:f UDUto A! 1WUT. Repair bra betmg m on the Ml wail kt Seat Front, Tk lighted beacon located at Wtlkln sob1! Point la retorted to b down. . Xitensive repairs ere being saed oa U Neee tad the Trent bridge. TU track auiket wm ttrely jaaUrday wtta large shipment of beans aad pota ' toe. Toaiatoea aierlpaalag fa local gar den, t Th Htm of Soaday and Monday . were greatly apptadaud by thetamen aa the dry weather wu baooalng threat aalag. .' Mr. J. CFolfordhs opened busln '. 77 Crtraa St the old Journal stand, ' where be will keep machinery aad salll f'aappUea, aad book orden for tame. Mr. IT. P. Barren gaTt a delightful V'-aalllng party latt evenlngoa tba achooa er Faaale Bmad Capt Hardlson. They ' vent to Johnsons Point A delicious ; aoppor was served oa board. The aontheaat etorm aehedoled for Bat nrday, was a little late la arrirlng, bat ' gave a good account of itself, nearly all of Monday, the wind blowing atrongly allday, with frequent shower. , The heat of the part few daya hai had a tendency to depress. The wannest . day of the aeatos wu Friday when the highest tern perat are wu 81 ' degree. Forcast for this week until Wednesday ' la pleaaant weather. About three yean ago a watch wu Itolen from the bureau In attorney W. D Mclrer'i room which wu recoTered re cently. The negro offered to pawa It to secure money to pay a line, the gentle man who took It suspected the watch to be the one stolen and II r. Mclver Iden tified it and the negro who had been found guilty of one charge of larceny wu made culpable for another charge. OABVbniA. ,4. t im vm iw ims imjt MBf rattan r North Carolina Press Association. The North Carolina Press Association will meet in Hendersonville Jane 25th and 26th. The essays for.the meetings are "How can the country weekly best secure and retain a large circulation?" by H. B. Yarner, alternate C. R. Hoey. "Bu a semt-weekly any advantage oyer a weekly from a business standpoint?, by W. F, Marshall, alternate R. R. Clark "The lights and shadows of newspaper life." byJosephus Daniels, alternate R. F. Beuly. "Bow to make a country weekly a financial snccesa," by Thad R. Manning, alternate J. A. Thomas. Continued Endorsement of Thomas. Sampson County, the home of Hon. JohttS. Fowler, who hu been the op ponent of Congressman Charles R. ThomM in the past two elections, en dorses with enthusiasm Hon. Charles R. Thomas for renominatlon and Instructs her delegation to cut the entire rote of the county for him. Ringing resolutions were passed and great enthusiasm pro Tailed. Every county in the third dis trict which hu held a convention up-to-date, Including Craven, Jones, Onslow and Sampson, hu endorsed and In structed for Mr. Thomas. The Conven tion will be held at Goldsboro on July 1 and will be an enthusiastic one, nomi nating our present representative by ac clamation. Charged With Assault The case of the United States v s Al vln Daniels, oyster Inspector for Pamli co county, wu heard before U. 8. Com missioner, Charles B. Hill In the Federal Court yesterday morning. The defend ant Is charged with assaulting Captain Parkin on board the schooner Charles LeRoy, In Middle Bay, Pamlico ' sound, within the jurisdiction of the U. 8 but not In the jurisdiction of any particular State. . ' The government wu represented by Hon. Harry Skinner, U. S. attorney, and the defendant's attorney wu the Hon. B D. Gilmer, Attorney General of North Carolina. ,' ',., -1' After the evidence for the government and the defense wu Introduced, the action wu dismissed, the attorney . fcr the government admitting that the Uni ted States could not get along, It ap pearing that the offense, If any wu coji mltted. wu within the jurisdiction of the State court. st i t H V i Examinations for Entrance, to the - A. it M. College. . Examinations for entrance to the State Arrlcnllnral and Mechanical (InlWa at ,k ; Raleigh wfll be held Tuesday, July 10th, ' In the court house (the County Superln . ten dent will be In charge.) : Toung men - desiring to enter that college and obtain a practical education In Agriculture, ! ; ' Engineering, Electricity, Cotton Mann factnrlng and Mechanical Arts can, try their hand at these examinations, and thus save the expenses of a trip to Ral- K I eigh. 940 scholarships are offered, eon ' ferrlng free tuition and room rent. ' j ' ' Umbrella Sale This Week. ; We put on tale thlr week one lot of fifty Ladles aoA Men fclack twill silk umbrellas, paragon, frames, steel rods with assorted hlSCl tegular price 11.43 special thla week 1X0 each. f ' BARFOOT BRO& Cures CoMs,LiGripp2 SAM iikimlHx). r: aat to take. Tour money ' boo if it faila. -i ey all tr;::::i3. FAT VS. LEANS. Sigrctttd Local Talent Far Sack a Suae " ta X T-Uje Bat ThU Week. It will be doll this week, no baseball In town, so a gaata la proposed between the -ever-fed- and the "underfed." The Fat Man wlQ Induce Tommy Walton Water' to catch. . He would then be close .enough to the grand stand, to hear aQ the complimentary things that wonld be aaid of ktnv II tha "onenaaber market wu good no doubt Baas Hack bom would be willing to do the twirling uwelluto "do" the umpire la ease decisions were not to his liking. , Co, H.E. Bryan, Jr., could hold down the first cushion to rival the great A then back, and ha might also be made Captain of the team and his dignity and diplomacy would lnaplre enthusiasm and diligent effort for his side. Johnny Watson, Jr., would be aa ajtorahla almpt iIaa aaA If tha fcaait played" ho would do the "cake walk"! and other "stunts" "between thej aota." Little Jimmy Dawson would excel Devlin at lad batte. 8eymour Hancock could "bold the bag" at third. Mr. Mortle Marks on account of his speed u a runner would be the very man to chase long files and foul balls In left field. . - This fills nearly all the places bat leaves the following aggregation. Lather Taylor, Wm- Dunn, L. J. Tay lor, t. B. Watson, W C. Wlllett, JR Parker, M L Hollowell, J R Parker, Jr., J A Jones and others of talent on the benches from which the other places could be filled and also be on hand to take the places of any overworked or disabled players For the lean and lanky, on account of the reputation gained by skillful pitch ing in the recent game between the Hooll cans and Katzenjamors of course CoP Thoe. W. Dewey will be asked to pitch. Dr. Primrose should be close at hand to do any short-stop work that would come his way. For 1st base, Hon. E. M. Green wu nominated but u the dear public are more Interested In ball both high and low than In 18 to 1, it is thought best to put him In center field where his talents can be employed In the consideration of "high balls.'' Percy Cox wu also nominated for first base but upon examination he wu found to be too fat to train with the lean kind; and In addition the grand stand says It cannot spare him so he will be there "dressed In his best suit of clothes' and ready to explain any fine points on the game In a style and manner that would put Jerome K. Jerome or Billy Baxter out of the game. Down at 2nd base Cousin Jonesey Wahabwill preside over the cushion and be in the game from beginning to end. The risk at the 8rd. pillow will be covered by H. C. Hughtes who will try to stop anything that comes his way. This leaves a few places unfilled but there is no end of talent among the underfed. Among them can be named, C. N. Ennett,H. C. Lumsden, W.W.Clark, O. H. Gulon. J. E. Latham, J.B.Hol land, D. R. Davis and others. It is suggested the game should have two umpires andT. Burk andE.W. Rosenthal It to thought would be accept able to both sides. If the game comes off shortly It is ex pec ted that Charley Beizensteln and old man Spalding and other base ball cranks will be down from New York. It should be a great game, and no ad vancein prices should be made to the public The players however should pay double fee. DIED In this city Monday afternoon June 16th, 1902, Miss Clyde E. Benton, aged 82 years and 6 months. The funeral services will be held this afternoon from St. Paul's -R. 0. Church at 5 o'clock. t' . Spring Feyer. Spring fever to another name for bil- iousness. It to more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and Inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious Illness may follow such symptoms. DeWltt's Little Early Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels and cleans ing the system of impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. "I have taken DeWltt's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes B M Everly, MoundsrQIe, W..Va. "They do me more good than anything I have ever : tried." F. 8, Duffy. '",.'; .'. ; ' Ladles ; Oxl6r4 Ties. . Another shipment of those $1.60 and 12.00 Oxford ties just received we have them In Patent Leather and Vlcl Kid, in all the new shapes, also two cases Misses and Children sandals all sizes 75c and 11.00. , BARFOOT BR03, ' LESS WOMtY. f 'f ;:;v ). Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It. All yon can do to to keep them aa free from exposure u possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway'i Croup Eyrup will fill every requirement, It to guaranteed to euro Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It Sold by Davis Henry's, , and Bradbam'i Pharmacy '"' ' ' :: : ; ' ' :''V ; f?MASaml nD m enetSMarm 1 V in Bcltian Hares STATE LEAGUE CAKTS - 4 I , , . 1 Retrhvycd Tester lay Acceaal ekaia. Games Today. '; , TODAY'S SCHBDnX. New Barn at Durham. ' Charlotte at Wilmington. -' " Greensboro at Raleigh. stamp mo or Tin cu won lor rsa eunr. Charlotte Raleigh New Bern 90 21 ; 17 17 U 5 IS 19 19 4 20 29 857 S83 472 472 444 171 Durham Greenaboro Wilmington Owing to the rain atom yesterday, the State League gamea u per schedule had to be postponed. - Manager Ellis wired the Jocbjal from Dnrham, that two . games wonld be played there Wednesday,1 owing to yes terday's postponement. ' ."- ' Call at F. 8. Duffy ft' Go's 'drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ar an elegant physic, They also Improve tha appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowel. They are euy to take and pleaaant in affect DOBBS. .- - . ; Movement to Buy Orfan For Church. There was a very welcome' rain Sun day which has greatly Improved crops. Miss Llule Ewell who baa bet-n teach ing at Tourman is home for Vacation. Miss Llziie Lancaster left Sunday for a wo weeks visit In Pitt county. Misses Lois A. and Lucrelia Willis at- ended the picnic at . Wup and spent Saturday night with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lancaster and their grand-daughter, Utile Llszle Hay Wliltfonl spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives In Washington. The mall from Dohbs to Chip wu put on regular route Monday, with Mr. Red ding Jones ss carrier. This gives us a city mall the mat! leaving Chip at 2:30 p m. and returning leaves Dobbs at 3:45 p. m. Miss Clara Brewer and brother Ray, who have been attending school at Beau fort returned home lut week to spend vacation. The young people of oar vicinity have started a movement to raise money to buv an organ for the Ellsworth church Anyone willing to contribute can send money to Misses Lizzie Lancaster, Lois Willis or H. C. Lancuter, Dobbs, N. C Mrs. T. J. JEwell and sons Roy and Clifton of Beaufort are visiting relatives In and near Vanceboro and Dobbs. Our community wu shocked to hear of the sudden death by heart failure of Mr. Henry J. Carowon, Jwhich occurred at his home near Cowpen Landing at 2 o clock lut Saturday the Tlnst He leaves a wife one daughter and five sons to mourn their loss. He wu a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. "Wandering Willie." McDuffiCs Witch Hazel Foot Healer to one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives Instant re lief. 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. - . Peccavl! Greenaboro Record. Mr. Chu. L. Stevens, of the New Bern Journal, In an unguarded moment, con sented to umpire a game of ball la that town Monday and now his friends are engaged In certifying to his fair rulings. A newspaper man who will be caught In such a scrape to entitled to the sympathy of the entire country. He should be sternly reprimanded by the next press convention, not for Jits rulings, but for being caught trying to do such a thing u umpire a bal game. IN MEMORY OP Jacob Kafer, Born In Germany, Decern berZ3,ib4i, mea in uermany, May 30, 1902, In the Slat year of -hie age. ' Mr. Kafer came to this country, and In 1867 he settled In Edenton, N. C, where he successfully carried on his baking business and accumulated a very considerable amount of money, through the failure of a bank a considerable part of It wu lost. , Be moved to New Bern, N. C, In 1881 aad began his baking bust neu which he carried on very . success fully". fi:-' f About two years ago his health failed and for some time wu confined. Think Ing that a trip to his old home In Ger many might be of benefit to him be left New Bern and went to Germaay, he however found no relief and returned to New Bern. A few months ago he again went to Germany where he dled."': . Mr. Kafer wu one of the most In dostrlous and prudent of men. -. He scarcely ever left his place of business and wu rarelv seen In the streets, He gained the respect of our entire com. munlty. : He leaves a wife and fire child ren who have, to a large extent the sym pathy of our people. , Q. Leads Them AIL One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs colds, croup and throat and long trou blea," says D. Scott Currin of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure to the only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts Immediately, "others everywhere tes tify to the good it has done their little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure.' Pleasant to take. CM'Jreu like It, Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. F. 8. Duffy. ' Oranges 80c per dozen at McSorley, MONEY. Frtatoa e-awtUla' Vrrwhcm, 'WmUm kwAla' mitlj fair; Skim a aoft ' tater blu. Klrda a-cmcta' sob t yoa. -' -HUo, tawrar an' "MarnlB, BB3P. How tbair crw wttk aladMM tU; How tbr srab jraur haad aa' aAAket How the? btd roa e00 " , BoaMUUa' vrtu'kM wttn taa, , Jea ta tooaaa ub Um pbws - : ; la roar throat, tar 'Um bo. , Btck Mas far eooat. yoa know, , Wtaaa a mm ha aaoaey. Don't tha worM look brtfiit aa la la bar ion of sua an' anlBot Hain't bo ailla' swoat aa part, IJka a rafter UU1 ftlrtl . ttoa't tha f lad bAod to yoa raaehT -Don't taey holtar. "ToaT a aaaohr -Doa't kick coma Jafoath) whir ; Wbaa yoa hain't a-naadla' hart . Doa't thins coma. oh. doa't they, say. Com a-runnln' dowa yoor way t -Doa't It aaeai an aaay ram. i PUis' up km mora the aama. . , When a man ha money T Wfcttewood (S. DJ FlaJndeatar. FASfflON HINTS. A Dainty Theatre Bodice of Liberty Silk Over Taffeta. j : ; With the signs of approaching warm weather oar heavy and. much trimmed satin and peao de sole waists are iouad too uncomfortable and w long for lighter garments to wear to the theatre. A very dainty waist Is of pale blue liberty silk over taffeta of the same shade and is trimmed with ribbon-run beading. It hu something of a bolero effect, as the lower part consists of plaited chiffon which blouses slightly over the belt. An attractive chiffon jabot completes the garniture. The stitching is all done with Corticelli silk. When finished this makes a very attractive waist. Democratic Senatorial Convention, 8th District Pursuant to order of the Executive Committe of the 8th Senatorial District of North Carolina a Convention will be held at Klnston, on Thursday the tenth day of July 1902, to nominate candidates for Senators for said district and for such other business as may come before the convention. .- M. D. W. Btevknson, Chairman, Ex. Committee. W.M. WKBB.Sec'y. , New Books at the New Bern Circu lating: Library. ' j The Blazed Trail, None But the Brave, The Leopard's Spots, The Opponents, The Westcotes, The Making of a States man, The Crisis, Tlo Minority, Philip Longstretts, Wallannah, The Dark O' The Moon, The Allen.The Battleground, Circumstance, The Misdemeanors of Nancy, Tarry Thou Till I Come, The Lady Paramount, Old Virginia and her Neighbors, The Valley of Decision, The Kentons, Jsck and Jill, Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, Little Women, .The Days of Bruce, Home Influence, The Mother's Recompense, The Vale of Ce dars. ' Chocolates 20c per pound at McSorloy A Worthy Project. y.r f - Eorron Joubnai-AHqw 'me space In your ably edited paper a word concern ing the Industrial , Educational school work now being made a live by Rev. A. L. C. Weeks backed by the good people of the city and elsewhere. IvO'-'" The work to already assured of success The canvass of ; the city for - funds though meager, yet the good white people have so liberally responded on til a commencemont to build will begin this month. ..... j The building must be completed by September, every donor ill then be ap preciated and remembered. More goodwill come to the colored race and the ousinesi interest oi new Bern from this single effort of Rev. A. L. C. Weeks, than from tbe combine ef forts of all the race's self constituted friends since tbe last Civil War between the States. Strange u It Is, yet It Is true, though they have been walled upon, yet the truth to uy not one twnl baa been sub scribed or given Re. We. ks to help tbe good work along by the local white Re publicans, This school will soon reach a prcjior tlon snendlncr fifty thousand dollars each year in New Bern. - Who will sot this money? The bual neu interest t Mow who help In the childhood dsys of the school will be remembered when the school gets grown. . This school Is to model after Booker T. Washington's great normal and In dustrlal school at Tuskcgeo. Alabama His school Is said to be tbe greatest In dustrlal school on earth, and the pro moters of the work here propose to make this Industrial work the greatest In the world. Anon ' Signed, Isaac U. Smith -i""tMV"i imi)r-tni-""tty TWO HIT WATS. There wu a man who advertised But oace e slsgl time. la spot obscured placed he hit ad. Aad paid for It a dime. Aad Just because ft dldat bring Hun eastosMrs by scorav ' - "AO advertising to a fake," Ha said, or rather, swore. He seemed to think one kAmater tap Would drive a nafl clear Um - That from a bit of tiny thread ; A weaver tents could spin. If he this reasoning bright applied To eating, doubtless he Would dalm on Uttls bite would feed Tea men a century. Some day, though, he will learn that to Make advertising pay, . HeHl have to add ads, to his ad And adverttoe each day. -E. Towasend, in National Advertiser. COVE. Hew Water Tank aad Warehouse. Accl- dcatto Hiss Taylor. June 13. Work on the new water tank hu been commenced aad usoon uthlshu been completed we are to have a new warehouse we hope, and the old eye sore done away with. Mtos Jessie Taylor had the misfortune to fall down the stair steps while de scending Monday night, bat we are glad to note that the Injury wu very alight. Mr. Walter Glover to on the alck list this week. We trust he will soon be well again. . ' ' .. ' Messrs. Gordon Avery, John Charlton and Thos. White of New Bern, were visitors here Sunday. We are having music by the wholesale this week, u Capt. Cook to a fine music ian and he la here, ... We are always glsd to see Cnpt. Cook as he is a Jolly good fellow and always full of fun. Messrs. 8. C. White and Junius Avery went to New Bern on bnsiness Toes- day. . ' Mlu Ruth Avery spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives In Golds boro. Mr. Duncan Ipock Is suffering very much with a sore hand. ' Mr, William Roberson hu accepted a position as sawyer with the White Bros. Lumber Co. Before next Issue goes to press Two hearts will beat u In one breast Now don't all uk who this may he Just wait a week and we can see. Soft Crabs at Oak Market. Delegates to Judicial Contention. D P Whitford, Juper Carawon, W E Brown, W 0 Brewer, Nathan Ttodale, Z M Carawon, Hugh Lancuter, Sllu Ful- cher, Joslah Tingie, F 8 Ernul, F P Rowe, W A Barrlngton, Alfred Gukins 8 W Latham, Brlce Gukins, W M Tyn dal, Thomu Ipock, Sam Robinson, W 0 White, B B Wooten, L 8 Harper, J W Lane W B Puree, Albert Wadaworth, W B Lane, J T House, P M Pearsall, HPelletler, A B Dawson, HO Wood, Bryan Ives, John Pittman, T E Hay wood, Allen Tolson, J H Hunter, John Morton, Graham T Richardson, Walter Bray, J A Meadows, L J Moore,' R A Nunn, H H Dowdy. ML Jacobs, T G Hyman, E M Green, R B Nixon, G B Foy, J J Baxter, 3 W Diddle, James A Bryan. W M Watson, Mark Stevenson, G B Waters, 8 W Bmallwood, F T Pat terson, DrNH Street, W P Burr us, K R Jones, O Marks, Mark Disosway, E W Small wood, H R Bryan, Jr., Ed Gerock, O T Watson, 8 R Street, A D Ward, . E H Meadows, 8 R Ball, C R Hancock, Dr, J W Duguld, H O Whltehurst, Dr Lelns- ter Duffy, Sam Brinson. T A Green, Dr. Rhem, T F McCarthy, C L Btevens, D 8 Jones, D L Roberta, Thos Daniels,? J A Redmond, Enoch Wadaworth, E T Gas kill, John M Hargett, James McCoy, Bam Howard, H L Hall, G N Eunett, Will Lovenear, G ANIcoU, Joseph Guklll. John Suter, Jr., Guilford Lewis, S B Parker, D B Wood. , - , 1 By virtue of the authority vested in me by the County Convention which convened at the Court House in New Bern on May 24, 1902, 1 hereby appoint the above named persons delegates to the Judicial Convention called for the Third Judicial Dlslrfct, at Klnston, July 10th Inst , D. L, Wabd. ' We hereby approve tbe appointment of the above delegates and declare the same to be delegate from Craven Coun ty to the Judicial Convention for the Third Judicial District ,- ' Edward Gibock, Bec'y., - . Craven Co. Con, ; W B Lark, Chairman,.. . -k .-:-. , Craven Co. Con, '", NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET . WHOLKBALB PRICtS CUHBE1TT, Eggs, per do.... ...12c Chickens, old per palr....,...,.60&0 " youug, per pr., ....... 25 ft 40 Geese, per patr. .. 80 to 1.00 Pork, per lb. . 7ft Beef, " 6 ft 6 nidos, green, per lb ..... dry, " .......... ....9&11 Beeswax, 20 to 23 Rwe t Po'atoea, Tarns, per bush. SO to 70 . Bahamu - 46 Cum, per bnrh ........... ........ 65 Oats, '. . ...... ." H reanuts. ........85 Local Grain Market, Corn, per bu.. ....... .... Oats per bu.. Meal, per bu..... ...... . omlny, pet bu..... ...... Corn bran, per 100 ll Wheat brn, per ....... Feed. 1001b Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs., Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs. Eh'p stu3 ... No. 1 TituoUsy, per ton... f .85 .62 .85 ,85 155 1.40 1.59 1.50 5 UD . t ' . Royal Worcester Corset Co. 1 I " Don i Kill That Lays the BUT Spend your money With those who work for the Interest of. your city. waekournl TliTorc Qnoolal Aaliioc Table Linen and Towels This Week. TIiioV nnrl Tiirtkh Towels Eaneniftllv th Bflgt Rath Towels W Vlt J. ate a v- . Crash at 5c yard and up. i The Best Russian Crash 10c. I A BIG CUT IKLEMBUOIDEBYS A Genoal Clearing out k this week. ' w UNIVERSITY Of &prth Carolina. Academic eimrintent . Isaw, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Loans for the needy, . ( 563 Students. 54 Instructors. Hew Dormitories, Water Works, Con tral Heating System. Fall term begins September 8, 190.V Address, . .. s. . . F. P. VE SABLE, President, ClIAPBI, HiLt, N. C. Commissioner 'g Sale, NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court, Craven County. J Before Oerk. J. A. Bryan, and J. J. Wolf enden ; and wife Carolina Wolfenden, VS.. - Thomas Singleton Court. NOTICE OF SALE. . ' I ursnant to the order of the Superior court of Craven county in the above en titled proceedings made and directed to me this the 12th day of May, A. D., 1902 nnder which order 1 was duly appoint ed Commissioner to make sale of the following described land for division, 1 will as commissioner offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday the 14th day of June, A. D.; 1903 at the hour of 18 o'clock, noon, at at the court house door of Craven coun ty in the city of New Bern, all the fol lowing described tracts of land lying and being in Oraven county, North Carolina situated upon and in Catfish Lake Poco sin. belne fully described in the Petition filed in the above entitled pBoceedings to which reference is made for full de scription of said land. Said petition be ing duly tiled in tne omce oi tne cierc of the Superior court ef Craven county lnthe above entitled cause and In the papers filed in said cause."-r,;v -V- j This May the 12th, 1903. - . f ROMULUS A. NUNN, , i i ".;''. Commissioner.: A fair day's wzjes ' for a fair days worh is ripht and just, but the wnfes must be paid in good coin. 8o don't cheat your horses by giving them interior feed. Get Bpencer's, w hich is of the host and uniform quality. Corn, oats, meal, etd, of the highest grade. 19&lI.VttDock, ilew Com, IT.C. Jp M,tl-i'':1,iiiiri',i" i.'fjrj mi - ) V (COL"2&OrJ FIT BIGHT' f EEL DI6I1T adc nianr Once worn always worn STRAIGHT FRONT Ask your merchant to order style ' ' i , ' . selected. v ' AoMptMatttareoraat , ' ue aa n4 .. WORCESTER, MASS. the Goose Golden Egg There's Consolation c w Knowing . tliat on can get your carriage re paired in a thoroughly efficient and dur able manner at Waters' Carriage Factory. Their skill in renewing all broken parts, painting and varnishing is too well known to need special mention, while their prices are remarkably moderate for the painstaking care displayed in all their work. .The man who fails to own a Waters buggy has mlseed a part of his fortune. Remember we are putting on rubber tires on old or new wheels, any size and kind. G. II. Water A Son, . 78 Broad .St, - Nkw UrkN, N. O j, Wheel Bargains. I !ave on hand several' samples of High-grade Bicycles that will be sold at Spot Factory Cost . These wheels are new and are the Greatest Bicycle Bargains ever offo?e.d in the city. . , " . 1 A few second band .bicycles In good running order for $5.00. ;mi.ZHILLt SPORTING GOODS, rXT 31 93 Middle Street. - 2M Players As well as everybody else, seed some good liver medicine occasionally. ERADQAM'S ANTIBILIOUS LIVER PILL3 "clesnse the liver, cool the blood and ease the head," without griping or danger of salivation note this these pills are purely vet";otallo nd serve their purpose as well If they- f ontnlued some pJr!- i. I.icrul drug. Cox of S3 for 11 C i. " Tg. ami sol.l at i '.'.: faCar ft

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