The whortleberry crop seems t? be very good and most everyone has ' the black tongue. V There Is a whortleberry bush near the White place that is full of berries which are white when ripe. i"J , Tobacco Is beginning to bottom, 1. e., the seed p'ods are making their appear ance.. ;s ... ' ' Mrs Callle Plttman died not long since with paralysis. She was the wife of Jack Plttman near RIchlands. She was a good woman and we hope she is at rest. The Morm on Elders, Adams and Hack in gave their farewell shout Thursday night and have departed for other climes. , Thursday was taxllstlng day at this place, Mr Robt Thomson is list taker. Before leaving, tho Mormons baptised two more converts, an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. King. t ' There has been some little sickness around here but all are better now. ' The correspondent at Merrltt, states very positively who Caln'a wife was. Now that has always been my opinion, but didn't have any positive information but as to tho Pollocksville fellow, we think he will have to search for his him self and then get some liov. to make the twain one flesh. , " Thore is said to be signs of bear vory near ur, but there always gets a bear in the woods in whortleberry time. t Cabbage are heading slowly, we think would do better If we had the much needed shower. Mrs. Katie Pae, wife of Mr. Thos. Pae of Wilmington, is lying at the point of death at her father's home at Catharine Lake. There is no hope of her recovery It Is said that Mr. O. B.Cox, of Catha rine Lake, caught a water bucket full of bice perch yesterday. It X. Y. Z. of Baiter Path, will come up here where education is appreciated, we would be glad, for he is (or used to be) a good teacher. . Mr Frank Andrews was visiting at E. W. Morrill's Friday. . Mrs. Frank Andrews has loft Wllmlng ton aud come home for the summer and I Tlln'o children have boon fp"ml!r !j i iv ' -i ' .! : i About one hundred citiaena of For syth, N. C, claim to have been defrauded by the Amos Owens Cherry Tree Co. Many suits have been Instituted against the company. President Roosevelt has been appealed to for his influence In settling the strike of the Anthracite coal miners of Penn sylvania.'. . . '. The postoffioe at King's Mountain was entered by burglars Thursday night, the safe blown open and a supply of (tamps amounting to $700 and $35 In cash were taken. A clue to the burglars was ' fol lowed as far aa Charlotte and there was lost v ' ' A telephone line between Hot Springs N. C," and Knoxvllle, Tenn., will soon be Iii operation. , ; w - . y The Philippine bill has passed In the Senate by a vote of 43 to 80. Senator McLaurln, of South Carolina, voted with the Republicans on' the measure and Senators Hoar of Mass., Mason of ' III., and Wellington, of Md., with the Demo crats. Ihe County Commissioners of Bun combe county have purchased a new county home at an expense of $5000 and will erect a suitable building for the aged and Infirm. The Greensboro Gas and Electric Light Companies have been consoli dated. The Redoubt Volcano in Alaska Is said to be in eruption and tt8 people living in the vicinity are '.greatly alarmed. The Illinois river at Jollet, 111. over flowed Its banks causing the destruction of a great deal of property and drown ing four persons. The Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Mason of the state convenes at Winston Salem next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is expected ll e meeting will be very large, Rev, Dr. John H. Barrows, president of OberlinCollege, died last Thursday of pneumonia. He was one the most nota ble divines of the country. Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, Is one of tho four members of the com mittee on Cuban relations to recommend reciprocity for Cuban sugar. , The Pennsylvania Railway .Compaey who have for some time had trouble with the Western Union Telegraph Co., have refused to make further contracts with them and have given the Western Union notice of auster. The Railway Co will probably use the Postal Telegraph Company's service. Meat riots in Chicago havo become serious and lt Is feared that another Hay market tragedy will be enacted unless there Is relief. . THE MARKETS. The fo.lowla; quotations wero receiv edbyJ. E Latham &Co, New Bern N.O. Chicago,' June 9. Whkat: Oven. High. Low. Close July.... ... m 71 71 71i Sept..'. 701 70f 00i 69 Cobn: , Open. High. Low. Close July........ 621 - C3J 02t 2 Ribs: Open. High. Low. Close July. .... . . 1020 1040 1010 , 1037, Bent......... 1010 1022, 1010 1022 ' - . Nxw You, Jane 0. Cottoh: ij Open High. Low. Close July .. i . 8.65 8.74 : 8.65 Aug . 8.43 8.51 8.43 - Sep.... (.. 8.03 8.10 8.03 Oct....... ... 7.89 7.08 7.80 1.69 8.40 8.07 7.94 " New York, June 9, Stockb; Sagar,. Bo By .' Open. High. Low. Close .. 127 128 1271 128, 80, 80 80 86 N. Y.C , U. S. 8........... 88 Pao. Mall....'..'." ' Mo.' P.......... 0i Atchison 79 Va. C. C a. c. .o... ...... : 164 89 88 88 100 80 fiOJ 79, 03 80 Am Ice.. . U.8.S. day. ex-dlvldcnd 1 per cent to Spots 5. Walts 7,000 bales. Futures,' J una-July 4.53. Aug-Sept 4.45. Hept-Oct 4.83. - ' ' FOB RECEIPTS. ... Saruo -reek - . last year. Last week ' 22,000 : ... This weea. -Insight 8.10CO Sat, ' i " Mon. 4000 Tuea . Wed. Thurs. Frl. 69,000 9000 7000 8000 16000 6000 10 Law- Suit Very Probable Swamp Lands. Oyer State Charter. Negro Family Poisoned. ApproprlatlenOaly to Keep Schools Open. Struck by Lightning and Bnraed Negro Postmasters. RatEion, Jane 9. The State grants a charter to the Mutual Cotton Oil Com pany of Tarboro, capital $40,000, J. O. Oates and others owners. A charter Is also granted the Mill News of Charlotte, capital $10,000, G. B. Escott and others owners, i ! "All the members of the family of a pegro farmer named Haywood were poisoned at their home, six miles south of here. It is believed that arsenic was used. Haywood Is dead and his wife Is nearly so. No person is suspected. Some of the food which was on the table was given to bogs, and killed quickly an old hog and several pigs. The local dentists are making prepare tions for the annual meeting of the State Dental Association here June 16. Some of the counties which applied or part of the $100,000 State appropria tion for keeping the public schools open 4 months In the year did not receive It until some of the schools closed. Now they want to know if tho can use lt for building schbol houses. The are told most positively no; that this money is onlv to be used in paving 'eachers who conduct a 4 months term. An inquiry is made of the Secretary of the State as to what stream in this State was ever known as the Petoga. It Is asserted that a son of the redoubtable Captain John Smith, who was saved by Pocahantas lived on the Petoga river and secured a tract of land there. It is said he married a woman by the name of Vires. People who claim to be llnal descendants are making the inquiry. It is now pretty certain that there will be a law suit regarding the title to the swamp lands" in Columbus county. Last week the State board of education gavo the Whiteville Lumber Company an option on such of these lands as it could find upon survey. The New Jersey Lum ber Company it appears claims all lands there, and Mcares &Riiark, its attorneys ask for a copy of the option granted the Whiteville Lumber Company. It is said thai there are 8,000 or 10,000 acres of land for which no grants have been is sued; Lightning struck and burned the train ing stable at the farm of Julian S. Carr near Hlllsboro. The horses were saved The term of the Federal court here ended today. The docket was the light est In years. On the calendar was only 28 cases and on the warrant docket only 6 - -i : The fire department and the citizens of Raleigh are arranging a very attrac tive program for the Firemen's State Convention here in July. ' One of the attractions will be a drill by experts, who will come from New York, and who will show the use of scaling ladders etc. The city will look after all horses used with apparatus. The races will take placo on a lint and macadmalzed street, 99 feet wide. It is said there are now only 3 negro postmasters In North Carolina, where 3 years ago there were scores. They are belne rapidly dropped, and ho more of them are appointed. McDufflce'S Little Blue Llvef Pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new oerson of you. 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's, v , Eye Strain Cause of Sore Eyes Inflamed eyes, styes, and headache are symptoms which point conclusively to eve strain, and to cure yourself you muBt seek the'eause, correct it and'then your trouble will disappear, you can stimulate and help nature in curing the symptoms by various ways, but still the cause is there and liable at any moment to break out again; it seems like pouring water on the smoke to pnt out a fire, to pursue any other course than the proper adjusted glasses to correct the strain. A normal eye is one which when in re pose the rays entering it are brought to a focus on the retina, when they are not this way an extra amount of nerve force is demanded to make them focus correct ly, the result, an overflow of blood caus ing congestion, styes, the leakage of nerve force, tho headache; it Is not hard to understand how a severe strain can soon exhaust enough nerve force to cause a general breaking down of the whole nervous s stem- By the aid of the latest Instruments we can adjust glasses to any one, child ren especially, letting them go about their studies without being seriously handicapped on account of eye trouble. J. O. BAXTER, in, LESS WORRY. : Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In docns of ways, and yon can't prevent It. All Vou can do Is to keep tbem a free from exposure as possible and al ways have in the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway Oroup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer Belling lt. Bold r-y TrvIs' Henry's, 2 anil EraJlmm's ires Preserve; Purify and Beautify the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands with Millions' o Wokxh use Ccnotma Soap, assisted by Cuticuba Oimtmbkt, for beautifying the skin, for cleaning the scalp, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and no re bands, for baby rashes, itch lines, ana lmtaaans, ana ior au mo poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery, lions of women use Cuticuba So at in baths for annoying irritations, inflamma tions, and excoriations, or too free or offen sive prespiration, in washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, anti septic purposes, whloh readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. Complete Treatment for Humours, fl. the skin of crusts and scales-, and soften the thickened cuticle, Coticuba OncnHSNnSOc.), to instantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and IrritaUon, and soothe ana heal, and Coticuka Resolvent Fills (26c), to cool and cleanse the blood. Cunctnu RiaoLTBirr Pills (Ohoeolate Costad) uiiaif, tasteless, odorless, economics! snbsunite lor the oeleoruaa uquia vutiouu Rxsolvbitt, ss veil as for all other blood puri fiers and humoor oorss. SO doses, 26o. Sold throturhent ths world. BrltUh Depot. 27-28, ChmmrhosM Sq., Londoe. Portia lav M auM. Cost, Sola Props, BoMa. U. a A. 0LYMPIA. Rain Helps the Crops. A Pretly Wed- din, Jnne 0. We are mnch rjleased at the rain we haS Sunday night, it did the farmers mnch good as yon can toll by the great big smile on their faces. A good many of oar farmers are dig- glng Irish potatoes. They report a medi um crop this year. This is on account of dry weather. Some of our farmers are very busy hilling corn this week. There is a great rash today potting oat sweet potatoes, and cotton is looking fine. . The Baptist brethren held service here yesterday at 4 o'clock p. m., some of the attendants well drenched In the rain storm before they reached their homes. Mr. Oaton of Traits, Is driving a new buggy. We suspect some one will be captured. Mrs. C DHolton, daughter and nephew are visiting relatives In Edwards this week. Mr Q M Lewis of Grantsboro was In Olympia Sunday. Mrs J B Dunn and her daughter Em ma attended church at Reelsboro Sunday afternoon. '. A number of our people visited Arapa hoe the first Sunday In June. . Prof. R 0 Holton returned from U. of N. O., Jane 2nd, he reports a pleasant year In the University and good health He visited Arapahoe Sunday. Miss Lizzie Hardison of Arapahoe visited Miss Lorina Bolton last week, Miss Holton has gone to Arapahoe to attend the Children's Day exercises at that Dlace Saturday nteht. the 14th of June. - , - , Mr. Rogers and Miss Holton were mar ried June 4th, it was a very pretty mar riage and the church was decorated very nicely. Prof. Holton will take charge of the Arapahoe school In the near future; we would like to have him with as this year but when duty calls he must go - AURORA. Statement of Condition of Crops. Jane 7. This is a very busy week in this section, the potato crop, although planted some two weeks later than usual and notwithstanding the drought, has matured some four to six days In ad vance ot last year. Some small ship ments were made In May, but regular shipments commenced Monday June 2nd when tome 800 barrels were shipped Tuesday 1000 barrels, Wednesday 1800 barrels which number will be Increased today. The drought has cut the potato crop, perhaps one-fourth short, but it has enabled the farmers to put .their crops In number one condition at little cost, in fact the crops In this section will be made at much less cost than usual and the prospects for the farmers on South Creek are better than ever before Our people are much Interested in rail roads, we want quicker transportation, with less handling of freight, we are much interested in the efforts to build a -railroad from New'Bern through Pamll co county, and if built, hare no doubt bat that tt will be found advisable to ex tend It from Bayboro to Aurora, a dis tance of only ten or twelve miles. With quick transportation the trucking busi ness would to kr"o!y lncrc.rd In tills Mima 1 B i I To Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter and Fancy Elgin Batter Just Received. Portsmouth Corned MalleU. Fancy Cream Cheese, California Hams, Breakfast Strips and English Cured Shoulder. , , New Barrel Fulton Market Complete Stock of Canned Fresh Vegetables, &c. Yours to Please, 4k 4 5 'Phone 91. 71 Broad HL ; g The Store that Saves Itou Money. 31 The American Stock Co., : Will take pleasure in Bhowing 4 4a of every description, Shoes, Hats and every article of ' DBT GOODS 3 usually found in a first-class dry goods store. We hare a bean- l fifnl linn rf Cft-onr TTaf a wrilirt ora vawv AhAan dltti) -fplffl Ond Ut 1.111 liUU Vi kVlUII JkMSVi3 TfU.W4aV SMV VJ VUVW .aviiw wut tSJ derbies. The very latest styles in Low Quarter Shoes at prices b that def v conroetition. Beautiful fancies in Ladies ' ! 4J ; defy competiti MEL LIWERY, Tn fftfir. wo hftv fiVfirvtllinD for -it full line of heavier goods to supply the working people, and we 3 sell them too. The prices is what sells goods, ana we claim we can save vou money. Lome r AMERICAN HOWARD, 4S 50 4 -4k VvvvVVVrVVfVVVTTT?TTTr?TTTTT?Tf?f1'TTT?f?tTtfV?tVI 55 - The Best Staples. You will always find us selling the best staple things of life the things which are necessary for satisfac tion in housekeeping Su gar, Flour, Salt, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, etc. 1 Surely the best line of staples and a complete list of fancy things. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phoney 37 I HAVE TD! Wire Screens, Door and WindowJScreena, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Shavers. ; A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Enamels in Gold, Silver and Alluminum. A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. ; : ; !. Our goods as represented, PRICES THE LOWEST. : ; Give us yonr orders. " , : ( phone .Qaskill Hardware Co. 147. " , i --t - 78 MtDDLiEStf , NEW BKBN, N. 0 Old y Tt : man in New Place I;haveJmovedto95iMid dle St, one'door below my old stand, whexe I will be glad to see all my old friends andenstomerst ' I have a complete stock of everything in the Jew elry line. Special atten tion given to Ecpairing. Tt lams Corned Beet,, , f Meats. '; , V Wholesale & Xtetalljl titroeer. their IMMENSE STOCK. 2d HH the fmmmer eirla We carry a 4 lei us convince you. STOCK CO., Proprietor, - 61 Middle Street. re- , ui . , ..t , '" w f . Carload of Stocks Best PatentJDiadem & Rosa Bud Flour. Tobacco Twine. ; Tii-kinda of Gro ceries, Rope anctl.Liinir.' Lota of Empty Flour &JSxs.toi sale, rine and Coal Tar."n v c, D.;DAvr-i;ror.T, 84. HidJIeEt. Bdir: As well as eve-; some good liver me.:. BRADHAM'3 AITTI 3 C TIQ-U3 LI, 1 ILLS "t 3 t' and e' a tl.a 1 Avr of c " pl'.'s B 8 r I

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