H F f - ; 'ill1. 0 IIW KM, UlU COUITI, I. C, FRIOAI, JULY 4, lJM.-StCOHD SICTIOH. NUMBER 27 I V n - - - s VKl 'A Mill M - f , Uili v-r , Nearly t Fatal FlfM at tie Soldiers State Election Bar4 Xeets. ,Tb Tebaeee Cre. (iees Bepert Frou the. Register of Deeds. Bates Ulkt State Democrat le'Ceavea- . : i tULxien, Jul; S-There wu a fight at the Soldtert Home thta morning which may hare fatal results. Jamee Pittman and Elttman Harris, two of the inmate, couaihsf rom Franklin county, Quarreled, aboht a penolL One accused "the other of saving It, HarrU, the lar ger and the stronger of the two, had Piltmaa- down and the latter, la self defence drew his knife and cat HarrU throat. The gash I several Inches long but not deep. Harris Is la hospital and Pittman is In, arrest In his quarters, awaiting the result of the Injury. Both men are nearly 70. Burgeon Hlqes sewed up the wound. The executive ' board will Investigate. It went to the . home this morning. ' The Bute election board Is called to meet here tomorrow, but It will not name the local boards until August, It Is The two leaf tobacco warehouses here, unoccupied for several years, Jhave been leased to Oxford firms, Canaday, Knott & Co., taking the Capital warehouse and Cozart and i Cheat bam, the. Farmers' warehouse. It Is said by people la the tobacco trade here that the crop In this section Is the best on record. They say it Is twice as large ss ever before, and that they . look for sales of 4,000,000 pounds here. The tobacco market has not hnd the support here it should hare had, and this was the chief cause of Its c illapse. The chairman of the board of commis sioners of this county says he bss farmed " regularly 0 years, and ' never saw " the crops so good as they now are; that the cotton is as tar advanced as It often Is by August 1; that both notion and corn are simply perfect, and that even on unfer; 'tlllzed lands the cotton Is One. ' " The register of deeds says there Is at least 10 per cent less of mortgages and crop Hens than there was last year. ' Secretary Pearsall of the Democratic State Committee has received from the associated railways notice that special rates are made for the Democratic State Convention "-at 'Greensboro; these In cluding rates from Norfolk, Suffolk and Danville, Va, on sale July 15 and 16, good nntll July SO. The rates for' the round trip from Norfolk is $10.20. Amou? today's arrivals wu J. O Braswell, Whltaker " , , . - J- Weekly ttoFBulIetitu . Very favorable weather prevailed dar ing the put week, resulting In farther improvement In the condition of crops throughout the State. - The ' generally i favorable character of -the reports of crop correspondents It quite pronounced and Indicates at present a very encourag ' fog outlook. The mean temperature for ,i Home ., the week was about 76, or slightly be low the normal, In consequence of a few cold nights at the beginning of the week but the latter half wu quite warm and i sultry, snd promoted the j rapid growth of all kinds of vegetation. Fine rains . i occurred everywhere daring : the week. - generally In the shape of showers in the evening or at night, which did not ma- - terlally Interfere with farm work.thougb at some places where the . rainfall Wi f i heaviest, toe Mound was ? too wet te lplow for a lew daya. if f. The rainfall averaged about IJiH In ches, or slightly above normal A few aevere storms with hail and high winds occurred,! chiefly on the Nth or 87th, 1 with damage to. crops over limited areu in which corn was broken down and fruit blown off trees. The soil Is in at' . cellent condition, and work hu been so well kept up that hardly any reports were received of trouble from grass or wetris - .; :. ' ' '"( '''' y ::':: Cotton is growing rapidly and squares aro forming more freely; blooma have " appeared in many counties; complaints of damage by lice are Increasing. Corn cl'iillinie , in do wdl; the r progress la lavlntf by wan cliwkod a little in the west by frequent rains, but without ma ' IhtIAI Injury to the prosperous condition F the crop, t While -obacco Is rather unv n with some fine hill but the me- jorlty rather smslt, lue plants seem now to be growing vlgoronslj ; topping bu coiumnrel in ihe central-east por tion. , - Gardens and vegetables have Improved peanuts seem to be blooming freely; rice is good; the prospects for late planted Irish potatoes In the west have materlal- ly Improved; a fall crop of sweet pota ; toes csnnot be planted, u the drought hu caused a scarcity of slips. A large crop of field peas has been planted. Spring oats will soon be reedy to cat. Threshing winter wheat is progressing slowly, and results show a very short vleld but of excellent qtir"ty. Fsb tares have become green agnU. Early peaches - and June apples are in market quality Inferior. The blackberry crop is ripe snd abnnrtRnt; melons are very pron.!a- I Sire of Nomination. 'pedal to Journal. rULiiav, K. C July 9, Wake's del gallon to the Judicial convention at Bmltafield, left for that place today. It la foregone eonclasloa that William B, Allen of Ooldiboro will be nominated for Judge and Armlsleed Jonee of Ral eigh be renominated for solicitor unop posed. - ' NOTES OF NOTABLES. John Francis Gabb and Lola Silence .Were married la St Louis last week, ' M. Trepoff, the chief of the Moscow police, .whose life baa been twice at tempted lately, hu applied for permis sion to resign bis post. John B. Brooking of Newburyport, Mass- la Jtut entering his fiftieth yea as a .church singer,' doing good solo work despite his aeventy-aU yearn. Senator Banna has pot a plngponf act In the great reception room, la hi Washington house. He done not play. bat his secrets r, Elmer Dover, la be coming ail expert at the gam. Alfred B. Pnrinton of JerserUle. Mo, who played an Important part In the capture of Jefferson Davia, baa just died. He waa one of twenty men who escorted the Confederate president to waahlngton.; Base Martin, though totally blind since the age oftoor, has been an ac tive and useful .member of the fire de partment of Port Chester, N. T, for seventeen years, ."running with the ma chine" to all fires. , - A monument to the memory of Lieu tenant General Xeonldaa Polk which has been erected on Pine mountain, Georgia, Will mark the spot where the general was killed during the battle of Eenesaw In 1804. '- Alson 8. Sherman, the oldest surviv ing mayor of Chicago, celebrated bis ninety-first birthday the other day. Of the . twenty-three mayors of Chicago only seven are living. Walter S. Gur- nee, who now Uvea In New Xork city, was mayor in 1851 and 1852..? Rev. Sam P. Jones, the sensational Georgia preacher, la doing well finan cially. He Is about to erect a twenty- five thousand dollar business block In Cartersvllle and has made other invest ments of his surplus income that prom lee to make him Independently rich. Benjamin Buck Greene, the "father" of the Bank of England, which he Join ed tn 1850, died recently at bis resi dence, Mldgham House, South Berks, In bis ninety-fourth year. Mr. Greene was governor of the bank In 1874. He retired from the board about two years ago. Ex-Governor George B. Boutweli of Massachusetts, who as governor of that state attached his signature to the document Incorporating Tufts college, assisted In the celebration of Its fif tieth anniversary recently and also had conferred upon him the degree of hon orary doctor of laws. 8WEETt INNOCENT GIRL; Ha Touklaai DTtioa to the Meat fears ( Bar VmmUr- He bad been to the boarding school to pay a surprise visit to his daughter, his only child. He had parted from her proud to be the parent of such a handsome maiden, pleased with the In nocence of bndoing womanhood- The principal accompanied him to the door. "Madam," he said, with deep feeling, "I owe you much for the manner in which you have retired my child since she has been under your care.; When I notice the contrast between- that Inno cent maiden and some of the girls of her age who have dot bad the advan tage of such strict supervision, I feel that t have indeed done wisely In plac ing- her In your charge." "And bow proud yon must be," said the principal glowlDg with satisfac tion, "to be the father of so large and devoted a family!" . i . 1 "Large 1 Devoted P gaaped the proud parent "What do ton meanr 't "Devoted to , each lother," said the principal. "No fewer than seven of Clara's brothers have been here during the past three weeks to take her out, and she is expecting another tomor row." tt -' .: A !. Jte Harttoaltave. Four-year-old Nellie waa with her fa ther one day while he was hoeing po tatoes.', ': iv---i ' There were turnips on the' other aide of the garden, which, of course, never needed any hoeing, and Nellie yery earnestly asaea: .a j ,y "Papa, bow do thl turnips grow T" "God. makes them grow, my child," he answered, c "Well, thafa funny," sald-NelUe. I never aaw him in here hoeing them."r Little Chronicle. ; NEW BERH PRODUCE MARKET - WHOLXSALt PRICXS CUSBKNT. Kgg.Ver dos.... .llo Chickens, old per pair. ... . . . .60 4: 80 " . young, per pr , . 80 ft 40 Pork, per.lb 78 Beef, 5 ft 6 Hides, green, per lb " dry, " .... ......B .......Oft 10 Beeswax, Cornrper bash Oats, , " 80 to 85 ,. 85 ................ ...62J Peanuts 85 Local Grain Karket Corn, per bu.... Oats perbu ... Meal, per bn.... ,. Hominy, per bo. ... .; .', ....., Corn bran, per 100 lbs V.'hput brsn, per " K i;5K,s r " t lirM,l',31,s.j . . M ,1 )!' $.85 AH .85 .85 1J25 1.40 1.63 1.C0 ' X3 i.r: EilllSll. State Board of Elections Meets la -! ' Ralelflt Leaelr Electric Co. Chartered. Ex- Uaslea r rlerfelk ft Western B. R. te Sezhere te Baild. ' Ceaaty Exaatlaatleas . . te the A. A M. Col lege U be Held Jaly 10. IUlxioh, July a. The State board of elections met today, R. A. Donghtoa presiding. The other members are WO son G. Lamb, and R. T. Claywell, (mak ing 8 democrats) and A, B. Freeman and Clarence Call, republicans. The board fixed the time, ' early In August, which will meet" here, again and appoint the local boards In Uie various counties. sue outte caonen un ienoir Atocinc Co. at Lenoir, capital 850,000; to furnish power and light, operate telegraph and telephone lines, etc , Governor Aycock today reappointed the old" board of directors on the part of the Bute on the Korth Carolina railway which board la to hold Its annual meet ing Jnly 10. Hugh G. Chatham, presi dent, L. M. Mlchanx, Y. E. Tamer, J W Graham, L. & Holt, W. H. Williams, C. M. Cooke, P. TL Pens; J. R. McClelland State proxy.- i John 8. Cunningham, who is here says that a railway will probably be built to Roxboro, ' Person county; an exten sion of the Norfolk ft Western branch, now In operation from Virginia to the Blue Wing copper mines. R. A. Donghtoa of Alleghany county, who Is also here, says a private company now surveying for a railway from Klkln to Sparta, passing Stone Mountain one of the largest masses of granite In the world. He says the Norfolk ft Wes ton Is also poshing Its branch through Alleghany to the Bellew Iron ore beds in Ashe eonnty. Speaking of the crops In the north western counties, Mr. Doughtonsays all are very fine save the small grain which Is so poor It Is not worth count ing. ' It each county In the State on the 10th July the eonnty superintendent will hold an examination for entrances to the Agricultural and Mechanical College here. President Winston of this college says TV will be prepared to accommodate 500 students next session. State superintendent of public Instruc tion Joyner has malarial fever.at Greens boro.";(r':"r";:' 'r'"' '. ' - .- Arrangements are being completed for a series of large educational rallies in the State. The first will be held at Went worth July 10. T. J. Jar vis and O. D. Hclver will speak. ,. i - Postmaster Bailey of Raleigh today completed the payment of the, rural free, delivery carriers. He says there are 110 of these. He pays all In the State.' In this district there are 20, which is more than In any other. This office Is the place of deposit for 200 offices. ' The de posits range all the way from $300 to. 2 cents. . Only four States have u many postmasters u North Carolina and no State hu U many offices which pay less than $50 a year. McDaffle's Tasteless Chill cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, certain cure for chin, guaranteed : or money refunded 50 cents at 7. B. Daffy's. . ' ' .. r chooiwinity. Jaly 8. it ere Is much" damage done to the crops in this section by the storm of Friday night Jane 27th. Tobacco seems to have suffered worst of any. - Mr. J. T, Downs reports his tobacco cat short at leut one half. While most of the shade trees In his yard fell victims to the fury of the storm; r Tobacco crops that were not damaged by the storm are very promising. , Corn crops are the best they have been for years, " The Irish" potatoes are nearly a fall are In the section with, some exceptions. Jomut.: ' COVE - Jaly 8. To the delight ' of her many friends Miss ; Nellie .Taylor returned Monday from Virginia Beach where she has been sometime. :. n ; . . . MIu Daisy Dangherty, a fair charmer from the Winter Green , section visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. The accomplished Miss Etta Wuhing- ton from- Granville county opened school here Monday which will lut three months, ' , . Messrs A. D. Hawkins and H T White visited your city Monday. " Mr. E. J. Htnes of Mew .Bern spent Wednesday In onr midst. t The first ripe . water melon of the sea son wu gathered by Mr. H, T. Hawkins lut Sunday Jane 29th. , . The bitters that are oa sale la town eansed some of our boys . to look quite bitter this morning. ,: : ; v Mr. Lambert and wife have a new boarder, a little girl. , Henon. CAGTCPJA r.r t-.x c:ri:i t: j r.:j v.: r SWAWSBOR0. Fine Basinets at the Lumber Co. Bogs Good For Rattlesnakes. July Snd. Rey. B. H. Matthews and wife have moved In the Baptist parson age, and Is busy at work on his lot which he hu purchased for a school building here. Rev. 7. 8. Becton left yesterday for his home at Bellalr, after a few weeks stay In town, visiting around. He preached four (t) very Instructive snd Interesting sermons while a visitor here. Our Baptist church seems to be with out a pastor, u yet Bro. Hobbe hu not put In his appearance. Hobbe wu called in place of Rev. Mr. Psul, who went to Wilmington on a call there. Miss Agnes Bell, of S. O, who has been visiting her brother, Percy, and friends here for Several days, left yester day for her home. ' Mrs. Sadie Rekl and children, seven In number, from Rose Hill, Duplin eonnty are visiting friends here now Mrs. Reld, is the widow of the late Rev. Daniel Reld, who wu our beloved pas tor of the Onslow Circuit of the M. E. Church South several years ago and died In Jacksonville while serving this peo ple. We were all very glad to see them again. Mrs. L. J. Herring left last Frldsy for her home tn Berkley, Vs., after spending a long visit with her slater and brother in Bnansboro. Mr G W Ward and Capt. W W Russell took a trip away up on Whlto Oak last week. Mr Ward to visit relatives and friends there, and Capt. to lectlonser. Our lumber company here Is booming In Improvements; new commissary full of good lumber, new saw mill going up, new steam launch, building, etc., all for the company. It looks like living sgsin This mill gives employment to about 40 hands all tho time. The new commis sary 112x48 feet, the new mill Is 40x90 feet. Everywhere we have been crops are splendid, cotton, corn, peas, tobacco, melons and everything else In the farm ing line Is far belter than we have seen In ten years past. We ssw Rev. Job Smith, the famous Primitive Baptist preacher, at his home on White Oak, he is lively for hla age, being 81 years G months old He has a good crop. Bro Dave Adams wm so big and fat that he could hardly laugh enough to tell us about his good feelings concern ing his fine farm, he always has some thing to tell ua funny, this Is the latest a receipt to get rid of rattlesnakes, turn your hogs in. with the snakes, and the hogs will eat them. Two largo rattlers got In his stables among his horses and cows, Bro. Dave wu scared, ho turned In his fattening hogs u he had heard that snakes could not hurt fat hogs; re sult, the snakes were eaten up in a jiffy by the hogs and they seem to want more so Bro. Dave now wants to buy some large rattlesnakes as food for his hogs, says they fatten hogs better than corn or peu either. ' F. C. Henderson, of the Belgrade Courier , has some of the finest tobacco we have seen, but we shouldn't want to chew much of that tobacco, because he uses parts green as a spray on the plant to kill worms, he says it don't affect the use after being cured. Mr . J. F. Prettyman, the boss of the lumber company here came in yesterday to superintend some particular work on his mill plant. Very healthy, but very hot and sul try. w Mr. J. A. Pittman Is somewhat nnder the weather, hut Is out today. B S Gibson, L J Henderson, the Ervin brothers, W H Mills, Fie Henderson, Ed Belgrade Comls, D S Aman, Dick Gerouk Charles Gerock and nearly all others we pused on our way have the finest kind of crops. We had a big J. P. law suit here lut week. Mr. Ed Burns took Mr. Frank Holland with a warrant to keep the peace with him and all others. He was found guilty and bound over In the sum of $100. Then H. took B. with a war rant for stealing seven gallons of wine from him. (H. J evidence non sufficient and defendant adjudged not guilty, cost, etc, fell on plaintiff, who demurred a lit tle, but finally paid. W. Bellalr Jottings. July 8. Hot weather, fine crops and dry. Farmers catching up with the con sequent changes from truck and oats to corn, peas and hogs; for the put two weeks much land hu been seeded to field peu for hay, and these changes keep the farmers busy; now he can rest a little, catch a good long oroath and look at the corn and cotton grow. Cot ton In some places Is 8 feet high and hu been blooming ten days; the old custom of looking for a bloom by the 4th of Jnly Is put this year, u we had some the 81st of June. : Some field peu in bloom, bat this Is rare, and quite an early variety. Some field corn in routing ear, and much Is silking oat nicely. On the whole farmers are happy, and feel like bidding farewell very soon to 90c. corn; so may It be. Mr. G. T. Richardson who has been Sick two weeks seems to be improving, There is considerable sickness in the vicinity two cases of typhoid fever re ported. L, Don't fall to try our 40 cent Tea, it is a nn ana pleases taera all at J. It. rar- FOR FREE ADVICE Every Woman Should Write Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The ' Hartman Sanitarium. Mrs. C L. Byron, of Ms Lincoln ave nue, Chicago, HL, is President of the (Chicago German Woman's Club, She has the following to say of Peruna, the great catarrh remedy, ' which relieved her of a serious ease of catarrh of the bladder: PemmM Medido Co., Cohimbat, O.I Qeautmem n"f was omrod of m very severe case ot Medtfer trouble which the doctor did mot kmow bow to roach. I had severe headache and dragging pains with It, but before the second bottle wu used I felt much relieved, and after having used tho fifth bottle life looked different to me. This wu nearly a year ago, and I have had no recurrence of the trouble. I cannot praise Peruna too highly." MRS. C. L. BYRON. Fiw Home Advice. In view ot the great multitude of women suffering from some form of female disease and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. tiartman, the renowned apeclmUtt on lemule catarrhal dls' ewses, hat announced bin wllllngnest to direct the treatment ot as many cases as make application to hint during the maimer montht without charge. w txnose wisning 10 Deoome pauents should address The 'Peruna Medioini Co., Columbus, Ohio. THE MARKETS. The to .lowing quotations were recelv edby J E. Latham ft Co, New Bern Chicago, July 3. N. O. WhbAT:- Open. High. Low. Close , 76t 78 75 75 , 73 73t 73J 73J Open. High. Low. Close :74 .77 74 77 , 631 02! 01f 018 Open. High. Low. Close . 1060 1071 1060 1072 .. 1065 1072 1062 1072 July... Sept... Corn: July... Sept.. Rfbs: HJuly... Sept... Naw York, July 3. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close July ..4 8.79 8.79 8.74 8.74 Aug.... 8.40 8.43 8.35 Sep.... 8.00 8.09 7.97 Oct 7.88 7.99 7.80 Dec ...7.81 7.91 7.80 8.41 8.08 7.99 7.91 New York, July 8. Open. High. Low. Close Stocks; Sugar .... 128 129 128 BoRy. .... 87 37i 87 128 37 N.Y C. .155 . 88f 39 47 48 U. a 8 a fto...... Mo. p....;. Atchison ,,. YO C 38 47 39 48 ... 108 109 108 109 ... 82 83 83 83 ....68 ....10 68 68 Amice. .... 10 ' Liverpool Spots 4.15-16. Sales 17,000 bales. v Futures, Jaly-Aug. 4.49. Ang-Sept. 4.43. Sept-Oct 4.20. , . . Advices to J. E. Latham & Co., yester day. . . New York, July 8. Bureau makes condition about 10 por cent below lut month. -s : R. Moore ft Co, New York, July 8. ' Bureau report considered unfavora ble. . ' R. J, Johnson ft Co. PORT RECEIPTS. Same veek lut year. 49,000 . Lut week 95,000 ' This weea. In sight 41,000 Bat, 1850 Mon. 4220 Tnes. 8000 Wed. ; 8500 Thurs. 500 . Frl. , . ., ,. B5.000 " " 12000 7000 S 13000 9000 6000 . "8000 49,000 Deviled Crabs, with shells to same, Lobsters, Imported Sardines, Fancy Salmon, Chip Beef, Canned Corned Beef Potted Chickens and etc at J. R. Par- kerJr. -One, of the best things for nursing mothers, or weak and run down persons la Red Cross Malt. For sale by Crown Eott"ng works. ThonelCi. Lee J. Tsy 1 ",r ' ' Un.cL. Byron. ' I LION BRAND Roasted One pound " Packages, Only 10 qt Galvanized Water Bucket, Only 16c each.1"" " Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fox River' Print and Elgin utter received fresh from the dairy every week. .'.- Pickled Rump Pork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolene. t Tea drinkers can be satisfied from my stock,4 whicjT con sists of the very best grades. . m ( , . . . . ' Queen Olives from tOo to 50c per bottle.., , . Complete stock Canned Heats, Salmon, Fruits, and Veget ables. We are still selling Tomatoes for 10c can." ;1 ' . . Full line nice Toilet Soap. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. The best of everything in groceries at lowest possible prices. 'Phone 91. Plenty of It and All the Best. Ilere's a stoclrthat is fill ed with the most reliable stables. From Flour and Sugar to the finer things we carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too much.and with no doubt "of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. .... J.J.Tolson;Jr. Broad St. Grocer. AnaaAAAAAAAa4AAAAA4AAAaaAAaaaiaaaaaaaA O- l CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, 11 "Bottles BELFAST GINGER ALE, All kinds Soda and Mineral Waters and LAGER BEER. 4 3t All bottles have crown stoppers with-the name of what Zt j each bottle oontains labeled on the crown. Tho use of crown Zt 3t stopper bottles insures clean bottles. Nolly specks in and ZZ 3 around the mouth of the bottles, which has to come in contact Z Zt with the goods when poured out of the botUe. AU extracts Zt Zt are the best that can be bought which means highest ' quality Zt 3 of goods bottled with them., Zt We are now bottling the Celebrated Vienna Cabinet Lager ZZ Zt Beer, and are Wholesale Agents for Rob't Portner Brewing Zt Zt Co's Fine Beers, and Hofbrau Export Beer the finest export Zt Zlt beer in the worldj ! , , ''' Zt X " I.EE . TAYI.OII, H J J Proprietor CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, zt Zt PHONE 105. .. y, .. 4 Cor. Queen & Bern Sts. IN "Things cph ourway sqmdimes''" 'jjj No hail storm this year, but a storm of tWB WILL LET IT GO YOUR WAY NEXT . WEEK when a ) Feast in Foot Wear will be on at our store, and this h the chance for ) the ladies that wish to get a Bargain. ' V ) 4 DM.aaparMM riHliiifrAiiHiHM ' I Beginning Monday, kerning we will sell 75 Pairs Zieglera Oxfords, sizes t, i Jhat sold for 98.00 , yVand $3.25 to close out at 75c -,Tr'""v ' 7i sizes 1 to 8, to close out at 75c. (N 25 Pairs Children's and MissAa' C $1.75 to close out at 75o. These BandaU are alright and in good ' shapes, Black and tan. '''""" ,' '' '" u " 11 ' lThese shoes WILL NOT BS BENT OUT ON APPEOVAL. ' E. I!A17.::3, The Old Reliable 8hoe HaVcr on Middle Street has pleased the people for years with his work. Can excell all ol!.. is In tlie bnr;r'--i in V.m '' ,' Z tfra'.-!. j of I,aI s i- -fi- Coffee I J0c.lt), Wholesale Vfc Iletall ii II. Grocer, I TllBrcad St. Phone 137 . ' , e RandabL Br. 1. Ibat" nh fn ::::j! :r.::j!! "-!! The nndcrc'cl will i;;;,' a j a Loan or ill C'.r-. I V o i m ; idle ti ency j" i rl ;a i", Ycvrr " mmim i f

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