Newspapers / The Semi-Weekly Sun-Journal (New … / July 1, 1902, edition 1 / Page 4
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-1 TH2 rtan cf the n&n , seas TionttlT Teste By Rvt GcaUcaxa f Her era. -Cartaia chinas of Nw Brt aiay r rat Us slataat that lay pat tatr - dolts "1 soak bot sacs It ta mm, . U eoatrary aotwllaataadlaf , however aa)it was Baaday aad pawaa shoe war mot opa ud m ta geaUetas. ara all . wail aeeiad aad woaldat "aoa,' a aack- tl aay soUdaf of a salt of elotka. that ' atatt taonld ba toraed dova at a basstlaader. ' Tao soaklag was man nal to tbm , lhaa uj tbrea ball traasactloa ooald ba aad I great deal store aacoiafortabl, . aad aaok aad svery oaa of theta lay Uat . warn they go oa tao alga aeaa agala ttaaj will doa aoato good talaooataba- fore aaaklag aay overtures to la Inooa aat aad lacoaildorate tea. jphould w caoot to faeatloa the '7 aaaee of these Are geaUemoa they V would jaaaiediateJy be recognised ai torn of the beat knows anea la New Bra They were la Horehead aad ea gaged a small tall boat with which to go j ' ftaalag.' As hae beam aald the aea or "rather that ana of the tea edjeceatte . Morehaad, wat aw aaetable thaa nsaal 'aad the warn tolled aad tumbled la a ' way to auk eve thoae well accastomed V to the wsye of large bodlea of water aaotSooa. These Ore aaeaweat flahlag 'bat all they got waaagood aooaiogfor V om ol thoe terrific wave against - which there Uno argument force or cajolery affective, came agalnit the boat and all the occupants except one was drenched.; The one who wm fortunate eaongh to escape the wont of the wet ting was liberally baptised with lnstal- ' menti from a pail administered by the others. When they xame back to the ? t ' dock they looked like hut there are no comparisons to fit the case. We, the undersigned, believing Dr BETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM to be a re liable Remedy for Bowel Complaints, hereby guarantee a twenty-five cent bot tle to give satisfaction or money refund ed. T. A. Henry. "HIGH JINKS." Two Men Attack an Inoffensive Bridge Keeper, and Do the War Dance Ac cording to the Latest Rales. In spite of all the civilizing Influences of the time, the savage and cruel In stincts of fallen man will now and then crop out. An unusual exhibition of cruelty and lack of good manners wu shown on the Trent river bridge Sun day. The bridge keeper, Mr. Weeks, an old man, timid and frail, who Uvea In a small house on the bridge wu quietly taking his Sabbath's rest at home, when two men, one white, one colored, accost ad him and what followed is a sorry tale to tell. A Mr. Justice and a colored man ap peared and solicited the loan of a boat from Mr. Weeks for the alleged purpose of recovering a hat, belonging to one of the party which had been blown off into hewater . . .- Mr. Weeks believing the hat story to be a subterfuge to obtain possession of the boat, declined to loan It to the par ; ties, whereupon, they rushed t Into his ; premises with language and other "high Jinks" that It Is said, would have put a wild Indian to flight. First, they threw a poor old offensive cat overboard, and npos Weeks remon strating with them for their croelty, the white man entered the house and secured an axe, while the colored man drew a revolver. It appears that no real violence wu done Week's person, but the fright will perhaps linger with him for many-a- day The disgraceful proceedings will be properly investigated by tha local court today. OABTOniA. Msstks mmmmunnmet .-1 r Examining Board for Annapolis Cadetshlp. , - : Washington, D. C, Juna S3. The board of examiners for Annapolis vacan cies to ba filled by Congressman Thomas are Professor & P. Mangum, of the Wil son N. C, City Schools, S.M. Brinson, Esq., County Superintendent of Schools Craves eonnty and Dr. I Puffy. f ." '.. - i The examination win be held June 28, St New Bern, in the Graded School build lag and will be upon reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic,' algebra, history, ' geography and English grammar. , The applicants mutt be residents of ' the Third Congressional District and'be- ' tween fifteen (15) and twenty (30) yean of age. " ' - ' ; 1 Crown Bottling works gives special -1 attention to family trad. If yon want good ginger ale or soda water. Phone ; ,, them your order. Phone 105. Lee 3 Tay i'':lor. broDTletor. t . i t l KilUncry Hark Down. All th TOtwar fcau marked dow about half.- Ka& nd children walk ing haU at front (bird to a halt off. Special bargains In llibbonB and Flow- art. , ; J BARFOOT BROS. "I -i " :i AOUKS AXD l&OUT. There was a sever had atom south of this city yesterday afuraooa. Mr. H. M. Grovea, who has beta very Dl rapidly recovering aad able to be eat again Tha Old Domialoa Uae steamer Bat tens less the ways at the Meadows ship yards havlag aoaaa repairs made. Tha freight steamer May Bell k also aa dergolag repairs at tha state place. Miss Nasals Street the popular aad accomplished daughter of 8. & Street baa received the local agency for tha New York Malaal Life insurance Co., oa of tha strongest aad beat companies of the country. . Bear la mind the excursion of the Tab araacle Snadav School Wednesday, Jaly lad. Hav a delightful river trip to Orien tal oaths steamer Blanche.- A limited aamber of tickets for sale for SO cents round trip. . Broad Creek Christies Sunday School will have their annual Chlldrens Day Sunday afternoon July 6th, All are In vited fo attend. MIm Mary Batch Harrison has return from a visit la Boston,. Mass., where she has been attending tha Commuaion Ber ries of The First Church of Christ, Scientist. Five lives wen lost by the sinking of a schooner near Washington, N. C. In the gale aad electric storm of Saturday night. The atom wu one of the sever est In many yean. There will be two games at Wllmlng ton Jaly 4th. One will be between the New Bern and Wilmington teams for exhibitions and the other.wlll be the reg ular schedule g erne. Mr. R P Williams hu received the ar mature which wu delayed In shipping for torn time and Is now running his electric light plant. The lights were turned on yesterday and are very satis factory. The Journal is in receipt of a letter enclosing samples of Cotton blossom fromZ. V.Barrington, Gller Mill, Samp son Co. The letter says that the farmen are looking forward for a fine crop. Corn is reported u not very promising. The pilule of the Tabernacle Bsptlst Sunday School to Oriental Wednesday will be the most enjoyable one of the season. A good sail, no dust and plenty of fishing and crabbing. Parties Intend Ing going had better speak for their tic kets. u only a limited number will be sold. 50 cents for round trip. The Baltimore Bun of last Friday con talned an account of a thrilling exper tence of Capt. R. S. Geddes and wife by the capsizing of his schooner on lower Chesapeake Bay. The Captain, who is well known here, hu been the victim of many accidents and hu had narrow es capes without number of which this last one it not the least. Ed and William Parris white were be fore the Mayor yesterday for disorderly conduct and plead guilty. They were assessed the cost and dismissed. The case of Foster Eutford and Charles Wilcox, disorderly conduct wu continued for a hearing today. Mayor Patterson is de termined to rid the city of the nuisances of criers who go about the street early hi the morning bowling their wares There la an ordinance against it and he Is determined to see It enforced. The policemen will blossom out In s new summer uniform in a few dayt It will consist of light weight blue coat and trousers and a pearl colored helmet. They will also be supplied with new billys. .They are made of lead and cover edwlth sole leather. Let all those who love base ball come out to the thearter Tuesday night and patronize the performance to be given for the benefit of the Athletic Associa' tlon by home talent Go and enjoy a good laugh. Hear good music and help a good cause. . Georsre and Lizzie Jones, colored were In the Mayor's court yesterday morning charged with disorderly conduot. They had Indulged ia a family jar and George had made a good Impression on Lizzie's am with his teeth, he alleges that she hit him on the head with an axe. They were both bound over to court under 100. bonds. Two white boys were before the Mayor for larceny from tha Syman's store on Broad street. Judgment wu suspended on account of the boys age. Neither of them being more than 15 yeaf old. Mcpuffle's Wllch Hazel Foot Healer one of the finest baby powden known, curst prickly heat snd gives Instant re lief. 85 cents at F. 8. Duffy's. MAGISTRATES COURT. The Cass of the state vs. X. G. Herbert, S tfii Tried yesterday. Ia Justice Street's court yesterday the cats of the State vs R. G. Herbert wu oa trial on charge of forcible trespass and ttreallag. - -; ' 1 Much Interest wu devoted In the ease which, u the evidence thowed, wm aggravated offense on the part of the tie- fondant. .. ' , . Mr. Herbert is collector for a local money loaning concern. The pros ecu ttng witness, wu Maria Johnson, colored woman. She stated In court that while she was away from borne Herbert went and took nearly every thing port ablejhat a blind colored woman wu In charge of the house snd evea the chair ia which she sat wm taken to satisfy his claim. That vain were the protestations snd lnportnnltlu of the woman as he u d even tha chair in which she tat. . T. i State wu represented by ITmsrs. P.. E. ITixon and R. A. Nunn; t' dde fwu.1 s t- ;orny wat L.J. Koore. The " i at v-s bound over to the Au . ..a c( lae criminal court under S . 3 1 . 3 t i L farnkhcJ. 1 1 n CIlLISKHEra:! - New ten Wins Ue First Gime ti the Hew Series, bj Heavy BattUf. Srmsas PiUhed Gilt Ear Ball sl lewlag Saves Scattered Hits. MetilsBls Cestrs Field Plsy a Fsatar. Oa Measly Errsr by Flllaiaa. TOBA l"S BCSTEDCT.E. Wilmington at New Bars Greensboro st Darham. Charlotte at Raleigh. TtSTESDAV't asSCLTS. . New Bern 7,Wllmlagloa 0, Raleigh 7. Charlotte 1, Greensboro 10 Darham 5. STSNDIMO OS THK CLUBS. won lost raa cure. New Bern 1 1- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 100 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 Raleigh Greensboro Wilmington Charlotte Durham The second series of baseball games of the North Carolina League opened at Athletic Park yesterday afternoon, New Bern winning from Wilmington by a score of 7 to 0. From the beginning the game wu never In doubt, as Symons wu a com plete puzzle, to VYIlmlngton'a batsmen, Rrsuse pitched a good steady game but our siuggen were in tne irune and ready to bat out a victory at any time. McGinnls played centra field In grand style and repeatedly won the applause of the crowd for his work. Holland led off for Wilmington with what looked good for a safe hit, but Foster ran In and threw him out at first Dommell hit safe In this Inning but dies ou first. New Bern wu out In order In the first, Flllman and Randolph striking out. After two were out in the second, Flaber tingled and O'Neal drew a pass, but Krause forced Fisher at third, retir ing the side. In this Inning New Bern had men on second and third bases twice, but no scoring wu done. Holland singled in the third to left, and was neatly sacrificed to second by Malthewson, but the heavy hitting Dom mell and McGinnls went out lu order. New Bern earned two runs In the third, Symons made a scratch hit to short, Flllman flew out to centre, a star catch by McGinnls, Devlin psrkedthe ball over right field fence, the wrong side of the white maik. Symons going to third and Devlin purcbed on second sack.tben that slugging Randolph scored Symons and Devlin on a beauty single, Laughlln hit a "Texas Leaguer" over short, Foster hit to short and Randolph wu. caught between third and home end ing tb Inning. Aiftafe bit by Lawson in the fourth, amounted to nothing u the next three Gulls went out In order, New Bern did nothing in the fourth. Wilmington's three up were three down In the fifth, and New Bern added one more to their score, Devlin reached first on La wson's error, stole second and scored on Randolph's timely single. Nothing doing for either side in the sixth although Thackara and Wind made safe hits to left. New Bern scored three more in the seventh by clean hitting. New Bern made their lut run In the eighth by Flllman walking and scored oa Laughlln's two cushion shot. : Wilmington made two tafe bits la the ninth, but not a man crossed the rub ber. , 5 , The tabulated score tells the rest. XBW BEBK. I E. Flllman, s.s 4 h. r.O a, k. 9 0 5 Devlin 2b...... ... ... 4 8 8 4 Randolph,8b 4 0 1 8 Laughlln lb .5 0 8 15 Foster, rf .. . 4 1 1 1 Thackara, c 4 0 8 8 Templla, I. f 4 0 11 Wind ct ... ...4 0 11 Symona, p 4 1 1 0 , Total WILKIK6T0B. Holland r I..... Matthewson, 8b. 87 7 16 87 15 1 A.B. ..4 ...8 B. F.0 A. I. Dommell, lb. ; McGinnls, cf 4 Lawson, s.s Hlnea, l.f . Fisher, e. 0Nell 8b. K range p. Total 88 7 84 17 aooas bt iKxtaaa. 118456788 Wilmington ;6oooo,oaoo- Now Bern 008 0 1 1 - Summaay Stolen bases,, Thackara, Temptita', two base bits, Devlin,; Foster, Laughlln; double plays, Fillmsn to Dev lin, to Laughlln,, Symons to Devlin, to Laughltn? - bass oa ball, off Symons 1, off Krause 1; bit by pitched ball, Fisher, Foster; struck out by Kranse 6, Symons 8; left on bases, Xe Letn 10, 'Vllmlng ton 8; sac-' Hoe h!.. Ivlln, I indolpb, T'nthlson, Jordan. . t'me of Ml , umpire, Team avf l -rle . gsmes 1 17 won 1 11 lost 0 per ct, l.CCO f',1 Wsrr?n, 668 600 000 f jaaoaa, 10 A pp legate, . - 6 The batting averages Is figured from th garnet played with exeepUoa of first three game at Darham which w have BBabl to get from the official scorer at that point, havlag wrlltea him twice with request for tarn. Those garnet will materially raise tha averages of several of tb team, aad will bring the team average o aear 870. aarriHe avbbagb. .- Qstlhv ...16 . - sauaa. a. a. . su r. c. Thackara 5 90 , 8 400 Devlin, 41 170 .56 '. 829 Randolph, 45 ITS ' 58 300 Laoghltn, 30 15t 44 S85 Crawley, 28 114 3) 880 Foster, 28 110 . 30 278 Wlad, 3-J 147, 86 845 Filhaaa, 35 128 81 840 Gettig, 23 81 18 828 Symons, 10 38 7 811 Daum, 20 103 81 803 Baas, 27 63 11 177 Templla, 2A 101 17 168 Average for team 800. rovL hits. . The base ball rumor published la the Greensboro Record that New Bern was going to drop out of the League and also Wilmington la the consequent form tlon of a four club leagne in thl Slate is pure fiction to far m New Bern It con cerned. Charlotte and Raleigh are doing the crying about poor attendance not not the clubs down this wsy. Console yourself Wilmington. Char lotte lost. Attend the performance tonight and swell the base ball treasury. Maybe Randolph can't hit when you need them. He stung the ball hard. The New Bern team starts the new series with lots of ginger. Look out for them. With the beginning of the new series the Durham team will be completely reorganized. Five now plsyers will take their place on the team tomorrow and and four of the old men have been given their release. The old men to go off the team are Soffel, third baseman, Brncker, pitcher and McDade, short stop given their release; and Will Carr, who uked for his re f ease in order that he might sign with the Tsrboro team. The new team will be made up ag follows; Pitcher Vetter, Morris and Jenkins, catchers' Curran and Fisher; Womack first bue Eauhn, second base; Crane, third base; Curtis, left field; I'ostello center and Rocbford right. The short stop Is slso a new man but his name could not be learned last evening. He will be In the game tomorrow. The team will oe under the management of Stocksdale u In the past, and he will relieve playen when necessary. Durham Herald. Symons curves were broad as the Neose river yesterday. Charlotte 1, Raleigh 7. What does ye think o' dat. That G. O. C. F. for Wilmington made two catches yesterday that was just lovely. Laughlln and Thackara both made three whacks nplcr yesterday. "Sour" Krause Boomed to be dry yes terday. All the vinegar wu knocked out of him. Laughlln came ulthtn 11 Inches of setting her over right field fence for a homer. r Just think we are 1,000. Well, let's try and bang around that mark all the sea SOn. . i Be sure and be on hsnd this afternoon as something great will take place. Sweeney is glno ler pitch fer Wil- menton dls evcnln. Do old boy hav bin doin' sum nice wurk dls jeer. -. FASHION HINTS. t ! Handsome Reception Gown. The Hew Long-Shoulder Effect The waist of this handsome reception gown of buff veiling it made with the fashionable drooping or long-shoulder effect and has a tucked yoke, framed with a scolloped berthe handsomely em broldered with Cortlcelli silk, i The sleeves are tucked, springing out Into large puffs strapped with embroidered liands. The skirt is tacked In dusters and shows strap garniture In addition to narrow velvet ribbon, which also ap pears on the round yoke. ' . Each week seems to reveal snm new feature In the cotton dress fabrics, one of which Is grass cloth la while, with s stripe of close weave. Then there are new fine lawns with open work stripes lawns with narrow lace Insertions woven stripe fashion into the material. Moxt beautiful are the etnorolrioretl batiHics 'which come lu hanilHomn Rll-over ( e'-nsas well si In rol -s e',,r V or t-';-o color. ' ' , TH RAILROAD GOES. , j ........... i Famlfc Canary Totes t Issae 'tMSS Th railroad BMtiag at Bay boro Fri day of which th . Joaraal gave a brief aocoaat Batarday wu most anlhuslMtlc aad to that wu largely due the triumph that wu scored yesterday la th election which the people- voted to bond the county for $30,000. , . ? - t --t The aaeetiag wu attended by large delegations f com all over tha eoaaty aad many from towns la aear by counties. The speakers were Hons. L I Moore, OBGuioa,JaMeA. Bryan, Mesan R ANuaaaabHLGIbbs. All lbs addresses wen favortng-th railroad, and were t magnificent efforts and were splendidly received. , ' New Bern wu well represented, the following gentlemen ' being preeeah Messn James A. Bryaa, C. E. Foy, O. H Gulon, R. A. Nana,, D. Jones, E. W. Rosenthal, Walter Barrlogton, J. W. Riddle, aad J. J. Baxter. ? t . The barbecue wu a grand success and spoke well for th hospitality of the peo pie of Pamlico touaty. Everybody en joyed the affair for It gave evidence that the residents of the county are ready for railroad advantages and they belloye that their long Indulged hopes are to be real ized toon.' .; ' ' . . ' . The vote yesterday wu m .large as Is usually polled and tha Interest which began Friday wu continued through the election. For Bonds had a good majority thus Insuring the railroad. . ' "" , Th road I to be built from Bayboro to either Washington, Greenville or New Bern That both Greenville and Washington are pulling bard for It, is evidence that If New Bern wants It she must get up and hustle with all possible vigor. If either of the other towns gets the road It will take a trade away from New Bera which will be tremendously felt and which will never be regained. For this reason if nothing else ought the citizens to pull together and land thlt very desirable road u It legitimate ly belongs hen. : . A New Enterprise for New Bern, A visit yesterday to the Crown Bot tling Works wu Interesting In the way of a bottling factory where all kinds of soft drinks, such u Belfast Ginger Ale Chocolate, Orange, Lemon, Sarsaparlla Phosphate, and alt flavors of todawater as well u mineral waters and Lager Beer It bottled. Mr. ' Lee Taylor, proprietor of the Crown Bottling Workt has just pur chased one of the latest improved car- bloators and bottling machines.' This carblnator runs automatically by water power which Insures a perfect csrblna ted water. We were most favorably Im pressed with the clenaliness In which the bottles used were cleaned. ; The bottles are lint put tn a large soaking tank full of clear water then transferred to i other tank of water and from there the bottles are put on a bottle wuhing i chine run by water power which with a rubber brush revolving at the rate of 1700 revolutions per minute thoroughly scours the Inside of the bottle, from there the bottles are put on a bottle wrencher and with the bottles Inverted are thoroughly rinsed to that there It not particle of dirt or genni left, from there the bottles go In a drying rack where they are allowed to thoroughly dry. This process la carried oa with the soda hot ties as well as the beer bottles as dt. Taylor It using the latest toda bottles known m the urowo stopper. Tbis pro cess can not be done with th 1 rubber stopper bottle which Is constantly In the neck, or tne Domes, it wouia only re quire a bottle of these goods to convince anyone not only u to cleanliness but at to tha genuine palatable merits In the quality of 'the goods put up by the Crown Bottling Works, , Crayen Coastj Delegates to Congres ?r"? a sional Contention. E F Adams,' W O Brewer, J B Harvey S J Lane, W E Brown, F 8 Ernul, F. P. Rows, Noah TPulcher, BW Latham, Alfred Gasklns, J 8 Robison, T B Ipock G V Richardson, J W Lane, Joseph Kin aey, W O White, Claude Taylor, John 8 Morton, John D Plttman James A Bryan H C Wood, G B Latham, G T Richard ton, J H 8tevehtoh, A A Ipock, John B French. John 8 McGowan, Nathan TIs dale, W H Scott R A Nunn, W D Mclver Dr. Frank Duffy, r W ; H Hervey, E M Green, J J Wolfenden, J L Hartsfleld, L G Daniels, Thomu G Hyman, J M How ard, H B Holland, T A Meadows, John C Whltty, O H Gulon, FT Patterson, J W Diddle, W M WsUon, Wm. Dunn, John Dunn, J A Jones, E E Harper, P H PeL letter, Geo. N Ives, George Slover,! C B glover; 6 W Bmallwood, Edward Gerock W F Rountree, 3 3 Baxter. H L Hall,' L A Smith, Jos K Willis, Q O Whllehflrst, W B Flanner, J A Patterson, E K Bry an, .WU Barrlogton, A D Ward, p T Watson, Tbomu Daniels, 8 M Brinson, 8 H Lane, Johtt C Thomas, Jr ; S R Street, J J Tolsoor Dr. Lelnttef Duffy ,0 Marka. M M Marks, E W Rosenthal, B Hackburn, F C Roberta, .0 L Stevens, Thot F McCarthy, Lee J Taylor,, John M Hargolt, Joseph E Guklll, Brlce Aa derson, Stephen J Roberts, 8 R Hall, E Charlotu-, . A J Gaskln,' W B Lane, M W Cannon. Dr R 8 Primrose,; W W Ptesott,' T W' Dewey rVLDIll, Sr., E W Wadswofhl Oil Perry, A E Wads worth. ' We.Wm B."tane, tbafrman and Ed ward . jf ni nek,, Secretary oflhs.Doiuo r.ratlc . Convention of Craven county which wm held at the Court Hons in New Bern, N.C , May 84th, 1002, do hereby certify that the above named Democrats are the delegates to the Dem ocratic Congressional Convention of the 8d Congressional District, at Goldsboro, July 8J, 19C8, at one (ty o'clock p, m. having been - selected by Charles It Thomas pursuant to the resolution of said Convention and by virtue of the authority of said resolution; Dated this 83ta day of June 190i.: ' ' j 1 V. B. LANS, Chm'n. ' IV ocrattc County Convention. '' r. C JCn, Fro'y. I ( ; - V ' " 11 Ttsan llMBIM ISt. Mmtt mm w w t w yoM- Scaler act ksst vaVB-BW l ftTBAICIlT FB0NT t The best-made and most stylish corsets ia the world. - 7 H ROYAL WORCCStCB COSSET CO J . 'h' I I mm i wire gcreens, Door and window Freezers, Ice Shavers. 4 f j . A full lino of Ilardwarei Painlj", Silver and Allaminxun. r .wAse ' 5 H t m A now lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. Our goods as represented, PRICKS THK LOWEST. Give us yonr orders. PHONE 147. o B rV n -J. II M FOR SALE. : Best Machine Made ... . , , .... , .; . ' . - . Brick at . Lowest Prices. HI I. Hyman, i"-: OFFICE; , ',: Cob. South Frcwt & -Hakoook 8t. Foy & Wood Co., ' Practical Tinners ; and Plumbers. . - Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, and Roofing. " l' v yfe' make'a specialty of Hot A r Heating, and Steel . Ceiling.. ; H You will find us at v - ' Dmney'M Old Nlnml, if Soul h Front St. I WOULD BE PLEASED TO MAKE YOU PRICES on , . the following liefore ; -'". jou purchase nBA 't Saws, Pipe, Iron, Nails, Oils" Fittings, - and valves Or anything needed about a Vd'dl u BTvntting and Threading Pp? done at short notice. , ' j t 2 Haehlaery aad Mill Ssppllos. 70 Craven Bt Journal's old stand. PHOHl 216. " ! ''' I'.i ;, ; ! '"V'i ' . . , .Al ii fair day's wzqzs): for a fair days work Is right and just, .but 'the wnffns must be pHid in good coin. Bo don't ;cheat your horses by pivinj; them inforiorfocd. Uet Bponcer's, w liich is of the best and uniform quality. Corn, oats, menl, etc., of the hi, t s . ! I ... i Belting The Demands of Fashion ar always net by ROYAL WORCESTER nflT!r9a!rirft wearcma hah. i i ii m Screen?, Law n Mowers, ice i ream Oils, Varnish, Enamels in Gold, u Ga3k.ll Hardware Co 7S MinoLt Ht? NEW BKKN, N. O I HAMMOCK WEATHER NOW and we have the Hammocks. i 6. N. Ennett. 1 A Little Head can harbor a great ache. Cola Powders are a ami cer tain cure fur fvrrj' form of headache, bilious, nervous or sick licailache. They stimulate llie KlomyJ" and improve ill- ircsllon ami are Hhwilutitly free front In Jurions ilrng I'rioe lftp. at tlRAnilAM'a PlUUM'CY Vacations, Upon jim rot Is the respont.ilillity of Kliinr your rail nllotmeDl of brightness from your vm nllon. A vacation without a Kodak U a vacation wasted. Kodaks there's Bone bnt Eastman's cost from $1. to $15. every one good, add ibis to cost of filirn makes a total of from $3. to f 17. which will Im . repaid by Ilia nice -pictures brought home as reminders of a pleasant outing. Conio in and let us show lhee Kodaks any child can take plctnrea with thira Hi-e oar windows this week .BltillllAM's PnARMACT, v Agent for Eastman's Kodaks. SOLE AGENCY FOIt AT DAVIS' PHARMACY, t : f "A " ; - 1 brin;; that enrriape around to us and we wiji soon tell you how little it costs you to t nnir and put it in oritur atiain. Wo dui.,1 kinds, and it is seldom a vehielo is so damaged that we .can't make it troodss new. "And it won't cost any thlnd like the price of a new. one either. We shrink yonr loose tires injft nm. chine without cutting them. Everybody is invited to see the work of the machine rutting new bolls In same old places. M - t t-t ' - - , r .... v it i. . . .t ( I. i
The Semi-Weekly Sun-Journal (New Bern, N.C.)
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July 1, 1902, edition 1
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