1 1 Si UbJ ai Acge(able Preparation far As similating thcFoodandEc ula ting the Stooocts andUcwels of Promotes DigcslionChccrfur nc9sandIfcst.Contalns neither Optum.Morphine norrfiiterai. KotKarcotic. BtafttfOUBrSAMUtinnaiBt Iiyh Seml- BiCmimmk A perfect Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour Stonvtch.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh ness and Loss or Sleep. ' FocSimlo Signnlurt of NEW YOUK. tit n Vita.. For Infanta and Children. ; The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature exact copy or wbafpcr. t-Jjv : in M; Use U' For Over Thirty Years TH OSWT.UB OHMNV, MCW TOM OfTT. ORIENTAL June20. The crops In this section are looking finely, but we need rain very much. " Tbo arrivals at hotel Mldgette are, Mr. Doxlo and Mr. M. P. Guthrie of Oc racoke; C. W, Bright, Elizabeth City; Mrs Harrison and Mr. George L. Horn In?, Of Philadelphia, , The citizens of this progressive town want a railroad as it will benefit Orien tal Try much. - Oriental with a railroad would be an ideal summer roaori, as it has plenty of salt air and Is a healthful climate. - M. T. 11.. "FEMiNlNE"CHXT DOVER. Revival Heelings Close, A Big Individual, ' Cut of Lwnber. June iO The aeries of meetings con fer, Adele 8, Entchlnsoil tt lCza kpolls baa been appointed tta till ftOa sot state board eC medical siam- lner. , v HIM Anna C. atott, tncretU Mott piece, !wbo lately, died la Toledo, left &00O to the Toledo Woman Suf frage association. Kile. Loci Fa or, daughter t the lata Fell Faure, president of France, 1a about to publish a book pa to. Ox ford movement la the Chord! tt Eng- land. Mrs. J. B. Hi gels bi Km Xorl baa Uvea to tba Ashland aeaUnarjl 1. Ver sailles, Ky I20.00Q tot building to zeplaca tba dormltor burned abort ttrna ago. Lady. E7enry Somerset tveaUenl bt the World'a Woman's Cbrlaoaa Ksn peraace union, iwlll be I gert cf tba natloaal conTeonoa at EortllM, Me-, la October. Mrs. Mary Eantf ord Ford, srhd baa made tba tranalatloa tot tba adltloa Oa luxe bf Panl da Kock's .works, hlch IwlU tost $200,000 a stogie set, ras bora la Wllllamsport, Pa forty-atx years ago, - .. . , Kiss Helea Gould baa reopened ber annual tewing school tor poor girl of Jxrlflgton la LyDdhurst ber country eat. Mora than 125 girl bare Joined tba lass, and Misa Gould bat hired Six experienced teachers from New Sorb. ' - Vise Florence A. Fenabant c Con stantinople! Turkey, baa bad conferred npoa ber tba title ot bachelor Bf divin ity, by tba Chicago Theological aemlna- ry. It U the first time la the history of tba Congregational church that the title has been eonf erred on a .woman. Mrs. Harry Robinson of Minneapolis, daughter of the multimillionaire street car magnate, Thomas Lowry, has star tled fashionable circles of Minneapolis by giving up her position In society to become a professional nurse. Mrs. Bob lnson is the wife of Harry Robinson of Chicago, proprietor of The Railway . . Leads Them AIL "One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung trou bles," says D. Scott Currin of Loganton, Pe. One Minute Cough Cure is the only SICK H1BS HL . -IIAK HUE STRONG SAIL AND ENTERTAINMENT. Rext Moaiay aaa Tuesday J?lfh!. By Ladies Committee Far Base ; , Ball Interpts. The Ladies committee appointed to assist in raising fands-for the base ball Interests la this city, bsvebeen busily engaged since tbelr appointment; aad the result so far Is the announcement and nremtee of a sail os the steamer m.ni, MA Unrr!ir nlffliL and on . . i uHmui, hv- j o Wonderful Cures lie Eueeiea inn TaM... ..tha ooera house there win MtrTdoQi Elixir of Life Dis covered by Tamoui Doctor Scientist That Cures Ivery V Know! Ailment Stems Like Miracles , Per formed Tbe Secret of Lodj Life of Olden Times Revived. Tt,m Kanad la Tt to AU Who Brad Mam Bmedy. ' After rears of oatlent study, and del- Ting Into the dusty record of the past, sa well as following modern experiments in the realms ot medical science, vr. James W. Kldd, 8881 Baltes Build- in . Fort Wavne. Indiana, mates me startling announcement that S0R Death of Mrs. Salter. ' Mrs. Louisa Salter, wife of Peruana Baiter, died at her home at No. 00 Pas ture streot, at 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning of cancer. She was 49 years of age and had been a resident of New Bern for many years. ; ; - V ' Tbe funeral services will be held at the family residence this morning at 7:30 Itev. II.. O. Moore will officiate. ProgreiiatYe Tlppllasr. A correspondent of the Lancet tells a story in reference to the rapid growth of the habit of tippling which may be . developed In unsuspecting subjects. Ttvb elderly ladles, he says, were sur prised by n visitor In the act of drink ing neat brandy. Upon his expressing some surprise they said that brandy bad been recommended to them as a . capital preventive against cholera and that they first took It with jwaterv and men iney took .wiiuout iwaier, uiu now they took It like water, ) ' Wlion Ton Go Into : Drag Store . to get a bottle of Painkiller, examine it carefully to see if it Is made by Perry - Pavis, and don't be persuaded to take something "just as good" because tt Is a few cents cheaper. There is . Only one Painkiller. "Perry Davis'.' DIED. At Washington D. G. Thursday morn tng June 10th. 1002 Louise, Infant dangh tor of Clifton and Eva Warters, age 20 months. The funeral will be hold at their home In Washington. Beauty Triu":3r : 'Tin a Prloaltmm Traammr. Ko woman objects to being- beautiful. Itoatitr U woman', charm, Juy, prkla and fltronHth. The world has always petted and adored beautiful women. A pretty woman dreads maternity for fear of losing; this pow. er and Inlluenca over men. What can ba duntj to perpetuntetltersce and keep women heauti fill r There Is a blm unlversaUy used by cultured and uncultured woman In tha crisis. UuHbnnds will do well tolnvestiirata tlii. remedy in order to reassure their wives on the point of ease with which children can be born and all beauty of form and figure rtiuined. - ... Mother's Friend Is the Im pi a nume by which thlt (nvaluabl rpnirnlv lki known. It wilt diminish all Da In nilivtl to rtiotherhnod. Ust?d throilHrhout lrenrnC1r it will Jisil morn In ir tickni Cura ftora brt?nttii, niRKft elm tic all tendons And rthrcscallftl itixm to hold in position th cxpandirnitnirdt-n. Mnncieg loTteii unlfr Ita gixttliiiitrinititeiiceflndtitopfttieirt antiriHlea fnvoralilv tUm lame, In Ui couitoit Lbua bestow ed. M ot livrn Frlenn Is A ltnlmmt for ex ternal Application, Women's own pretty fmuf.-rs rub It Rently on His pnrts no severttly taxed, and It Is insUuitiy AUttorbod mod so luhricitti-a the parts'. Your (irurfrt; sells H forlfl pt bottle. You inuy huve our book " iViotheiliood" immediately. Mothers everywhere tes tify to the good it has done their little ones.. .Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like It, Sura core foT grip, bronchitis, coughs. SHORT STORIES. ducted by Revs W G Johnston and Leigh absolutely safe cough remedy which acts ton closed hut evening. Her. Johnston did most of the preaching. While no great visible results were seen still the preaching was a success. Bro. Johnston a very able and earnest man and his preaching has been a spiritual treat to us all. We will gladly welcome him again. His temperance lecture last night I p, g. Dully. was areatlr enjoyed by a good sized audience.. : . - ' : Miss Ids Sutton who has been visiting friends and relatives in Dover returned to Qoldsboro this morning. Mr.Sam Long who once livid here but is now located in Pinners Point, came in to spend a day or two this morning. Wo understand there will be a mar riage here Sunday but not having any of the facts of the case in hand we will re frain from writing too much. Possibly we may take up the case later. The weather Is lovely for most every kind of work and most everybody through this section seems to have some thing to do. Shipments of potatoes and other truck are about over. , Some few real ized a little profit and their balance cajne about even, all sufficiently eneour aged try again nex t sees in providence permitting. . Mr. O. K. West, who has traveled over Ko. 8 township listing taxes ssys crops are looking promising. Says also he finds some very poor people. A man offered him all his wordly possessions ind his wife and two children thrown in for three dollars and fifty cents, not withstanding Mr. West thought this was a bargain but still he declined the offer. "'.' -f.i ' : Mr. R. 8. Jobson, sawyer for Qolds boro Lumber Company says he cut elghty-tbree thousand and six hundred feet of lumber in ten and a half hours yesterday. This seems to us a wonder ful cut and we hardly think tt has ever been exceeded. - ' Dover is still forging to the front, Se veral ot stores are lighted by electricity, Some talking of water works. ; Half a dozen new dwellings are going up. Mr. Jackson Waters has about completed painting his house. ' Streets are being put in good condition. ' There is no tell ing when or where we will quit off at. Messrs. Jackson and John Hill who have been quite sick have Improved so as to be out again. - Col. J. W. Lane, ot Fort Barnwell, H. O. came out this morning to take the cars for Elnston. The CoL seems to be hopeful that all the troublesome and in tricate problems of this county wiD.be properly adjudicated In the near future, The writer in company vwlta the champion fisherman In North Carolina, Mr. Dempsey Wood, spent yesterday in Moreheaa city, we triea oar juok, out all in vain the tide was against us. he has ' I ' Si - be given an entertainment, witn a pro rram of unusual interest. Monday night, on the steamer Blanche there will be music, and refreshments sold to those who want to add to their pleasure ot the sail. Tickets for boat, 25 cents.' At the Opeja house, on Tuesday night, there will be a gttti bill of amuse ment and rich entertainment. Ths comedy of "Mrs. Hlllery Be- (rtets.VwIll be rendered by Mrs. J. E. Latham and Mr. J. E. Benton. Mrs. J.I Sill. Miss Alice Cole, of New Tork, end Miss : Koch, will ting solos. ' ' ' There will be a mandolin and banjo onartette. Misses Elizabeth Burros and Elizabeth Ellis, and Metsrs. B. N. Duffy snd Win., Stevenson, which will give fthntea musical selections, and In addition the Gibson Tableaux. This oroeram. as noted above, shows the high character of Tuesday nignis entertalnmont and no doubt there will be a crowded house to greet the per formers. ' Admission, all down stairs 35 cenU.no reserved seats. Gallery 15 cts. Central" telephone station in Newt frork city averages 420,000 calls a day. The Union 1 stockyards of 1 Chicago cover 500 acres of ground. Last year 16,000,000 head ot cattle were received there. ;, Stokers on the American liners St Paul and St. Louis are paid flu a month as against ?25 paid on English steamers. . . v . . i : ; 1 Within the last ten years more new methods have been devised for dealing iwltb consumption than any other bu man ailment. i; A Mexican carpenter considers bang ing one door a big day's worn. An American carpenter will easily bang ten doors per day. . s '-"'': -, Fifteen years ago there rwas but one .-woman barber in Chicago. Today there are ISO. Tbey accept fees just uxe me men and make about Slu.aweea. In Manitoba and Assinlbola there are 60.000,000 acres of rich arable lana Which could support 6,000,000 persons. Tbe present population Us only saj.uuu. A San Francisco medical writer de clares that the only vmj in which a physician ever makes a competency in that region is by investing in reai es tate. The largest isramp farm in tbefworld la situated lit Indiana, .twitnin nny miles Cbicitco. , It spreads out over 32,. 000 acres that were bought for $3 an acre ten years ago ana are now wow $100 to $125 an acre. - . "-;' -,ll.a,,.nHlpaanHaakaaanainaaBai",;t; Mr. W. 8. Waedon. Cashier of the First National Bank of ,W!nterset, lows In a recent letter gives some experience a fiarnenter ia bis employ, that will be of value to other mechanics. He says: "I had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several days on sccount of being troubled with diarrhoea. I mentioned to mm mat i bad ;been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Be mod? had cured me.' He bought a bottle of it from the druggist here ana . - . . j . 2 i t,iM inrormea me uu .. one uuoo cu and is strain at bis work."" jrorsateoy F. & Duffy & Co. . Da JAMES WILLIAM KIDD. surely discovered the elixir of life. That be is able with the aid of a mysterious compound, known only to himself, pro- duced as a resun i u ju. spent In searching for this precious life giving boon, to cure any and every dis ease that is known to the human body There is nO doubt of the doctor's earnest ness in making his claim and the re markable cures that he Is dally effecting seems to bear him out very strongly. His theory which he advances is one of reason and based on sound experience in a medical practice of many years. It costs nothing to try His remaraa in -PH.lr nf T.lfn." as he calls It. for he aends tt free, to anyone who is a sufferer la su&etent quantities to convince ui ' ability to cure, so there is absolutely no risk to mb. Some of the cures cited are very remarkable, and but for reliable witnesses would hardly be credited. The lame have thrown away crutches snd walked about after two or three trials of the remedy. The sick, given up by home doctors, have been restored to their fami lies and friends in perfect health. Rheu matism, neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases and bladder troubles disappear as by magic. Will sour the rwcteft ii imposition and tr.iiiticTiu the t ;oi t even li.iups.Tcd, lov able nature in'. a cross-grained and irritable individual. f t - H inipalicucc or fault-finding are ever excusable it is when the body is tortured by nil eating and painful sore. It is truly discouraging to find after months of diligent and faithful nse of external remediea that the -place remains as defiant, angry and offensive as ever. Every chronic sore, no matter on what part of ihe body it comes, is an evidence of some previous constitutional or organic trouble, and that the drcga of these diseases remain in the system; or, it may be that some long; bidden poison perhaps Cancer has cotae to the surface and begun its destructive work. The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh and the skin regains its natural coior. n is through the circulation that the acrid, corroding fluids are carried to the sore or nicer and keep it irritated and inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and i ir.t. tli- ctucmant Mnnd when all sediment or other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to have a healthy and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals. S. S. S. is the only blood purifier aterersi ye)sur h'i y u. . sor lea and was trMtad by the best physiolajis bat roelTd BObaaaflt. Onr drag-fist adTlaod hex to try B. S. S., which aha did. Fourteen bottlas cured her and she haa been well aver alnoe. 1 , A. BAAUU, HIS vauaau. Oohoes,ir.Y. that ia guaranteed entirely! vege- table. It builds up the blood and .tones up the general system aa no . other medicine does. If yon have a sore of any kind, write us and get advice ' of experienced ana the Villl tihvsicians for which no charge is made. Book on Blood and Skis Diseases free. TBI sTWIFT OatCiriC CO.. AUaata, Paw A Lara-e Increase. Down in Sullivan county,. Ind., Is Fairbanks postofflee, named, of course, In honor of the senior senator of that state. When, however, a vacancy In tho postmastershlp occurred some time ago, a curious discovery was made. There was not a Republican In the vil lage. Senator Fairbanks knew, of course, that tho community was thor oughly Democratic, but the Idea that it did not contain a Republican well, that state of affairs staggered the sen ator, and he waited for developments. In course of time a uepuDiican named Murphy moved Into the place from Illinois, and he was appointed postmaster. A few days ago he dis appeared, leaving a note to his wife savlnc that bis body would be found in the Wabash river. This necessitated some Inquiries as to who could fill the vacancy. Recently Senator Fairbanks was informed that there were now two Republicans In the town. "An Increase of 200 per cent In the Eepubllcnn (vote of Fairbanks," com mented the senator as he glanced over the letter. "Wouldn't it be fine if the same ratio of increase could be main tained all over the state!" " A HONEYMOON CLOUD. Why the Bride Feareat Be Baabaa DM Ket Lave Bar. "It was pretty hard to have the hon eymoon clouded before we had been married two hours," complained a new ly married man. "Fact Is, though, the excitement of the wedding day took away the little sense I bad remaining. -"We were married at noon and, after dodging the customary rice snd old shoes, left for the station. We. had barely time to catch our tram, and I rushed up. to the ticket window at once. Then, once more, we bad to run the eauntlet of friends, who think It smart to throw rice down one's collar and have it sift down Into one's shoes. We got into the train at last, and when It started I heaved a sigh of re lief. When the collector came- round for tickets, I handed mine over. AJter looking at it for a moment he asked me If the lady was That was the snapped out for him to mind his own business. 'That is what I am trying to do,' he answered coolly. One more ticket, please. ' ' : , "Then it flashed upon me tnat in ine hurry and excitement of the moment I had forgotten I had a wife. I paid the other fare and tried to laugh it off, but the look that my wife gave me will linger with mo as long as I live. It took me two hours to argue ber out of the Impression that I didn't love er any more, and she Isn't fully satisfied yet" Kansas City Independent. Headaches, backaches, nervousness, f ASSAM lAnanmn tlnn p.nnrhg. colds. SSth- ma, catarrh, bronchitis and all affections DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. oi ine inroai. luueza ui u --r i ., . , ... . i .it. o.i.rn In a sdscc ot time Jf ermanenuy cureu oy mo waawitj l.i..i..f-.i...ilniu f unnrrrn AwnnTRAN Nk&VTNB 1.11 !1 L 1H D1U1UIV . uwnw Partial paralysis, jocomoiui xomc." Invalids need suner no longer, dzopsy, gout, scrofula a P beCfm8e this great remedy can cure them JSSS&Oli It...cureforth.whole worldof saesrestores normal nerve power, clr- stomach weakness snd Indigestion. The .'. . At l..a Lnalth Itt . . ... A . - . eolation and a state or. peneus ikhuju cure begins with tne nrst uose. ine re- producea once, -w u lrf , bl, , mamlon8alld surprising terns are alike and .equally affected by a ..,.. never disappoints. this great "Elixir ot Lire." oena ior iuc - - - . h suffered. remedy today. It is free to every sur certain under the use of this lerer. state wnat you wain, w j . health-giving force. Pleasant and sufM Rtio what vou want to be cured of arid tbe sure remedy for it will be sent free by return mall. THE 77 FASHIONS. "L TA, OA. Considerable damage is reported as having been made by the storm at River- dale Thursday. The yacht John W. Connor was taken off from dry dock" Thursday night after having some repairs made. Mr. James O. Arnold the former Jailer who was arrested last Saturday on tbe charge of allowing a United States pris oner escaped is out under $300. boon, At the meeting of the Btate Pharma centical Association at Morehead this week, Mr C D Bradham was elected mem ber on the State Board of riiarmecy. . The flat boat for the- use of the Elm City Lumber Co. which has beea under construction , at tbe government yards A . . . . J ftt- 1 . J was noaiea ycsieruay. iiwpoiinieu ures 100 feet long by 25 ft wide. A boy went to one of the banks of this city Thursday snd cashed a check for $50. Bo lost the money ou the way to his father's store and a aero boy picked It up. The boy who was sf potcd to have the money was seart'.-.ri but none v ?s found. Tod toy v lo took the t - y he Mtol T9 I 'X t'9i"y. Fine black silk openwork stockings are worn with low shoes. . - Madagascar, grass cloth Is made up Into belts and Is rather anuirt for that Duroose. . ! "::: i-J,:' , The newest bows for corsage and millinery uso show braided and knot ted effects, c---', Zj:- ? : The dark blue and green combination bo fashionable in watets, bat trimmings and costumes five seasons ago is being revived.". : .kv ' .';; IToulton. Russian and fine chantllly designs are United in some of the more xnenslve and elaborate lace meaai Hons used this season. Lom evening gloves-are no longer buttoned, but laced with a fine, silk wrrd mntching the gloves , and run through tiny eyelets set very -close to trether. - . - ! ; : Some of the nect ruches and ruffs presented this season as attractive nov elties bear a close resemblance to ffle tures of those in vogue In tho alxttwntb century. v ' - - Filthy Temples In India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem- tlos.but worse yet Is a body that's pol- Inted bv ennstination. Don't permit It Cleanse your system with Dr. King' Kew Life Tills and svotd antold misery. Thep give lively livers, active bowels, Ood d'jMtlon, fine appetite. Only 2So 1 at C. D. Eradham's drug store. great health-giving force, always safe. Soldby C. Druggist. D. Bradham, "WEAK'ON'SRECLINQ. . 1 c - . Ready Wit, Ready Honey, The University Of Pennsylvania has not a large endowment, ana tnat finds the means to pay Its current ex- I as . 1 11JlIua ImIssa' tha ComMatUtoarerdvThat Opened , . Commadom TaaderMlt's Bare. 'Aecordlne.toall the traditions, Com modore -.Vandetbllt, .who laid the foun-1 penses and put up new buildings i&Am. datlon of the family wealth that has j mfasure to its provost, Charles become prove)iai,.wn9.a man wiuiuut i Harrison, i Hla little black subscrip-. education. knowlngMlttlo of the "tnree ... . . lit I LjUU WW R's" and lamentablyVvoaK on spe. . . offlcotoo well knowni; based until sudden sickness prevented his appearing one morning and it be came necessary to transfer tho secret In order -that tho.day's svork might be done without letor hindrance. The bookkeeper sent to the commo dore's bouse for "the word key una re ceived reply that 'dogwas the neces sary word. But every effort to re lease the bolts on the "u-o-g" commna tion failed, and It wub necessary to send ntmln to the Vanderbllt home la fear that tho old financier might have tmode a thoughtless mistake. But the messenger was speedily convinced tnat the mistake was somebody else s wnen the Irascible commodore - roared at him: 'Dog, you dog! -yogi' con found you nil for a lot of zaniest uo back go back to the office nd open that safe ou 'dog1 'd-o-r-g-e, 'dogl' ' Philadelphia Times. aaUSlaarskTBrStSt rM(llSlaS EUHYROYAL.piLL ercal Ok ly Ueaala. H - SAFE. '..,.rrtlm, l.tHltes "S OrllM . . mi,l.,lL.l ,Hu ITWill lutf . la HKK sihI .ld -miiu tosv, witkbiMrtWMa. TakeaaeSaee. Sraaa aaceraa. SariWIlerlaa. aaS sailla II... B.J t ,Mr Dnuul, . U-i" 1 .11' U.MF. h. r. . Sara Mali. IS.SWWMI S- mf Drasilm. Cal.ka.SaF VSeatbal Of. It will be to the in terest of those want ing Buggies and Roaa Carts to call at once. I have a fe second a moment he asaea i 4 1 ft ' 1 ' 9 traveling with me. ones lett on nana last straw, and II , . ' ... ... . and they must be sold. J.W.STEWART. HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Dcon),Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, " Cement, ' Plaster, Paints, Oils, YarniBh, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found . in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, Qaeea Vtetortala Way, r The aueen's interest In and oversight of public affairs did not cease with the prince's death, oithougu in tne nrsi years of overwhelming sorrow It must have been difficult to carry out ner w ceptlon of duty. All Important resolu tions .were taken Dy uer; tne persona, notes in The Court Circular were writ ten by her own hand and were seen by no one else. When Sir Henry Ponsonby became the queen's private secretary, she said to him: "Remember this, no advice! I am older than you are and have had more experience," In after. years historians will have much to say upon the queen's personal share in the government of her dominions. ' All her papers have been most carefully pre served and arranged and some day, perhaps, will be accessible to the in quirer. On the Other hand there(ls not a single paper belonging to George IIL Which is known to be in existence. rrofessor Oscar Browning In Century. . - .The Tlinut of a Lance la f.rcelv more agonizing than the re current pains in tho abdomen which fol- ir the eating of improper food or too free Indulgence lu lcr-water. ; The Im mediate cause of cramps and colic Is ofloa the dlntentlou of the bowels by eas. Quick relief follows the uae of Per ry Davis' Painkiller. Careful house keepers give tt the place of honor in the family medicine chest. . OgO. Sir. Harrison wua yieauuit, . slstently with him for a subscription,' but in vain. Finally the broker said: "See here. Mr. Harrison; I wlirgive vou something on one condition.' , ."Very well, Mr. T" said the provosti "Name it" "The condition is that you promise never to come Into my office again un-. til l ask you to do so." ' ! ."Certainly, Mr. T.; I agree to that,1 .said the provost promptly and . walked? out smiling with a check for $1,000, A 5 A month or so later the broker heard a knock at his door. "Come in V he called and In walked Mr. Harrison.' He had the black book under his arm.) ,. "Good morning, Mr. T.," he said.- ! .. .n Vnln ma with B ltfrttA Tint. nam jfvu iw wn " ------- . verslty matter I am" I "Look here. Mr. Harrison' the bro ker continued, Jhen I gave that last( thousand dollars wasn't it on the ex press condition that you shouldn't pome Into mv office again until I In vited touT' '-'- ; : "Why. yes," returned the provost, "I believe that was the understanding.; But didn't you say 'Come In I Just now. when I knocked?' ---. aaM aVftA aKArtlr llta tlmA TVO SI j.- XliCjr SKtJr MO VUV-V.1. S,iilO taaauv i'aa for $5,000. ,' j . 4 The tlablta of the Robin. . Let us hide behind that clump of blackberry bushes and watch the par ent birds as they come to feed tneir young. - There comes the father robin now. Xou can dlstlnguisn mm rrom the mother by bis darker plumage. Xou will notice that in coming with the food be alights on a particular twig, hops along a particular branch and alights on a particular side of the nest If you watched him for a week, you would probably see him approach the nest in precisely tne same way each time. Now here comes the moth er, a lighter colored, bird, with grsy on the back of her head. Tou see that she reaches the nest by quite a differ ent route and alights upon the other side ot it and she will do this over and over and over again. taxe men ana women, i birds . acquire , habits which they, rigidly adhere to unless something happens to prevent them. Ernest Har old Baynes in Woman's Home Com panion. : . :" . '' " - Bonest Hlstake. . ' The story is told of a little New Eng land girl the workings of Chose Puri tan conscience Involved , her In diffi culties on one occasion. ., ; She was studying mental arithmetic at school and took no pleasure in it. One day sho told her mother. , with much depression of spirit that she had "foiled again In mental arithmetic," and on being asked what problem bad Moved her undoing She sorrowruiiy mentioned the request for the addition of "nine and four." . "And didn't you know the answer, dear?" asked her mother. :' r "Yes'm," said the Uttle maid; "but, HEADQUARTERS FOR And all Kinds of- eBHii Best Goods' -'-; Isowest Prices. Under Hotel ChatUwka, SME11 ! Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short : notice to , execute Farm, City, -Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches. Blue and black prints made. Old maps re- m.Im anTl mnntAjt T-nnAo-rantifaal surveying and plotting. Drawings and wokrlne plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, hud out and construction superintended. . you know, we are to .Vfrite lfte.anaweri I I I l" fnlfhnf ir.n 'pn our slates, and- before X thought 1 I. J - W UITUllUUi 1 - - - New Bern, IS. C. made four marks and counted up, Ten, leven, twelve, thirteen,', and then, ;of cpurse, I knew tnai wasux.meBou, aw I wrote twelve for the answer to bt i .i .. .. m . i j. ... , i raur." xoum s viompamon. Bate la Chmrah. f v "Time wasi" says the London Chron icle, "when men wore their bats in phurch, andPepys evidently consia ered it an nnnecessary piece of strict ness to Insist on the bare bead lo church. In bis diary for Nov, if, 16G1, he has the entry, 'To church and beard a simple fellow upon the praise of church muslque and exclaiming against men's wearing their bats on In church.' "On Sept. 28 following he. vent to the French church at thei Savoy, where the minister do preach with bis hat off, I suppose in further conformity With our church.' i v "Probably it was about this date that, the custom of removing hats In thgjjiurch began." ,j ' ' NEW RIVAIACTOrpLOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS outshootall other black j powder'shells, because they are made ;'? better snd loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of 1 powder, shot snd wadding. ,:Trr them and you will be convinced. , ALL" REPUTABLE f DEALERS KEEP TUB 11 m m. aT a mm at inf..-"-.- thC 1 .. D. t r, t , ai!7Juit18,1H7H. DR.O. J. atorruTT My Dei? Slrt Junttae to rm rtnm.n''- ' nr3 C.. "".".1 .2" T, j DisiThots,tf stnte", -i th Bowel 1 -ml- cf I Children 04 A?'. the B Mn-'t, I 1S7 EUaldle; Ct. Columbian InsectIeide,tPeterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Qoradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises, - . We keep on hand a complete stock o - nedlcinest Toilet Articles. ; ' , ' . Perfumery, . , Tooth Brushes, &c rhyslclans' Prescriptions a special I Competitive Examiaatici for : poiiitincnt ci ' Kayal Calet at -Dfltcl States Naval 1 Notice Is i"" ' y f'ven that an es nation will la L 1 tr iT rn,Z' Carolina, on June i. Ji, 1 f : iOr $ul S5 Mta tt C. J. W.ZmTT: M. I fnTeiwtfiMiewith T(ntreinllftnt mr"tiiins, TKKTH1NA. Out litti Btrl, jtmtUM tt -tritHiUiitt)f. Kvery rm4iiy was ax Haunted In th shape of prtif-nimn f rum f C' MnufHl to I'ti off itir uh-( A'M urmng fever Oon tinuwl for d ivi at a time, h hT nitHhMf dt!termil to try - ., and In a day or two t,i,i was ft lb twweks wsr rtuljr,ftai' ''w IaLAiiINA, the IMh -. .i,f n.w n h w-. VUrsH bC.. P Wt aWgiV A. A.UUt (UIU A aviJUV is Mb tfvrv I I s Lv 1. s. J. - ,. yoa ,..m..l r i . a ...,,,, purpope of s-.' nate for appo! States Naval t- Maryland. O. the Third Cor; North Carol:, i f a r ' -1 D 7 fit 1 1 st Ta-fcc (A.) Ksa

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