Rcw Cenunlssary Far The a lis We ' Leather CesF7 ' Jane H The ceoeat showers haw beea rwy beaenclal to growing crop, ' best cotton sad potatoes, also the largest eoUarda we haTS teem this Mm. Mr. . J. W. WOOdhBii, IM IBO IIWWMUN wd Us Uml eroD of peaches. Mr. .D. Q. Ward has ImproTed als .orchard by addUg a few nsoreeaolos - Rev. & H. Matthews has purchased a lot ud will locate km Da ezpecta to opea school here this fall. Mr, U. Tf . nam, we laawva bw Path school teacher Is home a a veca- Mr. W. H. Daffy who came Iunm sick tm N Ban tick a few waaka an la Improving some. He U able to walk . aboat lb boose, ana we nop 10 in bub oat aad wall ajrela aooa. ,Tae Swanaboro Lumber Compeay have aboat completed tbelr asw com ' miaiary which ii mack larger and mora commodious tbaa tba preent one. Wa lean tbat they expect to erect a new mill aooa. Bey. F. 8. Becton preached herelaat Snnday night. Bro. Becton li a good preacher and always hM a large crowd to hear kirn. Mlaaea Katie and Daisy Ptttman spent a few days la Morehead City during the Teachers Assembly. Rer. J. B. Olive filled hli appointment at Capernaum last Sunday. Mr. W. F. Gilbert, of New Bern, was In town last Tuesday In the Interest of the Journal Miss Agnes Bell, of Pelzer, B.C., is visiting bar brother, Mr. P. W. Bell of this place. Mr. Van Willis, has commenced work on a nice naptha launch for Swansboro Lumber Co. Mr. B. W. Ervln and brother of Stella are furnishing some nice shingles from their shingle mill at that place now. Mr. Frank Prettyman, of New Bern, who has been spending a few days vaca tion here, returned home Wednes day. We learn that the Knights of Honor Lodge recently instituted here is prog ressing finely, having now nearly twenty five members. Tba schooner, Benj. Russell is In port now loading with lumber from Swans boro Lumber Co's. mill here. We regret to chronicle the death of little Herbert Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Jones, which occurred sev eral days ago of lock Jaw. He was a bright little fellow, and we regret tbat ha was called away so soon. We sympa thize wlvh the family In their deep be reavement. O iamta .avo ilM Km lot. Haw Unit Mspt DOBBS. June 20.-Miss Lucretia Willis Is spending the week at Vanceboro. Miss Lizzie Lancaster returned Sun day from a visit in Pitt County. ' , Mrs. Josephine Griffin of New Bern, and Mrs. C.R.' Brewer of Beaufort are visiting in our midst Misses Lula Williams and Mamie Adams of Vanceboro spent Saturday night t Mr. W. F Lancaster's. Capt 8. E. Swell ate a ripe water melon Sunday and he didn't order It by express f root Florida either. How is this for water melon farming? Miss Bertha Lancaster of Bellalr pass ed through here on Sunday oa bar way .home after a visit in Pitt Go.. She was accompained by Miss Maggie Bland of Maple Cypress who will spend the week at Bellalr, They spent Sunday night at ' Mr, WJF Lancaster's. " ':' Misses Dora Carawan and Bettie Grif fin and Mr. Jubal Carrawon attended church at Macedonia Sunday. Mr. J. W. Tlmberlake of New Bern, general manager for the Fidelity Insur ance Co of Philadelphia spent Tuesday night in Dobbs. John Is a hustler and doesn't fail to do good business for the Fidelity. ' . , s. Rev. JT. W. Tyndall of LaG range, lectured for our Sunday School Sunday and has made an appointment to preach at Ellsworth church every fourth Sun day at 4 o'clock p. m. Messrs W R Dixon WH Dixon, JF HOI and J VMordath of Jasper accompanied him. This gives us services on every first and fourth Sun day afternoons. , 7 ' Among the visitors In this place Sun day, were Miss Stella Smith and Mr. Nat Lancaster, of Vanceboro; Miss Kettle Parkeraoa of Granville; Mrs, K. Edward of Vance; Misses Ventrlx and Polite Wlllla of Wasp; Messrs BtClalr Klrknua and Cleveland Hart, of . Maple Cypress; Mr. Cleve Williams, of Vanceboro; and . Mr. D. L, Taylor of Geddy. j f i-' v ' ' Wandering Willie. A. 4VW.C. Truck Trains. The special truck train. No. 312 on the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad, .and the Pick np truck train on same ' road will be discontinued after Sunday JonelDth. . .. ' ? , For any trttCaV which may be offered the A. AN, Q, los provisions will bo made for Its prompt tandllng'. . ' J . . WoarostntKlLBWot at Hp per sound, not 80c U reported. Oaks Mar " JMII: acne a ii it f. K2W II!! SECT OUT. few Kits and aUar Error. A Say af Skat Oats, AH ftefcated Oiks Fall la Scare. TODAYS SCBIZDCrLK. New Bans at Baletg k. Darkaas alWUmlagtoa. Greensboro at Charlotte. TintuuT'i aasuLTe. New Bars 0, Raleigh t, Oraaasboro 0. Charlotte I, WUmlagtosi la. Darkaa 0. STAXDCNa Or TUB CLUBS. wob lost rsscurr. Charlotte 87 8 823 Raleigh 17-11 687 New Bera U t 839 Greeaaboro 90 tS 43S Durham 90 96 435 WilmlBgtoa 87 900 Special to Journal. Ralbisb, Juaa 36. New Bera triad kard to score today aad twice got to third base, but Raleigh's pitching wu too great a pusxle. Traeger of Raleigh scored la the second Inning oa error by Wind and Leonard's hit New Bera In first three was retired la one, two, three order. The third Inning was a lively one for Raleigh. Pastor, Soffel and Kala, made three hits la succession, Phllbla struck out, but Smith kit and Pastor Soffel Kaln scored. Raleigh thus making three earned runs. New Bern had some prospects la the fourth. Flllman got base oa balls, but was caught napping at first. Randolph struck out, but made first on passed ball Devlin went out at first, Laughlln hit but Foster struck out New Bera la the fifth Inning started rather lively. Thackara made hit, Temp lin got to first but Thackara was pat out at second. Wind struck out, Symons got to first on error, but Flllman was out to right field. Raleigh came In for two runs same in nings. Kaln hit three bagger, Phllbin hit, Kaln scoring. Smith bunted but Thsckara overthrew first base and Phil bin scored, while Smith went to third. Hooks went out to first, and Treager and Leonard struck out. In the sixth Wind got to third on er ror by short stop, and Flllman got base on balls, but Templln, Symons and Devlin flew out New Bern's errors were made by Fill man, Devlin, Thackara and Wind. Pas tor made three out of Raleigh's four er rors. Score by Innings: 13845678 9-R H E Raleigh 01803000 x-6 7 4 New Bern 00000000 0-0 3 4 Batteries Chllds and Smith, Symons and Thackara. FOUL HITS. Manager Ellis and eleven members left yesterday morning on the excursion train which went to Raleigh. Rusle Fulford and Tom Gaskill the pony battery, went over and played with the Aurora team against Belhaven, yes terday. The Auroras won IS to 2. There was very little Interest here yesterday oyer the base ball returns by innings of the Raleigh-New Bern game. It was known that Sherman would urn pire which wu enough to prevent any betting la favor of New Bera against ten men. The wildest New Bern enthu siast on base ball would not bet that New Bern would win one game out of three. Itwaa rumored here that Manager Ellis forgot hia ginger Jar, when he left here for Raleigh. . Gua Danm did not go to Raleigh with the team, owing to his being out of con dition. The games with New Bern were noted for clean fut ball playing. Manager Ellis hu a lot of good fellows with him and wo will welcome them when they come again. . The entire New Bera Club played good balL We couldn't find poor player In their ranks, bat the work of Devlin Was especially brilliant A great ball player that boy ls.-Greens- boro Record. NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE OfFrofessIonal base Ball Qnbs. Official - - Schedule of Games For Second ' ' Series, 103. Wamrngton at Raleigh," July 7,8 9 Aug. 11, 19, 18; at Durham, July 94, 95, 26, Aug. 28, 29, 80; at Greensboro, July 10, 11, 13, Aug. 14, 15, 16; at Charlotte, July 28, 99, 30, Sept 1, 8, 8; at New Bern Juno, SO, July 1, 9, Aag. 4, 5, ft. Raleleh at Wilmington July 14, 15, 16, Aag. 18, 19, SO; at Durham, July 8, 4, a. Bk S, Aug. J, 8, B-, at Greensboro, July 23, 29, ,80. Sept 1, 9, 8; at Charlotte, J uly 24.29, 96. Aag. 28, 29, 80; at New Bern July 10, 11,12, Ang. 14, 15, 16. Durham at Wilmington, July 81, Aug. 11 9, Sept. 4, S, 6; at Raleigh, July 4, p July 17, 18,19; Aug. 21, 22, 98; at Greens boro July 7, 8, 9; Aug. 11, 12, 13; at Char lotte Jaly 10, U, 13; Ang. 14, 15, 16; at New Bern, July 98, 29, 80, September I, Greensboro at Wilmington, J aiy 17, is 19, Aag. 21, 22, 23; at Raleigh, July 21 22. 23. Aug. 25, 26, 97; at Durham, June 80. July 1. 2; Aug. 4, o, B; at unarioiie, Satt 81. Aue. 1. 2. BeDt4.5.6; at New Eern. July 14, 15, 16; Aug. 13, 19, 3. Charlotte at Wl!m!n gton, Ju!yl,-I 23. AD2. 3, 25, 27; at Uak'sh, June SO, July 1, 2 An. 1 5, 6; at Durham, July 14,13, 13, Ang. 13, 19, 20; at G reensboro. Jn'vS.4.5. Aue.7.8,9; at Iew hern Jalv 17. 13. 19. Ao. 21, 23, 23. lwT vn tt T.'i:mInston, July 8, 4, At-r. 7. 8. t: it r ' ' h, Ju'.y 81, Acj. i3,Anf. 83.x4.l7; at Greensboro, Jaly 94, 93, M, Aag. 98, 99, 80; at Charlotte, 1 Jaly?.!, Aag. 11. 19,18. a ; lawn T. Joaaa, Chsa'a. Ons H. Btocksdau. Cms. L. Btbvbxs, Schedule Ooaamlttaa. BLACK MOUNTAIN, M. C Hew kcra Strictly ta Evidence In This bellghtfal Kesort Some of Those How There. Job 95. To eaaaa np a tree, this charming resort, at the present writing, looks as though It ware a distinct pro duct of the aacleat aad hoaorable "City of masa." Indeed. It would be by ae aseaaa Inappropriate to. style ft "New Nowhere," wltk apologies to CoL Oliver and Major Daves for the spelling of tka Utter word. la the social, industrial, andpoHtlcal lire of Black Moaatala the New Bern coallngant cuts considerable Ice. They are leaders la thought, word, aad deed. They set the pace in matters of dress and taste; occupy prominent seats on the political band wagon, aad give the natives cards and spades when It comes to agricultural and other Industrial pur suits. They are aggressive and progres sive w(tk a vary A, aad P. Bat perhaps the gentle reader Is some what aaxlous to learne the names of their chosen vessels who so ably repre sent the old towa. The desire shall be granted. There are at preaeat la this berg" the following persons whose thoughts . fondly recus to the City of Elms when the strains of ' Hone Sweet Home" are la the air. ' Mrs. A. 8. Sey mour, Mrs. A. D. Patterson, Mlu Bessie Patterson, CoL A. E. Stevens, Mr. E. G. Hill. Mrs. W. a Bprague, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Guklns, C. Whitfield Gwklns and Master Goelet Carraway, besides other distinguished citizens whose names do not occur to as at this time. Some of these are here for pleasure and health, others for wealth, while still others are manfully struggling with that ancient proposition "to live or not to live.' But all are here nevertheless, and notwith standing the divergence of motives in seeking out this delightful resort, the entire number think and act as a unit, when It comes to anything concerning the welfare of New Bern. No less than four copies of the "Journal" are received dally, the contents of which are eagerly and thoroughly devoured. These to gether with the private letters received convey all the news to be" gleaned from home, and usually furnish abundant material for several hours animated dis cussion. The baseball fever rages even here, and everybody keeps accurately posted on the relative standing of the New Bern and other teams. Charles Whitfield Gaskins, familiarly know u "Whit" Is a New Bornlan wb hu had political bouquets thrown at him during his residence at this place. At the last municipal election Whit wu elected Alderman from the first ward by overwhelming majority. The first ward here, like that In New Bern, is - a political hat box, so Whit's election shows that his early training along this line Is not to be despised. The duties of Alderman Gwklns' office are somewhat onerous, but not sufficiently so tj Inter fere wun nis equally important aotiea at the mammoth store of C. Whit Gu klns & Co. This firm carries a choice line of groceries, confections, cigars and tobaccos, .and are receiving a liberal share of the public patronage. Col. A. E. Stevens is decidedly aq in dustrial prodigy. From the Irregular hours and uncertain labors of Journal ism, he hu passed in a short . whleN to the methodical habits of a practical farmer. His hands which were erstwhile stained with printer's Ink, are now daubed with mountain clay. In short, he hu developed into a veritable "horny handed son of toll" Notwithstanding this fact, however, the Colonel finds time to drop down to the village on Sundays and occasionally on other days to bear hear the news from home. Baseball, politics, etc., are carefully rehashed, and the Colonel usually returns to his labors If not a better, at leut a wiser man J "Music hath charms to soothe the savage ana It also hu a decidedly pleas lng effect on persons many degrees re' moved from such a state of Intellectual darkness. The guests at the Meant Mitchell Hotel are undoubtedly of . this opinion and are not alow to express their opinlcn In a practical way. Popular music, clsssie music, operatic music and lut and sweetest of all, sacred music. are tne constant order or the day, or more properly speaking, of the night, And pleasant It Is, after the heat and burden of the day,' to have one's cares driven away by dulcet notes sung by sweet resounding voices. At such times the small things of everyday life are ant to be forgotten, and one Is Inclined to W MflgUtHUl MM UBV IUUIUHU IV Indulge himself in the time honored cus tom of building castles la the air. Bo much for the entrancing power music , . of This letter is offered only u a preface to aqaaiat the readers of tho Journal with a few of the things which are taking place in tnis mountain, resort, in my next I will endeavor to s&y something In relation to me manner in wmcn we pass the time, Until then adietf I f 1 :; ; t , - ; " E- v-'l - Black Mountain, N, C, Juno 21 ; " . ? Remnant Sale, ' This week we will devote to the sell ing of remnants, all kinds of remnants that have accumulated during the last three months. If you want some bar gMns on wot ea silk and cotton dress good re.; s. Come tl' .week. ' - BAIUWT Epos. . "Prcici..:-. Davs PrcBc-' ' i Thar aacy makes a specialty of. f . ci', 'Jons. Prompt and careful atlen'ion ia given them. Only the t t tut's are Ui..l. The prices are ri . j .'..la. Ccnd yours there to bo C'.'.tl 1 A!Q ABOUT. Thepeople of Klastoa are agitating the hospital qnestloa. . , ... - The health officer reports the eeattary eoadlUoa of tka elty very good. ; .. The elty street departaMat hu ordered marl aad shells tor the streets In the mala boalaeas portioB. Twelve cars were required to aecoo modaU the A. M. K. Z. excorsloalets to Raleigh yesterday morning. But few white people weat. . ' Mrs. Philemon Hollaed who went to Baltimore a few days ago to have aa operation for the removal of an eye hu returned. 8hs was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. 8. J. Lane. There wu an excursion from New Bern to Morehead aad also one from Morehead to this city yesterday. Both were seder the auspices of the colored people. The excursloa to Morehead wu patronized by a small number., The Tabernacle Baptist Buaday School will go to Oriental oa their eanael pie ale Wednesday July 2nd, oa the steamer Blanche. A limited aumber of tickets will be sold st 60 cents for the trip. Tickets caa be had of Thoa. J. Mitchell, Supt . ; .. : v , The excursion of the Sunday School of the ZIob church to Raleigh today promises to be one of tho largest of the season. It Is estimated that 11 or 13 ears will pe necessary to carry lbs crowd, A number of white people will take advantage of the cheap rates. ., ri Miss Alllce Cole, who hu been a visi tor for some time at the home of Mrs. F. M. Hahn, returned to her home In New York by the steamer Neuse lut evening. The young lady .won many friends In this city and her departure is regretted by many who have had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Mr. R. P. Williams wishes to state to the public that , his electric light plant 111 resume operation wllhla a few days; the delay being caused by mis- shipment of armature. He received a duplicate bill of lading last evening aad tracer hu been sent by wire. The farmers In some sections report that their cotton crop has suffered en account of the dry weather. In other parts cotton is regarded ai fully up to the standard. The corn and tobacco crops are in good condition. Capt J. D. Taylor, a widoly known and highly respected citizen of Klnston committed suicide Wednesday morning by shooting himself. He wu knowa to be very despondent on account of loalng his position in the knitting mill and tbat is assigned u the reason. The revival meetings which are In progress at the St Mary's Free Will Bap tist church continue to grow in Interest Rev. Mr. Corbett preaches very able sermons. Services will be held each night this week and Sunday. All are earnestly invited to attend. Primus Roberts, a colored Baptist minister wu arrested Wednesday even ing for beating little Minnie Burroughs, a seven year old colored, girl. Roberts wu tried in Justice Street's court yes. terdsy morning where he wu found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 910 and cost or spend 80 days In Jail. He paid the fine, Very large shipments of lumber are being made by the different lumber com panies here. The barge Mars la loading at the Elm City Lumber Co's dock with lumber for Philadelphia; the schooner Edward SElzgey will sail this week with a cargo of lumber to Bridgeport, Conn., and tho schooner Lizzie A. Williams, sailed Thursday to Washington loaded with lumber. Both schooners loaded at the A. N. C, docks. The barge Jupi ter sailed the first of the week for Phila delphia from the A. & N. 0., dock; The barge Comet leaves this week fur . Nor folk and other Northern points loaded with lumber. I Kbow Oa Bar Banady fttu obstinate cold. Its aa Is Tm-VAmm . SHIPPING NEWS. Shooner Jessie M. Bell Capt, Gukill left lut night for Beaufoit and Hunting quarters. "l" , . Schooner H D White Capt J H Harris sailed yesterday for Swan Quarters; merchandise. Schooner Sarah Wilson sailed to Pam lico yesterday with cargo of merchaadUe and Ice, Schoonera Essex, Cathleen, Balemaa and Belle of Dover, and the sloop George Connor are Undergoing . repairs in the Meadows ship yard. The schooners Essex and Csthleen, are, on the ways. - - Confederate Veterans, , Headquarters Camp New Bern, ' No. 1169, United Confederate Veter ans: New Bern, Jane 87, 1909, Comrades: Ton are requested to meet at the City Hall In New Bern, N: C, ,pn Friday July 4, at 10 o'clock a. m. to at tend to the business of the Camp, This is your annual meeting, and the time for the election of your officers. Comrades, don't forget your annual does, it Is a umall nutter, but atill some of you. are .behind; be on hand and square np, No soldier will bo permitted to dinner except those In ranks. ; , V , By order of, . ' ' . ; K. R. JONES, ;" Commander. J. F. CLARE, , ; V, . : Adjutant - , ;;V'V , See ms? tho members of Elmwood Camp W a W. will please assemble at the City Hall this evening at 8 30 o'clock. Aa Important question will be presented you. By order of Con sul Com m an d er. - Y7.N.I UC-I, dark. -:;;Asixncpri:sTS. rredptuted By Eectortar tar him Ball flayer. Tba stay of. the Durham hue ball club hubeeaexcHiti j ia cilet ways than by playing the ru.a games of balL The spirit of the scrap ku been very ap par sat and many have been the outbreaks of temper daring the games aad after ward. Monday, aa argument took place la which one f the players pat aa aarora borealls oa Moae Barker's face and thee aad there started the game of rongh koase. The cause of H all wu tho eoarse baadlage indulged In by tho Barker boy which wu resented by Soffel of tho Dor hama, Barker had Soffel arrested for assault aad the latter gave bond. '; Thus eaded the first chapter and the second Is like anto It only more so. . Daring the games yesterday there were a Bumber of eruptions u the spec tators can testify. . When tho players' were leaving the ground. Barker, In re venge for the Monday affair came np behind Soffel and htt htm oa the head with a piece of scan ll lng Inflicting a painful wound. , This act precipitated a general fight la which several Durham players figured. . For a time , the affair became quite Interesting but the princi pals were takea away and matters be csme quieter.' '" , . . v. '; Tho Barker boy got away after the as sault and ku not yet been arrested. V'"'. ' . , . ' ASIIN. ; - Joae 95 We are having fine weather and the crops are looking -wall.' This season the crops are the- best than for Mveralyeara. :' -K: ' In aboat two weeks the farmers will start to cure their tobacoo. ' v ; Everybody la hard at work, conse quently there Is little news. . There will be a plcnle at Askin or Becton Grove Jaly 1 1. Among other at tractions there will be a match game of base ball. All are cordially Invited to corns aad bring well filled basketa. "- SURBHTRBn McDufflCs Tasteless Chill Care will build op broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, certain care for chill, guaranteed or money refunded 50 cents at F. & Daffy's. ' 1 Milliner j Mark Down. All the Pattern hats marked down about half. Ladies and children walk ing hats at from a third to a half off. Special bargains In Ribbons and Flow era. BARFOOT BROS. pVblic speaking. Grand Railroad Rally and Big Barbecue and Mcnlc Dinner. At Bsyboro, Friday Jane 27th. 1903, Hon J. A. Bryan, Solicitor L. I. Moore and Hon. Owen H. Gulon and other prominent speakers will be present and address the people on the necessities and advantages of a Railroad and the ques tion of Issuing Bonds. ', " ' ,'-, A Brass Band will be present and fur nish music, ' , " Every body is Invited to tarn out and hear the discussion. "" ' W.T. Caho and others. . Examining Board for Annapolis Gadetshlp. Washington, ' D. 0., June 93. The board of examiners for Annapolis vacan clea to be filled by Congressman Thomu are Professor E. P. Mangum, of the Wil son N. C, City School, S. M. Brlnson, Esq., County Superintendent of Schools Craven county and Dr. L. Duffy, The examination will be held June 98, at New Bern, la the Graded School build lng and will be upon reading, writing, spelling," arithmetic, algebra, history, geography and English grsmmsr. The applicants mast be residents of the Third Congressional District and be tween fifteen (15) and twenty (20) years of age. --' Look! Listen! We cordially Invite the public to at tend a buket party, Ice . cream supper and etc to be given Wednesday night July find. 1901 at the school house In Msysville for the benefit of the Method ist church of that' place.' Ladles will kindly bring baskets, come all who can and exhibit you? liberality i in this good eaUSO. ::V" ; " Very sincerely yours, it:y? Mrs. M.R. Sablston, Mrs. 0. H. Foy, Mrs. Hanie Kedd, ntr. u. J, Watson, Mrs. J, M, Foectte.'"r : Messrs, K. R. Hay, M.R. 8ablston, J. E. MeCotchln,J. M. Foecne, E, L. Mat tocka. . :.. ; i .-:-; i i ' NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET wboibsaxb rnicia coanun, Eggs, per dos,... ,.,...m.l2c Chickens, old per pair.. ....... .50 & 80 41 young, per pr'. 85 A 40 Geese, per pair,-. . ... . .. .. ...80 to 1.00 Pork, perlb-, "f. t J .y, .'r ; 1 ft 8 Beef,,. ... Mv .....,, j.. y . ," . , ... ...6 & 8 ntdes, green, perlb ,...,......,.,....iS dry, ......9&11 Beeswax, .-? ........;., 20 to 22 Sweet Potatoes, Tama, per bush. 80 to 70 " Bahamu i 45 Corn, per bush 85 Oats, .7.7;, .............62, Peanau.........,..............v...,85 Local Grain l!arkeL Corn, per bu , . . . , .7. .". .V. ... ,4 Oats per bu. ................ . . . $.85 .62, i.85 1.23 1.43 'LCD l.ro l.,"D Meal, per hi.... Oomtny, per bu. Corn bran, per 100 lbs. Wheat bran, per " Feed. 1C3 lbs. ...... Co'.ioa m:i i meal, 103 lbs, Ctioa s-.u-J hu'.'s, 103 lbs "3. 1 i: 7". I ' a- t' , few ' tiHi i n iMMm. ROYAL WORCESTER " i i. - ...i , , - I, Emu iii 1 will CONTINUE his Embroid- (iV , .,.-nrif Cnln u .ft!-. t . - mm m mm . aa m m mm fa We also liave some : . . , . . SPECIAL BARGAINS to of I f terrTHIS WEEK in White I Lawn and Orqandies: 30 ioch Organdies 10c. 82 inch Wash Organdies .40 inch Lawn 10c. n f' 1 40 inch' Lawn 20c. -. ;- v New Colored Lawns just received, Only lc. j New Chateline Bags, f New Belts. Ja ",. . .7 V tUnCLEOIUI.Tltf? r III A 4th ofjatyi Drive " "'with your best girl when yon take her to ride should be taken in a new and comfortable buggy or phnton, chosen from our high , grade and up-to-date stock of line Carriages. We make a superb display of handsome and well made vehicles fliat we are selling at prices tbat. will not hinder yon from bnying. It is a known fact- that Our buggies are better than any. Why riot get the best for the lowest possible price. IT. Waters & Son, "iv. ' :. , Phone 185, - r 'TV tsroea Bt, - nw sbbr, . v t . -.' A fair day s wages t for a fair days warU Is r''' t and Just, but tlie wnns must be ; 1 in p'l coin. 80 don't chont yniir Ihiisi s by pivin" tlicm liift-rlorfnd. Ci-t I' .icncer's, wliit li is of the hv t and uniform nnni.ly. Corn, oats, meal, etc., of the liihr-1 f;m'i , . Cm r 13 i K,'.av. rw 1 n, ::. c. .- - Si A CORSET TO FIT DOTII FIG- r URE and PURSE! L RoyeJ Vorcester BonTon TRAICHT FRONT v SK CIALIK TO ORDFR JUST WHAT YOU ASK FOR. ACCKFT HU OTHIi. a n I n aisi rlnirn V .- m mm mm mm -aa mm 15c. J2 TUCKER BROS. ' 810 North front Street, " W1LMINUTON,'" . . N.'c- . The place to btiy jour Cemetery Work at HOTTOM PRfCES. Ir Foreign nnd Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send" for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. Wheel Bargains. . I have on hand several samples of High-grade Bicycles that will be sold at Spot Factory Cost These wheels are new and are the Greatest Bicycle Bargains evei offered ... ..... .. . ' A few second band bicycles In good running order tor $5.50. . 4 ;i ; . .'-- mWM.T.;HILLf , , . SrORTIRG G0QPS, BB ; J 1-93 Middle Street. I WOULD BE PLEASED TO .i MAKE YOU miCES on the following before . ; you purchase '' -iV7;SllV7S, " Pins; Iron, f Jails, Oilo, Fiuings, r.:::l VrJvcs" Or anything n6edoJ about a mill. rrCuMing and Threading Pipe dono ut elioat notice. ; Machinery and Kill gnrpllcs. 70 Craven St Journal's old stand. riroNB 210. . n n rirfc '"SPv..- .,..3 Dcltinn 1 LI", 1 E.-fc 4,8 C; atDuilam, July El, 3,

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