VOLUME XXY. V f' IIW BIRX, CklTII COUITY, V. C, TUESDAY, JULT 1, 1902. FIRST SECTION. u u .1 -.iKUMBKR 20 ZORAH. J E1UISB. Corn ' removes from the soil large quantities of Potksh. -t Tb Jertiliact ap plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land wilf lose its pro ducing power. S4d wMf w Book ' CEKUAN XAL WORKS, - ca Kim St, Ktv Yt. TELEGRAPHIC. BREVETTES. :; The iom of 143,000 hM twen appropri ated by Congrew to pay the lata Presi dent McKlaley's doctors. Kate Toppln, a professional nurse, on trial at Barnstable, Mass., for poisoning three persons, confessed that she had caused the death of SI persons by giving poison In medicine and food. She was declared Insane and sentenced to the Insane asylnn for life, k ..i? , b,i(,i&i g i I v k The Bell Telephone Co. has . been re fused a franchise In the town ef Hender son. ' Tbe carpentet s of Norfolk have struck and all building enterprises of tbe city bave been "held up" on tbst account. A remarkable cold wave prevailed throughout the country tbe first of the week. Suow fell in several localities. The 1 enn., Democratic State Conven tion nominated ei-Gov. Robert Pattlson for governor. Be baa been elected gover nor twice. t : ; v- . ; , Gov. A. T. Bliss was renominated on the Republican ticket at the Btate Con vention tn Michigan. . Tbe Governor of Maryland has' issued i an order making JqlyB, a holiday this year, - ' r ' President Roosevelt and family have gone to Oyster Bay, N. Y., for the sum mer vacation. " ?, ' ,. Industrial North Carolina. ' J, Q. Oautt & Sons expect to erect a cotton mill at Burlington. ' - ' Tbe Proximity Mannfacturlng Co. will own and operate a 60,000 spindle and.3,000 loom mill at Greensboro. De ' alms will be the principal article manu factured. The plant is to cost $1,250,- 000. Mi Un ?r , The Monbo Cotton Mill has Increased ; its capital from $50,000 to $60,000 and ' will make additions to Its equipment. ?! ' '4 i $P ' : V 1 t S-V J '? ;; - f I ;': ... f k S Brick and Tile works bave been es tablished at Teacbup, capital $10,000. Tbe Aberdeen and Rockflah railway Is , being rapidly constructed to Tayetlevllle John Blue Is tbe principal owner. $ ' The James River Railway Co hu been organized at Norfolk, Vs. Congressman . II. L. Maynard Is president. -. - f" Tbe i Washington ft Portsmouth ' Ry. has not been purchased be the Pennsyl vania Ry. Co. ... t BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE- ; Another ' ridiculous food hu been branded by the most' eompetent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion ' that one kind of food Is needed for brain another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nour lab a particular part of the body, but It will sustain every other part.- Yet bow - ever good your food; may be, its nutri ment is destroyed by Indigestion or dys pcplsr Yon must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coining by Inking regular dotes of Green's Angnst Flower, the favorite medicine of the heathy millions. A lew- doses? aid dl gfHllun, stlmiiUies the liver to health action, purlfles the blood, and makes yon foci l-noyant and vigorous. You can get thin reliable remedy at F. 8, Duffy- Get Green's Special Almanse i Cotton Blossoms." - The drat cotton blossoms received this year by tbe Journal, were from the farm of Mr. W. J. Arnold, at Perfection, and were plucked tbe ISth of June. Mr. Arnold ray that he hat fifteen acres now in bloom. lie is cultivating thirty lire acres In cotton and says it Is very promising. - 'V ,1 ' ' ;" r. ' dASTO:ilA: . Tor Iz'.rti asi Cli!i::x . GrC Lodre f Mastis to Build - Templfc laUraa XetreaeaUUves MeeUag. Heavy WUI tad Bain. TIaea and Trees Blewn Bewa. '- Mere Edaeatleaal Bai lies. Arranvlng far . SUU Pair. Raxnea!, Jane M. Today represenU Uvea of the minor lines of railway tn the State met here, at the Park hotdLto boa aider the matter of adopting' tbe new system of paying for the use of ean oa the per diem Instead of the milage bases, The Grand Lodge of Masons Is now tt work la earnest and la the right way, to have a temple. Ia 1807 tbe Grand Lodge decided to bave a temple and appointed a committee to erect It, but gave the committee no power. The Grand Lodge has not limited Itself to the amount of stock It will take In the temple. There will he 960,000 of 1st mortgage S per cent bonds and a like amount of Sad mortgage bonds. Of course the 1st mort gage bonds eaabe told anywhere, In New York,' for Instance. Charlotte of fers to take them, and also offers to take $10,000 of tbe Jnd mortgage bonds. As yet neither Greensboro nor Raleigh hu made any proposition. There was more rain last night, ac companied by aa electric and wind storm. Borne telegraph and telephone wires were blown down, and damage was done to a few trees. Stale superintendent of public Instruc tion Joy ner returned today from Wil son, where he spoke yesterday at a very large educational meeting. Be says that among those present were 100 school committeemen. , . ! -s Gov. Aycock returned this morning from Harmony, Iredell county, where he spoke on education. He will not make any speeches during July, but will remain here. In August he will make a abort tour tn the mountain sec tion. ;. . Arrangements for the next Btate Fair, In October, are thus early very ac tive. , There will be new features. Many Improvements of buildings are being made. This Is the greateat fair south of Hagerstowa, Md , and haa become noted far and near. Several cannons and mortars, to be placed In the grounds of tbe capital and soldiers' home will soon arrive i here; also a number of large shells. ,,- Acts Immediately. Colds are sometimes more troubletome' In summer than In winter, It's so hard to keep from adding to them while cool ing off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely ufe. Acts immediately. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. F S Duffy. j ix ( .je, . ' TiraaaaaaasaaWaari " f" . Wake Endorses Clark. ; ; Special to Journal. : - I & .T.V'' RaLuoRf June 18. Tbe Democratic convention today unanimously endorsed Walter Clark for Chief Justice, Bedding held Jor Corporation Commissioner and divided the vote between Brown and Connor for Associate Justice. Neck and Neck, v- ;- Interest In the speaking trumpet eon- test Is dally crowlnc exciting. Both aides have staunch friends and they have shown and will show their loyalty la a splendid manner. The votes u counted Friday night stand: Atlantic 870, Button 80C Making a total of Atlantic 713; Button 713. . ' V . TRUITTS. t Mr. B A Stapleford of Truitta,1 and Mlu Viola Dunn'of Olympla wero mar ried Sunday by Mr G. A. Guklns at his home. .'' '" ' " '. ' ')..;;- Mr, Stapleford is one of our highly re spected young man and nu wisely cn oft en one of Olmypla'e handsomest young ladles for his companion - through life. May their Uvea he filled with sunshine and their path way be strewn with flowers. . - ' - " ' k . ' . NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET ' WHOLESALE PUCKS COBKBNT. V' Bras, per doi.:. ..18o Chickens, old per pair. .50 60 " young, per pr......... 8B&40 Geese, per pair,... ...... ......80 to 1.00 Pork, per lb. , - 74 8 Beef, " t .'.5 4S Hides, green, per lb 15 ..."' dry,,, ............. .0 411 Beeswax, .. " 80 to 28 Sweet Potatoes, Yams, per bush. 40 to 70 " Bahamas " 45 Cora, per both... 96 Oats, " . ...... h.,.....ra..'03t Peanutk ............................ ...85 Local Grain Karkek Corn, per bu. . . ......... . . tjes Oats par bu.. ..i... fi U Meul, perbu..,..;.,i...,..i,,t Hominy, per bu........ ......... .85 Corn bran, per 100 lbs.. ......... 1.25 Whent bran, per " L40 Fv . 1C3 lU.... ' U3 r ir -i,rii., . vt u r ! ii i")r j ' ......... 1 - A Helsble Baptism. , I listing Com .n'i . ' pletca, . .- , June 28 A very notable baptism took place near Zorah June 30. Freak Wright a very honorable old colored man who has been aa Invalid for . several years, desired to he baptised and join the church, consequently he sent for his son A F Wright, to converse ' with him oa tbe subject, tbe arrangements were made and the' preacher, Simon " Moore, of Blounts Creek, a very prominent colored Missionary Baptist preacher, was sent for who respoaded at once aUd came to the old man's house,, took him In his baggy by the assistance of A T Wright and rode to the water and baptised him. The age of this subject Is not definately known, hut from his own statement he must be atar one hundred yean of age, he says he waa large enough to pick up Ughtwood and go errands during the war of 1818, and remembers the came very distinctly. He waa a slave before the war and came from away back out of the Wright family. He hu ' been a very Inoffensive hard working man all his life as long u he wu able. In his young days and middle age he wu noted u a great hog bear killer. His baptism wu attended by a large crowd, about u many white people as colored, after which he wu taken to the church and Initiated and took communion. He stood It all remarkably well, considering his feebleness. , We are having nice showers and crops never looked more promising. Corn hilling wilt soon be at an end.', It la getting quite sickly.' Mr A B Tunstall Is very sick with malaria fever and catarrh of the bowels, also Mr L L Toler's bsby bu the malarial fever. We hope they wlIT be better soon. Messrs O C O'Neill, Ju. O'Neill and Claud Wbllford are home near Zorah, from Lenoir county, ' where they have been timbering, the mill being shut down for a week or two. Tax llstine la about completed except transcribing the list. We poor corn buyers are looking forward for tbe time when we won't have to pay 75 or 80 cents per bushel for corn. , S. F. " FOURIER THE PROPHET. Saw B SoUc Bla PM41tloBa ky l,-xxi,.,l,,fMmm Imto Detail. It.la aald of Fourier, tbe socialist, that he had all the qualities ot a proph et ercept vagueness. His era re for pre cision spoiled his predictions for us. Spl&lSpeaker quotes Charles Glde, the economist, as, cleverly showing what Fourier lost by. this: "Thus if writing before the advent of railways he had confined himself to staring- that a man would IS a single day. be able start from Marseilles, breakfast la Lyons and dine In Paris hbnprevlalon .would have been consid ered most remarkable, but aince be adds that the Journey will be accom plished upon he back of a supple and elastic ' porter, , who ..will be tbe 'nntl- Mon,' yrp roar .with .laughter. " rOr again if he.had aajd simply that people would some da? be able to com municate) Instantaneously with each Kther from one end of the world to tbe other Fourier .would have been credit ed ;,wlth a rare; degree of Intellectual foresight, but as he thought best to de ceixt to the particular, 'A certain ves sel lea vine London arrives In China to day; tomorrow the planetMara, having been advised of the arrivals and move ments of ships by tbe astronomers of Asia, .will transmit the list to the as tronomers of London,' we again roar With laughter and forget that be has arrived by the fantastla machinery of the Imagination at the same results as the telegraph and the telephone." 1' ; 1 ;t Hot Bar 1st at Casta. Of the many thousands of bodies of soldiers who are burled in Arlington cemetery there Is but one, and that an Officer, whose remains were not Inclos ed la a coffin. 1 The late General M. O. Meigs during the civil war and for many years subsequently was quarter master general of tbe United States army. Some years before his death be had erected at Arlington a large gran. Ite tomb. '- By his direction the sculptor trot a place In tbe center of the big stone exactly4 the site of the former's body.' Tbe sculptor- was 'pledged to secrecy, nor did the general Inform any one of the fact w f .-. When General Meigs died, his body .was Incased In 4 handsome casket and conveyed to the cemetery. When, bow- ever, an attempt was made to put the casket In tbe sarcophagus, . it waa found to be impossible, and the under taker had to remove the tody from the caaket and put it in tbe sarcophagus with no other covering than the gener al's on If onn. Washington Post . Look! Listen! We iordtalty invlte'the pubijc to at tend a buket party, Ice cream supper and etc to be given Wednesday night July 5nd. 1902 at . the school bouse lb MaysvIIle for the benefit of the Method 1st church of that -place. Ladies will kindly bring bukets, come all who can and exhibit your liberality In this good cause. m-H ifvtw Very sincerely yours, & t iv Mrs. M.R. Sablston, Mrs. C. H. Foy, Mrs. Nanle Redd, Mrs. D. J, Watson, Mrs. J. M. Foecue - Messrs. K. R. Hay, M. R. Sablston, J. S. McCutchln, J. M. Foscuv R Mat tocks.' r-: :-.'.-- .-w ; .,-,., . ..;,'RessaaEt .Sale,.;-;; - This week we will devote to the sell ing of remnants, all kinds of remnants that have accumulated during the last tV-osmoB'.JiS. If you want somebr- George H. Brawl Ahead In the Race For Associate Justiceship. Interesting Histerlral Belief. Base- hall Talk. Jaae Balletla of SUte Beard ef Health. Report ef Cettea Reeelta. To Name) 6 Caa didaiea For Ralbioh, June 30. James H. Pou, of Raleigh today received a number of shells from the battle-field atBeatons ville. Some of these are to be placed in the civil war section ot the "Hsll of His tory." ' It is taid by a friend ot George H. Brown that he is abont GO votea In the lead of H. G. Connor In the very Inter esting contest for the nomination for aMoclate justice. The new series of base ball games be gan here loday. Attendance tbla year is hot so large u it wu In 1899-1900 and 1901, and interest has notably declined. Lut year the high-water mark wu reached. "Jack" Sherman, after a month's service m umpire hu retired and says he Is sudlclently amused. Ral eigh's team this year, while good, Is by no means equal to last year's. The team now lacks hitters. Only three home runs have been hit on this dia mond this season, while last year Stanly alone hit 14. One of the questions Interesting base- balllsts at present is whether Ashon back, the captain of Charlotte's very strong team, will go to Cincinnati. It Is intimated that the league club there wants to have . him at ltd. head, as It is tired of being a tnil-ender. The Juno bulletin t f the State board of health, Issued today, is interesting. It contains a full report of small pox In the State. For the 12 months ended May 1, there were 1,812 cases, of which 816 were white, 1,290 colored. There were 48 deaths, of which 21 were white, 27 colored. The disease wu In 55 coun ties. There were 1,945 during the pre vious year. This does not Include Wilson county, where between January 1, and May 1, there were 833 cases and 6 deaths, but the chief sanitary official there told Dr, Richard H. Lewis, secretary of the State board of health that there were up to January 1, no less than 1500 more cases and perhaps as many u 2,000 in that county. Adding these to the 1,812 cues reported from ' the remainder of the State and the total for the year is brought up to between 8,000 and 3,500 cues, the largest number ever occurring In the State in the same length ot time. ; The cotton receipts here this sesson to date are only 11,739 bales, against 18,370 to the corresponding date last year. Very little cotton now remains in this section. V . Tbe coroner of this county has return. ed from Wake Forest. He held an In Quest near there, at the home of Mrs. Catharine White, an aged white woman who lived alone and who was killed early Sunday morning. The Jury ap pears to bo unable so far to fix the crime upon any one. 5 .The State auperlntendent of public In structlon wu today asked to appoint six persons to scholarships in the "Na tional College of Law," at Nashville, Tenn. Of these scholarships, 2 are In the law department, Sin the shorthand and 2 In the business. , UlcDufflce'S Little Blue Liver Pill makes blue people bright, cleanses the system ot all the deleterious and unhealthy mat ter and makes a new person of you. . 25 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. The Foundered Schooner ?MagIc." : Collector of Customs, M. uahu, re ceived the following communication relative ' to the wreck ot the' schooner "Magic" mentioned elsewhere in these columns. , . .' '---'. .;"V- Tangier, Ve-, June 27, 1902 Custom House, New Bern, NO. ' 1 Gents: The schooner "Magic" from your port wu found by us capslaed in the Chesapeake Bay on Tangier Spit. ' Hole filled with shingles. Tawl utern but no sien of life. We have somo of her papers, and they show that Oapt. Robt. F, Gaddcs was master and owner. We have uprlghted her and now have her In Tangier Harbor afloat with as much cargo as we could save. We sup pose she capsized in storm of June 26, 8 a. m. ' ; ' - ' Yours, ' i A. M. PARKS 4 CREW, per J. W. 8TRIGLB. P. 8. Address reply if any to above cave-of J. W. 8trlgto., . 1 : : Oranges 80c per dozen at McSorley. .. na .' i ; ,' ., We are still selling meat at 12)0 per pound, not 20c as reported. Oaka Mar- ket. ( ,. - -. - -- t til . Chocolates 20o per pound at McSorloy At J. R. Parker Jr. today Fresh Sara toga Chips, Oat Flakes Grits Postum, Cereal etc. Clears to pleape every body. Prince of Inula, Cubanolft,n jnoy f; n J, Aunt FACE inutts Pimples, Blackheads,' Red, Reugh, Oily Skin Prevented by;! MnxiOKS o Psorus trsn CtmctmA Soap, assisted by Cuticitba Oihtmbht, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tbe akin, for eleanalng tbe scaip crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, Hohings, and chafln'gs, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Jtilllons of .Women use Con cuka Soap in tbe form of baths for annoy ing irritations, inflammations, and excori ations, or too tree or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerativeweak nesscs, and for many sanative purposes. CompIett'Jrtatnent for Humours, $1. f Consisting of OtrncrBA80Ar(26o.),to cleanse tbe akin of crusts and scales, ana sonen uio .htokAtuul ffnttolA rnTIftllttA OrNTUKKT I (60c)., to instantly allay ltchlne, Inflammation, i and Irritation, and soothe and heal ; and Cuti. CUR A KKSOlaVEIlT riLLS (Sip.J, H OOOI BDd cleanse the blood. A Smuts SET is often f rii-i'imiitt RwioT.vmrp Ptt.iji fChmoiata Coatod) are a new, tasteless, odourless, eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cutioura RBsoLvaHT, 60 doses, price, 25c Sold throotjiooi ths world. BritUh Dnwlt ChkrterhouM Loadon. French Depott A Ka d 1 Pais, Puta. Pottu Uio ad Cut. Coar., DoM THE MARKETS. The following quotations wore receiv ed by J. K. Latham & Co, Now Born N.O. ... .i .., Chicago, June 30, What: July.... Sept... Open. High. Low. Close 73i 74 73 74J 73J 78J 73, 73 Cobn: Open. High. Low. Close 70, 72, 70i 72, July.... Ribs:- Open. High. Low. Close . 1005 1067 1002, 1068 . . 1065 1067 1067, 1067 July.... Sept.... Niw Vobe, June 30. Open. High. Low. Close .. 8.72 8.82 8.72 8.81 .. 8.28 8.83 8.25 8.32 . . 7.93 7.95 7.92 7.93 .. 7.78 7.80 7.78 7.79 Oottoh; July..... Aug. .. . . Sep...... Oct , New York, June 80. Open. nigh. Low. Close .. 125 128 125 1271 ..861 87, 36, 36f 154f .. 88, 381 871 871 461 ... HOf 1111 not 111 ... 821 . 82f 821 821 ,.. 69 69 Stocks; Sugar So By .... N Y C... U.S. S... C. & O. ... Mo. P.... Atchison . VO C... Am Ice. . .. 12 12 PORT BE0KIFT8. Same eek. last year. Last week 95,000 This weea. In sight 43,000 Sat. 2500 Hon. 2500 Tuea, Wed. Thurs. Frl. 49.000 65,000 13000 7000 13000 900 5000 3000 49,000 ' ' Liverpool. Spots 5. Salea 8,000 bales. . Futures, - July-Aug. 4.47. Ang-Sept. 4.40. Bept-Oct 4.28. Notice and Warning to the Descend ants of Col. Benjamin Stead- . man of the Revolution ary Wars. It will be found vital to the best In terest of Ann Rebecca Scott and Eliza beth Spellings descendants of Col. Ben jamin Steadman, or their legal heirs, to forward to the undersigned by U. S. mail as early , as possible, affidavits sworn to before a court officer having a seal, stating tbe degrees ot their descent from the said 8teedman and the present address of all known descendonts. ' All of whom are hereby warned against signing Or empowering any one else to sign any Instrument of writing, convey Ing any interest to any lands owned by the estate of said Benjamin Steadman until after hearing from the undersigned by letters. " ' NAMION ESSOJ, r.j.r,:t or'-'Mi LION Roasted CpSee ) One ponnd r Packages, Only 10 qt flalvaniaed Water Bucket?, Only I6c each. ' -T Fancy Full Cream Cheese Fox Eiyer Print "and Elgin Butter received fresh from the dairy every week. ''''' Pickled Rump Pork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small . Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolene.," . -- Tja drinkers can be satisfied from my stock, which- oon Bists of the very best g'radea.r , r : - ! Queen Olives from l0o to 6Ce per bottle. ' Complete stock Canned Meats, Salmon, Fruits, and Veget ables. We are still selling Tomatoes for 10c can. Full line nice Toilet Soap. The best of everything In groceries at lowest possible prices. J.L. 'Phone 01. rienty of it ana Alt the Best. Ilere's a slock that is fill ed with the most reliable . gtables. From Flour and Sugar to the flucr things we carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too much,and with no doubt of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. ' ' J.J.TolsonJr. Broad St, Grocer. All kinds Soda and 4S 3E LAGER SEER. All bottles have crown stoppers with the name of what 4 4S each bottle oontains labeled stopper bottles insures clean around the mouth of the bottles, which has to come in contact Zt with the goods when poured out of the bottle. All' extracts Zlt 3 are the best that can be bought which means highest quality tt 3 f goods bottled with them. ' . ' ' ' , tt : We are now bottling the Celebrated Vienna Cabinet Lager 3t Zt Beer, and are Wholesale Agents for RobV, Portner ' Brewing It Co's Fine Beers, and Hofbrau Export Beer the finest export tt s rtiants IT tha -nrtwiIW 'i' ' "' aw 4S S i . a Proprietor Zt PHONE 105. . . v v vv? v vf ? t 1 1 1 1 t It t f 1 k "Things come our & No Hailstorm this cukes. TO WK WIU LET IX GO YOUR WAY NEXT WEEK when ) TO A Feast in Foot Wea will boon at our store, and this ia the chance for i ) Iy the ladies that wish to get a Bargain. . , ) Beginning r.ldnay:pcrnlno we will sell 75 Pairs Zieglers Oxfords, sizes 1 to ?4Uts,olil for 2.00 ' TO and $2.25 to close out at 75c , , $ atit'.M Paira Ladies Button and Lace Shoes thstVstoft'tUsb and '3, ' TO , sizes 1 to 8, to close out at 75c ' li.C l , ' I ' TO ' 25 Pair Children's and Misses 8andals, size 9 to ' that sold for 1 $1.75 W close out at 75c These Bandaht are alright and In good ' (rX shape Black and fain, , A jvi jsk u- -t I ' J5 tf-These, shoes ft&U, NOT BE BENT OUT ON APrEOVAL. Hone? ! i I ! ' The undersigned will make yon a IAko. or will direct the use of any Idle money you may have on hand. ,';Your security ab-lro. . .. . 1 T t o " " r - ' rr BRAND ... . 1 iOc.M i Fresh Cakes and Crackers. 71 Bros St. Phonet37 Mineral Waters and on the crown. The use of crown bottles. No fly specks in and Zt CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, Cor. Quee k Ben Sts. 4. tt t f 1 1 mttttttt 1 1 f Q way sometimes'' year, , hui : ja korm qfff The Old Eel Julio Eime 2,,, E'.re t has j,'oas J t:.e if Wl'.h bis WOt C 1 V ' . set "&' s'ii t"i cotton drc 1 r i. C V 'i , "-. " A. to Z. T r i ; x j. il

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