W, WEEKLY MIL Bstasllsksa ltTt Published 1b Two Sections, rrsry Tom 4aj Md Fridaj, U M Middle BtrMt, mw CHARLES L. STEVENSj bmto &jr rsoraiXTOm. BUBSCBIFTION RATES: Two Months, K'Pente. Tbreo Moolba, .... ftix Months. 60 " TwoIto Months, 1 ONLY IN ADVANC. Advertising rates faiaishad po ap. pUcaUoa at the omoe, or npoa Eqauy CTTha Joumai U only sent on pay-In-adTaac basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their rub script too sad an immediate response to noUce wul be appreciated oy ue Jouusx Entered at the PostoffloeNew Bern ST. U as second-class matter. Section One. Teesday. 102 PRONOUNCED AGAINST LYNCH ING. Gorernor Ayeock's proclamation of fering $400 reward for the apprehension and dellrery of each and erery person concerned In the lynching of the Gilles pie negro boys, at Salisbury, N. C, a few days ago, Is decidedly the sensation of the month. Especially so when it Is considered that some serenty-flTe persons are said to be Implicated in the lynching of these negro boys, which would make the grand total reward amount to thirty thousand dollars, If all were to be ap prehended. While the murder for whleh the two negro boys were taken from jail and lynched, was a brutal one, the murder of a white woman In a field, yet both of the culprits were securely locked In jail at the time of the lynching, with every promise of a speedy trial and conviction, if found guilty. Thj assault upon the Jail, and the death of the negroes, seems to have been an outburst of passion, not war ranted by the crime, or the situation following the arrest and Imprisonment of the two negroes. And no doubt this precipitate and un necessary action on the part of the lynchers, has brought out the proclama tion, with whatever consequent results that mar take place. The committing of one crime, may ex cuse any lynching which may follow Its commitment. The act of lynching Is not merely hor rible In itself, but it confesses the weak ness of 'he law In the community In which the lynching occurs, and no self , respecting people should Imperil their reputation, by such an acknowledge ment, that the law is Ineffective In Its operations with them. Governor Aycock's action In this Bowan county lynching Is a positive eed pronounced one, and it will have the sanction and support of every law abiding citizen In the State. "While crimes may be committed, yet i the process of law Is such,, that all enW i prits will receive their just punishments Snder It.'lfthelaw Is given its right course, ' ' . Jhejwt of lynching is little. If any less terrible, than the committing of the crime for which the guilty are made to suffer by.a hasty death, without trial. ' . iT.. 1 . . . . . . those in authority, there is danger to ". public morals and the stability of Justice as measured through the courts, which , would, mean a menace , to law and order, and to society, general 0 It is not pleasant to consider the ar rest of those who mar have taken part ' in the Salisbury lynchlng'.'lrat It Is best if an end to make to alllynchlngs, though a few may have to suffer for It. . GROWTH OP THE "COAL ' - - ' STRIKE. ' A strike of all the coal miners in the United States k now "contemplated, ao cording to a dispatch from Wllkesbarre, Pa.' President Mitchell, head of ihe national organization of miners "has called a convention for July 17th, at nl)ndtnIIaiiibui'. question of a ceneral strike m be decided, ,- " To'rlunaUy; aclloft Will1 ndtbe taken for a month, and wnsui the' convention , mouis te sliU-Uoa Bay have changed to . such aa extent bat it national strike will be found either unnecessary or Int- I !cable. : It would be a great calam ity If the half-mllHon miners in the Co&l Ir 'nes were all to quit work at cue tl.ue. It is estimated that there a e s Eitl'Son women and children dep. r; tlie workers in the coal t n, "," 1 ' ' ss ones woi '.l soon le re- " i s f t 0 "' "nn. The majority of the mlaers are probably law-abiding m, bot there are turbulent spirits among thesa who might bring re proach and disaster npoa the whole or- geaixaUoa. Themlaeramay feel that they have frleraaeea which ought to be redressed; the coal operators may be In the wrong and may be refused to meet their employee In a spirit of conciliation aad compromise. Xvenlf this be the ease, the leaders of the miners ought te reflect long aad seriously before they eonasel a general strike. Te cut off the supply -of coal from all sources would result la stopping the In dustries of the country and thus Inflict suffering upon worklngmen in various breaches of employment. Have the miners thought of the misery which a general strike might entail upon tollers n every department of Industry, Ball! more Ban. SUNSET AND PAY DAY. The employe who said that all he was Interested in was sunset and pay day, unfortunately voices the sentiments of too many others, who place the same Im portanoe upon their labor. Millions of men and women, who possess skill aad ability in their several avocations of life, ere surprised that their genius is not receiving greater notice and pay. But it an examination was made of their genius, while skill and ability might be found, that far more Important attribute, the quality of being an honest and persistent worker, would be found lacking. It is the ability to not merely to come up to, but to surpass the requirements asked for, that 'marks the individual genius which Is certain to find success In life. The man or woman, who beglng each day with an eye on the clock, to see when their. timeof work is over for the day, will not likely earn the money they are paid for their services. They certainly will not prove profita ble employee to those who hire them, for with an eye on the constant lookout for the closing hour, there Is bound to be neglect , of the work to be done In their prescribed dally hours of ser vice. The matter of pay is not all that is to be considered, for It the entire task Is not rightly performed the money is not earned, no matter whether the amount Is one dollar or one hundred dollars. If a close study is made of the lives of those who gain success, let It be in any thing in life, It will be founnd that they did not see how little they could do for the pay they received, when employed, but always endeavored to accomplish something beyond the task set for their daily performance. The measure of work which Is gov erned only by sunset and pay day, Is of no value to the world. It Is the over measure of work, which leaves nothing of the task unperformed, that takes no note of the hour, and which accepts the money compensation, as the secondary, not as the primary ob ject, this is of , value to the world, and marks success la the individual. State or Ohio Citt Jof Tolbdo, i litrrae uouhtt. , t ' Fbahx J. Ohhsit makes oath that he s senior' partner of the firm of F. J, Chxsxt & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and Bute afore said, and that said firm will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD for each' and .every case of Catabbh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Gataxkh Curb. - . - FRANK J. CHENEY. Bwom. to before me and subscribed in my presence, this filh da of .December, A. D. 1888. A.W.OLEASON, sbal Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is . taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. .. T.J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0, ' Bold by all Druggists. Hairs Family Pills are the best ' The Rubber Plaat Im 17SS. The first accurate : information re garding the wonderful rubber plant was furnished . by La Condamlue, a French scientist who was sent In 1735 by the government of France to meas ure an arc oi ue meridian near yuiio. This brought him to the heart of the rubber growing country, and much val uable information was thus obtained. : ' AdTutwM of iitrimir, Friend Did you lose anything in the Busts ir bank? , Depositor Not a cent "Well, welll If you knew the thing was going np, why didn't you say so?" 1 didn't know. 1 had to go off on business, so I left my wife some blank Checks. Che .went ' shopping." New York Weekly; ; Sarel From aa Awful Fatc "Everybody said I had consumption,' writes Mrs. A, II. Ehlelds, of Chsmbere- burg, Pa. "I was so low after six months of sewe sickness, csused by Hay Fever snd A r i, t' :t few thought I could v "!, t 1 1 kftrned of the marvelous l ( f Dr. King's New Discovery for : ' - ccd It, and was com c "." For C isperate Throat 11 ill li tie . it cure ' 1 )f rCV P ( t Dyspepsia' Cure Digests what yoa cat. This preparation contains all of tbi diKestanU and digest all kinds ot food, ltgtveslnstantrellef ati.1 never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tbe food you want. The most sensitive stomaens can take it. vy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every tfilng else failed. It prevents formation ol gas on tbe stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't beta tot da yoa good fYeparednalr by K.O. DrWrrraoaLOhlnoe in St. uufcue cuBwim una u wo. eiMfe F. ," DUFFY CO. ' THE SCHOOLHOUSE. Who knows but that (be little red Schoolhouse msy after all be the means f reuniting all sections of the Union s they have never' before been Joined together New Orleans Times-Demo crat Pupils at the public schools learn a good many things, which are. superflu oua.but the thlnira which are essen tial they do not learn'as Well and thor oughly as they did a generation, ago, when the old fashioned methods pre vailed. That la the fault of the system, and It Is a fault which it is Imperative to rectify. Philadelphia Inquirer. A Sprained AnUe Quickly Cored. ''At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary editor of the Guide, Washington, Vs. After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to ssy that relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily fol lowed." Sold by F. 8. Duffy A Co. IllaaloK at Deluion. She After all what. Is the difference between Illusion and delusion? He Illusion is tbe lovely fancies we bare about ourselves, and delusion is tbe foolish fancies other people bare about themselves. Life. We should manage our fortune like our constitution enjoy it when good, have patience when bad and never ap ply violent remedies but in cases of necessity. , RELIEF W SIX HOURS. Dfstresslng'KIdney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "Nkw Gkkat South Amskicar Kidriv Curb." It Is a great surprise on' account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys sud back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by C. D. Bradham, Druggist, AbxIows EaalU!i Mothers. la England it is a weighty matter when there are seveinl daughters in the family and no mnn in eight to mar ry them except the curate. Tho. ro mantic reserve with which we Ameri cans approach the subject of settling our spinster rclhtlves is about on a par in their eyes with the way Mrs. Trol lope says we used to put pantalettes on the piano legs. Over there they neither put panta lettes on the piano legs nor pantalettes on their feverish ambition to marry the dear girls well, If possible, but any way to marry them. Call at F. S. Duffy & Go's drugstore and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic They also Improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect The ftnl tarcator of Telsrwipr. Weber was the first who established a permanent workable telegraph line and thereby demonstrated the practical value ot the electric telegraph. Weber's house. was connected with the astro nomical and magnetic observatories by line over two miles in length. The signals were made by tbe deviations Of the needle of a galvanometer to the right and left and were interpreted ac cording' to a conventional alphabet Tbe use of Interrupted or reversed cur rents did net permit tbe transmission of more than one or two words a min ute, but the speed was increased to sev en or eight words by the use of In ducted currents. TOO UtOW WHAT TOO ARE TAURG When you take Grove's' Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle i lowing that it Is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price Wc Trrlnw to Fin 4 (be lleaaua. '"Haven't seen yoa for noino time." - "No. Where have yon kpt your sen" ... "Been away.",.- . "Oh, that's It. Do you know, I was afraid it might be. the fault of that ten dollar bill that you've owed me so long."Clevelaud Plain Dealer. Ready to Yield. 1 uied DeWItt's Witch Hszel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure," says 8. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary to cure piles. They always yield to DeWllts Witch Hazel salve. Cures skin dluesses, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counter- felts. F. & Duffy. " A Gratia Clow. .. "Remember, y dear brethren," snld the minister, "that charity coveretb a multitude of sins. I hope you'll be un usually generous In your offering this morning." P' ' Free Press. $100 Dr. E. ttlrM-s's Antidiuretic may be worth to you more than (100 If you hire a c' " 1 vliO soils b".Iin? from Incon;'" 9 of water durin-r e'. !. .; Q(lt V Very Llfht an! Insufficient Rata Reported. Weather SUtlea te be Established atAshevllle. Reptrt ef State Aaalter Usied. Skertsrs ?v la Ceal Supply Beeom " lag Serleas. Ralwoh, Jane 20. Only one third ot the rain needed has fallen la this part of the State. At least inches morels; needed. Today Gov. Aycock received aa ap plication for the pardon of a sheep stealer. In the common phrase a sheep stealer Is considered one ot the meanest of criminals. i- The second days session of the State Dental Society was held today, with In creased attendance. This evening Dr. Vines E. Turner gsve an "At Home" to the members at his residence here. Many persons prominent in society were pres ent, to meet the dentists. . John CrDrewry, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge ot Masons, will be a candidate for s Democratic nomination to the lower hease of the legislature, from this county. - Commissioner ot Agriculture Patter son says the crops make quite a favor able appearance, after the rains. The heads of the wheat are unusually well filled. Athevllle is after July 1 to be made a regular weather station. Dr. Gettlngs, now ssslstant obscrvor here, goes there and tskes cbsrgo. He Is a valuable man. The annual report ot the State auditor Is at last Issued. . . The weather report for May tor North Carolina, issued today, says tho mean temperature for tho State was 60.5, which is 2.4 above normal.' The highest monthly mean was 75, at Southern Pines; the lowest CO, at Llnvllle. The highest absolute temperature was 99, at Southern Pines; the lowest 31, at Bre vard. The rainfall whs only 2.59 Inches, which Is 1.01 below normal. The coal supply here is so short that several factories, including those mak ing Ice, are using wood. So Is the elec tric light plant. Virulent Cancer Cured, Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by druggist ' G. W. Roberts of Elizabeth, W. Va. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incura ble cancor. Tbey believed his case hopeless till he ued Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons at the ssme time this salve exerts its matchless heal ing power, blood diseases, skin erup tions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c, Salve 25c. at C. D. Bradham's. Irish In the Bnhaaurs. The Irish hingnnco Is spoken in the Bahamas nmon;; the mixed descend ants of the lllbmilun patriots banished long ago by Cromwell to the West In dies. One cnu oceiislrmally hear negro sailors -in the east cud of London who cannot speak a word of English talk ing Irish to the old Irish apple women who gather around the docks. London Chronicle. " The Philanthropist. Georgle Pnw, wot Is a philanthro pist? Father An ensy mark, my son. Ohio State Journal. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water aa to find an active energetloman with a torpid liver and you may know that his food; or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to Its normal functions, renew his vitality, im prove his digestion and mahehim feel like a new man. Price 25 cents. Sampler free at F. 8. Duffy & Co's drug store, : ' ' A Rew Zealaaet Geyser. In Rotomabona, New Zealand, there Is an Immense geyser which covers an area of an acre in extent and con stantly throws columns of water to vast heights, some of them ascending 800 feet, with clouds of steam Which go much higher, , The Steam Eaclna, - The original Idea of the steam en gine Is commonly said to have been suggested by the Marquis ot Worcester In bis "Century of Inventions," 1003. EappyfTime in Old Tows, v "We felt very happy," writes JR. N, Bevlll, Old Town, Vs., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cats, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Bolls, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c at C. D. Brsdhsm's drug store. ' '-' Rorsvl Repartee. ,.; It is related that once, when the Earl of Lauderdale was at dinner with King Charles,', be remarked to the king, "There is a good saying that fools make feasts and wise men cat them.' "There Is another as good," replied the Earl of Shaftesbury; "wits make Jests and fools repeat them." And the king advised Lauderdale to make sure of his mnn In future. A Real Friend. "I nufiered frem dyspepsia snd Indi gestion for fifteen years," says W T Sturdevsnt of Meiry Oaks, N. O. "After Iliad 1 1 led many doctors snd medicines to no aval) one of my friends reminded me to try Korfol. It gave Immediate re lief. I can eat almoft anything I want now and my digestion la good I cheer fully ncommcud Kolol." Don't try to cure stomach trouble by dltlng. T!mt only further weakc;.s ll.e r; f-i. Yt i ni '. l ubi,!. ', i ' f "I WOULD JUXP YOU Rev. br. TitU and '. X. Vuter "tarty Came ls Slews, ThcEnits Probably Ret Tet ' A (Special to News aad Observer.) Elizabeth City, N. O, Jane ll.-The Antl-Salooi League people are making aa aggressive campalga. Mr. Tracey, a noted lecturer, Is addressing "multitudes nightly. At thesa meetings Rev. a H. Tattle delivers occasional shots In behalf Of temperance." J Last tight1 he made statements con strued by W. H. Baxter as reflect! eg on him. . This morning Baxter visited Tat tle and demanded explanations. Warm words followed, Baxter saying: "If It were mot for my respect for your Cloth I would Jump yoa as quick as a bug would light on a potato." , Tattle replied by divesting himself of his coat and saying; ."I place my man hood on a level with yours. Don't stand back because of my cloth." Baxter de manded that explanation be mads pub licly. If Tattle falls todtfso sensational developments miy result THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS. It Oraws rerfeatry Whsa Fluted la - Rich Urn. . Egyptian lotus roots may be obtained from any florist -The need will readily germinate If a hole Is flleU or drilled through the hard shell that moisture may penetrate the kernel, otherwise they will lie dormant almost indefinite ly. . It Is perfectly hardy and comes to perfection when planted In shallow water with rich mod and full exposure to the sun simply naturalised In the same environments that suit our native .water Illy. Artificial ponds or cement basins are often made for tbe accom modation of this snd other water lilies. Such tanks should be two or three feet deep and of any else and outline de sired. Twelve by twenty feet Is a nice size for the amateur. It Is best to plant the lilies In boxes, say three feet square and one foot deep, filled with good rich soil and sunk in the tank. The lotus submits gracefully to culti vation in tubs. Ordinary half barrels .will do for tubs. Fill them two-thirds full of rich garden soli, in which plant tbe roots (I prefer roots to seed); then fill tubs full of water and set In a warm, sunny place. In winter remove tbe tubs with" their contents to A cellar. A beautiful aquatic garden may be had by arranging several tubs of lotus and nympcea into a mound or circle and filling the spaces between them with ferns, arrowheads and . other moisture loving plants. Home and Flowers. " ' A Good Cough Medicine. It .speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use It In their own families In preference to any other. "I hare sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom- j ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always nsed.lt la my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for tbe cough following la grippe, and find it very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. The Cartons Pair. . ': Mrs. Itubbn-rl wonder why that wo- mnn keeps watching me so? Mr. Itubbn Perhaps she's trying to find out why you are staring at her. Philadelphia Press. Rot Tomaltaoaslr Barer. Employer Are you willing to work for small Wages? .. Boy Not very willing, sir. Boston Post , . The Chinese la-pa In shape Is almost identical with the ancient Roman tuba, t gives four notes C, G, D and E. - HOW n IS DONE. The first object In life with the Amer ican people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and laving, the second, (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should yon be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects ot Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such aa Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Cosllveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostra tion, Low Spirits, etc, you need not suf fer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will relieve, you at once. Go to F. 8. Duffy and get a sam ple bottle free. Regular size, Wets., Get Green's Special Almanac - - S start AaYsrtlals Schema. . . A novel advertising scheme was In troduced by a merchant In Carthage. A series of prodigious boot tracks were painted leading from each side of the sanare to his establishment ' Tbe scheme worked to perfection, for every' body seemed carious enough to follow them to their destination. - Besnths . Kind Yw Haw Hlwanteiatt ClfBSTOS ' , Sf ... . Tear niutrraphr. . Here Is yonr bloniphy In a nutshell: "Born, welcomed, caressed, cried, fed grew, amused, roared, studied,' exam, lned, graduated. In lore, loved, engaged, married, quarreled, reconciled, suffered. mourned and forgotten." I " Plastered. .. ,.. - i Harriet Doesn't Julia use a good deal of face powder? , v Jenny-Face powder! She ought to belong to the Plasterers' anion. Sprtej Fever. Pprlng fevtr Is another name for bll- lousres.. It Is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and Inactive bowels mr-an a pobooed system. If neglected, serious H'neis may' follow uth symptoms, DeWItt's Little Early Risers remove all danger by sUimtliiSl." Ihe liver, opening I lie bowels and c? - lug t! a fyxu-m of impurities. hVa '"it, Never r-ie. "I have tnkeo V :' I,', .'.a 1 ...'y I-"- is f.rtsT!i !' r tr ' y - J '.cxlcan nustaii)? Liniment 4m't tir y rm cmr Vi" mn fn.-v !.. t'. . i.r.i..- j - statues W U Ujim siki art v a i ;. For a Lame Back, 'v '; ' Sore Muscles, -jysl or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore- ness of your body there i3 nothing .' " j that will drive out the pain and in :r flammatlon so quickly as r ; Mexican ' ' :. i Mustang Liniment. r:' If you cannot reach the spot your- . i self get some one to assist you, for 1 - it is essential -1 lubbed in most ' Mexican flustang Liniment ! tmirttmt the ailments of bones and all domestlo animals. In fact, It is a flesh healer and pain killer no matter who or what the patient is. verybpcly Takes a at this season and Trunk, Suit Case or Hand Bag tor their trip WE HAVE THEM of Every Description. Notice Window Display. J. J. BAXTER, Phone 160. COOL FOOTWEAR . FOR WARM WEATHER FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS M We have iust in Children's Shoes, Sandals and Oxlords which were bought for spot cash. We won't mention to come see for yourself. 'Notice display in window, CI , Pollock A ... . ,; , jTu I Date :; j l::-Horse: Stjoer, :M j I am still shoeing horses, and doing all kinds of Blacksmith work, have been working at the business here in New Bern 40 years; am on the Wlinrf, Bock otChas. B. Hill's. SOLE AGENCY FO'.t ) AT l:xiv :acy, uui u-. -i - - . that; the liniment be thoroughly. Vacation everybody needs a Inspect our stock, or , 89 Middle Street. mith's a Handsome Line oi price here. Ask you our Pollock Street store 99. Hlddlo Fpy iS: Wood Co., Practical Tinners ard plumbers. Tobacco Hues, Stove Pipe, nd Roofing. " We male a specialty of I'ot A r Heating, and Steol Ccilinj. V You will find us at Drauey'M Old tittmi, GoHlh Front fit. GEO. A. NlCOI.l. inos. a. uiMAii. fell i. Ilyiii, ' Firo Solicit trade aiHlj, ,k tli laUonnge ot Co; t :iti'i ri'iiresont- 71 . ji. r j i c. r i Cur-s c'l r 1 J 1 a'.e. It r-

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