4; -; . I A it i THE VEEKLY JOUMAL atakUaheA IMS PuhlUhad la Twe 8octoti, tTurj TUes Bera,N.C. CHARLES L. STEVENS, i ZZ uMTosuraPBonmoi. 1 .. BUBSCBIPnOK B1TES5 Two Months...... . MTOents. Threes Months, . t BU Kontha,7T. SO " - Twelve Months, .........fl.00 ONLY W ADVANCI, vl Advertising rates fiunlshed vpoa ap Uoattoa at the office, or apoa laquiry v.fyTh Jocbhai. U only wot on pey-la-advance basis. Subscribers will - Mcerfenotlee of expimaiosi of their sub- cripUooJi and an iaunedUU response to notice wU be appreciated by .the JoVUAI. Entered at the PoetoffeejrNew Ben 4. C. as second-class nwtter0 ItttUi Two, Friday Jnae 18, l0s ON PROFITABLENESS OF STRIKES United States Commissioner of Labor, Carroll IX Wright, gives It u hla opin ka ' that labor conflicts have come through Increased Intelligence. In a recent bene of the North Amer ican Review, Mr. Wright gives some figures as an expert, to show the losses coming through the strikes of this conn try. The records for the past twenty years, from 1881 Inclusive, are his basis. In the strikes of that period the aggregate wage loss of the strikers was 1237,803,478, against a loss to employers of $123,731, 121. The total of losses was $880,594, 699. These figures are drawn from the history of 22,708 strikes, Involving 117, 609 establishments, and throwing out of employment 6,106,694 wage earners. Mr. Wright further shows that about half of the strikes Instituted have been successful, while 13 per cent, succeeded in part and 36 per cent, failed complete ly. The plain demonstration of the fig ures Is that the strike is a terribly costly instrument, even for redress of undoubt ed grievances. But however startling in magnitude these figures are, they only represent the losses to those immediately eon cerned In the strikes, namely, employers and employes. To the outsiders, to the general pub lic, no approximate estimate can be made of the losses inflicted by strikes. Losses in rentals, In depreciation of property through the same; falling off in retail trade in the districts where strikes take place, which is reflected in losses to the wholesale trade beyond the striking districts, these are losses which cannot be computed In dollars and cents. Even those striking realize the 4W profitableness in the action, yet there are differences arising between employed and employer, which If carried beyond a certain point, result .laopeo) nptare, and a cessation of work. Mr. Wright may be correct in his diag nosis and the remedy for strikes be fonnd in an increased intelligence of the people. RECIPROCITY, NOT REBATE. There Is only one course In .'the case compatible with our national honor,' with our national Interests, and with that national common sense upon which Americans plume themselves. ' J " That Is to enact a straightforward measure of reciprocity which will open our pons on easier terms to the chief products of Cuba and wUJ giver oat mer chendlse corresponding, advantages In Cabal r The Amerloan people have longlbeea Pytag beavy tribute to the various ' Sugar Trusts and rings. They are In ao : humor to Increase such tribute la the form of a bounty on Cuban sugar, espec f?r tally while at the same time the Sugar Trasts arscaastng Americas merchan -1 diss to be excluded born the Cuban mar ' ket at the rate of dozens of millions of dollars a year. .Jv... The farmers and manufacturers of tbts oeuntry want to Usnpply lbs Cuban ' saarkett' bulead of , having' their Enro f,aean slvals do so. They; are not la a 'eased1 to bs logger prevented from doing s so bw foaaaachlnaUonaof a selfish Trust f 4rhlch not Only atnts them utf Cuba, - but demands testis paid for,. working ; , Reciprocity Is the on true policy, and it will be gratifying to' commend the .President for, fighting tt out upon thst " line, "If it lakes' all summer.n-N.Y. ""Trlbawa, 4,4 Ta wniT-rtirc: ? At thlMtsge of the political situation - In trlb'Casollna, U would seem as If further opposition to Judge Walter C. Vs nomination, was beyond the w!s- reatloa for Walter Clark's aosalaalloa to the Chief Jasticeeatp. CrtUcbus of proposed party aosaiaees troaa thoee vlthla the party, is perfectly leghlsaata, before any forssaUaed party aoUoa kaa take place. The State press ass pretty generally give a expression to the local and at tloaal views retarding Judge Clark's candidacy. . And yet ao adverse criticism to Judge Clark has ssemed to affect a saost gen eral eiprcasloa la Us favor from a large majority of the Democratic coovea- Thli would Indicate his coming aoad- aalloa at Greensboro, and yet la sot anerters there are rumors that saca a nomination would call for a bolt from the minority opposing Jndge Clark. If a bolt, to what purpose or good end? While ao political enemy to Democra cy is apparent In the coming North Car olina campaign, there are possibllltks within the ranks of the State Democratic party, which might breed animosity and strife, which could In another campaign bring ruin to the party's Interests in this State. It Is this foe within the party, of bit terness over nominations, which threat ens Democratic Interests, and not politi cal enemies without. Judge Clark may be made such a par ty contention, as to start the strife, lead ing to party disaster, but before such a contention shall be stsrted, Is it not wis dom for the Democratic party members to study the situation carefully, and de termine that such a contention shall not be started T 8ttb or Ohio, Cm of Toledo, I Lucas County. I Fbabk J. Cbknit makes oath that he .s senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cbenst A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and Bute afore said, and that said firm will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbh Core. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th da" of December, A. D. 1886. . A. W. GLEA80N, I skal J '.Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.3 Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Pamily Pills are the best Cowilt. Falaaa. There are by careful computation about 800.000,000 cocoanut palms In the world In fall bearing. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cored. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, 1 tried Cham berlain's P&ia Halm, t and am pleased to ssy ihst relief -same as soon as I began Its use and a complete cure speedily fol lowed." Sold by F. 8. Duffy A Co. : TateMS?UllMe. The FUplno, whether be be an edu cated or-an wneducated person, is tern Berate. , 1 do not remember to have seen a single Filipino drunk except my own eeaehmaa, -whom I bad to dis miss, .and he was a very good coach man. . ffhey drink, a great many of them, but they drink moderately. They drink the inoj which they purchase at small abope that are not loafing places as our saloons are, but are only shops. I bar lived two years in Manila, and there are now, I believe, - 450 shops, a ledneOoa, .Acorn .2.CSO0, the estimated Bomber ia rtbe. -.Spanish times. But I bare never, seen a vino shop to know it, .which-to aa Indication that there Is pubUdty about It or any gathering Of .crowd In, its neighborhood. The few American saloons, fifty or sixty In number In Manila, one can see a long distance off, but not so. a vino Shop. Governor William XL Taft In Independent - t , Sprint; Ferer. Spring fever Is another name for bil iousness. It Is more serious thaa most people think. A torpid Hver and Inactive bowels 'mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious Illness msy follow tush symptoms-.- DeWitt's Little Esrly Risers rsmors all daager by stimulating the liven opening ths bowels sad cleans ing the system of imparities. Safe pflls. Never gripe.' "I have taken i DeWitt's Little Esrly Risers for torpid Hver every spring for years," writes R M Everly, Moundsvllle, W. Vs. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried. F. 8. Duffy. ' ' j ' .Aa-lBBjcaJoaa Prmteat. A very ingenious Wedding present has been received by a- French bride feojn one 0 her reliitlTea, - uo is a geographer... The -present Js a sliver sugar bowl In the dealcn of a terres trial globe, the upper hemisphere form ing the coves, f The map of 1 tie earth has "been elaborately engraved on the outside -and- the' roote taken- by the newrjr wedded pair it indicated by a line of lapis lazuli, the names of the Xtowns at which a stay wss msde being Inserted In enamel. fceadytoTIcll I used DeWlU's Witch Hazel 8alve for piles and found It a certain core," says a R. Meredith; Willow Grove, Del Operations unnecessary to 'cure piles. Tby slwsj's yloU to1 DeWItts V,'!tch Oyspop:ia Cure Digests what yon eat This preparation contains all of tht dlgestanta and digests all kinds oi food. ltglveslnstantrelief aud never falls to cure, it allows yoa to eat all toe food you wank The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its ase many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofi gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take, U can't help vttut xta yon good Bad.onlyby K. O. PaWm Oa, Ohfa-aa aa eU eutUa cuataioa Sis Uawa Uw Hp. aM, F. 8. ncrrY & CO. THE BEAR. The enly really surprising feature about the revolt of the peasants la some of the provinces of the Bneeisw empire Is that It did not occur long since. It will be equally surprising if It does not spread la spite of all the forci ble efforts which the government will undoubtedly put forth to suppress It Washington Times. There may be developing a great up heaval of the Russian, people unless wlae counsels prevail In the bureaucra cy and concessions are made to the de mand for reforms. The present policy of the empire Is raising up a domestic radicalism of the socialistic and revo lutionary sort that may in time con vulse the land. Springfield (Mast) Re publican. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, but worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. Thepglve lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, line appetite. Only 25c at C. D. Bradham's drug store. A Kmb Petlttra. The biggest petition ever presented to the SngUsh parliament was the Chartists' petition In 4848. It bore 6,700,000 signatures. Vke Boa Tr Reeor. Six thousand Is the record number of roses produced by one tree at a time. This was in Holland, on Mme. Keg new'sland. Marechal Nlel at Whitby has had 3,500 blooms on it at the same time. Happy Time in Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes JR. N. Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Bolls, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Cheap Labor. Labor In Freetown, West Africa, costs only about 85 a bead per month. SkaTlaa: the Beard. It is believed that the custom of shav ing the beard was Introduced at Rome In the year 300 B. 0. According) to Pliny, Sciplo Afrlcanas was the; first Roman who shaved dally. Call at F. 8. Duffy Co's drug store end get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They am aa elegant physic They also Improve-ths appetite, strengthen the digestion sad regulate the liver and bowels.. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect -. ; CUBA L1.BRE. Cuba Is free. The United States has set to the nations of the earth a high example of honorable fidelity to prom ise by withdrawing from the Island- New York Journal. If President Palms exercises the proper amount of wisdom, be will hot stray too far from the safety valve. There Is a powerful bead of ateam on In Cuba. Washington Post ; Cuba has at last renllcedj the f day dreamed of by her patriots for: many a weary year. Let us bops the, fulfil ment will permanently prove mere pre cious than the dream. New York . Trib une. ."? .iV Virulent Cancer Cured.' vi s Startling-proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine Is given by druggist G. W, Roberts of Elisabeth-, W.,W An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incura ble cancer. They believed t his ei hopeless tin he used Electric BiUera sad spplied Bucklen's ArnicaSalvV which treatment completely cured hla1-When Electric Bitters srs used to expel bilious, kidney end microbe poisons at the seme time this sslvs exerts Its matchless heal ing power, blood diseases, skin erup tions, ulcers and sores vanish.?. Bitters 50c, Salve z5c at C. Tk Bradham's. f -j One of the most extraordinary gifts- made on the coronation day of Edward L was that of 600 horses,-which had been used by tbe royal princes and oth er personages in- the procession to Westminster abbey. These horses, all richly caparisoned and harnessed Just as they were, were let loose Into the very midst of tbe mob after tbe ban quet In Westminster ball that always succeeded a coronation In those days. The people In tbe streets were permit ted to catch the animals, and to him who caught a horse it and its .appoint ments belonged. London Chronicle. Ton may as well expect to ro$ a sjearh engine without water as to find an sctlve cnergetio man ,wlth a torpid liver and you may know that his food; or feels dull and languid after . eating often has headache and sometimes dizziness. few doses of dsruberlula's Ctomach and Liver Tallets v, "1 restore b's liver to its normal fan' ! ss, renew t's vitn"ty, lav m j. Ex-Pvstmaster Csrbctt-. of Selmi Appals Big Case. ' ' Nerta Carolina Peaches ea the Mar ket - Pelsesed - Well - Water . Kills, ieraee Hay weed. . , Hojt E. IMeere, a SO Year Cea vlet. Par denei. v i Raxbiob, June 10. Ix-postmssler J. T. Oorbett of Belma, who was convicted la the federal court of stealing register ed and other letters, and who was to have been sent to the penitentiary to day, appeals to the United States Cir cuit court of appeals. Under the rule he Is gives a month In which to perfect hts appeal. Every particle of the evi dence Is dead against him. ; ' Prof. J. L. Kesler, of the chair of science la the Baptist Female University here, goes to a college at Georgetown, Kentucky. . Raleigh has now four orchestras at as many points in the State, these being WrightsvlUe, Horehead City, Ashevllls, and Wayaeaville. . Among today's arrivals was EF. Ayd lett of Elisabeth City. At appears now that the water la the well at the home of Horace: Haywood was poisoned. This water was need la making the biscuit which poisoned all the family and killed Haywood. Governor Aycock left today for Pitt county, and speaks at Farmvllle tomor row. He then goes to the Teachers' As sembly at Morehead City. ' Peaches from Newport, Carteret coun ty, are bow on sale here bat are as yet small. Blackberries have for this week been shipped from Southern Pines. Ths crop is large. So Is the peach crop and the grape crop there. . J. F. Whltty, from Wilson -county who for some time had been an Inmate of the Soldiers Home Is dead. Another inmate was today sent to the hospital for the insane line. Gov. Aycock pardons Hoyt C. .Moore of Pitt county, who had served 4 years of a 20 year sentence for manslaughter. Judge Hoke specially recommended the pardon. The case Is of more than usual Interest because Gov. Aycock, then at the bar, prosecuted Moore. A policeman was killed at Bethel by one of Moore's ons. Moore was present and took a small part in the affair. He tried to get his son to leave. The son submitted to murder In the 2nd degree, and Moore to manslaughter.' Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of the First National Bank of Wlnterset, lows In a recent letter gives some experience a carpenter in his employ, that will le of value to other mechanics. He says: "I had' a carpenter working for me who was obliged to slop work for several days on account of being troubled with dla.-rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought a bottle of It from the druggist here and informed me thnt one dose eured him, ana is again at his work. . For ssle by syb. uuny s uo. I . r,. .... Saaacaded VKalKr I Uata. A German chemist has Bre pared fluid that has the power, when Injected Into the tissues of a plant near Its roots, of ansesthettzlng the plant As a result of this injection the plant does not die, but stops growing, maintaining Its fresh, green appearance, though Its vitality - Is apparently -suspended. cnanges in temperature -seem la. no wise to affect tbe foliage, for the plant blooms in the open as welt as In the most carefully constructed hot bouse. Leads Them AIL ) - One Minute Cough -Cure beats, all Other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung trou blea," says D. Scott Currin of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure Is tbe only absolutely, safe cough remedy which sett Immedistely. Mothers everywhere tes tlfy to the good It has done their little ones. Croup is so sodden In Its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleassnt to take. Children like It, Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. F. 8. Duffy . , - Snuir Crratala. , There have liecn noted IS) 1 different forms of snow i-ryatais. . : . . Ukt Nil Jfad- The Nile mild, which renders Egypt a habitable country, Is . said ,to . bear a striking resemblance to that which ev ery season is brought down by the Mis souri. - . $100 Dr. B. Detchons's. . Anrt bluretk msy be worth to you more then f 100 If you have a child who soils bedding froi incontinence . of . wster during , sleep, Cares old snd young , alike, ; It arrests tbe trouble at once. $U Sold by C. D. Bradham, Druggist -." ,i A puzsllng question- has been asked frequently and does not appear to nave been answered convincingly. It is this "Why does olive oil cost so much In thin country T-'. California has olive orchards wblcb rival the best of those in Italy, Spain and France. '.The de mand In the United States- for choice olive oil is constant and large. Why Is it that the price Is still so high? Why cannot California furnish all that asked fori ' :':. u : TOO MOW WHAT YOU ARE, TAXHS When you take Grove's' Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is . plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and ci!a!ne in a tasteless forir. - ITo cure no Tr!ce C-a. Shpreme Cowl Oplnlcas. ," ! Special to JooxaaL - t Rauisa, June lOt The Banrems Court tied the foUowtsg oplalpss io- dar Pknilps vs Railroad from Beau fort no error. Slate vs Eicks, from Vance, ao er ror. Lumber Co. va Iroa Works, from Peader, affirmed. .'.Baak va Yams, from Waks reversed. ' ; Taylor vs But', from Wsyne, error. Balford vs Railroad, from Wayae, er ror. Slaalng vs Fltrgerald, from Durham, petition eUowed new trisL Uaatet vaTslegrsph On. from Gsll- fonL,aaw ArlsL , , - 1 WllUd vs Bank, from Durham, er ror. .-. Wlllard vs Tarny.from JJurham, er ror. Sharps vs Railroad, from Iredell, new trial. - , . - ' Jervta vs Lewelia, from Barry, re versed. . Crater vs Ryan, from Forsythe, er ror. Llna vs Cotton Mills, from Gaston, reversed. Bingham vs Railroad, from , Mecklen burg, error. 1 Err vsTel. Co. from Mecklenburg, new trial. Gwaltaey vs Ins. Co from Catawba at Armed ; . State vs Peak, from Polk, reversed. Collier vs Burgta from McDowell aew trisL - ' 1 The Pension case from Burke, re served. Canfeld vs Owens, from .Rutherford, no error. i State vs Summer, from Macon, new trial.- Following were disposed of per curia order. - - . . King vs Cooper, from Pitt, partition to revear dismissed. Fleming vs Railroad, from Iredell, ap peal dismissed. - Scott vs Furniture Co, from Surry, af firmed. ' Hood vs Tel. Co, from Meckleabure;, affirmed. Cloning vs Railroad, from Gaston, af firmed. ' Cotton Mills vs Lareoce from Gaston, affirmed. Williams vs Holt from Mecklenburg, affirmed. " Dover vs Railroad, from Mecklenburg. afflrmed. Edney and Byers. from Henderson, af firmed. AGERTLE HUT. la oar style of climate, with Its sud den chsnges of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often Intermingled la a single day, It la ao wonder that our children, friends sad relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected eolds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause, A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for Immediate use will prevent serious slckaess,a large doctor's bill, and per haps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Throat or Langs, Its success Is simply wonderful, as your druggtst will tell j ou. Get sample bottle free from P. & Daffy. Reg alsr slse, ?5cls. Get tireen's . Special Almanse. . All Soala Collate, Ox far. . Perhaps -the most expensive educa tion in ths world is enjoyed by the un dergraduates of All Souls' college, Ox ford, There ere usually but tour of them In residence, all of them on the foundation, with Jnst .enonah to keen them comfortably in their rooms aloft over tbe college kitchens. The college revenues approach f 15,000 a year, which should give aa excellent education to four young men. - But All Souls de votes Its money mainly to the support of fellows and the cult of good living. and the undergraduates get their edu cation by arrangement from other col leges. London Chronicle. Saved Prem an Awful Fate. "Ever) body said I had consumption,' writes Mrs. A, M. BhiaMs, of Chambers- burg, Ps.,"Ixaa so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by pay Fever and Asthma, that sw thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used iWjSndJwas com pletely c ured." For desperate Throat and Lung -Diseases It Is ths safest care in the worlcLand Is Infallible for Coughs, Colds snd Bronchial Affections. . Guar anteed bottles 80c snd $1.00. Trial bot tles free at C, D. Bradham's. - ' i ; WI14 Baaajae Oar faeda. - Wild varieties of bananas hare been found In Ceylon, Cochin China and the Philippines. : Tbeee of j coorea-- bare seeds, but ther are Inferior to, the long cnlttrated Tarieties. The banana la cultlyeted bx.Jtuckers, ,and it Is in this way that the plant Is perpetuated In definite!. , " A Real Friend. "I suffered from dyspepsia snd Indi gestion for fifteen years," says W T Sturdersnt of Merry Oaks, N. C "After l had tried many doctors and medicines to ao srail one of my friends persuaded me to try Kodol. It gsre Immediate re lief. I can eat almost any thine I want now and my digestion Is good I cheer fully recommend Kodol." 1 Don't try to cure stomach trouble by dieting. - That only further weakens the system. Yon need wholesome, strengthening food. Kodol enables yon to assimilate what you eat by digesting It without the stomach's aid. t l. Dnffy. A l krleloa. - ; As lata as l.Viit ,buuiaq skeleton nineteen fevt Ioiik was d'scofered at Itouen, France. The skuil, witch was perfect with the exception cf tl.a uu.:..r Jaw, held over a lu::!iel cf tviwit ' , '.nxlcan r'uitang LIrilment v .- ..... r I For a Lame Back. " ; or, in fact, all ness of your body there is nothing flammation so i '- i H i MustaiigJLrinUTiente S ir m If you cannot reach the spot your- self get some one to assist you, for j- ? it is essential that ' the liniment be h v robbed in most,thoroughly. 1 ; 'MeifJcan flustang Liniment onreomes tb ailments of horm and all domestic animals. In fast, it is a flesh healer and pais killer aoniettar whoor what the paUantls. o-j; and still a heating. That's the-pleasant prospects ahead, according to the weather prophet, and our only excuse for speaking of the weather is Ve Can Keep You Cool ! Get into one of our Thin Coats and Vests. - A large invoice of thete seasonable garrnrits just m by express today. COOL GARMENTS, All sorts Crashes, Alapacas and Seersucker Coats and Vests, Prices 50c to $0.00. M 99, Middle Street. ' ; are all the vogue this summer, fpnta I $6.50 to $12.50. rA Also a Jarge line of CapR, Boys' and Men's sizes, Ju cloth, straw white duck atd flannel, 26c, 50c and 75c. A large line " O of patterns to select from. . , . O 'Hen's "efij.EojV Wear. ;( ) 1 "!S7',13Eolloclr Stxeot- , . O CCCC26OOO0O00OO0000O0CCC0O t.r...0;ip. 'fJj f TTTT1 n'Tfn' -nTTTl I ", . l.lj' HiiJlj hiiijr " Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezerit, Ice Shavers. - ' " A full line of Hardware, Taints, Oils, Varnish, Enamels in Gold, Silver and Alluminum. ' A new lot Ball Deal ing Castors, Improved. Our goods aa represented, f HTCUf? TITTS LOWEST. ' Give us yonr orders. a ' 1 ' . - Lameness and Sore- quickly aa Mexican 6t m o (I 0 t we are showing al t!be new ef- - TUCKER BROS. '.I 810 North Front Street, WlrM N-.TOrV . N. ('. ' The pluce to buy our ., Cemetary Work nt BOTTOM PRICKS. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and . Marble. lettering and Finish the Best. , Send for latest designs. All --I work deliyered. j Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C, -r"" i ), 't rf "' " "Ut t'.s ' a , ("leases, a Drove t!i c" !on and L!m f "1 '7 l 117. j. pt no counter- Itie aor f. -i f. I it s. i 7 ''

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