' ' . - ) - - i . . .. i VOLOMI XXT, IIW IIU, CttAYH COUHTT.'M. C, TUISDAT, JULY 8, 1902.ri-ST SICTIOJ. 1IIUBEU 28 Poor Soils tie made rich er and more productive and rich, soils retain their crop-producing powers, by the use of fertilizers with a liberal percentage, of i. Write tor our books lent r wruca pre au oeuus. ; CtKllAlt XALI WORKfl, -aws SUM, Nsw Vasfc TELEGRAPHIC. BREIVTffiS. , - " i - i Potash. i l I t .. , Congress adjourned sine die. The Ben atVe last day waa spent la discussing , , .tbe anaata'.lon of Cuba. . ' , , . f 7 ; '- "' . Cloudburst In . Illlnoia and Missouri ; destroyed 1 1 ,000,000 worth of prop erty. ' 'v "' ; Prohibitionists In Pennsylvania noml - nated Stat ticket. jT.-ti Je taie Wall, a pretty . fifteen year old girl disappeared mysteriously from her . home In Asheboro, N, C, and no- trace of ber can be found. , , VVAtvAOv.'v-V':.. An Immense boat 1.800 feet long hu been found encased In lea within the arotio circle In Ala'ka. The boat la la a good state of preservation aaJ scientists adrance the theory that the arrange skiff Is none other than Noah's ark of historic fame. ' A harrlcane and clondbarat occurred in Baltimore, lid. Poor Urea were lost and much property destroyed. ... Georgia Democrats nominated Joseph M. Parrel for Governor. The platform . adopted by ,thet convention completely , ignorea Bryan and the Kansas City plat form sad Insist that temperance be kept .. oat of pollllcs, i:-..'.:.- !T,.;-: 1 The anthracite coal strike remains an- settled end the condition - at Wllki barre, Pa., continues serious. The aher - iff of the county haa a large force of dep . utles on hand to preserve peace and pro tect property. "j, 'f- President Roosevelt addreaaed a very large and enthusiastic crowd at Pitts burg on July 4lh. -.. . "p " ; ' INDUSTRIAL NORTH CAROLINA. The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co will build a cotton mill at Fayettevllle. Contracts have been awarded. ' Plant of the mutual Machine Co.," at Washington la nearly completed and will be occupied soon. ." . Hnvens Cotton Seed Oil mill at Wash Ington la receiving larger machinery in order to increase their output.- The de mand for their goods Is more than the supply. f: ; t , Tbe Travora Cotton Mill at Swepson- villa Is about to commence business. Moses and Caesar Cone have purchased 1600 acres near Greensboro and will erect thereon, a large cotton mill. A mammoth nlant will be erected and . the motive power will be a 85,000 horse power en 'The Fayettevllle cotton mllla will 'offered at public late July 8.: W, B.astle, of Hickory Grove, ; ' Invented n cotton chopper whloh to garded aa a great auccesa. re- Tbe Granite Falls Manfg Co., (Cotton goods) "has recently declared 0 per cent dividend.: They showed ft net profit of Hi per cent. i If. Popkeea will reopen n cold mine at High Point Tbe Pontlao Mining Co., haa been organised at Oxford, capital tlOO.00. Frrsb Cured Hams. Sharers Finest IS cents lb., . Klnlgsns Reliable lScle lb. Richmond plain cured tame aa our ooun try Ham IBeU lb. Small Breakfast Stripe lOcts lb. plenty fresh Eges IScti doa. at J. R. Parker Jr. Ctgara to please every body. Prince of India, Cubanola,Haney Special, Aunt Hannah, A. to Z. Down Home. J. K. Parker Jr. .For Railroad Mcb, .. We have aOilcd to on r stock of watches that will stand railroad inspee - tlnn, stteh as Tbe V" 'rd, Cresnt, Street, P. L. EariUtt, t i Dcaber Ilrn- den, and se'l them very elf; p. We are also equljpcj to 6i. in a manner to plcue the r if An r.'gtn, or 'WaU'mm, ort t' t ', if j"" i ' i r ! 1 1 i una Keetlic af the SUte Sadety af the Oidautl. Stmt Railway xteielen Werk to : hegln Seen SUU Keeerds Being lndatei. Crepa BnreViag Bach 1 - FrwaHMt -5 ' - - - i - RAtsfen, Jaly B. There were no ao cldents here yesterday and no tree. The day passed off very well Indeed. The Intense beat la affecting the eropa There la greet need of rata along the Southern border of the Bute. The crop report to to be.laen.id aext Taeedey la net apt to bekood one. It to a critical period with several eropa notably eon and tobacco. It la aald that the atreet railway hart may ba extended sooner than expec ted, v Etephea B.' Weeks of Beau Fe, New M ezloo, to Indexing the colonial and also the Bute Records. HU work will hardly be finished before the end of the year. A letter from Greensboro today aaya the condition of State Superintendent Joyner, who has fever to not encourag ing. Yesterday hla temperature was as high aa 1M degreea. Mrs. Charles M. Bnabee and Mrs. Lud low Skinner of Raleigh are visiting Mra. Henry M. Flagler at her summer home at Mamaroalck, N. T : - f The annual meeting of the North Car olina Society of the Cincinnati here was well attended. Wilson O. Lamb of Wll llamston presided and Mr. O.L.Hay wood of Raleigh being secretary. . The following were elected active membere: Dr. Robert J. Brevard, Charlotte; W. A. Hoke, Llneolnton; Haywood Clark, Wil mington; James Alston Cabell, of Rich mond; Isaac Rldgeway Trimble and William Hall Harrla of Baltimore; J. W. Grant of Atlanta; Lawrence Lamb of MemphhV; Heriot Clark son of Charlotte waa elected an honorary member, an hoaor rarely bestowed. '. The corporation commission will de- rote ; next week to the annual ' ment of railway property for tain- The friends of H. G. Connor declare he hu a large majority of the Instructed vote In bla candidacy for the nomina tion for associate juatlce. A special term of the Superior Court begins here next week. There are 11 divorce suits on the docket. There are 8 damage aulta agalnat railways. ' McDuffle'i Witch Hazel Foot Healer to one of the finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and given Instant re lief. 85 cents at F. & Duffy's The Blsm-eaa Net the Btoat. A New Tork denier who haa han dled nnlptoada of fruit naid recently; .It in often amualng to nee men, wont' ea and children picking out, aa they be Beve, tbe choicest fruit at the market ntnndn. If there tire a balf a donen large oranges within eight, they will navO them, even If it in necessary to overturn all the rest In tbe box or bar rel, and this la true with most all other varieties that are sold by tbe piece or doaea Tney Invariably get the pooretl aped me ns of the whole crop and yet are not aware of It very rarely you will find a person who la a good Judge Who will at once alee up tbe heevteet oranges, lemons or bananas, regardless bt aiao. and tbey capture tbe choicest fruit- ' ; t"'' " 1 '" j. t - Of All Hot Weather BubIn ' 0 humanity cholera to the worst Treat ment to be effective must be prompt, When vomiting, purging and aweat an nounce that the disease to present, tarn bat it With Perry Davis" Painkiller. All bowel troublea, like diarrhoea, cholera morbus and dysentery are overcome by Painkiller. It to equally health-promo ting In all ellmatea. 4 , Deviled Crabs, with shells to same, Lobsters, , Imported Sardines, Fancy Salmon, Chip Beef, Canned Corned Beef Potted Chickens and etc at J. R. Par ker Jr. i , - Picnic At Oak Grove, j There will be a Sunday School plcnlo at Oak Grove, three miles from Pollock vllle, Thursday July 10. Thepubllo are. cordially Invited. Come with well filled baskets. Lemonade will be served oa the grounds. ,Rev, Mr. . Tyndall will make tbe address of the occasion, KEW EEH PRODUCE MARKET ' I WHOtESAU PRICXa CTJBKtHT. Eggs, per doi...i......;..........llc Chickens, old per palr..........S0&80 T M young, per pr W A 40 Pork,per;ib. . .......... 7 Beef, M .... ............ .....S Hides, green, per lb... .........a dry, .....dsl0 Beeswax, " ..... ....... SO to 85 Corn, per bush.... . Oata, " 62J Psannta... ............ .......... Local Grain Karket Corn, per bn 85 Oata perba Meal, per bo "omlny, perba.....;,. .85 .65 rn bran, per 100 lbs " ' t bran, per l.5 .1' llTs.. .... n- i..,...:. l.r MATSYILLE. Memat Ctosiar Exercises af viUagt - ; School. : .. July 1-Oar HiQe town has been the scene af much gaiety aad pleaaara thhj week la spite of old Bol'a efforta to eeorca v visitors from New Bern, Tren ton, PoIlocksvUle, Swanaboroand Jack sonville, beaidce krU of them from the ooantry, have been welcomed brlus. Many of these cease te attend Miss Aa- nie Koonce'a school eloelng of which the many oxerclsee were a grand success Which gave conclusive evidence of the beet tutored aad disciplined school that tbia community haa ever, had, aad to which much credit and many thanka are doe the peraeverent, patient and Meal Mian Annie Kooaee of Rich- lands, Onslow county, i f The exeaclsea were Opened tueaday a. as. promptij at II Velock by-the school, which consisted of some excel, lent maele, vocal aad instrumental, suit able for the occasion, and soma recita tions. . After' which Mr. O. E. Foy of New Bern introduced the Hon. Chan. I. Abernethy.of Beaufort, who with his fiac oratorical power held the school and audience spell bound for nearly aa hour. His add rose for the most part was instructive to the pupils of the school showing to them the responsibilities that life would soon bring upon them, and how to meet them courageously, aad beat down ibe many obstacles that would confront them vn this path way of life. Mr. Abernethy to a young law yer of sterling character, a aatural orator, and one who adheres strictly to Democratic principles. We hope that the good seed sown down here by him may Implant them selves In the yonng people's hearts and that the harvest may be a golden one. Following Mr. Abernetby'B address a song, and then all retired for dinner. At 8:30 p. m. the exercises were again opened by a popular march rendered by Hiss Dunnle Koonoe, the musieof which brought tbe school from tbe campus marching each with banners to the beau tiful artistically arranged stage, where with raised banners Joined In the sing ing of the Booth's favorite air "Dixie Land." Then followed a countless number of dialogues, recitations and songs which were delivered la a way by many pupils that did credit to their . teacher, them selves and their parents. We eaeh and every one appreciate the effort and aueceaa that Mlaa Koonce haa made here In school affaire and hope to have her; ajrnln aext year for our teacher. 1 A.F.M, You are liable to a sudden attack of Summer sickness and ahould keep in your house a bottle of Dr. SETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM the best known Remedy. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded by T. A. Henry.' ; Snpt Joiner's Condition. Special to Journal. ' ' ' ' " 1- RiLiioHJuly 8vA telegram from Greensboro tonight aaya the physicians aow aay that Bute Superintendent Joy ner haa not typhoid fever, and that hla temperature to lower today." ' Don't fail to try onr 40 cent Tea, k la a goer and pleases them all at J. R. Par ker Jr. -' " Democratic Senatorial Convention, 8tt District. Pursuant to order of . the Executive Commltte of the 8th" Senatorial District of North Carolina a Convention will be held at KInaton, on Thursday the tenth day of Jnly 1903, to nominate candidates for Senators for aald district and for such other business at may come before the convention. ' 1 M. D. W. 8tivbhsox, Chairman, : , Ex. Committee. W. M. Webb, 800 JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiakey to the beat Middle atreet ' Chocolates 80c per pound at MeSorloy : For Roaches and Water Bugs. If yon are troubled with roaches and water buga. try onr Roach Paste. We guarantee it to give satlsfsctlon and re fund the money If It does not Prion S&c Davia' Pharmacy. ' - 1 il ViA. ; '': ' July 8. Crops are looking fine after the few rains that have been la the past few days.v .. :ls:--j'-r;'--':i ? Mr.W.L Wayne pulled some alee water melona the 8nd. He Is the first to have a melon thia season. " r' . Kiss Lona Holloa purchase a nice Mason and Hamlin organ last week. She contemplates taking charge of her muale clam In Arapahoe 7th. - - Mr Ernest Btapleford Jr., and Mlaa Viola Dunn were married laat Sunday at Mr Gilbert Gasklns in Traits. Mr Gas- kins performed the ceremony. Kisses Essste, Myrtle and Cornelia Holton attended a picnic atOrlental from New Corn. Invitations were compll mentary of the Tabernacle Baptist Bun day school of New Corn. A number of our people attended the Christian Union meeting, June 28-29, at lory's CLtpel, Beaufort county. Tie ClJlaiezi's Day exercises will be IM at Clympla July 6.h two o'clock, p. ra. ' ' r r. T"r. r '-', cf r.-w r -a, was ia r '.' if: Eiiiise. Charter Granted The Carolina Col ony Company. Lereaxe Merrla, White, Arrested for Harder. Cettea Oil Ce., ef Uttlmere Chartered, any Applleatieas for Peabody Seaelarahlpa. RaLIiob. Jolr 7. Today Lorenzo Morris, white, aged 23, was committed to Jail here, for the murder of aged Mra. Catherine Morris, at 1 her home near Wake Forest two weeks ago. It was in evidence agalnat Morrto that he said ha would knock her la the head and get her money, after having .disguised himself. He la not of sound mind, and to aald by the deputy sheriff who brought him here tj be a dangerous man. It will be re membered that Mrs. White waa knocked In the head with an axe, In her yard. . The need for rain here, la growing greater hourly. There ia little or no dew Last night the percentage of moisture In the air was only 40. A charter was granted today to the Verner Cotton Oil Company, of Lattl- more, Cleveland county, capital $12,600, J. P. Dllllncer and others owners. The Secretary of State says he Is much grati fied at the building of these oil mills by local capital aad that it la a good aign. A charter waa also granted to the Carolina Colony Co. of Concord, with 500,000 capital. Its object is to bring colonists to this State. The stockholders are Edward W. Shedd and J. H. Shedd, of Providence, R. I.; F. W. Slebert of Waterburv. Conu W. T. Pratt of New York City, and M. H. Caldwell of Con cord, N. C. Many applications for ePoabody scholarships are being made to the State suoerlntendent who will direct the county superintendent to examine appli cants. ' Tbe baseball team lately owned by the Wilmington Base ball Association ar rived here this evening, and played this afternoon. It was strengthened by local talent - It Is understood that Goldsboro will take over the team. Rev. Dr. H C DuBose a widely known missionary to China, lectured here yes terday. He says the war of 1000 has opened the Chinese to new thoughts, Western thoughts, religion and busi ness. THE MARKETS. The fo. lowing quotations were receiv ad bv J. B Latham fc Co, New Bern N. O. Chicago, July 7. Whbat: Open .75: . 78 High. Low. Close July..., Sept... . 75 78 73J 74J 72 73J Low. Close Corn: Open. High. ,77: 84 61 - 62 July Sept.. .. 77 84 6U 021 Riba:- Open. High. Low. Close .10871 1087 1075 1077J , 1080 1082, 1080 1082J July.... Sept Nnw York, July 7. Cottok- Open. High. Low. Close July..... Aug. Sep...... Oct...... Dec .... ....8.74 ....8.47 . .. 8.09 .... 7.97 ....7.88 8.74 8.47 8.09 7.97 7.88 8.68 8.38 8.03 7.92 7.85 8.70 8.39 8.03 7.9J 7, - - New York, July 7. Stocks; Open, High. Low. Close Sugar, SoRy 128U128J 127 128 87. 1551 881 48 110 871 1561 881 481 110f 831 57 1551 38 48 110 831 371 N.T C. u.a S. 0. AO. Mo. P.. 1551 ?8 48 1101 Atchison ..831 V O C... ....... 68J A. C. O ....... 511 611 Amice. .... ... 10 , 111 lit 1H - - Liverpool Spot 5.8-32. Bales 12,000 bales. Futures, July-Ang. 4.50. Ang-Sept. 4.44.8ept-Oct 4.33. . - PORT RECEIPTS. 1 ' v ; Same "reek :, f . last year. Last week 11,500 Thia weec. ; 49,000 In eight 43.000 65,000 Bat. ' 11000 13000 ' 5000 Hon. . 2600 Tuea. . : Wed. Thura. , ' 6000 ' 3000 6000 Prl. 44,000 CASTOR I A For Infants ani CLil-iren. . TH Vi Yrl '" P--t ,fcJ hu , U "i L - Bears the ' 'It .Slf eiaataro of s, fy. Tre:h Grape-Nuts, - '-'-CL!psana C rofltnm- Cereal, t r: ' - et J. R. frevent flliess By Shampooa with fill 3A 'Ajftrf AfwJnmm ft Tim III A. paras o anouimi sua cua 11a treatment at eocc stops falling haa . ft. . f . -T-C I- removes crosuv scaka, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, sum- Jatcs the hair fofliclo, suppHcs the roots with nourishment, and snakes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome healthy scalp when au she fails. Millions Use CnncumA soap, sodatad by Ctmcrma OlMTHDrr, for pmerrlos, purifying, and beautifying the skin, tor elesnalDg the scalp ot erusta, seal, ana aanarnn ana too tapping ot tailing hair, for softening, wniien. lng, and toothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby ruhea, ltchlnga, and ehafings, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Hllllona ot women use Ctmcvaa Soap In the form of baths for annoying Irrita tions, Inflammations, and ehafings, or too free or offenslre perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, ana lor many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. Complete Humour Cure, $1. CunouRA Boaf (26c.), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened CUtiCle. CUTIOURA OlHTMKKT (EOC.), tO lU- atantlv allav itchinr and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and Cdtiouba Rksolvbnt Pills (26c.), to cool and cleanse the biooa. Cctiotba Rsolvnt Ptlls (Chocolate Oosted) , are a new, tasteless, odorless, economical sno Utote for the celebrated liquid CrmouRA Rs solvbmt aa well as for all other blood purifier and humour cures. In screw-cup rials, contain ing u aoses, pnee, zoc. Sol4 tkreasjhoet Um World. BHtiih npoli -), Ch.rM.hnnM Ha. Londnn. Preneh ItoDoil 5 Rn. d. k Mx, IHrib rOTTia Oauo amd Chsh. Coar Sols ROSfc, JBOMOB, U. A. Report of the Snperintendent of Public Instruction. A campaign for education is on in ear nest This la to be fought for better schools and better achool facilities. To accomplish this, an educational cam paign will-be made in every county where there seems to be an opportunity to improve the present conditions. Walter H. Pace says truly that there is enough native intelligence going to waste in North Carolina for lack of training to govern the entire world. There must be a cause for thia. If a person's surroundings and associates de termine his character and Intelligence, then - the individual's surroundings should be studied and Improved. It is recognized fact that a. child's associates must be elevated If that child's training Is to remain permanent. This is the work the Central Campaign Committee for the Purpose of Improving the Pub- Ho Schools haa undertaken to accom plish. .- The following resolution wsa unani mously adopted by thia committee in Raleigh, February 13; It was reaffirmed at Greensboro, April S, also at Charlotte May 2, and at Horehead City by the Teachers' Assembly, June 13, "Be it therefore Resolved, That It Is the sense of thin conference that an ac tive and vigorous campaign should be at once Inaugurated In every county for the accomplishment of the following ends, to-wit; ;i v y&tAl-.-j. - The consolidation of small dis tricts wherever possible. "3. The erection of adequate and com fortable school houses. " "3. The strengthening of the public achool term by local taxation." The reports from the different County Superintendents show that about one- fourth of the school districts contain less than sixty-five children of school age. In other words, about twelve dis tricts for every county (when a general average la made) are Illegal. The schools ran about three months in the year, and the State Superintendent Is called upon for, funds to Increase them to a four i months' school Crown Bottling works gives special attention to family trade.,, If you want l good ginger ale or soda water. Phone them your order. Phone 105, Lee J Tay lor, proprietor. r , ; Notice and Warning to the Descend ants of CoL Benjamin Stead ' man of the Revolution . ary Wars! w It wilt be found vital to tbe best In- terest of Ann Rebecca Scott beth Spellings descendants lamin Steadman, or their to forward to the undersigned mall as early as possible, sworn to before a court officer having a seal, atatlng the degrees of their descent from the said Steadman and the present address ef all known descendenta. AU ot whom are hereby warned agalnat signing or empowering any one else to "1 sign any Instrument ot writing, convey- ing any inlereat to any lands owned by the estate of aald; Benjamin Steadman until after hearing from the undersigned by letters. -. NAKRON EZMOJ, . ITo. lvll C'1"-I!6 r.oad, c 1 'r 'C ' '. LION Roasted Coffee One pound Packages, Only 10 qt Galvanized Water Bucket, Only 10c each. Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fox Hirer Print and Elgin utter received fresh from the dairy every treek. . Tickled Rump Pork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolene. Tea drinkers can be satisfied from my stock, which con- sints of the very best grades. Qneen Olives from 10c to 6Cc per bottle. ' f " ; Complete stock Canned Meats, Salmon; Fruits, attd-VegeU bles.4 We are still Bering Tomatoes for JOo earn.- ,-i Full line nice Toilet Soap. Fresh Cakes nd Crackers. The beet of everything in groceries at lowest possible prices. J. L. McllL, 'Phone 01. f2 . Plenty of It and Alt the Best. Ilere's a Btock that iB fill ed with the most reliable stables. From Flour and Sugar to Ihe fiuer things we. carry plenty for your selec-, tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too much,and with no doubt ; of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. J.J.TolsonJr. Broad St. Grocer. - - mm si CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, I Bottles BELFAST GINGER ALE, 3 flu RulQS uoga anv 2 r sTD CDZ7Z7D All bottles have crown 2f each bottle contains labeled 1 stopper bottles insures clean "It around the mouth of the bottles, which has to come in contaca s it with the eoods when poured r0 tb vaf. that can be hrnicht wnicn means- mgnesi quausv a .a of (rood si bottled with them. We are now bottling the Celebrated Vienna Cabinet Lager 3 Beer, and are Wholesale Agents for.Rob't Portner Brewing 2 Or' Finn Bf era. and Hofbran Export Beer the finest export it Deer ui-tne wona. I,!:!: J. ; Proprietor PHONE 105. , . ' 4S a 4a s MIND IHaGkbyrniil SAYS . aJust Hecelved Jfcw Xlibbons, t V . ; No. 80 Taffeta, only 20c. No, 40 Taffeta, only 15c. ' r ? No. 16 Taffeta, only 10c. ' . Satin Taffeta, No. 80, only 86c,, m - t..' x These Ribbons are in all colors. ?. i New Beadings for Collars at 10c, 12 Jo and 16c. t , New Silk Applique In Black only at 10c, 12c and 15c."' and Ellia- n ano w arner s jcxua ixing, jutuuiuuu. cuui i nw. , v-v m ttt . . n I t at . , LhAi nrn i n , of Col. Ben- i we also have the erAight.'lt; f:''Vs?-- e9Pec ?"y i 1 legal helra, if; for summer .wear, and we also have the YentH.itel'Corseta.'"; ' by U. a ; We don't for et the litUe folks we Carr AVarner's Per- t , , imdavitai W s',. rn.nAL itf!a--T.olna . '. ': " : . " " . . : " -" ' 'VVaItfV'W',VM'-w'W,ra'ara ',- - . ' '" E. I3AV7.: "V The Old Reliable Shoe X.."fr on HiJdle Street has pleased the people for years with his work. Can excell all others in the busings in t?us ci'.T. The re; airing Of Lad3 h" ?S! , BRAND 10c. ltv Wholesale A lie tail Grocer, i TlQUroad St. Phone W mm ja sannanaaAAAAasksaaa.aAA A. . mmcrai iraici ojm - stoppers with the name of what 3s on the crown. The use of crown bottles. Nolly specks in and out of the bottle.' All, extracts 2 . !... - . TAYI.OB, . CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, , . . , Cor. Queen ft Beret Sti WHAT TO YOU. , The under; ' I will r. ''..e you a Loan or wHl direct tie t ? c idle mory y?-t i 7 l..te ( 1 5 Yen ' 1 ' it V7