f, Vlt 111 C, & YOLDMI XXV. IVX BXRH, CEAYXI COUITT, I. C, TUISDAT, JUSI 24f l902.riRST SICTIOH. NUMBER 24 nuEien. Democratic Primaries la Wake County and RaleigH. Contract Let Tr Railroad tnu Ritherfordtoa U AifcevIlK. Federal Prisoners If sat ft HelUsy Jnly . . Interest!! Storj , . of Henry Wll-. ., , . ..' -'torn. ; Raleigh, Jane 81. Last Monday your correspondent tare the Brttnewi of the building of a railway from Rutn erfordton to Ashevllle and alio to Col- . ambus, Polk county. George 7. Can Is, formerly-of New York, bow of Balti more, will build this road. His wife la a North Carolinian and he become a resi dent of this State This road will tra verse the noted Hickory Nat Gap, at an ' average elevation of 800 feet above Broad River. There will be very friend ly relatione with the Seaboard Air-Line. The motive power through Hickory Nat Gap may be electricity. There is ample water-power to generate this..; The Democratic primaries for the higher offices were held in this city and county today. One of the most Inter esting features waa the contest between H. Q. Conner and Judge G. H. Brown for the Judicial nomination. This rather over-shadowed all the other ts- sues. , " Rev. A. MoCullen arrived here to lay to preach the annual sermon tomorrow before the Woman's Foreign Missionary 8. clety of the Methodist " Episcopal chu rch in North Caroline . , ? , 7 . The Slate Dental Society today closed its three days session,' and elected offi cers. .' ...... v The si i federal prisoners Whitevllle petition Judge give them a holiday July 4. in Jail at Pnraell to '. They j say tuey want to celebrate the day, Henry Wlflonwbo during President Andrew Jackson's administration was a mall carrier here, wasburled today by the Masons. : He was for many years a master car decorator la the Seaboard Air-Line shops here. --For years he had lived alone. He had $470 In gold hidden In his house. Two months ago it. was stolen. X t- Gov. Aycock appoints 20 delegates, all from the western part of the State, to the annual convention of . the Inter national Miners Association at Butte Montana, BallPlayers As - well ' as everybody else, need some' good liver medicine occasionally. . BRADHAM'8 ANTI BILIOUS LIVER PILLS "cleanse the liver, cool the blood and ease the head," without griping or danger, of salivation note this these pills are purely vegetable and serve their purpose as'well as If they contained some Injurious mineral drug. Box of 86 for 85c13 doses. Mfg. and sold at Bradham's Pharmacy. THOSE BRIGHT TOTS. A Batch of Funny Thing; Said hy the Llttl- Ones.- "I think the man In the moon must be sick," said little Fred one dark night. "Why, dear?" asked his mother. -'"Cause," replied the youthful ob server, ''he didn't light up tonight" , s-." "IIow would you like to be president of the United States, Johnnie?" asked the visitor of a bright five-year-old. -. "Well," replied the little fellow, "I might take the Job after I get too old to be n baseball pitcher." - Small Tommie (rt dinner) Mamma, ' chuck me a piece of bread, will you? ' Mamma (shocked) Why, Tommie, Is that the way to ask for it T . ; Small . Tommie Well then, please chuck ine a. piece of bread, -. . Little Nellie-Uncle Will' said the ' other day that he was as happy as a lark. Do .you suppose a lark Is very : happy? -.'.".,.; y Little Robert I should say not. Why, ' I read In a book that a lark gets up be . fore sunrise every morning. Chicago News. Th Unimportant Qnaatltr, . "You have been-with that firm a long time," sold the old school friend. ,. , "Xes," answered the man with the patient expression of countenance. "What's your position?". "I'm an employee." "But what is your official title?" "I haven't any official title. It's like this: .When the proprietor, wants some thing done he tells the cashier, and the cashier tells the bookkeeper, and the ' bookkeeper tells the assistant book keeper, Hind the assistant bookkeeper tells the chief clerk, and the chief clerk tells me.". ' --', -. "And what then?" "Well 1 haven't anybody to toll, so I have to go and do lt"-Washlngton Star. ' ' . - ' . Quit Satisfactory. - "What do you think of my new shirt waist, Cinreneu?" asked Arabella. "There's somutljlng In It I like very much," replied" Clarence, after a crit ical Inspection. "Oh, I'm so f!adl Whatlsitr "1'ou." Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele-E-pph. TELEGRAPHIC 1 BREVITIES. All Europe was visited by a cold war which was vtry severe la some parts of thecoaitry. The crops were badly In jured by the eold. - t Maine Democrats nominated 8. W. Gould for governor. The coal striks has assumed a serious condition la many ways. Violence has been tssed In the mining town of Penn sylvania and the mllltla la under orders to answer a call should they be required. The price of all kinds of fuel hu ad vanced. : .... y ' The Aagustintea CoIIeee of BL Thomas, at VQlanook, Pa, hu eon f erred the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence on Hon. G rover Cleveland. ; . By a vote of 87 to the Senate adopts the Panama canal route.- This course Is 184 miles shorter than the Nicaragua canal and the cost of building It will be 13,000,000. lees than the Nicaragua eanal which was preferred by many of the Senators. The ultimate disposition of the bill It uncertain. r Two thousand Democrats gathered at tbVTilden Club In New York city and listened to speeches by Hons. Grover Cleveland and David B. HULJThe meet ing was enthusiastic and harmonious. The railroads in Norfolk will build a anion station there which will cost about 1260,000. INDUSTRIAL ; NORTH CAROLINA. The Golden Belt Manufacturing Co't cotton mill at Durham has added 8,416 spindles snd 140 looms to Its plant. It now has a total of 640 looms and 24,418 spindles. The expense of the addition is about 1120,000. . - The People's ' Transportation '. and Power Co., of High Point, has been In eorporaled with a capital of $500,000. 1 he Rankin Coffin and Casket Co., at High Point hu been incorporated with a cepital of $20,000. The Consumers Cotton Oil Co., of Tarboro hu been Incorporated with 1100,000. The plant will consist of a building 100x800 feet and will have a capacity of 40 tons of otton seed oil meal per day. ' ' , . The Mutual Cotton Oil Co., of Tarboro hu been granted a license to do busi ness. The construction of the mill will begin soon. The capital of the company and the capacity of the mill have not yet been fully decided. . HcDufflce's Little Bine Liver Pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new person of yon. 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. ' ; MERE MEN. - Secretary of the Treasury Shaw la to occupy the former home In Washing ton of Commissioner of Pensions Ev- Haify P. Krela of Baltimore has one if the finest collections of theatrical and musical celebrities' autographs In this country. ' Colonel William F. Cody has given to Captain Charles' Christy, an old comrade In the early scouting days, ranch of 100 acres on the Shoshone riv er, near the national park, In .Wyo ming. . Russell B. Harrison, son Of the lata President Harrison, intends to glvs the government the burial plot of Wil liam Henry Harrison at North Bend, O., where ft statue to the old Indian fighter Kill be erected. - David McLean Parry of Indianapo lis, president of the National Associa tion of Manufacturers, was born on a farm near Pittsburg. He rises at B:3Q arm and is at his ofBtfe. desk ft quar ter of 7 every morning. . - ; ' . Leon, the fashionable batter of Par- Is, is dead. r When ho took the. meas urement of the head of a famous man, he always took it In duplicate, thus obtaining a collection of head shapes of celebrities of great interest to phre nologists, c. !. v.-.. ,' : t s f Robert T. Baptist' ex-slave from Vlr. glnla, who has given $1,000 to Booker Washington for the endowment Of ft Tuskegee scholarship, la an old man, but still active. He is employed as ft coachman by General Carpenter of Neil Tork aj bis summer home, neat Galway, Saratoga county, N. X. , .Mr. James Glalsher, the meteorolo gist. Is ninety-three years of age. For ty years ago he made one of the most remarkable balloon ascensions on rec ord. He was able to record ft height of 23,000 feet before he became un conscious. And the balloon probably reached 35,000 feet before his compan ion, Mr. Coxwell, managed to pull open the valve. 44 Sprfcj ' Fcr.T. D'J you ever have a c: a cf ."Spring Fever" 1 When It wu tLe W Jest work In t". a v--"-' 1 to do s-ytLlng at all f TUt was because your e. -Bern's machinery was out of oi.' r and required overhaul ing Er.AtllAirS LAXATIVE CHILL TOXI'J Is t!;e tit of a sys'.-n clow.-r and 'gen .:xl t: -.:c It enricl.es t" 1 1.-" .1 sni e . I s V-T't I") ", i i " - FEW BERN GETS PRESIDENT. Dr. J. K. Beaton, Elected Bud lortk Careilia Dental Society. v Other ' '- : Officers. -' ". . Special to JoarnaL Bixnen, Jane ti. The North Car Hae Dental Society adjourned kere to day to meet salt Jane at Winston.; It elected J.H. Benton of New Bern President, J, R. Osborne and D. L, James Tloe-Presidents, Martin Fleming, of Raleigh, Secretary, R. it Morrow, of Burlington, Treuarer, 7. L. Hunt, of AaheTflh Essayist. 1 " .; .The following were elected delegates to the National Association.' E, J. Wat kins, N. G." Carroll,' L S. Davis, P. M. Edmonson, P. S. Horton, J. W. Hatcher P. L. Hut, L S. Carr, J. R. Osborne, R. M. Morrow. . - i : Delegate to the National Association of Dental examiners, R. H.Jones. . " Members of the Bute examining board 8. P. HlUierd and T. M. Hunter. . I r : $ioo REWARD;.',; - : - Ashevllle. N. O-i Juno 19, 1902. $100 reward will be paid by the under signed to any one who will furnish In formation leading to the recovery! of three scrap-books filled with, clippings and other printed matter, pertaining to the . proposed Appalachian .; National Forest Reserve. ;- .- ! These books were placed by Congress man Moody's secretary on the mall box In the Nattonal Hotel , In Washington, May 8lh; each book being wrapped separately and plainly addressed (under frank of Hon. J. M. Moody) to Dr. O. P. Ambler, Ashevllle, N. C. The books have not arrived In Ashevllle, and after the most thorough Investigation by the postoffice authorities no trace hu been found of the same. :"; .va. f Bidcs containing several thousand clippings, the books, also contained records pertaining to the work done by the Appalachian National Park Associa tion. These records are of no Intrinsic value to any one except those Interested In the proposed Appalachian Forest Re serve. Address either, Hon. J. M. Moody, National Hotel, : . Washington, D. V. or Dr. O. P. Ambles, Secretary - . A. N. P. Association, w - r ' Ashevllle, N.C. . , THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recelv ed by J. S. Latham fe Co, New Bern N. 0. - Chicago, June 28. WHSi.fr- Open. High.' Low. Close July.. 1 74i 72f ' 74J Sept... 71f 72 71$ 72 CoBxr s Open. High. Low. Close July ',..66 " 87 . 66 67 Rib . - ; Open. High. Low. Close July;.. 10821 1000 1087 1000 8ept..,.vi- 1070 1080 1070 1080 "-. 1 Nsw York, Jane 23. Cotton; July.. Open. High. Low. Close ...3.63 JB.G7 8J 7.98 7.87 .8.51 8.21 7.94 7.84 8.57 8.29 Aug. Sep. Oct. .8.24 7.94 ,....,..7.84 7.96 7.86 ; ' New Tork, June 23. Stocks; - ' Open. High. Low. Close Sugar...,;...... 1J6 126 " 1251 126 SoRy 861 -'86t N.Y.C. ........ 156 U.S.8.., 88 88 .871 87 O. & O. 46i - m Mo. P.......... 108 109 108 109 Atchlson.r.82 82 -83 83 Va. C.C 1 . 69 A. C. O ... Amice. ...... m 14$ '59 15 8poti4.29.82. Sales 1,000 bales. -Futures, June-July 4.49. Aug-Sept. 4.40. Sept-Oct 4.80. 1 r FORT It BO RIFTS. Same eek Lest week .. lut year. 80,000 60,000 This weea. v " ' ' ' In sight 83,000 , 43,000 Bat. 15000 s- " V 13000 Mon. 5&00 10000 Tues. ' 19000 Wed. ... ,12000 Thurs. . : , 80C0 FrL - . . 8000 : ; . .. v . 69,000 Advices to J. E, Latham ft Co., yester day: .' ' New York, June S3. Everything firm especlalry provisions and corn. Don't expect more than mod erate advance In wheat. Gso. W. Btoks. :a uz t J It V, -AT you a: '.eCrovs's j V i f ' ; niEiEH- Saloon Keepers Association Meets InRalelfnThls Weelc. Oil Barslsg Esglie Orertsrsed. Geversmest Bntletls Per ' Truckers. New Memorial , Library. t Trlslty College, Durham. RaLiiaH, June 23. Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson, State Chemist Kilgore and Prof. W. F. Muscy left to day for Wuhlngton, P. C, to attend the national convention of holders of farm ers institutes. ' ? " Commissioner Patterson will also have a conference with Secretary of Agricul ture Wilson regarding the issue of specie, trucking bulletins In future, .for the benefit of the truck-growers. This Is a new suggestion and a valuable one. One of the big oil-burning locomotives which passed here a day or two ago on the way to the Southern taclflo R. R., is 'ditched" near Colon. It split a switch and went over. The latest arrival at Pollen Park here is a very large wild cat, the special gift of the "Carolina Brlghta" smoking to bacco company of Wilson. T The electrio power company .which owns (he Buckhorn falls, on the Cape Fear river, southwest of Raleigh, Is building Its canal. As yet. only the earth work is being done. ; ' "The new memorial library at . Trinity College Is completed. A number of Ral eteh men have been at work' there and say It is the finest building in the State. The Inter-State shoot at clay pigeons ill take place here Wednesday and Thursday, Many States will be repre sented. Some of the best shots In North Carolina will participate. There will be 10 reeular events each day. . Much money' is up in the way of purses. " The State Liquor Dealers Association meets here tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. Its sessions will be of course not open to the public. It Is said there are now over 2500 members, though no figures are given out. In 1891 it had 850 and since then bartenders, clerks distil lers and wine makers have been taken in. There will be 2 or 8 delegates from each local association. All the cities, towns and counties - are represented, even If they are under "prohibition" or 'dispensary' laws. . The association will be In politics support those who are friend ly to its Interests. ' !j' . The trustees of the Oxford Orphan Asylum met at Durham this evening and tomorrow go to Oxford, : It will be St. John's Day and the General Lodge of MuonsTmeets there. Superintendent W. J. Hicks, who hu been quite sick, is now better. Addition will be made u to the sale of property-in Minneapolis, be queathed to the orphanage. For this property as offer Is made. Farmers declare the cotton and corn In this county are the best, in 10 years. The size and color are notably good. The State charters the Ashevllle Ma sonic Baildlng " Co., capital $75,000, which will build a templo there. It also charters the Teachey's Brick and Tile Company. ' . Yesterday afternoon the largest negro funeral ever seen here occurred. Bibb Matthews, worth $25,000, died June 18. The body was embalmed and will be burled In September. It Is In a casket of cedar and glass, so that out of It can be seen from the top and sides.' This casket was made by Matthews son-in-law, A vault will be built for itl Until then it will be at tbe undertakers to which place' It wu taken. after the ser vices at the church. " " FACTS FROM FRANCE. The automobile mailcart has "canght on" In France and is gradually to onst the horse driven vehicle. ; t " The city of Rouen, France, has 210 establishments where washing and Ironing are done by hand and not a sin gle steam laundry.- ' ---, In France neither medical men nor pharmaceutical chemists have any le gal right to receive a legacy from their Datlenta or customers. The French legislature recently voted law prohibiting the use of saccharine and all other artificial sweetening, with the exception of such kindred sub stances as are used tn pharmacies, . , No more second hand corks may be sold In Paris, as the public health com mittee has discovered that such arti cles are being collected from all sorts ot undesirable places by ragpickers who after a more on less perfunctory cleansing dispose of them to the oeal- ers. .. . :.: :U ; -V1'' An Interesting bit of old Paris Is doomed to disappear to make way for ft huge building to be let out In flats. No. 17 Rue Beautrellls, with Its gar den, covered a portion of the former cemetery of St Paul, where Rabelais, Mollere's wife and the Man with the Iron Mask were buried. - i LESS WORRY. " ' Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, erpose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It. All von can do Is to keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Byrup will fill every requirement, It Is pnaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds t 1 OmiD or U e r-' o ) cents will be Red Rough Hands Itching Palms . Sa& Painful Finger Ends; ONE NIGHT CURE. SOAK tie bands on retiring la ft strong', hot. tteamf 4atncr oiCUTICURA SOAPDrv, and anoint fredywtth CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin care and poritst .of emollknts. ,Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloresv with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms.3 For red, rough, chapped hands,0 dry. fissured, itching, feverish palms, with f shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful. r.lillions'of People TJsn CtrrrcniA SoAP(-Misted- by Ctm- hig, and beautifying the skin, for oleaniing the acalpot crusts, scales, and dandruff, and thestopping of falling hair, lor soften. whit ana aoouung reu, lougu, ana sore nanas, ior oanj iiuiuts, iwuiuks, and irritations, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. ' Millions of she Women use Coticdba Soav ho the form of baths for annoying inflammations, chat, inirs, and ezooriatlons, or too free or off en give perspiration, in the farm of washes for nfoezative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antlieptio purposes which read ily suggest themselves to women. COMPLETE HUMOUR CURE, $1. Consisting of CunctrBA Soap (Mo.), to cleanse the crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CuncuBA Onmuorr, (6O0.V to In. tantly allay Itching, lnflammaUoo, nd lm tatlon, and soothe and heal; Cotiouba Bbsolvbict Pills (25c), the new cnooolato coated nbstttot for liquid Resolvent, to oool and cleanse the blood. A Sikols BbT Is often sufficient to cure tbe severest case, es pecially of baby humoure. Sol4 thmrhoal th. vorld. Brilldi Dtpotl ST- ClurMrhoiue London, maeh Dpoli BM 1. 1 hiLfuk, ronu Dmoa ai Cmem.Oot, Projt. Proceedings of the Democratic Con vention at Bayboro, June 21, 1902. s Meeting called to order by R. 8. Wood ard, Ohalrman Executive Uommittee. Daniel Caffrey was called to the chair as temporary chairman and E, C. Ross made temporary secretary. The temporary organization was made permanent and W. T. Caho made assist ant secretary, i The chair was instructed to name a committee of three on credentials. The following were named: Geo. Dees, BenJ. Potter, Edgar Miller, committee on credentials. The committee on credentials reported all the precincts represented by dele gates and as having elected the follow ing chairmen of the several precinct ei- ecutive committees: - , " ' V A J Holton, Br:, of Olympla. ' ' ts - ; II A Reel, Reelsboro. Bryan Pahl, Balrd's Creek. ; ; - John P Tingle, Qrantsboro. S W Ferrebee, Stonewall. 8 A Redding, Merrltt. Fred Sllyerthorn, Florence. ; Calvin Mills, Pamlico. , W T Caho, Bayboro. ; B F McCotter, Vandemere. ' M D Powers, Mesic. Stephen Jones, Hobucken. :W8 Pate, Lowlands. . w "LB MIdyett, Oriental. Geo R Brinson, Arapahoe. It was agreed that all Democrats of the County ha delegates to the several conventions. ' . The following candidates were unani mously endorsed: Geo. H. Brown for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; 0. R. Thomas for Congress; L. L Moore, for Solicitor; h W. Miller and H. 8. Ward for the Senate. i The vote for Chief J ustice was, Clark 25 7-10. Justlce88-10. - . . ' The vote for Corporation Commis sioner, was, .. Beddingfield, 28 748. ,' , WaUon, , 6 7-16. . Brown, . 1 6-18. The chairmen of the several precinct .Executive Committees met and .elected A. B. Campen, chairman and W T Caho secretary of the County Executive Com mittee. " s .. The Convention then adjourned. y : f ;- DaJhbc Oaffrbt, Chm'n, E. C. Ross, Sec. : ' t ...-, YT.T. Caho, AsbL 8cc ,'it it . ... :. . - ; .t i,- ! River Beds Ice. ' Some of the rivers of Siberia flow over ice many years old, and as solid as rocK. a tributary or tne Lena has. un derneath the soil Which forms tbe bed of the river, a bed of pure Ice over nine feet thick. , w Kettle Thread. ' . From nettles can be spun a thread so fine that sixty miles of It weighs only two ana a nair pounds. The Best Prescription for Ralarla. Chills and Fever Is a bottle ot Gbovb's Tastklkss CniLt Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine tn a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price GOo. Mew Air ir va Na Eob Pancake Flourr ' Carolina Rice Flakes, . Oatflakes both loose and Preserved Ginger 25o per Hienz's Apple Butter and Royal Scarlet Salmon, the other brands 15o and 20c can. . Imported Gbger Al, on rortsmoatn uornea jnniieu. Big Hams to cut Fox Itiver Print Butter.' - ar;cy S yrup and molasses. , .' ! ' -Pure Apple Vinegar an3 Spices orall kinds. s NA UN I' s ii ii m ljniiiiiii fiiHiMv. s? g 'Phone 91. UTt Brsjad St.. g Just Beceiyed Deviled Cabs andlShells to Go With Them. Also Fancy Salmon and Lobsters. ' " " : Don't fail to see us when in need of anything in the Fancy Grocery Line, we guarantee quality and prices with any gro cery house in the city. - If you want Good ' lour Try Oar Fancy Patent there is nothing better ground from wheat ' 1 We have some Good Tea at 40c, 50c, 60c and 80c lb. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to continue to serve you, I am : , . ' . TT" TM ' " ( Wholesale and Retail Orocer,, v phone M. tW. TSroad & Hancock Sul Plenty of It and All the Best: 5 Here's a stock that is flll--ed with the most reliable -, staples. From Flour and Sugar to the finer things we . carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too much, and with no doubt of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT WEEKS . , we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at, llo lb. J.J.ToIsonJr. Broad St. Grocer. tttttvttttttttvvttttvvvIVttvvtVVVVvtttv.ttvvt.vvvvv cAgricultural and INDUSTRIAL ' A combination ot theory and practice! of book study and manual work In3 Entfneerlnz, Arriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, nechanlc Arts t and CottonManufaCturlnj. Full Special Courses (8 mos.). ; Tuition and 80 teachers, 869 students, new building r at the A. & If. College." ; ' . President"6E0. T. WINSTON; Ralegh, N. C s ItAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAe THE EOmCAJZOilA: State Normal and Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial ' Pedagogical flusical ' . . s. . - ; ... , ' - " in packages. . pot. Sweet Mixed Pickles. finest packed," only 25o can; 4 ice, 10c or 3 for 25c. . - Wliolesale A Detail . Grocer, n Fresh Iot Phone t 37 cMechantcal College. EDUCATION: Courses' (4 years), Bhort Courses (2 year), 4 room, f iu a term noara so ft monuu 3 for 600. Write for booklet "A Day 3 Industrial College ,. a-C 54 i Session opens September 18th. Expenses 100 to $140; for non-residents Of the Seats $160. Faculty of 83 members. Practice and Observation School connected with the College. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers. To seciire.poard in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before July 16th. For catalogue and other InTQXinr,t"on address PRESIDENT CHALCS D. fldVES, . ' ' - r.v .r.n w r VAV .Vf -t , 810 IwiLh Front EUbot, WILlITCITC:!, . N. C. ' The rluco t j I17 your C: Work at Ford; ' r - t '1 l y -' t r p it. f o' T.'o 8-0 B'.r.l .lo per