:" ; j hl ll! : 1 AVcgetaUe Prcpar&ionfbr As similating ttttFoodandBeguia bng the S tonatfB antLDcwels of Li. Promotes Digesltonjdhrerfur ness and Rest .Contains neither OpiurnXorphine nor Mineral. Not Sxa.ii otic . Mjttfeujk-siNunmaaK Am- AtcJmmm. Aperfect Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverislv ness and Loss OF SLEEP. I) lac Simile Signature of .:' NEW YORK. " - EXACT COPy Of WRAPPER Hi For Infanta and Children. The .Kind You Have f: Always Bought Bears the Signature of AT AW m$ ; Use For Over Thirty Years tmi cp.tauh nmn. mw mm am. Important Notice Regarding U. S. 'MailtBoxes.; ' "Whoever eball hereafter willfully or maliciously Injure, ter down, or destroy any letter box or other receptacle eatab lfshed by order of the PoitmMter -General or approved or designated by him for the receipt or delivery of mall matter .on any rural free-delivery route, or shall break open the same, or willfully or ma liciously injure, deface, or destroy any mall matter deposited therein, or shall willfully take or steal such matter from or out of such letter bos or receptacle, or snail willfully aid - or assist in any of the aforementioned . offenses, shall for every such offence be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by Imprisonment for .not more than . three years."-.;;; p ; r,-:-r. The patrons of "the "New Bern Pos Office and the Bo rat Fret-Delivery route . of this County should feel - a personal interest in the above law. It has been" enacted for the protection of your mall and it is your duty, and to your interest - to report, promptly any depredations covered there y. Every ; effort will be made by me ; to apprehend the guilty . violators and prosecution by the United . Btates will surely follow. ; . .'.!. " ;," ' ;; BKVMOUR W BlNCOCK, '-. .'i ' POSTMASTEB. : V Walter Seott'a Marriage. v i. Sir Walter Scott wna n genius of the very first order. He succeeded In every department of letters, but his greatest happiness was lu Lis wife. He mar ried her after'1 a short acquaintance, and it was a genuine love match, last lng until the day of her death. J ..:.. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE Permanently cured ; by the mMterly power of "Sooth Ambricak Nkrtihb Tomo," Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can cure them all. It is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and Indigestion.! The cure begins with the first dose. The re l'sf it brings is marvelous and surprising ,1 , makes no failure; never disappoints.- no matter now long you nave suffered, your cure Is certain under the use of this great health-gtving force. - Pleasant and always safe. Bold by 0, D. Bradham, Druggist. - i , v ," Wholesale,' Sammy (admiringly, surveying , his lately . arrived twin alstersH-Dld you get them cheaper by . taking the twe, papa ?Smart Set.," j f SECRET At th Pric of Sufftorler. , Woman on her way to semt-lnTalkllim caused by pregnane jr antlers much pjn and terror. Ignorance prompts her to au iter alone in aflame), and remain In th dark a tu the true cauee motherhood. v V Mother! KHendtivhea the doctor! plac at her side, and she has no cause for an Interview. She Is her own doctor, and her modesty la protected. Daily application over the region of the breast and above the abdomen, throughout preg nancy, will enable her to unoerxo the perUni of a-estatloa In ft cheerful mood ftud net urniis turUxi. - Mother's Friend It a Liniment, and for extf-mal tise only. It la odorless and will not siaun women's pretty finders. It would Indeed l Simnttirtil If tit, sacrifice of modesty were hp fasary to Uw iut , Cfstfui Is Hue of healthy children. All wonxs aitut to bcome mothers need send only to dniK Btom nnil tur tjl.uu secure U prise child bin h remedy Sweet utotherly anticipation and hesHhy ptMt are the result of Uta us of MoUu.-'a Our book "Motherhood mailed frc. AH women should have iL Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Owen G. Dunn has opened an of fice supply and stationery store In the Hahn Building on Craven BL." : Dr. J. W. Duguid la confined to his home on account of a sore hand from which he Is a great sufferer,; ;; - , About 125 were on the A. & N. C mall train leaving here last nighty for More head City, boddd for the Teachers As sembly.'..: ( '.' " Subscribers to the telephone exchange please note the folowing, Nlooll and Hy man, Insurance No. 200, J. C. Fulford, No. 216, J. C. " Whitty, residence, No. 218. i ' A preliminary test of Incandescent electric light was made last night. Bart ling's barber shop was lit by seven lamps of IS candle power which gavo very sat isfactory results. ' I . The Oead Rattlers and the Giants had an ther game of base ball on the Academy grounds yesterday morning. The Giants won by a score of 0 to 5. Batteries; for the Rattlers Bonds and Angell; for the Giants, Thomas and Patterson.! ' GIierlflT! Tar Iyy. Take noUosl That by virtue of the tax list of Craven, Couty la my hand for collection for the year 1901, tad la de tail, of payment according to the pro Tiaioas of the existing lav. X hare lev ied on the lands of the following mamed persons, and win sell the saaeatthe Court House door la New Bent on Us 14U day of July 1909, to satisfy said taxes and costs on the tame. , : ' ' We.1 Tewaihip.' Anderson, Noah 4S acres, PIney Keck' Brooks, S W J85 a, Bwltt Creek Cherry, Eat tie M 60 a, part P.' Jackson land ;: - , " Casey, K., Q O Gasklns, agt, 113 a. Deep Neck ' ' Dawson, Grant 900 a. Alligator ' Edwards, Henry 59 a, Ifanl ' Bwamp ' " " ' " - Pomes, Sarah 200 a, Creeping " 8wamp " ' '"' ; Fornes, Frank SO a, BullPocc- ala Green, Dock 140 a, Palmetto ' Johnson, Peter Si a. Bear Brnch Keea, Zach 17 a, H1U Neck Kees, Daniel, heirs, by Allen ' Dixon, agent, 88 a, Hills Nek Kltrell, Susan 80 a, Butlers . Ford . t - - Mitchell, A 800 a, Bear Branch Pugh, L B 49 a. Swift Creek . : Spain, Susan, 98 a, Vanceboro SImpklns, J M S a, Hills Neck Tripp, Joseph, heirs, 280 a, Po- - COSln :' .. 5 v:. Warren, Lewis, heirs 800 a, Haul's Swamp . . ;.!: lad Tawashlp.' Arthur, Martin 94 a, Forrest Barrington, NO 100 a, Cool . Springs, .. . A , Ererington, Geo A 15 a, 8hufly Gasklns, D H., Administrator ' 887a,Forrest Klnsauls, G W 100 a, Hill land Klrkman, T B 8 a, 8and Hill Ueeklns, Asa 835 a, N W Crk Price, B B 85 a, Ipock land " ' i Duermau, nai to a, rial swamp I Tnten.f! II 10 Trnllt ' 85 4748 127 .117 953 172 8 52 7 75 99S 59 4 60 4 48 448 8 59 40 4 01 4 48 400 8 59 20 "6 75 -4 48 580 60 80 25 708 ; A Good Cough Medicine.- -5 It speaks well - for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggist use It in their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used It ia my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and find It very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. i - - --a . -v " ' i , Death of Clark Whttford. We ate pained to learn of the death of an old New Bern citizen, Clark Whltford son of Col. John D. Whltford," of this city, which occurred in Pine Valley, Hiss., Monday, June -2. He was 42 years of age' and though absent from . New Bern for twenty years his boyhood . and youth were spent here and he will doubt less be fondly , remembered, by his old school mates and friends for his 1 cheer ful and jovial disposition for which ; he was always deservedly popular. .,, ; We publish an extract from fhe Coffee villa, (Miss.,) paper, concerning him: ''The sudden death of Circuit Clerk Clark Whltford, Which occurred Monday evening, comes as a painful surprise to. the people throughout the county. He and his family were at Pine Valley with Dr. M. W. Jackson for a few days1 rest. While Dr. Jackson was away from home Mr. Whltford became very sick, and, was too near death's door ' when the. doctor returned for medical aid to revive him. He told some of his friends that he, be lieved his time was near, and had , pre pared himself to go." . The Water Valley (Miss.) Progress also contains the . following complimentary notice: '': .'- ""' "Our people were much, shocked Mon- rday by a telephone message from Pine Valley announcing the death of Circuit Clerk Clark Whltford that afternoon at 4 o'clock.''; .V;-';'S'y.- ' 'v'1 Mr, Whltford had been in bad physical condition for several weeks, 'but his friends were not alarmed and, tils con dition was not regarded ns In . any- way serious: , He was In the city Sunday; spent the morning with his friends down town, and in the afternoon drove out to Fine Valley. His sudden end was due to heart failure. v ;;"'.;;; ' Clark Whltford was a genius IU a way; as clever a fellow aa eves lived, a great reader and original thinker, possessing a keen sense of humor, bright In conver sation and quloli at repartee ' Hq made friends eully, and was a man of strong affections and high prejudices, ' The remains were brought to his home in this city Tuesday morning , and in terred the same afternoon at Oak Hill cemetery, Rev. Mr. Worsham. officiating in the services. ' :n .,.' '-7'.:'.''"'; He leaves a widow and several small ct.IIJren, who have the sympathies of a h: -9 circle cf frlendr.",. t 3d Town.bip. . Bryant, Owen 84 a, near Dover Cox, Cldle 40 a, Cove ; Daugherty, Sarah H 15 a, Core Creek Griffin, J B 41 a, near Dover Hawkln's, A B 578 a, H 0 Rlcb " ards land Heath, J D 110 a, Core Creek Jenkins, M W 20 a, Core Creek Eoonce, W R 18 a, Ballanger Land Improvement Co., 49 a, B . J Jackson lapd ,. Loftin, Jas F 11 a, near Dover Marshburn, D T 400 a. Wild Cat ' ' Parker, W B 75 a, Beasley land Rlgga, H 60 a, Core Creek Rouse, J 6 203 a, MoBely Creek Taylor, ' Alex 72 a, Cannon ! Branch -!; ; .', : '- ' White, W E 82 a, Core Creek - i, - - . ' , . " , Sth Towntblp. Bright, Henrietta 200 a, Neuse r River 'l,s'iA '-iA'r's'e.-: ; Colemsn, Hardy 50 a, Hancock ., Creek : - '. Pate, M S 100 a, King's Creek Richard's, Jas R 60 a, Adama Creek . , e Riohards, Ben Sr., 53 a, Oa- hogue ; . . Richardson,. T A 8 a, Borden . Road - . - . .' Simmons,. Nathan 100 a, E S Ad. Smith, H M 60 a, Clubfoot Ck. 1 Williams, Jas 6 a, Mitchell's. i Creek fl -i J , ; Otb Townhlp. b Anderson, Sophia, 5 a. near rail . road ." " . Bates, Amos, 10 a. Havelock , j . Benjamin, G. W. 8 a.. ,1 -., v j , Bryan, Perrln, 10 a. ,J - it Mrs. W: -J. H. Cavnaugh, " 65 a. Havelook - , . 718 23 8 08 5 13 11 8) 5 45 028 4 01 6 46 10 28 401 5 83 5 50 7 91 318 8 94 400 4 01 454 4 27 372 429 0 59 380 "6 55 805 3 93 8 77 Cooper, Geo, 1 1. Graysvllle i s 99 Foy, W. F. ' 1000 a. Foy anil j' KFoscue'K lu?;- i . 35 84 Hasket SJWO , a. Johnson's ! ffj '?' "Point"' ' v - w. 10 72 Hunteri Mary l a. H.RBryan'a' i -a nland.vfc s'u,,C-ii 'IK Lef!, John, 4 a, Cole Camp J5 J j. , A 5 95 Perry, H H 600 a. Haddock,. f 11 89 PUlam. Bros 800 aPUlaia; ' landi,,., : ' Vail, J. B. 1 1, Graysvillfl ,,!: 1 ' ' 6 94 yau,f nomas, at. .", vrjSf.f Walston, Anthony, 2 1. Browns : .tme..;-'''iihVi.a1,'i 1r J Bennett, Hardy, pay for Jane 81 a, Havelock -; Sth Township, '4 68 92 .-it- 304 Arthur, Martenrl h Seotts alley Anderson, Ben, 1 1, Orient Pol- ..lock ... ,:'.- -!,; Beasley, Louisa, 1 1, No. 10 Tull . street' ;M ') ;75 418 Blount, Thomas, 1.1,. 43 Lees Ave " 4 68 Bunn, Geo, 1 L 18 Pavle Ave 1 Bryan, Moses T, 1 1, 18 Griffith , ...street t f ' '' - .rtl s Boyd, Annie, 1 1, Duffy Town ; Boyd, Caison, 95 a, Nense road.' Baker, Louisa, 1 1, West street V Baker, John, l i. No, -1 Carroll ' . street ''?$ T :' 1 Barneal James T, t l No, , 17 ; Green street ; . ' " ''' .; Becton, Marion, 1 1, New South it Front street v. --'v.',. j ;('.', Bake, R C, 1 114 Gardners Al- '- ley;. . ...w w, .,prci:.-v j '. Banks, H L, for wife, lNo.,.; aa r .au.a ' 1 . ' 'r'irS 9r Gastoa . fifl Tiiw at oa Banks. Geo F.: 1 .). 14 :-ttiMt ,. ".v'.i'v .;t7V'i-' Bryan, V 8, 1 1, Eden street , ... Cherry, John T. 1 1, May street t:i Collins, Chas, V 153 , Qaeeni ... ,: street ..,,,:;) . ,s Cox, Henry L. 21, Murray street and Pavle Town . ' ' I 4 90 7 88 . 22 -476 '8 09 7 68 .7" 74 ' 8 85 7p it 23 10 18 29 813 495 Caho, Geo, 1 I, 118 Norwood treet. . Chase, James, 1 1, 60 Parte Are .. Copeland, AdeDae, 1 1 71 Paris Iowa Chapman, Boston, 1 1, Coart treet Duncan, Darts, 1 lot, Lanes branch . ' . Davis, BE, Interest la land oa Fatnbrook road . DlHahuat, Moaea D, 1 1 Cravea and Gray aveane . DUlahuat, J T, Agt. for. Laura WlUliand Andrew , Moses Wayne, 1 1, 17 Browns Alley Douglas, Fred, 9 1 Front and - Bryan street . Durden, Gambo, 60 a Batchelor creek Eaton, M E, 1 1 Geo street Edwards, Julia C, 1 1 Rountree street Ethrldge, Annie, 1 1 No. 60 Lee avenue Ethrldge, Joe, 1 1 No. 50 Lee's avenue Fonvllle, Martin, 1 ! lot Pavle Town ' Fraxzell, Adam, 60 acres Rocky Sunn Fisher, Theresa, 1 lot 15 Good -' street '' Foy, C C, 1 1 Braggs alley Freeman, Haywood, 1 1 62 Jones street '-'' Gardner,. Robt, 9 1 George street andDryboro Gerrold, John, 1 lot S3 Carmer ' street " " Good, Lettlce, 1 1 95 Bern street Hill, Samuel, 1 1, Main street Hlnes,Mary, 11, 81 Kllmonlc street Hines, L M, 27 a near Clarks Harker, Anthony, 1 lot No. .21 Pavle Town Hicks, Jasmea and wife, 1 1, 10 Oak street Jackson, Fred, 1 1 Bern street Jarvis, Nora 8, 1 1 No 23 Carroll street Jones, Decater, 1 lot 43 Lees avenue Jones, Hansey, 1 1, 7 Cedar and Bern Jackson, Aaron, 1 1, Eden and Chapman streets , Jones, Edmond P, 1 lot Braggs alley James, Henry, 1 1 48 Bloomfleld Johnson, John 8, 2 1, Carmer atreet; 1 1 Scotts alley, 2 lots Oak street Kenneday, Anyustus, 11, No 134 x Esst Front street Lane, Rosa, 1 1 Queen street Lewis, Sarah E, 1 1 Primrose and Pasteur streets Locker, Caroline, 1 1 Bloomfleld Loftin, Elizabeth, 2 1 Oak and Ashe streets Mason, Cicero; 1 1 No 17 Good street Moody, S F J, 1 lot Duffy town Moore, Wm B, 1 1 Queen street Moore, Henry, 1 1 North street McMullen, Islah, 50 acres Trent ' road . "' Moore, EE, 2 1 Main and Eu bank streets " " j Murrell, Jo, 1 lot ' 15 Carmine street Meeklns, Martha, 1 1 Queen and Forbes alley - ' Murphy, Anthony, 1 1 Crooked street ' Mitchell, Dave, 1 ' I Broad and Forbes alley ''-'''. ! ::'t O'Hara, J E, 11 Pavle Town Agt. J T Barnes, 1 1 Pavle Town O'Hara, L E, 1 lot ; " Pasteur, Henry, 1 lot No 9 Jer " kins alley "' c-' Pearson, James, Sr.. 11 19 Carmer street "";f '5."T. Pool, Harriett, 1 lot 115 Queen ' street"'':"'?;,,: Plver, Eliza,' 1 1 Spring street Pollock, Chas A, 1 lot Brown street ""'"V.i";'''';."'v' '"'"" Orlum, Lafeyette, t lot Court street Renolds, Lafeyette, and wife, 1 ' lot Rountree street Roscoe, Mary J, 1 1 5Q Eubank ' street .. ''' fC'S 'i -' Rail, W T, 1 1 Braggs alley Sawyer, J W, Pavle Ave.? ! Stanley, James B, 1 1 146 Broad : street ! jUiir- ; ' Stanley, J P, 11 Pollock street Stanley, Silas, 1 1178 Randolph -( street "it'-ifeiy.S y-ii't,-Small wood, Edward, 11 8 Gas- ton street - ' ' :" Shepherd, Jas E,l I 114 'West street 1'!:VV '- ' Stanley, Kitty, . 1 lot 90 Bern street'-"; y-Z ''j-" Stanley, Kate, 1 1 Jones street Spencer, Annetl, 1 1 Chop and Cedar atreet 'CfhHf 'j'' t'i'y' Taylor, Maggie," 1 1 190 Queen ' ; street ''V';;i- f.--: Jy?-' ; 'Jv Thomas, Chas, 1 lot Bryan and ; ' .Crooked streets : :: ;.."X Taylor, Mrs M L, 25 acres. Deep Gully ' : v'.':;;vl!-'":' Wayne, Andrew. 1 1 17 Brown'' : alley:;:;.;;."',; X-;' ' Wetherington, Souther, 1 1. 87 ; German st, 1009 468 SC9 418 289 980 490 4 68 4 42 816 7 88 809 863 862 885 898 882 868 429 9 49 895 6 76 468 699 6 29 7 36 6 75 9 49 6 75 868 5 22 619 416 6 29 17 22 7 88 788 6 5 23 10 02 522 6 75 6 65 415 629 4 42 868 5 22 3 62 5 75 516 773 7 57 5 22 5 5 75 10 40 . ataTeVMhlB. Butler, Basaa, 150 a. Jumping Sua - . drflltV 'W. F. 196 a. Turkey Quarter ' . : . French, . F. J. 178 a. Nenae Road . FrSBCh, L. J. 90 s. Turkey Quarter Green, ' J. C. 110. a. Clear - Springe,-"- - H1U.O.F.83 a. Jasper Harris, B. P. 120 a. Dover Road Kornegay, Owea, ICO a. Dover Road Pate, Fred, 63 a. Wild Cat Perkins,' Sarah, 60 a. Black Creek '-.. Patrick, Allen, 6 a. Jumping Boa " Pope, H. C 64 a. Tuscarora Pettlgrew, W. J. 133 a. Btieet's Ferry Rasberry, W. H. 87 a. Green Tree Branch .- Rountree, J R. 10 a. Green Tree Branch - Spencer, Henry, 23 a. Myra Branch Taylor, Julia E. 14 a.1 Back Creek Thomas, A. D. 8i a. Jasper Weierington, M. F. 8 a. rail road. J. W.BIODLE, Sheriff. 6 75 862 862 10 56 605 7 88 468 S75 82 416 22 309 4 62 B. 1 1. ''.'.ik--'. East 899 455 779 604 8 81 377 725 3 53 4 40 3 53 302 313 545 7S4 6 03 692 303 14 49 558 Pyaj-Balsam BeUevei Right Awmf and aiaks a speedy end of cough and colds. old Mayan sculptors." flow Ther Carved the Great Hona eats of Prehletorle America. Many persons have wondered at the excellence of the carving jrnlch orna. ments the prehistoric monuments that lie scattered and In ruins over ft large part of Mexico and Central America, especially since It is known that the ancient peoples who erected them were unacquainted with the use of Iron and had only roughly shaped tools Df ob sidian to work with. Mr. George B, Gordon of the Peabody museum at Harvard, however, who hat spent a large part of the last tea years In studying the remarkable ruins of the prehistoric Maya city of Copan, In Hon duras, and who has given particular at tention to the methods of the undent sculptors, has brought forward a num ber of facts which seem to throw light upon a question that has long Inter ested the archaeologist In his recent report on the great hieroglyphic stairway, which Is one of the chief features of Copan, Mr. Gor don points out that, contrary to the methods of much of our modern work. it Is probable that the elaborate carv ing of the stairway Was done not be forebut after the various blocks of stone had been set in place. Id Illus tration Mr. Gordon dterthe careful way In which a piece of carving oc cupying two or more blocks of stone Is fitted together, often with a skill which would do credit to the most up to date stonecutters. , The hieroglyphic stairway cakes its name from a series of "glyphs," or pic ture writings, which un !! the way along the face of the steps. Here, Mr. Gordon notes; the carylngMatrery per fect and regular until one reaches the ends of the stairs, where thealus trades apparently Interfered with the freedom of the workmen, and the carv ing, therefore. Is distinctly Inferior, a fact which apparently proves Mr. Gor don's contention conclusively, since If the glyphs had beenmcut 'before the steps were laid so such Irregnlarit? would? Jm noticeable. ; : ! " The stone used at Copan is a variety of trachyte and wastrought fronxtbe hUle surrounding the valley 4a which the city of Copan was built It-is rather soft material and correspoadlng ly easy o carve, but weathers easily. The Mayan sculptor, however, sot over this difficulty by covering his carvings with a layer of stucco, which could be more perfectly modeled when soft and which soon hardened Into a surface which was afterward richly colored la accordance' with the character of the design.'"", 'if -rr THE. HORSES. Coney, 3:02, is in training again this prmg. ';-i.;.,7"':" .... 4 Redlndo, 2)7& has been bred to Bingen. ' " .... ( There are about 1,000 entries for the Hartford Futurity. I . ; ? Eighty-five 250 performers : have sprung from Jay Bird. . . , heats In standard time. ,'. j' Patsy K, 2)7V4, bow: the property, of John Magulre, New York, .will be campaigned this season, v ' ! .Orrin Hickok is now working the pacing gelding Clipper, 2:09, which has been kept off the turf for almost two years through .lameness. -.4 -!;.;.., -a i . Dolly Bidwell, 2.-09Vi winner bt the 110,001 purse at Psovidence last Au gust, stands 15.2 and weighs 1,000 pounda.' Bhe Will be campaigned this year: "";''.-;y iv:'ij,j.v Beausant, the $17,000 green pacer, is to go back into the hopples again.. He has a trial record Of 2 .-07 as a three-year-old and Is sold to be one of the aHttdsomest korst-a in America.1', ' i7 1 sr., fr 1 1 v.. l I bequeath, to my children Scrofula with all its attendant horrors, humiliatioa and suffering. This is a strange legacy to leave to posterity : a heavy burden to place upon the shoulders of the young. This treacherous disease dwarfs the body and binders the growth and development of the faculties, and the child born of blood poison, or scrofula-tainted parentage, is pooriy equipped lor lue'Sdnuea.'-. s . - ; j ... . ; Scrofula is a disease with numerous and varied symptoms ; enlarged elands or tumors about the neck G and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak eyes and dreadful skin eruptions nooa aiflerent toarts of the bodr a how the presence of tubercular or scrcpulous matter in the blood. This dangerous 1 and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the svstcm and attacks I the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the blood, resultine- la t. - tlj - .it!J - i m At.- . . . ireuuig, a iinxiiu, wur myyaumiux o l-UC ajun, KJsa UI StrcngUl ana a gradual wasting away of We body. . r, - ,1 ' S. S. H. combines both purifying and tonic properties, nd is guaran- . ieea einueiy vegetaaie, nxaxing 11 me ideal remedy In 1 all scrofulous affections. . It purifies the deteriorated ! blood, taai.es it rich and strong and a complete and permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves ' the digestion and assimilation of food, restores the lost properties" to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated body.' w . I VrIe. - t v I e t . - yy otc Bixmi jout case una our poyucieUii wiu cae32uuy aavue ana help you in every poasible way to retrain your health. Book oa blood and . filrin ri omsm frpa 1 . THKawirr srxciric co. Atiamte o. NATURE'S FORCES. Will the antiquarians of eighteen hundred years hence be digging up the ashes and lava covering the stricken city of St Pierre to discover how back ward was the civilization of the twen tieth century! Cincinnati Enquirer. Perhaps theie ia no lesson to be drawn from the horror of Martinique excepting that of humility. Face to face with the unrestrained farces of nature man is as powerless today as was the aborigine. The volcano, the earthquake, the eyclone, the tornado, And mm as weak a combatant aa ever. Washington Times. The psychological effect of such hap penings as that at Martinique is really Impressive. In the presence i Of the working of the earth's crust in that diabolical style everything else looks small. Even the mighty human race. With its ambitions and quarrels, tends to shrink to microscopic dimensions. Bpringficld Republican. mm CMiCMrtrrta-e CMOUBH to Kf.e 4 M1 .mill hmm. mmft HMMha mm 1 lUf M JW OnHSiw MtSiWkrUll,'kla.,n. ' tan Sill. ie.e t i m Mt alirajre Drlag. LU'e consists in a scries of changes of tissue, and ' lie human economy is sim ply, so for as Its material part Is con cerned, a machine and primarily de pends on food ns the most important factor in keeping It in working order. When it is said that we commence to die as soon as we are born, it Of course means that certain parts of the body I Seedsmen immediately begin to perish; their ex istence is ephemeral; they come and go, are replenished and decay.' They are the dying parts of that system of life which may last a little while, but which must eventually yield to the in exorable law of nature. The nails, the hair, etc., are observable as an Instance of this decay. The same rule; applies to every other organ and tissue of the body, though it is not palpable to the naked eye. The skin Is always peeling. The food that Is taken In the one hour nourishes the system and ejects that which was taken the hour before. . Wood's "Trade Mark Braad"j German Millet i is the true large-headed sort, and pro- . dnces from one-fourth to one-half more forage per acre than the ordinary Millet. The difference in yields from different grades of Millet is more marked than any crop we have ever grown and It is a great deal the cheapest rop results considered to purchase the best quality of seed that you can obtain; this yon ( can always be assured of doing when yon order Wood's "Trade flark Brand" of Southern-grown German Millet. Write for prices and Descriptive Circular which also (Ives full information about all Seueaable Seeds, Cow Peas, 5oa aai Velvet Beaae, TeeeUrte, Serfhant, Backvheat, Late Seed Potatoes, etc. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Richmond, VtV About Your Health. Do not wait any longer to put in Window Screens and Screen Doors. Your house will be infested with insects and flies, carrying germs of disease which may cost you your l 111. - - J i .1 ' i '1. -n - 1 Hew Blrda auarate. I ucuiui unu ueavy uourors unia, auu Many of the smaller- and weaker I perhaps your life. , Diras. uxe tne ny catcners, vireoa, i :u v v wrn. blmrlet.. ond Wnehirda. in order w w "iy - uue ..... ' . Iia em laOnf a mmanoUw 4-tiaf- vrrrt to avoid tneir enemies, me nawaa, i .umnuw uimwhj make their long nignts Dy nicnt, stop-1 screen yourself against these ene pmg ror rest ana rooain tnoMyume. imi ft htkSlnw :. Who loi.froi. onjl hnlnai fttiaa ltlra the I i I TIT- Jll 3 . 3 J - . hawks and crows, and those of ex- " can us wiuuows ana uuura ui tremely rapid flight; like the swallows I any size and at prices within the . a a .l. ' It. ' I . dj uuy, auu lucre era euuiu. uu iuo Canada geese, which travel Juet when they choose, by day or night rMlgrat inir birds usual! v B9 at a heleht of from one to three "miles, and this enor I PhODe 1, bles them to see the rivers, the moun tain ranges and the coast Sine. 'By these they direct their count, the bid birds remembering the way they cam before and Woman's LILiBtlerUkCflJ 69 Middle Street. It witbejo the in- d the young ones following. I . ' f ; , Home Companion 1 ' MttCSl Oj ttlOSeWiVlt- ing juggles and Roaa , . Feeollav Tahle Castoats. In a book entitled "Domestic Man ners of the Middle Ages- wi are told I i-. fl aJm . that in those days dinner tables were I KjOIIS 10 C21L ' 31 OflCC Upon It were placed a large laltcellar, I fl&Oe ' & rfCfO SCCOflV bread and curia for .wine, bntiiokntvna I t or plates. The reason for the absencf of the knives arose from the common practice in vogue of .people carrying their own knives In a1 sheath? attached tt eheht e4Ata f.'ali 1 " ' n In an early work, written, by tyd- gate "Rules For Behavior at Table" the guests are told to brine pa knives unscoured to the table, which can only mean that each one was to! keep his own knife that is. the pne he carried wiu nun ciean, . , ... r hand ones left on nana and they must Be soW J. W. STEWART. 7, Ir 'f ; life ... . . 4 i-l f. .... .-J .,- f HARDWARE aotifrlac the God. One of the odd things' the visitor to Burma will notice Is the large number of bells about the pagodas. These bells are usually hung on sacred piats a few They are sweet toned, as all Burmese bells with comes to pray before Jbk pagoda Paints, Oils-Varnish, Pntty. Saah. iriites one or tnese Dens wim a. wooori -i if, .t ' ' - i en mallet This Is to attract tbe attea-t )or,' Blinia Ontlerj and all the i RfifrioertflTa ' VnUr flnnUm T I. I f) e -w WAV W evv are, but tivy.,aro no fumlshed ioxpQreens, Quand Cook Stoves, tongues. ,; The worshiper who lEangevLinie, Cement, Plaster, tlon of the god. useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, Front" Willis, Jno, 'st Willis. Sudle B. 1 L 71 Metcalf st." Vrai, Matilda, Sj I. Oak ft Nor-1 White, Btepben, a Trent' road ' White, Thos. O. 50 a. Neuse . . road ;.)i'-.?.'i'(5;t,'"i:,vii White, C E. 40 a Sandet's ' place-" i !-,-isP' i- jiMi-i Wbltahead, H. E. 100 a. Trent( vroad. if h ;ywi? '..'. i-i T Woolen, I. L, 1 a. SO, Pasteur st "'.iff.; :. -':'- ' w.f i ,-,'J Willis, Susan, 1 a. 8 Court at i Toung, Louisa 9 a Bartlet st ,88lRiO C ' ;.e-if ' - - 8 0S a Stre'usedj8ye'',best'shotB?lnTih(ouuti ,btvu. . .-, I luniforaandiiliable.CAUthe.world'schamplon8hipssndrecordahaverje . ; 1081 Vfm?-! : 11 til S I D BT l H ETB E S 1S rw? putu,i..il witiH.i i ' ' I tsaaswaaeiBMIsisgeaMjBlw 'I'lfe- 8 881 .'.''-. . ' ,,.",871 rn ".f ,f '-"-""".TT!' ' ' jo Jk& 183 785 A - B-BalMa Store the Ttekllac, alcklyallays ii ." ' "'mlaUteuuoM. ts;SlADiUABTf2t3 FOR And all Kinds et 4- t Un'f r-icl ChatUwka, t efcrT lh Bowel Troulu w 1 tbWbtnofAnr Ag: AidS V" i the B -Or auU t ets ta C. J. MOFFE.TT, M. D a r. t MZoll Honor l Croap,Crc"., Jwa,l: -4 bw.JT. r. ' ' , ,. ' ' C! 11 I . caa be prevented if n 1 i. 4 uiy m, IKIKVn. c. 4. worrvrrwr Vest Btrt Juatto, m wm Amn,n I nrma tiT, ftm h yoararaiUent nmiicine, TKKTH1NA. Onr little girl, )iiiitUnn.n u,n .ol,i,aMiltMdaiuh lr.vnry nmHly WM xhBHt4 in Ui. Ihapeof OTMcripuonH IraM fw, it i , -r bow.u used in time artdJcurtdlmof'''r- ''"try by using r.nunu(1 to I tmrblMKl nrt hnrniB f,u MntiniMd lor Ann .t . tim. fc.ir If. a . ,..td.l-wrl of. Mr moth.r il,.Mrmiiwt to try 1 !e. p. i n t N . nnrt In ft day or two Uir u e irrMit amlM(ekw t,ri B.4 MUtn IM kawM wre ntutu, end th.i, ,ui nnlUl N A, the litil. bb. Ii now d.n IUUI1, II, W. MUlVUA1bUmtM4irrvW"OCTUIiSgM(Ai.)WIt 1

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