tsJ. - AegetaUc Prtparauonfar As similating IhcFoodandBetjula ung Uk Sloinadis and Bowels of .1 wrM Fromolcs DigeslionChretful ness and Rest .Contains neither Ontum.Morptuue norMiiveral. Not Narcotic: r. HnfOUJ'SiMUBJtTCHai sum, um-. hinmSmd- A perfect Remedy forConstipa Ron, Sour Stomach,Diantoea and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Sigrtntuit of, NEW "YDHK. : EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IS CHARLOTTE GOING -: ' - . e t. ? it r ? To Leave the north Carolina League V v Ashenback and His Dicker. The following from the Chattanooga Tcnn., Newt if 111 be Interesting: "Chattanooga may have a new ball team. Bach are the negotiation! now under way between the local - manage ment and the manager of a awlft ball team In North Carolina. The various rumors that have been afloat On the streets on account of the matter have caused consider ible talk among the base ball men, and not a few hare stated that they are very much gratified at the pros pective change in the personnel of ' the ball team. About a week ago the local association received a communication from Ashenback. of the Charlotte team. The team Is composed of some of the fastest and all round good players In the South. The only objections- presenting themselves to the association were the fact that the manager wanted too much for his men. One of the strongest argu ments which Induced the association to consider the matter was the fact , that Ashenback's team had won twenty-three consecullvo games, and on" account of that fact has nearly broken up the North ' Carolina League. The association has : had the matter under consideration for some time, and a few days ago Percy Loomls, the president of the local base ball association, left 1 for Charlotte for the purpose of investigating the team.: ' It Js understood among the baseball people' In the city that a deal will be made ,, by ; which a manager and seven players are to V aocored, This will be an excellent thing for the local club, as t they bare scarcely done a thing wlth the material on hand. In ease the team secures the new players the local club will have an excellent chance to come out at the end of the season far at the top of the league. It will be remembered that last season New Orleans had a los ing, team and was near the bottom of ladder for months, then, strengthening the team, rose rapidly and came near beating the Fishermen out of the pen nant. This will be the story In case Chattanooga can secure the additions to the team, while the chances of securing ' the whole lot are good, yet Chattanooga cannot- auora to pay any rancy prices for the Tar Heels, but in case the nego tiations f sil to carry,- the management -. will attempt to purchase a few . of the players." vv,--'"-:;. - i The Thief... ...of Beoaity fVcitnidbr tormdBeW BaeuUtor. . i. ..I a trMM. are ftWftMtlff tO the fact that Inherited comlinMi hel btjn atolen and imooth tmjwe, the tell-tale wrinkle, of pals have taken the place of h former charmj. These are the warning lecnnwi '"S" ml exhauntwl In the mominir, no life, no amw ..n to enter upon their former pleaauree, Irrlt- ntle, cross, dlscouraaw, null n,"a:,'T7' KJ dispirited feellnB, .leepleM nlghte, cold feet, .poor circulation, "lieiirin down r pauie. All theM ivmptoma Indicate deranged and weakened or- ?rtna. Stlmuerea nerve, ait" ,llivr the weakened condition of Jhn female orRiins at eiirel. at nlirht follow. oorelf from more terrible reaulta, reiieem Save your FcinalJ Bzulztzr The most treni?ftinlTH-, Invigorating, mm atmal remilator In the world. It ruiieves painful menatrunrlnn, nrofwe men struation, ou.trui led nienalruatlon, liitiamnia ii..n of the vk ilia, dii-enint, metnOranol ,- nirrh, nervou.neaa, neanachei. ttltra. N-niHy of face and ayrnmei'? of form are tue result of the ue ot the,e he..h dr.u.e. 1.1 ,mii.tl.(H. Oni buuK. 1-er wl BaaUh for U oiuuu. mailed free. THE rs-' -in rtc LTO". CO. 1 1 ) i y i For Infanta and Children. iTb Ki:d YcUIevb Always Bc:ht ; Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years iiiinn; I ! ! ill ill. J Ttt MMTAHII IWIIMT, MCwl VWMI OTTVW - A ROMANTIC WEDDING. 'v . Rev. Thos. Hoe and Kiss Jalla Thomas. f Beaifort, Married in Corist Episcopal Church. Shortly after one o'clock yesterday afternoon a wedding occurred at Christ Episcopal Church which was. attended by somewhat romantic clrcumetancea. It took place In the presence of a few personal friends, v v f:'.. Rev. Thomas Noe and Miss Julia Thomas, both ot Beaufort, were united In marriage by Rev. T. M. N. George. ' The courtship of the reverend gentle man was not regarded with favor by the father of the bride and rather than Incnr parental displeasure by wedding at home the two by a prearranged plan came to New Bern to be married, Miss Thomas coming from Washington, D. C. where she had been visiting friends, Mr. Noe arriving from Beaufort. Mr. Noe la the rector of the Episcopal church at Beaufort and the couple are-very popu lar in the society of that city ; and art well known here. . -. Kcdcl Cjrspspsla Cure k Digest what you Mt t i JbeKaysYlUe AffiOr. : Mayskie. June 84th. Editok JouRNii-. Having been re quested by several I wish to correct a mistake that appeared In an article in last week Journal regarding the deaths of Messrs Whltty and Oakley, surely the writer was unfamiliar with the details of the affair perhaps knew nothing of it, only what he learned from general gos sip. It Is very true that these men died from the effect of wood alcohol adminis tered by thea-selvM through accident. The article referred to Insinuates that Mr. Whltty was to blame . for the whole affair, tt ssysMr. Whltty challenged or dared his companions to drink the stuff and that IfHt. Oakley was the only one to join him." ' v. Now the above Is tofsething we hare not heard before. Here is What the peo ple of MaysvUle have haard. and have reason to believe, about this nd affair, Mr. Oakley who was a bicycle repairer kept some wood alcohol In hbl'shop for the purpose of Cleaning maahlnea, It Is evident that he must have been In the habit of using tome for drinks, but not enough to effect him, with the belief that It was harmless, he mixed good quan tity of it with water and drank mom- of It than usual. In a short while alter he i nad made this cheap whiskey, Mr. Whlt ty bad occasion to visit his shop and was persuaded by Mr. Oakley to drink some of It with him, telling him thai It was not poison. He then rave hint some! in a bottle whioh he took home with him, and drank from It several times, think1 ing nothing of It only that tt was a com' mon beverage of Mr. Oakley's. Several others drank some of the same mlatare thinking just as Mr. Whltty -about It, only they did not like the taste and only got a small quantity. Wear sorry that such an accident happened la onr little town and hope that it may be a warning to others. We also regret that Mr. Whlt ty has been charged as the leading character when he was not. . I M The EaycrV Coart ; The Mayor held court yesterday morn ing and administered justice to a number of disorderlies and some wUh more seri ous offenses to answer tot." t Susan Jones, colored, disorderly con duct, fine and cost $3.95. Virginia Flam ming, colored, disorderly, $10 and costs lllu White, black, disorderly, flue and costs, -w, v W. B. Johnson was lined, ten dollars for allowing persons to1 enter - his bar room on Sunday. Jim Johnson, colored was before the Mayor for assault with k deadly weapon on Jim Hill colored. The weapon used was a sling shot - and the effect ot It on Hill's face was very ap r' -etit. Johnson was taken to jail in (L'aultof bu'l to awa'.t itll in tie cr!".'aal session t tie Epctor court. AM hp. sS TH3 LECPAXDS SPOTS. J TU Lca4iar;Wark tt FIcOm af The Tear. - Riy. Thol Dixon, Author. ' ' In the Sunday Issue ot the Atlanta Journal Dr. Wharton has an apprecia tive review or Tom Dixon's popular aovel "Leopard 8 pots," from which we make the following extracts: "I nave Just finished reading Tom Dix on's great nook. I do not hesitate to pronounce It the most thrilling book thai has been written in this country since the war. I thought I knew the author well a a magnetic and towering 'fret lance1 preacher and as the most at tractive lecturer on the American plat form, but I did not dream that he could write such a novel. It la an epoch-mak ing book,, and a worthy snooetsor to 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. It is superior In power of thought and graphic descrip tion. It Is unquestionably the result of the study ' of years, and unliks most other novels, . Is packed with . truth stranger than fiction. - His account of reconstruction days, while vividly drawn i and terrible In its details, Is true to the very letter. The same things that hap pened ia Hambrightand Campbell coun ties happened all over the South. . The book la the South's vindication and the North's Information as to that dark pe riod In our history. "His picture of the carpet-bagger and especially of the scalaway, are incompar able; and what he has to say of the Black Peril is a picture . by no means over drawn. : There la scarcely a county in the whole South that has not witnessed more horrible outrages than he describes He hjuklef tly woven into the story some of Mrs. Btowe's characters, notable Le- gree, the slave driver ot Red River, whose like having brought on the war, whioh caused the sacrifice of a million lives, at ha close fattened on the misfor tunes of our people. "The book Is distinctly Dlxonian, his own personality being Injected Into every paragraph. It Is said that the hero, Charles Gaston, la Governor Ay cock, of North Carolina. I think Gaston Is Dixon and Aycock combined.. The preacher, Dr. Durham, seems to be a combination of Rev. C. Durham, D. D., the most Influential Baptist preacher of that State, and Dixon, himself being the only man who could have achieved the wonders Durham did In Boston. Hon. Tim Shelby ia the typical reconstruction negro politician. The love story reads very much like Dixon's own to those few who art familiar with it, and, some of the critics to the contrary, It Is a good, touching-and thrilling story. He has certainly studied the great masters ot fiction and given us a book that ia likely to produce an impression on the world second to no book issued in mod ern times. His knowledge of the negro dialect is more correct and pleasing to me than Thomaa Nelson Page's. , r 'If all the negroes In the South were college graduates, and all. the whites Il literate, the whites would still have their way. 'Can the leopard change his spots or the Ethiopian hit skin t" Until that Is done the voice of God seems to whisper, 'you need not fear." t i s ::Z : ..,...,.,,.. .G. N, EnstTT. New Bern, June 85, 1908. 1 1 ? "" Death of John IJcnacr.; Mr, John Bender, of Mill Crees, Jones county, died at the homo of his : uncle, Mr, John B. Watson, in this city last evening.. His death was caused by heart failure. He was 81 years of age and had been ill several weeks. The remains will be carried to hla home this morning. ;.- f Kveqr Healthy Boy. : ; likes to get himself into places of danger Hence bruises, strains ' and sprains, Mother scolds and brings out the bottle of Perry Davis' Painkiller and rubs It on the injured spots with an energy and frequency depending on the seriousness of tht cast. There is nothing like Pain killer to' take oat the soreness. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis Price 85a and 50c . r f' !' Frflol jUny. . ' The CointHlInu I thought you Miss Toner were to be married week, la it postponed. 5 and this The Heavy-Gad. air! She actually wants her name to appear before mint In the wedding announcement Ex change. f "BaconA man can't take any money srlth him when he dies. ' Egbert Oh. I don't know. I had friend .who owed me $10 die last week. X guess he's taken that with him all rlghtYonkert Statesman. ' , i : Filthy Temples in India. . Sacred cowa often defile Indian tem ples, but worse "Jet Is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit It Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. Then give lively livers, active bowels, good d'g&llon, fine appetite. . Only 25c at C. D. Erawlam's drug store. 0 fiherlfTs Tax Jry. Take notice t That by virtue of tht tax list of Craven County in say hands tor collection for tht year 1KH, and In de fault ot payment according to tht pro vlaloas of tht existing law. I have lev led on the lands of tht following named persona, and will sell tht samt at tht Court Boase door In New Bern on the Hthdsyof July. 1908, to satisfy said taxes and costs on the same. Ha. 1 Twhlv Anderson, Noah 48 acres, Ptney Neok 85 Brooks. S W 885 a. Swift Creek 47 48 Cherry, Battle M Ma, part F. Jackson land . . . 87 Casey, L, OC Gaaktns, agtn 115 a, Deep Nock 817 Dawson. Grant 800 a, Alligator A 53 Edwards, Henry 60 . a. Maul Swamn 1 78 Fornea, Sarah 800 a, Creeping Swamp . 4 48 Fornes, Frank 00 a, Bull.Poco- itn , 8 53 Green, Dock 140 a, Palmetto 7 88 Johnson, Peter ft a, Bear Brnch 0 75 Sees. Zach 17 a. Hill Neck 8M Keea, Daniel, heirs, by Allen Dixon, arent. 58 a. Hills Nek 6 59 KItrell, Susan 88 a, Butlers Ford U 4 50 Mitchell, A 800 a, Bear Branch 4 48 Pngh.LR 48 a. Swift Creek 448 Boein. Busan. 88 a. Vanceboro 8 58 Tripp, Joseph, heirs, 880 a, Po- cosln r 4 01 Warren, Lewis, heirs 800 s, Maul's Swamp - 4 48 Sod Township. Arthur, Martin 94 a, Forrest 4 00 Barrington, N O 100 a, Cool ' Springs 1 58 Ererlngton, Geo A 15 a, Shufly 6 80 Gaakins, D H., Administrator 887 a, Forrest 6 75 Klnsaula, G W 100 a, Hill land - 4 48 Elrkman, T R 8 a, Sand Hill 5 80 Price, B B 85 a, Ipock land 0 80 Sherman, Nat 15 a, Flat Swamp 6 85 Tuten.CR10a.TruItt 7 08 3d Townahlp. Bryant, Owen 84 a, near Dover Daugherty, Sarah 13 15 a. Core Creek Griffin, J B 41 a, near Dover ards land Jenkins, M W 20 a, Core Creek Loftin, Jas F 11 a, near Dover Marshburn, D T 400 a, Wild Cat ' . Parker, W B 75 a, Beasley land Rlggs, H 60 a, Core Creek Rouse, J B 803 a, Mosely Creek Taylor, Alex 78 a, Cannon Branch ' 5th Townahlp. Bright, Henrietta 800 a, Neuse River Coleman, Hardy 50 a, Hancock Creek Pate, M S 100 a, King's Creek Richard's, Jas R 50 a, Adama i Creek 716 8 08 0 13 1188 628 6 46 10 88 4 01 583 5 50 791 504 400 4 01 4 54 Richards, Ben Sr., 53 a, Ca- hogue 4 37 Richardson, T A 8 a, Borden Road Simmons, Nathan 100 a, E S Ad ams ... , . , 1372 Williams, Jas 5 a, Mitchell's Creek . ,, eth Townahlp. 5 59 Anderson, Sophia, 5 a. near rail road -O "V 280 5 55 805 Bates, Amos, 10 a. Havelock Benjamin, G, W. 8 a. Bryan, Perrin, 10 a, ." Mrs. W. J. H. .Cavnaugh, 55 a, 2 93 Havelock . - , : 7th Towaahlp. 3 77 Cooper, Geo. 1 1. Grayavllle 5 99 Foscue " 85 34 Haaket, S. 800 a. Johnson' Point 10 72 804 Hunter, Mary 1 a. H. R. Bryan's land " : Lee, John, 4 a. Cole Camp Perry, H H 500 a. Haddock Plllam Bros, 800 n. Plllam 595 jj land K-;''':i;, i-y 16 09 Vall,J.B.ll.Graysvllle Vail, Thomas, 8 1. f 594 4 Walston, Anthony, 8 L Browns- Ttlle '':;---t; -.:. Bennett, Hardy, pay for Jane Bennett, 81 a. Havelock ' ' eth Townahlp. Arthur, Marten, 1 1, Bcotts alley Anderson, Ben, l Orient Pol lock - . I"' Beasley, Louisa, 1 1, No. 10 Tail street.'Ci't;':'- ; Bonn, Geo, 11,18 Pavle Ave , Boyd, Annie, 1 1, Duffy Town v Boyd, Calson, 95 a, Nense road , Baker, Louisa, 1 1, West street Barnes, JameeT, 11 No, 17 Green street " Becton, Marlon, 1 1, New South t Front street ' Baker, R C, 1 1 14 Gardners Al-'Uf-"-V-'.' ?.! Jr:--":''A: Banks, H L.lor wife, 1 1 No. ; 88 Burn street ''yj:':y':;v1 Bryan, V 8,1 1, Eden street ?"' Cherry, John T, 1 1, May street j Collins, Chas, 1 1, 159 Queen " street "'-fi-ij-i Cox, Henry L, 21, Murray stree - and Pavle Town :- : Caho, Geo, Ul, 113 Norwood atreet : Chase,' James, 1 1, 60 Pavle Ave Copland, Adeline, 1 1 78 Pavie town r : A :,'V; ,: J' - )y:-,-' Chapman, 'Boston, i ' Coart ' street : Duncan, Davis, 1 1 lot,' Lanes brsnch '.v- y''-c'- Davis, B E, Interest In land on Pembrook road : ' Dlllahunt, Moses D,. l Craven and Gray avenue ,(.,;. ; Dillahunt, J T, At., for Laura Willis and Andrew . & Moses Wayne, 1 1, 17 Browns AW Douglas, Fred, 8 1 Front and Bryan street i 804 8 75 416 490 682 476 8 09 7 74 9 to ?9 i 6 1018 6 29 ' 8 82 A 15 1002 i08 8 62 468 930 4 90 468 4 43 Dnrden, Oaatho, WaBathcelnr - creek i ' -. . 819 800 $63 263 Zdwards,'7alU O, I Ronatrtt atreet - - -- Ethridgt, Aanit,ltNo.50 Let avenae Ethridge, Jot, 1 1 No. 50 Lee's aveana FonvQle, Martin, t lot Pavle Town 335 8X3 853 439 9 49 F!aher, Theresa, 1 lot IS Good atreet - - Foy, OC, 11 Bragga alley Freemaa, Haywood, 1 1 82 Joaea atreet Gardner, Robt, 8 i George street and Dryboro Gerrold, John, 1 lot 83 Caimcr street 805 5 75, 4 08' Good, Leltlce, 1 1 93 Bern street Hill, Samuel, 1 i. Mala street Hlnes, Mary, 1 1, 81 Kllmonic street ' Hlnes, LM, 87 a near Clerks Harker, Anthony, 1 lot No. 21 Pavle Town' 7S6 Jackson, Fred, 1 1 Bern street Jarvls, Nora 8, 1 1 No 28 Carroll 9 49 5 75 8C8 613 416 6 39 street : VV ' Jones, Decater, 1 lot . 43 Lees avenne Jackson, Aaron, 1 1, Men and Chapman streets Jones, Edmond P, 1 lot Braggs alley James, Henry, 1 1 48 Blopmfleld Johnson, John 8, 8 1, Carmer street; 1 1 Bcotts alley, 8 lots Oak street 1723 Kennedsy, Auyustus, 11, No 134 East Front street Lewis, Sarah E, 1 1 Primrose and Pasteur streets Locker, Caroline,! 1 Bloomfield Loftin, Elizabeth, 8 I Oak and . Ashe streets Mason, Cicero; 1 1 No 17 Good street Moody, 8 F J, 1 lot Duffy town Moore, Henry, 1 1 North street Moore, E K, 2 1 Main and Eu bank streets Mitchell, Dave, 1 1 Broad and Forbes alley O'Hara, J E, 1 1 Pavle Town Agt. J T Barnes, 1 1 Pavle Town O'Hara, L E, 1 lot Pearson, James. Sr. 11 19 Carmer street Pool, Harriett, 1 lot 115 Qneen 10 02 5 22 5 75 415 442 5 75 516 7 73 7 57 5 22 5 23 street Orlum, Lafeyette, 1 lot Court street Roscoe, Mary J, 1 1 56 Eubank street 6 75 3 62 8 62 10 56 605 7 88 Rail, W T, 1 1 Braggs alley Sawyer, J W, Pavle Ave Stanley, James B, 1 1 146 Broad street Stanley, J P, 1 1 Pollock street Stanley, Silas, 1 1 173 Randolph street Smallwood, Edward, 118 Gas ton street 468 Stanley, Kitty, 1 lot 90 Bern atreet 7 Stanley, Kate, 1 1 Jones street Spencer, Annett, 1 1 Chop and 6 82 Cedar street 416 Taylor, Maggie, 1 1.190 Queen street ' Thomas, Chas, 1 lot Bryan and Crooked streets 309 Tavlor, Mra M L, 25 acres Deep Gully . 4 63 Wayne, Andrew. 1 1 17 Brown's alley Wetherington, Souther, 1 1. 37 German st 8 95 W tills, Jno.v B. 1 1. East Front st 10 91 White, Stephen, 33 a. Trent road '. White, Thos. O. 50 s. Neuse road : ";' '.v -:; 687 875 862 523 735 White, C. E. 40 a. Sander's place Wooten, I. L, 1 a. 59 Pasteur st ." r Willis, Susan, 1 a. 8 Court st Toung, Louisa 8 a Bartlet st Sth Townahlp. ggButler, Susan,' 150 a. Jumping nun French, ' F. J. 178 a. Neuse Road " French, L. J. 80 a. Turkey Quarter - ' Green, J. C' 810 a. Clear 3 99 779 604 884 377 785 .8 62 440 3 53 Springe. HI11.G.F.83 a. .Jasper HarrU, S. P, 120 a. Dover Road - ' Kornegay, Owen, 100 a. Dover Road Pate, Fred, 63 a. Wild Cat Perkins, Sarah, 50 a. Black .Creek Patrick, Allen, 6 a. Jumping Run - - . - O Pettigrew, W. J. 133 a. Street's J Ferry !-'si;.;;-vi fA,,:;--.,r Raaberry , W. H. 87 a,: Green Tree Branch - Rountree, J R. 10 a. Green Tree Branch ' , , . Spencer, Henry, 83 a. Myra -Branch Taylor, Julia E. 14 a.1 Back 545 7 34 603 592 - " aV aV-sV-i - -r.v-.v, I ' Joutthootl7ll7oth'hrac1tip because they are made- : Abetter and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of ;powder,shotand wadding, LTry them and you will be convinced. N "ALL REPUTABLE r ft i " 1 1 : Vr C.-U C 25 ceil tt Ir.z' i?u! n ? rfOt -Mil l& mU to C. J. MOFFfcTT, M. T, Li , r Tik Jt-T , 1K7. D. C. J. yon " i r f y Dm Slf 1 JmHo to yon tfatfttuiAt tr-.t ynsj ty innotJ witfl Turxoil(mt nj)oin 1 n,TrilNiu Oat little tnrl, jiut Ujirtu m-'n- .laitmn- h t iMUtiiitif. iH.fry remdy wm oi isuiai 4 ta th hH Of prMeripuona troa featin -f " b"w-i t i4nu-a to mii off vur biooo ""mg t woBtlDsid for dri t limtk, Hr Uc t ! UiMMrtd of, bwf Sune tlttWrfrji"(l tO try 1 -- - .. (ti4 In dy Or tW0tbnMSktrrvtet.saattM(v? lum UaA rvWM- Ikfsowtsl WM muiaOuaihsM.;siio AMiUi NA, th lmitj imb It now rt -vwH. ONLY SERVE AS A MASK FOR CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON 1 They hide its repulsive form, and thia Biopeueu vy incsc urug, lies ourmoat . . t a. j . i : j have worn off or treatment is discontinued, when breaks down the tnsk and beutuea time they drive the poison back into upon the tender tissues, membranes and nerves, finally breaking out ia most disgusting sores and even destroying' the flesh and bo net. - -I Mercury and Potash cannot accomplish a radical and permanent cure. They have n palliative bnt not curative effect upon thia treacherous anako j like disease. These drugs produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the ' teeth and corrode the membranes of the stomach and bowels, causing iaflam j motion and dyspepsia, nervousnesa and general derangement of the system. for the peculiar virjia that spreads so quickly throughout the system, corrupting the blood and infecting every organ and fibre ot the body. " vegetable remedy and we offer $ I, ooo for proof to the contrary. t) Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise without charge; Onr homo treatment book will be sent free to nil who desire it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta, (ta. - Creek - 8 03 Thomas, A. D. 3T a. Jasper 14 49 We'-herlngton, M. F. 3 a. rail road. 6 58 J. W. BIDDLE, - Bheriff. BETWEEN HEATS. After raising two colts Maxim, SJltf, will be raced again. George, 2KX, la In the Brooklyn sta ble of Charles Mower. A three-year-old filly by Zombro, 2:11, showed a mile in 2:17 recently at the Los Angeles track. Morning Glory, 250. is now. tht property of George H. Eetcham and Will be bred to Cresceua. Lady Pipes, 2:07& that iwaa fired last fall, la now going perfectly sound and will be raced thia season. : Both Era Chimes, B.18& snd Gideon Patchen, 250, are now, owned by L Wertelmer, East Buffalo, N. X. An Austrian owner has entered John A. McEerron In tht stake race tot the trotting championship of Europe.. Harvey D. Ernest, Syracuse, N. Y., is Jogging Dumont W., 2:00, and Birch, wood, 2:11, for the season's campaign. E. M. Chessman has a beautiful coun try seat at Cambrldrre Springs, Poand has got together a band oi royalty orea mares by sucu tires as? Buywites, 2:1!; AUerton, t$ffA, AJfWto. "fa, Happy Time in Old Town. "We felt very happy." wrltea R.N. Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. In fallible for Piles. Only 85c at C. D, Bradham's drug store. Lean Tear Children. The members of the Berlin Society of Leap Tear's Children to whlch none Is admissible unless born on Feb. 29 will keep their common birthday In great style in 1904. They have had no opportunity for eight yearn, as In 1900 the extra February day, accord ing to the rules of the reformed calen dar, was omitted. Herr Monteur, the president of the society, Is a septuage narian, bnt In the seventy years of his life he has only had seventeen birth days. He hopes to eelebratt hit eight eenth birthday and seventy-second year ot his life In tht midst ot his col leagues on Feb. 29, 1904, Philadelphia ReCOrd. ,-- . ..- Ready to Yield. I I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found It a certain cart," says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del Operations unnecessary to cure piles, They always yield to DeWittt Witch Hazel salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. . Accept . no counter- felts. F. S. Duffy, , s i THE HORSES. The Monk Is working halves better than 1:03. " - ' I ink.' lkh I M.blH-. Jii-.trfa.. tft xu, Auuvb AO rfviaviue) uaiiv,. - thirty seconds. . " . Roseleaf. 2:14U, has been bred to John R. Gentry, 2.-00. . Eight thousand dollars cash was the price paid for Prince Direct; 2:14, by M. B. Sturgls. , , , - The pacing stallion Roan Wilkes, 2:04, has been purchased by Daniel Oilman of Exeter, Me jrho .will cam paign him this year. f .W. W. Savago of Fort Fairfield, Me. has sold his pacing staiUdn Alfondly, 2:12, to New, Brunswick (Canada) par ties at a reported price of $1,000. Splan was thai first trainer to drive mile better than 2:80 over the Cleve land track this spring. Pilot Bvsns, 2:13& was the horse he sampled and the time 220. I . . ; ; v . -, . E. B. Smathera' stable, In charge of George Spear, la now quartered at the Grosse Polnto track, Detroit Ixrd Derby, ' 2K)C, : and the green pacei Gold Brick are the stars of the lot 7 DEALERS s KEEP THBU t,.l ,H).,i bllHWIHMM ; DUntieea,DyMRt(ry,an4 j. tue Bowel Trouiks af I ChHdreatMirffS. Aiat uesuon, k ' serpent riinraar, fc .-, a . nnui unj cun.u as full of life and venom at the blood and system, where it tends) t. a. tf. destroys me serpent, ana eiimmatet every atom of poison from the blood, it makes a thorough and radical core of the disease, and at the same time builds up the general health. . S. S. S. contains no minerals of any kind, but is a purely THE SCIENTISTS. The astute college professors are be ginning to tell us Just how TOlcanoea act and why they act The college pro. lessor are great hlndalghterfc-Waau-ibgton Tost. Despite aU captloua erlttdam it la but Just to state that a scientist can make aa good a guess at tht Interior ar rangement of tha earth aa any. other person can. Baltimore American. Jk TMtkMai Dlak. Sggs and calTs liver la a toothsome dish. Fry six eggs and arrange In a long dish. Add a chopped onion to about two ounces of finely chopped calf s liver, put in a frying pan over a strong fire eight minutes and add a little vinegar, salt and cayenne pepper. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the masterly power of "South Americas Nkbvtm Tonio." Invalids need suffer no longer, because thia great remedy can curt them alL It ia a cure for tht whole world of stomach weakness and Indigestion. Tha curt begins with the first dose. , The re-" if It brings Is marvelous and surprising I ; makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how long yon have suffered, your cure is certain under the use of this great health-giving force. Pleasant and always sate, boiq oy u. ia cmuunin, Druggist. mm cHicncarta'a cnq FginvnoyfiL CHicncaTtR'a CNouaH PILLS Oalr Oeaialae. -. .iv.T.Mii.hi.. LiM.ukvrma CHlCHESTEIfS KNOLUH 1. lfrU ul UmMd ulalli. wllh blMribb... Take mm mtkmn. llM.ae SkMliMa mm I la Ummm. BuJ .f yr DroIM. w Ml Am. Map. fcr PartieaUra , trtlaull M " KtMrnt tmr Laal, MMr. mj rm. tamllaU. TJa.kU. SMtf aHDrajttou. OhWfc Ur Ckai .Ual Oa MaiiaeM a-a. i-- .. .. f It will Be to the in terest of those want- ing 'Buggies and Roaa HeaMlale Carts to call at once. I have a feYo second hand ones left on hana and they must Be sold. J. W. STEWART. E.W.SJho1 HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, let Cream Freezers, Screen Doora,WirT dow Screens, Oil and Cook;' Stoves, Bangea, Lime, , Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, . Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ontlery and all the useful articles usually found In an Up-to-date Hardware Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR s . And all Kinds of . ; BDHJUKS IUTZBIIL, - Best OootLa1 , -Isowest l?rlce. Under Hotel Chattawka, -"WEiy BEIIIe-ld'r C UNIVERSITY Of cNprth Carolina. A3ademlo department Iletilclne, , ; - ' Phatisiaey. Ont hnndredaml eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons, tcansr theiieedy . ' ' 563 Studenf4 $4 Instructors. New Dormitories, Watei Works, Can . tral Beating System. , Fall term begins September 8, 1908. AddVess,- V ; -V IV P. VENArLE, President, ';,chap,ciu, w. c. s LAXAT1V2 TACTILEC3 Ik, V I i i - 1