)! K ... A i '4 - .r Si' -: TB3 mm lum Brtaltlatt IB7B Published la Two Sections, every Tarn am, M. O. CHARLE5 U STEVENS bmtob tan raoPBinoK. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: 'I'wo ith,..., ............ s?0,'. I Threes Months,.. a T Six Months. M H 'Twelve Month, $1.00 V. ONLY ES ADVANC. Advertising rate furnished upon ap . plication at the office, or wbob inquiry : : f ' i HTThe Jounati it only sent on pay- li-tilniiot basis. Bubeeribere will ; receive nolle of expiration of their tb- ' cripuona MM M immnnaa reepooae ui notice wul be appreciated by the fJoUBBAI; Entered at the PoatQffloe,H ew Ben at. C. at ieeoad-claM matter. Settle Oae, Taetdav, Jaly 8, 108 WHT THET DON'T COME SOUTH. la commenting upon the greet amount of inunhrratloa going to the Northwest, Southern newspapers generally close With the query, why dont- the home- seekers come South, where land Is cheap and climate conditions are more ftvort- hte than in the Northwest T The answer to this is best answered by asking the newspapers making the query, what are the people of your corn munlty doing to attract Immigration their way? ; According to reports ike to 11 a i of home . seekers and settle Into the Northwest tak year eieeedsU previous records. And these new comers are going there prepared to meet all living conditions, as they art buying land, the price of this land having advanced' In -the last two or three years, three or four times lu value. . The extent of thin immigration move ment is best realised by Vflgares, which show that In atxty dayav tttdtng April Uth, more than 160,000 homeseekers passed through St. Paul, bound for the Northwest, and that 26,000 cars of freight also passed through that city. J This great host of homeseekers, with money to boy land, goods to stock their homes, and energy, courage and thrift to engage In farming or commercial pursuits, means a tremendous activity for the Northwest, with great gains 1n values now existing and prosperous times for that section of the country. Southern sections may boast of soil sod climate, but there It something more needed than talk of superiority, In order to gain the homeseeker and settler. ' Advertising and going after the home seeker and Investor, Is what the South must do or else see these people go to the sections, which may not have sell and climate to favorable, but have the people with energy enough to go after and get this great Immigration. A DAT TO CELEBRATE. The non-observance of the .Fourth of July in this city as a holiday, a day given to a display of patriotism, with an observance which -would imprest the young, especially, with the Idea of the greatness of this country' achievements, would Indicate a lack of local patriotism In the matters of the Nation's great tent i . . '" ' ; ,, , This non-observance of July Fourth It not peculiar to this city,1 but through out the Booth there Is to fan found a lack of patriotism, a neglect In the notice and celebration of national' affair In the elebratlon of the day, which are a por tion of the South'! Inheritance as well as ' the NOrft'fcSr:-f . The observance of the natal day of the country's Independence, of the birth of the America Republic, Would teem an occasion worthy of a day's complete observance and celebration, Ma 4 style befitting and In a manner which patriot ' Ism could easily suggest. la this connection of the Fourth of July observance, the Charlotte Newt taya, well ,. ' j ' "The Declaration., of ' Independence meant at much to the South as it did to the North and the memory of those he roes and patriot! who staked their "lives and their sacred :oor" is -sarely as dear to us. It .1 . , be that the New South It too be f for sentiment-i We hope not. Tbert ll g time for all thlngt "aiid tUnrer a t ,3 C '-s of '-the three ..bni',-"l au.3 e!" tlit America and Aiueriutia cr.a V Oil the pressure of boalnaa tui 1Qt9 to .Tejolf'ng t-e tnnlvennry nft?e birth of Christ and t-e anuivtrstt.y of tue birth of the nation. The pretand the schools of ,the t outh owe to Its people an effort to inculcate a patriotism that will call for t: c -rv ice of the Fiw'h rf July." . t::s toalty;c? tttzi-: 1 im-; 1 I' of fret speech ' i , la t'..'a couutry, c ' s ''." c 'it rs f f t" tut tbnity Of AUUtfuUhed worth U prlnie or publie Ufa, can eecapt the la- evluble crtUclims which ladt ton thing of avQ or qaettlonable la lu tar roaadlagt, of soaae net, private or pab Uo, r In totM speech or eonverta Ptbllc rewards of any special charac ter, and n pension for Ufe from the gov erntsent cannot be held at any great re ward for the aervfcoa, which tome Aster leant have given during their tires to their eonntrynck rewards art not given to those who here been prominent In the country! service. It It not the American policy to make the latter portion of the Uvea of tts great citizens brilliant through office and ptb llc rewards. Presidents drop Into obscurity, going tbout at plain eltlsene, earning a moder ate living. Great generals and admirals go Into private life, their only recognition being the quarterly pension or salary check, which Is sent them from y govern ment The federal Judgea go into retirement, and only the very few know of their ex ittence. The Senator or Congressman, no mat ter how eminent his tervlclet may have been, finds that once out of office, he must shjft and hustle for himself, and take his chances with the great crowd, eager for a living. y In commercial life, the banker or mer chant once out of the active trade, la not regarded in the circles where once his word was supreme. , There Is no favored class Into which men and women once prominent csn re tire and still be prominent. The attempt may be made by this or that one, once an authority In some pub lic pursuit, to attract attention, but cen sure Is the penalty usually of such a at tempts, with consequences of ktlrrlng up harsh crltisms. The penalty of prominence In this country, Is that It offers no protection from censure, but really invites it. To do nothing, to say nothing, is a refuge In obscurity, the opposite from prominence. But who wants to psy such a price for -the immunity It gives from private or public censure, which Inverl tably follows the person who is promi nent. Poisoning tbe System. It It through the bowels that the body is cleansed of Impurities. Constipation keeps these poisons In the system, caus ing headache, dulness and melancholia at nrst," then unsightly eruptions and finally serious Illness unless a remedy Is applied. DeWItt'l Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy,, healthy action of the bowels. These little plllt do not act violently but by atrengthenlng the bowels enable them to perform their own work. , Never gripe or distress F.. & uffy. WlUt Treefele. "What! the trouble, Williei" raid Mrs. Brown to her email ton, who Waa crying. ! "My kite .won't fly," nobbed Willie, "and I made It out of fly paper too." Little Chronicle. . Cm WM-k. I saw a splendid cut of Cadlelgb yes terday." s 1 didst tee it ' What paper wat It inr? ..,. ''None; It wat on the street. Mitt Kandor did It" Philadelphia Press. Call at F.S. Duffy & Co't drugttore and get a free sample of Chamberlala't Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an tUgnnt physio: ' They" tlso improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the Over and bowels. They are easy Jo take and pleasant In effect. "' tw ' - f - Metal Tamea. . lftt at tbe year 1060 silver and fold;. were equal In value In Japan. , Feaar titaaa. Some of the cheap lodging houset In London are called "penny sltups." They ere mere benchcav with wooden backs, i Each lodger placet bit arms upon the back of the bench before him, and then, resting bit bead upon i hit arsis, triea to aleep. The Best frcscrtptlMi for NaltrUJ . Chills and Fever Is a bottle of GsoVn'i Taststbss Cffiix-ToHic. . It It simply iron, and quinine. in a tasteless form ! No cure no pay. Price 60c - " " - rOuf dewfitrter at t last met her fate, my deer." . .. 5 - :- "How do you know? ' Sbei freMved several letters from her admirer this morning, but hit waa the only one ahe didn't fumigate and tterUJte." , t:U .... '-':x - w. tin the .Tyrolean parishes of Mieming and Bteta the members of nearly every household am engaged In the making of rosaries by atrlnglng beads together. Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of tbe First National Bank of Wintortet, lews In t recent letter gives tome experience a carpenter in hit employ, that will la of value toother mechanics. Be says: "I had t c .rp enter working for me who wat obliged to slop work for several dys on account of being troubled With l' .a . ' aet, I r n'.'oned to him that 1 I ' I :ca i troubled and that C avi lpr' Sn's Colic, Cholera and Dlar- i .'. 7 1 1 cured me. He bought a t .' j of It f. i tie drnst tere aud ' 1 3 1 t one dose cured L';n, . 11 t 'all: wo.k.'For s't Ij : ... i ,; v ..' ILIJ Dyspop sia Cure Digests what yon eat. This prepnntIort5xotalnt nil of tbi dltresUnte and dlgesta all kinds ol food. Itglvestnsuntrcllef tn.l never fails to cure. It allows you to eat ali tbe food yon want. Tbe most aeasi live ttomacht can uk e Ik By lu nee many thousand! of dyspeptic have been cured after everything else failed. Jt prevent formal! on of raton ab stom ach, relieving ail&aUeM after anting. Utetingnnneotettry. A'lentnnt uaiake. It CMMft fcifl ' t ul dd Ttm cww rVtrdoil jby K.a Ir-'WnTeOa.OUraae Ta U. twWf culalaeMt ll lln iu jam T I. DUFF? A tXX ' CURRENT COMMENT, - It le not tbe trtoiDobfle feet (be fool who run It. that tbe nehlte object to, Chics ro Record-HeraM.. . - England may be witltng to turn the next tittle difficulty over to The Hague court of arbitration. Pittsburg Os teite. What we want to knew la whether Professor Moore's .ew- cooling ma chine works the tame way a weath er prediction. Philadelphia, Ledger.' , Professor Alexander Graham Bell's airship experiment ought to be some thing practical If not altogether "prac ticable. The tarenteeeftbtf telephone la no pipe dreamer. Boston Semld. It seems that the people of Australia are thinking much more about 4helr own affairs than abeut-tbeee that con cern tbe empire f large, While. this It perfectly natural, it it tuggestlve of future Independence, for' Australia rather than of Imperial federation. Denver Republican. Saved From an Awful Fate. "Everybody tald,I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chasnbers burg, Pa. "I was to low tftertlx months of severe sickness, etused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. Klng'a New Disco very for Consumption, used It, and was com pletely c ured." For desperate Threat and Lung Diseases It is the safest cure in tbe world.and Is Infallible for Coughs, Colds snd Bronchial Affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c tnd f 1.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D. Bradhtm't. TV hot "Port Voir Hefaa Steam. In this couutry the helm is put to the port side of the ship (or left hand side looking forward) at the order, "Port your helm!" The rudder of course gors to starboard, and the ship's head moves to starboard. This Is the rule of most nations, but in Sweden the reverse is the rule. Sates a Woman's Life. To have given up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorches ter, Mass.' For years she had endured untold misery from a severe long trou ble and obstinate cough, "Often," she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption and waa completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Jolds, Throat and Lung Trou ble need thia grand remedy, for It never disappoints.' Cure It guarantor by C D Bradfaam. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Lamp. Ttanl Talk. , Electric lamps not only can be made to talk, but also to sing. An ordinary arc light can be made to produce sounds in two ways. One is by placing tbe arc in the circuit of a telephone Instead of tbe ordinary receiver, and tbe ether It by pluclntr it in the circuit instead of the ordinary transmitter. '' In either of these positions It. Will pronounce words, which can be heard distinctly at cousiderable distance. It naturally follows, also, that the elec tric arc can be utilized as the receiver and also as the transmitter of a tele phone. - y ' RELIEF in SIX HOURS. . DistretslngJKIdney tnd BUdderr Dis ease relieved in tlx hours : by "New Gbkat South Ahxbicah KrontrCtrRX." It 4 ft great turprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving ipain in bladder, kidneyt end beck, in male or female." Believes retention of water al most immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by C. D. Bradham, Drugglat. t riM IM Rrtb !' Pel. ' An expedition Is 'being.-. planned In Norway for the diwvrwy tf the north magnetic pole. If ii0d uch s spot ex ists, for sit bns ,teou - tUKgested , thai what it called the maeuetic pole may not be a deflultc point, but a considera ble area over which the needle would tand vertically. There is also a ques tion as to the absolute fixity In position of the magnetic pole. Cnptnln It Amundsen ie to command the expedi tion;, and the ship Gjoa hut been pur chased, for It use. The start t to be made In the spring of 1903, . K f Man . lie (o Too, s v And sty torn other salve, ointment, lotion, oil or alleged heater h at good as Bucklen't Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of PIles,Burns, Bolls, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts. Scalds, Brulsrt and Skin Eruptions prove It't tbe best and cbt apett. .85c. at C. D. Bradham's drug stare. , Edmooia Mrs. , Topnotch . 1 what 1 call Impertinent ..... t , , f , Eudocla In what way? ' Edmonia Why, the 1 not a Colonial Dame, but when the came to the Cole Dial reception the had oft a more ele gant frock than any one of the Dames. Detroit Free Trcsa. , A f TOO XKOW V. -AI YO ARE TAlC'S When you U'.e Grove'! Tasteless C! :"'.! Tonic, beca . s tie formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It .'!;r;'y!ic.at 1 c'.'.Jn In a tastoki! : .... How Tae Fcarth Waa CekVatei la theSUte. Iatereitlif Cettett Fer Pest at aster at tare. Aannnl Srpert aad Flaaatla! Statement r Pen Iteatlarv Ittned. Salt r fso.oot Agalait a Railway Fr ' Damage.; ' ' ' -3 IUlxigr, Jtly 4.-Itwua tcorehlng hot Fourth; so hot that the small boy who wu numerously tt work making a noise at early as 4 a. mn wilted later la the day. . . - -,?',.. There wat no observance of the day here, other than the closing of buildings and the display of flags. Inthe after noon there was s baseball game, Dur ham against Raleigh and an excursion from Durham, and the evening large lawn party la one of the parks, la aid of the baseball association. The day was celebrated at several place In the Bute at Boulhport, Wei don (with speeches by J. 8. Can and F. H. Busber), at Burlington, at Morgan ton (with speeches by State treasurer Lacy and State Auditor Dixon), at Asheville, by the Elks, etc. ' The withering beat will In a little while affect ciops injuriously unless there Is rain. . . It Is always regarded here ts a rule that the home-grown water melon mutt be on tale In quantities by July 4. Tbe rule is observed this year, and water melons and csnlelopcs are plentiful, i There Is an Interesting contest for the poetmasterabtp at Monroe. There are aspirant and each Is said to have em- ployed counsel. There are chargea tnd counter-charges, tnd It Is really a very pretty scramble Indeed. President Winston of the Agricultural and Mechanical College today addressed laboring men from the factories at Gas tonla. The annual repoit and the financial statement of tbe penitentiary have not yet appeared. One of tbe directors says the excess of receipts over expedlturcs for the yesr was almost $5,200. This year ended March 81. Suit for $50,000 Is entered against a railway here by a man who lost a leg and an arm. A man who was working on a track was killed and half a dozen lawyers wsnted to bring suit, but the railway paid $350 and ended the matter quietly. It appears strange tbst persons working on a track can get damages, but tbe heirs of a lawyer got $19 000 be cause he was killed that way. A Good Cough Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists uselt In their own families id preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedyor the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten; N. T. "I have always used It In my own family (or both ordinary coughs and colds and for tbe cough following I grippe, and find it very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. . , -. Wr Two Bar Ara Neecasarr. i Sound travels by waves radiating from a central point of disturbance, Just as waves radiate when a stone i dropped into still water. So far as the bearing of each Individual is concerned these waves move in a direct line from the cause of the sound to bis ear, the Impact being the greatest in the ear nearest to the source. Thia being the case, a person who has totally lost the tense of hearing in one ear, although he may irunglne that the defect Is of little consequence, cannot locato the di rection of a sound to save hi life, even when the center of disturbance it quite neat him. k Sprained Ankle Quickly Cored. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. . Gary editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended mediciuei without success, I tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm; and am pleased to tay that relief came at toon as I began Itt use and a com pie to cure speedily fol lowed." Sold by F. 8. Duffy A Co.- - ( . . . A Literary Llsrht. ' A abort time ngo a well known witt er of London, remembering that he had never read the noncanonlcal books, went out In search of n copy and In on bookshop after another - drew bunk. At last he went to hit own par ticular newspaper shop, which ah) dealt In Bible. and light literature. "Have you the Apocrypha?", he asked. For a moment the young woman be hind the counter waa puttied; then, brightening, tbe said, "I It a weekly or a monthly?' . - Mother Always Keeps It Handy. "My mother suffered a'long time from distressing pains and general 111 health due primarily to Indigestion," says L, W Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Two years sgo I got her to try Kodol. She grew better st once and now, al tbe age of seventy six, eats anything aim wants, remarking that the fears no bad effects as the bat her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't watte time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach It sound your health will he good. Kodol resit tbe stomach tnd strengthens the body by digesting your food. It Is nature'! own torle. F. S. Duffy. Uabr Saperatftloa. . tn l-oiidon book Is put under Imby't pillow to Insure tiplnes In educational matters, find money! Is put In lis bath h a guarantee of financial success. f i00-Dr. E. Eetclions's AnU Diuretic nifty- be worth to you more than $100 If you fcaye t child who tolls bed "!ng from Incontinence of water during akrp, Cure! old and youn alike. It arrofts the trouble at oneo. 1. Fold ly C. D. I. ":.r:: ' . - tk latlN it Gnw Ira, "Back 'lift' 4 ' rt nertVytli Kevada.wtsan. avetert tpok? play tv .One time i Mlet tWwt rt .wa.playlnf pol r.la' -prei- Capsoe. PMC fhlef u,ith.;ilutBa, Capau asked the governor topiaypdth hlm.-nd tbe reqnest.vras granteLsXh play. jrtanwebrttrtntelandritfdoUar Han't. The Indian' eapiUllwaa$10, and . the . governor, who ' cheated scut-rareeealy.- sua wan alt tha juaav. Cpue then pot up hi saddleh which qulckJy'wwot With hi cash. Bltdtlaa ket followed. Hi pony -art staked ran. mvxbxor's tkek won a wicnco and lost" Tbe governor's face wore a wicked smile. - governor,'".: saJi the Indian, "you set Inv monev. mvaaddln. 4ny blanket and -my pony; now I bet you my squaw". The governor! ex Dression at once became benevolent. "Cnpsue,'' he explained, "I cannot take your wire, "i ne paternce doe not In dulge In doable bletslnea of thia tbH. ty, but If you wi promise never to piay poser again I will give yon baek your money and your property." Cop sue was delighted end always after that told the story to Illustrate what a great man was Governor Nye. v,.. Need Hore Help. Often the over-taxed . organt of diges tion cry out for help by Dytpepsla't palm, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, llvet compltlntt, bowel dltordera. Such trouble! call for prompt use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough tnd guaranteed to cure. 25c at C. D. Bradhtm't drug elore. ' .-r. i Llrktna- Her Staaapa.., We find the folio wIiik anecdotes In a Naples paper: ."At tbe postofBce yes terday, amid the large crowd gathered around the window, was a young Eng lish lady, handsome, well dressed and accompanied by her maid. The young lady had Just purchased some stamps and was about to affix them to a num ber of letter -which she held la iier hand.. Delicately tearing off a stamp,' ahe said to her mold, , 'Pull (sic) out your tongue.' And the maid, with Eng. lish - Impassivity, 'thrust forth her tnnciiA. whlfn tlfA'nilAtrwztt nnaao1 iwom ii a postage stamp, wntcu sue budso quently stuck on a letter. She went jthrougb the entire package of letters, and for each one the obedient waiting maid thrust' out her tongue , for tb mistress to moisten the stamp.' Curi ous manners these - English ' people have." i i X v- Ton may a well expect to run a steam engine without water at to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and yon may know that hit food; or feels dull and languid after eating often hat headache and sometime dirtiness. A few doses of Chamberlain'! Stomach and Liver Tablet! will restore hit liver to Iti normal function!, renew hit vitality, Im prove his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 35 cent. Sample! free at. F, S. Duffy & Go's drug atore. , . .. X; JJ4 , JK WltVMwflrn Sttek. t Inflammation of the conjunctiva or membrane which shields the front of tbe eyeball from-the air and take th rub of, the eyelids. Is indicated by the glued state of the-eye In the morning and more especially by their bloodshot Condition, , the vessels being bright ted in color and winding about In great ir regularity, with ho discernible order or plan. ' ,' ' 1 ' ' iv " j ' Don't Fil to Try Thh "Whenever tn honest trial It given to Electric Bitten for any trouble It 1 tec ommended for permanent car Will turely be effectedTIt never ftllt to tone the ttomtch, " regulate the kidneyt and bowela, itlmulale the liver; Invigorate th nervet and purify the blood. It'i a wonderful tonic Tor run-down ayitoms. Electrlo Bltlefi toslllvely cures Kidney and Lfver Troubtet, Stomach Disorders, NetTontnettv Sleeplessness, Rheuma tltm, Neuralgia,- and expela Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by : O. D. Brad ham. Only 60 otatt,-. w . m, - tlnlla Wallhat Btcak. ' ' ' ' ' To boil ft halibut steak put the latter In a shallow pau and cover with court bouillon; simmer with pan closely cov ered; remove to n platter- when tender, but don't, break garnish .with potato balls and serve with egg sauce, , , i ,s",:'OAor?orisA', . Batistas llMlUfY-lr-t- 1 BZt " lratld Wrtiil Dry. '', The driest part of Scotland I the area bounded by the Forth and Tweed, the yearly rainfall along the coast be tween these two rivers never exceeding thirty inches. . Tb Trossacbs district la the' wettest part of Scotland, the average yearly rainfall being nearly eighty Inches. Acta lr.c:!atc!y, ; ,', ... Colds sre sometimes more troublesome In summer that In winter, It't to hard to keep from tdtllng to them whl'.a cool ing off afar exercise' One lllnule Couh Cur cure! at once. ALio'uty' i ."j. Acts Immediately. Sure cure for c-" c " crar;', t!,ro-te':I lusj tro,..' 1. F V, I.' "7. . If ' - IE VP"" ,f ttaMT-nf jf Blexl- j . . 'j ll, IV vi . i i- 1 mmt tutoagkMama j , , , with tK 'V. y4T tro otm it wiU qaMfcly t ' ;'5ffW ' jS.ff. a.-Kf. , 1 1 .. '...is' i y t - ' ! - H J)) llil. V . I . ( :,. f-;::;:.;-ris'-i.: t ' fact always fresh la yXMrrneiwaj' J a few times and th Bortncs3" "&riirfaflannnation will I re cpnqnerea ana tno 1 To get the best results - ----' . . . ... .. , - , oiaofC ciota wita tno h:$ a V .f ' . rt .1 Aa va,. wAk,Yt A i:-.. !.- i '. 25c, COe. KEEP AN EYE 0 N 41 .mn voaaf fwnmilAta fv.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVTVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvVfft E 'rfgiiSrtf- INDUSTRIAL t t A combination of theory and practice, of book study and manual work in P Eni-ineeriniF. Arriculture. Chemistry. Electricity, mechanic Art T and Cotton Manufacturing. Full Course's (4 years), Short Courses ( year), r Special Courses (3 'mot.). ' Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month, q r 30 teachers, 869 students, new building Etthe A. &H. College.",,, : -' v ' ? president GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleltfb, N. C : 'AAAAAAAAAAAaaaiaAAAAAaaaaAAaataaaaAAaAaAaaaAaaaaaaa : THE NOITTIi iCJAIMIMNA State Normal atui Liternry ;- ' Classical Commercial Industrial . Pedasoeical ' riuslcal " All personB who have anything In theJMillinery Linejwill do well to SEE MISS PARKER before buying! I have decided to close out the entire stock AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE T1EARD OF. '' Everything must goj including ' ' Iiespectfally, -. 3 J- BiSilBR. &-rafi jt. ana.- !T I -1 1 ... .. H- -,m,. .raw te! Wire fcreens, Door Bid Window Screen Lawn Moweis, Ice 1 ream Freezers, Ice Shavers. ' v . A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils,' Varnish, Enamels in Gold Silver and Allnminum. ' ' , ' A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved.' . Our goods as represented,' ' PRICES THE LOWEST. , Give ns you? orders. puone 'H..-Qsctilir'Hardware Co. - H. ! ' 73 IIiddlb M NKW KEHK,' H. O taatpv tJ at M ettean liunww - - carttBoreiargaa, woonuea nesu uetiieu. you should saturate a piece j i ... . ii. linimeni ana umu upuu n ruinlfiA .. u J and fl.00 a bottle. f" MAxlaSawJaV MUsltaUlaT LUaaJUlBBt. College. EDUCATION : for 500. Write for booklet "A-JJfty ; . .- '. Industrial Col lege. " Session opens September 18th. Expenses $100 to $140; for non-residents of the Beate $l!0. Faculty of ! a members Practice and Observation Hchool connected with the College. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers To secure board in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before July 16th. - For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLE D. flclVER, GREENSBORO, N C. New Line of liibbons just in. TUCKER BROS. ' ' ' 810 North Front Street, i ; WILMINGTON,; - N.U Work at BOTTOM PRICE". Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and 1 Marble. - Letlering and Finish the - S. Best Srtid for latest dpjiio-nH. All t'A work delivered. , Branch yard, Goldaboro, N. C.

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