,t -J A ( -A N i I a sr -m -a B Y u :i 4 'V" - .VOLUMI XIY. ' : , ' ' ' ' ' HIW BIE5, CEAVM C01IHTI, H. C.t TDISDiT, JCNE 17, 190!.-F1EST SICTIOR, ; ' - , SyMBIR 22 . , . EilDfiB; Incorporation of Havtland Waxrei Lumber Company. ReorfaalzatUasrtae Ralelgiaase Ball Tmbu Unite States ClrealtCoart JadgePar aell'i Appolatmeatof ;i ' Deputy Clerks. ,Jj-. l Balaton, Juae 14. A charter wu (ranted this morning to the Heviland Warren . Lumber Uo.,' capital $35,000. The principal office It : to be ithea at Stamp eoand or Folktllna neat Wilming ton. The Incorporators are' Frederick Havlland, Iaaao W. Warren and Junius Davis. ' ' iJi.'j'2f ; k After a meeting of the direoton of the Raleigh Athletic Association feat jitgM continuing until put midnight it wee given ont that R. O. RiTera had resigned and a committee of ten of Raleigh' staunches bate ball retainer! had agreed to take the Raleigh team and do what they can with it, appealing to the people of Raleigh for more liberal rapport, It wu decided farther, thl morning. to elect W. J. Andrews' president, Varice Soott Secretary and Treasurer and make Capt. Barney Kaln manager of the team Material Improvements In the team are promised. Judge Purnell of the United States Circuit court has Issued reappointments to deputy f circuit oof r olerks They are Geo. L. Zonnoffski, Raleigh; John F Overman, Elizabeth City; George Green, New Bern and W. H- Shaw, Wllmlng ton. This actlon'was" made necessary by the resignation of Mr, Reddlck as clerk for the Eutcrn district and the ap pointment of H.L. Grant la his stead. Reddlck had been clerk for 85 years. & Trial of Oyster Inspector; i Special to Journal. Raleigh, Jane 14. State Attorney General Oilman, left for New Bern to night, to appear foe an oyster Inspector, Indicted before the Federal Commission er for an assault on the captain of a schooner in the ' waters of Pamlico ' Sound. " "' ' Why softer pain and severe sickness - from Bowel Complaints, when AR . HOLD'S BALSAM stops one and cures the Other. It hu been successfully need .. for fifty years. ,, Warranted to give satis t faction or money.1 refonded by T, A- J i- - Kin? Edward Sick. London, June 15. King Edward wu suffering today from a chill, which pre- vented him from attending the church . parade of the Aldershot Garrison. . The , chill came as a result of the King's pro longe4 stay outdoors last -night, upon the occasion of the torchlight tattoo at Aldershot. The chill Is a slight one, ac companied by symptoms of lumbago. APHORISMS.. Without hearts there is no home. Byron. . , s . Light Is the task where many share the toll. Homer. . : Idleness is the burial of a living ninn. Jeremy Taylor. , , If a good face Is a letter of recom mendation, a good lieart is a letter of credit. Bulwer. " A propensity to hope and joy la real riches; one to fear and sorrow, real poverty.-Hume, f .i To be honest, as this Wrld goes, Is ' to be one man picked Out of ten tbou aand. Shakespeare-, j t J'A ' J'Vf f The' hardesktriaj Jot 4 hear la whether it can beat a rival's faUura without triumpi4Attkin(j Jf j Time is the great comforter of grief, but the agency by which it works is exhaustion, L. B. Landon. ' ' ; ; ' " To the generous mind the heaviest debt Is that of, gratitude when it is not in our pover. to repay it Frank lin. ,iii,aH lil ' . ENGLISH ETCHINGS. ' There is a dearth of schoolteachers In England. : r. Greater London embraces about 400,- 000 acres. . London has just secured Its first am- bnlnpee for the removal of disabled an- Imals,"- ,, f London has discovered that It has no hortlculturaU halh and Is iducn dis tressed. ' England Is going to coin two yound pieces in gold. They will be about the , size of our ten dollar coins. The extension of railways into the Scotch highlands Is gravely declared to have been the cause of the depopula tion of the district The Suffolk farmers are waging ruth less war on sparrows. Since the for mation of a club, at Wickham Market for the extermination if this pest over 8,500 birds have bitten the dust Smallpox Infection appears to be car ried by the air. Hospital ships were anchored In the Thames 700 yards . from the Essex shore, and, although no communication with the latter was al lowed, the disease was constantly pres ent In the Essex district CASTOPJA For Ir' its ari C " :t. rir iyjLj: : TELEGRAPHIC BREVETTES. . S . ; Rathbone, Keeley and others who were Implicated In the postal frauds In Cuba have seen liberated by the Cuban government , ' ' Rev. Francis Patton, D. D., president of Princeton College haa resigned and Professor Woodrow Wilson elected to succeed him. , Twelve mea and one woman were burned to death In a hospital In Cnlcago and twenty-five were injured. The hos pital wu for those addicted to the liquor and morphine habit and many of the pa tients were chained to cots. The mat ter bonder Investigation by the po lios .......... ' . . jti.j. .. t . -.:'!', . ThaUaiar bearing the old liberty bell, which wu being returned to Philadel phia from Charleston, where tt had been on exhibition wu wrecked nearQuan- ttoo, Va. The bell wu not Injured by thewreck.C A black , frost Is reported In New great damage to the York; which did crops and frojC ..The town of Ayden N. O. was swept by fire foj the second time within a few months. . It Is believed to be of Incen diary origin and the authorities are us ing every means to locate the supposed flrebag. . ' '' The project to set Mid 1,000,000 acres of laad In the. Appalachian range for a national park and flame preserve, is up for discussion In- Congress. A part of this , tract ; Is located In Ndrth Caro- nnW- -' " " ; Dr. A. W. Enox, of Raleigh, was elected president of the State Medical Association, which met at Wilmington last week. ., ? ' .Robert T. Small, son of the southern evangelist. Rev. 8am Small, and ; Miss Ethel Slgsbee, daughter of Capt. 8igs bee, of the 111 fated Maine were mar ried la Washington Wednesday. tiny : After confession to the brutal crime of the murder ot Miss -.Neely Benson, near Salisbury. N. C. two negro boys named James and Harris Gillespie were taken by a mob and lynched, and their bodies riddled with bullets. . i. ' - h '' Judge Pennypackor, " was nominated for governor of Pennsylvania by the Republican State Convention after an exciting contest. The nomination was a victory for the Quay forces. - t The strikers at Pantuckct, R. I., be came ao unruly that the militia were called ont to restrain them. One riot occurred In which one man was killed and several wounded. McDufflce'a Little fclufi Uver pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new person of you. 28 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. " ' NOTES- OF NOTABLES. i Justices Peckham and McKenna are the only two of the nine members of the supreme court who are not College sdasAes-Ji.(iMiuiirt;jU i-i-rx- . Charles Curtis of Topeka, who repre sents the First district of Kansas In the house and hopes to be shifted over to the senate, has Indian blood In his velm .vi i iMfurlsat;: The Duke de Penthlevre, son of the Prince de Joinville, was the only Euro pean prince who ever' entered' West Point ; and he was hated nearly to death.? - " M,y.-S - Bellamy Storer, United States minis ter to Spain, has given $2,000 toward the fund for building the, annex to Glockner J sanitarium . at Colorado Springs. -Oi ,x :r V:x : The hte Amos Cummings. was i the champion of the birds In congress, and some of his most brilliant speeches were made In behalf of bis feathered friends. ' r-:-: jT-'', 1 1 --" ' President Roosevelt's address on the Bible has been widely distributed by the American Bible society. It has sent out 80,000 copies In English and 10,000 copies in Spanish. ... . Natal oldest colonist, Mr. Francis Armstrong, has died, aged eighty-sev en. -He landed at Port Fatal In 1841, and bne ot his daughters waa the first British child born In the colony. . , ( Charles Michaels ot Indianapolis has the finest collection of mound builders' pottery In existence. Most of the relics were dug from a mound some thirty miles north of New Madrid, Mo. ., Walter MncE wen, the American painter, residing in Paris, has , been awarded one of the two gold medals of state at the Vienna exhibition present ed by the Austrian government A wonderful beard is worn by Jean Conlon of Montlucon, France. It Is 10 feet 10 Inches in length, and nearly five feet of it when he stands erect rests on the floor. The ends of bis mus tache hang below bis waist t .,, ' Clarence A. Black, a Detroit million aire, has been setting a good example to other rich men by serving for sev- eral days as juror In a justice court where nearly ail the cases are those of petty quarrels between Individuals and the police. A. Pauts of Hiawatha, Kan., had a novel experience during the civil war, He was drafted Into the army, but When he appeared at the recruiting of' flee It was found that he had been fretted es A. rnntz, and, his name not t ?rrr'-!,he,T:si' " ::lt3Cofree BIUIBH. .i 1 :v '. Seventy Seven Convicts In the Pei- ..atUTT.:: North Carolina Naval Militia May t Get a New Vessel. Snrveylag ' . .' '. for New Railroad Lines. v -. Soathern By Acqalrea .: a Branch Bead. ' RiLEian, June 16. The officials here are notified by the Navy Department that the anxillary Cruiser Hornet will be sent to Norfolk for complete repairs. After these are finished It Is understood that If desired, the North Carolina naval militia can again have the. vessel. But It is understood she wlnot ,.bs asked for, u the State desires i vessel Of lighter draught,, able to navigate the sounds and many of the streams. The Hornet hu been of no use save to the Wilming ton division of the naval militia. k , There are now only 77 convicts In the penitentiary here. Alljthe negro female convicts are now at the Caledonia farm, save a number sufficient to operate the laundry. "1..,; ,' . Gov. Aycock pardons Garrett Plnntx of , Buncombe county, who ' five jears ago was sent' to the 'penitentiary for larceny, to serve three years. Two years later he escaped, went to Tennessee, and there married. An enemy betrayed his whereabouts, and he wu rearrested. There were earnest pleas for pardon by the judge and others. The State charters the Rankin Coffin and Casket Company of High Point, capital $80,000, A. M. Rankin being the chief stockholder. v ' Very fine rains have fallen here, and the drought is relieved!'' Cotton is the only' flourishing crop! Early corn is hurt. : ' ' ''; '"'' Arrangements are made for the im provements of the Academy of Music, to cost $4,200, these Including the raising and draperlng of the stage, a new roof and a now entrance, together with fire escapes r There is no provision for any increase in the seating capac ity." :;- ";Vr"!l . The loss by the burning of the plant and lumber at Gary of the Cary lumber company is found to be only $35,000, and the insurance $11,775. , The lumber loss Is $10,000, :,that on the plant $15, 000. .,'...,'?......, . Curator Brimley of the State Museum hu returned from the Charleston expo sition, with all the State, exhibit. The latter will under an entire re-arrange ment, r be replaced in the State Mu seum. . , For a month past A.J. Latta, who wu for many years an assistant engi neer on the .Atlantic Coast Line, hu been making, a reconnoissance for a railway from Rutherfprdton through the Hickory Nut Gap to Asheyille and also to Columbus, Polk county.. Next ThurS' day the running of the preliminary lines will begin, Tie. locating party will be uflder Mr. Latta. This is a very Import ant road, j It Is said ample capital Is be hind it. It is understood that July 1st, the Southern ' railway . will take over the South Carolina and Georgia Extension railway. ; . The latter now hu 450 con victs working . in Mitchell . county, to wards the Tennessee line. This road hu been known as the Ohio River and Charleston and as the "Three C's." ' ' HOW ITBDOHE. ' , The first object In life with the Amer ican people Is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health! The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving, the second, (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Appendicitis, Indigestion,' etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart Sour .Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostra tion, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suf fer another day. Two doses of the well- known August Flower will relieve you at once. Go to Jf. a. irarxy ana get a sam pie bottle free. Regular size, 75cts. Get Green's Special Almanac.- - : -:ttr''' A Card. . ' To the Editor:! take this meads of informing my friends In Pamlico county that I am not opposed to the Issue of bonds In Pamlico for the building of the proposed railroad from New Bern to Pamlico, the county that Is most dear to me. The report that hu been circulated that I was opposed to this great enter pilse is not; based ' upon truth. I was opposed to the calling of the election for bonds to be held so early, but that does not signify that I do - not heartily endorse the Issue to the fullest extent, notwithstanding the greatest portion of my property Is In Pamlico and would be subject to taxation should there be a special tax. But viewing the whole af fair from a strictly business point, I do not hesitate to state there will be no speolal taa. 1 . t ' ' , I am now a citizen of Now Bern, but the burden of my heart is for the up building of the - kind-hearted people of my native county. fvv ' I would say to my fellow citizens of Pamlico, the land for ' which God hu done so much, that on the 28th of June you will have In your hands the hey that will unlock and forever throw wide the flood gate of prosperity for you, and for your noble sons and your fair and lovely daughters. May heaven teach you to make no mistake. t Respectfully lyours, L. G. Daniels. papilico coum. What A. S. Packer Saw U a Recent ,. , Trip. . Railroad and ;.' ! .- CrOpS.' I '-. Wears alwsra glad to rejoice with those who have cause to rejoice, aid we have been permitted to rejoice to our hearts content for the past few days. A trip through Pamlloo county last week wu very Interesting and pleasant to us, -If we say nothing of the very warm weather. The crops an the finest we ever saw, and the farmers are in the finest of spirits. Corals far advanced, some tassellag, while cotton is looking well also, young cotton Is small, but hu a good color and promisee a good crop. The dry weather hurt the ost crop to some. extent A good many , fields. of sweet potatoes, - were noticed, that Showed up fine. Irish potatoes, well, the whole" coun try is covered with tbem, we never saw the like before, whole fields were white with them, where the diggers had turned them up from the rich, loamy soil, fifty to seventy barrels to the acre, being no uncommon yield. Several farmers told u they had dug fifty barrels of frime potatoes from the acre, average, besides fifteen or twenty more barrels of very good quality, thousands of barrels being gr6wn on a single farm. i " 'u Prices for potatoes have been good all along, and everybody seems to have made money on the crop. - The people of Pamlico are to be con gratulated, Indeed, on their great suc cess so far this year, and it is to be hoped that the later crops will harvest as great u they now promise, but they deserved to succeed, for lut year the failure of their crops wu not only dis couraging, but hundreds of them lost their hogs and horses, which wu almost heart-breaking. Politics Is not cutting very much fig ure In the county yet. Very few candl dates were heard of. The leaders of the factions seemed to be the only ones In terested much. They are quietly laying their plans and the fun will take place later on. The most popular subject of conversa tion down there now is the railroad project. Some opposition hu developed to the scheme, but the promoters of the road are quietly and steadily pushing their plans with a determination that is admirable. A canvass for the Interest of the road will begin this week, and will continue until June 28th, when an election will be held to vote bonds for the building of it. This railroad will be a great thing for Pamlico county, In fact it Is hard to see how the people can do without It. With the very rich lands and the enormous crops raised on them, there is a demand for quick and efficient transportation that cannot wisely be ignored. The people should well con sider this railroad matter, for it is known that (railroads are more than apt to be paying Investments , and If the people build and control this road, then all the benefits derived, will be theirs. Pamlico Is a great county and hu a great future ahead of it The people are all good, honest, kindly folks, and it is delightful to come in contact with them either In a business way, Ot socially. . A. B. Pacskb. PITH AND POINT. The better the food before him, the bigger bite a man takes. The prejudices of people may be .wrong, but they are worth considering. A stately stride and a short skirt were never Intended for the same wo man. " 'Don't go out of your way to give a hint No one who really needs a hint will take one. : Every worthy man Is busy attending to his own affairs. Don't expect him to attend to yours. The next time you think of applying to a man for help remember that he probably has a load too. Ever think how much trouble your conceit gets yon Into? If you can pos sibly do It look at your affairs as oth ers look at them. Atchison Globe. GUM BRANCH. Fatal Accident ' . to a - Colored June 16. Showery today and very badly needed. . - , ' ' Ye scribe took a trip through the up per part of Onslow and J ones counties and fonnd crops looking very fine In deed with the exception of tobacco which Is small and very uneven, i ' We learned while In Jones county that Mr. Jno. Small, fell from the top of a tobacco barn on which he wu at work for Mr. Frank Brown, and got hurt very badly, but Dr. Denny says that he will recover. ! ;.' Mrs. Eatle Pse was laid to rest . lut Sunday. Bhe leavos a host of friends to mourn their lou. V" : r. : . Lut Thursday a negro named Joe Spencer while working on a mill for Messrs. Franck met with death ; very strangely. : The horse he was driving while going down hill became frightened at the cart running up on him,, and dashed down the hill throwing htm out and Instantly killing him 4 .-tv. ' John Adams over in Jones county' a a tenant on Mr. Isaac Brown's land hu cotton knee high, and also is done plow, lng corn. . Frankle Koonce Is also done laying by corn , B 1 iniisssasaleTMfsaasii 1 V SKI! 1 'TORTURES i 1 ah mi ruruw vi iiuimx ' . Scaly Humoars Instantly : Relieved and Speedily CURED BY CUTIGURJL Complete Treatment ($1), consists of Coticuea Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, Cuncrma Oiht wnt, to instantly allay itching. Irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and healand Cdticuba Rb solvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood. t A Single Sbt is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, .disfiguring, itching,! burning, bleed ing, scaly, crusted,; and pimply hu-' mours, when all else fails. MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cutictjra Oiiminii (or beautify ing the skin, for denoting the soalp, and atop, plug of falling hair, for softening and whiten, lng the hands, for baby ttchlngs and rashes. In baths for annoying Irritation and ehaflngB, or too free or offenslTe perspiration, for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which nggeet themselves to women, and for all the purposes of the toUet, bath, and nursery. , , CtmocRA Resolvent Pills (Choeolata Coated) are a new, tasteless, odorless, eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid CunouR. Rrsolvut, as well a for all other 0 . tl . u.l.tu Diooa partners ana nnmour enree. in screw cap vials, containing 60 doees, price 250. Sali tbnechsat Ou world. Soap. 5.Mitmit, fta., Pilu, SH. British Dapoti IT-IB, CluitvhaaM tkj.. Lodsmi. finch rMpott $ Baa d, la Fail. Paris. eonim Due AJifi Caaa. Csar, Sale Rent, BosM, B. A. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. Chicago, June 16. WhAT: Open. High. Low. Close Jury., . . Sept... . 7U 72 71 72 704 . 70i 70i . 70f Open. High, Low. Close 681 04 1 03i ' 64 Corn: July Ribs:- Open. . 1080 . 1030 High. Low. Close July.... Sept...,. 10371 1030 1037t 10271 10171 1027 Naw York, June 16. Open. High. Low. Close .. 8.74 8.74 8.03 . 8.83 Oottor; July Aug...... Sep Oct ..8.48 8.48 8.33 8.33 .. 8.00 8.12 8.04' , 8.06 ..7.96 8.08 7.03 f 7.95 ., , ': -:-.' New York, June 16. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close ,.1281 1281 128 128J Sugar.... So By 371 N.Y.O.. ....... U. a s 891 371 891 391 39 C.&0... ...... .471 Mo. P.....'.;...105f 105' AtchiBon ....... 81 83 Va. CO ,. . i(H A. C. 0.:.i.....53 .471 105i 105 81J, 81 - 701 Bit Am Ice.' ........ 171 171 ' Liverpool Bpots 5.1-32.. Sales 7,000 bales., , Futures,.- June-July 4.50. Ang-Sept. 4.43. Sept-Oct 4.82. HRT RKCBIPTS. Same Task Last week last year. .64,000' 20,800 This wees. Bat. i 5000 . b 8000 ' 8000 :v8000 If on. Tuea. Wed. - ' 14000 Thura. Frl. 5000 7000 60,000 Advices to J. K. Latham & Co., yoster day: ' ' ' " ' New York, June 16.": 'Weakness la July position partly re flected here. Still hot and dry in Texas. Liverpool cotton exchange will close June 26 and 27th. ' , 44 Spring Fever, Old you eror have a case of "Spring Fever" t . When It waa the hardest work in the world to do anything at all f That was because your system's machinery was out of order and required overhaul ing. BRADHAM'S LAXATIVE CHILL TONIC la the beat Kind of a system cleanser and gfwsl tonic. It enriches the blood and stimulates the liver to greater activity, removing sallowneas, pimples, malarial poisons and building up the health generally. Jast the thing for "poorly" children. AtBradham's Price 60c JA.CCr3' T.: jh Rye Whiskey Is the t- t. I'-"" r t. Saw ; -. .. .. . ',! mew- ;: iriFita!s.B:i Na Bob Pancake Flour." Carolina Rice Flaked. . Otitflalcea both loose and Preserved Ginger 25c per ' Hienzls Apple Butter and Sweet Mixed Pickles. Royal Scarlet Salmon, the finest packed mlj'. 2caji; other brands 15o and 20c can. -' - - --- - ' Imported Ginger Ale, on Ice, lOo or i iot A-wiumntik ' ' Portsmouth Corned Iiillete.- - - -----. w Big Hams to cut. ' ; ,-.!.; . i-, riv Fox River Print Butter. . ' Pure Apple Vinegar and 5 'Phone 91.! i Just JlecelTed km nniu'i mi 1 1 Devilea and Shells to Go Willi Them. ,' . Also Fancy Salmon and Lobsters. Don't fail to see us when in need of anything In the Fancy Grocery Line, we guarantee quality and prices with any ; gro cery house in the city. . I -"'."i If you want Good Flour Try Our Fancy Patents-there Ja nothing better ground from wheat.' ,. -: . , ?; We have some Good Tea at 40c, 60cv 60c and 80o K I- Thanking you for past favors and trusting to continue? to serve too. I am Toutb to . -, Wholesale and rdONK bo. s , vor. iiroaa sz uancoeK ts. a Henty of It and All the Best. ; r Here's a stock that is fill ed with the most .reliable staples. From Flour and 1 Sugar to the finer things we carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying ' too much, and with no doubt of the value for your cash. ' FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. v I J.J.Tolsbn,Jr. Broad St. Grocer. i We have on exhibition a TRUMPET wbich will be grrtn to Every customer to our store mm of their cash purchase. These checks can be Voted to either New Bern or AtlanticPo, by writing tm name ol eitner company on DacK ol . tne check and depositing same in a ballot box arranged for the purpose Every 60c worth of checks counting as one vote. ; :' ""' ''' ' At the close of the fionfcest counted and the company receiving be given the trumpet , COME TO THE FRONT and HELP TOUR, COMPANY WIN. irlilBllMoliil Phone $60. .,,! Foy Si Wood Co., Practical Tinners " 't !. : , i.. .... ' and Plumbers. Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, and Roofing. - - 'i. We make a specialty of 'Hot Air Heating, and; Steel ( Ceiling. ... t You will find us at . Boislh Trent Ct. ; Celery Headsets Tcsricrs. There is not any better remedy for headaohe I than tl . o i ' . Tl y never (ail to rellcrs. s 1 s !J c; " at Davis' Prescr!; .1 i 7. :.Ht f -,n .; .4 ' VS. it. u . , -.v 1 ... '.,' , . 1' ,., J " fa packages. - - pot. -. Spices of all kfaids. 0i rjf : WlioIeMale in . 5s Xletall) I. . ST3iaJkAW: : 1 li, 71 Bri L :'"". ! n Jfresh JLiot -u .ui-t-.-iVrj ir Please, . Retail Orocer, . Phone 137 saw. BEAUTIFUL SILVER SPEAKING one of our fire companies. will be given a check to the amount the box will be opened, the' checks the greatest number of votes will , . u , i4 , 1 89 ZZiidle : Street. Dptc- Dato 13TZ2 . daii z:. I am still'pboeir'? l'"i all kinds of 1 .mX ' 1 v ; working at tlie bu; 1 I Bern 4J ypari; m on t.8 of CI1.13. 13. L.U's, Cabs m

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