m WEEKLY JIM BtUkttaa lt7 PnUUhad Ik Two 8aetOBa, WW Ta CHARLE5 L. STEVENS, bmtob ure raonmoi. SUBSCEHTION RATES: Month. SPTJ Three Mouths,.. JJ 1 KMo.tk-, " Twalva Months, - ONLY IN ADVAMCT. Advertlalnfrrate furnished upon ap- BUcaUoa M IM OBO or apua vurj . Tk Jotraxai, to only tent on pnr-la-advaaoa bMii. Subscriber will racaiTe aotlo of expiration of their sub criptiona and an Immediate response to notice U be appreciated by the JOUBMAL Entered at the Potofflce,ENew Bern at. CL m secosd-clas matter. Recti One. Taesdar, J 1 7. NO CAR FAMINES NECES SARY. Every railroad has at perlodi daring th year, car famine along 1U lines, all doe to the fact that bin shipper! are holding can with freight, for their own accommodation, while the railroad com pany fear to offer any serious complaint for fear of offending a good customer. The waste to railroads through this holding back, is very large, while at times It works a serious inconvenience to shippers who may want cars to more their produce, and cannot be quickly supplied. But a reform Is promised in this mat ter and a per diem charge is to be made for freight cars. On this subject the Pittsburg Post says, rThe American Railway association announces that after July It will adopt a per diem charge fur freight cars, and this system, if honestly and efficiently carried out, will be one of the most sen sible reforms that railroads ever Intro duced. Most business men know what it Is to be annoyed by a "car famine.'' and most railroad officials hare some idea of the loss that occurs to railroads through them. The principal cause of the car famine is not that there are not enough cars In the service of the companies, but that cars ass allowed to lie Idle to accommo date big shippers, who fail to unload them promptly DQt use them for storage purposes. "The statistics on this subject recently eomplled by Mr. Mldgely, of the inter state commerce commission, are astound lag, and show that even railroad men do not understand the extent to which their cars are out of use. Mr. Midgely shows that the average movement of height equipment has been or late less man tweutv lutfles per car par day that is, taking ten miles per .hour as the average speed en KMgni inuns, aeon car was in motion lesaJasa , two : aoarCper day. Assuming twsutv-sli dart to the month the service in transit of eaea car was not over fifty-two hours, or two and one third days. This leaves, a margin of twenty-three and two-thlrda days for loading, unloading, repairs,' etc. Ob viously me waste must ea very targe. NO NATIONAL BURIAL ECON OMIES. The American upon, the ; average, ; takes no special heed, when tt comes to the expenses of burying the dead. . Bran among the poot, there must be a libenal appearance and. display at the funeral, even If those doing the work, the undertaker, liveryman, and florist must wait for their pay. ,. The Just payment to the dead of re spect, has been the endeavor of the liv ing from the early ages,! d there Is no probability that the custom will change . .' 5 - Even among the nations not counted at civilized, there Is always the outward respect Shown the remains of the de parted. , . ... , , ;ri;i . , The superstition ,: or jonging to be buried la one's own land, I not confined ' to the Chinese, for all people hav the Ts , longing to, be finally j laid among their kindred. As to the burial economies, practiced . by the Chinese and .Jspsnese, an ex- The Chinese send the bones of their dead back to China for burial, but the if. Jape cremate their dead .and send the ashes back by mall. They save thus, on an average, 954,86, for the freight on a , dead Chinaman's bones; averages $55, ' while thaashet of a dead (Japanese can ' be put in a large envelope and mailed at t a cost of 10 cents. t-.-'; The transportation of the remains of a tab, indeed. orv seven years from the , time of death for the body is first In terred In an American cemetery, and there to left UU Its torn comes for ship ment home an Interval of waiting that jHnnonta to seven years, as a rule. '1. 9 r"wrfu Cleanse companies have - T".-isi They look after t i .1 of &elr deceased members j i m the benevolent associations of country do, The Japanese have no . f i co "panics. They are, the Chinese y tinea. - v: "Ml ; J Close upon the publication of the de j llnquent tax payers, comes the notice ; far tax payers, that they must prepare t 'r property tax -lists, and give In t' ilr property to be taxedfor a new ' y r. -.-,. v . 1 f" ) tvz tx peyor, there "' s " ' -;". z T'"'"9 tog 1' "S tor tales, a never endlag cry of 70ur ssoaey," frota Ibe tax eoltoctor. It to said that tax listing, tfcs valua- Uoa a man plaeee upon all property, Is the greatest teat that cat be made ipoa the moral aide of a man's character.' Personal property of every kind shows a great depreciation la valie, when It eomea to be pat down on the (ax list. And yet why should a snan forswear himself Because some other man does, may be the answer. But this does not correct the matter, nor does one man's wrong doing; Justify another committing the same act Municipal, county, 8tate and national expenditures must be made, and tax payers must bear the burden. Forswearing and nader valuation, with the object of securing a less amount Of taxes to pay, does not benefit the tax payer. Public expenses must be met, and under valuations may not raise enough, yet the balance due has to be met In some way, and the tax payer must make good the deficit If every c Hi sen would give In his prop erty upon an equitable ass of value, Without a strain of conscience, and not under value because some one else does, tax raising would prove no such burden ai It to today. There is something radically wrong la our present system of tax listing, for it breeds dishonest Hstlnr, and the real burden does not fall equitably upon those who by all right should bear a just proportion of the public expenses, but upon those who pay out of proportion to means and property. " - Statb ow Ohio, Citt of Tolido, I Lucas Comm. j " Frank J. Chenit makes oath that he .s senior partner of the firm of F. J Cbknxt & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and Bute afore said, and that said firm will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cdrs. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th da? of December, A.D. 1886. . A. W. OLEASON, j sxai. J Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ' Bold by all Druggists. Hall's Pamily Pills are the best A Cbarek la Difflealtlaa. It was a New England parson who announced to his congregation on a re cent Sunday, "You will be sorry to hear that the little church at Jones- Mile Is pace more tossed upon the waves, a sheep without a shepherd." Christian Register. Saved From aa Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers- burg, Pa. "I waa so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used It, and was com pletely e ured." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases It to the safest cure In the worldjud Is Infallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guar anteed bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D.Bradbam's. ' ' : ! Plahrauias Lack. 1 understand that Miss Specie caught a duke while fishing In Eu rope." , . - "Yes, but she declares that she book ed two princes, and they got away Just as abe jras about to land them.'' Town and Coni ootry. r RELIEF HI SIX HOURS. DtotreseinFJdaey and Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by "Nrw Orkat South Ajoricah Kidsxt Cubs." It is a great surprise on I account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In btodder, kidney and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water al most immediately. ,If you want quick relief and core this to the remedy. Sold by 0, D. Bradhem, Druggist ' i Htw .Vlte Has; Wke4. Victor tlugo always wrote standing at a. high desk.. especially constructed for him, throwing off sheet after sheet as" fast as be tilled it Mil be would be cjulte snowed op la leaves of foolscap. Be often com la .the middle of the night to note down an Idea or a verse. He got np for the day usually at 0 e'clock and would devote from six to eight hours per diem to his work. He Bade bat few jcomcpona, bis poems being thought out complete In Us brain before be put pen to paper. It la a well known factibatbe Indulged In the ar duous task of composition while trav ersing the streets of Paris on the top of an omnibus. . When working out some great conception, be would spend hours In this way. , v - j A Good Cough Keiiclne. It speaka well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use It In their own families la preference to any other, "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the put five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N.T. "I have always used it la my own famHy for both ordinary coughs aud eoUs and for the cough following la grippe, and find It very efficacious. Tor sr 'e ly F. 8. Duffy & Co. ' ! iC:td Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit yoa eat. This preparation contain aU of thi food, itglvealnsunt relief an4 never it A- a . , . . laiia mi cure, at aiiows yoa to tat au ttM fnrwt vna anknL. ThutoMtwnilti. stomachs can takalu By iu use many thousands of dyspeptic bave been eured after every Uiiug alee failed. It prevent format iu o owtaa on the atotn acb, relieving all4aitreaXter eating. Dieting inneceesarj. tleasaat to tak it can't nei? m fraparvdooWby K.O. DaWmOo.,Ualra ta H, aowfc rvauln sj llman a top, aaa. r. a, DUFFY CO, r . ORCHARD AND GARDEN, .i i .. Better not prune at all than to pruo Improperly. Jn planting cot graft only the up per bud anould be toft above ground. The very best time to graft la Just .when the bade are beginning to swell. The chlei value, of dwarf pear eon data la their early bearing, due to de fective cireulaUea of the sap. good wa to plant oung tree to to make . large lbolev set the tree In the centerv.spread out the root end uu ut wiiu jkuuu won, i In setting out strawberrlo the soil ahoald bo rich end mellaxv, no that the root can be spread out Hn shaped. Fu the soil well la among the root. Never permit a .tree or vine to over bear. A tree or vine, that 1 almost breaking jclth it toad of fruit may look pretty, but It 1 rarely 4 profitable one, ..Quality la tit tnore Importance Leads Them AIL ' One If Inute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung trou bles," says D. Scott Cnrrin of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts Immediately. If others everywhere tes tify to the good It has done their little ones. Croup to so sudden In Its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to ' One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. F. 8. Duffy. Ia Car. "Your fare, madam," said the street car conductor as he elbowed a path through the crush. "Oh, thank you, sir!" she Bald, mis taking the remark for a compliment. But the conductor, of course, .was In exorable, and she bad to fork over.' Baltimore News. . . 1 100 Dr. E. DeKhons's AnU-DIuretlC may be worth to you more than $100 If you have a child who soils bedding fram-l incontinence of water during sKSef, Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. B. Bradbam, Druggist. Janars Settled It. Two boys in a rural Scotch district were one day discussing what sign It was when the cuckoo la heard for the first time In the year. One of them said It was a sign of getting married, While the other said It was a sign that yon were going to be rich. A farmer, overhearing them, said, "That cannot be true, because I bare heard It many times, and I am not married yet, tad I am certainly not rich." Just then a local worthy, known Si "Daft Jamie," was passing by, and the farmer said, "Jamie, can you ten us what sign it Is when you bear the cuckoo for the first time 7" Tea," said Jamie a he took bis pipe from hi mouth, "If a sign you're not deaf," Spring Fever. , ; , Spring fever is another name for bil iousness. It Is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and Inactive bowel mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious Illness may follow such symptoms. De Witt's Little i Early Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels and cleans ing the system of impurities. Safe pills. Nevergripe. "I have taken De Witt's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes R M Everly, Moundsvflle, W. Va. "They do me snore good than any thing I Aave ever tried." F. 8L Duffy. ; Thriftless. ' s - . foot Woman An; your ladyship, the very serious Illness of my husband has consumed our little aft, and we are pen. nllesa! Lady Dear, dearl How could your husband be so thriftless as to get ill ao much beyond hi mean London Tu Bit. .. . v.; Mr." W. 8. 'Whedon, Cashier of the First National Bank of "Wfaterset, lows In a recent letter gives some experience a carpenter In his employ, that will be of value to other mechanics He saya: "I bad a carpenter working for me who was . obliged to stop work for several dsys on account of being troubled with dia.Thooa. '. I mentioned , to him : that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy had cured me. lie bought a bottle of It from the druggist here and Informed me that one dose cured him, ana is spam at his work.'" For sale by A Clo Chaaarlaat Mat. : A color changing paint especially adapted for making visible hot boxes In machinery la prepared by a German chemist by carefully rubbing up equal parts of mercuric iods and cuprio Iodide with enough distilled water te form a thin paste. At ordinary temper ature this mixture la red, but it turns black at about CO degrees C, becoming rea again on cooling. - TCJJXf Stan tl . f gaetar of I v.;;,ciiD:i;- - Apiliatlons For Scholarships Bela; v 'Made. Ceryaratlea farmed Ter laaarae - tire f BkeemeeMe. Offer Jot - - , $200 Fer Appreheaslen ef Person vTk Set ; " the Fire ef ' V -.:V' AJe I'': : Ralxioh, Jane IS. The Stat Super intendent of .Pnblle Initruotloa has al ready received application from five persona for the three N. C scholarships announced as vacant la Peabody Nor- al College, Nashville, Tene. They are from Luptoa Btrowd, Hollis, Rutherford county, Mis Mabel A baker, Obed, Ashe eoonty, MIm Emma WMaford, King's Mountain; Miss Lena R. Smyth, Green-Tllle-a M. Hall, Folsoa, N.C These and all others applylag will have to stand the competitive examination .be fore their respective County Superin tendent July 17 and 18th. . Mr. J. Hal Babbitt for many years a promlaent business man and druggist here Will go to Baltimore to live, he hav ing organised s $300,000 slock company there to manufacture and aell his fa mous rheumatlim "Rheumaclde" on an eaormoua scale. Mr. Babbitt to presi dent of the Babbitt and Wynne Drug Co., and the Norwood Cigar Co. here. Both conoerm will continue here with Mr. Babbitt si a large stock-holder. The People'sTrsnsportatloa and Power Co. of High Feint ha been chartered for the purpose of operating an electric street railway system in that growing young city. 'vr An unusually good record was made yesterday by (he Raleigh fire department In fighting the fire which broke out In Kelly's livery stables. Not In recent years has there been a fire here which threatened suck wholesale destruction but by prompt and herolo work Raleigh's volunteer firemen extinguished It before $100. damage was done the buildings. The nine horses which perjghed were' stilled to death by the dense smoke. The people o( Raleigh are enthusiastic over the record the laddies made and the effect will be that the $1,000 and all else for the royal entertainment of the State firemen July 23, 23 and 24 will come eauy. Commissioner Young has issued a clrcu lar offering $200 reward for the arrest and delivery to the sheriff of Pitt county of any persons guilty of starling the Incen diary fire June 8th which destroyed a large part of the town of Ayden. A GENTLE HINT. Ia-nT style of -cttmato,' With Its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled In a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relative are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from. tUI cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for Immediate use will prevent serious slckness.a large doctor's bill, and per haps death, by the use of three or four doses.' For curing Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Throat or Longs, Its success is simply wonderful, as your uruggisi win ieu ou. uet a sample bottle free from F. S. Duffy. Reg ular size, 75cla. Get Green's Special Almanac. ; :! " Scotch Thrift. ' The ferryboat wn well on her way when a violent storm arose, and fears were entertained for hor safety. The ferryman and bis mate, both Scotchmen, held a consultation, and after a short debate the ferryman turn ed to bis passenger and remarked anxiously .." ... - "Well Just tak' yer tuppences soo, tor we no ken what might come ower ns." London Answers. Filthy Temples In India. - Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, but worse yet Is a body that's pol luted by constipation. , Don't permit it Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. Thep give lively livers, ' active 'bowel, good digestion, fine sppetlte.' Only 23c at C. D-Bradham's drug store. Bvolutloa of (ha teaama, ' , .The preliiKtorlc mosquito," said the learned pwifoNnor. '.'bad, a bill ten feet long, bin that cortnlnly would slarm any man in these days." . . , rrrofeasor,'; asked the man with the Inquiring mind, "was the prehistoric mosquito the prehistoric Iceman? If so, I begin te take somo stock In Dar win's theory -ef ancestral traits." Bal timore American. '.:; -rV,',,. Call at F. 8. Duffy '& Co's drug store and get a free" sample of .Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. Tbey also Improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. T . . '. " ' ; Qrvar aa lr Draw.. ' '' Blobbs-D'Anlier Is an artist, tan'f bet -- ;f Slobbs Pve seen biro : draw a full bouse on a four card draw. An srtlstl He' a wtoard.-PbIladclpbla Record. SPearc4 Brrt Trait, " He I dont see bow we can get mar ried, dear, If the price of mmt contin ues to advance. She But pearl and diamond . are the same. Ufa . . " Ready to Yield.-.''. '1 used DeWttt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles snd found It a certain cure," says 8. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary to cure pl!i e. They always yield to DeWltts Witch Hazel salve. , Cures l!a Ceaws, kinds of wounds. Acer; t no 'cou:;t ;r- ":.. F. 8. Duffy, '. WIU.T,'OOJX Excellent CesilHoa of Tobacca Crep Large Tlcll ef Eoney. Jsasl-Kr.G. W. Ward, ef Swans- boro, the Baiter Pali school teacher, and Capt Ja. O. Plgott of Bogae, were la oar place last Tuesday sad Wednesday. They were on their way to the Teachers Assembly. Mr David Ogtosby and daughter Floe- I ale, of New J six j, formerly of this Bute and county, are vUiUag their relatives and aged father; Opt. L T Oglcsby. - This Is a good week hare a many vial tors stop In passing to the Teacher As sembly. ' - . v . Very dry and. crops look somewhat bad la place, but the tobacco crop to good. Mr. W. T. Pelletler has GO acres, D Watson and brothers bave about the same, TnoeMcCabe and sons 10 acres, Lee Fulcher 4 acres, Thos Bell 4 acres, and many others near here, Messrs. Pel letler and Watson have the best we have Mr Carl Watson ha 14 bee hives In working order, he took 6 gams tost Toes day night and though of amsH. size, he realised 8 gallons squeesed honey, about 178 pounds of fine comb, besides the wax We-call that good be taking. Mr Will Murdock to still teaching on Bogue Banks, western end, his school will close soon. Mr. Thos. Tolson and family have the measles with them now, Miss Bessie, his youngest daughter, and our nice little friend, had a severe case of them tost week. r Mr. J. Stewart, the shad factory man, Is making some fine scrap now at his place of business near Wlldwood, he tells us, he readily gets $1.18 per bund, lbs. for scrap now. : . Mrs. Jenny Hlnes and her aged moth er have had rather a hard time for some month's past, because of the serious sickness of the mother, we are glad to say both are now convalescent Mrs. Jenny was not seriously Indisposed her self, but her mother was expected to die for several weeks- She is 80 years of sge. Little Misses Msy McCabe, Carrie Pel letter, Gene Collins and Bessie Tolson, were welcome visitors to see the writer last week, a they were pets of his In school last year. Messrs. Ervln Oglesby, W.T. Pelle tler, Thos. McCabe and sons, D, Watson and Bros., W. 8. Bell Sr., add son, L. F. Fulcher, Elijah Oglesby and son, Jesse Bell, T. 8. Bell and others are the prin cipal farmers In and around Wlldwood this year, nearly all of these farmers have more or less tobacco and the most of It look well U V These Items are written In the busy absence of the Wlldwood Itemiser, with best wishes for his future welfare. W. A Real Friend. "I suffered frem dyspepsia and Indi gestion for fifteen years," says W T Bturdevant or Merry Oaks, N. C. "After Ilhad tried many doctors and medicines to no avail one .of my friends persuaded me to try Kodol. It gave immediate re lief. I can eat almost anvthlna- I want now and my digestion Is good I cheer fully recommend Kodol." Don't try to cure stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the system. You need wholesome,' strengthening food. Kodol enables yon to assimilate what yoa est by digesting It without the stnmsch's aid. - F. B. Duffy. THE ROYAL BOX. - The young king of Spain, It I laid, mad a favorable Impression on the minister by the quality of Intelligence evidenced in bla questions. : r' King Edward, It Is anid, will appoint tn Duke of Fife lord high constable for the coronation in order to give bis eon-ln-law precedence over the other dukee who are bis seniors la rank, Prince Bemadotte, second son of the King of Sweden. U deeply religious man. , He to president of the Young Men's Christian association of Stock holm,' the. chairman of a missionary society and of many like Institutions. He frequently preaches. t Haw; Time in Old Town, . '"We felt very nappy," writes 31. N. Bevil), Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad ease of scald head." It delights all who use It for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Bolls, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c at C D. Bradham's drug store. .... :' A Slha-nlar Marrlaaa Caataaa. The Kurds bave a very curious and somewhat dangerous marriage custom, which one would think would be more honored In tbe breach than In the ob servance. The husband, surrounded by a bodyguard of twenty or thirty young men, carries bis wife home on his back In a scarlet cloth and Is desperately as saulted tbe whole way by a number of gins. ; ' Sticks and stones are hurled at the bridegroom, who, in tbe coming borne with his bride, can hardly be consider ed a very nappy man, for the irate amasons often inflict on blm marks which be carries to the grave. It may be that among the lady pursuers are some of ' the' bridegroom's former "flames," who turn the mock attack into downright earnest to avenge slighted love. ; . Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine la given by druggist G. W. Robert or Elizabeth, W. Vs. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incura ble cancer. Tbey believed his case hopeless till be used f.lectrlc Eltters snd applied Bucklen's Amlca.Eulve, which treatment completely cured bla. When Elivtrlc DUicrs sre used to expel l":on kidney snd ndcrobe poisons at i" a r e time tL!s Jve cterts its mate!.' 1 1 1 1 fnrttf Uooi diseases, s'.'j ; j tf. ' ?, ! " s t " I tres vsnfr':, ! " r;: :"MtC.D.r- '!. t" :x!csn ftr Vat tT rm nr mu trarfa i W iw Umui Jii For a Lame Back, , .. 5ore Muscles, ; ? -or, in fact, all Lamenesa and Sore ness of your body there is nothing that will drive out the pain and in flammation, so quickly as i i " i ' .Mexican 'Mustang Liniment i ' If yoii cannot reach the spot your t self get Borne one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be 1: rubbed in most, thoroughly. - ' Mexican flustang Liniment oveKOme the ailment of honaa and all domestic animals. In faot, it Is a flesh healer and paia killr bo matter whoor what to patlantk. Half of a man's mer lies in the We have the Swelleet Line of you ever saw or ever will see- - Cheviots, Madras, Percale NEW AND EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS Just Received, at , , 50c to AND TO BEHIND YOU wa Genty Shoes, High and Low' CutT" These we bought especially for summer wear. Patent Calf, Vici, Velour, arftt ! Box 'Calf As good as others charge $5.00 for Ours 43.00 to $3.50. . " ; 99 Middle Street ,t - 1 ii....- o a-rtf - h 3 mum are all the rogue this summer, we are showing alt the new ef- fecta -, - ' " . v a j - s . ; s . $0.50 to $12,50. Also a large line of Caps, Boys' and Meuis sizes,1 in cloth, straw white duck and flannel, 126c, 60c and 75c. , A large line of patterns to select from. . J. Gt -Ditnn & Co., TM a.'. T"ftlrV rVsina '.'" J 57 UPolloclz-Stxcotl- '222 OOCOCOCCOOOOOOC Z 2 . 1 . M II. ill I M ' ' a1 ZJ .. U ' . L I- ...... m Wire Screens, poor and. Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Shavers. : y ? '"" 1 : A full line of Ilardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Enamels in Cold, Silver and Alluminum. ' . ; A new lot Tall Eeaiing Castors, improved. . Our goods as represented, miGT3 TI1E L0Y7EST. " Cive us yonr oi'rs. . f C .-r- - 117. itsxz Liniment - a, tt rwa throurh tb aamclai aad wtUl I. ii ami I comfort in sum shirt he wears. $1.50. hare just in a beautiful line of mil TUCKER BROS. ..' ... 810 North front Street, . " WILMINGTON, . . N. V. The place to buy jour Cemetery Work at 110TTOM PRICE. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. . Send for latest designs. All work delivered. . Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. ' o ( ) ( ) :j

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